Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 08, 1893, Image 4

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The Triumphant I’ a .sa ero f an Old E n rfn .
T h r o u g h N ew J * r »e jf.
N o acid
except that
from the
grape is used
in the Royal
Raking Powder,
Tlie R oyal
imparts that
d e
peculiar sweet­
ness, flavor and
delicacy noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit,
rolls, etc., which
e x p e r t pastry cooks
declare is unobtainable
by the use o f any other
lea ven in g agent.
A d m ir a t io n W e ll D is tr ib u te d .
Anti « f a c t i o n A f t e r F i v e Y e a r « .
A Broadway ear came bow ling
“ I n ever w*e n man rid© a bicycle
»lo n g towurd the jin. toflico one after­ without m entally raising m y liat to
noon recently when the slush and him,” said Luke ( Iror., who is at the
mud in the street were au inch or tw o Laclede. “ It looks so easy and seems
deep. A well known federal office­ to come to a limn so naturally that
holder stood on the down town cross­ when I was advised to ride to get rid
ing at Barclay street.
He had a o f dyspepsia J purchased a inachii.o
and had it sent home. E very even­
woman with him.
A s the ear approached ho put up ing fo r a month I tried to learn to
his hand authoritatively. Tho d river ride it, and theadvice I had tendered
motionod that ho would stop at the me from ueighhors on tlie other side
upper crossing, as the rules pro- o f tlie fence was sufficient to have
The governm ent official educated a man in almost any art or
stamped his foot and pointed to the science under the sun. But it failed
Spot where he stood as much as to to teach me how to ride the machine,
as did the salesman who lmd guar­
anteed that I could ride anywhere
“ You w ill stop right here.”
H e got fooled. The cur whizzed in a week. By the tim e I had cut
by and stopped on the corner where m y face twice and skinned tho hacks
the driver said it would. The fed­ o f m y hands and the fronts o f m y
eral officer waded through tho mud, shins, I gave it up and sold tho ma­
dragging the woman a fter him, and chine at half price to m y next door
entered the ear. The conductor gavo neighbor. Ho lmd about learned tho
tho signal, and tho yellow car went trick by watching m y failures, and
I his graceful riding is a constant re­
rolling on up town.
W hen lie had gone a block or two, proach to me. But I still affirm tlie
tho driver stopped his whistling, feat is not so easy as it looks."—St.
glanced cautiously back into the cur, Louis Globe Democrat.
and then said:
M iir v e lo im L o n d o n .
“ That man pluyed mo dirt when I
London is center—aye, soul—o f tho
g o t me nat’ralizashun papers five
years ago.
li e made m e w ait fu r British empire, and England without
him fur t’ree hours, and I never fo r­ the metropolis is “ H am let” minus tho
Prince o f Denmark.
g o t his face.”
The traveler who whirls into this
And then tho d river resumed his
whistling, which he kept up during vastest o f human hives, w ith its 0,000-
000 o f inhabitants, cannot ho any­
the entire trip.—N e w Y ork Herald.
thing hut a profoundly impressed
D ia m o n d * F o r K v e r y Man.
Londou contains one-eighth o f
"D o you know that when your Great Britain's jxipulation, lias a
shoes glisten w ith a polish they are larger daily delivery o f letters than
reully covered w ith diamonds :” asked all Scotland, a birth every four m in­
a shoemaker the other day o f one o f
utes, a death every six, and tho lord
his patrons. “ This is true,” he con­ mayor, “ prince o f parvenus,” holds
tinued, “ and I w ill show you why. passing sw ay over a greater uuinbor
Bonedust, which is the principal in­ o f his fe llo w mortals than tho king
gredient o f shoe! ducking, is almost
o f Holland.
pure carbon.
T lie diamond, you
Though this miniature world num­
know, is t he purest form o f carbon.
bers m ore Jews than Palestine, more
W h en this paste has been Bineared
Italians than Rome, m ore Germans
over your she: . tlie friction o f tho
than Hanover, it remains an Anglo-
polishing brush < i \ stnllizcs the black­
Saxon c ity .—S. P. Cadnian in Go-
in g and converts it into millions of
infinitesimally small diamonds, and
n c h in g llooni.
every man with a shine on his shoes
A man lias opened a woman's lunch­
m ay revel in tho knowledge that he
weurs a cluster o f diamonds on his ing room in Boston in one o f the
busiest sections on a novel plan, at
feet. " —Philadelphia lii ■« >rd.
least for this country. A large table
I n t e r i o r D in tr a ct Io n* .
in tho center o f the room is attract­
“ D' you liv e here? By Jove! 1 ively set out with a g o o d variety o f
should think that boiler factory op­ food suitable for a wholesome, palat­
posite must d rive you mod.”
able, inexiiensive luncheon. Coffee
“ N ot at all, m y boy. N ever hear and tea are provided, and com forta­
it. Got a baby inside there teeth ble chairs with a projecting arm
in g.” —Comic Cuts.
upon which to rest cup and plate
stand about. The customer selects
her luncheon, waiting upon licrsclf,
f t
pours her levera g e anil withdraw
ing to a chair cats it. A fterw ard she
pays what she considers a suitable
price, the matter lieing left to her
sense o f honor. N ew Y ork Times.
