Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 23, 1904, Image 7

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    u ..u
tfr.'iirrrrol). :# rt^n
H^hfxU ,'A’H obilC 4f
Ferry 6t., Troy. N. Y , aa follows:
^ w . f m p j PMT f ir tb d l ä n i Ä A
MM< yetL'-'-PtJCti,'- n u
.-< x * mìi »K
¡ s o w ! to i ^ r )
¡aaurabTgtf' Jom«
iiÌK^tìat bua 1**1
- lohèiiJüan I dear; 1 only yon haven’t
-A Ì D ^ L t L J l W . V M U i f c T H t ì[È M T !
V h li
a m »
;.» j p np
s s my mind If a man who apccu-
■W tinb^''tb»4nU ;nrsttbU
colds quickly, and a few doses
undue ex doe* re prevent» Illness.
v A
l t 1
M f ? " ' '“ WhJs** *epu«d
P < tbs bed; boy. w a d M in bfs Jhbtcman
I . A
__ a .
1 -W - —
’ T = r ! der t 3 f i & k > « «
-* —
"ià d ig c s tfo n end H
• tf M V v R fV
--------- — ------
. «
• t*tw t r
in i a r u i nui UP (baOttutora ■
” H“ ri
’’As my duties compelled me to be out in
ing severe pains and trouble in tbe pelvic orgi
« « *
WaiMróW'*«*1 « o M 'o r 'o ù .
“ * »*«*«*"
! w ~ «M ^ - W ir ,* .
* f | r t, y
~ " I am now like a new man, am in spier
health and give.
aU. praise to I I <> Perana.”—A
< l*l1 t T
•> # . »
* ^ “ ' " * B* *
• W tT rr 'i
U thick andp.glutlaou% ,
l0utfcE'° ^
2 d oni.iai d o A m lch ttìiijéiifd ¡ f ^ b W « S u r e ly le f t s , tetter, sofmy
are then placed-in the sun to dry and
i ; r F b f P i I I # » a bis- ‘ tHoilghtf it Woèid 'db -Mceiy Wr Yriy
• av^eetheartj ad l; pasted lt tó her. Your
calV o * if^ it«r p »^ W fiu vtà cten ¡weight-
h i m 1 vhb ol
~J i
to break up a iq d k ^ ^^bollldi
and to aa£ the ¿Af ledi dabur In
minutes’ Ire bk£ Vhrff (teems tc
delicious thick soup. I f be ean
bore Trolling water het simply j
substitutes fruit, ..when be can obtain
“• “ The Magna Charts Y of S Japan,”
edy old Mr.-' Goodirt, 'Nrhat1 ari >ou
crying for *’ “ Boo, boo!” sobbed tbs
boy. “ Boo, bod!” “ Come, come! bon’t
iiptndl; .Don’t mindl” “ Boo, boo! I
didn’t. a,n’ that’s wbat I wap licked
fur.” —Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Young Couple (who expect the visit
of a very miserly relative, from whom
they have expectations, are clearing
the room of every sign of luxury.)
W ife (earnestly)—We must do all we
can to make uncle feel at home. Hus­
band (canatically)—Then wa bad bet­
ter let tbe fire out
happily tiroeiyjtopio, vfiU be discussed
in the July Century by Baron Kentaro
Kaneko, one of tbe four author« of the
Japanese constitution. Baron Kaneko
is a Harvard A. B. ahd Doctor of Lasts.
He is a member of Japan’s House of
“ Mamma,can Ood bear everything?”
Peers and was formerly Minister of “ Everything, Willie.” “ And is God al­
8tate for Agricnltnre and Commerce. ways happy?” “ Always, Willie. Why
He is in America now aa tbe envoy of
do you. ask?” “ Well. I should think
the Japanese Emperor.
It would make him suffer a little to
hear w bat slater and that fellow of
Same Thing.
“ He’s employed by tbe railroad com­ hers are saying to each other in the
pany now, I understand.” .
1 • sect room."’—»m art Set-' - v ’ } *■ A
“ Yea; he has charge of the pusxle de­
Parker—What’s wrong? You seem
partment.” .
^ .
worried. Streeter—l am. I wrote two
“The what?”
V r rT A i ¿1 ZrTn n
■ ¿y
“ He makes out the time tables.” — Phil­ notea—one td 'my - broker asking him
i f he took me for a fool, and the other
adelphia Press.
a to
Mkuf ^Goldlng asking her If she
The finer the nature, the more flaws
be mine. While I was out some­
shall show the clearness of It; and it Is
a law of this universe that the best body telephoned “ Yes,” and I don’t
things shall be seldomest seen in their know which of ’em i t . was.
best form.—Raskin.
