Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 06, 1903, Image 2

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• -a QSBnik:
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i K n th the teg. It was quite, a
1 rainy dnv w hen
went n|* so the
not the best,
fo u i* ««».
,\ t'i tti.iM iM .
Haverford College closed fo r'th e j VVc walked all the way down iu
V f i c u i t K*>rft«.
j w inter Vacation December 23, und order to* pee the numerous memor­
? >^eo «vVfr; fVNMtw m « m » sim «.
I reoptned January 6 . m aking a. va­ ial tablets placed in .the walls by
cation o f about tw o weeks, Dur- the d ifferen t’ states, secret orders
m Menaa < s « m autw at tk« r«M»ai» i log this time the college balls are and other societies. W e noticed a !
m a»eh*r»,cnin.
¡closed uod the students are turned very neat little tablet erected by
. „ w .
out o f their own rooms. Most of Oregon-.
F R ID A Y , M A R C H 6, 1903.
as we were w alking j
th e students spend the holidays at
the drives in T h ei
home, but for s:m e this is impossi-
A lady was asked tfce^difFerence-
would have taken me al- Mall, I glanced Op at a gentleman
between a man who dyed sheep and mo, t , be entire v a a u i6 a to mafce passing on horseback and th o u g h t,
an editor. She answered: "O ne it the trip home and back again.
I recognized President Roosevelt.
a lamb-dyer, and the other— is ju st
h is surm ise was confirmed by the
If. there had been nothing to
an editor.”
orderly who rode a few
occupy my attention I should have
....... ».■ ■ .i.namri—
•-■ ••••
been very lonesome, I suppose, hut yards Iwhirid. W e walked on dOWn •
A noted medical authority makes
tortu h itely there were many things the street and a fe w minutes later
the sage remark that a great mis­
to b« seen. W alter H adley cam e they passed us again. The Presi­
take is made by the man who re­
down from Y ale add spent the en­ dent looks very much like bfe pic­
turns to work too soon after .an
tire vacation with me. W e put in tures, hat is perhaps a trifle stonier j
attack o f grip. A s much had been
one wVek in Philadelphia very than I had pictured him. T h is was
suspected before.
pleasantly, - and saw most o f the the only time we saw him * Qq the
last day o f our visit we went with j
Smokeless powder is all right. I*0*“ * ~ o f * ienlific and hli8toric* 1
Hon. Thos. H . Tong ne to th e :
and so are horseless « m a g e s an d!*” 1' " 8*; J hen we WC,U
W hite House, hut the President j
other things, hot it i , suggested d° Wn th*
n v " ’ *hrou* *
out and was not expected j
th at i f some one would in^ t ^ canal to jh e Chesapeake bay.and
evening. H owever, we
smokeless cigarettes he would give
11 ‘ o Balt,m ore. A n hour s
ride on th tftra in landed us in the looked over the building; saw the
the p u b lica lo«kg felt w ant.
nation’s capital. \ W hen we had East room, the Red room and the
arranged for lodgings we went dì- ■ Blue room. Mr. T ongqe pointed-
Tbe-follaw ing is on the rounds of
rectly to the capitol. U rfcrîr.uste- ont au, old oe?t© who is said to
the press: It is said that a matt w h o !
. _
- ~
. , ilv we did not get lo see congress have been in the W hite House
squeezes a dollar never squeezes hi«
■ r_ , , _-
. i in session as it did not convene On- since Buchanan's administration.
w ife. Iu lookir-y over our a c c o u n t * ! - , , - ,
r ......... \
't il M onday, January ^
but —
w e W e also saw Sec. Cortelyou, sen-
pf note that some awfni good
wen t over the entire building. T h e ators Foraker and Spooner aud
romen are not getting the pres-
desks o f O regon's senators and I other prominent men. Mr. Ton-
sure they, ¿«serve;
congressmen w ere pointed out to gue was very kiud to us; I don’t
“ A ll men u p " rather than "Som e us by the guide. In the H all of thing I w as ever better treated by
men down’ ’ bids fair to be- heard Fame we saw the statute o f Col. anyone. This was ju st eight days
before his death. I could not be­
later as a campaign cry, and it is a Baker which was placed there by
lieve the report o f his death when
good one. t It w as used by P resi-1
first came.
dent Roosevelt in a letter to th e.
