Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
VALLE) H ECUE I). VALLEY ASHLAND, OREGON Job Printing Of all kinds done neatly and on short , notice at reasonable prices. The sta tionery we use is of the best. Legal ■ blanks oi »11 kinds kept on band . ■ ■■■■■■! — ■ " ■g l VALLET RECORD. RECORD .... ASHLAND OREGON. Published Every Wedneday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubscription R atbs : ■ One Year............................................. $1 75 Six Months......................................... 1 00 Three Months.................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given ou Application. VOL. XIX Fancy and Staple Groceries Full Cream, Limburger and^ Brick Cheese, Pickles, Salmon Bellies, White Fish, Cod Fish, etc , Olives, Olive Oils. :: :: :: BLUE LEDGE NEWS. Scattered Witnesses in OUR LOCAL INDIANS CHAMBERLAIN AND SENATORSHIP Jennings Murder Trial. Progress of Work Being Done in the Copper District. Grants Pass, April 19.—The case of the 8tate of Oregon vs. Jasper Jennings, convicted of the murder of his father at the Granite. Hill mine near this city, which decision was reversed by the Su preme Court and a new trial ordered should come up for trial at the term of court now in session, and it is under stocd that District Attorney Reames has. issued several subpenas in an effort to get the state’s witnesses together. If be finds be is unable to get them he will have the case dismissed without preju dice to further prosecution. Altogether it looks as though Jasper would go free. The shutting down of the Granite Bill miue has had the effect of scattering the witnesses all over the coast and the cost of getting them back is one of the chief factors being consid ered by the prosecution, as this case al- re-adv has cost the taxpayers of the coun ty several thousand dollars. There is a rumor that Dora Jennings, who was tried on the same charge and acquitted, would if her brother was brought back and placed on trial, go on the stand and confess that she was the guilty party, which she could do with immunity, as her previous acquittal would protect her. Remnant of Those Who Infested This Governor Speaks About his Candi VaHefTor Over 1000 Years. i dacy to Newspaper Men. 5 Sponges, 15c up; Chamois, 15c up; Borax 20c lb; Carbolic Acid, 10c oz; <Jhl. Lime, 15c lb; Extra-strong Ammonia water, 25c per pint, MAGNETIC BED-BUG KILLER Liquid that is sure death to the troublesome pest Spokane, Wash , April 15—Governor Rerrmants of 12 tribes of tbe Indians that possessed the wilds ot Southern Chamberlain of Oregon when asked last || Oregon and Northern. California before evening if he would be a candidate for j "tbe coming of th» wbis-» man,” and for senator, said: “ I am not a candidate for senator, but some struggling and t -entful' years A A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL THE thereafter, ara still foun 1 upon the do not say that I will not accept the £ 25c Bottle Grand Ronde Reservation in Yamhill nomination underany circumstances, for BEST BRANDS OF STAPLE AND County. When this agercy was estab I do not know what conditions may con lished in 1856 the Indians who were re front me. 1 want to get out of public ORR, DEPOT DRUGGIST, Ph 441 FANCY GROCERIES. stricted to these lands numbered 500 life and I at first refused to accept tbe and then^a now represented 12 tribes nomination for governor, but here I am* now timber 362, all told. Tbe war and I have four years yet to serve, my rior.* of these tribes,/the most warlike term expiring January 11, 1911. Tbe of which were the TJ [mpquas and Cali- senatorial election comes up in two pooiai, bad m” ” Government much years.” (SUOCESSORS TO H. A. PALMER & CO.) Concerning tbe initiative and referen trouble and A terror to the «et Corner Main &, Helman Street«. Phone No. 571 dum law in Oregon be eaid: tiers of na and Bogue River “It has been a success so far as I valleys for y anxious years./ They kno^r. At tbe last election the D/rao- were su Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878, as far as active ha^tili- Senator Borah’s Embarrassment. crate all voted for the Republican (can ties were concerned, before being z«Ren , NOTICE FOB PUBI ¡OATION. W. E. Borah, the new U. S. senator didate. At the election, the legislative to tbe reservation, but hatred of the United States l.and Office. Roseburg, Ore , l oin Idaho, was ir.diited by the U. S. candidates are supposed to sign a state whites still rankled in tbe bosoms of February 6, 19> 7. grand jury for part cipitiog in timber ment that they will support their party Notice is hereby given that in compliance maoy of them. While among them candidate or will not. Many of them with the provisions of the act of Congress land frauds. The late Ex Gov. Steunen were some fine specimens of physical of June 3. 