u ..u tfr.'iirrrrol). :# rt^n H^hfxU ,'A’H obilC 4f iodv«SS«ÄiSÜfeSSm£iS Ferry 6t., Troy. N. Y , aa follows: ^ w . f m p j PMT f ir tb d l ä n i Ä A MM< yetL'-'-PtJCti,'- n u - .-< x * mìi »K “jinii nW ¡ s o w ! to i ^ r ) ¡aaurabTgtf' Jom« iiÌK^tìat bua 1**1 ■ “ESSE ae^SUBitóBU batta - lohèiiJüan I dear; 1 only yon haven’t ~ -A Ì D ^ L t L J l W . V M U i f c T H t ì[È M T ! V h li a m » : è ;.» j p np s s my mind If a man who apccu- ■W tinb^''tb»4nU ;nrsttbU lh;9fl colds quickly, and a few doses undue ex doe* re prevent» Illness. a -I v A AiioBSttTitt l t 1 M f ? " ' '“ WhJs** *epu«d P < tbs bed; boy. w a d M in bfs Jhbtcman I . A g *#■ ' . __ a . _n- 1 -W - — * ’ T = r ! der t 3 f i & k > « « -* — "ià d ig c s tfo n end H ’lOtJXfJtJ • tf M V v R fV --------- — ------ . « • t*tw t r f c in i a r u i nui UP (baOttutora ■ t g g lSmKaiKMBSPa ” H“ ri ’’As my duties compelled me to be out in i&dsSBtsmSMts&t ing severe pains and trouble in tbe pelvic orgi « « * WaiMróW'*«*1 « o M 'o r 'o ù . “ * »*«*«*" ................... f ! w ~ «M ^ - W ir ,* . * f | r t, y * JAMES L. DEMPSEY ~ " I am now like a new man, am in spier health and give. aU. praise to I I <> Perana.”—A < l*l1 t T •> # . » 1 * ^ “ ' " * B* * • W tT rr 'i U thick andp.glutlaou% , l0utfcE'° ^ 2 d oni.iai d o A m lch ttìiijéiifd ¡ f ^ b W « S u r e ly le f t s , tetter, sofmy are then placed-in the sun to dry and often, i ; r F b f P i I I # » a bis- ‘ tHoilghtf it Woèid 'db -Mceiy Wr Yriy • av^eetheartj ad l; pasted lt tó her. Your calV o * if^ it«r p »^ W fiu vtà cten ¡weight- JWfÄ^Wfrf h i m 1 vhb ol ~J i to break up a iq d k ^ ^^bollldi and to aa£ the ¿Af ledi dabur In minutes’ Ire bk£ Vhrff (teems tc delicious thick soup. I f be ean bore Trolling water het simply j substitutes fruit, ..when be can obtain “• “ The Magna Charts Y of S Japan,” j edy old Mr.-' Goodirt, 'Nrhat1 ari >ou crying for *’ “ Boo, boo!” sobbed tbs boy. “ Boo, bod!” “ Come, come! bon’t iiptndl; .Don’t mindl” “ Boo, boo! I didn’t. a,n’ that’s wbat I wap licked fur.” —Philadelphia Public Ledger. Young Couple (who expect the visit of a very miserly relative, from whom they have expectations, are clearing the room of every sign of luxury.) W ife (earnestly)—We must do all we can to make uncle feel at home. Hus­ band (canatically)—Then wa bad bet­ ter let tbe fire out a happily tiroeiyjtopio, vfiU be discussed in the July Century by Baron Kentaro Kaneko, one of tbe four author« of the Japanese constitution. Baron Kaneko is a Harvard A. B. ahd Doctor of Lasts. He is a member of Japan’s House of “ Mamma,can Ood bear everything?” Peers and was formerly Minister of “ Everything, Willie.” “ And is God al­ 8tate for Agricnltnre and Commerce. ways happy?” “ Always, Willie. Why He is in America now aa tbe envoy of do you. ask?” “ Well. I should think the Japanese Emperor. It would make him suffer a little to hear w bat slater and that fellow of Same Thing. “ He’s employed by tbe railroad com­ hers are saying to each other in the pany now, I understand.” . 1 • sect room."’—»m art Set-' - v ’ } *■ A “ Yea; he has charge of the pusxle de­ Parker—What’s wrong? You seem partment.” . ^ . worried. Streeter—l am. I wrote two “The what?” * V r rT A i ¿1 ZrTn n ■ ¿y “ He makes out the time tables.” — Phil­ notea—one td 'my - broker asking him i f he took me for a fool, and the other adelphia Press. _ a to Mkuf ^Goldlng asking her If she The finer the nature, the more flaws would be mine. While I was out some­ shall show the clearness of It; and it Is a law of this universe that the best body telephoned “ Yes,” and I don’t things shall be seldomest seen in their know which of ’em i t . was. best form.—Raskin. . - j Precautionary measure: Mrs. N aw­ ed (a bride of six weeks)— A^A. how loggfMl^jkrtf * * Mr- Nowed—About ten days. ’ MM. ffevfed — Well, I think I ’ll learn to cook while you arb absent, Mr. Newed—That’s a good idea. And Til take the dog oger and leave him with one of the neigh- Samuel R. Sprecher, Junior Beadle Court An-., gelina, 3,422 I. O. 0. F., 2Ö5 New High 8t., Los Angeles, Cal.,, writes: “ I came here a few years ago suffering with catarrh of the kidneys, in search of health. I thought the climate would cure me, but found I was mistaken; But what the climate could not sa sa M f IN JAMBS L. DEMPSEY. man every year, giving Peruna the whole praise for marvelous cures. Pe-ru-na Curas Kidney Disease. Benin» cures kidney disease. The reason i t Cttrea kidney diaSsae is be­ cause it cores catarrh. Catarrh of tbe kidneys i s , the cause of mo t kidney disease. Peruna cures catarrh wher­ ever it happens to be located. It rare­ ly fails. • i t "* If yon do sot derive prompt and.sat­ isfactory results from tbe use of Peru­ na, write at once To Dt. Hartman;1 giv­ in g a fall statement of . year case,, and eians. •, Thousands el Testiyumptals. he WHL be pleased to give yon h ie val- rrh of Thotfsenda of testimonials from peo- nable advice grati«/' ' V Address Dr. Hartman, Pfesklent of spme • pie who have had kidhey d'ttaM which r and -had gone beyond: Ike control ef - the The Hartman Sanitarium« Columbus, ie:'ss- physiciaa am reeeivad. ttyi Dr. Bsrt- Often Peruna wohld cure them. P r-ru n a Removes the Cease of the 1 Kidney Trouble. ’ COD?*; Peruna strikes at the very center of ^ 'V ** the difficulty, ^ty eradicating the ca- n* *8 tarrh from : the kidneys. Catarrh is the. cease, of kidndy difficulty. Re- l T V move the cause snd you remove the , effect. /W ith nnerring accuracy Peru- tarrn. - M r}g]jj to the spot. 1 The kidoeyB sniotn arc ^ doing their work with perfect r ^ l.r U ,“ T . i ..... It*rfh bor8'— ^rrn n ry Nellie (RTmputhetleaUy)— Yss -ipgar deafl IW h ai'h agfib ^ eacspal ’i And _______________ Gertie Madig What Started the ìtotiér 1 BMOJk—WM1—fan Iw sw . .. Ä ' Just helping me emt e f tbe trap, s «4 — rrffHst wke runs «a y inwdJ* reati the party with the .suatghsa. ksb