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About Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1943)
Friday, July 23, 1943 Page Three ABBOT ENGINEER Camp Telegraph Opens O ffering 24 -Hour Service I% m V H A R M O N HAD SCORED 33 TOUCHDOWNS M ichigan wearing no THEY d ec ided -TO r e t i r e th e n um ber / fo r Y@ UÜ 90 IL L -F A T E D ■ P • | i-V X 3 |\ \ \ -rue BOMBER FROM WHICH LT. TOM Sensational Negro Team to Play Camp Varsity Sunday "Lewisites" Battery Is Announced Punches Rhythm Greeting telegrams for de livery within the United States will not be accepted by the Carop Abbot Western Union office, hut its okay to send messages to fathers, husbands, sons and sweethearts with an APO ad dress, the telegraph office an nounced today. "This service is a new and very popular one,” said CpI. Har lan Weeks, "and it's known as an EFM (Expeditionary Fojce Message). The price is a flat one of sixty cents, plus tax, and all we need is the complete name, rank, serial number and AFO address of the person to whom the message is being sent.” The Western Union Office, lo cated in Bldg T-204, offers a twenty-four hour service to all camp personnel for transmitting both official and personal tele grams. Collect wires will not be accepted, however, unless iho sender deposits the price of the message, refund of which will be given him following delivery. Cpl. Weeks and Miss Anna- belle Powell are in charge of I he telegraph office, under the • u- pervision of Capt. C. Nelson, Camp Signal Officer. A crew of Negro fighting QM diamond stars from Ft. Lewis, ^ BEFORE IT CRASHED Wash., stationed in this area IN SOUTH AMERICA for the 4th Army maneuvers, — HE WANDERED will display their prowess next FOR MVS IN THE JUNGLE BEFORE HE Sunday at 1400 when they tangle m s FOUND H i A with the camp varsity nine on FRIEND,'.V NATIVE. the post hall field in rear of the U. S. Treasury Department obstacle course. The dusky sluggers have a iim im iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii number of outstanding semi-pro and professional players and SPORTS QUIZ will provide the Engineers with D’ja ever hear of the Empire plenty ot fireworks. Managed by Oidtimers claim that we shall never see the equal of the ath State building in New York Lt. Earl O. Fusselman, com letes who performed in grand City? Sure, it’s tall—statistics pany “ A ” commander of the pa’s day. True enough, perhaps, claim its 102 stories tower 1250 563rd Q. M. Serv. Bn. the Lewis IT ’S IN THE BAG Beating out but the fact remains that few ot ites’ battery consists of Pvt. a lively melody in leather with this generation remember the feet in the sky. Joans Gaines, sensational south his toughened milts, Sgt. Roy Well, in order to make his L. Rider, athletic director of the big names of long ago. How are you on history? Camp News weekly news report to the o ffi paw twirler and Pvt. Jimmy Post Special Service office is en thusiastic over the recent arrival paper Service experts provide cial camp newspaper, T/4 H. E. Ligon on the receiving end. While at Ft. Lewis, Gaines of 14 punching hags in camp. the queries and solutions. Ml“ s will p’ -iy llie Medics next Purcell, ranking non-com in the J. Who were the participants pitched two games for the var Soon each battalion will have a in the longest fight in ring lus camp postal service, spun such sity nine, winning one and drop bag to condition combat Engin Thursday at 1800. eers. Rider rigged up the appara Camp Abbot’s "guardian an an interesting yarn that even I pry? ping the second. Pvt. James1 tus for a hag in the SCI' 1973 gels”— the highly-blitzed M P's Sullivan and Killrane ( ITun- the most astute editor would call area. (ENGINEER Photo by , Davis, also a lefthander, a re have a fast playing softball team fnd Hones ( ) Louis and Schmel- it