1878. entitled “An act for tbe sa'e berg’s name was before the same g>and refused to sign any statement, but I manhood, the 500 were, in aggregate of limber lands in the States of California, don ’t know thit it made any difference jury in the same connection. Borah Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri an unpromising lot—lazy thriftless and tory,’’ as extended to all the Public Land was to have been the leading attorney in tbe election, save in tbe case of one revengeful; A. F. Hedges, a pioneer of States by act of August 4, 1892, S Marion in the prosecution of Moyer, Haywood Are made over special Oxford Lasts, man. The idea is to have tbe legisla Clevenger, of Talent, countv of Jackson Clackamas County, was the reservation ture elect tbe man who has tbe largest and clasp the foot perfectly at all State of Oregon, has tl-is day tiled and Pettibone, who are charged with agent at that time. His knowledg > of in this office his sworn statement No. conspiring with Harry Orchard in bring- number of votes It is a good law and Pelican Bay Lodge Sold. points, fitting snug up under the arch Indian character and hie tactfulness in 7786. for the purchase of the NE%. will work out its own solution in time.” of Section No. 22, in Township Xo 40 8, itu about the assassination of Sieunen- handling his charges served the Gov Col. W. H. Holabird has purchased and at the heel, without unsightly Range No. 3 K. and will offer proof to show berg. These trials begin May 9th. Oo The governor roasted the United that tbe la» d sought is more valuable for the well known Pelican Bay Lodge ernment well in affecting the peaceable States senate and said it was tbe most account of this indictn ent banging over bulging at the sides. its timber or stone than for agricultural property, together with the Hanson settlement of these Indians upon tbe corrupt part of our government and tbe purposes, and to establish bis claim to h's head and Steunenberg’s name having reservation. place, and will convert the same into a »aid land before A. 8. Bliton. D. 8. Com been connected with the same deals, it This unusual oxford quality mak only way to start a fight for purer gov From an old report of work done in missioner. at his office, in Medtord Ore private game preserve. The deeds have elect senators by popu- ernment was to gon. on Friday, the 10th day ot May, 1907. will be toa delicate a mittsr for Borah Diamond Brand low cuts worth already been placed on record and to building the first cabins for tbe Indians lar vote. He names as witnesses; Milton 8. to take part in the prosecution. on Grand Ronde Rese rvation made by Farnham, of Princeton, Minnesota; Frank king f morrow the Colonel will go up to take He said the senators themselves in E Grieve, of Ashland, ''reg n, Sanford 8. A beautiful line of white dress goods over the property from the former own one of the men employed to superintend variably Btood in the way of amending McKercher. of Ashland, Oregon; Archie and waistings, chiffons, dimities, lawns, er J. R. Keodall. The Colonel’s in this work, but who has long since pass the constitution to elect senators by di K. Grieve, of Ashland. Oregon. Anv ami all persons claiming adversely mercerized checks and figures, india TRY ANOTHER DEALER IF YOURS HASNT THEM tention of excluding the public from ed away, it is found that tbe house of rect vote, but he believed the direct Please call and see them at the above-described lands are requested to linen, etc this famous resort will be much of a “Tyee Peter,” once a Chief of the primary would help wonderfully to rem fi e their claims in this office ou or before the Racket Store. »«lid lOtb dav of Mav. 1907. disappointment, inasmuch as it has been Umpqua tribe and still living upon the edy thie, as all legislature candidates ' BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. The Alturas correspondent of the the favorite stopping place for many reservation, was a log structure, 17x22 could then be pledged. Then the man Sacramento Bee telle of an Indian woman sportsmen who have made an annual feet in dimensions, lighted by one six- who receives the highest number of living in Modoc county who is believed j WE MAKE MOffE FINE SHOES THAN Timber Land Act, June 3,1878. pilgrimage thereto, It has been the light wi idow, the cost of tbe structure votes should be elected by the legisla to be 108 years old. The editor of the ANY OThER HOUSE NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Alturus Plaindealer in taking exception custom heretofore to have frequent ex- being $65. ture. Many of the names of these Indians, United States Laud Office, Roseburg, Ore to the article says: “We do not believe cursions from the Falls to Pelican Bay wc5T any Indian, here or elsewhere, ever at as shown by this report of the first February 6, 1907. during the Summer, but hereafter the Circuit Court. tained, or approximated anywhere near Notice is hereby given that tn compliance attempt to settle them in houses, are Lodge will be closed to all such. with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress that age. An Indian 60 years old is an SCIENCE IMPROVES NATURE. Alice McFall vs. H McFall; divorce. Colonel Holabird states that during significant of the part that those who Especially is this true of of June 3,1878, entitled “An Act far the exception. Sale of Timber Lands in tbe States of