Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 12, 1903, Image 4

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    Ham m er throw —Don G- M o r­
jo y o u s laughter emanate from
our houses and our schools, that; rison, o f Albany College, 104
.Entered'as second-elaai, *1 attor at tha po»to01ce laughter j which has -nothing o f feet, ’03r,.
at Newberg, ore«oa.
Discus th row —Don G. M o r ­
the sheer in it, but is helptul,
rison, o f Albany College, 103
feet 5 inches,JQ3.
H. w b q p V V A R D , Editor and Publisher
; T a k e notice, all sufferers from
Shot put-^D on G. M orrison,
W . C . W d V O W A R U , Associate Editor.
rheumatism. A German special­ o f Albany College, 35 feet 6
ist has announced w ith a flour­ inches, ’03. v '\ i .
$LOO P e c 'Y e a r in Advan ce. ish o f trumpets th a t he has
Startling Evidence.
a’ remedy for th os^ unspeakable
Fresh testitpouy in great quan­
F R ID A Y , JU N E i 2 , 1903
rheumatic pains.
I t is more
tity is constsutly coming in, de­
simple than harmless, and con­
claring Dr. Kjng’s New Discovery
’^T 6 ddy g o t home in tim e t o sists in the g ood h ealth y 1 s^ing
for Consumption, Coughs aud
hfflp clean house anent the o f a bee. H e says to begin w ith
Colds to be unequaled. A recent
general shaking pp and dusting a few stings and gradually in­
expression from T. J. McFarland,
crease the size o f the dose. In
in the post offiee'dppartment.
BentorvUle. Va., serves as an ex­
other w ords, until the sensation
ample. Etc writes: “ I had bron­
W e have had a few days o f arising therefrom, gradu ally puts
chitis for three years and doctored
w eather the past week th a t w as the rheumatic pains out o f busi­
all the time without being bene­
bard on everybody* but the ice ness. He gives seventy stings as
fited. T b e * l began taking Dr.
man. But that'kiitii doesn’t last an average dose but says in one
King's NeW \0iAooveryi and a few
case the patient had t o be stung
bottles whfoUy eared
6952 times before a cure w as
The Indianapolis èhambermaid effected.
Wonderful are the
w h o refused t o make up a bed trium phs o f science! Rheumatism throat trouble», consumption, pneu­
fo r B ooker T . W ashington w a s has ceased t o be dreadful, when monia and. grip. Guaranteed by
robbed o f the tw e lv e hundred- it can be relieved b y a little m at­ F. H. Caldwell & Co., druggists.
d oliar purse J ^ h ie h Southern t er o f 6952 bee stings. E very Trial bottles free; regular sizes,
50 c and $ 1 .
sympathizers raided; for her.
fam ily w ill n o w have its bee
fo o l and his m oney are soon hi ve, and when a member feels
The Graphic and W eekly Ore­
fo r $2 a year.
an ache, he w ill shake the bee
A fter
President R oosevelt’s hive w ell before using, and the
visit in Southern Oregon, a M ed­ busy little bee w ill do the rest.
ford editor referred to him as a Rheumatic sufferers should lose
bullet-headed^ Dutchman-- w h o little tim e in erecting a monument
boasted o f sh ootn ig Spaniards, t o th e German d o cto r w h o claims
in the back. I f it w as a little ex­ the credit o f the g rea t discovery.
>ß i
* 7 '!.... —
' i
Th en
step in this
w ay
please, for that is our busi­
ness and w e are prepared
to satisfy all w ants in this
W e
have a
large stock to select from,
and if you don't sle
you w ant, call for it and
w e w ill see that you have
H ollingsw orth &
citem ent the ed itor w a s after, he
g o t it. as his contem poraries arc
m anufacturing a w a rm clim ate
fo r his benefit.
A N ew Y o rk man excites the
w on der o f the medical profession
b y livin g w ith a bullet in his
N o t so wonderful as liv-
ih g w ith o u t brains, remarks the
Guard, a condition th a t observ­
a n t men see every day, th a t is if
the actions o f the unfortunates
m a y be taken for Aroof.
Headquarters for Reliable
£ IA # D
Key Instruments.
Everything in connection w ith
the b ig concern, excepting prices
and payments, conducted on the
largest, proadest business prin-
This means the m ost advan­
tageous buying opportunities to
The L
est v a i
t number and great-
and best make o f
B IN D E R S , M O W E R S ,
Sold by This House
w ould m a k eg o q d residence sites.
The Child L a b o r Commission
deserves much Credit fo r g o in g
to w o rk w ith ou t funds, w ith ou t
fear o f failu re, and in hope th a t
i t w ill accomplish much good .
