Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
D R. MILLS, E. V. CARTER, f MOST CORDIALLY Invite the F. H. CARTER, ViCB-PBaemENT. H. C. GALEY, C Uncle Tom’s Cabin tonight. Fred Parson is doing the Willamette ■ Public to come and inspect the valley. three carloads of new goods, which The McConnell Grocery Co. which has Wm. Sonnichson went to Klamathon BANK OF ASHLAND today. been in the hands of R. L. Sabin, a has just arrived. The most com trustee of the creditors, was purchased Summer dress goods at Vanpel, Norris yesterday by Hermann Salomon, pro & Drake’s. plete stock that was ever brought says prietor of the Ashland House. Mr. S. ESTABLISHED 1884. Miss Stella Smith returned Sunday he will take possession as soon as from Medford. bill of sale arrives from Portland and to Southern Oregon at one time. the will conduct the business. He was for M. S. and A. Cobb left yesterday for engaged in the grocery business at Capital, Full Paid, $50,000 Klamath Falls. The new Bain wagons were built merly Redding." It is reported G. F. McCon Frank Williams went to Portland and work for him: Surplus Fund, : $15,000 • at the factory to my order with nell W. will O. Marks, Salem yesterday. the cartoonist and book Miss Pearl Squires of San Jose is visit keeper, has rented from S. M: Rhodes heavy tires and large spokes, hub the ing Miss Mingue, building on Main street, fronting the plaza, and vacated yesterday by High <fc Miss Clara Ray of Medford is visiting and brake. The celebrated Racine Sonnicbeon ’s saloon. Mr. Marks will Ashland relatives. establish & new drug store in Ashland HENRY AMMERMAN, D. R. MILLS, G. S. BUT Mrs. Josie Russell was np from Jack spring and will be assisted by a first class pre wagons and buggies, also scription sonville yesterday. druggist. LER, F. H, CARTER E. V. CARTER. Miss Emma Russell returned from built to my order for this rough High & Sonnichson have rented the California yesterday. building on Main street over the bridge foreign and Domestic exchange Bought and Sold recently vacated by I. »V. Burriss and The Buck Geo. E. Nichols arrived from Gold country and bad roads. will start up a first class up-to-date res- Hill on the noon train. taurant in Ashlaud. Mies Mollie Catchings returned this eye Mower and the Tiger and Hol Geo. E. Nichols has shipped hi9 20tli A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED week from Pokegama. Century from Gold Hill to Ashland lingsworth-Tiger Rake can’t be and will store C. A. Wolfolk was up from Gold Hill soon open up in the Williams or several days this week. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent.. building on Main street. Mrs. beat. The biggest part of the car stone Nichols and Mies Maud Houck of Gold Tom Reed of Gold Hill went to Chico, Ilill arrived yesterday,the latter to clerk Cal., yesterday on a visit. load has already been spoken for, in the store. Mrs. Emma Hawkins left yesterday for her home in Colorado. so come early and lay in your or CLOSING AT COST ... Jackson county Sunday school rally at Phoenix next Wednesday. der, or you will get left. I can Mrs. Geo. Engwicht left today for a Our Entire Eine of eiotbing save you money on everything you visit with California relatives. Fireman F. T. Green is night hostler Consisting of Qentiemen»s buy. Yours very truly, in the round house in Ashland. There occurred last night in this city a PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. BUSINESS CHANGES. P kbsidk . vt . C ashier . A smstakt Hermann Salomon Bays the Mc Connell Grocery—W. O. Maras to Start a New Drug Stove. SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES In Endless Variety. All the Latest Styles at Low Prices SEVERAL I a shies . Stops the Cough and works off the Cobi. