Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1903)
PERSONALS CIRCUIT COURT WORK. After One Year of the Highest Li D. C. Herrin is here from Portland. Wilde left for Portland Tuesday. cense in the State Ashland Re Geo. E. E. Staples was in Portland the pa*t week. grand jury was empaneled, consist turns to Its Former Policy of week. Jesse D. Carr died at Salinas, Cal., last ing of J Nunan foreman, H. H. Taylor, R. H. Halley, J. G. Hodges, A. B. Salt Dr. Kahler of Tacoma is visiting Jack marsh, P. Hull, H. L. Gregory. A Prohibition of Liquor Traffic Thompson is bailiff. sonville. The grand jury finished its work yes D. R. MILLS. Parsi dent . F. H. CARTER, V ick -P kesidknt . E. V. CARTER, C ashiib C. H. THOMAS, AauMAKT Ci Trefren on Trial— Grand Jury Adjourns— We ate IT This A Our Dress Goods excell any thing in the city and among many others we have Prunella Cloth, Venetian, Crepe De Chine, Granite, Fancy Suitings, Melrose, Henriettas and Alba tross. The line of Flannelettes is also very pretty, and consists of Wrapper, Waist and Comoria Materials. Closing Out All Jackets Our remaining Ladies’ and Childrens’ Jackets we are now closing out at cost. An opportunity for all. The Best Goods at the Low est Prices. Uaupel, Oorris & Drake RECORD Central Point. The Referendum Vote of thel. A Landslide Buries the Re- People Gives a Majority of publican Ticket 24 Votes Against Licensed and the Non-Partisans Triumph. Saloons. “TAKE BACK YOUR GOLD FOR GOLD CAN NOT BUY ME”-City of Ashland. The saying that “every man has his price” and communities are the sum total of its citizenship may be correct. At any rate in Tuesday’s election the city kissed a f -nd good-by to something be tween $5000 and $6000 of money’ from saloons for 1904. And that at the high est license compatible with the state law. As far as Ashland is concerned it is either a community “without a price” or the top “price” that the balance of the state puts upon the matter is consid ered too insignificant. Yet there is no doubt but that tbe value of the two policies voted upon Tuesday was seriously considered by the majority. The state of Oregon can quite likely afford one large town at least which is sufficiently clear headed enough to see that an institution that is willing to pay some $6000 per year for the protection of tbe law to secure its existance must of necessity be of that much damage at least or it would refuse to be “blackmailed” for any such figure. It pays Ashland to go dry. It is so situated as pre eminently a home town and educational center and with its matchless climate and picturesque beauty there is no place that offers a better lo cation for the raising of a family or settlement of sober and orderly people. These features have a value and this community is sufficiently abstemious to weigh that value. Another feature is the large pay roll of the railroad com pany. That company already exacts from its r-mployes a “dry” man and the whole business and traveling world wants him a “dry” man. These are the oermaneot features f Ashland’s pros perity and they have, “a price” that is more valuable than the few thousand dollars that are extorted by moral black mail from the poor deluded saloon man, and an amount that could be legitimately secured by lees than a five mill tax. The entire outside world can regulaie its own affairs as it sees fit, and for 1904 Ashland has decided to use its own judg ment. And that judgment will event ually be its permanent and established policy. Chas. Matney, son of J M. Matney, has moved his family from Medford to A shland , O r ., Thursday, Dec. 17, 1903 Central Point. J. T. Severance of this place is reported dangerously sick at this time with kidney WOMEN URGE THE trouble. UNSEATING OF SMOO1 J. W. Jacobs and family came down from Ashland last Saturday evening Washington, Dec. 14,—A public Mrs. J ami daughter will be the guests meeting called by the Interdenomina of Mrs. Morris while J. W. does jury ser tional Congress of Women of Wash vice in Jacksonville this week. ington for the purpose of protesting Mr. Simmons, Central Point’s hotel against Senator Reed Smoot retain proprietor, is giving splendid satisfaction ing his seat In the senate was held and no one need pass his place expecting here yesterday In the Metropolitan to get better accommodations. Methodist church. Bishop