Cal- the woman upon whom falls all the the Summer extensive improvements answered to them played in the wars of Decree granted by default. ilornts, Oregon. Nevada and Washington labor and drudgery. At fifty they present Expert in Carnegie Institution Be McWilliams & Powell vs. T. J. Ilow- to the grounds will be made, and it is immediately preceding years. We find, Territory,” as extended to all the public a wrinkled, withered appearance—re ell; stipulation to dismiss same without land Slates by act of August 4 1892, seiubling a piece of his purpoee to make of it one of the for example, "Winchester 8am,” and weatherbeaten lieves Man Can Evolve Organ costs to either party and the same was Carl A. Cadson. of Seattle, county of King leather. The fact is, their mode of life, “ Winchester Joe, ” each coming into most attractive places on the coast. Blate of Washington, has this day ti ed in ordered dismissed by the court. isms to Suit Needs. The fishing and shooting which can be possession of a log house 16x18 feet in this oltice hi- sworn statement No 7785, which at best is a band to mouth exist State of Oregon vs. Ralph Smith and dimensions,built at the cost of $50 apiece for Ibe pu chase of the 8WW, of Section ence, is not conductive to longevity.” had there during the season can not be No. 22 in Township No -10 bou h, Rsnve Frank Bennett. Defendants plead guilty and each containing “ one six-light win excelled, and it is an ideal place for the EUKEKA! No 3 East, and will offer proof to show dow.” “Lime Dick,” “One Eye Char as charged and were sentenced to one Ye«, 1 Have Found It At I*aar. that tbe land sought is more valuable f- r purpose for which it is intended. Rafter Cban m0M<v Washington. April 15. — Blue-eyed year in the penitentiary. its limber or stone than lor agricu tural Found what? Why that Chamber- DVilVT in a Bank!! For years it has been a stopping place ley” and “Cut-Eye Tom,” were the dis purposes, and to establish his claim to lain^ Salve cures eczema and all manuer cats with six toes, carnations as large W’oods Lumber Co. vs. L. B. Kent. Consulting & Mining Engineer for tourists and travelers over the Dead figurement and disability thus designat said land before A 8 Bliton, U. 8. Com of itching of the skin, I have been af. missioner nt bis otlice in Medford Oregon flirted for many years with skin disease. as chrysanthemums, ruffled bantams Indian road from Ashland and it 'will be ed, evidence of sharp encounter with Demurrer overruled by the court. on • hursday, the 13th day of June. 1907 State of Oregon vs. R. L. Fleming. A without tails, wheat which yields Ten acre fruit tracts closed to them as well as to others. tbe foe; “General Cass” and “James K. true bill. An affidavit by Fleming that He names as witnesses: Fanfont 8 Mc I had to get up three or four times every Gold and Copper Mines night and wash with cold wat ’ er to allay double production, hens that lay 365 Consequently it will canse more or lees Polk” were names suggestive of a com Kercher. of Ashland, Oregon; Mary Me- Two acre tracts he had received full payment of claim. Ke Cher, of ^shlqr.d, Oregon. Frank E the terrible itching, but since using this eggs a year—these are some of the manding presence, albeit the Indans, inconvenience to the general public un an d Mining, T IT H IT Railroad lots Grieve, of Ash ard. Oregon; Betsey N. salve in December, 1905, the itching Ordered that tbe case be dismissed. Carlson, of Seattle, Washington. has stopped and has not troubled me.— things possible, through selective til we become accustomed to the new who bore them, were settled, tbe one R. R. Minter vs. John Pelling. De Companies incorporated Any and all persons claiming adversely Elder John T Ongley, Rootville, Pa. breeding, according to Professor order of things.—Klamath Fall, Express. in ft “board” house, 14 feet square, the the above described lands are requested to For sale by McNair Bros. fault. oth'd^in '» log house, 18 feet square file their claims tn this oilice on or before Charles B. Davenport in charge of The price paid Mr. Kendall was $15,000 NSW CASES. "without windows,” by tbe Govern Mid 13th dav of June, 1907. the Long Island Experiment Station and the Ira Hanson place brought STOCKS HANDLED SUMMONS. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. [ ment at a cost of $35 and $65 respective O & C R R Co vs John Garvin; to re- $12,000. of the Carnegie Institution. Profes 0. T. Billinas, In the Circuit Couit of the State of Oregon cover real property. Corner Main & Water Streets ly. for Jackson County. Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878. sor Davenport has made to the Car Sa the story as giyen to a yellow Grants Fa«s Banking & Trust Company, a Real Estate and Insurance I ASHLAND - - OREGON Tax and Corrupt Practice Cures Old Sores NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. corporation. Plaintiff, vs Enterprise Min negie Institution In this city a re paper in faded ink rune, showing that 1902: Westmoreland, Kans., May 5, ing Company a cori o-ation, and Condor port which covers'two years’ experi United States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore, Bills to be Initiated. between September 6 and November 25, Ballard Snow Liniment Co., Your Water & Power Company, a corpora SUMMONS. March 23, 1907. Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the ments, and he draws conclusions, as tion. Defendants. Salem, April 19.—At least two meas 1856, 32 homes were built for designated side ot my chin that was supposed to be In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Notice is hereby given that in compliance To Enterprise Mining Company, a cor- the result of these experiments, ures rejected by House or Senate at the members of tbe Umpqua tribe of which with tbe provi-ioris of tbe act ot Congress for Jackson County. no’auon, defendant : a cancer. Tt e sore was stubborn and of June 3 1878, entitled ‘An Act for the In the name of the State of Oregon: which go to show that through the lasteession will, in the opinion of W. S. “Tyee Peter,” still living upon his al would not yield to treatment, until I J. H. Panner, Plaintiff, vs. C. A. Prall and Sale of Timber Lands in the States of Cali You are hereby required to appear and John W. Prall, Defendants. Carpenter Shop on Spring St. fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Wa-iiington answer the complaint tiled against you in principles of evolution organisms U’Ren, of Oregon City, who was a Capi lotment of reservation land at the great tried Snow Liniment which did the To C. A. Prall, one of the above named work in short order. My sister. Mrs. Territory,” as extended to all the public the above entitled suit within six weeks age of 90 years, was chief. Tbe Gov defendants: between Oak and Water Sts land states by act of August 4, 1892. from the first publication of this summons, may be modified to suit human re tal City visitor yesterday, be referred to ernment furnished tbe lumber (when Sophia J. Carson, Allensville, Miffin, In the name of the state of Oregon you M. Easterling, of Ashland, county of to wit, within six weeks from the 13th day quirements of beaut)», food material a vote of the people through the initiât Pa. has a sore and mistrusts that it is a are hereby required to appear in tbe above Jactson State of Oregon, lias this day tiled of March, 1907. as prescribed in the order of ive. He believes both will be adopted. lumber was need), the nails and the cancer. Please send her a 50c bottle. entitled Court and cause and answer the All kinds of shop carpentering, such as and power. in this office hts sworn statement No. publication thereof, and if you fail so to complaint ot the plaintiff now on file here windows and paid a carpenter to super McNair Bros. 7916, for the pnreha e of the \\ ’4 8E%, answer for want thereof the plaintiff will in against you within ten days from the Window Screens, Screen Doors, Grill In his experiments. Professor Dav They are the Huntley corrupt practice intend construction of these bonses and NE1,, SW1«. 8W1, NE1,. of Section No. apply to the court tor the relief prayed for date of the service of this summons upon Work, or anything else done in the election bill, which was throttled in the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 31. tn Township No. 37 South, Range No. in its complaint in said cause, to wit, for enport has used pigeons, chickens, you, if served within Jackson County, see that tbe Indians did the work. House, and the Bingham tax commission Carpenter Work Line. 3 East, and will offer proof to show that a judgment and decree that the plaintiff cats, goats, flies and plants of all Oregon, or if served wi hin any other Thus was tbe beginning made, in Elizabeth A Smith to G W Howard. bill, which met its Waterloo at the the land sought is more valuable for its have judgment against the defendant, County of Oregon then within 20 days timber cr stone than for agricultural pur Enterprise Mining Company, for the sum sort?. He has kept a record during hands of the Senate after passing the good faith, in tbe betterment of the In 224 30 acres, tp 38, 2 w; $3600. from the date of the service of this sum Elizabeth A Smith to W I Vawter, mons upon you or if served by publication poses. and to establish his claim to said of $6600 00, together with interest thereon the two years of 10,000 eggs, and ne dians located upon the Grande Ronde House during the dying hours of the land before A. 8. Bliton, U. S Commis from atnl since the 19th day of October, laDd in eec 33, tp 32, 2 e, land in sec or out of the State after the order of pub Reservation more than 50 years ago. 4 and lots 1 and 2 and land in sec 35, lication then on or before the last day pre sioner, at his office in Medford, Oregon, on 1906. at the rate of eight per cent per an hopes to get a 365-egg-a-year hen. session. Friday, the 14th day of June, 1907 scribed in the order for the publication of num and for the further sum of $750 00 at Mr. U’Ren sayB be is taking no part in The strain of half a century has tolfl^ tp 33, 3e; $1000. He names as witnesses: Aaron W. Vin torney’s fees and for the costs and dis At least he is positive that the aver