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure < . _ a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. e Patrick-Walrad Wedding. Ashland, Oregon Johnson Block VALLEY RECORD. CENTRAL POINT. Wick Easter returned Tuesday from the Philippines and the Orient. Miss Fornia Holt returned yesterday from a visit with Yreka friends. S. W. McClendon, tbe Central Point speculator, did Ashland Tuesday. Mrs. Luella Whittle of Central Point visited Ashland friends last week. Wm. Trimble has sold out hie black smith shop aud will move to Goll Hill. Section Foreman Wm. Lyttleton was over from Coles this week on a business trip. Chas. Chitwood passed through Sun day from Klamath Fails to work at Rose burg. «^Ute- EMIL PEIL. Exclusive Agent for Baker SAMPSON. Hamilton. MEDFORD. beautiful wedding. Tbe contracting parties are among Ashland’s most popu lar young people, Mr. Elmer Patrick of Patrick & Son’s real estate and abstract 1 firm, and Ethel Walrad, the daughter of ! ALSO CHILDREN’S, In many Styles and Grades Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Walrad. The marriage occurred at tbe home of the bride’s parents on Ch urch street, at 8 o’clock p. m. The ceremony was per to formed by the Rev. J. T. Abbott, pastor $ PIONEER BLOCK, Plaza and Main Successor M tiler & Bartges of the M. E. Church of this citv. Only relatives and a few of the intimate friends of the young people we.-e pre sent. The parlors of the Walrad home were beautifully and tastefully decorated A. F. HUNT J. L. THORNTON H. V. MITCHELL for the occasion with all manner of choice flowers and evergreens The groom was dressed in the conventional black, and the bride wore a beautiful white satin dress, made of material sent her from Manila, P. I. by her brother, who is in the United States service in GENERAL DEALERS IN that city. The bride carried iu her hand a bunch of snow-white liliee. Afer hear ty and cordial congratulations were ex tended, the wedding guests were invited to the dining room, where refret-liments OF ALL KIN DB. of various kinds of choice cakes and ice cream, were served. The many friends of the happy young pair will join in wishing them much happiness an-1 oros- perity in life They will at once take up their residence iu this city, in their home at the bead of Manzanita street. Youths’ Suits, ------- x”C. A. MILLER, Eli Ellis of Ashland is here working Deatn of Mrs. Dr. Goble—John Boyer in the mines. Paralyzed. Jeff Howard is driving stage again. AS HL ANU, O b .. Thursday, June 20, 1901 Died—In Medford, June 17, 1901, Mrs. Frank Tyler is working-for E. P. Martha Goble, wifeof Dr. J . G. Goble; aged 25 years and 10 months. Greive at Hornbrook. SAMS VALLEY. The reported sale of Geo. Kurtz’s cigar Mr. Govan came in from Klamath The health in general is very good in this store of Medford to I B Stoner did not Agency Tueeday going to Jacksonville section at present. where his daughter is attending school. materiul ze. Kurtz is still in charge. W. D. and Charles Fitzgerald and their remains of S. Rosenthal were shipped W. W. Nickerson has returned to to The cousin from Dakota, P. Raynolda. have i San Francisco on Monday’s midnight gone to the mountains on the headwaters train. Uncle Tom’s Cabin has stretched his Klamath agency from Ft. Bidwell. of Evans creek on a prospecting trip. tent ou Oak street, just beyond railroad Dr. J. G. Goble, who has been at Klama- Chautauqua July 9th-18th track. Charles Pankey and F A. Htrickiin were thon and Klamath Falls, was called home in tbe valley yesterday with some fine sal At Ashland, Oregon. Many attrac Tuesday by the death of bis wife. Mrs. Hays has gone to the Pokegama tions, including Dr. J. M. Buckley, N. mon, which they found ready sale for. Mrs. Frank Mingus and children arrived logging camp to organize an Fraternal Y.; Polk Millor, Va.; Ward Pickard, of This is tbe hottest day of the season. from Idaho Monday and will visit relatives Union. Ohio; Park Sisters, of New York City. in the valley for several weeks. Mercury registers at 95. J. J. Stuggill leit today for Klamath The finest quartette of lady cornetists in J. R. Perry and wife, of Gold Hill, passed Mrs. H. G. Nicholson left on Tuesday Falls to organize a Fraternal - Union the world. Prof. W. J. Whiteman, mu morning through here yesterdav on their way home ’s train for Coquille City to visit lodge. sical director; Mrs. Alice Hamill Hand from Asbestos where Mrs. 1’. had been vis Mrs. Fred Slagel nee Mamie Nicholson. Chor- cock, elocutionist ; other schools, iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Deputy U. S. Marshal A. A. Roberts us classes for children and adults Con- Dr. John A. Reuter, who has been prac Mitchell, left