Satterlee Rev. J. Merley of Medford is expect Oi the Protestant Episcopal church ed to preach in the Baptist church next ANOTHER QUESTION ALSO SETTLED IN presided, and addresses were made Sunday at 11 a. m TUESDAY’S ELECTION, by him and by a number of women Born—Three miles north of Central _____ „____ The result of _ the city election was the prominently identified with the move Point, Dec. 11, 1903. to Mr. and Mrs. natural expression of the oitizens of the ment to unseat Smoot. Peter Van Harden burg, a son. P ’ — - - or so Dr. community Thar one . hundred Resolutions introduced to that effect Pleasant is the attending physician. imported votes that the community has are signed by Mrs. Frederick Schoff, ----- been church compelled The people of ___ the ~ Christian are to put up with the past president of the National Congress of preparing to have a Christmas tree in the two years to help one faction to get its results with has about come to an end, Mothers, Clara -. Roach of the Inter brick hall. and it. was about time. Fair minded national Women's Union of the Dis The ladies of the M. E church will people are perfectly willing to bow trict of Columbia and Margaret D. give a fancy Dec. ,------ 18th, > - light re- I smilingly to the decision of the maj rity 7 ,........... - bazar -7 ----- o— -- Ellis of the National Women's Chris freshments will be served. but when corruption of the ballot box tian Temperance Union. Our efficient postmaster has added to becomes »common that the perpetrators his confectionery store a peanut roaster Pro,idly gloat at the wholesale amount KILLED IN EXPLOSION.. and a chewing gum nickel-in the-slot :ln<^ extraordinary audacity qf their illegal operations in this line ¡¡there is Montrose, Col., Dec. 14.—Norman machine. n . int.n. taoo sure to be a reaction when the full nolfe, Jack McGovern, James Burns ventral roint, Dec. 16, 1903. meaning of such conduct is considered and James Smith were killed and sev soberly and calmly, and the partisan ex- eral other men injured by a boiler ex SdiTlOSOn. citement is over. Last year’s production plosion Saturday at Montgomery & . was the climax. In many states of this Palmer's sawmill, twelve miles from W. R. Kincaid and wife visited this I Union such performances as the last two place a few days ago. years in Ashland would have resulted in Colona, at the head of Onion creek. Zenas Howard was here on Saturday. I indictments and convictions. Happily there were no arrests attempted and S. 0. S. Normal School. Mrs. Duffield and daughter, Mrs. Mil- newspapers refrained from dissecting the operations in printed detail. Some The Southern Oregon State Normal ler, came up last week. Geo. Howard and Squire Parker passed I times this calm submission to an auda School begins this year’s work Septem Icious public outrage is the wisest course ber 16th A large working library has here Monday. ,, . . . . in the long ruu. been added; the physical and chemical Billy Robison was here a few days ago The result of Tuesday’s election is the laboratory has been fully equipped; a starter and by next election there new gymnasium building is being visiting his niece the school teacher. L. D. Dollarhide was up from Duns- will be a general scramble for arnend- erected; and a large ami handsome ments to the citv charter whereby school building is nearing completion. muir some time ago. . , . , . . - kt •• , , wholesale frauds upon tbe ballot box by The school grounds are beautiful and A box social was given at Neil school our leadi citizeJ8 wiU not be IJn(JeIf picturesque. The health conditions are house on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock, Laken The roUennea8 of politic8 in of the best; the social environment is pure and stimulating; the course of the object being to raise funds for a port]and and otlu r metropolitan centers lre joo contemptible for introduction study has been strengthened and made Christmas tiee. Wash Powell gave a dance at hie place here and we believe now that the more practical The faculty has been excitment attending the bringing about increased in numbers and the school is Saturday, the 12th inst. t . j t . . . - .. list . at , pres- I of conditions of 1901 and pasaions 1902 have now equipped to do work of the highest Fred Taylor • is on .. the sick rmi the their courge the nQrmal of order. I our citizens who take an interest in This school belongs to Southern Ore ent’ gon. It desires ana merits the patron Elmer, son of G. AV. Grow, who is in primaries and elections will again pre- age of the people of this great section. the deaf mute school is getting along | vail for a series of years, For catalogue address nicely. B enjamin F. M ulkey , Preet. The republican city convention’s Bad colds are going around in this vi C. H. T homas , Secretary. ticket was defeated in all directions—a cinity. Ashland, Oregon. complete eclipse. Raiued the fore part of this week. Messrs. Wagner and Grant-, “precinct oaurpevu, Dec. 15, .u, 1903. x.