. -
Precautionary measure: Mrs. N aw­
ed (a bride of six weeks)— A^A. how
loggfMl^jkrtf * *
Nowed—About ten days. ’ MM. ffevfed
— Well, I think I ’ll learn to cook while
you arb absent, Mr. Newed—That’s a
good idea. And Til take the dog oger
and leave him with one of the neigh-
Samuel R. Sprecher, Junior Beadle Court An-.,
gelina, 3,422 I. O. 0. F., 2Ö5 New High 8t., Los
Angeles, Cal.,, writes:
“ I came here a few years ago suffering with
catarrh of the kidneys, in search of health. I
thought the climate would cure me, but found I
was mistaken; But what the climate could not
sa sa M f
man every year, giving Peruna the
whole praise for marvelous cures.
Pe-ru-na Curas Kidney Disease.
Benin» cures kidney disease. The
reason i t Cttrea kidney diaSsae is be­
cause it cores catarrh. Catarrh of tbe
kidneys i s , the cause of mo t kidney
Peruna cures catarrh wher­
ever it happens to be located. It rare­
ly fails. •
i t
If yon do sot derive prompt and.sat­
isfactory results from tbe use of Peru­
na, write at once To Dt. Hartman;1 giv­
in g a fall statement of . year case,, and
eians. •, Thousands el Testiyumptals.
he WHL be pleased to give yon h ie val-
rrh of
Thotfsenda of testimonials from peo- nable advice grati«/' ' V
Address Dr. Hartman, Pfesklent of
spme • pie who have had kidhey d'ttaM which
r and -had gone beyond: Ike control ef - the The Hartman Sanitarium« Columbus,
ie:'ss- physiciaa am reeeivad. ttyi Dr. Bsrt-
Often Peruna wohld cure them.
P r-ru n a Removes the Cease of the
Kidney Trouble.
’ COD?*; Peruna strikes at the very center of
^ 'V ** the difficulty, ^ty eradicating the ca-
n* *8 tarrh from : the kidneys. Catarrh is
the. cease, of kidndy difficulty.
l T V
move the cause snd you remove the
effect. /W ith nnerring accuracy Peru-
tarrn. - M
r}g]jj to the spot. 1 The kidoeyB
sniotn arc ^
doing their work with perfect
r ^ l.r U ,“ T .
^rrn n ry
Nellie (RTmputhetleaUy)— Yss -ipgar
deafl IW h ai'h agfib ^ eacspal ’i And
Gertie Madig
What Started the ìtotiér
BMOJk—WM1—fan Iw sw .
.. Ä '
Just helping me emt e f tbe trap, s «4 —
rrffHst wke runs «a y inwdJ* reati
the party with the .suatghsa. ksb<t-
“ Bùt," objected tha é é u tttrj p<
”it la safer to occupy a/eent darin
perusal ef a newspaper.” .
; .
nv* Pméstaa Stats railway system,
ksvlHX 21,1H stiles ef trade, earned
$14©,008^00 aet list yekr. This Is Said
te W i t M 12 per «ent of the intest-
Octtlag Water.
OU or Cod with
The Kaiser has ordered that all de­
serving school children shall each be giv­
en a copy «1 Us photograph aa a reward
ef merit.
“ Well, comparatively—ysa. That Is,
there Is more humor in It than there
is In getting out of It, as I conclude It
must be a Joke. Though sometime«, I
must confess, I laugh when I really
do hot see the point”— Detroit Free
ton CU E««
Made in all aliai and
■tyloa. Writ# tor Cata­
logues and lint of uaarsla
the Weit.
SIS Comi
dal Modt.
Do you like your thin, rough,
short hair? Of course you
don't. Do you like thick,
heavy, smooth hair? Of
course you do. Then why
not be pleased ? Ayer's Hair
Vigor makes beautiful heads
of hair, that's the whole
story. Sold for 00 years.
reswrtaa bmtm w the hate aa« — 1 ». asAai
S T S S u ^ ¡T !t^ X f f!L S S r S t t.
fist a tdfla.
f . e .in t o ».
AiUlMttSWHm f o r mmUOSLimiim 2h
W e a k H a ir
THs H s Machinery
The 1 . H. Averill Machinery Co.