yesterday for Klamath Falls on certs, ticing at Jacksonville with so much success, Round Table, etc. Tickets $1.50. While Win. Tresbem was cutting some left Saturday for Portland to take charge of official business. Good tenting. Come. gram with a binder yesterdav the weather Dr Fenton’s practice. Dr. Fenton will vis-, got too tropical for him. He pulled off bis Wm. Reaves, the mason, has the new it Europe during the next four months Religious Items. coat and threw it on tbe ground llis lit vault in the First National Bank build Mrs Martha Goble, who has been suffer The Ashland Ministerial Association tle dog immediately took charge of the coat ing well under way. Services at the Congregational church ing from a tumor on the breast since De not satisfied with letting we,l enough in a short lime. Will heard his dog ki- Chris. Werth, the Ft. Jones butcher, Sunday morning and evening. Special cember, died at the family residence in Med alone, now asks ball tossers “to cheese yi-ing at a fearful rate. On going to the scene he found a huge rattler bad dis is visiting his brothers in Ashland and music in the evening. Preaching by the ford. June 17. The funeral takes p ace to the racket” on Sunday and requests on day (Wednesday) at 2 o’clock p m. under covered the coat and was desirous of mak pastor, G. W. Nelson, will return tomorrow. the auspices of Reatues Chapter Ku. 66, Or lookers to stay at home and rend about ing a bed of it, which was greatly objected That is a very A cordial invitation is extended to all der of the Eastern Star A husband and a Jonah in large print. Mrs. Helen Wallace leaves today for to by tbe dog. Will says the whole out good way to get base ball devotees to fit except the coat took the chills but he Portland and Chicago after a visit with to attend “Mormon” church in Pioneer- son two years old survive her. ..HARDWARE DEALERS vote for license for saloonsand uo license Hall, Sunday afternoou at 2:30 o’clock. succeeded tn killing tiie rattler which bad her mother, Mrs. Oldendorf. John A. Boyer, cashier of Beekman’s for preachers. When you get a good twenty rattles. at Jacksonville, who is suffering from Robt. Kahler died suddenly at Sum The usual services at the M. E. church bank Stoves. Cinware, Shelf Bardware, Racvcles a cancer on the face went to Portland last thing purh it along but don’t attempt to Geo. C Hickock,Curtiss, Wis.,says: “Fo ter Saturday. He belonged to the pi Sunday. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. week to consult a homeopathic iloct r about roll all the clouds because they are mov ley’s Kidney Cure has been tested and oneer family of this valley. m- by the pastor. All are cordially in hisca e. Ou the 13th be was found in his able.—KlamatL Falls Express, And Everything kept in a first-class Hardware Store. found to be all you claim for it. I have room partially paralyzed. He returned to given it to my father and it is the only Elder Walter Sant of the Mormon vited.—J. T. Abbott, pastor. Carpets in endless variety and lowest Jacksonville Sunday accompanied by a Having rented the shop to H. Boivin, tbe well known Plumber hing that ever helped him.” T. K, B olton . Sermon subjects at the Presbyterian trained nurse. church, has gone to Clifton, Idaho, prices at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s. and Tinner, who will be pleased to give you close figures on fir«» <•!«— » church next Sabbath will be: “The where his father is very ill. work. Remember, all work guaranteed. ’Phone No. 245. Ed. Pottinger’s slaughter house situated Formation that Sives, ” and “ The Race Albert Tozier, of Portland, was elected Mrs. R. Beswick and children and in the northern part of town was burned Read It in llis Newpaper. = president of the National Editorial Asso Mrs. Frizelle have returned from a visit that Pays.” Services morning and even to the ground about midnight Saturday ing. evening with all the contents A young ciation at Buffalo last week. F. S. George Schaub, a well known German with Siskiyou county relatives. returning from Phoenix discovered Harding, of the McMinnville Telephone- citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con- Church—Sunday school at 9:45 man Rev. Robt. Booth starts