T o me the most interesting place
editor o f the A tlanta Constitution. rooms’ aud exteD‘ ivc kaila' ad6rn-
explaining his federal appointments ed wit^ f i n c ^ t i o g s and w o r M in the vicinity ot W ashington is
Mount Vernon. It may be reached
in the South whereby some colored art, were very interesting. T h e
canopy which forms the ceiling o f 1 either bv boat or by trolley. W e
men are ih office.
tbe rotunda is certainly a master- took the trolley.shice it w as more
Ih declining decidedly to make the P,ece- In the center is represented convenient. Out across the "O ld
race lor the congressional nomma . H Washington w ith Freedom and I L o n g ” bridge we went, past Brad-
tion, Mr. G eer again gives evidence Victory on either side and around dock’s and Arlington H eig h ts and
that he does not wish to be consid­ the^e is a circle o f thirteen figures through Alexandria w here w e saw-
ered a ‘ ‘miscellaneous’ ’ candidate. emblematic o f the thirteen original Old^Chrisi’s Church in which the
He has gone to Missouri to enlist states. Arqund the outer edge i s j original pews of W ashington and
the legislature o f that state in sap- a series of - groupfe, representing
- the | L ee are preserved. T h e location
port o f the I ,»«■ », and C lark fair, , progress o f 7 the union, and the o f Mdunt Vernon is certainly ideal.
f r i t a t W j t a u ù h A ^ H iti.
fcJ n ! É « i i i |F ^
'- . J - ü L - J L - e»
A f r i p t o Vtii«hliijfliifl l).
;■ .jiRw»;,
_ ____ »
MHIW« torllir* m|>hic)
to stll things At the
that C ou nt-
W hen I clean your watch I
do not pass tbe little things.
If the hairspring needs a little
attention, or tbe
wheel tiSeing, o r if any o f the
many.places-ueedadl adjusting
to take np the wear.
I d o it 1
as a part o f tbe cleaning work.
has b e a i greatly increased by the receipt of 25
cases of new stock.
P . F O R D ’S S H O E S F O R
O ur D ry Goods w ifll be in soon and w ill comprise some
very nobby things in W aistings for spring and summer.
A lso some nice law ns for summer dresses which w ill be
sold right.
v .
J out olor- O p tician.
2 0 p e t ce n t
Fine line of Skirts at a discount of
’J A R
S to n n îl/instow ,
pairs Ladies and Children's
>3 3
Shoes broken lots at a discount
^ O O D O X Ï E t a ]
509 b
Sm all lot of Gent's Underw ear at a
discount of
■ P H
». /*%.,.f 9 *
S H O E S G IV E N A W A Y .
One ppir of
given away out of
pairs sold.
Names of lAose who have received Shoes Free:
C P Kruger; M. J. Joues, Geo. Salee, Lewis Jones,
• D ick Everest, Boz Blum, Miss Casteel.
— Agents for—
p fc M. W AD E &
10 dollars in Gold given away for each
10 suits Men’s Clothing sold.
Implements &
F u ll > W
G O IN G . H
During this sale ali D iscount, goods must
be sold for Gash.
F *O fim ii
of Field and Garden Seeds.
N ext door to Parker & PooL
B .F . TER R Yr
WIU» Hr. J. K Lock«
T O N S O R IflU A R T I S T .
trd A M adison St
P o r tla n d , Ore.]
T, A H K I N .
C O / S F U L L L IN E
i X 'X X X m X M J i X X X l
t ................. -
^ T T O R K S T -A T L A W
it '
Elliott and
L eavitt,
S I.
Chehalem V a l­
ley B an k.
leaving his cau stic critics at home Srowth of the y ° unS rePublic-
A s y ° u stand at the top o f t he high
Will practica I d til t i » m art, ni U m .tat«
_____ Mteutlou fire u to probate work, the
f th
the e ! biufiT
blu ff in
in front
front of
of the
the old
old house, and
to fight among themselves for polit -1 W e climbed, to the toP o
I wrtituc of dee<lt, m ort««».., contracta and tbe
j drafting ot all lesti papera.
iaQ 'preferm ent
; dome and had a fine view o f the gaze down to the rig h t across the
Special Deal­
X ew b arg. O reg on .