I had been troubled five months
w ith Dyspepsia.
I had a fullness
after eating, and a heavy load in the
pit of my stomach. Sometimes a
deathly sickness would overtake
inc. I was working for Thomas
M cHenry,Druggist, Allegheny City,
Pa., in whose employ I had been for
seven years. I used August Flower
for two weeks.
I was relieved ofall
I cau now eat things I
dared not touch liefore. I have
gained twenty pounds since my re­
covery. J. D. Cox, Allegheny, Pa.
The I
In the
s p p / ra
i 'orni
p f* n i
buy a coat II t
loi Cal
.. .
. »
wan-tnted wafer
rd. st stu ro. IT
t ridi' »« coat. a •
Brooklyn Hotel
201-21! Bush St., Son Francisco.
T h is f a v o r it e h o te l la m u te r th e m a n a g e m e n t
o f C H A U L E * M O N U iO M K K Y . a m t l* * * * » hh I If
n o t th e lic it K a m il) a m i B u sin ess M e n 's H o te l
In San K ram taro.
Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled!
F irst-cla ss s e r v ic e a m t th e h ig h e s t s ta n d a r d «»I
res|**ctn d itty g u a r a n tc « <1. O ur r< *>»«.« n o f b>
»urp<iß*f<i far tim in ' '* .in '
H oa rd am t
r o o m p e r d a y , $1 * ». $1 »•*. ft ; < a m i fJ.tiO. l*»a rd
am t ro o m p e r w e e k , I
to ll.
K rre r o a c h to a n d iro n t h o te l
. f k : d in h k iw
K K , L e a d in g Jett
«1 e r o f th e T*sclfl»
N o r th « e * t , k e e p « «
o f al
s k c k i c i s to c iR T Y
HAIM «KM o n h a n d
Beat g o o d » at lo w
e «t flau re* H *»lg v '
m a d e to o rd e r.
P. N. U. No. fiOÿ—H. F. N. U. No. 6fco
The first locomotive that ever drew
a railroad train in America, the John
Bull, left the Jersey C ity station o f
the Pennsylvania railroad at 10:10
Monday morning hound for Chicago.
Behind it w ere tw o passenger coaches
having on hoard a party o f guests.
The crew that handled the train
had been selected from the veterans
o f the service. It consisted o f W . T.
Bailey, who has been on tho road
lince 1859; “ G igtop” Brukeman Jonas
Hager, who was appointed in 1849;
Rear Brakeman Thomas Gallagher,
who first served in the same cajiuci-
ty in 1849; Fireman John W . San­
ford, who began his railroad career
in 1855, and Engineer A. E. Herbert,
w ho held tho same place on old John
Bull early in the fifties.
T lie engine John Bull was brought
to this country by Robert L. Stevens
in 1851, and in 1853 it began to run
regularly on the Camden anil A m ­
boy railroad. In the sixties tlie old
engine won side tracked at Borden-
town, N. J. It remained there un­
til placed on exhibition at the cen­
tennial exposition at Philadelphia,
after which it was returned to Bor-
j dentown, where it remained until
1883, when the Pennsylvania rail-
\ road company secured it anil gave it
! to the United States to lie placed on
exhibition in the National museum
at Washington.
One o f tlie passenger coaches was
used as a chicken coop by a farm er
near South Am boy, mid tho other
was found several years ago covered
with rubbish in a N ew Jersey lum­
ber yard.
T lie queer train was an object o f
interest to thousands o f people who
lined tho tracks from Jersey C ity to
Philadelphia. In every town it passed
through the houses w ere decorated
with hunting and flags, and nearly
every inhabitant was at tho station.
Thousands o f school children, to
whom a holiday was given in order
that th ey m ight see tho train, w ere
massed along the trucks in the d if­
ferent towns on the route, anil tho
cheers o f the shrill young voices
could be plainly heard above tho rum­
ble o f the train.
