Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1902)
V.ijny VALLEY .. . kHHLAND OKf - .»' Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubscription R ates : One Year........................................... Six Months....................................... 1 ™ Three Months ................ ™ Advertising Rates Given on Application. ■»•»■» I I I i i ■ i RECORD. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1902. VOL. XV. LOCAL ■■■■■■Hitllll VALLET I;ECORD. EQUILIZATION BOARD. COLEMAN-PATTON WEDDING. ....... A8HLAND, OREGC® $£75 NO. 20. | Cannot be better spent than by subecrib* mg to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just thinkl $1.75 gives yon all the news for a year. Try it I WALKER’S INTENTIONS. The Board of Equalization, consisting The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Pat I of Judge Charles’Prim, County Clerk J. ton ou Oak street, Ashland, was the His Timber Land Buyer Discusses the Mrs. Del Hildreth visited Grants Pass S. Orth and Assessor J. C. Pendleton. scene of a very pretty wedding last Sat Situation. Friday. The board organized by the election of urday, Oct. 11th., at S:30 p. m., where Redding Free Press] Theo. Engle was up from Phoenix Judge Prim as chairman and Mrs. Maude their oldest daughter, Miss Carrie Cheater L. Hovey, the principal buy H. Pendleton as clerk. Marena, was united in marriage to Noah + Monday on a business trip. Bicycle Shoes, Bigh C0p, * er for Thomas B. Walker, the million MissC. E. Smith appeared before the William Coleman, of Coles, California. Hot Water Buttles............................................................... $1 ,W and up t C. 8. Greening went to Grants Pass board voluntarily and asked a reduction Rev. G. W. Nelson, of the Congregational aire lumberman, is quoted as saying that H°ouunXnids ¡^7.7. . 77? - KJii + + Monday on mining business. Telt Eined«««««««« Mr. Walker lias already acquired be in her assessment of $300—money with church, officiating. + + i The home was tastily decorated for the tween three and four huudred thousand + Jacob Kennedy returned Monday from which she was asseesed. The reduction was granted. + a visit with his sisiter at Grants Pass. occasion. The couple took their stand acres of timber land in northern Cali : L. P. Hansen voluntarily appeared be under an arch trimmed with ivy and fornia and has expended for tlie same in Mrs. Lindsey, wife of Brakeman Lind fore the boark and made an examination white roses aud upon a mat of flowers. the neighborhood of $1,000,000. sey, left Monday for a visit in Michigan. of his assessment, which was found not 1 Miss Mary Fendall, of Ashland, acted as The most interesting feature of Mr. Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of Baker City, vis to be on tlie roll. He was therefore as ‘ brides-maid and Joe M. Coleman, a Hovey’s remarks, however, related to brother of the groom, as grooius-man. the vast industry which must be set in ited southern Oregon the first of the sessed by the board for $230. The most Useful Articles For Household Use. Everything in The The bride was arrayed in a beautiful motion when Mr. Walker gets ready to The assessment of Fred Grob was week’. stricken from the roll, the property with white organdie dress trimmed with place liis finished forest products on the : Rubber Line : Ashland, Oregon J. 8. Bailey and family returned home which he was assessed being on the roll orange blossoms, and held in her hand a market. He said that Walker’s great to Shake, Friday, from a visit in the in the name of Mrs. H. M. Coss. boquef of white roses. The brides plant, in point of labor employed and +H KH I : ' ' — I i I I I l l' i valley.- . G. £ Nuber, agent for Sachs Bros., maid wore a white organdie dress and money expended, would easily rival living Us l'our that of the Mountain Copper Company. G, Naylor, a pioneer citizen of this asked a reduction of the assessment on carried a boquet of pink roses. « Prescriptions .... “ Mr. "Walker's timber holdings alone, ” The groom is the foreman of the Espey county, was visiting Ashland friends the property owned by them. Granted he said, “ would furnish traffic amount Gold Mines located near Coles station to the extent of $175. Friday. WEDDING AND HORSE THItf CATCHING. PROBATE COURT. _ F. P. Roper of Phoenix asked a redac and iaa young man of fine appearance ing to about $100,(XX) a year. This it- Mrs. Call came over from Hornbrook tion Tf would guarantee the success of a his assessment on merchandise and good habits. He is well and favora self Estate of M U Harwell; order post Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. from of bond loan so Mr. Walker is not depend Bly’s Squire Has a Busy Day. $1200 to $800. Reduction granted. bly known in northern California. The poning bearing. H. Wallace. J. A. Houston of Trail asked a reduc bride, a native of Ashland, is a hand ent on any one to build a railroad for