Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 30, 1900, Image 3

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    Local Events.
Milch cow for sale.
C. F. M oon.
K . I*. D 1 x i . i i .
Notice Subscribers!!
All old subscribers o( tbe Graphic
who will come in betweeu now and the
first of the year and pay up back sub-
soriptioti may have the Graphic in the
future for one dollar a year if paid in
advance. Also any new subscriber may
likewise have the paper for oue dollar i
year, subscription H be paid in advance
Subscribers will bear in mind that old
subscriptions must be settled before they
can have advantage of the new rate.
Hadley's Racket store.
new goods.
Chuck full of
II. J. Littlefield.
It will save you money to buy shoes
Five room cottage for rent.
at the Fair Store.
at Spaulding Logging Co.’s oifice.
Office* in Chehulem Valley Bank Building,
Phone No.
Resilience north of Public School Building,
Phone No. 41.
the Free Methodist church.
W ill " g o " until she drops, and think
she's doing rather a fine thing. Very
often the future shows her that die was
laying the foundation for years o f
unhappiness. “When the back aches,
when there is irregularity or any other
womanly ill, then the first duty a woman
owes to herself is to find a cure for her
The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre­
scription in cases of womanly disease
will insure a prompt restoration to sound
health. It regulates the periods, stops
unhealthy drains, heals inflammation
and ulceration, and cures female weak­
ness. It makes weak women strong,
sick women well.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free of charge. All
correspondence absolutely private and
confidential. In liis thirty years and
over of medical practice I>r. Pierce, as­
sisted by his staff of nearly a score of
physicians, has treated aud cured more
than half a million women. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Peter Christenson, of South Dakota,
nnd Nels, of Wisconsin have returned
to their respective homes after a very
pleasant and satisfactory visit here with
their brother H. L. Christenson and
Graphic books and take advantage of
our offer of one dollar for the paper the
coming year. You cant afford to miss
this opportunity.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoover, recently
fiom the scene of the trouble in China,
are expected to arrive here this week.
They will visit with Mr. Hoovers sister,
Mrs. Van Leavitt.
H. L. Heath returned from a short
trip to the Blue River mines on Monday
I t don't pay to let your subscription afternoon, making the return journey on
to the Graphic he delinquent, now does horseback. He encountered a severe
it? Then settle up quick and renew for snowstorm for two days.—Telephone-
a year at one dollar. This offer holds Itegister.
good until January 1, but as soon as
S. Howorth received the sad news
you pay up you get the advantage of the last week of the death of his uncle, Ja­
new rate.
cob Farrow, of Lumb, England.
f b ix - • o f big Japan persimmons on death
occurred on October 23d. A lit­
display at Charley Wilsons grocery tle over a year ago, Mr. Farrow visited
has caused a good many questions to be Mr. Howorth and was hero severul
asked by customers.
They have very weeks.—Telephone-Register.
little leserablance to the old North Car­
There were a couple of surprises in
olina persimmon and consequently a mercantile circles the first of the week.
colored brother or a “ possum” would C. H. Fleming, who has been with R.
hardly take them for the real thing.
Jacobson A Co. several years, took a
Jo Bowman arrived home from Doug­
las, Alaska, on Monday evening where
lie has been for the past two years work­
ing in the big Treadwell mines.
says they frose him out and he conclud­
ed to come back and winter in Oregon.
Tho Newberg people who are in Douglas
are well and getting on nicely. Jo is in
good health and looks as though the
north country and hard work had agreed
with him.
Work having been practically sus­
pended at the brick factory for the win­
ter. Dr. Aaron Mills, one of the burn­
ers, lias moved to his farm above Dun­
dee where lie will spend the winter
pruning bis orchard and chasing the
hens for high priced eggs.
Dock came
into town at an early hour Monday
morning with the mark of red hill soil
on bis shoes.
clerkship with the McMinnville Grange
& Farmers Co., and he was succeeded at
Jacobson’s by P. M. Flynn, who some
time ago severed his former mercantile
relations on account of ill health.— Re­
Asa Pim and daughter, o f Ohio, arriv­
ed here Saturday night and are visiting
oat north of town witli their cousin N,
G. Kirk and family. Mr. Pim was
clerk of Ohio Yearly meeting of Friends
church for years and is now out here in
search of health. And as to (he daughter
—well its not health exactly that brings
her to Oregsn, and we will explain
more fully next week.
coach. A number of people were at the
station and saw the accident aud the in­
jured man was taken at once to the
Pasadena hospital. Dr. F. F. Rowland
was called, and he, together with Drs.