A t Princeton about 300 students
took possession o f tho train fo r about
15 minutes, m aking tho old cars ring
with their college cry. W hen the
train was released by them, they
covered tho track so thickly with
money to bo mashed by the wheels
fo r souvenirs that tho engine could
hardly m ove tho train over it. This
was kept up by the people all along
the line.
From Jersey C ity to Trenton, tho
entire w idth o f tho state, the train
ran m ore or less on coins. These
coins ranged from pennies to $2.50
and $5 gold pieces. A t Trenton tho
rails w ere covered w itli all sorts
o f coins fo r a distance o f nearly 300
yards. As the train ran slowly
along a crowd o f men and hoys fol
lowed it on a run, and reaped a good
harvest by snatching up the more
valuable coins before their owners
could reach them. Three young
Princeton students, w ho had three
pretty maidens with them, only suc­
ceeded in finding tw o out o f the six
$5 gold pieces they hail carefully laid
on tho rail near their feet. In half
an hour battered pennies, nickels
und 10-cent pieces w ere selling on
tlie streets o f Trenton at from 50
cents to $1 each.
O w ing to various delays it was 6 :55
p. m. when the train entered the
Broad street station in Philadelphia,
1 hour anil 15 minutes liehind the
schedule time.
The coming o f John Bull and tho
tw o antique green cal's which had at­
tracted so much attention on tho
route had lieen announced in the
evening papers, and by the time the
train arrived in the station there
were 10,000 men, women ami chil­
dren struggling to stv it.
The entire time occupied by the
run from Jersey City to Philadelphia
was 7 hours and 35 minutes—N ew
York Sun.
Ktranee n .t r 'lr e ,«ln g ( uiti.mii Anions the
T r ib e s o f C e n tra l A fr ic a .
During the hot hours of midday,
when all active labor is suspended in
tlie village, the natives, urged by
vanity and national pride, devote a
great deal o f tim e to tho arrange­
ment o f their odd hut elaborate toi­
lets. Hairdressing is one o f the prin­
cipal obligations and constitutes one
o f tlie numerous domestic duties al­
lotted to the " f a i r " sex. On a reed
mat spread out in some shady corner
tlie wom an sits down, anil the man
upon whom the operation is to lie
perform ed reclines at full length,
resting his head in her lap.
She begins at once to unplait his
hair uml soon has it all raveled, and
then, w ith a coarse wooden instru­
ment resembling the head o f a
child's toy rake, blie combs it thor­
ou gh ly until it is clear o f all entan­
glem ents null statids out all over the
head in a thick, bushy mass six or
seven inches deep. It is now gener­
ously greased w ith oil from the palm
nut. The woman then parts it off
into sections, and very soon tho
coarse hunch o f hair, cleverly m a­
nipulated by her nimble fingers, is
w oven down closely to the head.
Th ey display a great ileal o f ingenu­
ity in form in g a variety o f designs.
Sometimes a series Of little plaited
strands, like rat tails, hang in a frin ge
all around tho head. Often solid
plaits o f hair aliout the size o f a
goat's horn are made to stand out
from the head in different styles.
T w o o f these w ill appear sprouting
from tho top o f tho head, or one w ill
drop over tlie forehead and lie along
the nose. A very popular fashion is
to have a roll o f hair along each side
o f tho head, ending in tw o solid
plaits, which curl over each cheek
like sheep’s horns. Both men and
women have tho hair treated in tho
same way.
Tho plaiting operation is also e x ­
tended to tho man’s heard. The mus­
tache is removed, and so aro the eye­
brows, w ith a razor, which is a small
cheese cutter blade with a long, slen­
der handle. This is used somewhat
as xvo hold a ] « n, and tho stubbly
hair is really chiseled o ff tho face, no
small amount o f it being dragged out
by the roots. Tribal custom compels
its rem oval, anil the A frican is so in­
sensible to pain that the means em ­
ployed do not inconvenience him in
the least. Often when undergoing
this treatment lie falls asleep and
never betrays ^ n y discom fort.—E. J.
G lave in Harper's Younjj People.
8 U I X U 1 X O
The "bright young man” must be set
down as being as full of resources as
much quoted sister, the "bright young
One of the former escorted one of the
latter the other evening to a theater.
He is a young law student with more
brains than money at tho present writ­
ing, and he frequently counts jiennies in
making an estimate of expenses, (in the
evening in question lie d.d so with such
scant margin that a call for a quarter
to pay for checking umbrellas more than
exhausted it.
A sly search of his pockets just before
they went up on the elevated station to
take the train home produced only one
5-cent piece. It would never do to pro­
claim his dilemma to his fair companion.
He could neither beg nor borrow the
other nickel at that time and place, and
for a moment ho was desperate.