today for a a. Baptist tbe fire and rushed to the pen and turned Regisier, was elected president of the S'ant reader of the Dayton Vvlkszeitung. tour m. t Preaching at 11, By requ-st Miss of Klamath and Lake counties in Emma Russell will sing “Tbe Holv City.” out several head of sheep and hogs, other The new steamship General Frlsbie, LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE Oregon association. The next na He knows that thia paper aims to adver wise they would have been barged. Mr. built for the Vallejo trade, had her tional association will be held at Hot tise only the best in its columns, and the interests of tbe Episcopal church. The young people will conduct the even- Potiinger has made many improvements Don’t Ferget ths Brand John R. Stearns, millman at the Ray ing service at 8 o’clock, lo<l by the preai- about the building and the loss is no small F- Springs, Arkansas. The Oregon assoc when he saw Chamberlain’s Pain Balm owner’s trial, and on the tun to Vallejo iaiion will meet in Salem this coming advertised therein for lame back, be did mine, came up from Gold Hill yesterday dent of the B. Y. P. U., Mr. Myer. amount. It is thought to haye been the and back made 16,knots. When the work of an inceudiary. fall, during the stale fair. not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for to visit his children, returning tomorrow. Special music for the occasion. engines are in perfect working order, his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered Girl or woman wanted—To do the laun however, it is said she will exceed 17 The greatest skin specialist in-Americaor A surgical operation is not necessary to with the meet terrible pains in her back dry work at Coleetin Hotel. Apply to How to Avoid Trouble. knots. She is licensed to carry 450 iginated the formula for Banner Salve. -------- 0-------- cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and could get no relief. He says: or address. H. C. Telford, Colestin, Or. For all skin diseases, all outs or sores, and passengers, but may, by the proouring saves all that expence and never fails. Be Now is the time to provide yourself and “Ater using the Pain Balm for a few for piles, it ’ s tbe most healing medicine. Call and get my list of properties for sale Mrs. J. E. Ross came up from Central family with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Beware of substitutes. T. K. B oltux . of a special license, carry twice that ware of counterfeits. M c N aib B ros . days my wife said to me, ‘I feel as though includes all classes and kinds, and number of people. The hull of the at { which born anew’’ and before using the entire Point Friday to visit her relatives, tbe Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, prices to satisfy anyone. guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. L. Stan It is almost certain lobe needed before new steamship was built at New What NEIL CREEK. contents of the hottie tho unbearable My loan department is well equipped and the summer is over, and if procured now com iu the yards of the Bellingham Bay I can handle money for parties wishing to pains had cntirly vanished and she could ley. The quarry is again opened for work. mav s-ive you a trip to town in the night Mrs. Lewis Smith arrived from Port Improvement company. i invest, to their advantage. again take up her household duties.” The stone is to be quarried here a nd shipped He is very thankful aud hopes that all land last week to join her husband, the or your busiest season. It is everywhere to Salem for siodb cutters to finish. I represent some of the best Fire Insur A bootblack named William Davis of 1 ance Companies in the country and would suffering likewise wdl bear of her wonder railroad trainman, and make Ashland admitted to be the most successful med Mr. Caldwell of San Francisco, was on Walla Walla, Wash,, twice shot his be 1 pleased to write your property. You icine in use for bowel complaints, bo h ful recovery. This valuable liniment is their home. afford to carry the risk yourself. for children and adults. No family can Neil creek Monday introducing “The New former sweetheart, 17-year-old Effie cannot < for sale by all druggists. The Peil & Bolton $12 excursion to afford to be with it. For sale by all drug Educative Chart” for public schools Neil Insure against accidents—they are always Haworth, and then turned tho revolver creek districthave ordered one of 1 be charts. San Fraucieco July 15th is fixed for that gists. in choosing a Grocer are these : anil the next may be toyou. I KLAMATH FALLS. upon Charles McConnell, his successful happening j It is certainly a unique and instructive in date on account of the Epworth league the best and strongest company in vention. rivaL He placed the weapon near Me- tbe ( have world. 