Sherk, Lockwood and Bolton, finding
immediate amputation imperative, sev­
ered the member about four indies a-
bove the ankle. Reece suffered no fur­
ther injury except a slight bruise over
his right eye. He retained conscious­
ness and suffered but little from the
effects of the shock. He will bo kept
at tbe hospital until the wound heals so
far that he may be sent to his home in
Mr. Reece came to Pasadena this
morning for the purpose ot meeting his
mother, who wag expected to arrive from
the East on the overland. He boarded
the first section of the train when it
catne in, went through it, but failed to
find her. As he came to the rear end
the train started on, and, finding the
rear door locked, he went to the forward
end of the coach to get off. A t this
time the train was moving rapidly, and
as lie swung off, instead of letting go the
handrail he held to it and was jerked
under the train, when his foot was
caught instantly by the rear wheels.
The crippled man is 52 years of ago
and is a carpenter by trade. He is a
widower and has three children.
Dr. Rowland sent a message to Reeco’s
people in Covina informing them of the
accident, and late last evening the moth­
er for whom he was looking, and h is
sister came to the hospital. Ilia mother
had lelt the train at a station near home
instead of coming on to Pasadena.
N ew b e rg . Orego n.
T o (lie Deaf.
A rich lady cured of her Deafness and
Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson’s
Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to
his Instituto, so that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums may have
them fiee.
Address No. 10013.
Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue
New York, U. 8. A.
I>. P. Trice.
Cal l fur City W a r r a n t « .
nd $1.00. Fviry bottle guaranteed. '
A New and Complete Line of Fall Millinery.
IF 1. X j . B E L L ,
(Successor to Mrs. Lena J. Heller.)
284 Grand Avo. or Hawthorne Ave., Heiler
BMg., Portland. Oregon. Take Oregon City
or Woodstock car.
— — fsSBH------ -
W ill sell cheaper than any oue in the County.
Goods for old.
Goods sold on Weekly or Monthly Payments.
W ill exchange New
Dr, Wm, Ellis Liniment
Carriage and Wagon Builders.
Repairing, Painting and Trimming
Cures C a n c e r if a p p lie d In t h e i r e a r l y
Promptly Doue.
S t a g e s ,
-------- It Cures---------
Horseshoeing and General Black- C a n c e r W a r t s , T u m o rs In the F le sh o f M a n a n d H east, C orn s,
B u n io n s, S p ra in s a u d B ru ises, nnd Is an E x c e lle n t L in im e n t
fo r B h eiim allK in , N e u r a lg ia , P le u ris y a n d a ll P a in s nnd
A c h e s o f the B o d y .
I t also c u res F istu la In H o rses a n d re­
m oves E n la rg e m e n t on the B on e.
This ¡liniment was thoroughly tested by Dr. Wm. Ellis during thlrty-flvo years practice of
medicine, ami in casos of 'rumors, Cancer Warts, and all unnatural growths on Man
or Beast it has almost invariably taken tho plaee of the Surgeon’s Knife.
D r u g s & M e d ic in e s, B o o k s &
B ook lets, F in e & F a n c y S tatiim -
cry, School H ooks & Supplies. T r y u b o ttle o f this L in im e n t a n d i f you tb tn k it not w o rth th e
p rice p aid , re tu rn th e bottle a n d g e t y o u r money.
N e w e s t P a t - For sale at the Drug Stores in New berg. When wanted by mail address,
E. A . E L L I S , N e w b e r g . O re g o n .
tern s a n d Styles.
Camera and Kodaks
with all Supplies.
A. MORRIS, Pres.
A. R. AI1IJ.S. Vlce-Pras.
. . . W INK A. BLINK . . .
W ill you wink and blink your life and ner­
vous energy away, rathor than wear glasses?