A ll w ork at­
N ew berg, Oregon.
o r n e a —Second
city. T h e day was bright and the w ell kept law n to the little knot ot
ers in Bath
tended to w ith
; Sauk of [ N
air clear. I could not help th in k­ trees w here the tomb is hidden
Fixtures and
neatness and
T b e little state o f Delaware,
ing that the term “ W hite C ity ” is then on down ,o tbe boat bouse at
P i timbers and
Hop Pipe.
. dispatch
w hich has fh lly earned tbe name o f
D IR E C T O R S j ».*»
a misnomer, for a bird’s eye view the foot ct the hill, then out across
“ rotten borough” by a senatorial
Alpheus Mills, Pres.
g i v « cne the impression o f a red tbe broad waters o f the Potomac
0 . P ic k * " ,
deadlock o f eight years standing,
_ Soeeeaton t a l H Storey.
J. C. McCrea, Vice-
, .
, _
city, for with the exception o f so m e4 to the hazy shores of M aryland,.a
has finally elected tw o United States , .
jfttorn*jf~ ai~ jC aw ,
____ . , , „
, o f t h e p u b lic h u t ld m g s , t h e u n iv e r - u e l i n g c lo s e ly a k in t o r e v e r e n c e
S. M. C nikins-C ashicr
Senators. It gn-es one a decidedly I
, r ‘
, rT
7 /otary SPuó/ic.
^ . r ..
. . . .
,. , sal color is that o f red brick. H ow- comes over oner) O ver the eqtire
5 T. C. C h risten « » ,
tired feeling to think that a little
m . .
grounds a sirit o f subdued rever­
Assistant Cashier
" c o u . . , ” lik e D d m R h , s
“ be“ " “
. . .
city. T h e streets are wide aud the e n c e seemed to pervade tb e ju r .
I t i* «a g ita te ti that th e m lniater* «a y :
success, moderate; in all, himself;
same representation in the upper •
“ W h a t G od hath joined togeth er let no 9*
. .
, pavem ents more carefully kept There was no loud talkin g or bois-
C o r k ra p o * d k n t s :
W ashington, the hero, the patriot,
house of congress as tbe largest and * .
man put aaaunder fo r at leaat aiz
than in most cities. It has very terous laughter. 'W ith in the old
Wmttra National Bank. Raw
most populous state in tbe Lnion. I.. . . .
.. „
- - .
T a rt
m o n t h «.”
little business and practically no house is a large and interesting col- the friend o f mankind, whq, when
, i IT B. National Rank. Portland
DR. C. C. BENNETT, i HrMlnavllla National Bank
But when it is considered that such
m anufactoring interests a t all. For lection of coldnial relics, many
m any of he had won all, renounced all; and
V k * l ’ > la a N a m ..
a représentation was the price o f
this reason it is naturally a clean them having been owned and used sought in the bosom of his fam ily
Osteopathic Physician
E v e r y th in g is in th e name w h en it
tbe adoption of tbe Constitution, the
Established 18931.
city. T S e air is not blhck with by W ashington himself. In the and o f nature, retirement, and in it com es to W itc h H azel 8 alye. E. 0 .
condition can be borne with reason­
coal sm oke and the class o f poor little grass p lo t-b a c k o f the bouse the hopes of religion, immortal- D e W it l ot C hicago, U n covered, some j M. V O T A W R e s id e n c e
able equanimit y . _
y e a r« ago, h o w to make a « » I r e from {
liai Ion
C obiti liai
Ion I and Examination Free.
laboring.people found in all manu- stands the old-sundial on which ! j
W itc h H asel that ia a «p acific for Piles.