said sunt n ons. The time prescribed in T P Kahler et ux to H Vogeli, lot» 1 upon these Indians, They were sav- ton, of Ashland Oregon; Frank W Moore bursements of the suit; that the mortgage age number of eggs now laid can be the movement to invoke the initiative tbe order for the publication of this sum to 4, blk 53, Medford; $600. of Ashland, Oregon; J<*hti F. Blair, of described in the complaint of the plaintiff ages of the moccasin and blanket era mons is six weeks from and after tbe date upon these measures, but that he is in H L White ex ux to ACGiengeret of tbe first publication thereof. The date Ashlai d, Oregon; Alexander Hall, of Ash be foreclosed and the following described ¿reatly increased. formed an agitation bas been started by then, accustomed to out-door life, to ux, 10 40 acres, Ashland; $10. of the first tublication is tbe 13th day ot land. Oregon. premise- mentioned and described in said Professor Davenport declares the Any and all persons claiming adversely mortgage be sold by the sheriff of Jackson F Jordan et ux to Katie E Fordney, March, 1907, and tbe dav of the last pub influences determined to devote their tbe chape and tbe war path. In ap tbe above described lands ate requested to County, Oregon, according to law and the process of evolution much more rapid lication is the 24th day of April, 1907; the beet efforts to bring the questious before pearance uninviting, even in many land in Ashland; $10. file tiieir claims in this office ou or before practice of the coqrt. to wit; Mary M Dunn to Maria E Plumerth; time witbin which you are required to than scientists have heretofore be cases revolting, they still were in ro said 14lb dav of June. 1907. the people at the next general election The north half of the southwest quarter lot 32, blk N, Railroad add, Ashland; answer is on or before the 24tb day of BENJAMIN I. EDDY. ’ egister. April. 1907. H. E. Carmichael, Propr. bust health. Withdrawn from the acci $300. and the south half of the northwest quarter lieved. He declares thathiew species, And you will take notice that if you fail of section 16, township 36 south of range 4 after certain preliminary cross-breed dents of war and the menace of want, Marie E Plummerth et ux to Elmira to so appear and answer said complaint Has Not Sold Out. west, W. M., situate in Jackson County, Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878, and domiciled in some sort of comfort Pugh, lot 32, blk N, Railroad add, Ash within sa;d time plaintiff will take a Oregon, together with the personal proper ings, spring immediately into exis Does a general Dray, Truck and decree against you that he is tbe owner NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. The Golden Rule store, Fordnev & Co., from tbe white man’s standpoint, they land; $800. ty mentioned and described tn said tence, Instead of developing gradu and entitled to the possession of the fol Isaac Coffman to L W Lee, land in Transfer business. Your pat mortga.e situate upon said property or are still doing business at tbe old stand should have thriven and multiplied. In United States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore. lowing described real property, situated in connected and’used in connection there ally through thousands of years. Broback’e reserve, Medford; $600. ronage respectfully solicited. February 6, 1907. in stone building on Main street. They stead of this, the semi-centennial of Jackson County, Oregon, to wit: with, to wit: all machinery, tools, mining Notice is hereby given that in compliance equipment, buildings, power, lines and the In his report Professor Davenport only sold a small portion of their stock Commencing at tbe northwest corner of A Woman Tells How to Relieve their occupancy of the Grand Ronde lot * umber ten in Enoch F Walter’s sub with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress right-of-way used in connection therewith Bheumatlc Paine. to Frank Jordan in a trade for a hones Reservation lands finds them greatly of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Ac* for the and all property of every kind and nature says: division and running thence east 10chains; Office with WELLS FARGO EXPRESS I haye been a very great sufferer from Sale of Timber Lands tn the States of Cali I acquired by the said defendant, Enterprise “The carnation can be made not and lot. In a few days they will re reduced in numbers, wasted with dis tbe »‘readful disease, rbeumaiism, for a thence rorth 16 chains and431inks; lhence TELEPHONE 601 fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Mining Company, whether by purchase, south 76 degrees west ten chains and 50 ceive a complete new stock to replace only crimson, but white, yellow and ease and in circumstances, bordering Dumber of years. 