8 K, Ogle is in town today from Yainax concert on the 16th. It will consist of REAL ESTATE. where he lias been for several months. Connell's breast and pulled the trigger, Z. Howard is down from his mountain Are bis Goods fresh and wholesome? 5000 trained voices to take place in the L F Christian to Max Martin 80 acres in home SPECIAL BARGAINS. looking after bis alfalfa crop. but the cartridge failed to explode. He Drs. Hargus and Straw have their ex ray Mechanics* Pavilion. sec 6 tp 30 r 2 w, $1. Docs he keep up with the Market? set up and ready for use. was captured by policemen and was at J I) Berlin to Clara A Odgers Medford New 6-room house with one acre of land Relatives of Mrs. J. R. Rummels are now Is be neat and clean? You will find H. Boivin at Grubb & City property, $350. paying them a visit, Misses Lena and Jessie Applegate re The best on the market. You can qnco taken to the city jail, where a in a variety of fruit, one block from North Does be deal fair with all Customers? Sarah Harper to W B Haymond lots No house, $750.06 turned borne Sundav. The former from Co.’s hardware store. always get them at guard was placed to prevent the mob school The Bilderback family are now broke out 1 2 and 3 sec 22 tp 36 r 4 w, $400, Six-room bouse on large lot with choice Ashland and the latter Eugene where they J. L. Yaden of the Ashland—Klam which had congregated from forcing fruit; good barn; Mechanic St. $750.00. F a Denney to Lizzie and Susie Suther W<tU the same thing lhe Dosier faruilv of If you find he is all this and more, he will have been attending school. Emigrant haye hafi. Dr. Brower pro ath Falls daily stage line has bought a land 21 acres d 1 c No 12 tp 39 r 1 e, $500. the doors and lynching him. Miss Fine house and grounds adjoining North J. T. Henley went to San Francisco last new stage which made its first trip yes do to tie to. Delia Demmer to Daisy A Marshall city nounced it smallpox. If this be true it is school grounds, for sale at a bargain; no Haworth was shot ouce through the left a light form. terday. Tbe line is doing a flourishing property in Ashland, $350. We aim high, and are trying to till this week for medical treatment. breast aud n second time iu the back. reasonaale offer refused. HARDWARE STORE J H Wrisley to Amelia Wilson 80 acres passenger and express business. I I) Applegate is moving into the house Rev. 8tarmer was out from Ashland Sun Main St., near Bridge. bill as well as all others left with us. There is little hope for her recovery, in sec 4 tp 35 r 1 e, 150. of State Treasurer 0. 8. Moore m town and day and preached at the school house at ASHLAND, OREGON. ASALAND, ORE. ti F Anderson et ux to Atha H Russell Norris Carpets ! Carpets ! at Vaupel, will be a resident of Klamath Falls soon. 3:30 to a very attentive audience. During the absence pf Mrs. Rehwald 5 acres of city property in West Medford, Come and see us. & Drake ’ s, Miss Clara Terril, tiutsbed a term of The ladies of the Home Mission Society of 134 South Uraud aveuue, Los Au- $228 75. school in the Plevna school district between Alpha B Carrey to Nicholas Cook town have the worsted patchwork qutit which I. W. Burriss and family leave today galps, u thief broke into the house by they made for sale, on exhibition at Wm here and Keno last Wednesday, aud starts for Klamath Falls to make their home propertv in Central Point $300. forcing the front window with a chisel. Yeo ’ s store near the depot. Any oue wish home to Talent the next day. G E Mast et ux to J M Mast 25 acres in ___ and d go into tbe hotel business. They Ho collected a number of articles, which ing to secure a beautiful quilt and at the d 1 c No 43 tp 38 s r 1 w $1500. W. R. Braun has sold his saloon at Mer- have"lived in Ashland many years and same time, help home missions, will cer 'Phone 43. he put on a table preparatory tq wrap rnRACT OF 8IX ACRES, two blocks j rill to Geo. T. Conner. have the best wishes of many warm For rent.