Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
5 VALLE! BECOBD i VALLEY ASHLAND, OREGON Published Every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. S ubscription R ates : One Year............................................. $1 75 Six Months......................................... 1 00 Three Months...................................... 50 Advertising Rates Given on Application. RECORD ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1901. VOL. XIV. VALLE! RECORD. a SHL/ND, OREGON $1.75 Cannot be better spent than by subacrib« ing to the VALLEY RECORD for • year. Just think! $1.75 gives you all the neW8 for a year. Try it 1 NO 4 ■—■■ ■■ PRESSED BRICKS. Ladies’ Shirt Waists ... Special Patterns, all Colors and Shades.................... 50 cents up Fine Line of Ladies’ and Men’s Underwear, various shades, colors and prices. Crause & Brandegee’s celebrated Men’s Clothing 20th Century boys’ and youths’ clothing WM. YEO & CO., Nininger Block, near Depot, Ashland,- Or. S—HSSSS5Ü5555Ü5Ü59 Socialists to Organize. J. B. Osborne of Atlanta, Georgia, ar rived in Ashland Saturday from Med ford and lectured on behalf of socialism on the plaza in the afternoon and even ing. A socialist club will be organized next Saturday. It will be Don partizan in politics and is aimed to place the Ash land socialists in contact with the social ist lecturers and literature throughout the country and to push the initiative and referendum amendment to the constitu tion of Oregon which will be voted upon next June. D. M. Brower was elected temporary secretary of the meeting held Monday. Commissioners Court. Mrs. Rosa Block ot Seventh etreet in San Francisco has been arrested for breaking the window of a saloon with a potato masher. When remonstrated with she said that if the saloon keeper did not cease selling liquor to her huB- band she would break down the whole place. B. F. Harvey has filed a libel suit in the Lane county circuit court againit the Oregonian for $25,000 damages. The case will come up for trial at Eugene on June 24. Harvey was a brakeman on the S. P. R. R. and was accused of rap ing Winnie Thorn, of Cottage Grove, in connection with one Hugh Patterson. Harvey was acquitted while Patterson was convicted. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Medford Bank the follow ing officers were elected: President, H. E. Ankeny; Vice President, J. H. Stewart ¡ Cashier, J. E. Enyarf. Assist ant Cashier, M. L. Alford. The stock holders are: H. E. Ankeny, J. H. Stewart, C. C. Beekman, R. H. White- head, Horace Pelton, Ben Haymond, James Pelton, W. H. Bradshaw and J. E. Enyart. Ray Maass returned Sunday from San Francisco. Carroll Byrne of Watkins was in Ash land Sunday. E. V. Carter returned Monday from a trip to Portland. Supt. P. H. Dailey visited the school at Siskiyou Friday. H. M. Coss of Medford went to San Francisco Monday. J. D. Heard, the mining man, went to San Francisco Monday. Levi Dawson came over from Trail creek Monday on a visit. J. E. Carlock of Ft. Jones was in Ash land Friday and Saturday. Mrs H. U. Lumsden returned to Med ford last week from California. Mrs. E. E. Deming left Monday for Napa, Cal., to join her husband. Miss Fannie Donegan has returned to Jacksonville from Harney county. H. E. Poley arrived Monday from San Fraucisco to visit his brother. Miss Alma Johnson left Saturday on a visit to her folks at Aberdeen, Wash. Miss Ethel Von Gunton returned to Montague Friday to spend the summer. District Attorney A. E. Reames was elected president of the grand cabin, Native Sons of Oregon, last week. Misses Blanche and Fannie Standard returned Saturday from a visit in Port land. W. A. Holmes and daughter, Miss Zoe, left Friday for San Francisco on a visit. Mrs. IT. M. Drake returned Fridaj' from a visit with her daughter at Grants Pass. J. E. Pelton returned last week from the Willamette valley with a lot of stock cattle. Mrs. M. J. Hill who has been visiting in San Francisco returned to Ashland Saturday. Deston High returned Friday from the springs in California somewhat improved in appearance. Mrs. J. S. Wentworth returned Sat- urdaj’ from a visit with Dunsmuir re latives and friends. Miss Anna Luster returned last week from a visit with her sister, Mrs. B. Heberlie, at Chico, Cal. EXCURSON TO SAN FRANCISCO. DE ATH OF S. liOSENTHAD. ANTI SALOON LEAGUE BARRICADED PRISONERS TAKEN Wl „■■■ q Ashland & Klamath Falls The Esteemed Pioneer Hebrew Mer Met Sunday Alternoon anil Will A Dougina County Constable Wounds Peil and Bolton Will Conduct * $12 chant or Medford Dies Alone of Meet Again Next Sunday. * Would Be Murderer Before Tatt one Reaving Ashland July IS. Heart Disease. The Ashland Anti-Saloon League, af ing Him. Emil Peil and T. K. Bolton, who have gained a reputation as popular excursion managers from this valley to San Fran cisco, have been appointed by the