1 have tried many links: thence south 13 chains and 70 Territory ” as extended to all the Public lease, option orlicense or otlie-wise ob Land States by act of August 4, 1892, tamed; that the proceeds of said sale may blue; It can be made as large as a that sold. When you want paints, oils, i i upon poverty. Between tbe beginning medicines but never got much relief links; thence south 17 degrees and 30 Milton 8 Fn>uham, of Princeton, county be applied to the payment of the costs of from any of them until two rears ago, minutes west 3 chains and 46 links; thence wall paper, sporting goods, postal cards, upon this reservation and the present when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain e south 61 degrees west to the County road, Mile Lacs. State of Minnesota, has lb s said sale, the costs and disbursements of chrysanthemum or dwarfed. So the [Successor to H. N. Gale] day filed it* this otlice his sworn sta'emeut the suit, the attorney’s fees allowed by the bantam fowl may be made of a red stationary, etc , call on Fordney & Co. stage ot its development, the years of a Pain Balm I found relief before I had thence south 29 degrees east 3 chains and Mo. 7781. tur the purchase of the SE)^, of I court and the amount due the t lamtiff, 16 links; thence north 61 degrees east 3 Large stock of Victor records and talk busy and fruitful balf century inter used all of one bottle, but kept on apply Section No. 22. in Township No. 40 South. I and the residue, if any there be be paid to color, or black, or white; with a ruff chains and 16 links; thence north 29 de Blacksmithing and Range No. 3 East, and will otter pt oof to the cleri of the court, subject to the turther or without, with a long tail or with ing machines just received. They will vene. Tbe Showing is that of a vanish ing it and soon felt like a different Wutn grees west 3 chains and 16 links; thence General show that the land sought is mote valuable order ot the court; that the said defeud give you the best goods at lowest prices. ing race—a race helped toward extinc an. Through mv advice many of my Dorth 17 degrees and 30 minutes east 3 Wagonmaking^—*- friends have tried it and can tell you chains and 3 links; thence east 3 chains (or its timber «>r stone than for agricultural ant, Enterprise Mining Company, and all no tall. Likewise the yield of wheat tion by its tonch with civilization, a how wonderfully it has worked.—Mrs. and 6 links to the place of beginning con purposes, and to es'ablish bis cairn to persons claiming by. through or under it per acre may be doubled and the Said land before A 8. Bliton. U, 8. Com may be forever barred and foreclosed or Horseshoeing, and all round race that long eince passed its meridian Sarah A. Cole, 140 8 New St., Dover, taining 16)4 acres. misstoner, at fits office, in Medford Ore- am and all right, title, claim qr equity of Northern limit of wheat cultivation Del. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a lini Together with all of the tenements, [ oblivion ex is now'Approaching and Every gon. on Thursday, tbe 9th day of May, redemption in and to said premises, and may be pushed poleward many miles ment. The relief from pain which it hereditaments and appurtenances thereun Blacksmith Work. tr or be affords is alone worth many times its to belonging or appertaining. Badger Gold Copper Company, of cept asjit’ffily’Iive in tradition, for such other, further attd different order each year. Amtustus 8. and relief in tl>e premises as to the court He uames as witnesses, That you convey said premises free from thing done neatly & up to date Medford, $250,000; F. W. Hollis, F. C. Min nr so ta; may seem meet and equitable. Townsend, of Princeton. “The strength of cotton fibre may Page and W. C. Green, incorporators, accorded a place in the romance and coat. It makes rest and sleep possible any encumberances or lien to the plaintiff For sale by McNair Bros. history of tbe new world. Arthur W. Woodcock, of Princeton, Min within tbe time to be specified in ihe de This summons is published under and nesota: Frank E. t-rieve, of Ashland. Ore by virtue of an orde» of the Hou H. K. be Improved and its length increased. have filed ebeir articles. cree. If you fail to comply with said de At the old sland gon; Sanford 8. McKercher, of Ashland Hanna, one of the judges of the above en The hardness of fruits may be A law has passed tbe legislature of cree then said decree shall stand in lieu of The best collection of garden tools at Copper up Rogue River. Oregon. titled court, made on the 12th day of changed so that sub-tropical plant» Peil’s. Nebraska forbidding brewers having sai<i deed and be entitled to record in tbe Anv and all persons claiming adversely March. 1907. The first publication hereof Deed Records for Ja~kson County, Oregon. near Spring A new copper belt has been discover any financial interests in a saloon prop That plaintiff have an accounting with you the above He^cri'ied lands are requested to is made on the 13 h day of March. 1907, will bear in temperate climates. The Clarence Hale, the voung man held erty, which it is said will affect nearly tile their claims in this otlice ou or before and tbe last publication hereof will be strength of the horse may be in by tbe police as a suspect, wanted by ed on the divide between the South Ump upon the transactions mentioned in the balf tbe saloons in tbe state. said 9tb dav of May, 1907. complaint and have judgment against you made on the 24th day of April. 