—The old Salvation Army tainly call and see this quilt. ping the stuff info a bundle; but, evi I from postoffiee, one block from Main I Isaac Wright, formerly of Gold Hill, friends in Ashland for their future pros ball over my brick blacksmith shop. street, in city of Ashland; all set in Grandpa Carey of Ashland was visiting dently desiring to complete his work, choicest opened a saloon in the east end of town perity and happiness. fruits and berries, 8000 new Emil Peil. Neil creek friends last week. pf> opened the door of another room aud last week. strawberry vines; a new 9-room dwelling Call at D. B. Grant’s hardware store IN THE Tue salaries of Forest Rangers has entered. A jiarrot was iu a cage in that with all latest improvements, new barn, Circuit Court met last Monday, but had and get Aitken to figure on your plumb been placed at $60 per month for the “A few months ago, food which I ate for room, and as scon as the bird saw the etc. Will be sold with or without build CEbjT.SR 9F ASHLAND very little business to attend to. The ju- ing work. would notremain on my stomach ASK ANYBODY season. They begin drawing pay on breakfast ' rors were all dismissed except one the first stranger it screamed out: “Bad boy! ing improvements. For further par for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Having secured the services of Tbos. M. A. Eddy, D. D. H. Yeager and the 16th. They furnish their own horse. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and oaii now eat tny day. Bad boy I Bad boy I” which so upset ticulars apply to WHO DRIVES Julius Hart have been appointed to ex lAeakfast ana other meales with a re.ish Hillery, an experienced barber from Louis Dennis of Pelican Bay country has pend the sum of $173 raised by the Ash the thief that I10 lost no (ipie iu getting and my food is thoroughly digges’ed. Noth Iowa, I am prepared to serve the public ¿r. ¿T. CAMBERS, sold bis rauch and stock lately, considera out of the hoqsp, forgetting to go back ing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for better than ever in a first class manner land Board of Trade for the new wagon if it ¡9 not a fact that tion $6000. stomach troubles ’ II 8. Pitts, Arlington ASHLAND, OREGON. $ffe|: bis bundle. A. L. and with promptness and dispatch. road to Pokegama logging camp. we turn out the best Tex. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what The Klamath Falls Light and Wa'er Co. Foster is custodian of the fund. and mo9t stylish look Admiral Melville, who came west F. C. SIHPS0N, . are repairing their reservoir this week. This signature is on every box of the genaine you eat.—M c N air B ros . ing rigs iu town. Frank E. Griswold’s Uucle Tom’e with the presidential party to learn the Subscribe for the R ecord . Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets Proprietor. Joe Koesel has lately erected a wind mill Cabin tonight. We have good needs of all stations ou tho Pacific, will ' back of bis meat market to secure power to the remedy that cure« a cold In one day horses and new vehi » urge the navy department to expend Rev. J. F. Tout left yesterday to at I run his fans for cooling purposes and grtnd- cles. i ing sausage, sawing wood, Ac. tend the annual meeting of the Christian several hundred thousand dollars in Transient stock OFFICE OF THE church of Oregon at Turner, Marion deepening the channel and iu other im properly fed and well The Great Seourgo. county. Mieses Anna Luster and Mary provements at Mare Island, the leading cared for in our large of modern times is consumption. Manv Durham leave for the same place today. repair station of the ooast. The admiral livery stable. cures and discoveries from time to time are Remember the place to get your tin will also urge that modern shops be published but Foley's Honey and Tar JOSEPH ZURCHER, Prtp. located at Bremerton, Wash., so that does truthfully claim to cure all