facturing cities, is absent. In short read the simple inscription “ H oras
T h ough America has had many For M ind, bleedin g, itch in g, p m tm d in g
W ithout the ability o f Mr. W il­ it is a residence city. It is easy to non numero, nisi serenas” which
sons who stjfpassed W ashington iu P ile «, eczem a, ent«, burn«, houisea and
liamson being questioned, the sen­ notice the cosmopolitan tone o f the may be freely translated, T mark
statesmanship, yet nooe o f them all skin iliaeu*««, O e W ilt’ « Salve h a « no
timent is growing in the state that city, particularly after leaving a only the sunny hours.” A s I read
equal. T h is has given rise to n n m erou * |
can ever f i l l his place in the hearts
a big mistake was made when Rep­ conservative place like Philadel­ it I con Id not help th in k in g , how
w orth ies* cou n terfeit«. Ask for D e W itt’a i
Ollier ln Bank (>r Newbarg Building.
o f his countrymen; no one w ill ever — th e gen uine. For tale at F. A. C a l­
resentative Moody was
turned phia. From what I saw and heard well these words m ight be applied
Rcaidanre one Mock north and X
block, east of Bank. Horae Phoip.
receive the love and filial venera­ d w e ll A Co. . — —
dow n . Since his defeat for renom- I believe it is much easier to get to the life o f the great geueral
tion which is rightly felt for the
ination, Mt. Moody has been pat- acquainted at W ashington than in himself. A lth ou gh he knew what
Father o f his Country. . ..
ting in some bard licks for the most eastern cities. T h e people do it was to endure hardships; though
^ H h * v k y M . H o s k in s ,
state, has said nothing o f his dis­ not seem so reserved but are more he lived through the most trying
H. W. CLormsx
Haverford, Pa.
! II. B. C loihih
appointment in defeat, bnt has con- friend !y and sociable. Perhaps I times o f the stru gglin g colonies,
Trwx'rty AravkaS.
tinned to look well out for the in- notjced this more on account of the and felt the w eight o f responsibility
Fron Portlud.
“ J a * t in th e nick of tite e our little
terests of Oregon, and has acted extrem e conservatism is local- of the young republic as perhaps
Office in rhebelem Valley Bank Bldg.
Statut ant aau Tau riet
h oy was aaved” writes M r». W . W a k lin »
P hyait-lana A S u rg e o n s
Phone Ho. 4a.
the man throughout.
N ow that ity.
s 1 ee plng car» dalljr to Omaha, Chleago, xpokaaer.
no one else ever did, yet on ly^ tb e
rially k> Kansa» Cltr;_ .
o f - Weaaant C itv , O hio.
“ P neu m on ia
His term has expired, he declines
fulln;an Tourlat
Tourist »leeping
ileeping car«
cars (perä«
Oregon. J Throu.k
W e spent some time looking bright and beautiful elem ents o f ; had played «ad liavoc w ith him and a
j Newberg,
•onallr condurteill waaklr to Chleago, K B ___
an y federal appointment at the over the big Congressional library, life seemed to have left any deep te r rib le cough had set in b e tid e«. D oc­
City. Ht. Lotti, and Mamphla; reclining ekalr
hands o f President Roosevelt, with It is splend'dly finished inside a n d ' impression on him. H is life mark- to r » treated him , but h e g r e w worse
A b b iv i
D sta x t
Fard» «4. * r .
whom he was in dose touch, and contains numerous statues and ed only the b righ t and sunny days, e v e r y d a y . A l length we tried Dr.
K in g 's N e w D i-"> v e ry for consum ption,
4iS » p .» a -
C h lra y o
« alt L a ka , D an var,
says he will return home to look fine paintings.
T h e T reasury A nd bis last few years passed in
P o rtla n d
F t. » o n h .O m a h a,
K m u i C it y , 8L
after his business affairs, 1 he peo- building w-as also a very interesting this retired and beautiful spot seem and o o r d a rlin g was aaved. H e ’s now
l« iiia ,C h lc a g o « n d
•onnd and weH.”
K very. body ought 10
Ä S 1 .
v io
pie have taken notice o f these place. W e saw the paper money like a fitting close for a life o f such k n o w It« th e on ly cure tor C ou g h e ,C o l.l«
n? P
5* V V V
O regon
Suoqj line
U nion P acific
Pliysícian & Surgeon.
things, and Mf. Moody w ill proba- being printed at a rate that almost unselfish a ctivity and devotion to and L u n g diaea-e s. G uaranteed by F . j
H C a ld w e ll A Co. d ruggiate. Price 50c
My be beard from again.
takes one’s breath. The large sil- duty.