South ern Pacific to run an excursion out of Ashland on July 15 on the occasion of the meeting of the Epworth League National Convention to be held in San Francisco. The tickets will be $12 for the round trip and good for ten days. For farther particulars call on either ot the above named. TO CORK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. Forest Rangrr In Jail. Roy Wrightof Klamath Falls, a state game warden and forest ranger, was convicted of selling trout out of season, in Justice R. B. Hattons court at Klam ath Falls last week and was fined $30 and costs and in the absence of payment was remanded to the county jail to serve 15 days or the proportion therefore as he may see fit. After serving two days the young man paid his fine and was released. Humors Come to the surface in the spring as in no other season. It’s a pity they don’t run themselves all off that way; but in spite of pimples and other eruptions, they mostly remain in the system. That's bad. Hood’s Sarsaparilla removes them and cures all the painful and disfiguring troubles they cause. Nothing else cleanses the svstern and cleats the com plexion like Hood’s. Mining News. A few day ago Dr. C. R Ray, of Gold Hill, bonded from Geo. Bolt the old sugar Pine quartz mine in Galice creek district. The doctor has a force of men at work doing development work. This mine is one of the oldest mines in Jose phine county and has yielded up a good many thousand dollars to its owners in the past. The gold-bearing blue gravel under neath sandstone, near Hornbrook, Sis kiyou Co , Cal., is not precisely the same kind of a deposit as the blue gravel under the lava deposits in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The former, thought prob ably land-formed, subsequently became submeiged beneath the sea, and covered Simeon Rosenthal, a well-known mer chant of Medford, was found dead in his bed io hie store about 9 o’clock Sunday morning from heart disease. Saturday evening his friend, Mr. Shark, visited him in his store and about 9 o’clock in vited him to spend the evening with him at Hotel Nash. Mr. Rosenthal com plained of feeling to ill and escorted Mr. Shark to the door of the store and bid him good night. Mr. Shark went to the store the next morning to see how his friend was, but the store was locked. With I. L Ham ilton he went around the back way and looking in they saw Mr. Rosenthal lying alongside of his cot seemingly dead. They broke in and the situation of affairs indicated that Mr. Rosenthal had quite likely died soonaher Mr. Shark had left him the night before. Rosenthal had partly disrobed when he was overtaken by death and sank to the floor, his face buried in the bed clothing. Dr. E. B. Picket, coroner of Jackson county called a jury and inquired into the facts. The verdict was that the de ceased had came to his death by heart disease. Your Face Shows the state of your feelings and the stare of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow comolexion, Pimples and Sain Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance, you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all olood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called puritiers fail; knowing this, we sell every bottle on a positive guaiantee. M c N air B ros ., druggists. FRENCHMAN’S LOST LEDGE Had Hunted it Many Years—Found a Few Months After His Death. A Grants PAss dispatch tells about the discov^y of a labulously rich quartz ledge or pocket on Josephine creek, near Kerby, Josephine county. From six pounds of rock $56 was taken after being pulverized in a mortar. Several tons of the rock have been taken out that will run from $8000 to $15,000 to the ion and there are several more tons in sight. A considerable portion of the ledge lies in the bed of the creek. There is no little speculation as to the extent of the find. ter laving dormant for several months, held a meeting at Christian church Sun day afternoon. President J. F. Tout said there was no special object for the meeting ; there was no need of meetings, everything that could be expected com ing their way as it never came their way before in the city of Ashland. But it was wise to hold a meeting occasionally to disabuse the minds ot “the enemy,” if they should for one moment think seriously that the Anti-Saioon I eague was either weak or dead. Mayor R. P. Neil was introduced and spoke breifly reviewing the situation in Ashland and snowing that the saloon business in Ashland was going around with its back bone broken and ns far as it was within his power to enforce the law it would be wiped out. Speaking for himself and the city council he said they would obey the vote of the people at the last election and up to the last day, the last hour and the last minute of their administration would be against the liquor traffic without any compro mise. Attorney H. L McWilliams, who is employed by the city council to repre sent the city in the cases iu the courts, was present and spoke upon the subject of the legal features of the case and showed the reasons why prohibition was legal and upon the justness of the right of the people to vote upon the subject of how to regulate the same. lie was in favor of enforcing the laws of the country, whatever they might be. Prof. T. A. Hayes spoke briefly upon the educational features of the temper ance question. All the speakers were heartily ap plauded. The next meeting will be held at Presbyterian church next Sunday af ternoon at 3 o’clock. CRATER LAKE. A New Sketch of This World Won- aer in Scenic Grandeur. Canyonville. June 15.