-vu. committeemen” will please put their Sampson, ears to the ground the next time before I they hastily come to the conclusion that Popular Holiday Excursion. the operation of national politics are Perfumes. 7 necessary to pull the wool over the eyes T. K. Bolton and Emil Peil, who have of republican voters. The voters wanted We have a nice line of perfumes, ! been successfully conducting excursions to talk about town affairs and anyone to San Francisco for several years, an- I with unimpaired hearing should have especially put up for holiday gifts nounce another to take place during the | been able to have discerned what that i liolidavs. It will leave Ashland Satur “rumbling sound” meant. Leather Goods Dec. 26th on the noon train. Purses, Pocket Books, Travelling day, Round-trip tickets have been placed at The Anti Saloon League held campaign Sets, Card Cases and wrist bags. $16, good for 15 days meetings at the opera house Saturday In order that ample accommodations and Monday evenings. The subjects dis Books. i may be arranged for, those intending to cussed were municipal politics, anti-sa make the trip are requested to inform the loon, water and electric light problems, Bibles, Gift Books, Late and Popular management as early as possible. amendments to the city charter—past, Novels. Call and fee them. The hundreds who have participated present and future—being among the is- CANDIES—A fine line for Christmas in these excursions will testify to the ues covered. enjoyment afforded by them. The in Monday evening Attorneys Watson _ __________ _ buyers. troduction of the New Year in San Fran- and Briggs had a lively tilt and »8 the cisco something worth witnessing. .1__ L is _______________________ “Z- I chief talking machines of their respective -------------------- — I factions of the local republican party EDEN STORY A MYTH. gave the assembled crowd an exhibition New York Dec 14.—In a sermon on of the factional sentiment existing. It The following is the result of Tues day’s city election: Wards—let 2d 3d total F or M ayor . D. A. Applegate, Rep... 43 43 18 H S. Evans, Cit......... 149 63 70 R. P. Neil, Peo ........... 77 64 72 F or R ecorder . Milton Berry ... 233 440 140 F or T reasurer L. L Mulit, Cit., Peo...165 104 111 P. W. Paulson, Rep . . 80 67 49 . F or C ouncilman . Wm. Fox, Cit. 138 H. T. Mitchell, Rep-Peo 124 G. S. Butler, Rep ..... 62 T. F. Smith, Peo-Cit... 104 C. C. Chappel, Cit-Peo. 116 C. W. Martyn, Rep ... 41 S aloon L icense 1901. Yes ........................... 147 64 71 No.................................. 112 106 8« The amendments to the charter all carried That authorizing the council to secure possession and control of the water rights of Ashland creek received 530 votes as against 39 against it. The amendment authorizing the cotin cil to establish an electric light and power plant carried 599 yes and 60 noes. Tlioamendment authorizing the exten sion of the amount of bonded indebted ness for sewerage purposes from $29,000 npward received 483 votes as against 62 votes against it. The amendment establishing the refer endum vote of the peopleas thearbitrary manner of deciding the saloon license question received415 votes as against 135 noes. Besides Mayor H. S. Evans. Council men Win. Fox, T. F. (Strawberry) Smith, and C. C. Chappell, the council will con-ûst of three hoblvoers—Wm. McGrath, D. A. Applegate and J. N. Rinehart. The present popular holders of the positions of recorder and treasurer— Milton Berry and L. L Mulit, respec tively—were returned to their duties The former lead the race while the op position couldn’t hold Mulit—he went through like a greased pig. Capt. H. S Evans, the mayor-elect, has been in business in