Estate of Jas. McDonough; order ap Lakeview Herald] NATURAL ANXIETY. We understand that $100.) more of tlie Miss Myrtle Morgan went to Duns- tion on his tillable laud. It appearing some young lady and possesses many him. If it should be built by other par pointing day for settlement. money secreted by the late Fendal Suth Mothers regard approaching winter Mike Parker, Justice of the Peace at muir Saturday to work in the Home that the same was assessed $100 higher . fine qualities among them a very amia ties it will be upon Mr. Walker’s terms.” Estate of Chas Hopkins; order approv erlin has been found. This is a part of with uneasiness, children take cold so Mr. Hovey had no information to give Bly, came over to Lakeview Monday. restaurant. than some other lands in the same vicin- j ble disposition. ing final account and discharging ad No disease costs more little the $10,000 in controversy between the Mike says that he married a couple near ity, the reduction was made. A host of relatives of the contracting out concerning the various proposed easily. ministrator. Gus Low, foreman of the steel gang,, lives than croup. It’s attack is so sud executor of the estate and Mrs. J. II. railway routes, but he seemed to know parties witnessed the ceremony, also Estate of A. 8. Moon; order for sale of Bly last Sunday, and that immediately was over from the other side of. the Sis- den that sufferer is often beyond Grubbe, who claims it was given to her after the ceremony he quit the marriage kiyous Sunday. a few intimate friends, among them Mrs. enough about the Pitt river route to human aid the real property. Normal School. before the doctor arrives. by her father, Mr. Sutherlin, before his thiuk it a difficult and expensive piece alter to assist the sheriff of Klamath G. F. Fendall and Fred Roper. At the I Estate of M E Minear; same. Such cases yield readily to On<? Minute death. This makes a total of $8100 so of road building. About twenty-five The Southern Oregon State Normal Father E. P. Murphy, who has been conclusion of the ceremony and congrat Estate of J J Donohue; final report county in arresting a horse thief sup Cough Cure. Liquifies tlie mucous, al far discovered. posed to be in that section of the coun in Klamath and Lake counties, passed school begins the year’s work Wednes ulations a most beautiful and delicious bridges would be required from the filed and order of final settlement. lays inflammation, removes danger. day, September 9th. Buildings are wedding supper was served. The young Pitt to the Big Bend. Estate of J O Johnson; final account try. Within half an hour after kissing thsough for the north Sunday. NEVER ASK ADVICE. Absolutely safe. Act-s immediately. Regarding the Terry road extension being remodied and grounds improved. the lovely bride decked in orange blos couple took the night train for Coles ila- i-a*»! f.'rdec o* final settlement. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all Detective G. W. Day and wife of Horn to Montgomery creek and across the When von have a cough or cold don’t Specialists are in charge of the depart near which place they will reside for a Estateul Philip Mullen;final discharge soms, Mike found himself in hot pursuit brook visited Medford Saturday. Mr. F. S. McMa ask what is good for it and get some ments. Latin and economics may' be short time and later spend the winter in Flat woods, where the recorded snow throat and lung trouble. of the thief who was arrested near Al of administrator. hon, Hampton, Ga.: A bad cold ren medicine with little or no merit and per* Day was over qn professional business. taken as preparation for high school southern California. May happiness fall is eleven or twelve feet, Mr. Hovey dered Estate of Margaret Houser; final ac bert Walker’s place on Sprague river. me voiceless jnst before an oratori haps dangerous. Ask for Foley’s Hon professed to make light of snow fall work Dr. Andrew D. Warde, of Syra The thief had the stolen horse and sad and prosperity be theirs. Mrs. I. E. Inman and children of Tal count filed. cal contest. I intended to withdraw but ey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung where there is almost a complete absence cuse, N. Y., and a graduate of Columbia Estate of Conrad Mingus; order to con dle in his possession. The sheriff hand ent moved to Lairds Sunday where her of wind. The road could be easily kept took One Minute Cough Cure. It re remedy, it cures coughs, and colds quick vey real property; final report and order cuffed him and took him back to the husband is employed on the new rail college and a man of large experience in stored my voice in time to win the med ly.