Then, lie took a chance. As they were
about to pass the ticket window he let
the young woman precede him, and
when he reached his hand through, say­
ing, “ Two, please,” he left his solitary
coin and his pocketknife in front of tho
ticket seller. That functionary glanced
up quickly, took in the situation and
without an instant's hesitation passed
out the two hits of pasteboard.
Everybody was satisfied. The agent
h: * a good knife for a trifling sum, the
future barrister had escaped a mortifica­
tion, and the young woman remained
blissfully ignorant of the whole transac­
tion, as it was desirable she should.—
Her Point o f View in New York Times.
Of the diseases to w hich it is adapted w ith the
beat result«?, H o9tetter's Stomach B itter«, a fa m ­
ily m edicin e, com prehensive in its scope, hus
n ever been thrust upon public a ttention in the
guise o f a universal panacea for b o d ily ills, i
This claim , d a ilv arrogated in the colum ns o f :
the d a ily press by the proprietors o f m edicines
far in fe rio r to it us specifics, nas in a thousand |
instant es disgusted the public in advance by its
absurdity, and the prospects o f o th er rem edies
o f su perior q u alities have been handicapped by
the pretensions o f their w orthless pre 'ecessors.
But the A m erican people know , because they
h ave verified the fact by the most try in g tests,
that the B itters p o s s e s s th e virtu es o f a re a l
specific in cases o f m alarial und liv e r disorder. !
constipation, nervous, rheum atic, stomach and
kidn ey trouble. W hat it does it does thorou gh ­
ly, und m a in ly fo r this reason it is indorsed and
recom m en ded by hosts o f respectable m edical
N e w Y o r k V e r s u s C h ic a g o .
Sarsaparilla, a n d a m
m uch im p roved.
au a ll ru n dow n cou.
d itio n I h a v e been re-
stored to good health-
M r . G . W . T w is t .
F o rm erly I w eigh ed 1& j
pounds, n ow 176. H ood’s S arsaparilla has been '
i grea t b en efit to m e.”
G eorge W. T w ist 1
J o loira, W is.
N. B. Be sure to g e t H ood ’ s .
A funny outcropping of Chicago’» am­
bition i» the practice of the papers of al­
ways referring to this city as “ New York,
N. Y .” It just tickles a Chicago man to
pretend that no one would know which
New York was meant unless the abbre­
viation of tho state was given.—New
York Tribune.
Ouida has a dog cemetery at her home
near Florence in which aro buried all
her favorite “ barks,” of which there has
been a considerable number.
Jinks — A rd u p has a w on d erfu l m em ory.
B lin k s— H ow do you know ? Jin ks— He drew
an e x c e lle n t p ictu re o f a d o lla r th e oth er day.
H O W ’ S T H IS !
A llcock ’ s P orous P laster is com posed
o f p u rely vegetable in gred ien ts, and is a b ­
so lu te ly harm less. I t assists natu re in her
ow n efforts to heal and in vigorate, and im ­
parts stren gth to th e w hole system .
M an y prep aration s con tain stron g chem ­
ical and m ineral su b stan ces, w h ich pro­
duce an in ju rio u s effect not o n ly upon th e
sk in , bu t upon th e w hole system , a lth ou gh
at lirst th ey seem very beneficial on ac­
co u n t o f th eir pow erful a ctio n and tem po­
rary effect upon the surface.
W hen purchasing a plaster do n o t only
ask for A llcock ’ s , but make sure that you
g e t it.
B rand reth ’ s P il l s are purely vegetable.
T ea ch er H e w a lk ed w ith a lu m b erin g ga it.
W hat fife s that m ean ? B rig h t B oy—T h a t means
he w alked as if he was c a r r y in ’ a plank.
Use E n a m elin e Stove P o lish ; no dust, no sm ell.
t o n ic t h a t’s
B u t it ’s m o r e th a n th a t, too. I t ’s th e o n ly
g u a ra n te e d re m e d y f o r a ll th e fu n c tio n a l
distu rb an ces, p a in fu l disord ers, a n d ch ronic
w eaknesses o r w om a n h oo d .
In “ fe m a le
c o m p la in ts ” o f e v e r y k in d , p erio d ica l pains,
b e a rin g -d o w n sensations, in te rn a l in fla m m a ­
tio n , a n d k in d re d a ilm en ts, i f it e v e r fa ils
t o b e n e fit o r cu re, y o u h a v e y o u r m o n ey
S o m e th in g else th a t p a y s th e d e a le r b e tte r,
m a y be o ffe r e d as “ ju s t as g o o d .” P erh a p s
it is, f o r him , b u t i t ca n ’t be, f o r you.