cases in ware, hardware and plumbing goods is CONTRACTOR the early stages and always artords comfort W. N. Grubb & Co’s. when a, ship is docked there auy class of ] Now open for the accommodation of and releif in the very worst cases. Taxe Ashland, Ore. Ashland, Oregon, June 20,1001. AND Rev. J. Stitt Wilsop lectured on pepair work may bo carried on that tbe public. Good camping priviligee—50 no substitutes. T. K. B olton . “Christian Socialism*’ at Mediord last cento per week, including vapor baths. Opposite Bridge, center of town. battleships may require, BUILDER To our Stockholders: week. A socialist club of non-partisans Twelve miles from Ashland by Klamath For Sale—a good work horse. Inquire was organized there. It starts out with A collection of ourious silver ooina Falls stage road; IX miles from Stein of Wm. Powell, near depot. plowed up near Oroville, Oal., ou man R. R. station. 45 members. Just 90 days ago the first stock of the company was yvas laud belonging to 0. Veatch. There Special raUt for fa miiie» or large par- The Ladies of Trinity Guild gave Mrs. placed upon the market, during which time we have disposed were 880 of these coins, and they in tic». Address JO8EPH ZÜRCHER, I. W. Burriss a pleasant surprise party American, English, French, Ger Siskiyou P. O., Oregon. cn Monday evening in honor of her de of over ninety thousand shares. To our home people, ice are un cluded man, Spsinisli, Belgian, Swedish, Ital- OREG-ON. parture for Klamath Falls. The event À occurred at the home of her sister, Mrs. der many obligations for their almost unanimous support—as ian, Mexican, Bolivian, Peruvian aud E. A. Smith, on Church street. United States of Colombia. Ths latest Plans, Specifications well as to our many non-resident subscribers. The officers and date ou any of the coins was 1852. No Tonight, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. STEAM house had stood near the spot for many Shirt waists at Vaupel, Norris & and Estimates on All Kinds directors havejtsed every possible effort to conserve the interests years. * Drake's. LAUNDRY of the stockholders, and to minimize the expense. The British Pacific cable which is to of Carpenter Work. Frank E. Griswold ’ s Uncle Tom ’ s S, POULTRY o Cabin band gave a concert at noon todav. They have purchased and paid for in full, a first-clas s connect Australia with Canada will be F. HEIERLIE Prop’r. operation by January 1, 1903, It will It was a fine band and drew aud enter “Standard Oil Rig,” including a 35 horse power boiler and 23 iu I JeKalb Wire Fenc- cost $10,000,000. The new cable is to be WATER Street. tained a large audience. horse power engine, together with the latest designed and best 5934,li miles iu leugth—the longest ever / \ 7 \ 7 * t- ot »•>* >*st Ko 19 Mrs. C. U. Snider ha9 been visiting NEAR MAIN ing for Lawns and ■A \ 7~V L A L-X-i—XJ,. >t«l wire. »crrngUienni constructed—^and the landing site at tho / tx On This Space! the family of her brother, A. McCallen, y—7- C V C •> c 'y- b-T * '-able sel.age and » cable constructed derrick. They have also purchased and paid for a 4-r^Z-K-Z-v—4- every toot in the height ot the Canadian end will be about seven miles Orders by mail or -É- the past week en route home from the Yards. It ¡3 the receive 0. E. S. grand lodge at Portland. She large amount of steel casing, all of which is on the grouqd, and from the entrance to Barclay sound and express prompt attention. j FENCE, NOTANETTINO. leaves tomorrow for Lakeview accom- 100 miles from Victoria. T erms C ash , at S «¿2 Iu multitude of horizontal wires strongest aud i best are almost ready to commence drilling by experienced operators pained by Misses Laura Snelling and inveu it btrenffth. makes it e<sy reasonable rstea. O Josie The police at Vancouver. B. O., dis (Successors to J. K. Van Sant.) to erect, keeps it in good ehapt Hall who have been attending St. The site for the first well has been located about one and covered that a shanty oocupied by a fence made 50 PER CENT t AW i . < Mary’s Academy at Jacksonville. muu named George Campbell contained _ . , , „ It require, but a tew poet» and a half miles north of the city. Putnam Fadless Dyes do not stain the rMrMed My 31. 