The courage o f this commission
is t o be all the more admired
when if is taken ifito consider­
ation th a t the legislature did
n ot appropriate so much as a
postage stam p fo r its use in its
laudable w ork .—W oodburn In ­
O regon C o lleg e A th le tic Records
A corrected list o f the records
o f the C ollegiate Athletic League
o f Oregon, has been given ou t
b y the retirin g president, by
which it is seen th a t A lbany
holds eight records,; NeWberg
five, M cM inn ville 1, w hile neith-
Dallas n or M onm outh holds any
records. Th e list follow s:
50-yard dash—R ob ert N T o r-
b et o f A lbany College, 5 4-5 sec­
A • dem ocratic contem porary onds, ’03.
closes an editorial on the recent
100 -yard dash—R o y Heater,
congressional election w ith the o f Pacific College, 10 3-5 seconds,
w ords: “ Reames is a w inner ’ 02 .
though he lost, w hiie Herm ann
220-yard dash—R o y H eater,
,o£ P acific College, 23 seconds,
election.’’ in e dem ocrats nave * 02 .
become so chastened b y con­
440-yard dash—R o y TTrnrrrr
tinued defeats th a t they are able o f Pacific College*, 52. seconds,
t o extra ct com fort from very ’ 02 .
m eagre crumbs. They are cheerful
run— W illard
losers an4 are a lw a ys welcome Marks, o f A lbany College, 2:Q3
to the kind o f w inning which 4-5, ’03.
Reames scored.
M ile run—Chas. M orris, o f
Pacific College, 5:06, ’02.
A man is krtovi^f b y w h a t
120-yard hurdle— R oy Heater,
amuses him. The kind o f jokes o f Pacific College, 16 1-5 secouds
he laughs at and is in a hurry to ’ 02 .
repeat to his friend, shows his
hurdle— A lton
taste and inner life. There is Coates, o f Albany College, 27
m irth and humor th a t is uplift­ seconds, ’03.
ing; ,tlm t makes one healthier
Pole vau lt—Elmer Cummins,
and better. It has not a taint o f M cM innville College, 10 feet,
o f vu lgarity. Such stories can
be told to and enjoyed by our B road ju m p—A lton B. Coates,
m others and sisters a t home. o f Albany College, 21 feet, ’02.
Cherish such, but scorn to think
H igh jum p—Wesley M . JSjVire,
o f a thing th a t is mean. L e t o f A lbany College, 5 feet 3 in ’01.
^SJK. ttgMy&agK-g*
A ll the best, and every one a t a
less price than can be obtained
a ty where else.
Keep this in you r mind; it w ill
be a great saving t o you when
y o u w a a tito buy a key instru­
ment, no p lotter w h a t it is.
And i f you w a n t t o buy now ,
you w ill fifid m any very ex tra in­
The prices w e are m aking a t
present cm pianos and organs in
order to make room fo r incom ing
shipments are exceptionally low .
Washington Street
Corner Park,
Other large, flourishing st<
Potter d a treat never to be forgot­
ten. For speed and grace nothing
In river and lake service in the en­
tire West equals this side wheeled
beauty. Five hours from Portland
an{l one from Astoria, through tbe
... o f ...
I invite the public to examine my stock and prices and satisfy
yourselves that the Studebaker goods are the best in tbe market,
and are warranted to give entire satisfaction
famous fishing waters of the Col­
umbia, past scores o f salmon traps
and nets and as many white-wing­
ed fish boats, lands the passengers
at Illwaco, where close connection
is made for beach points with
trains of the Ulwaco & Navigation
Company, whose cars stand on the
whart awaiting the iteamer.
beach is twenty-seven miles loug
two hundred yards wide at lowest
tide, and so hard that carriage
wheels scarcely leave a mark.
is an ideal place for driving, riding,,
wheeling or walking, and the surf
bathing is unsurpassable.
excellent hotels and boarding
bouses provide good accommoda­
tions at prices ranging from one to
three dollars per day.
The round trip rate from Port­
land to Astoria is $ 2 . 50 ; to Ocean
Beach points $ 4 . 00 , good until
October 15 th. On Saturdays, dur­
ing July and August, -round trip
tickets are sold to beach points at
$ 2 . 50 , good for return leaving the
beach the following Sunday even­
The Oregon Railroad & N avi­
gation Company has just issued a
new summer book (ftee for tbe
asking) which tells all about tbe de­
lightful resorta of the valley of tbe
Columbia river. This can be ob­
tained from any agent o f the O. R.
St Co., or by writing A. L. Craig,
General Passenger Agent, Port­
land, Oregou.
W e work at the Newberg Steam
Laundry, the best place in the
country to get your work done:
W e guarantee satisfaction and
prompt attention. A ll work called
forand promptly delivered. Branch
offices in Dayton and Sherwood.
A . N*. PR E S S N A LL, Prop.
Ghehalem V a i
N e w b e rg » O regon.
Alpbeas Mills, Pres.
J. C. McCrea, Vice-
S. M. Calkins, Cashier
N. C. Christenson,
Assistant Cashier
J. Kin ley Blair.
C o
Western National Bank, New
U.8. National Bank. Portland
M«Mtnnville NatlpMl Bank.
Established 1893.