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Hood’s 5 i">Cures
“ A fe w years ago m y
health fa iled me. A lte r
much persuasion I com ­
’ ■
m enced to take H ood’s
Hood’ S
P i l l s Cure all Liver Ills.
old en
Baking Ponder
Regulator nf tiie Liverand Kitintys
o u g h
—A S P E C IF IC F O R —
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
S h i lo b s
oocts., and
Salt Hheum, 1 NeuraMa
And Ail Other Blood and Skin Diseases.
SI.00per Bottle?
One cent a dose.
T h is G r e at C ouoh C urb promptly cures
where all others fuil. Coughs, Croup, ©ore
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough anti
Asthma. For Consumption it nns no rival:
has cured thousands, and will CURE YOU if
taken in time. Sold oy Druggists ou a guar­
antee. For a Lame Back or Ch^st. use
It Is a p o sitive cure fo r all those p a in fu l, d e li­
cate com plaints and co m plicated trou bles and
weaknesses com m on am ong our w ives, m others
am i daughters.
T h e effect is im m ediate and la stin g . T w o o r
th ree doses o f I> r . P ardee ’ s R emedy taken d a ily
keeps the blood cool, th e liv e r and kidn eys act­
iv e , and w ill e n tire ly eradicate from the system
all traces o f Scrofula, Salt R h eu m , o r any o th er
form o f blood disease.
N o m edicin e eve r in trod uced in this co u n try
has m et w ith such ready sale, n o r giv en >ucn
u niversal satistaction w h e n ev er used as that of
V V catarrh
jl o h
I D r . P ardee ' s R em edy .
.lave you Catarrh ? This remedy is guaran­
teed to cure you. Price, 50 eta. Injector free.
T h is rem edy has been used in th e hospitals
throu ghou t the o ld w orld fo r the past tw enty-
I fiv e years m k specific fo r the a b o r t diseases,
! and it has and w ill cure when a ll o th e r so-called
re m e d ie s fa il.
j Send fo r pam p hlet o f testim on ials from those
I v l
%t| T E C H T H E A T R I C I I S . ! w ho have been cu red by its use. D ruggists sell
E ve ry th in g in the above lin e. Costumes, W igs, ; it at $1.00 per bottle. T ry it and be co n vin ced .
Beards, Properties, Opera and Play Books, etc., | F o r sale by
fu rn ish ed at g rea tly reduced rates and in supe­
rio r q u a lity b y the oldest, largest, best renowned
and th e refo re only reliable Theatrical Supply
House on the Pacific Coast. Correspondence so­
licited . G o l d s t e in & Co., 26, 28 and 30 O’ Farrell 9 and II Front St., San Fran cisco.
street, also 800 M arket street, 8an Francisco. We
supply a ll Theaters on the Coast, to w hom we re­
sp e ctfu lly refer.
W hips and Leather.
& C O .,
Saddles, Collars,
Harness, per set,|7.00, |10.00, $12.00, $15.01; Elegant j Bladder, U rin a ry and L iv e r Diseases, D ropsy
Style, $20.00. $25.00. Had dies, rawhide covered trees. ; G ra vel and Diabetes are cu red by
$4.00, >8.00. $12.00. $15.00, $20.00 $25.00, $50.00, $40.00.
Plow Harness, $15.00 to $25 00. Team Harntss, $20.
$25.00, $30.00, all with the celeorated n o w a d Horse
Collars. The -‘Jim Corbett” Curt Harness, price
$12.00, Ket Breast Collars, is a “ knock out.” Brl
dies, Rohes Blankets, Bits, etc.
C flD D IP I f A l IIC Q In this line unequaled send
l U n D ill V ft L U C O a check or money order
with order to
4 1 0 M a r k e t S tr e e t,
Ban Francisco, California.
Cures B r ig h t’s Disease, R eten tion o r N on-re­
ten tion o f U rine, Pains in the Back, Loins o r
Cures In tem p era n ce, Nervou s Diseases, G en eral
D eb ility , Fem ale W eakness and Excesses.
In raising a fam ily of nine children, my only rem­
edy for Coughs, Colds and Croup waa onion syrup. It
1* just as efTectivo to-day as it was forty years ago. j Cures Biliousness, H eadach e, Jau ndice, Sour
Now my grandchildren take Dr. Ounn'i Onion Syrup
which is already prepared and more pleasant to the Stom ach, Dyspepsia, C on stipation and P iles.
taste. Sold everywhere. Large bottles 60 cent«.