1.9«. no t,,p or bottom rail. Only au extraordinary quantity of loot, the aad a is».. genuine when ever; roll eo«- hands or spot the kettle. Sold by GROCERS. fruit of mauy burglaries. The value of The directors have determined to advance the price of tala, the famou. M. M. «4. McNair Bros. Trade Mark. De.c-rl>tlve matter FREE. the articles is probably over $2,000. The Crockery and Miners ’ Supplies X»xa M.A.X j X3 fewch 00.» stock to 15 cents per share on July 15th,. «■ Mrs, E. H McIntosh delivered an anti- booty had been sent to a confederate in Hick Street, DeKalb, Ultaeta. If Taken in 30 Days- Mormin lecture ai Presbyterian . church Also just received nigbt, Rev. A. M. Russell presided, and J.U stockholders wishing to increase their holdings should Winnipeg, to which city several car -n- last the three Mormon e’derg were there. At loads of stolen goods have been shipped Five acres of land, enclosed with pick« cljse of meeting Elder Pace asked if he not delay ip senditig in their applications, as the advance from to be 6Old._______________ et fencing; 6-room house; small barn; Fine Lot of Picnic Goods rv the could make an announcement. The chair 350 frnit trees; 1000 berries, assorted We back them with a guarantee. man curtly replied: ••No, Sir," WANTED.—Capable, reliaole person in , ! kinds; one two-seated buggy ; two seta Watch oar show window and take a look IQ cents to 15 cents per share will positively occur on JulU every -É- county to represent large compauy ' Plumbing department Is conducted by IF. Aitken. l<«-if»r. of solid financial reputation: $936 salary harnees; one fresh cow and at its contents Nrw Stock of Plumbing Goods just arrived. Bath 15th, 1901. Respectfully submitted. per year, payable weekly; $3 per day ab All for........................ Tobe, Washbowls, Heaters, and all kinds of fittings HEADQUARTERS FOR HAY, solutely sure and all expenses; straight part cash, balance easy terms. Bean the bona-fide, definite salary, no commission; Bifoatw Mill Feed an 1 Other Feed S OUT HERN' OREGON OIL CQMKINr. salary ary paid each Saturday and exi expense ------ ruice, 20 ZU POUS HOI Place, rods north of Bell ¿y kfr W W Yfr -i& w jfít w ajkp -w—_—v-riv/H Bert Newton and wife returned to Horn brook Wednesday. J. W. Clark is getting the lumber on the ground for his new house. P. Olson is having his two story house repainted and finished inside in tine shape, There are some fine loads of hav coming into town. Tiie price is $7 and $3 per ton, Tbe man that is camped on Rogue river catching turtles and shipping them to Italy was in town Tuesday. Tbe wifeof Len Griagsbv living in Mound precinct, gave birth to a still born child on tbe 18tb inst. Mrs. Dr. Parker of Big Butte, mother of Mrs. E. E. Smith, has been visiting them. Ex-County Clerk N. A. Jacobs and fam ily are located tor the present at San Jacin to, Riverside county, Cal. J. E. Smith and E. E Deming are locat ed at Napa, Cal,, and Mrs. Smith, E. E. Smith and family and Mrs. E. E. Deming will leave the last of this week for that place. Mr. and Mrs. A, S. Jacobs will attend tbe wedding of Elmer Patrick and Ethel V. Wnirad at Ashland on the 19th. Rev. D. T. Summerville, presiding elder of the M. E. Church, held quarterly meet ing in this place Sunday. After the Sacra ment five persons joined the church, all be ing of the Wiseman family. Rev. Chas. Fredenburg of Fox postoffice, northeastern Oregon, preached in the Bap tist church last Sunday at 3 p. m, Mrs. E H, McIntosh of San Francisco lectured in tiie VI. E Church Tuesday June I8tb on tbe subject of ’’Conquerand Live.” Judge H, K Hanna and two sons passed through town Tuesday headed for The Meadows. ASHLAND MEAT CO •0 LIVE STOCK & DRESSED MEATS Ashland Î W. N. GRUBB & C© * If You Want A GOOD STOVE GEO. W. TREFREN Some Chings « Co Consider D. B. PROVOST’S PROPERTY FOR SALE. Simpson’s holmes Bros. Shaving Parlors Carter Creek ! Soda Springs J. H. DUTTON, Southern Oregon Fox & Good, Oil Company. ASHLAND, ♦ < < G •y O ï D. B. GRANT, >WAHE. mrmz M. N. »FENCING Hsbland Keep Your Eye Ashland Mercantile Co., Wholesale and Retail For Sale Cheap ! Universal 0- 6Ì Saw tour 5 Per Gnu TMMt, JshlanH, Origan, JSSSBSSBK;«®“ Warn Htaw. HQ vsrnt ______________ ____ w_________