Ashland for some twenty years and besides making a suc cess of hie private business has always found time to contribute to the “good of the order” in various capacities, includ ing several terms on the council. The city will get good, first class work out of him in his new role. The c<>uncilmen- elect have the appearance and reputation of careful men of afliairs and with the three holdovers the business interests of the city will get careful attention. The personel of the body augurs well for pleasant and harmonious relations. The referendum vote on the saloon license question—24 majority in favor of prohibition of the liquor traffic—will be respected and the new administration at their fir-t meeting in January will vote as a unit. All saloon licenses expire January 15th. The city tax levy will quite likely be raised a few mills in order to continue the 6tre-1 improvement work inaugurated the present year. The newly elected officials áre not tied down to any faction on the saloon qqes- tion and since it is the policy of the people to prohibit the traffic the admin istration will do its best to see that the laws are enforced. These laws were ful ly tested in the highest court in the state at the ultimate expense of the violators during the administration of Former Mayor R. P. Neil and all that remains is to put them into execution should viola tions occur. There is one place in California on the map of Shasta county that has a greater rainfall this season than Redding. At the camp of the Johns power plant on the vlcOlond river 26 82 inches of rain fell from the first of September to the first of Decem'-er. In the same length of time the precipitation in Reddihg has been 17 87 inches, and that is a record breaker for Redding.—Free Press. Holiday - Hints L. P. Orf OFFERED 3 ODays Only $8,075 Jr Ten Acre Orange Qrohard situ ated near Porterville, Cal., for sale Just coming into full bearing Fruit superior quality. Best lo cality, free from frost. Fine sedi ment soil. Beautifully located and near good school and church. A fine investment for young people just starting out in life. Address MRS C. A. MuCLAIN, Livermore, Alameda Co., Cal., for further information. Drugs . and . Confectionery NEAR DEPOT. Phone 441 M. L. CASE.... Funeral Director and Undertaker Scientific Embalming a Specialty. Successor to J. L. DOWNING. Ashland, Ore. Phone at Parlor and Residence BRIQHT’8 DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, Aug 30, 1901. The transfer in volved 1» coin and atoek $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Brights Disease and Diabe* K. hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of tbe specific Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over tnree dozen cases on the treatme>'t and watching them. They a so got physici ans to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians fo judges Up to Aug 25, eighty-seven eper ent of the test cas -s were either Well or progressing favorably. There being but thirre- n per cent of failures, the parties were well satisfied and closed th« transaction. The pro-1 oe dings of the investigating committee: and the cl nical reports of the test ca-«-« were mthlished and will be mailed free! >n application tddreea J ohn J F ulton C ompany , 420 doutgoiuerv 8t 8*n Fran- Cisco. Cal. BANK OF ASHLAND. Roy Hurlburt Acquitted —Tbe Urick Case. the Rev. Dr. Minot J. Savage in the bave a for g-ajety were glad Briggs Unitarian church of the Messiah has butted in and added friction to the ex- given the theory of evolution credit I citement. for having “forever destroyed intelll- ------------ gent belief on the part of anybody in The swift running qualities of Hi. Apple- the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve | » 1 he I ^ate campaign out of business early in and the fall of man. Evolution, ,. . .. . the dav—the labor unions having asserteJ, has ‘ forever removed J those ~ lnar __ _______ ^e(] bim as an object lesson to serve stories and kindred ones to the land 1 the horrible example, of myth, where they belong.” In concluding his remarks, Dr. Sav | The defeat of the republican ticket | was complete in all its detail. It proved age said: 1 a veritable “hoodoo" to be identified "Humanity has been on this earth with it in any manner or form, two or three thousand years at least. Humanity, however, slowly