Will you force your eyes to overwork, neglect
them when they cry for help, abuse them year
after year, until at middle life you are com­
pelled to seek aid, perhaps to find your vision
Impaired beyond entire repair?
Is not large so
wo must keep it
N e w b e r g , O r.
at the proper time will save you a world pf
trouble aim preserve your vision for old ago,
when you begin to rely more and more on
printed book anil newspaper for companion­
ship. Consultation and Eyes Tested Free.
To (lo that we handle
1 block E. Postofflco.
Jeweler a Optician.
Y E A R LY to Christian
man or woman to look
and sell at
Transacts a general banking
after our growing bnslnen
In tills and adjoining counties, to act aa
Manager and Correspondent; work can
be done nt your home.
Enclose self*
Foreign Exchange bought and GIVE US A C A LL and wo will endeavor addressed, stamped envelope for partic­
to have you take home a pleasant remem­
brance of your visit even though you take
ager, Corcoran
home none of our goods.
United States Treasury, Washington,
W in s lo w B r o s , .Jeweler*.
L>. O.
Careful attention given Collections.
900 .
Represents the most advanced ideas in garment-making.
It U the careful
embodiment o f all the best that thirty-five years’ experience can bring to the door
o f the thoughtful, practical merchant tailor.
Stands for all that is most desirable in leatonahle fabrics — in w eave, in
texture and in original conception — culled from the exclusive creationa o f the
most expert dress cloth designers o f the tw o hemispheres.
M u tt
“ ready-made”
this: In R oyal T ailo rin g each and every auit and individual garment it made to the
specific measurements o f the individual buyer.
A lw a y s so — never otherwise.
“ For two years all effort» to cure Ec­
zema in the palms of my hands failed,” {
writes Editor II. N. J«c*ter, of .Syracuse
Kuu.' "then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen’a Arnica halve.” ft» the
world's best for Eruption’», sores and
all skin diseases. Only 2je. at C. F.
Moore A Co’s.
There is money in the city treasury to
pay all outstanding warrants up to No.
Judge Bird and Assessor Yocmn at­
170 in 1900.
Present the same for pay­
tended the convention o f jinlgos and as- .
from Little Nastneca the first of the
The teachers have been very consider-
acssors in Portland
Tuesday and
week where they have been operating ate of the students the last few days, so Dated Newberg, Ore., Nov. 30th, 1900.
Wednesday —Tele phone-Register.
S. M . C a l k i n s ,
their salmon fishery at Stella Falls that we will all have something to be
City Treasurer.
M illions O lvrn A sray.
The fishing season has closed and they thankful for.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
are now out for the winter. The run of
President McGrow has livened op the
To remove a troublesome corn or to know of one concern which is not
salmon was rather light but they sold office, with a number of pictures of not-
to tuen who hauled oat to the valley ed literary men and women, and it is bunion: First soak the corn or bullion afraid to be generous. The proprietors
and sold out at retail, and did fairly well. quite a relief to look upon the once bare in warm water lo soiten it, then pare it o f Dr. King's New Discovery for U o ii -
They found tbe roads in the mountains walls, and see them ro beautifully down as dourly as possible without Mimptior, Coughs s> d Odds, have giv­
drawing blond and apply Chamberlain's en away over t- n million trial Imttleg
rather heavy though they say they are adorned.
Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor­ and have the satisfaction o f knowirg
much better through the Indian reser­
Football is the all absorbing topic of ously for five minutes at each applica­ it has cured thousand* of hopeless
vation since this has been made a pub­
lic road and worked by the county. On j the day. The college team is to piny the tion. A corn piaster should lie worn ca*»**. Astlinsa, Bronchitis, La Grippe
thia road they have had only an Inch j McMinnville boys on Tharkigiving day; for a few days, to protect it from the ni»<l j ill Throat, f'l.est nnd L u -g di-
ato surely e'.ired by it
Call on
o( snow while on the North Yamhill : and they are practicing hard in order shoe. As a general liniment for sprains,
road the snow is two feet deep Henry that Pacific College may maintain the bruises, iamsness and rheumatism. Pain C. V. Moore and Co., Druggist, and get
fre-- trlsl l . ttlc
R - f l l ' a r »iff* 60 c
will winter with his family ao T-J34 t l i i high standard in athletics that she ha« Balm is imrq iab-d. For ¿ale by C. F.