a scoop. serve tosser used to play pro Hahn.) ing. that seeks action anyday except “ We sold 12,200 air mail 2. Who took part in the first stamps between June 1 and July ball in New Jersey. Sunday. Managed by Sgt. Raoul intercollegiate football game The Lewisites’ lineup follows: Mound, challenges will be hap 6,” the red-haired three-striper ever played ill the U. S. A.? Walt Wilkerson, lb; George pily received from any Abbot or ( ) Yale-Harvard ( ) Army-Navy said. "Since that type of stamp Hairston, 2b; Walter Tyler, 3b; ganization. Phone Mound at Ext. ( ) Princeton-Rutgers. measures one and a half inches Ambrice Rice, ss; Ligon, c; Isaac 3. Most famous of all early w’ide, multiply that width by the In the near future, two unique | 165. American fighters was John L. number sold, and you get 18,300 Odom, If; Bill Cunningham, services of the Special Serviee The M P’s have three topi ate former semi-pro player, rf; Joe Sullivan. Whom did he lick for Division, War Department will twirlers Pfc. Bob Hertz, form inches. Now divide that by a his title? Flowers, 3b and Gaines, opening ( ) Jim Corbett ( ) Paddy Ryan foot and what do you get—1525 pitcher. Utility men are Walter be available to Abbotmen— er California semi-pro star; Pvt. Army Ilit Kits and 16-mm G. I. George Smith and Pfc. Frank ( ) Jake Kilraine ( ) Maxie Baer. feet.” Reed, of, and Ted Floyd, If. Leon. Behind the plate is Fgt. 4. The hole-in-one, that golfing movies. That makes the measured total Lt. Fusselman. said the team phenomenon, has eluded many of airmail stamps sold exactly Russell Peterson, who played in would practice early Sunday top-flight golfers. Do you know the national softball tourney y v- who shot the most holes-in one? 275 feet higher than A1 Smith’s morning in preparation for the eral years ago; Cpl. Fred Soul- ( ) Harry Vardon ( ) Bobby cloud-grazing edifice. Bub, can I game. Approximately 215 mem- All-Purpose rce hall center n et is the utility receiver. 1/Fgt. Jones ( ) Sandy Herd ( ) Grouch you “lick” that? I bers of the company plan to be of Camp Abbot's social activities William "Flash” Thetford holds Marx. i on hand to root for their team, —has been temporally closed down first sack, and either 5. Who was heavyweight j Battery for the camp team will due to installation of a modern Mound or 2 Lt. Henry Hansen champion of the world when ' be announced shortly before heating system. Re-opening is will grace second base. Sgt. J E. Euck Dempsey was born? ! game time. Everyone is invited scheduled within a week, at Schaeffer will monopolize Hurd r i Bob Fitzsimmons ( ) Jim , to attend. which time the weekly dances hag. Performing in shortstop Corbett ( ) Jack Johnson will be resumed. are Sgt. Sid Rosen and Sgt. Wal*, ( ) Charles Atlas. * * * Gleaming white machinery and i ter Hooks, both expert players. ANSWERS TO SPORTS QUIZ sparkling floors best describes W A C DAYKOOM GETS P IA N O Pfc. Don Prineau is spotted on 1. The longest fiirht on record was Camp Abbot’s bakery where thou The Wacs dayroom—center ot | short centerfield. Pvt. Bob between Patsy Tunm-y and Jack Hones at Chelsea, England, in 1825. Hones won in sands of golden-crusted loaves of j Abranz will snag ’em in left social activities— now has a pi Bend’s USO these days is a 278 rounds. N e x t longest was a draw between A . Bowen and J. Burke in New bread are baked daily for camp G. I. hive of activity, according ano recently presented by the field; either Pfc. John Miles or Orleans, A p ril 6, 183. This bout took seven consumption. hours. 1!» minutes. to Mr. Harry O’Grady, director Trinity Episcopal Church < iuild ' Pfc. Morriz Getz patrol o uter 2. Rutgers and Prinreton played the first Housed in Bldg. 314 on Ware and Miss Ann McLoughlin, as members of Bend. Mrs. William field, while 2/Lt. T. E. Pcnning- football game in 1889. Rutgers won and E. Chandler, chairman of the • ton, holds down right field <o Ave., the bakery is sociate. since that time has won only one other house game from Prinreton. 