—Constable Hopkins and five deputies went to Per Thoroughly Restocked and due, some 15 miles east of Canyonville, Entirely New Management. yesterday, to arrest two men who had the day before defied arrest. The«- were J. W. Lerwell and son, Phillip Lerwell. ROBERT M. GARRETT The former was wanted for stabbing Wm. Horn at a dance the night before, Superintendent ihe officers succeeded in locating thctu in a cabin near Perdue. Deputy Swank Best and called out to Lerwell to tlirow up hie bands and surrender. Thoy did not do Quickest Route to so but run away, whereupon Deputies Swank and Pardee fired two or three shots at them, one of which took effect, hitting the elder Lerwell in the right arm between the shoulder and elbow. Lerwell, after scurrying around a little Goes by Barron, Shake, while got back into the bouse and after Soda Springe, Parker« and a few minutes parley the woman came Keno; also beat connections out and said quit shooting that Lerwell with stage lines from Klam was wounded and would surrender. ath Falla to Bonanza, Blv The posse brought them to Canyonville, and Lakeview, Ft. Klamath and Indian Agenoy. where they will be held pending ex amination. Lerwell’s wound is not serious. Passengers, Baggage, Express & Freight Horn was seyerely injured but will Must be Waybilled. probably recover unless blood poisoning should set in. • • My little eon bad an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened pneumonia but for Chamberliau’s Cough Remedy we would have Lad a serious time of it. It also saved him from several severe at tacks of croup.—H. J. Striekfaiten, editor World Herald, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by all druggists. “Ob! oh” delightedly ecresmcd a little girl at the dog show as she caught sight of the zebra “ teetering” with the sacred bull; “Ma. look at the algebra’s tail!” L KLAMATH FALLS 'rHEENG1MEÄJ0UBNAL 253 BROADWAY. NEW YOflk. Weekly Edition, $5-00 per Annum. Monthly Edition. $1.50 per Annum. SPECIMEN COPY FREE. A cker s E nglish R emedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cute the worst cold in twelve hours, or money re'unded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. R. N. NASON'S PAINT! As the travel to Crater lake will soon begin the following sketch of this famous sheet of water will be read with interest: Crater Lake, situated some 6-5 miles Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, east from Ashland, is beyond question tbe best and withal the most beautiful Continental Household Paint, and CEMENTICO. camping place iu Oregon. A natural phenomenon is this lake, where majestic and awe-inspiring beauty has attracted HISTORY OF THE LEDGE. ^““^FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK thousands of visitors from all parts of “This ledge was discovered many years tbe wor|d. In the year 1853 Crater Lake was dis by a Frenchman, who was making 3 “»»«I.“Swi “« s««i«iy °«™. ago A ckers D yspepsia T ablets are sold on a his way on horseback from Crescent City covered by white men, though the In positive guarantee _____________ The blue gravel in Cures heart-burn, dians have known of it from time imme- to Grants Pass. The Frenchman, Belfils The billious, tired, nervous man cannot raising of the food, distress after eating or the Sierra Nevada mountains has not by name, was set upon by a band of In morai, and called it Lake Mystery. The successfully compete with his healthy rival. any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet W. F. Crosby, the wheat man of Port been beneath the sea eince its formation dians. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the famous gives immediate Relief. 25cts. and 50cts. He struck into the mountains whites named it Lake Majestic, and not land, is in Josephine county looking in place. It became hurried beneath and followed the course of Josephine until the exploring party, touring that pills for constipation will remove the cause M c N air B ros ., druggists. after mining interests of his friends. rocks bv hardening on the land surface creek. He halted by the stream to re country in 1886, discovered its real char of your troubles.