Moore A Co. druggist.
river in Marion county.
Furniture Store
O. L. Price
(C. V. Bank Bldg.)
All legal work promptly and carefully attended
to. Collections given our immediate at­
G reat Luck n t an K d lto r.
I want to lease 20 to 80 acres of clear­
ed land for the term of 7 years, witli an
option to buy on or before the expira­
tion of lease— land to be not over two
miles from Newberg.
\V. B. S im s .
I f you want to buy, either a large or small farm, you can save both
time and money by calling on us.
I f we haven’t what you
want we will take pleasure in assisting you in procuring prop­
erty to your satisfaction.
I f a non-resident and wish to ob­
tain information about Real Estate or the country in general,
or Newberg (tue town of schools aud churches) in particular,
write us.
Newberr, Oregon.
In Little Nestucca precinct in Tilla­
mook county ttie socialists outnumber
the democrats. They came up to the j
' ¡Kills «¡111 a solid 17 votes for the Debs
ticket. The republicans iiad 26 voles, |
N o tic e .
I lie democrats 10 and the prohibitionists
All those knowing themselves indebt­ 5. This must be llial famous social col
ed to me will please call and settle by ony we have heard so much about, as cs- 1
cash or note, as my books must bo tablislied in Tillamook county.—Report-
I er.
W. C. K iicork .
W anted.
Newberg, Ore.
Knight Olds is marketing a big lot of
potatoes at. 60c, per 100 pounds. Mr.
Our pupils have done nobly in bring­ Olds is one of those successful farmers
ing in vegetables aud fruits lor the Boy's who generally have some product or
Miss Mabel Edwards very pleasantly and G irl’s Aid Society. They present a other to sell at any time of the year.—
entertained about a dozen of tier friends nice appearance piled in the rooms. Reporter.
at her home Saturday evening. The Besides the supplies there has been
T h a t T lir o b b in g llrn fla ch e.
evening was supposed to furnisli a les- i handed in $4,85.
Would quickly leave you, if you used j
son in modesty, the use of the persoual
Itisprobable that thè echolara tvitii
Dr. K in g ’s New Life Fills. Thousands >
pronoun “ I ” being forbidden, but j
thè aid of thè teachers, w ili give an ! . .,.
of sutterera bave proved their mutch-j
human nature proved too strong for any
entertainment for thè benefit ol thè li­
less merit for Sick and Nervous Head- I
satisfactory results. Unique games were
brary. If we try, you may look for it
aches. They make pure blood and I
indulged in and the evening was a very
to be a success.
build up your health. Only 25 cents. |
pleasant one to all concerned.
Pome of our seboiars have been out Money back If not cured. ¡Sold by C.
; N c christonson and Andy Johnson I . . , ...
. . .
doin(? some pretty close figur- of *c! '00} v lt l' ”° Te Croats, ai a natural F. Moore & Co. Druggist.
The college football team has been re-' with this proposition Mr. Christenson
cenving some good practice through made a partial canvass of the town to
the organization of the town team, and see what could be done in the way of
has been much strengthened thereby, running an electric light plant with the
On last Friday evening the teams play-1 mill engine. He met with considerable
cd a practice game which, to the sur-, encouragement but did not follow it up
prise of many, resulted in a victory for closely enough to determiue just what
the college boys with a score of 5 0. On could be done in the way of securing
Monday evening however, another game subscribers. It is generally conceded
was played and the score reversed.'that it will require about two hundred
These games will doubtless strengthen lights to make a plant pay.
the college team for the work against ,
McMinnville college for which the boys
From it,« Coil»*«,
realize they need all the help they can | Interesting remarks were heard on
jTuesday morning from visitors to the
Henry and Arthur Austin came out j t0 the QuarterlySMeeting.
J. M. W R IG H T , Sec. and MaMgVT.
Choice Farm and City Property.
Collect Rents and Look After Estates.
Investments Made for Non-Residents.
Insurance Written iu Select Companies.
P u b l i c School Notes.
