Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 12, 1903, Image 7

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    ■- V .
It Is highly important that theae or*
na should properly perform their
When they don’t, what lameness of
the side altd back, what yellowness of
the skin, what constipation, bad taste
in the mouth, sick headache, pimples
and blotches, and loss of courage, tell
the story.
A great alterative and tome
>..... y
Wade B . Negus of Greenville. Mist.,
who was ejected president of the First
National bank in that city last week,
succeeding hls father* the late Major
James E. N >gus, is probably tbs young­
est bank president in the United States,
being but 24 yean old.
Immense Banyan Tree.
In one of the Howe islands off the
Australia a bsuyan tree baa been die-
B a tty Haltaa Cakes.
Gives theae organs vigor and tone for
When Betty bakes tklbaek wheat cakes
the proper performance of their func­ which oover nearly aeven acres.
My bosom swells with jyride;
tions, and cures all their ordinary ail­
An Boater Chirp.
I then forget my life’s mistakes
ments. Take it.
And smile, wall satisfied. ,
First Chick—-Oh, you needn't put on
The Difference.
so many a in , your mother was not a The chitling wind outside the pan
To discord vainly wakea;
" W h a t a luxury a clear conscience lady.
cannot move me to complain
ial” exclaimed the high minded states­
Second Chick— Huh!
My mother
When Betty bakes tha cakes.
waa a high priced incubetcr, while
" T e e , " answered Senator Sorghum, yours was only a oommon old boa.
New, some there be whose broidering
" i t ’s a luxury, but itisn ’taneoeaeity."
Is ladylike and fine;
There is mors C atam nn this section of the
some moat daintily do sing
country than alt other diseases pot together,
No Danger. " -
Or write in phrases fine.
and until tbs last fsw years was supposed to be
" D o you think there is any danger of Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro- Bat, though my admiration stirs.
America being dominated by Europe?" Bounced It a local disease, end prescribed local
My loyalty ne’er shakes.
remedies, and by constantly failing to enre
" N c a ir," answered Mr. Meekton with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable* Their cleverness ia naught to hers
with extraordinary emphasis; "n o t so Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu­
When Betty bakes the aakea.
tional disease, and th.r.foro r oqui res «on it no­
long as eminent Europeans oontinue to tion al treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, man­
ufactured by P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, The syrup in a golden line
marry American g irls ."
is (he only constitutional cure on tbe nmrket.
Beta forth to trace her name;
It te taken Internally in doses from 10 drox
The coffee steam, an haceuse One,
a teaspoonful. It sets directly on the bl
and mucous surfaces of the system. They«
Arises to her fame..
one hundred dollars for any eaae it falls to And though the sunshine for a while
< ► You eon largely lncresm the yield o
< > your crop hy using our special fertlUs
The wintry morn forsakes,
F. J. CUKHUY * CO., TolSdiO, (X
+ era Write lor prices.
BolA b f Druggists. 75c.
I Ask no radiance shve her smile
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
When Betty bakes the cakea.
--------------------------- :
— Washington Star. ,
Cause for Rejoicing.
3 On ill Paekit Sands _
L iv e r and Bacon.
Bix— Does your wife play the piano?
calves’ liver is a common
For orders of $1.00 or more
attractive to men
(This does not include grass seeds or
garden seeds in quantity.)
who enjoy rich food. Calves’ liver is
If in tha market write for special net
D ix— None whatever.
much more delicate than beef or even
"T h at's good. You ought to be proud lamb. Slice it fine and lay it in cold
of her accomplishments."
water for at least ten minutes. This
draws out the blood .and makes the
o IM Front Street, P o r t l a n d , O r e . A
False Pretenses.
liver better food. Fry a dozen pieces
" W h y does he always begin with the of bacon cut in wafer-like like slices
statement, " T o make a long story
to every quarter of a pound of calves’
liver. Let tbe bacon be ice-cold and
"O h , that’s just to encourage you to
crisp it quickly on a very hot frying
believe he’s going to do it ."
pan until it forms, in a few minutes,
into little brown rolls. Take up tbe
Couldn’t Do Wore#.
and fry the calves’ liver, which
"Y o u n g m an ," said the stern father,
‘ ‘d a jum think you are in a position to has been dried On a dean cloth, in the
support mv daughter in tbe style to bacon fat f6r ten minutes, or until It is
well browned on both aides. Dish it
which she has been accustomed?’’