—M c N air B ros . Hon. John Kelly, who came across of the volcanic muds and lava, says the fresh himself and his horse. As lie bent acter, was it called Crater Lake. C. P. Hughes of Klamath county was Mrs. C. H. Veghte and son arrived It was these men who discovered the in Ashland Monday and Tuesday with a the plains to Oregon in 1849 died at last week from southern California where Mining and Scientific Press. down over the water to drink, his eyes band of horses taking them to the coast Eugene Saturday. He was the father they have been for the boy’s health. were attracted by glittering particles of fact that the lake occupies the erater of The Granite Hill consolidated mines, of John F. Kelly, Geo. H. Kelly and logging camps. on Louse creek, about eight gold amougst the gravel in the creek bed. an extinct volcano. The sun.m.t, iu Mrs. H. B. Miller, well known people For Sale—12x14 five foot wall tent tor situated miles north Grants Pass, were bonded While his horse browsed, the Frenchman whose apex the placid lake now rests, Refrigerators, tents, hammocks, lawn formerly residents of this valley. His sale. Apply to E. H. Silsbee, north this week to of Colonel J. L. Wiggings of found the ledge and attempted to locate was at one time a burning mountain, and camp chairs. J. P. Dodge, opera was an eventful career, having filled ide of Boulevard, 2 miles from town. Minneapolis, for $75,000, by Messrs. the spot in hisinind. The yells of the and in no distant petiod of geological block. many important public trusts including Largest Stock Booth, Mangun, et al. The first pay pursuing savages drove him swiftly on time towered high among the giant peaks Has arrived, comprising Cheap, Jesse Helms of Bonanza, whohas been the position of collector of customs at and Beet Variety ment on the bond is due September 1. ward, he hoping to return after the pur of America, and from its burning apex, Medium and High Grade goods J 11^ K I WANTED.—Capable, reliable person in Portland and register of the U. 8. land visiting Ashland relatives left Friday at from "" \ in Southern Oregon for San Francisco to again attend a vet The balance to be paid within eighteen suit, and find.'the dale with the seeming through hundreds of years, cinders, ash every county to represent large company of office at Portland. A o heavy Oil Opaque Cloth of different widths, from which we make es and lava were ejected upon the sur solid financial reputation; $936 salary per months at intervals of ninety days. Alladin Cave. erinary school. rounding country, The summil ot this Odd Size and Wide Shades in colors to match stock goods. Our stock of year, payable weekly; $3 per day absolute Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because This is a placer and quartz mine com THE FRUITLESS SEARC'.I, Jacob l61er, the timber land cruiser, bined, the placer having been worked volcano ultimately blew out, leaving a Portieres and Lace Curtains is complete. ly sire sure and ail all expenses; straight bona nae, fide. to live requires nourishment. Food is not ‘ But the Frenchman never found it. great hole in the mountain top, 2S miles Last week fo.a several years, while the quartz mine definite salary, uo commission; salary paid nonrisbing until it is digested. A dis visited Ashland Saturday. Do not fail to see us when in need of Carpets, Rugs, That was in 1855. For years Belfils each Saturday and expense money ad ordered stomach canDOt digest food, it he located 70 timber claims in the tract has a five stamp mill on it. A force of searched incessantly, always within a in circumference, CVj miles long and 4}£ Mattings and Linoleum vanced each week STANDARD HOUSE, must have assistance, Kodol Dyspepsia northwest cf Wood river valley, Klam- tnen was sent out this week to begin de radius of a few miles of the place where miles wide. Then, in time, up from the Cure digests all kinds of food without aid ath county. 334 D earborn S t ., C hicago . Prices according to Quality, velopment work, and next week it is the it was discovered by Bour a short time bottom of this greater crater sprang an from the stomach, allowing it to rest and But Always Low other volcano, which, in turn, 6hot forth intention of Mr. Wiggings to put on a Dr. Goble, the optician, will be at the regain its natural functions. Its elements eince. For vears miners and prospectors its cinders, ashes and lava, foiming a CASTORTA. are exactly the same a« the natural digest Hotel Oregon on Monday and Tuesday, larger force. have walked up and down the stream, towering peak in the center of ti e large Bear« the Ihe ^ou Haffl Always BOUgM ive fluids and it siniplv can’t help but do June 24-25. Those wishing to consult but fate seemed to decree that the glitter crater. This peak today, standing above A 6tew pan of gold exchanged hands you some good. — M c N air B ros . Signatare him about their