.... •• i f i.'!«'’, r j ' ■ ■ E H '- t ] •• 1 * A if., t W * /' fc" (.'«Hi ■ 'y ‘ jr> 1 "■ J * ' :W Tr'" , 1 I a VL f w t *• ?v V • -a QSBnik: " ,*> • y. ■ -- ^ ’ * i K n th the teg. It was quite, a 1 rainy dnv w hen went n|* so the j view ol the c ity was not the best, fo u i* ««». ,\ t'i tti.iM iM . the way Haverford College closed fo r'th e j VVc walked all the way down iu V f i c u i t K*>rft«. j w inter Vacation December 23, und order to* pee the numerous memor­ ? >^eo «vVfr; fVNMtw m « m » sim «. I reoptned January 6 . m aking a. va­ ial tablets placed in .the walls by cation o f about tw o weeks, Dur- the d ifferen t’ states, secret orders m Menaa < s « m autw at tk« r«M»ai» i log this time the college balls are and other societies. W e noticed a ! m a»eh*r»,cnin. ¡closed uod the students are turned very neat little tablet erected by ; . „ w . , out o f their own rooms. Most of Oregon-. F R ID A Y , M A R C H 6, 1903. One evening as we were w alking j th e students spend the holidays at down one o f the drives in T h ei home, but for s:m e this is impossi- A lady was asked tfce^difFerence- would have taken me al- Mall, I glanced Op at a gentleman between a man who dyed sheep and mo, t , be entire v a a u i6 a to mafce passing on horseback and th o u g h t, an editor. She answered: "O ne it the trip home and back again. I recognized President Roosevelt. a lamb-dyer, and the other— is ju st T h is surm ise was confirmed by the If. there had been nothing to an editor.” armed orderly who rode a few occupy my attention I should have ....... ».■ ■ .i.namri— •-■ •••• been very lonesome, I suppose, hut yards Iwhirid. W e walked on dOWn • A noted medical authority makes tortu h itely there were many things the street and a fe w minutes later the sage remark that a great mis­ to b« seen. W alter H adley cam e they passed us again. The Presi­ take is made by the man who re­ down from Y ale add spent the en­ dent looks very much like bfe pic­ turns to work too soon after .an tire vacation with me. W e put in tures, hat is perhaps a trifle stonier j attack o f grip. A s much had been one wVek in Philadelphia very than I had pictured him. T h is was suspected before. pleasantly, - and saw most o f the the only time we saw him * Qq the last day o f our visit we went with j Smokeless powder is all right. I*0*“ * ~ o f * ienlific and hli8toric* 1 Hon. Thos. H . Tong ne to th e : and so are horseless « m a g e s an d!*” 1' " 8*; J hen we WC,U ,K>at W hite House, hut the President j other things, hot it i , suggested d° Wn th* n v " ’ *hrou* * was out and was not expected j th at i f some one would in^ t ^ canal to jh e Chesapeake bay.and back until evening. H owever, we smokeless cigarettes he would give 11 ‘ o Balt,m ore. A n hour s ride on th tftra in landed us in the looked over the building; saw the the p u b lica lo«kg felt w ant. nation’s capital. \ W hen we had East room, the Red room and the arranged for lodgings we went dì- ■ Blue room. Mr. T ongqe pointed- Tbe-follaw ing is on the rounds of rectly to the capitol. U rfcrîr.uste- ont au, old oe?t© who is said to the press: It is said that a matt w h o ! ... ' . _ - ~ . , ilv we did not get lo see congress have been in the W hite House squeezes a dollar never squeezes hi« .... >. ■ r_ , , _- . i in session as it did not convene On- since Buchanan's administration. w ife. Iu lookir-y over our a c c o u n t * ! - , , - , r ......... \ 't il M onday, January ^ but — w e W e also saw Sec. Cortelyou, sen- pf note that some awfni good wen t over the entire building. T h e ators Foraker and Spooner aud romen are not getting the pres- desks o f O regon's senators and I other prominent men. Mr. Ton- sure they, ¿«serve; congressmen w ere pointed out to gue was very kiud to us; I don’t “ A ll men u p " rather than "Som e us by the guide. In the H all of thing I w as ever better treated by men down’ ’ bids fair to be- heard Fame we saw the statute o f Col. anyone. This was ju st eight days before his death. I could not be­ later as a campaign