Mrs. F. A. Elliott received a letter
from her sister, Mrs. A. T. H ill a few
days ago written from Carthage, Indiana,
where she is visiting with her father,
Iter. James P. Price formerly pastor of
the Friends church in Newberg. She
arrived at the home of her father un-
announced, as she had not writteu she ¡n8 |ateiy on a proposition to put up a rC9ult 0,' r llUI« aP«11 of-eold
was going, and the surprise was genu- fir8t-elass grist mill of a hundred barrel ” e U
118 Wee
F or Naie.
ine as welj as complete and very pi*»*- , Jay (i p u i t v on the railroad, but for
ant. She will remain for some time ‘ (j,e present they have decided to let the
’three young heifers.
anil A. V. w ill probably follow her for matter rest until some other business
C. N . M ackkv .
a short visit after the holidays.
matters can be adjusted. In connection
E. K. S H A W , Vice Pres.
: O ffice — Second Floor
! Bank of Newberg Building.
villago blacksmith at Grahamsville,
Sullivan Co., N. Y.,eays; “ Our little son
five years old, has always-been subject
to croup, and so bad have tho attacks
been that we have feared many times
that lie would die. We have had the
doctor and used many medicines, but
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is now
our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve
the tough mucus and by giving frequent
doses when tho croupy symtoms appear
we have found that tho dreaded oroup
is cured before it gets settled.” There
i3 no danger in giving this remedy lor
it contaius no opium or other injurious
drug and may be given ascoufidenlly to
a babe as to an adult. For sale by C.
F. Moore & Co. druggist.
Ad Skylcs tvns up from Astoria dur­
ing last week, and wu understand that
he made the preliminary arrangements
for operating a creamery at this place,
next Spring. Mr. Skyles should bo giv­
en nil possible encouragement and sup­
port in this undertaking as its success­
ful operation will be the means of bring
ing large and profitable financial returns
to this community.—North Yamhill
ttornkv - at - law .
i Will practice in all the courts of the state
; Special attention given to probate work, the
j writing of deeds, mortgages, contracts aud the
j drafting of all legal papers.
Clothes, Clothes for boys 12 to 16
I. E. Holt and family arrived here
Holiday goods arriving every few days
from Oaksdale, Washington, Tuesday years, for $3,75 a suit at
at Hadley’s Racket.
\\. H. M o rh is ’ .
Hilas Comers moved to their new
L ost — A black and tan hound pup six
Money loaned on approved security
home on Third etreet Tuesday.
at the Chehalein Valley Bank.
Easy months old. Any one givin g inform a­
Pay in advance and get the Graphio
tion of the same will be rewarded by the
for one dollar for the new year.
owner. 13
G kss L a C neb , Laurel, Or.
Charley Burrows came home from
Try a load of slab wood for $1.50.
Mrs. H. L. Christenson was saddened,
Seattle to eat thanksgiving turkey. He
The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.
a few days ago to hear that her fattier
will return on Monday.
William Wilkes was seriously ill at his,
Air-tight Heating Stoves made and re­
F or S a l e — O ne J. I . Case Triumph
home over in Tillamook county. He is
A. W u k e i . s k , Plumber.
Sulkey plow.
Beeu used but little. so well along in years that serious fears
Go toT. H. Cummings for paints and Cost $50 and will take $35. J. A . J ones .
for his recovery are entertained
oils. A full line of undertaking goods
Photographs cheap, b u t n ot cheap pho­
The pupils of Dundee public school
Kept in stock.
tographs— tw en ty-fo u r stamp pictures
" I will drop you s few lines to day to let you
will entertain the people with “ The
Isaiah Wren, an old friend of the B. for twenty five Cents at Smith’s photo
know (list I am feeling well now. ” writes Miss
Deestrict Fkule’ on the evening of D j - Auuic Stephens, of Belleville, Wood Co., West
F. Heveland family came in from Mor- gallery.
" f feel like s new woman. I took several
cember 7th. Admission 15cents. Child­ Vn
bottles of 1 Favorite Prescription ’ and o f the
row county last week and remained for
Discovery, I have no head­
Miss Grace Butler, fashionable dress­ ren 10 ceuts. The proceeds will be used i ' 1 Golden Medical Discovery.'
several days.
ache now, and no more pain in my side; no
maker. Cutting and fitting a specialty. for buying song bools for the school.
bearing-down pain any more. I think that there
Is no medicine like D t . Pierce’s medicine.”