eyes will please call at ( this morning at the new banking house, ing particles in the creek’s bed should go •r hotel. Glasses fitted and satisfaction when Cashier L. L. Jewell paid over unseen, until the old Frenchman died. the water, studded with trees and shrubs, guaranteed. , $1106,49 for the same to Messrs. Hen His death occurred la6t November in this from its wonderful reflections in the KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS. 1 clear waters of the lake, is called Wizard C j ASTORTA. Judge and Mrs. G. W. Smith of Klam ' derson & Scribner, of Wolf creek. The city. The prospector had grown old and Isle. From the Klamath Falls Papers.] Ihe Kind You Hava Always Bought careworn in his ceaseless search for the HeantK* ath county were in Ashland Saturday mining parties said they worked a pound Surrounding streams flowing iu, to C. P. Hughes and son of Poe valley out of two pans and that the whole wealth that was once in his grasp. A gether with rains aud melting snows, next day for Eugene to see their each ' /'•guatare drove about 20 head of horses through and ' son, left Dick Smith, graduate from the state amount was taken out in a very few days few days before he died he went again to soon filled the large basin with water, <2 of town yesterday, which they are taking university this week. The gold is in very coarse chunks with Kerby and sought the lost ledge, but all after the last volcano died out. Here, to Humboldt county, Cal., to sell. adhering. The mine is an old to no purpose. His secret had long been far up in the uninhabited Cascades, For iron pipe and fittings go to W. N. quartz one but a new lead has been discovered known, and people believed the Old 8000 feet above the level of the sea, Geo. T. Conner of Merrill purchased Grubb & Co. hardware dealers. which is making a marvelous showing. Frenchman was laboring under a de- stands this unique body of ice-col i water. W. R. Brown’s saloon at that place last Mrs. T. James and son Howard who H. A. Reed who was in Alaska a few luaion.” Friday. The latter will probably move The depth of the water is 2000 feet, the have been spending some time with her years ago said: “A sight of that kind to this place level of the water is 1500 feet below the For Infants and Children. folks, Mrs. A. P. Hammond and family, would create a great stampede at Nome Steam Feather Kenoyaiin^. rim of tbe crater. The banks of the lake Miss Alice Applegate lias purchased left Monday for Rossland, B. C., where or Dawson, but no one thiuks anything are steep, rocky and precipitous; many the dwelling property in West Klamath Mr. James is superintendent of a big of it here.”—Grants Paes Observer. To the people of Ashland and vicinity: I am now in the city of Ashland for snow peaks leaning, with their dark Falls owned and formerly occupied by mine. the purpose of steam renovating, curing shadows, over the chrystal water far be Hon. C. S. Moore. t'ears the A Pleasant Way to Travel. and purifying of feathers. The work low them. This charming lake, with no Rev. Gee. W. Brown, formerly a Geo. W. Loosley returned Tuesday young Presbyterian pastor at Klamath SigiuMure of Tbe most delightful route of travel to the will be called for, taken from the house apparent outlet, fed by snows and rains, from Ager, accompanied by Frank Apple Falls and known in Ashland, is to be East is by way of Salt Lake City—the City in the morning, in the ticks, just as they is large enough and many times deep gate, who has been attending tbe uni married today at Barnesville, Ohio, to of tbe Saints—and the Rio Grande West are, and after treatment returned the enough to float the monster warships of •9 Railway, tn conjunction with either the same day before bedtime. versity of Oregon the past year. Where the all nations of the world. Its placid Miss Inez Vanette Riddile, daughter of ern Denver 4 Rio Grande or Colorado Mid same tickings are to be used again they boson has for many, many years reflected Wm. Huse has much improved the Dr. Riddile. Spring Street, Ashland, Ore. land Railroads. This route not only car appearance of his dwelling the past week ries tbe passenger through tbe Heart of the are thoroughly cleansed, or if new ticks with a mirror’s clearness the woods and W. W. Dougherty was on Saturday ’ s are wanted they will be put on at very rocks of the crater ’ s sides, the tall snow by two coats of paint. The work was train going to Grants Pass to meet bis Rocky Mountains and in view of the most magnificent scenery on the continent, but reasonable rates. Each family’s feath peaks towering over them, and held in Jone by H. Webber and Fred Clift. family of Crescent City who are joining it also provides for stop-over on railroad ers are kept and worked entirely sepa awe and wonder both red an l white .. and Mrs. J. T. Henley left yester- him for the summer at McOlound. They