‘ ‘Sore thing," replied the knowing and decorate It with the crisp rolls of
There should be no grease
youth. " W h y only last week ahe re­ bacon.
VAite for
dish, and there will not be
because she bad nothing to w ear."
If it Is properly cooked.
C u rried Veal (Cfaaflne-Dieb).
W anted to Realize.
Bur a jWntfepcjiv lu
Into small pieces, half an inch
, Three year-old
Julia wanted to
B muland , One.
about a pound of cold roast
Telephone MainJM-
"shot g u n ." When asked what she veal; put in the chafing dish two ta­
blespoonfuls of butter, an onion, a tart
wanted it for ahe aaid:
" I want to shoot one of papa's cattle apple and a clove of garlic, all minced
Schoolmaster— Now, Jones, give me and get tbe money oat of it, for papa fine; then stir In a tablespoonful of
curry powder, and half a tablespoon­
e sentence, and then we w ill see if we saya there ia money in cattle."
ful of -flour; add tbe Meat and pour
can change it to tbe imperative form.
In Good Company.
In half a pint of stock, or the same
Pupil—The horse draws tbe wagon-
" I s n ’t it n shame, Abe?" asked hie quantity of hot water, in which a des­
Schoolmaster— Now pat it in the im­
"Y o u aru the second year in sertspoonful of fluid beef has been dis­
one elaae."
Pupil— Gee up l— Ohume.
solved. Add a little lemon Juice and
"S h a m e !" aaid A be; "m y teacher ia salt, let all simmer slowly a few min­
A Muaical Hern.
twelve years already in the same data, utes, and serve hot.
Little Daniel waa visiting at hia and nobody thinks it’a a sham e!"
H o lla n d a is e Banc«.
grandfather's in the country for a few
Put two ounces of butter In a sauce­
Very Taking.
days, and on geing to the barn to see
the animals he heard cows lowing and
" D o minister« take in this town?" pan, with a little aalt, nutmeg and a
said to bis grandpa:
inquired the advance agent of the Col­ gill of water. Cook over the fire for
"H e a r tbe cows horning."
five minutes. In another saucepan have
ossal Black-Cork troupe.
"T h at is not what they are doing,’
" W e ll, the last that were here d id ," two tablespoonfuls of vinegar cooked
said grandpa. "They are low ing."
responded the innkeeper aouriy. They till reduced one-half.* Add to the other
" O h ,” said little Dan. " I thought took everything, even to the soap out ingredients with a tablespoonful of
they were blowing their horns.’’
of their rooms."
bechamel sane« and an ounce ef but­
ter. Mix tbe yolks o f four eggs in a
tablespoonful of water and remove tbe
sauce from the fire; when It has censed
boiling hdd tbe egg yolks, tbe juice o#
a lemon, and strain before serving.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Innocent
The Guilty
S u ffe r
W it h
B r ie f 5 n c g M lia a «.
Pastry should be cooled off ip a
warm room; taking it suddenly from
tbe .oven to a cold larder will make
it heavy.
A too large cork will often fit a
bottle quite well after it has been
soaked in boiling water for a few min­
Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelweio,
Iowa, is another one of the
million women who have been
restored to health by Lydia E.
Rnkham’s Vegetable Compound.
A Young New Tork Lady Tells
of »w o n d e rfu l Cure: —
" My trouble waa with the ovaries;
I am tall, and the doctor aaid I grew
too fast for my strength. I suffered
dreadfully from inflammation and
dee red continually, but got no help.
I suffered from terrible dragging sen­
sations with the moot aw ful pains low
down in the side and pains in the back,
and the most agonizing headache*.
No oue knows what I endured. Often
I was sick to the stomach, and every
little while I would be too sick to go
to Work, for three or four d ays; I .work
in a large store, and- I suppose stand­
ing on my feet all day made me worse.
" A t the suggestion of a friend of
my mothers I began to take L y d i a
E . P in k h a m ’s V e g e t a b le C o m ­
p o u n d . and it is simply wonderful.
By W ay of a Lesson.