has been When you want a pleasant purgative evolving, claiming from the far-off be >ry Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver ginning there never has been any Tablets. They are easy to take and pro fall. Evolution has wrought out not duce no nausea, griping or other disagree the fall of man. but the ascent of man. able effect. For sale by McNair Bros. That means the complete reconstruc tion of the entire theology of Christen MARRIBD. dom. It Is coming, it has to come. There are thousands of churches to day In which the Eden story is quiet 1 SANDERS—WHELPLEY—In Jackson- ly referred to as though It were poetry ville, Dec. 14,1903, S. T. Sanders and or allegory. There are thousands of Mrs. Ellen Whelpley. others where It Is quietly laid to one COPPLE—MATNEY— In Jacksonville, side.” | Dec. 6, 1903, by Rev. S. Snider, Wm. Coppie and Miss Annie Matney. ----- JOHN R. PROCTOR DEAD. BEAGLE—RANDLES—At the Bellview Washington, Dec. 14.—John R schoolhouse, Dec 6, 1903, by Rev. H. Proctor of Kentucky, president of the N. Rosser, Junes Beagle and Miss Upited States civil service commis Ethel Randles. The young couple have the best wishes sion, and an intimate friend of Presi dent Roosevelt, died of angina pec of lots of friends for a happy wedded forts at the Cosmos club in this cl*j career Saturday, aged 59 years. BORN. Chas Cash, a native son of Siskiyou countv, died at Little Shasta last week. I INLOW —In Ashland Dec. 14, 1903, to A_r «■ and ’ v- V- I Inlow, h I aw Q a QAn Mr. Mrs. s C. son. Jam«« Wholey, a pioneer rancher of GOLDSBY — In Union precinct, Dec. 6, near Edgewood, Siskiyou county, was 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Guldsby, a accidentally drowned on hie place last daughter. Thursday. SPECIAL SALE ------- -AT------ ASHLAND SHOESTORE Formerly Palace Shoe Store, Y our choice of 1500 PAIRS OF SHOES At 25 per cent discount Improve your opportunity, come and see the Ashland Shoe man Aug. Mickleson Mrs. J. R. Chausse moves to Oakland, Cal., soon. Pickled pigs feet and tripe at Ashland Meat market. Frank Williams returned Tuesday from Portland. Capt. L. D. Mahone went to Central Point j esterdkv. A. E. Kinney arrived from Redding yesterday on a visit. Mont. E. Hutchison and wife are in from Klamath Falls. Rev. J L. Beatty arrived from Klam- ath Agency yesterday. Mrs. A. R. Mount is over from Duns- muir visiting relatives. Jacksonville will be raised to presi- dential postoffice Jan. 1st. P. B. Theiss was up from Medford Tuesday on a business trip. Harry Yeo, the shoe drummer, arrived yesterday to visit his family. John Wimer was up from Grants Pass yesterday calling on old friends. Brakeman Lewis Smith and wife re turned Tuesdav from California C. J Foster left Tuesday noon for Los Angeles to look at that country. John Potter returned to Yreka Monday after a visit with Ashland friends. ■' W.-A. Holmesand family have moved back to Ashland from Hornbrook. Geo. F. McConnell and family have moved from Redding to Orland, Cal. Mrs N. Stratton, carpet weaver. Cor ner Iowa and Morton streets, Ashland terday afternoon and its report recoin mended a telephone be put in the court house, that the court bouse and jail roofs be repaired, and the usual report about the county officials, etc. The trial of Roy Hurlburt for stealing a horse from Willow Springs precinct resulted in a verdict of not guilty. Hurl burt claimed he was working for E. E. Lyons (who has since been hu ig for murder of the sheriff of Lane county while resisting arrest for horse stealing) and had nothing to do with the stealing of the animal which he so d. He is 18 years old and the jury did not deem it advisable to send him up. The case of state vs G. W. Trefren, charged with forging R. K. Sutton’s name to a satisfaction of mortgage beg in at ten o’clock this morning. The indictment of W. J. Boosey and son for maiicious mischief to property is set for tomortow. Ed. Graham was indicted for burglar izing Dunlap's rtore at Talent. Complaint was brought to the grand jury that. Chris. Ulrich, the candy store keeper of Jacksonville, was selling ob scene pictures on the backs of Icol-ing glasses. The grand jury brought in an 'indict ment and it was brought before the cir cuit judge who pronounced the picture nude but not necessarily obscene in the eyes of the law governing t' e same. The jury in the