and Pullman tickets at quaint and pictures rate from those of others. The most im men. Numberless persons, eiuce its 1. "'ing for San Francisco where he will make their home in Ashland this que Balt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, portant part of this work is in the cur discovery, have endeavored to convey ITT ALL BF^JVUSEOFFIES. goJs for meuM‘’al ‘r«atment for an aP winter. Mr. Dougherty ran a restaurant Manitou, Denver, etc. Through Pullman ing of the feathers, whereby all oil or with the pen the impression made by Palace and Ordinary Sleepers. Free Reclin in Ashland about the time of the advent Stoves, ranges, graniteware and fin- animal matter is taken from the quills, its grandeur; artists have tried to paiqt of the railroad from the north and likes ing Chairs Cars and a Perfect Diuing Car rendering them less liable to impurities. on convas its entrancing beauties ; poets wars, furniture, bedroom euites, bed ach. Service via this route to Denver, Omaha, Ashland as a residence town. steads, spring mattresses, carpets, and Kansas City. St. Louis and Chicago Per There is not an ounce loss in feathers or have been inspiipd and sung of Crater George McDonald of .L^VhlSd matting. Agent for John Deere buggies, Danger, disease and death follow neglect sonally conducted weekly tourist excurs down, and all debris or foreign matter of Lake; but all must admit their inability was in towu Thursday with th». y- . of the bowels. Use DeWitt’s Little Early ions. For printed matter rates, etc.. In whatever nature, including the vermin to do the natural wonder justice. ----- FIRST-CLASS WAGON WORK.------ wagons and implements. of fine horses which he is takiu9 . Kisers to regulate them and you wiil add quire ofU. D. Mansfield, General Agent, 122 known as the feather worm, is thorough The Government, eeveial years ago, Rogue River valley and Willamette val -.iars to your life and life to your years. A. Third St.. Portland, Or., or Geo. W. ly destroyed and separated. When your recognizing the fact ot Crater Lake being Everything, Both Xeiv and General Passenger Agent, Salt feathers are returned to yob at night a natural wonder of most extraordnary ■L. ley to sell. Second-Hand. "«as \ ' to take, never gripe.—M c N air B eos . Helutz. Lake City. they are absolutely dry, light as air and beauty, segregated it from the public do T " „„►.,**669 of a law passed at the Frank Silves was in town over Satur .A aLainn m* the legislature, Sheriff Stores: Main St., and 4th St., near Depot pure as snow. As my stay in Ashland is main, and, including some 2Qof the sur day from his fine place on Williamson n BORN. • ttftllVj Main St. Opp. 1. O. O. F. Hall, somewhat limited, those interested in rounding townships set the whole aside « H X ar ’»ubilo sale to the river. ■ ■ ■ 5 Main St. Opp. 1. O. O. F. Hall, ?-rtU r 2 L 1 ff f I *11 Of Jackson this work wijl please give it their atten as a public park. for cash , . . W T. Shive and C. P. Crisler of Fort highest ’s bidder BAILEY—In Gold Hill, June 10,1901, tion. Will begin work in a day or two. right, title and iute. c !n FAINTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS. T. H. B. TAYLOR. Klamath were here Monday to attend county to Mr.^and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, aeon, Trapping the Cod I in Moth. lands for which the county hol ts court. WJLLI-I PAPER, j eto . certificates bv virtue of sales made for l27}LEMAN—At Wagner creek, June 5. Portland Oregonian.1 H. J. O’Brien of Dairy was at the Falls the years from 1895 to 1899 inclusive. 1901, Mr. an<i *'Ls. J. B, Coleman, J. C, Wyman, a Santa Cruz, Cal , B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. the first of the week to attend court. The Bale will be held on Monday, July a daughter. fruit—grower, wiio is staying at the Per 8th. B. S. Grigsby and Howard Durkee re GRIEVE—At Central Point, June 7, kins for a few day, thinks the fruit Paul Chartrand, aged 85 years, died turned from Ager Tuesday with freight growers down there have at. last solved 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Grieve, “ Bardwell, Ky., where I live, is in the ex the codling at his home in Grants Paes Friday. He for Carrick <& Grigsby. moth problem. Ti er have a son. treme western part of the State and only a leaves a wife to mourn his demise. begun to trap the insects in the worm THE----- C. C. Lewis and wife returned Tues few miles from Cairo, ROBERTSON — At Sams Valley, June Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes: He day from Rogue river valley. Ill., where the Ohio Stage of tiieir »xistence, as the pests at 6,1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robert was troubled with kidney disease about empties into the Mis tempt to climb the trees. A piece of C. R- DeLap, wife and baby and son three years. Had to get up several times son, a son. rope