The best of fresh and salt meats the Residence, cor. 3rd & River Streets
A cciden t to M iles Uecce.
Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical
market affords will be found at the New-
Newberg, Ore.
Mrs. Lon 8. Hill received word a few Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
bnrg Meat Market. The highest prices
Nate Stanley and Mr. Shaw went up days ago from Los Angelos, California, receipt of zi one-cent stamps to pay ex­
paid for butcher’s stock.
pense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V.
the river on a duck hunt last week and al­ that her father, Miles Reece was the Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y .
Farmers I want your eggs. I w ill though the weather was too fair for good victim of an accident which caused the
give cash for them.
Egg packers hunting they brought down fourteen loss of the right foot. The many friends
There is quite a smallpox scaro at
furnished free to those wishing them.
of Mr. Reece here will be pained on Gaston, there being some one down with
C. B. W il s o n .
Miss Hannah Nelson will do all kinds learning this news and the Graphic is it and many other citizens of tho place
If you pay up all back dues on sub­ of sewing neatly and quickly. All work sure he and his family will have the having been exposed before the nature
scription you get the Graphic for the guaranteed. Sewing by the day fifty sympathy of all who read this. The of the illness was known, strict quar­
new year for one dollar. Many of our cents.
Home, corner o f Fifth and Los Angelos Express of November 19 antine has been established, nnd it is
says of the accident: Miles Reece oi sincerely hoped that no serious epidemic
friends ought to take advantage of this Meridian Streets.
Covina, while attempting to alight from will be experienced by tho citizens of
Prof. Edwin Morrison received a tele­ the Santa Fe overland traiu as it pulled
our neighboring town.—North Yatuhill
Ellis Hall, who has been working in gram a few days ago from Blooming- out of the station at 10 o ’clock Sunday
the mines near Baker City for about dale, Indiana, saying his father who is morning, missed his footing and fell in Record,
tout years, came home last week for a at an advanced ago was laying at tbe each a'manner that his right foot readied
A V il la ge U lar ks ml th Saved Il l s Little
visit. He looks for his brother Elmer point of death.
Son’« Life.
across the rail and was horriply crushed
down by Christmas.
Pay up all back subscriptions on the and mangled by the wheels of the rear
Mrs. II. H. Black, tho well known
J . D. Boatman who moved back from
Sherman county some three weeks ago
lias rented a place about four miles
northwest of town near the Cady farm
and isu Yamhill resident again.
II. A. Littlefield.
George Metcalf left for Salem to join
Oscar Cox of Portland, came ut> Sat­
his family, on Wednesday.
urday night and remained over until
Revival meetings are being held at Tuesday morning.
H. COOPER, President.
Fewberg, Ore.
Ernrnor W. Hall has been very sick
for several days, but is improving.
C. F. Moore <4.Co. sre getting in their
Leave orders at Wilson’s Grocery for new stock of holiday goods, the finest
line ever in Newberg.
expressing or light hauling.
To the Fair Store for bargains.
Dr. Clara Davidson and son are at
Leave your orders at the office of the
C. B. Wilson is still paying cash fcr Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. for slab Lebanon attending a family reuuion
and taking a thanksgiving holiday.
H . C. D ix o n .
- - DENTISTS - - N e w b e r g
Fresh vegetables at Wilson’s grocery.
Empty barrels for sa'.e by C. B. W il­
Holiday books and best new books at
Moore’s drug store.
• \
Furthermore, must not be classed with certain so-called tailoring. Which,
w hile ostensibly made to measure, is practically nothing m ore than ready-made
clothing — and the product 6 f the “ sweat-shop”
at that.
la made b y the T h e
R oyal T ailors, C h icago,
premises, by skilled journeymen tailor*.
o f the “ sweat-shop”
U . S. A . , on their o w n
It ia entirely free from the contaminations
ami is sold at lo w e r p r im
than can be obtained anyw here
else in the United States for stylish, serviceable, self-satisfying custom work.
5 0 0
S A M P L E «
Exclusive Resident Dealers in Royal Tailoring