I felt better after the first two or three
our cars ran over another
doses; it seemed as though a weight
waa taken off my shoulders; I con­ man Isht night" announced the superin­
tinued its use until now I can truth­ tendent of the street railway line.
fully say I am entirely cured. Young
" W e ll ,” replied the president,"after
^ rls who are always paying doctor’s awhile thq people will learn that the
Us without getting anynelpas I did, only safe place Is aboard the car and
ought a to take your medicine, i i
oosta so much less, and it ia sure to that fi.centa ia a small price to pay fur
cure them.-—Yours truly, A b H U i m safety." ___________________
P b a h l , 174 8t. Ann’s Ave., New York
OltT." — 95000 fo rftli I f orl<ilrmt i f abtm to
C For A Infants
S T and
O Children.
Tta Kind Yon Han Always Bought
proot ny gomil* mmm « e a m i t* prodmood.
------------------ :--------------------------- _ i _
Excursion S ‘ earner T. J. Potter Ooea Into
Service Jane 27.
Those who are planning their - vaca­
tion this year will be interested in
knowing that the popular excursion
a< earner, T. J Potter— queen of river
boats— goes into service Jane 27, and
that she will leave Portland, during
the season, every day from Tuesday un­
til Saturday inclusive. To nee the
beauties of. the picturesque and mighty
, . * » 1 » r , B O s » J , a i 0 W : a .T 1' ■
Bears the
Signature of
Healttotally Occupied.
When Wesley was about three years
old, a friend who bad not seen him ior
I some time greeted him with:
“ W ell,# Wesley, what have you been
doing since J saw you Iasi?"
"Been growin’ , " was the rather un­
expected answer.
Too floch Realism For the Manager.
Columbia from the decks of the Potter
is a treat never to be forgotten. For
"S o yon bad to clore the show?"
" Y e s , " answered the manager with
speed and grace nothing in river or
lake service in tbe entire West equals the plaid vest.
this side-wheeled beauty. Five hours
"W h a t was the trouble?"
from Portland and oue from Astoria,
"To3 much craze for realism. There
through the famous fishing waters of was a counterfeiting scene, and the act-
the Columbia, past scores of salmon \ ora aaid they couldn’ t go through with
traps sod nets and as many white j it unlets they cou’d see what money
winged fish boats, lands the passengers ,r looked like once in aw h ile."
at Ilwaco, where close connection is j
made for beach points with trains of
the Ilwaco Railway A Navigation Com­
pany, whose cars stand on the wharf
awaiting tbe steamer. The beach is 27
miles long, two hundred yards wide at
low tide, and so hard that carriage
wheels scarcely leave a mark. It ia an
ideal place for driving,riding, wheel­
ing or walking, and the aurf bathing is
Tbe excellent hotels
and boarding bouses provide good ac­
commodations at prices ranging from
one dollar to three dollars per day.
The round trip rate from Portland to
Astoria is *$2.60; to Ocean Beach
points, $4.00, good until October 15tb.
On Paturdsys, daring July and Aug*
net, round trip tickete are sold to beach
points at $2.50, good for return passage
leaving tbe beach the following Sunday
■ h is t B e a r U g n a t u r e o f
The Oregon Railroad A Navigation
Company has just issued a new sum­
mer book, (free for the asking) which
tells all about the delightful resorts of
the valley of the Co.ambia river. This
m u be obtained from any agent of tbe
Oregon Railroad ‘ A Navigation Com­
pany or by writing A. L. Craig, gen­
eral passenger agent, Portland, Oregon.
----- -1-
F0t lEABACHEfc .
Wanted Their Money’s Worth.
FRI B IU R R tlE tfc
Rath McEnery Stuart, the Southern
authoress, was taken suddenly ill when
giving a reading in a church in New
Haven, Conn., and was obliged to stop
end return to her home In in New York.
The church refused to pay her.
T h e world to-day is fu ll of innocent sufferers from that most loathsome
disease, Contagious Blood Poison. People k n o w 'lb a general w ay that it is
a bad disease, but if all its horrors eould b e brought before them they
would shun it as they do the Leprosy. N ot on ly the person who contracts it
To shell shrimps easily, put them in
suffers, but the aw ful taint is transmitted to children, and the fearful sores a colander and pour boiling water over
and eruptions, weak eyes, Catarrh, and other evidences of poisoned blood them. Shell tbem as soon as possible
show these little innocents are suffering the aw ful consequences of some
after they have drained.
b o d y ’s sin. So h ig h ly contagious is this form o f blood poison that one m ay
Turpentine will cleanse zinc and
be contaminated by handling the clothing or other articles in use by a
make It look like new. Wash tbe zinc
person afflicted w ith this miserable disease. There is danger even fn drink­
in g from the same vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as m any pure first In hot soda water and then rub
and innocentm en and women have found to their sorrow. The virus of with a flannel dipped in turpentine.