J. ver v a u lt,.89 .by^51 by 12 feet in j A t almost any tim e d a rin g tbe and $1 00. T ria l lmttlea Ire*.
T b e Oregon legislature sat down size, contained at tbe time we were dav you m ay notice a group of si-
Men and lol«*l*»c t«,h turn red when
on t he
to appropriate th ereo ver $100,0«0,000 in ailver lent admirers standing before the-* th ey get Ititofhot water.
#500 a year to the State Poultry dollars. T h e guide showed us a ' tomb. Above tbe iron bars yon
M »ra K i»te.
Association to aid in paying premi- small roll of, bonds which m ight read, “ W ithin tbe enclosure rest
of rtrikerx are net nearly
ums at it» annual shows. T be easily be slipped into one's pocket, the remains o f G eneral G eorge
disorder of
proposition wn* altogether too ex- worth $8,000^000. T h e Smithson- W ashington.
A nd within
. , ..
• 4 , V .
. <
the ayatam. Overwork, lots rtf sleep,
travagant for the economical iegis- »an Institute was W me a very in- vault, back o f the tw o plain n“ r* |
tensi„„ will Iw followed hy ut-
lators. T h e y had to make a rec­ teresting place. T h e collection o f Me caskets is the text from the elev- j tor PO||H,wl, i ttn|gm • reliable remedy ia
ord for economy somewhere, and birds, though not as large as we enth chapter of St. John: " I am ¡ma»«diately employed. There’«nothing
naturally found it easier to econo­ had seen in the Philadelphia Acade- tbe resurrection and the life; hei»o effecient to car* disorder»« of tbe
J * Klectrie Bitter*.
m ize in small than to large matters. my of N atunff Sciences, w as m ach th at bdieveth in me. though he b« i bi-er
- m aijsatiSsai ■
m '
Tt’ « a wond.-rl.d tonl.-. m l . ffw liv e nvr-
W e presume that proposed appro­ more carefully prepared, arranged dead, yet shall he live: and whoso- ^ and lh(, KrM|Mt
priations for farmers' institutes, th e and lahled. . W e also enjoyed ever liveth and believeth in « e [ for rn„ f,llwri s^ mi. n dispels Ner-
state horticultural society, and the looking through the immense col- j shall never die’’— certainly a fit- > votianess, Kheamatiim and Neuralgia
state dairym en’s association wou Id lections in the N ational Mnseutn. ting epitaph for'one who w ill nev- and expel* Malaria ic«rm«. Only
have met a like fate if bills therefog ; Am ong tbe other places we found er die in the hearts o f his country- an<1 «*‘ w,ac’io*
been introduced.
Some o f particularly interesting
was the men, Irseems to me that the most :
A ( o.|w(l#*l*t».
these days the agricultural interests Arm y and N a vy building, Patent beautiful tribute ever paid to the
A man isn't n *c e «e «rily cool because
o f the state w ill haveto get together Office, flead L etter Office and Pen- memory of W ashington was w rit-1 he shivers w hen In d an ger.
and unite in letting the legislature sion department. One place o f in- ten at tbe grave in 1833 bv I)r.
know what they want in tbe w ay terest which I suppose no visitor to A ndrew Reed:
- >.-----
- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i r w j v a «»»Ma i.«nr
o f appropriatiduv-fOr furthering ag- W ashington misses is tbe W ash -j
“ W ashington, the brave, the
P. tt. D«nf,,rth ot LaOrand, Oa., enf
ricultural interests.
A t present a ington M«.uunseat. T h is is a col- w ise, the good; W ashington, oup- fared for «lx nunsth" wit»» • frightful
good deal o f money is charged up umn 555 feet and 5J< inches high reme in war, in council and in running aora on b»« h«: hm wrltasihat
•gaiuat agriculture in appropriation
bills which really goea for matters
ia w hich Csvuwra are not especially
. — Oregon Agriculturist,
Field 1
A m bi lio n
V ie w * on
H u n tin g to n .
Offioaevtr >'hcbalain Vallar Bank.