case of D. H. Miller vs. J. E Envart, appealed to the circe.t court from Medford’s justice court, rend ered a verdict for the defendant. B B Lee vs W H May; to recover money. Continued. Jas Helms vs S P Co; to recover , damages Dismissed. J 11 Haun vs A King; to recover money. Settled and dismissed. Jas Helms vs Geo L Helms, Same as above Augusta Evans vs Ttios B Evans; di vorce. Decree granted. ESTABLISHED 1884 Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Surplus Fund, $15,000 BOARD GEORGE W. DUNN, ames Lion Coffee HARD WARE STOVES Provost Bros WM. FOX, Eivery, Feed and Sales Stables Main Street, - Opp. Bridge — Phone 591 — For Infants and Children. Bears the Signature of I D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT A General Banking Business'-Transacted. Holier Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought DIR CTORS LER, F. H. CARTER, E. V. CARTER, foreign and Domestic Cxcbanae Bought and Sold.------ I. N. Ford, Geo. Fisher and J. M. Pot- ter were arrivals at Hotel Oregon yester day. Miss Sarah Copeland arrived from San Francisco last week to visit relatives at Talent. H. G. Wortman returned from San Francisco Tuesday where he delivered a Piping commenced last week at the car of hogs. Antonio mine on Forest ceek. Superin Mrs. Claiborne Neil and sister,.Miss 1 tendent Robert McGill has a large force Nancy Hard, went to Grants Pass Mon of , men employed, and everything wae day to visit ready for work when the rains came, so Mrs J. C. Whippand daughter, Miss that there is every prospect of a success Hazel returned Tuesday from a brief ful run at this mine. A No. 1 giant is used at the Antonin, working under a visit at Jacksonville. pressure of 210 feet, and the supply of H. L. Coolidge, Mrs. J R Casey, and water is sufficient to last well into the Mrs. M. J. Coolidge visited the relation summer. This mine is in an old channel ship at Talent Tuesday, , of Forest creek. There is only a 15 foot D. _ T. Sears, gauger at the internal bank to cut off to get at the gravel, and revenue office at Spokane, Wash., has it is quite easily worked. The tailings are readily handled from an eight-foot been relieved by Chas. Olson. dump. State Senator E. V. Carter took Tues day noon’s train for Dunsmuir on a A band ot 309 head of cattle was business trip, returning yesterday. brought in Monday from Applegate foi shipment San Francisco. They were Mrs. Laura Edwards, postmistress and all ' choice to beeves and brought the owners storekeeper of Talent, returned Monday , over $10,000. The cattle were from the from a business trip to San Francisco. herds of Andrew Cantrail, Miles Ca trail, Mrs. E L. Gurnea and children re Arthur Kleinhammer, Henry D. kubli, turned to Medford Monday from a visit James • D. Buckley, Frank Cameron and of several days with Ashland relatives. Frank Crump and were bought by J. C. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Wiley left yester Mitchell for Grayson, Owen & Co., of day for San Lqis Qbispo, Cal , to spend which he is a member. There has been the winter, Mrs. Wiley’s two sisters re about $8,000 in cattle taken out of Ap plegate prior to this sale and there is sid- there fully $6,000 worth of cattle that are Tim Dail/ of Medford, has enlisted in being fed far the late winter qnd spring the U. 8. army and was on Tuesday’s market.—Jacksonville Sentinel. train with two carloadsof soldiers for Ft. Lawton, Wash. Thousands of feet of Jogs are in the woods and on the bank of the Applegate Will Penning and wife returned from river along up the valley to be floated Gold Hill Tuesday, ane left yesterday down all the river to the big sawmill at for Sisson to spend the holidays witll D. Murphy, ■ but are unable to move them T. Irwin’s family. on account of ¿he high waters of a few Mrs. Brown went to Portland yester v/eeks ago sweeping away the mill dam day to visit relatives. Her eon Tom ac- and : costing the Applegate Boom & Lum companied her to enter the state agricul- I ber Co. a loss of about $10,000 in logs and work. , tural college at Corvallis. R v Cooke, of Portland, is visiting at the residence of Hon. H. E. Ankeny. He will leave for southern Oregon to morrow.