is first wound around the sissippi River. It may baling True, left yesterday for Ashland. Mrs. dnring the night but three bottlesot Foley’s be that throat troubles I tree Hunk just above the ground, and DeLap and the little girl will go from Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, lie GILL—In Dunsmuir, June 13,1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Waido Gill, a eon; weight are common here be over this a strip of cl >th smeared with there to Salem, where the latter will re feels better than he ever din and recom 9 pounds. cause of loca sticky stuff is placed. The worm starts ceive treatment for spinal trouble, the mends it to his friends. T. K. B olton . ’tbe groqnj with the iotentioq of 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. tion, but, from result of a fall. Grants Pass Observer : J. R. Smith, DROWN—In Dunsmuir, June 11, 1901, forming a cocoon |n the branches of tbe whatever the to Mr. »nd Mrs. C. E. Drown, a eon; Following is the program outlined: Mrs. 8. T. Summers returned Tuesday who with other parties is developing the reason, I find tree, from which be will emerge a codling weight, 9^ pound. National salute at sunrise. from Portland where she went for medi Baby Mine under bond, in Jump-off- it wise to con moth, but he reaches tbe sticky stuff and Importers and Dealers in Band—assembly at 9 o’clock a. m. cal treatment and is much improved in Joe district, went to Ashland the first of MILLER—In Dunsmuir, June 12, 1901, stantly keep a there he stays. Parade, the order of which is to be as health. She was met at Cooper’s sta the week to look after the purchasing of Mr. Wyman sirs the'nn ii al to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Miller, a supply of machinery. follows: tion by Mr. Summers. son ; weight, 10 pounds. Acker’s Eng so a dead shot on the canker w t in, and Bicycle escort. ••I had a running sore on ray breast for Miss Esther Cannon of Lookout. Cal., lish Remedy as tbe fruitgrowers ^aye gene.ailv take 1 Band. oyer a year,’’ savs Henry R. Richards of MARRIED. for Consump to its ues, there is no recourse left for is here visiting her uncles, W. W. Hazen Willse Wille. N. Y , and tried a great many Marshal of the day and staff. | the pests but extermination. The cost tion on hand. 1--- President of the day and reader of the of this place and J. P. Hazen of Poe val remedies, but got no reliei until I used It is the best °* tbe application is about 2 cents per ley . Banner Salve After using one-half box, FIELD—BARR—Near Medford June 19, Declaration. $2 “ an thing I ever tree, **““ or *'* “ acre (or the seas in. was perfectly cured. I cannot recom 190i, by Rev. Meley, Mr. Clyde Field Orator of the day and Chaplain. Reports of the doings of tbe surveyors I mend it too highly. ” T. K. B olton . came across and Miss Artimata Barr of Griffin Indian war veterans and Grand Army between Klamathon and Klamath Falls, Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House for coughs, colds and throat troubles, and The First Congregational Church in Only One Way to Do U, creek. show that they are near Hart's ranch in of the Republic. I have used it in my family for years. No Portlaud has just' celebrated its 50th an Spanish war veterans. tbe mountains and about half wav to frop.j Portland to Chicago In 72 hours i Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place Fur COTTRELL—WRIGHT—At Medford, druggist hero can be depended upon t«l]ave I this place, and are slowly moving in this niversary. Oregon National Guard. June 12, 1901, Mr. George Cottrell and it always, so I am writing thb letter to W. | —just 3 days. The “Chicago-Portland ” leaving PoiUand daily at 9 a. in.! Hattecy of Lizht A’tillery. direction. Miss Madge Wright, of Roxy Ann pre H. Hooker & Co., 220 Broadway, N. Y-. to Special, O. RAN,, arrive* at Chicago at 9:30' niture Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. Float, Goddess of Liberty. cinct, Jas. Stewart, J. P., officiating. order a dozen bottles at a time. My wife is via Speaking of the R. R. prospects, a re the third day. New York and Boston are I Floats of various orders and societies. liable citizen of this place eays that J. G. HIGIN BOTHAM—PHIPPS—In Jack bothered lately with sore throat and ^cu11 reached the fourth day. This train, ac-1 School children. Pierce told him yesterday that the iron to lie the fastest between tbe sonville. June 15, 1901, Wm. A. Hiuin- breathing, but just as soon as the dozen bot knowledced and Uncle Sam. the Rast, is so::d!y ■ vesti- rolling stock for tbe railroad from Klam bothara and Julia Phipps, of Big Butte tles get here, I will give her a few doswjand Northwest Ashland fire companies. buled and its equipment is unsurpassed ath Falls to Klamathon were already precinct, by County Judge Prim. she will certainly be well again. I Fraternal societies. Pullman drawing room sleeping cara, free - bought, and the contract for grading was Flora and her maids. HOPKINS— HUSE—In Klamath Fall*, write another letter in a short time saying reclining chair cars, and unexcelled dining to lx> let at once. Our informant said my wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure it cars, on which are equal to those liepretentativea of historical characters that this statement by Mr. Pierce was tion of a tamoa*French pbyelcUn, will qntckly cure yon of all ner- June 12, 1901, Robert A. Hopkins to fa wh^Tshe needs.” (Signed) T. A. Won. ' served the at meals the very best hot els Remember voua dls.