—T. K. Bolton. his line of work, will have charge of the ESTABLISHED SO YEARS AGO open where the snow is not drifted by al. Falls. road. confirming sale of personal property. ” high winds. Bat Mr. Hovey did not training department. Much attention The guilty party was Fred Collins, Estate of J W Masterson; order ap Engineer J. A. Merriman and wife are committ himself on any route or on any will be given to athletics and oratory. aged 17 years, and a former resident of pointing administrator. The M. E. Church of Jacksonville Celebrat thing else except that Mr. Walker and visiting in the Willamette valley. The MAKRIEI). Estate of L H Faucett; inventory and Talent. A horse belonging to Joe Der- former took along his gun to kill China $200 in cash prizes have been guaranteed his money would bring a great deal of for excellence along these lines. For cat es Its Half Century In This County, win and a saddle of Mike Galarneau was appraisement filed. pheasants. prosperity to Shasta county and that he alogue address B. F. M ulkey , president, among the articles. W. J. Plymale, the pioneer literary ought to be encouraged by the press, the HOWARD—MA,’CAULAY-Jn Medford, to prevent Pneumonia and Consumption Geo. Rowley visited his daughter, or C. H. T homas , secretary, Ashland, man, A DOZEN TIMES ANIGHT. gives the following description of assessors aud the public generally. Oct. 7, 1902, by Rev. T. L. Crandall, is to euro your cold when it first appears. H.. Oregon. Lumbering At Jacksonville. Mrs. J. M. Hunter, last week. . Mrs. H. the meeting of Rev. T. F. Royal with his Leon Howard and Miss Jessie Ma A cker ’ s E nl . lisk R emedy will stop the Mr. Owen Dunn, of Benton Ferry, W. Mr. Hovey said that not one dollar of accompanied him home Sunday for a cough in a night, and drive the cold out caulay. church in the county seat town: old Va., writes: " I have had kidney and Mr. Walker ’ s money had been used to N. W’illiams, general manager of visit there. Always a quick and Klamath County. At the Methodist church in Jackson acquire timber land in violation of the VAN DYKE—COX—In San Francisco, of your system. bladder trouble for years, and it became the J. Iowa Company, who recent sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and ville on Sunday last the services were laws governing the disposal of the public Mayor and Mrs. B. D. Grant and so bad that I was obliged to get up a ly put up Lumber at the residence of C. B. Williams, all throat and lung troubles. It it does a sawmill on the tract of tim Misses Cordy Grant unusually interesting, the occasion be domain, but that on the contrary Mr. ____ ____ and _____________ Frankie Tozer Klamath Falls Papers, Oct. 9] dozen times a night. I never received John G. Van Dyke, jr., and Miss not satisfy you the drnggist will refund Squire Parker and_ the Howard Bros. ing the 50th anniversary of the erection Walker had purchased, as he had a any permanent benefit from any medi ber which his company bought a few took the Colestin trip Sunday accom Minnie Cox, both of Medford. months since from Beekman & Reames your money Write to us for free sam were at the Falls Tuesday, having a and dedication of the church — the first right to, an immense acreage of timber panied by a kodak. cine until I took Foley,s Kidney Cure. and David Linn, near Jacksonville, re The lovely bride is the youngest ple. W. H. H ooker A Co., Buffalo, N, crowd of timber men with them. Methodist church built south of Salem. as a legitimate investment, paying a After using two bottles, I am cured. ports that the sawmill is now in opera Mrs. Jo Nunan-Russell, of Jackson of Rufus Cox. the well known —T. K. Bolton. Mrs. Kinkaid of Josephine county is Rev. T. F. Royal, the pioneer Methodist good price for the same and respectin daughter tion and that a goodly amount of lumber ville, went to San Franciso, Friday, to preacher, who helped build this church everybody’s rights in the premises Medford citizen, and the young groom is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. T. keep house this winter for Charles and is now on the yard, much of which is in the early fifties occupied the pulpit, The settlers everywhere are using Mr. engaged in the shoe business at that Baldwin. being used in the construction of build Miss Fanny Nunan. town being a member of the well known both morning and evening. Special Walker’s lands for free pasturage. ings for the company’s use. It is the pioneer family of this county. They Mrs. J. F. White and District At John Freise has sold 800 or 1000 sheep music was rendered by the choir. Rev. intention of the company, Mr. Williams torney A. E. Reames returned Monday to Frank McCornack for $3.25 per head. Royal’s text in the morning was from Tlie excitement incident to traveling have lots of friends whose best wishes OVlItr in a Bankt! states, to build a tramway from the mill from a visit with their mother, Mrs. L. and change of food and water often go with them. Matthew 1-21. In the evening the Rev. Maj. Worden has sold his band of 200 to connect with the Medford-Jackson Reames, at Berkeley, Cal. brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason BOLTER — WILKINS — At Roseburg, sheep to Sheriff Summers for $3.25 per gentleman confined himself more to no We live by our blood, and on ville shortline at Jacksonville. one should leave home without a of early pioneer : reminiscences ot those head. > Oct, 8, 1902, Frank H. Bolter and Miss Mrs. Thos. Brown and little son of . Ten acre fruit tracts bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera The speaker I times in Jackson county, Dora B. Wilkins, by Rev. C. A. Hyatt. it. We thrive or starve, as Ashland arrived here today to visit with and Diarrhoea Remedv. For sale by Lake County. The telephone line had reached the engrossed ’ completely ’ ’ " the attention of Two acre tracte her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Schneur- Henley ranch the first of the week on old and young. McNair Bios. The wedded couple are spending their He told how in the our blood is rich or poor. stein of Edenbower. — Roseburg Review. Railroad lots Lakeview Examiner, Oct. 9] . in Los Angeles Mr. Bolter its way to Merrill. spring of 1853 quite a religious emigra Oil as a fuel has proved such a suc honeymoon is an S. P. fireman operating between There is nothing else to live Mrs. W. F. Grob is now in San Use Soother of Pain. For all pain. tion arrived in Jacksonville — Rev. Jos. cess on all the lires of the South “ rn A. Castel reports that he will have the Ashland and Roseburg. Francisco where she will visit for a on or by. Sale at Bargain Engineer Chas. Miller took Monday’s excavating done for his new brewery 8. Smith, a Methodist minister among Pacific that general orders have been short time before going to Los Angeles them — this gentleman was assigned to issued for tl>e conversion of all the for a trip to Juneau, Alaska, where this week. When strength is full and for the winter. Mrs. Grob’s health is train the Jacksonville charge. Subsequently engines. Coal will be abandoned ab BO UN. hie brother-in-law is in charge of the Jas. Bell was in town the first of the Rev. Smith, who was a very able man, solutely. Within a year the South?? d 0. T. Billing». spirits high, we are being re much improved since she left here. was construction of some government works. week from Bly being on liis way to the was elected to congress by the demo Pacific will be on an oil basis solely. BEACH—At Lakeview, Oct. 6, 1902, to E.*E. Fitch, landlord at Old Bly, freshed, bone muscle and brain, i visitor in Lakeview last Friday. Mr. Rev. Jason L. Payne, who has been railroad after a load of freight for W. W. crats. While in charge of religious af The order will affect all the divisions Mr. and Mts. A. Y. Beach, a son. Real Estate and Insurance. spending the summer in Ashland visit Smith. fairs here he began the erection of a of the company. The local division ia body and mind, with con Fitch has been seriously ill. ing Judge J. L. Batchelor’s family, re church, on the lot now occupied by the generally known as the Western, is In STEWART—At Bonanza, Oct 4, 1902, to Mrs. C. A. Humphrey and daughter, residence of P. Donegan. It was in 1853 Tom Welch and Arthur Price were turned homeward Saturday to Fayette, tinual flow of rich blood. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, a son. Edith, left Wednesday morning for Ash that Rev. Royal and family arrived in the lead In the number of oil burning down from Paisley last week. Mr. Iowa. engines. The Sacramento dlvisicn This is health. STACK —At Bonanza, Oct., 5, 1902, to land at which place they will reside in the valley, after a weary trip of five Price came here to visit his parents, comes next and the Los Angeles di 8. P. Roller, who worked as an 3. P. the future. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Stack, a daughter. When weak, in low spirits, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith of Mediord. brakeman months across the plains. After consid vision third. All of the divisions are out of Ashland until the A. correspondence and waiting, for using oil for about one-third of the VANMETER—At Klamath Falls, Oct. no cheer, no spWng, when rest A band of 8000 sheep, most of them R. U. strike, was over from Dunsmuir Earnest Shattuck, son of S. 0. Shat erable 2, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. John Van owned by John Reid of New Pine Creek, the past week on a visit, after an absence tuck qf Ft. Klamath is dead, agedl4 in those days the mail facilities were traffic. is not rest and sleep is not were driven to the railroad last week of eight years. Meter, a son. years. necessarily slow, Mr. Royal was appoint __ ed to succeed Jos. S. Smith by Rev. Wil United States Marshal Shine of San sleep, we are starved ; our blood for shipment. Ben Van Brimmer has returned from bur, the presiding elder. During Mr. Francisco was in Redding last week McDANIEL—In Jacksonville, Oct. 6, All kinds of rubber goods at McNair 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mc an Oakland, Cal., hospital. is