Tako no substitute for iW There'* nothing « « good
Hercules Gas Enginu
(G A S O H G A 9 0 L I N K ) *
M a d e f o r P o w e r o r P u m p in g P u r p o « « »
The Cheapest Reliable Oaa Eugin«
on the Market.
Or E n gin e AfvO
P u m p .
I t f f 's • t O N C E on th e K i d n e y ? , I I v e r
! and B o w e l s , re -to rin g them to a h ea lth y ac­
tion, and C l 1 K H A » w h en a ll o th e r m edicin es
| fa il. H undreds h ave been saved w ho h ave been
giv en up to d ie by frien d s and ph ysician s.
S O l.l)
D K I U U I9 T S .
3 estintheWorld!|
Set the Senuine!
Sold Everywhere !1
I f .
l ’ c u r l C o l o r e d G la s * H e a d * .
Venice owes tlie accumulation o f
great wealth from a new industry to
one o f her natives named Joquin. It
was in the year 1051? that he observed
that tho scales o f a fish called the
bleakfish possessed the property o f
g ivin g a m ilk y hue to water. A fte r
experim enting with it. he discovered
that when beuds were dipiied into it
A ii E c o n o m ic a l T r ip .
and then dried they assumed the ap­
T w o girls who went to Europe by
pearance o f pearls. This covering,
themselves last year and saw sonic
however, was easily worn away, aud
thing o f Ireland, o f Wales, much of
successive experiments led to tho
the 1 leanty o f rural England, si>ent
manufacture o f hollow glass lieails,
P u r ity a n d
tw o wt cks in London, three ill Paris,
A DcNcription o f l ilp lin g .
all blown separately, then polished
went through to t lenoa, did some A l
L e a v e n i n<i P o w e r
One o f Ruilyanl Kipling's Brattle in revo lvin g cylinders ami finally
pine clim bing and saw the prettiest boro neighbors descrilies him, with
coated inside with tho pearly liquid,
Swiss towns, went to Germany, the fairness hut the frankness o f an
the latter being protected w ith wax.
down the Rhine, and to Brussels and indignant N ew England woman, in
This brunch o f industry is carried ou
Amsterdam, spent just $330, iuclud
these plain terms: "W h e n I read his in Venice to this .lay
T o Introduce our Pow der, w e h a v e de­
ing every expense. T h eir trip last scathing comment« upon our Am or
term ined to distribute among the consum­
A n E n g lis h D u k e D e c e iv e s a T ip .
er* a number c f C a s h P R I Z E © T o
im I three months anti included 60 ican ways and words, 1 always think
the person o rc lu b returning us th e largest
The English journals mention an
places. Th ey always went to a lie
number o f certifica te« on o r before June 1,
to myself, ‘That's pretty w ell fo r a amusing epilogue of a pilgrimage to
181*4, w o w ill g iv e a cash prize o f $100, and
tel, had all they wanted and saw young man whose personal habits
the next largest, numerous other prizes
Rome. Just after the last train which
ranging from #5 to f7 5 I N CASH .
everyth in g they desired. And yet are so very fa r from pleasing or tidy.’
brought the pilgrims Kick to London
ull tradition agrees that women are But in conversation ho does not o f had entered tho Victoria station nil old
extravagant. N ew York Sim.
fend in any such way as in print, lie Indy burdened with packages was with
(• In ** F.yr«.
T lie earliest notice o f artifical eyes want it. Really he is u genial and a middle aged man, simply dressed, ap­
proached and offered his services.
1 nni ucipiaintfd with occurs in a agreeable acquaintance, though at
Thinking she hail to do with one of
very rare work hv the French Mir
the employes, the good woman gave him
geon Ambrose Pare, entitled “ L.i fo r well, I think a tram p is about I her bundles, which the obliging man
Metlnsle Curative des Playes ot Fruc as high in the social scale us Mr. Kip carried to the end of the station and
o rd er y o u r
tures de la Teste 1 Illumine," Paris, ling's apiieurance would warrant one then, hailing a cab, placed the old lady
Y o u want
the only
1561. Pare gives a description and
and her impedimenta within, and giving
kin d we dea l in. Then
figures o f artificial eyes to tie worn
send you r o rd er for tht
the driver the address she had indicated, I
M e x i c a n F.mermlda.
in cases where the cyelmll has given
As the car- 1
IN K S to
Cortez obtained in Mexico five etn called to him to drive on.
way and all the humors have escap'd. orulds o f wonderful size and beauty riage was about to roll off the woman
F ’ D RY
P o r t l a n d , O b .