1907. the officers of Tennessee, has been re creased as that of the Parcheron ex qua and the Rogue Rivers, in the BENJAMIN I. EDDY, Register. for such sum as shall be found due tbe A. C HOUGH & O.8 BLANCHARD. leased, the officers having satisfied If you want Dews of California you plaintiff upon such accounting. That he Attorneys for Plaintiff. ceeds that of the Norwegian pony. themselves that be is not the man norther part of Jackson and southern get more of it in The Bee of Sacramento have judgment against you for the costs By using the already known prin wanted. Tbe officers are satisfied that Douglas counties. The property has ti an in any other California newspaper. I and disbursements of this suit to be taxed Timber Land Act lune 3, 1878 TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. ciples of evolution great practical Roy Hale, tbe man wanted, is not and recently been reported on by an expert The Bee has special correspondents in I and such other relief as to the Court shall NOTICE Foil PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. advances have been made in the has not been here.—Medford Tribune. from Shasta county, California, who every town and hamlet in Superior Cal ; seem just and equitable in the premises. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore This summons ta published in the Valley gon, March 23. 1907. United States Land Office, past. We are Justified in expecting “ Spray Dope ” lime and sulpher solut pronounces it one of the most remark ifornia. Per year, $6, or per month, i Record by order of tbe Hon. H. K. Hanna, • 55 cents. Saturday Bee $1 per year. Roseburg, Oregon, February 6, 1907. that an extension ot evointionary ion 35c a gallon at the C C C. able deposits of copper on the coast James McClatchy & Co , publishers, one of the Judges of tbe above entitled Notice is hereby g.ven that in compliance Court made in Chambers the 6lh day of Notice is hereby given that in compliance principles will result in further ad with tbe provisions of the act ot Congress Tbe new Siskiyou county hospital to The mineral zone is in the vicinity of Sacramento, Cal. Robertine gives what every woman March, 1907, and requites vou to appear of June 3, 18'8. entitled “An act for the with the provisions of the act of Congress be built by tbe supervisors this summer most desires—a perfect complexion. and answer as above specified. Diamond Rock and a large area is clear sale of timber lands in the States of Cali of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the vances in the future.” will cost about $25,000 including tbe Mr. Delmas may be dismissed, but Dated this 6th dav of March, 1907. It brings that soft, smooth, fresh, fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash’* gton sale of timber lands in tne States of Cali beating plant and furnishing. It will be ly includedinjhe field. Two groups of with that little testimonial of $100,000 W. R. PHIPPS and Territory.’’ as extended to all tbe Public fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington clear tint to the cheek that denotes claims, the Rowley and the Bonfield, REA MESA REAME8, located on the site of the old building he should manage to endure the humili Land Stales by act of August 4, 1892. Territory ” as extended to all the Public Cruiser to Be Mine Planter. youthfulness. It will bring beauty Attorneys for Plaintiff. Frank L. Milward.of St. Paul, county of Land States by act of August 4, 1892, south of the main building, and will be are in course of development and the in ation. to those who lack it; it will retain Washington, April 15. — The Bu Ramsey. State of Minne'O a. has this day Johanna M. Leung, of Ashland, county of i i 1 i i'^ a frame structure with steel ceilings. dications are flattering beyond the ex it for those who already possess it; tiled In this otlice his sworn statement No Jackson. State of Oregon, has this day reau of Navigation has decided to The present building will be devoted it will enable you to successfully 7918, for tbe purchase of tbe NEJ4 of tiled in this office her sworn statement No convert the cruiser Baltimore, one of exclusively to women and families, and pectations of the owner. The property combat the ravages of weather and bee lion No. 28, tn Township No 40 booth, 7789 for tbe pur» hase of the NE % of Sec is owned by D. C . Burns and R. A. Row- Hauge No. 3 East, and wtd offer proof to tion No 28, m Township No. 39 8, Range Dewey’s fleet at the battle of Manila it is intended to do away with outside time. Don’t doubt—don’t argue. Just ley of Portland, Dr. Reddy and another aid as much as possible. — Yreka News show that the land sought is more valuable No. 3 East, and will offer proof to bay, into a mine planting ship. try Robertine. Your druggist will party whose name could not be ascer for its limiter or stone than for agricultural show that the land sought is more valuable give you a free sample. All drug This spring samples of suitings are The Navy Department has approved purposes, and to establish his claim