poor; there is little nutri Bros. Royal’s stay of two vears the Methodist subpoenaing witnesses in an alleged SPENT MORE THAN $1OOO. Daniel a daughter. fraud against the government. Two church was removed to its present site; J. L, Padgett has sold his interests to ment in it. Mrs. II. L. Walters of Portland, who years ago, a woman giving her name as W. W. Baker of Plainview, Neb., Sam Padgett and has gone to Indiana the lot being donated by JamesCluggate, Back of the blood, is food, writes: “My wife suffered from lung lias been visiting her folks, Mrs. J. H. and Missiouri. the building completed and dedicated in Mrs. Moon, claiming to be the widow of DIED. Euncb Counter Russell and family, left Monday night to soldier, asked a Redding attorney to trouble for fifteen years. She tried a to keep the blood rich. When number of doctors and spent over $1000 visit her sister, Mrs. Thos. P. Boyd, at B. Abberloos and wife returned Tues 1854. Mr. Royal has now in his posses a make out her application for a pension. sion the names of those who subscribed Coffee and Cake day from the Rogue River valley where so liberally to the building. Mr. Royal’s She was substantiated in her’ testimony YOUMANS—At Crescent City, Sept. 1", it fails, take Scott’s Emulsion without relief. She became very low Woodland, Cal. they had been after supplies. by a man named Noah. It is now al 1902, S. T. Youmans, aged 81 years 4 and lost hope. A friend recommended Miss Pearl and Master Willie Canning narrative Sunday evening certainly car of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the Foley’s Honey and Tar and, thanks to arrived 6 months and 22 days. Saturday morning from Santa Mrs. H. S. Parrish of Ashland arriveyl ried the old pioneers back to those old leged that she attempted to defraud the whole body going again—man this great remedy it saved her life. She Rosa, Cal., to make their home with in town Monday for a short visit with days in Jackson county. He told how pension department. enjoys better health than she has their father, Geo. W. Canning, proprie her mother, Mrs. J. Hunsaker. he bought liis first house for a shot gun woman and child. knonw in ten years.” Refuse substi- tor of the Blue Front restaurant. a silver watch; of the generosity of Best Itteals in Cown If you have not tried it. send for free »ample, stitutes.—T. K. Bolton. Thos. Collins and Lee Doten were at and Basra the Fha its ajjreeable taste will surprise you. Mrs. R. T. Melius returned Friday the metropolis Tuesday from the flourish Dan Kenny; how Win. Kahler sold his last yoke of oxen to lift the debt off the SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists from the railroad hospital at San Fran ing little town of Merrill. 25 Cents REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. church; he spoke of the then populous 409-415 1‘eail Street, New York, cisco and reports that her daughter Irma, town of Sterling and its true frontier-like Albert Walker started Wednesday jcc. and Ji.oo; all druggists. J W Merritt to V A Little; lot 1, blk whose lower limbs were stricken with 31, Central Point, $10. paralysis, is not improving very rapidly. morning for Ashland accompanied by population. A glowing tribute was paid his son Roy, who expects to attend the to the memory of Isaac Jones, the negro F H McCormach to A M Long; lots ?2, BIllGHT'S DISEASE. Combination water bottles and foun normal school. preacher, whose eloquent sermons and AT- _ • SALTS from MtNERAl 23, 24, and blks 25 and 32, Woolen addi The largest sum ever paid for a pre tion Ashland, $1600. tain syringes. Go to McNair Bros. llPVPf=(JT1 HP W ells , Texas, are al. fresh Bread and Pastry soul-stirring prayers were a feature of all I ’ VTVl «¿111/V most tasteless. The first Theo. Kinsman and wife arrived in scription, changed hands in San Fran church gatherings. During Mr. Royal’s x-7 * dose pleases you «nd the Bank of Ashland to Emma Cobum; Albert Teal, who was shot in the leg Eike Your Blether Blakes town Monday from Ashland where they cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in lots 30 and 31, Hunsaker’s addition, result wins your friendship. A mild but certain cure and had the bone shattered while being had been after their winter’s supply of stay in Jacksonville, which was limited for Chronic Constipation, Sick Headache, Rheuma- volved io coin aud stock $112,500.00 and Ashland $250. ■ mistaken for a deer by his brother near fruit. They left the same day for their in those days to two years, he was eh ct- tism Female Complaints, Liver, Kidney and Stomach was paid by a party of business men for ed county school superintendent, being Troubles, toe, or box containing j times the quan Margaret Van Harden to Pete,r Van Josephine county, arrived in home at Bonanza. a specific for Brights Disease ar.d Diabe Harden; quit claim deed 35 acres in tp Leland, tity 35c at your druggists. By mail 13c and 30c