ioua Blood Poison is so
A large mnnila envelope, pasted in
y e ta n ti
the Inside of the «over at the back
within a short time after the
o f S Choir b o o k , fe a very bandy re­
first little sore appears the whole
ceptacle* for clippings and copies of
system is infected and every
recipes which one intends to try at
drop of blood in the body is
A, • i.
tainted with the poison, and the
The daily supply of food may be kept
skin is soon covered w ith a red rash, ulcers break out in the mouth and
In the cellar if a wire safe is used,
throat, sw ellings appear in the groins, the hair and eyebrows fall out,
and unless the ravages of tbe disease are checked at this stage, more but this is doubtful wisdom unless tbe
violent and dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deep and offensive housekeeper is prepared to Inspect the
safq every day to see that no scraps
sores, copper colored splotches, terrible pains in bones .and muscles,
are left lying around.
general breaking down of the system.
S. S. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the o n ly remedy
Never leave empty wooden tubs and
that antidotes this peculiar virus and makes a radical and complete cure of pails standing in the ann, or in a hot
the disease. Mercury and Potash hold it in check so long as the system is part of the scullery. In very hot weath­
under their influence, but when the medicine is left off the poison breaks out er they should be left full of clean w a­
again as bad or worse than ever. Besides, the use of these minerals brin g ter" to prevent the wood shrinking and,
on Rheumatism and stomach troubles of the worst kind, and frequently pro­ cracking. A t other times keep them
duce bleeding and sponginess o f the gum s and decay o f the teeth. S. S. 3. in a cool, rather damp place.
cures Blood Poison in a ll stages and even reaches down to hereditary taints
When knives have steel blades they
and removes all traces o f the poison and
be cleaned and polished after
saves the victim from the pitiable conse­
This is best accomplished
quences o f this monster scourge. A s long
as a drop of the virus is left I n the blood if a small basket is kept near at hand
In tbe Imperative.
it is liable to break out, and there is danger which contains a potato, a bathbrlck
W h ile the boys of a claarroom were
of transmitting the disease to others.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and of tbe brick upon a board, dip the cut' having a grammar lesson, the teacher
can be taken without any
ly injurious effects to health, and an experience of end of the potato into It, and use’this said:
es beyond
"John give me a passive verb."
nearly fifty years proves
doubt that it cures Contagious
Blood Poison to rub the blade of the knife free of
"W h o a !” answered John.
. and
W rite for bur " ■ H o m e Treatment B o o k ," all stains. Then polish with the cloth
which describes fu lly the different stages and symptoms of the disease, ¿1
"N o w make it active," said the
and wash the handle in warm but not
hot water.
"Back u p ," replied John.
Did you ever ootid» that, when any­
one deverkbee a pretty girl, he general-
y begins by saying she baa s beautiful
•et oi white teeth?
W ell, that ia natural, because a fine
4 t of teeth is tbe most conspicuous
characteristic of tbe (bee.
A winning
smile, adorned by even, brilliant teeth,
carries a woman farther than riches,
dress or intellect.
And, on tbe contrary, think s mom­
ent of tbe shock you get when you set
a woman, or a man, with a .yellow re­
volting set o i teeth, or great holes in
tbe mouth where good teeth ought to be.
Dr. W . A . Wise, the famous dentist
of the Failing building, Portland, Ore­
gon, » i d * to the reporters yesterday
that it was beyond his comprehension
why any one in the Northwest now
should neglect the teeth for s day long­
er. The big ocst of dental work In tbe
past has been reduced.
The expense
now, at such large and modern equip­
ped offices as Wias. Brothers’, is ex­
tremely moderate— no more formidable
than getting repairs made to any article
of regular wear in the household. And
the pain has been banished. There is
no pain. For your own comfort, go and
have your teeth put In order. For your
looks’ sake, don’t neglect your teeth
any lenger. I f your teeth are worn
out, have a new set fitted; or, if a few
of the old one« are gone, have them re-,
placed, and begin to enjoy life avain.
Your friends will like you better, and
yon w ill like yourself better.
Do it
we*. «XP* ■ M-’-'
' 5*wV.>, ,*.
M il
C arter's
Little Liver Pills.
q 1
4 *
F t
' * *
jI m
F m