to said for its timber or stone than for agricultural tained. Dr. Reddy recently purchased gists keep Robertine. land before A 8. Bliton. U.S. Commis i purposes, and to establish be r claim to the survey of the Marblehead. Work here. Make your selection early. P. À New Orleans woman was thin. Lambert, Merchant Tailor. a fourth interest in the property for a sioner at his office in Medford, Oregon, I said land before A. 8. Biron. U. 8. Com missioner. at his office in Medford, on Fri- on the ship will be done at Mare on Thursday, the 13tb day of June. 1907. Should there be the suggestion of any large sum, sufficient in itself to establish Because she did not extract sufficient He name as witness; Sanford 8. Me- i day. the 10th day of May, 1907. Island Navy Yard at an estimated thing wrong with Idaho officialdom be the value of the property.—Medford he names as witnesses: Frank E Kercher, of Ashland, Oregon; Frank E. cost of $75,000. There will be a gen nourishment from her food. fore the trial of Messrs. Haywood, Moyer Greive of Ashland. Oregon; Pearley Greive. of Ashland, Oregon; Sanford 8. Tribune. 1 Packard, of Ashland. Oregon, Carl Leung, ! McKercher, of Ashland, Oregon; Uarl T. eral overhauling of the ship, but no apd others is concluded it will of couree She took Scoffs Emulsion. Leung, of Ashland. Oregon; William F. alterations, these will be postponed be no trouble to locate the conspiracy of Ashland, Oregon. Horsemen Attention. Any and ail tersous claiming adversely Shaw, of Ashland. Oregon. responsible for it. Whooping Cough. Any aud aJl perseus claiming adversely until after completion of the next the above-described Iambi are requested to Result : The Belgian Stallion Senef wilt make 1 have used Chamberlain’s Cough Every woman appreciates a beautiful tile tbetr claims in this office on or before the above-described lands are requested to cruise of the Marblehead. Remedy in my family in cases of whoop- I tile their claims in this office on or before said 13th day of June, 1907. complexion, so much desired by men. the season at Ashland and vicinity. She gained a pound a day in weight At W. R Tucker’s Ashland Livery said 10th day of May. 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. ng cough and want to tell you that it is Such complexions come to all who use BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. he beat medicine I have ever used.— Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 Stable (Fox’s old stand) beginning There are many tonics in the land, ( ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00 about April 20. Previous to this time Having Mr. Harriman in the lime W. F. GastoD, Ga This remedy is safe As by the papers you can see; cents, Tea or Tablets. L. P. Orr. be will be found at Geo. W. Owens’ light must be a great relief to Mr. Rock and sure. For eale by McNair Bros. A Cove man owns 32 foxhounds, with But none of them can equal This office for job printing. farm three miles east of Ashland. efeller. tub he hunts coyotes. * Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. Nims & Cappellai? A rtimber of mining men from tbe Blue Ledge district were at Yreka re cently on business and tbe News says of their visit: A. T. Lundgren, ODe of the visiting party, who is extensively interested in mining property in tbe Blue Ledge dis trict, gave us some valuable information. Mr. Lundgren s»ys there are 20 feet of good, solid sulphite ore on tbe Bine Ledge, and the last three feet encount ered is solid bornite, sometimes called purple copper ore. It is an actual fact that this last three foot streak runs 3) to 80 per cent copper and from $30 to $250 gold per ton, including 18 ounces silver to tbe ton. Tbe First National mine, owned by the Joe Creek Copper Co., has two feet of solid bornite, anft only a miner can appreciate what this means. Tbe ledges throughout thie district will average 50 feet in width, and they run over mountains and through valleys and across creeks for many miles. The Cop per King is working extensively. It has nine feet of solid ore. Its veins are struck from 20 to 50 feet deep. A tunnel has been started on this mine to strike tbe ledge 150 feet lower than its present workings. Tbe Bariger Gold and Copper Co. has let a contract for a 100 fo t tunnel, and the First National will con tract for 200 feet of tuDnel at once. The elevations of this country show the veins at 2000 feet, and six miles from this point they are found crossing tbe Siekiyoue at an elevation of 6500 feet. Tbe couree of tbe creeks is east and west and they cross-cut the entire vein sys tem, showing that these veins can be mined by tunnel for more than fifty years. Comparing the natural exposure of these veins with the mines at Butte, Montana, it is seen that tbe shafts of the latter have not reached by 1000 feet or more tbe depth that nature has exposed the ledges of the Blue Ledge district, which stand at angle of about 60 degrees. e FOR SALE BY T C. W. EVANS For Sale at a Bargain George F. Damon Give Him a .Call ASHLAND Truck Company J. T. PARKINSON LOCAL. First Street, ...“-WOMEN ^“ful Q Q