—Eugene Guard. F. M. Grainger left Tuesday for Santa Cruz. Cai., to spend several months there, after which he will return to Dnnsmnir for the summer. Master Harold Howard, who has been spending the past six months with rela tives, W. R. Kincaid and family, returns next week to Oceanside, Cal, For rent—Four nicely furnished house ^mii*'!iiiiiiiiiili||(iiy|iiiliiiiliiii|)l||\ keeping rooms, ground floor. Misses Millers, 4th street. Billy Hulen, the popuiar professional base-ball man who has been captain of the Seattle team the past season arrived from San Francisco yesterday. 60 different games—all new —one in each package of Don’t forget to see Dr. Goble about your glasses on Dec. 21st and 22nd. Councilman Wm. McGrath, the round house machinist, returned Monday from his month’s vacation visiting his rela at your Grocer’s. tives at Topeka, Kan , and points in Missouri and Texas Wanted—To rent a place with the view of buying it. State number of acres, kind of orchard, if any, horses and im provements with location. Address, J. W. W ells , Ashland. Rubbers I Rubbers ! Rubbers! Go to Vatipel,Norris & Drake. W. A. Holt, who holds a good position as accountant in the government navy yard at Bremerton, Wash , is in Ashland on a visit to his father, Ex-Senator 8, H. Holt. He has a month’s vacation. Look at Gurnea’s Xmas goods before buying eleewhere. 4tb street. The special extra session of the legis lature convenes riext Monday. Senator E. V. Carter starts for the north to morrow while Senator B. F. Mulkev, (who represents Polk county) will leave Ashland Saturday. If you are in need of Xmas, Gumer has It. 4th street. Ashland is a poor town for the saloon business. There is something deceiving about the town and many men first lose their means before finding ont that it is an. unprofitable business in this town— no money to be made in it. Join the holiday excursion to San Francisco. Bolton & Peil will give you a g.iod time for your money, J. M. Easterling has purchased the D. T. Irwin property at corner of 5th and A streets and in connection with Mr. Hardesty has bought out Geo. W. Canning’s restaurant business as well as lodging business in the Nininger block. Mr Canning and family have moved on a farm and he will hereafter jes^d a pas toral life. Xmas goods at Gurnea’s. Nicest line in Ashland. 4th street. Geo. Decker, a pioneer citizen of Edge wood, Siskiyou county, arrived in Ash land yesterday and rented J. L. Down ing’s new residence on the Boulevard He is one of Siskiyou county’s wealthy pioneers and will make his future home here on account of the firm stand this town takes on the temperance question. Dr J. G. Goble the optician will be in Ashland Dec. 21st and 22nd on his regular monthly visit. Office at Hotel Oiegon. Eyes examined free. CASTOR IA OF GOOD TURNOUTS. Horses Fed by Day or Month. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Members American Bankers Association Insured against Burglary in Fidelity and Casultv Co. of New York. I AMALGAMATED CHARGED WITH WRECKING RIVAL MINE. Butte, Mont., Dec. 14.— A reported underground battle has caused a sen sation here, though the affray is clothed in much mystery. A -heavy explosion Saturday night entombed a number of miners and for a time it was feared over a score of men had lost their lives. It appears that ths blasting of Amalgamated miners in the Pennsylvania mine caused an im mense cave-in of Heinze’s workings, imperiling the lives of the miners. The Amalgamated officials deny any attempt was made to destroy the workings of the Heinze property and declare the cave-in was the result of defective timbering on the part ol Heinze. Al Frank, engineer of the Rarus mine, the scene of the blasting charges the Amalgamated people with wholesale destruction of ore and says rich deposits ot mineral are destroyed and wrecked timbers are buried deep ly beneath thousands of tons of rock Damage done amounts to thousands of dollars. Seven wen were caught tn one explosion and precipitated some distance below. Their’ escape was miraculous. The dynamiting was be gun after Judge Clancy had fined the Boston and Montana officials $30C for contempt on charges brought by Heinze and was continued for a period of seven hours. Box after box of dy namite had been exploded in an effort, it is said, to drive Heinze miners from the disputed ground. Superintendent Moultrop of the Pennsylvania mine denies Heinze’s charges. It is reported on the best of authority that before another twelve hours have passed several of the leading Amalgamated officials In the city will be under ar rest on charges preferred by F. Au gust Heinze. POULTRY ASSOCIATION ELECTS IT8 OFFICERS Santa Rasa, Dec. 14.