T h ey are to lie segments o f a hollow One was cut like a rose; another in placed a fee of twopence in the hand of
sphere, made o f geld, coated with the shape o f a horn; a third in that the man who had rendered her the serv­
enamel punted in natural colors o f a fish, with diamond eyes; a fourth ice.
He was simply tho Duke of Norfolk.
W ith the exception o f the gold, they like a lx>ll, with a pinirl fo r a clapper,
are exactly like the eves in use at tj o the fifth was a eup, with a foot of The duke pocketed the twopence, think­
present time, which are made wholly gold and four little ehaius, each end ing the adventure very original. More­
over. it was the first time in his life that
of glass
Notes and Queries.
§ / # • i T C H I N d P T L E S know n b v tno?«tnf*
is! with u large jiourl. He hail also he had ever earned any money by his H H A J W
ttk e p «r * p ir «tia n , oau*e in ten s« Retata©
11f l W im
whon w arn. This f'rm and BLIND.
tw o emerald vasi's worth 300,000 own labor.
N I if PB O l K U D I i r a n k M
lit* I * c k t d
crowns each. St. Louis Republic.
rtn T
“ Gentlem en,” saul un indignant
M o d e l c i t y t o t i e H n tlt.
Iff# /
w*v. h * c a d ir e c t'y on parts effected
passenger on a Third avenue car,
A "City of the Future,” such as R>1- I w v *
»».s o rt* tum or*. » I U t s :U ty n *.effecttn*
H e l p i n g it M » n A l o n g .
« r
'.an •••.• on re. Pr>-»e N V . P r o m e t s
lamy dreamed of. will be shown at the ( n / t l L Z C O O orut-4.*.
" w ill nuuo o f you get up and g iv e
Dr. toaaoko. Ftnlsdelplu«, Pw
Tram p— Beg your pardon, sir. i
World's fair of Paris, which is planned
this old lady a seat:" “ 111 thank
for the year 1900.
you. sir,"sn a p p 'd the lady, “ to in
Affable Party Oh. that's all right,
The inventions Nouvellos proposes a
tend to your own affairs. I am in t
certainly. Don't g iv e it another departure from the usual toy arrange- j [M R S. WINSLOW S S 0
» . old as you are by 80 years, if I at i
thought. W hen you stopp'd me, I incut of miniature nnxlel*. F.iffel towers, I - K a r « F s ie
by *11 l ' n i f f M » .
t r a t * • b attle.
any judge o f a p'rson's ago." Tim
didn't know hut you wanted a quar­ etc., and advocates the erection of a city ,
indignant pissenger got off at tin'
ter or something o f that sort, and on a site sufficiently large to illustrate
next station.—Texas Sittings.
you only wanted to I v g m y |>urdou! practically all the most promim rt new
Grunted freely I God hits» you, my inventions, as well as the fruits of mod- 1
T h e D ea th o f a lt«»trl K ee p er.
ern electro technique. Tlie cost of erect- ■
C o n s u m p tiv e * and people
Colonel Taft, tin* Boston Itoniface. man! Boaton Transcript
ing this future model city is to be cov­
who have weak lurigs o r A n ti­
died, as probably lie would ha\ .<
ni*, should use Piso’ s Cure fo r
V e r y S i m Ing.
ered by renting ont the houses, hotels, j
Consumption. It has c u re d
olloseil to die, o f iiullgi'stioli He W : s
O ld T o llivcr Look at young Work- etc., as well as all the stores to the ex- j
th o u sa n d *, ft has not injur­
the moat famous o f N ew Knglm l hard, sir
ed one. It is no*, bad to take
He sux'ixl his money at hibitors. At the close o f the exposition
it is the best cough syrup.
landlords, mid many a tine p iir t f college. What did you save, sir:
the entire site, with buildings, etc.. will
Sold everyw h ere t è e .
legs has grow n tremulous under tlie
c o n s u m p t io n .
Young T olliver (calmly hut im ­
doul tables at Point 81iirley. 8aa
quarter of ths city of Pans.—Philadel­
pressively!- 1 saved my braitia, sir.-
p h i a R e c o r d __________________________________ •
Frair^isco Argyuaut,
" “
MASQUERADES, parades ,
a m i is tired , w ill fin d a
specia l h elp in D o c to r
P ie r c e ’s F a v o r it o P r e ­
scrip tio n . P e r f e c t l y
h arm less in a n y co n d i­
tio n o f th e fe m a le sys­
tem . I t p ro m o te s a ll the
n a tu ra l fu n ction s, and
b u ild s up, strength en s,
re gu la te s, a n d
F o r w p m e n a p p roa ch ­
in g con fin em en t, nurs­
in g m oth ers, and e v e r y
w ea k , r u n - d o w n , d e li­
c a te w om a n , it is an in ­
v ig o r a t in g , su p p o rtin g
p e c u lia r ly a d a p ted t o th e ir
Printing Material and Machinery
T r y G e r m e a fo r b r e a k fa s t.