In nominated to that position, by both Ashland last week with his brother. stamps. One box will convince the most skeptical. tes, hitherto iucurab'e dieeaees. The town is now filled up with racer whigs and democrats. He established GEO. CANNING, 39 s. r 1 w, $1. He is aiming to make a living by selling 0. M. Waterhouse Co. 830 Howard St. Sao Francisco They commenced the serious investi horse men and the stables with racers. the first school hère—a subscription Agents wanted In every town. Liberal terms. Alice Hanley to James Braden; lot 2, popcorn on the streets. Proprietor. gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900. sec 11, tp 36 8, r 3 w, and riparian Tight For the first year of organization ihe school—also, six Sunday schools in dif Sold by H. 8. E vans . They interviewed scores of the cured and for ditch and dam for 10,000 inches Mr. Butler Heltijan will have charge association is offering $925 in purses and ferent parts of the valley: the Clinton tried it out on its merits hy putting over water, $1. of The Ashland Meat Market Co’s order as they have a fine track the races Butte Sunday school, on the Clinton do Thedford's Black-Draught has three dozen cases on the treatment and wagon and guarantees prompt delivery. promise to be excellent. nation land claim now owned by the A J Stevens to Rebecca Eggleston; saved doctors’ bills for more than J. C. WHIPP. F. L. WRIGHT watching them. They al6o got physici lots 1, 5 and 6, blk 2, Pracht’s addition, Hanleys, being the first established in Somebody has stolen over 100 head of sixty years. For the common fam R. A. Emmitt of Keno was in town ans to name chronic, incurable cases, Ashland, $800. this section by a Baptist missionary. oats from the Bybee farm, situated on Monday. He will leave today for the ily ailments, such as constipation, ami administered it with the physicians indigestion, hard colds, bowel com J H Russell to Ann H Russell; 1.35 iogue river. Mr. Bybee offers $100 for Deschutes cquntry where he has a con All this is but a small part of the very for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eiahty-seven acres interesting things told by the speaker of in tp 39 s, r 1 e, $5. . I their recovery or the conviction of the plaints, chills and fever, bilious tract for surveying several townships. eper ent of the test cases were either those early days. After the services the ness, headaches and other like Z Cameron to J A Mushett; w| d 1 c i thief. 1 ’ ' well or progressing favorably. Albert Walker, one of the leading congregation came forward to greet the complaints no other medicine is tp 38 s, r 3 w, $25000. I - You want to wear one of Vaupel, stockmen There being but thirteen per cent of I 1 No J 40, of Sprague river valley arrived necessary. It invigorates and reg A Mushet to A W Sturgess; same, $1. 1 Norris & Drake’s ruffs when you attend in town Sunday night and has been venerable minister and his wife. Mon failures, the parties were well satisfied day was spent in renewing old acquaint Ashland, Oregon, Corner Second and Main. ulates the liver, assists digestion, to W Duff; .32 acres, the theatre. and closed ths transaction. The pro tp S 38 G s, Netherland visiting with his friends in town for the ances and revisiting old scenes. In ti e stimulates action of tne kidneys, r 1 w, $325. ceedings of the investigating committee evening an informal reception took place purifies the blood, and purges the At Susanville, Cal., on September 10, past week. T Richards’ to J Taylor & Sons; lot DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK and the clinical reports of the test cases 3, G blk at the residence of Mrs. McDonough. bowels of foul accumulations. It Yesterday A. Castel brought us sam Orchard Home, $350. 1902, there were married Mr. George were published and will be mailed free cures liver complaint, indigestion,, MARBLE, GRANITE, IRON FENCING and Mary E Bolle to J A Julien; el of nwj Homes, to Miss Libbie Pendleton. The ples of the choice variety of peaches he Mr. and Mrs. Royal left Tuesday for on application. Address J ohn J. F ulton ‘ and their home in Salem. Rev. T, F. Royal’s sour stomach, dizziness, chills, GENERAL CONTRACTING in STONE WORK has raised on his place in west Klamath wl of ne| sec 4, tp 34 s, r 2 w, $500. bride is a former Jackson county girl C ompany , 420 Montgomery St. San Fran rheumatic pains, sideache, back J A Jaggi to J A Julien; 160 acres tp and a sister of J. C. Pendleton and Mrs. Falls. They are early Crawfords, are name will never be forgotten, both in cisco, Cal. ache, kidnev troubles, constipation, large, luscious and free from defects. the early religious and educational his 34 s, r 2 w, $500. N. C. Gunn. d diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard Lavina J Russell to Mary J Swindon; T>iey are superior in quality and size to tory of Oregon. John Nelson has finisned his threshing colds and headache. Every