— The board of directors of the Sonoma County Co operative Poultry association have concluded their labors and returned to their homes. H. Graff of Petaluma was elected president, W. H. Creigh ton of Penngrove, secretary, and A' Lawson of Novato, treasurer. The other directors are J. F. Hiner of Santa Rosa, and J. W. Waterman of Cotati. DECISION FAVORS THE DE LAVEAGA ESTATE Jim in £orres> pondence with many eastern customers tor Oregon property List anything you wish to séti with me] Ashland, Oregon. SHIVELY BROS •f Bicyclemen SELL NEW RENT OLD Repairing of all kinds. We sharpen lawn mowers Key making. Saw filing. [ Rambler I B. & H. Latest and \ Beat i P&y makes Snell I Iveiy Johnson COME AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING tsk the Agent For Tickets via San Jose, Dec. 14.—Judge Rhodes has decided the suit of the Union Union Savings bank vs. the estate of Jose V. de Laveaga, deceased, in favor of the latter on the ground that the bank had neglected to present its claim to the executors. The action was brought to collect an assessment of $50 a share on 100 shares of plain tiff's capital stock. SHOT BY HIS COUSIN. Sacramento, Dec. 14.—James La« tomna, a Greek employed by the rail To SPOKANE, ST, PAUL, DULUSS road company near Sisson, had an MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO, and altercation with his cousin on Decem AL P IN S EAST ber 4. He turned to walk away • when his cousin called him, and as he retraced ins steps his kinsman fired a a TRAINS DAILY ft bullet into one of hsi lungs. The « FAST TIME 5 wounded man was brought to the rail road hospital in this city and died Saturday night. New equipment thraugaat Day coaches, Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and FRUIT GROWERS SEEK Buffet Smoking, Library TO EVADE CONTRACT Cars.......................................... Los Angeles. Dec. 14—Judge Henry Daylight trip through the C. Trask of the superior court has under consideration a subject of vital Cascade and Rocky Mountain Interest to the citrus fruit growers of For full particulars, rates, folders,etc. Southern California. Upon Judge call on or address H. C. Trask's decision, it is asserted, H. DICKBON, rests the future of the co-operative City Ticket Art.. Portland, *r. J. W PH ALON. plan of packing and marketing the T. P, A., 122 Third 8treet, Portland, Ur. Citrus fruit crop. E. T. Bynam, D. A. B. C. DENNISTON, G. W. P. A. B. Morrison and J. Spence, all prom 612 First Avenue Seattie. Vn. inent fruit growers, whose contracts are held by the California Citrus union are attempting to dispose of their fruit to buyers outside of the Citru. Union. C anadian P acific CORNER STONE LAID. San FranciBco, Dec. 14.—A few min utes after 12 o’clock the corner stone The of the new building of the merchants SCENIC exchange, to be erected at a cost of $1,300,000, was laid with appropriate ROUTE ceremonies. Speeches were made by President Through Tickets William Babcock and Horace Davis St. Paul and George W. McfJaar, who have long been identified with the ex Minneapolis change. A metal box containing I Chicago records, reports, newspapers and coins Kansas .City was Inserted by Secretary T. C. Fried TO ¿ Toronto lander and then President Babcock spread the mortar, using a Bilvei Montreal trowel, anfl with the assistance of New York Mr- Friedlander and two masons placed the immense stone in position Boston X. “Gentlemen, the corner Btone is laid,” announced Mr. Babcock after And all Points East. the work had been completed and ths crowd that had witnessed the cere The time is arranged to pass the greatest mony passed around and inspected tbs scenic features of the ltns during daylight. Pamphlets furnished free on applicatkm 'tana. E. J. COYLE, F. B. JOHNSON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Aft., F, 4 F-.A.. Hog cholera is sweeping over eastern Vancouver. B. U. Portlaad. Or Kansas, and on the Atlantic seaboard the trusts are swelling up and busting. ’Tie thus with greed, sometimes —Bt. Fancy boxes, dolls, toys of all daacrin. Louis Republic. tions and best line of fancy china in. Aim land at Gurnea’s. 4th street. Job Printing at tbe R koobd office. WORLD’S ____