3. John L . Sullivan, the famed Boston equipped with the most modern Tonight in the Elks club, lo church women’s service group, tor. T/5 Rose Mary Kassap is ' chief of the booster dep’t. strong boy, defeated Paddy Ryan fo r the machinery from the automatic cated above the Wall St. service made the presentation. w orld’s heavyw eight title in 1882 in a hare flour measurer to the huge oil- men’s rendezvous, will be a knuckle figh t. 4. Hole-in-one king is Sandy Herd, of Scotland. He shot 18 in 50 years of com fed oven where 400 loaves can dance with music supplied by by Sansone The W olf petitive golf. be baked at one time. recordings. All Army couples 5. Jack Dempsey was born June 24. 1895 T/4 Clarence J. Trepainer, are especially invited to attend. in Manassa. Colo. A t that tim e Jim Corbett was champ. former instructor, Bakers and Last night, USO staged a gala Cooks school, Hqs. Ninth Service dance in the Pine Forest Grange Command, Ft. Douglas, Utah, is hall with the ERTC band for Solid rhythm-loving Abbotmen chief baker and in charge of the maneuvermen in this area. in Hq. Co. SCU 1973 want to eleven men comprising the staff. Saturday night, a five-piece make a lot of dogfaces “ hepp- Army bakeries are classified civilian combo will dish out rhy py” but require the services of according to the size of the re thms in the USO with Wacs and seven additional musicians to spective post and Camp Abbot Junior Hostesses in attendance. round out a dance band. has a No. 1 rating, said Mr. There will also be a dance next Pvt. Aldrich Novak, who used Charles D. Clark, Bakery Pro Tuesday evening in the club to be a balladeer in several well- duction Specialist for the Ninth house. known Windy City niteries, is Service Command, who is here Beginning Tuesday, Aug. 3 the whipping the ensemble in shape. temporarily to supervise the op USO plans to organize two bowl Todate, he has recruited Pvt. eration of the new bakery. Mr. ing leagues at the Bend alleys on Danny B 'a b in e c , and Pvt. W. E. Cushman, Bakery Machine Bond St., with special rates to “ Cookie” Speciaiic, guitarists; Specialist, also from NSC, was in all .soldier-keglers and their T 5 Johnnie Koll and T 5 Sam charge of the installation of all wives. Those wishing to join a my Miller, de luxe “suitcase equipment. league are urged to contact the The new bakery will provide lovely Ann. men” (drummers) and Sgt. Keg Evans, trumpet man. Needed— only bread for the camp as all In two weeks, “ talent night” but badly—are two trombonists, other bakery goods, cakes and shows will get underway. three sax men, a pianist and an pies are made in various com pany kitchens. At present, only 3 W ACS IN C 1 B SCHOOL other trumpet. Three Wacs are attending the white bread is baked although in the near future whole wheat Cooks and Bakers school along NEW TNG. DIV. T. O. A total of 20 enlisted men’s bread will be found at Camp with enlisted men of the post. ' ' . . . . . and last night I did something I'va grades has increased the Tng. Abbot messes, said Capt. Emil They are: Pvts. Alma M. Kron Div. table of organization, allow L. Mosheim, sales commissary quist, Kathryn Babb and Lucille always wanted to do!". ing for a tech, a staff, three White. officer. bucks, 13 cpls, and 2 privates. ™ i ru ro v ) HARMOS PARA- 7 c h u t e d t o SAFery BUYMORE WAR BONDS P. O. Stamp Sales Soar Plenty Hiqh y 1 Flashy MP S oftball Team Plays Medics H it Kifs, G.l. Pix To Arrive Soo n A-P Building Reopens Soon "S ta ff of Life" Is Produced in New, Modern Bakery i Solid Senders Need Seven To Send SCU's to Heaven USO Charts Fun Over Weekend