drug 6.8 acres, tp 37, r 3 w, $400. for this eeason. His machine, in pfeaches raised west of the mountains. TEMPERANCE QUESTION AT McMlNNVILLE. gist has Thedford’s Black- Draught Elizabeth Lofftus heirs to E H Lofftus; a waak Yun of thirty-eight days, threshed WHILE THERE IS LIFE THERE IS in 25 cent packages and in mam lot 4, blk 9, Ashland, $2000. moth size for 8100. Never accept President of College and Principal of I H H Johnson to G W Syron; part of I 52,000 bushels of grain. HOPE. a substitute. Insist on having the Soother of Pain, for all paip. Pre- Enoch Walker place, $1100. School Go Before Council With Charges original made by the Chattanooga I was afflicted with catarrh: could nei J F Hall to L N Best; el nwj, nJ sw}, ; pared and sold by Wilmer M. Poley & Medicine Company. ther taste nor smell and could hear bat of Violations. Co., druggists; Ashland. sec 22, tp 35, r 3 $1000. little Ely’s Cream Balm cured it. Mar I believe Thedford’s Black-Draught W L Colvig heits to M N Colvig; land Portland Oregonian] Clyde Payne has returned to Eugene cus G. Shautz, Rahway, N. J. in tp 37, r 3 w, $600. is the best medicine on earth. If is resume his studies at the state un Cream Balm reached me safely and the ----- and Sharpen them----- McMinnville, Oct. 12.—The Temper good for any and everything. I have E D Briggs to W A Patrick; 11,250 sq to iversity. This wss pleasing news to the effect is surprising. My son says the ance Alliance promises to make life in a family of twelve Yhiidren, and for ft, Ashland, $250. footballists there and his picture and first application gave decided relief. teresting for both the saloons and the four years I have kept them on foot the announcement were in the Oregon Respectfully, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, members of the city council. The pres ...Sewing .Machines Repaired... Everything usually found in an “Up-to-Date” Furniture Store and healthy with no doctor but Black. 1 One or Life’s Pleasures. ian Friday. ident of the Alliance has been collecting Draught A. J. GREEN, lllewara, La. j Dover, N. H. and at right prices. Saw Filing a Specialty. , There is nothing in life more enjoyable The Balm does not irritate or cause evidence against the saloons, as it is an Unique wall paper, up-to-date esigns, > and ami at the th« same Aiime time »0 -o beneficial to sneezing. Sold bv druggists at 50 cts. or open secret that the saloons have been OPERA HOUSE BLOCK from 8 cents up at Stock ’ s. both mind and body, as traveling. All Our Work Guaranteed mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., keeping open on Sundays and selling A modern railway journey, intelligent-; Harth and Rvan, who own a good New York. liquor to minors. The city ordinance ly taken, tends to prolong life, breaks piece of quartz ground on Schiefflin provides that if any saloonkeeper shall NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. You will sa ve money the monotony of existence and acts as a Gulch opposite Woodville, in driving $1OO CASH PK1ZE FOR A N a ME sell liquor to a minor or keep open on by getting our prices. United States Land Office, panacea for dull care, by taking, us out their lower tunnel cross-cut the ledge Sunday his license shall be revoked for Jacksonville. Oregon, Sept. 26, 1902. For the new Daily Limited train to of the well worn channels of worldly and ' showing a 24-inch vein of $100 rock. year. Noth« is hereby given that incompliance We bave a Full Line of. to be placed in service Novem one business struggles. ' They expect on further development California Professor Rutherford, the president of with the provisions of the Act of Con ber 1, 1902, by the Rock Island System Before starting upon a trip, whether ' that the ledge will show a stronger body Alliance, having collected his evi gress of J une 3rd, 1878, entitled “An act for and Southern Pacific Company, via the the on business or recreation, it is well to i of high grade ore. dence, before the conncil last the sale of timber lands in the states of El Paso Short Line. The competition Tuesday, went inquire aud investigate the various j in company with President California. Oregon, Nevada and Washing- Blue print maps of any township in is open to the public and conditions in Boardman, and submitted it. The coun ten Territory,” as extended to all of the routes, aud choose the one offering the AT BOTTOM PRICES land states by act of August 4,1892, Worth of 80 Pound Steel Rails, 50 New Locomotives best inducements in the way of comfort Roseburg Oregon Land District, showing volve no fees of any kind. For circular cilmen sat dumb and the mayor finally public Anna. M. Zacharias of Jackson county, of instructions, address at once Jno. and attractions The traveler, the tour- all vacant lands, for 50 cents , each. If Give us a call . called for new business and both Pref state of Oregon, and a resident of the town Sebastian, Passenger Traffic ise in selecting you want any information from the U. S. bebastian, traffic Manager. ’ j ident Boardman and Professor Ruther- of Medford, of said state, has this day filed ¡st or business man is wise and 55 New Coaohes, Chair Cars, Dining and Cafe and be convinced. in 0 s journey journey to in this office her sworn statement, No. the Rio Grande Lines in to Lund Office» address, . T itle G uarantee Rock Island System, Chicago. _4 ford were compelled to leave. 