cry, and it is a Baker which was placed there by lieve the report o f his death when Oregou, as her representative son. good one. t It w as used by P resi-1 The President’s room, reception^ it first came. dent Roosevelt in a letter to th e. T o me the most interesting place editor o f the A tlanta Constitution. rooms’ aud exteD‘ ivc kaila' ad6rn- explaining his federal appointments ed wit^ f i n c ^ t i o g s and w o r M in the vicinity ot W ashington is Mount Vernon. It may be reached in the South whereby some colored art, were very interesting. T h e canopy which forms the ceiling o f 1 either bv boat or by trolley. W e men are ih office. « tbe rotunda is certainly a master- took the trolley.shice it w as more ? Ih declining decidedly to make the P,ece- In the center is represented convenient. Out across the "O ld race lor the congressional nomma . H Washington w ith Freedom and I L o n g ” bridge we went, past Brad- tion, Mr. G eer again gives evidence Victory on either side and around dock’s and Arlington H eig h ts and that he does not wish to be consid­ the^e is a circle o f thirteen figures through Alexandria w here w e saw- ered a ‘ ‘miscellaneous’ ’ candidate. emblematic o f the thirteen original Old^Chrisi’s Church in which the He has gone to Missouri to enlist states. Arqund the outer edge i s j original pews of W ashington and the legislature o f that state in sap- a series of - groupfe, representing - the | L ee are preserved. T h e location port o f the I ,»«■ », and C lark fair, , progress o f 7 the union, and the o f Mdunt Vernon is certainly ideal. f r i t a t W j t a u ù h A ^ H iti. í fcJ n ! É « i i i |F ^ '- . J - ü L - J L - e» N | A f r i p t o Vtii«hliijfliifl l). ;■ .jiRw»;, _ ____ » MHIW« torllir* m|>hic) * & ymm to stll things At the fittte ftt «f* RIGHT PRICES. OUR SHOE ST O C K that C ou nt- W hen I clean your watch I do not pass tbe little things. If the hairspring needs a little attention, or tbe balance wheel tiSeing, o r if any o f the many.places-ueedadl adjusting to take np the wear. I d o it 1 as a part o f tbe cleaning work. has b e a i greatly increased by the receipt of 25 cases of new stock. G P . F O R D ’S S H O E S F O R ARE GOOD W EARERS A N D S' O ur D ry Goods w ifll be in soon and w ill comprise some very nobby things in W aistings for spring and summer. A lso some nice law ns for summer dresses which w ill be sold right. v v . J out olor- O p tician. 840 2 0 p e t ce n t Fine line of Skirts at a discount of ’J A R ^ S to n n îl/instow , pairs Ladies and Children's >3 3 Shoes broken lots at a discount f ^ O O D O X Ï E t a ] RQh 509 b Sm all lot of Gent's Underw ear at a discount of ■ P H ». /*%.,.f 9 * /> S H O E S G IV E N A W A Y . A One ppir of given away out of each pairs sold. Names of lAose who have received Shoes Free: C P Kruger; M. J. Joues, Geo. Salee, Lewis Jones, - • D ick Everest, Boz Blum, Miss Casteel. MACKIE & DUNSTAN, — Agents for— FREE G O LD . p fc M. W AD E & 10 dollars in Gold given away for each 10 suits Men’s Clothing sold. OUR FREE D IS H E S A R E S T IL L Implements & F u ll > W G O IN G . H During this sale ali D iscount, goods must be sold for Gash. Respectfully, F *O fim ii Vehicles. of Field and Garden Seeds. N ext door to Parker & PooL DR. FRED (¡DILETTE B .F . TER R Yr WIU» Hr. J. K Lock« T O N S O R IflU A R T I S T . trd A M adison St P o r tla n d , Ore.] EVERT PATRON GIVEN SATISFAIT' i TION. BATH R00I IN CINNECTIOV. T, A H K I N . A' C O / S F U L L L IN E i X 'X X X m X M J i X X X l t ................. - ^ T T O R K S T -A T L A W M? it ' Elliott and L eavitt, % S I. ■ Chehalem V a l­ ley B an k. CLARENCE BUTT. ï ...................... leaving his cau stic critics at home Srowth of the y ° unS rePublic- A s y ° u stand at the top o f t he high Will practica I d til t i » m art, ni U m .tat« _____ Mteutlou fire u to probate work, the Spedai f th the e ! biufiT blu ff in in front front of of the the old old house, and to fight among themselves for polit -1 W e climbed, to the toP o <*'' I wrtituc of dee