-asee of the generative organ«, such as Lost Manhood, Citizens in cirriages. Miss Edith E. Huse. fully corroborated by a letter to him from Insomnia, Pain« In the Back. Seminal £mb«lona, Nervoo* Debility. this train rur.s eo'id Portland to Chicago: Literary exercteas at Chautauqua Park a party who is prominently interested in Sold at25c., 50c. and$l a bottle, throughout there is no change of cara, and ihe good of Pimplee, unfitness to Marry, ExbausUnz Drains, Varicocele ana WHITNEY—KATTENHORN—At Mer- the United States and Canada; and in Eng Constipation. It stops all losses by <tay or night Prevents quick- beginning al 10:30 a. tn. it is. it costs no more to ride on it than oq ness of discharge, which If notcnw.ked leads to Spermatorrhoea and ril. June 6, 1901, W. P. Whitney and ird aJ fa. 2dq3d.. 4s. 6d. H¿ou are Clay pigeon shoot at the Athletic the enterprise. arrnnr ... irrrn all the horrors of ImnoUaey. criPlDESnE¡cleanses the liver, tbo other routes. Miss Augusta Kattenhorn. satisfied after buying, return the bottle to UlruH t ano Arian kidneys and the un»ary organs of all lmpurltlea grounds, 10:30 a. m. We have trains — The “ Pacitic Ex- rUPIDEYE strengthens and tes'Aru small weak organa. ...... ................. Trust those who baye tried. Literary exercises—“Tbs Rill Call of preas‘: leaves Portland daily at 9 p. in. via HICKOX—BRYAN—In 8isson, June 4, your druggist, and get your money back. Tbe reason snflTerers ore pot uued by Doctors is because ninety per cent are trooblsd with autkome the above T-ro.t*lltl*. CUPIDENEI. theoniy known remedy to cure without au operation. WOO testlmoal- Huntington, and the “ Spokane Fiver ” States,” at the Chautauqua Park, at 2 I suffered from catarrh of the worst 1801, Wm. A Hickox, formerly of W. H KOOA'Afi <fc CO- Propnetort, bcu t** al< A written guarontee riven and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent oura. leaves at 6 p, m. daily via Spokane for St. kind and never hoped for cure, Ely's Cream o’clock p. tn. Duustnuir, and Mrs. D. L. Bryan of |l.X Abay,»txlor(5.W,by mdL Bend for rm circular and testimonials. -<1 i-ni f Patil and the East. Baseltall game at the Athletic grnunda Balm seems to do even that.—Oscar Ostrom Sold by McNair Bros. Sisson. Address DATOA MBDICIMB <N»n P.O. Box «78, Baa Francisco, CaL FbrSalsbf For rates, sleeping car reservation etc, 45 Warren Ave . Chicago. III. at 2 o’clock p. m. Puree of $100 to f Sold at M c N air B ros ,’ Drug Store, Ashland, Or. call on or write to ftny Q. R. A N. agent or ( I Buffered from catarrh; it got so bad I winner. write to A. L. C raig , could not work; 1 used Ely’s ('.ream Balm DIED. People to know Kham battle at 4 o’clock p. m. Portland, Oregon. and am entirely well —A. C. Clarke 341 How Do You Expect Xt „Li you have General Passenger Agent. Mardi Gras at 6 o’clock p. tn. to ' 10 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass, BECKLEY — At EHcton, Jane 11, 1901, to Bell if you don’t advertise? Sea what o’clock p. nt. The Balm does not irritate or cause snees- of consumption, Miss Susie Beckley, vour competitors are doing in Tax Fireworks at 8:30 to 10 o’clock p. m. ing. Sold by druggists at 50 cts, or mailed fimok 4»llY«ry—Tb« Kaaklg OiAgoaUa. agfci about 21 /ears. by Ely Brothm, SB Warraa St., Naw York, j SkCQD. Maeqoa ball at 10 o’clock p. m. Officers salaries allowed ; $1153 05. Indigent allowance for the month ; $44. Supplies by merchants; $27.63. The following wore allowed $4 for the use of wide-tired wagons ; Alice Hanley, J W Thomas, L J Larson and Dennis Means. County hospital report received and approved. Mileage allowed County Commissoner Riley; $7.20. Paiq for scalp bounty, $204. Window Shades J. P. Dodge, ASHLAND MILLS “Our Patent Flour >• CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought W. J. VIRGIN & C0., PROP’S TRIMBLE & CO S. 0. Fü’ßRHY EVERYTHING FOR Th’5 HOUSE. GENERAL * BLACKSMITHING PldW Work and Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. A. H O CÌ/AMQ ASHLAND, OR ASHLAND G-T JLSS. Throat Troubles Will Celebrate PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. THE JOHN BARRETT CO t Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. MANHOOD RESTOREDv^S PANTS Job Printing at RECORD Office