3551. for the purchase of the se*4 se% sec —THE— aud from the east, as it offers every & L oan Co., Roseburg, Oregon, From personal interviews, it is learned 6 and ne’4 of ne'A. sec 7, nj< of nw£ sec Cars is the record of the . . . comfort and modern convenience to suit : that Councilmen Harding, Newell, Rum 8, in township No 32 s, range No. 2 e, ana M BICYCLE MEN. all classes of travel, withan array of' J. Pierpont Morgan Is about to iden mel and Burns are men of duty, and if will oner proof to show that the land they can be convinced that it is their sought is more valuable for its timber or Opposite Second Hand Store, Ash- scenic attractions unsui passed in the tify himself with the oil business In duty to revoke the licenses of the saloons, stone than for agricultural purposes, and world. Castle Gate, the Canyon of the California. In company with wealthy land, Oregon. Grand, Marshall Pass, Tennessee Pass associates, among whom are the La they will do so. Councilman Gee wants to establish her claim to said land before and the world renowned Royal Gorge Shells, he proposes to have a share in to reform the saloonkeepers by giving the County Clerk of Jackson county, Ore at Jacksonville, Oregon, on Wednes are but few of these attractions seen the handling of the crude product of .them another show, and Councilman gon, the 17th day of December, 1902. She this state. On October 12, or a few during the past year, making it the most modern and up to date from the car windows. hJones wants to let them alone so long as day, names as witnesses: Eugene Btole of Three fast trains daily between Og- da>s later- gangs of surveyors will be the ealoons pay their revenue, railroad in tho country. Travel over it and enjoy the fineet uip Trail, Oregon; 8am Geary of Trail. den and Denver. put ,nt0 1,16 held and run hues to Four or five saloons are sqid to have Oregon; Nathan Tuttle of Medford. Ore ment on earth. C. 8. CRANE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 8t. Louis, Mo. ROSS Pullman Palace and Ordinary Sleep- the ocean from the Coalinga. McKP- been found open on Sunday and selling gon; Mark Applegate of Trail, Oregon. Oregon. 0. CLINE, Pac. Coast Pass. Agt., Los Angeles, Cal. Any and all persons claiming adversely iug cars on all trains to Denver, Omaha, trick, ®un^fet’ Midway and Kern rizer liquor to minors, and the other, it is fields the most feaslblo Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louis ” 'J to determine J " ’ said, was caught selling to a minor next the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before j route by which to transport oil to tide day (Monday.) without change. 1902. The charter does not provide any oth- said 17th day of J. December. AVE IN STOCK 2000 Newtown Pip A perfect Dining car service. Agents water. The surveys will run over tho T. BRIDGES, Register. Ooast range at a number of points and fer method whereby saloonkeepers break- pin» and Spitsenberge. One Hun throughout the Northwest can sell tick g the ordinance shall be punished: dred Cou Doynne du Comice winter ets via this route. For rates, maps and i also will go down the San Joaquin ne Alliance intends to proceed against full information or for copy of beautiful valley parallel with the line of the pear». ro ie saloons, and also against the mem- booklet. “With Nature in Colorado,” Standard. On that data so gathered . SI WHERtÏLL ELS e T w ÌS. ” cn *rs of the council, should they refuse write to or call on W. C McBRIDE, will depend the location of the ntna EJ Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes uood. Use cz revoke the licenses of the offenders. Inuma. Sold by drngglsts. ____ -4 Gen’l Agent or M. J. ROCHE, Traveling Foley’s Honey and Tar cures cough»1 Ccity election is near at hand, the Full Line of Nursery Stock— Passenger Agent, 124 Third Stree, Port and id cold» colds and prevents jmeumonia. pneem promises to be very interesting. land, Or«. Take no «ubetituter—T. K. Bolton. all Oregon Grown, Tell Slippers.....$l.75 Cb€ PdldCC St01*€f Rubber ** Goods Combination « Ulater * Bottles Hnd « Fountain ♦ Syringes I ! llkllair Bros THE SURE WAY Blood. For a Blue Front Restaurant. THEDFORD’S buckdraughi ° THE GREAT F amily M edicine W. S Satisfaction CS--u.o.x*£AXxt FURNITURE, LAWS MOWERS Carpets, Draperies. - __ • 1 J p DODGE $3,000,000 SUNDRIES Henry Bros ENGINEER’S JUPLM & WARNER OVERALLS Medford, H t IfflffllKSW- I I Zirrci 103.0 I_ _ _ L ' Wabash -o> Railroad