N r n - b e r r, O r a g o n .
I------ ------- — ~
•*T>ysp«psl*,” wrote Eugene Field,;
"often incapaciutax a man for endeavo» 1 -iiziJJBtgJWV'rtmgpwBvvvwvwvwBH
and aometimex axtlnguUtiex the tire ol . _
n - n l(
wnbition.” Though great despite hi«: | { I Li h]
k L P b
complaint Field suffered from indig-s- 111 f l I I H . n r l l l l
tio n a ll hi» life. A weak, tiredttomseb *
w m w l»l
can’t digest
your food.
It need*
rest. You can only rest It by the 11 »«
o f a preparation like Kodol, which re­
lieves It of work by digesting your food.
and 55 feet square at tbe base. It peace; W ashington, valiant with-
'py^BBhwrw!* Wonnde and
ia said to be the tallest piece o f out ambition; discreet-without fear;
j t s , ^ t H«|Te i„ the world.
masonry in the world. It takes tbe confident without presumption: ^Cnr* r ------ rnfr, only 2fic. Hold *>y
elevator nearly ten minutes ro W ashington, in disaster« calm ; i n ' F. H. Caldwell A Co., druggist.
B est goon restores f t t o Its norm al tone.
S tr e n g th e n in g ,
featla fy io g ,
E n v ig o r a t ln g ,
Preparad only hy E. C. UaWlTTÀ Co., Chicago
To* St. butt;« coûtai o» m Hauts tuu toc. su»
F o r Hale hy F . H . C a ld w e ll A Co
P atents
A t ’ a n t la
• ;U p. m.s '
v ia
■ b n ttn gto n .
B t. P a a l
Fa»t M ail
; !
S p o kan a
CB F S t . . 1 WaahUiätua, Is t
•tBB p. »
F a r Han F ran atan e—
B all « v a ry 1 d a y a
M orriso n 8 t.-'
-------- : — .... — . L.-- -■ -
D allT
K x .S u n d a y
t:« i e. » .
P ain rd a y
10:W> p. m.
T h e place to get your
«;4t S . »
M en ., W ad.
and F r i
D R U G S <fe M E D IC IN E S .
■ ____ ’
C*n » « m » r|l m
T P A tto r ia an d W ay
L a n d ta g e
W Maman» Mvar.
B a la n , I tide pen
C o rv a llla
a n d w a y la n d in g» .
T:Mia. nt. -
T o re , T h a r,
O regon l i l y , D a y to n
and « a l
a n d w a y la n d in g * .
S P E C IA L T Y .
•ont froo. <fkloot ooonry fòt »fUlBi WlMW
i -
Putotta tJhkwn thmofti Munn 4 To. roootr«
tbout ohorvo. In tbo
Hooka, Stationery, * Fancy
Toilet Articles, fu m a r »
A haadanm.lf lllnatratnd wreklv. Innnmt Mr.
«alauop *.f any iHnllle l»nrn»l. T*riu». f 3 a Hitppllea.
r a w : tnnr innntlM, f t . VBM » F aff t ir m s m m n .
WÜN i U C O ” 1" j " " ’ m Í£W "
r o R T L A io .
A U » a ilin g data»
•ab}««« to c h a n g a
t a tp .B .
Scientific American.
■ *» - -,
• - -'-Trae,.
rn o a
C o v v a io K T a A c .
A a ro n « «»rultn» •katrh and d«»«nn<lnn m ay
a e w k ly «»nartala o or oftinkni fro« whoUuw on
----->U. rom
InvttiiLUm I» p roboblf PKlOUiolilO.
Co munirò.
lino« t i n n i r conflrlonttol. Ytltflffbook €
T ¡BBS. M b'.''
Soilolla th« patron»»« of hM old lodisi
friand» who pmd watoh repairing dona.
A tla n tic K * proal
ar» JEW ELER ,
10 -JO a. n a
Bt. f a v i r o o t M a il.
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T - M v m w ...
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a n d F r i.
t a . R ip a r i«
Bn«ka Binar.
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D a ily e x n r p t R ip a r ia lo L a w laio n
Ba tu r d a y
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A . L . C R A IQ ,
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