-A N D -
W e o ffer One H undred Dollars reward for any
case of catarrh that cannot be cured by H a ll’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. C H E N E Y
For sale at lowest prices and most advantageous
Toledo, O.
term s at
W e, the u ndersigned, have know n K. J. Che­
ney fo r the last fifteen years, and b elie ve him
per fee ly h on orable in a ll business transactions
and fin a n cia lly able to curry out a ny o bliga tion s
m ade by tn e ir firm.
W EST & T R U A X ,
W holesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
W A L D IN G , K IN N A N & M A R V IN ,
W holesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
H a ll's C atarrh Cure is
i taken in te rn a lly .a c tin g
d ire c tlv upon tlie blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Testim on ials sent free. Price, 75
W rite fo r prices aud terms before b u yin g else­
cents per b o ttle . Sold by a ll druggists.
P H E I’ A R IT IO N S .
O r g a n * L o s t b y D i* u * e .
It is a suggestive fact not always
sufficiently considered that “ as soon
as any organ or faculty falls into dis­
use it degenerates anil is finally lost
altogether.” Through nil the ages
that man has had tlio ix n vero f speech
this power has not been fixed in us
in any degree w hatever by heredity.
It is regarded as definitely proved
that if a child o f civilized parents
were brought up in a desert place and
allowed no communication whatever
with man it would, never m;*ke any
attem pt at speech.
Up to the last century it was not
uncommon to find persons livin g in
a w ild state in tlie woods anil forests
o f England, France, Germ any and
Russia, w ho w ere utterly incapable
o f sjieech, though they could make
si .mills in Imitation o f the cries of
w ild animals. Certain parasitic in­
sects have so com pletely degenerated
that they possess neither eyes, legs,
heads, mouths, stomachs nor intes­
tines.—Leisure Hour.
H id in g H o m e W ith o u t - o u e y .
F R A N K W O O L * * E T . A g e n t , P o r t l a n d . Or.
■ ary o r T
Syphilis permanently cured In 15 to3&days. You
price and the
F o r S im p li c i t y it B e a ts t h o W o r l d *
same g u a r a n t e e * ; with those who p refer to como
I t o i ls It s e lf f r o m » R e s e r v o i r ,
here w e w ill contract to euro them or refund money
and pay expense o f coming, railroad fa re and b< tel
N o C ' s r lm r e t o r to g e t on t o f or der .
bills. If we fail to cure. I f you havo taken m e r ­
N o B a t t e r ie s o r E l e c t r i c S p a r k
c u r y , Io d id e p o t a « h . and still havo aches and
It runs with a Cheaper Grade o f Gasoline than an; ^ I rains, M u r * u * r a t c h e * in mouth, h o r r T h r o a t ,
' 1 P im p le *.C opper-C o lo r e d N p o t«. I Ic e ra c n any
other JCngine.
part o f the bvdv. H a i r or fc jr e b r o s * » fa llin g
o * t , it Is this « v p h l l l t l c 111.04)1» 1 * 0 1 AO >
s k n d r o » C A T A ie e r * T o
that we g u a r a n t e e to cure. W e solicit the most
s t in a t e c a * e « and c h a lle n g e t h e w o r l d fo r
» A L M E R & REY, M anufacturer ? o n b cn
*e \% e c a n n o t c u re * This disease has always
b a ffle d th e s k ill o f th e m o a t e m in e n t phy*t-
ta Sjnsom» Street, San Praxis«, Cat
e la n *. © . » 0 0 .0 0 0 capital behind our uncondl-
i 11- naI guarantee. A b s o lu t e p r o o f * «•-»ntscaled on
I application
Address t o o R K F M F I » Y CO..
1 i «:.» to 1 3 3 1 M a s o n ic T e m p le , C h ic a g o , III.
F IIK T tA F d . n R lo n w
• W H E R E D I R T G A T H E R S , W A S T E R U L E S . ’*
Moore’s Revealed Remedy.
can state w ith pleasure that by
BU OkM O P. January 10. - I can
bv rhe
*he use
y hnttband
* w » . reitered rora an old o
RHETMATISM and my t o u ng*at boy cmred -------------
enürtly of LV71
1Y R
MAT IBM whan tka bast doctor I cou*4 get did him om good Y urs la gratltfld*
MR© If. V ffTXKL*
•O L D
D R O IM U V .