Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1900)
a“««l Bro, 9 VALLET RECOB D. ------- ¿~JLAAD. OEEGUA Published Every Thursday. $L75 S. J. KAISER, Proprietor. I S ubscription R atm One Year.................. ................... Sis Months.............. ................... Three Months.............................. I I 11 75 1 00 i 50 4 ivertisinu Rates Given on Application, j -- - Cannot be bette$spent than by subscribe ing to the VALLEY RECORD for a year. Just think I $1.75 gives you all the news for a year. Try it! - — VOL. XIII. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1900. THE OOLVIO FLOP. The Saving of PR&WKl> BKICIU. THAT BIG* APPLE CHOP. The Wily Li Hung Chang of Jack- •» Miss Stella Smith visited Medford Jackson County is Turning Up 225 Carload» Against 122 Last Year. son County Democracy Breaks Into Sunday. Lloyd Cox has gone to Sisson to work Horticultural Commissioner A. 11. Oar- the Republican Camp and Com in a box factory. sou estimates this year’s apple crop at mences Work by Talking. 225 carloads for Jackson county and 60 NO. 21. Probate Court. Removal Sale! Estate of E L Tallman. Inventory aud appraisement, alio wing property to the value of $500, approved. Estate of J H Whitman. W. M. Col vig appointed administrator de bonis non. Estate of Emily Tolman. Hittie Blount appointed administrator. On our former low prices. From date Estate of G Karewski. Time for hear ing semi annual account continued to and until further notice a 15 per cent Nov. 5tb. discount will be given on all cash purchases. Estate of 8 Minear. Will admitted to probate. Our Tall Eines are Complete and Up-to-Date in every department. Estate of Erastus Wells. Report of appraisers and distributors of said es jAo Shelf-worn goods in our stock. Liberal discounts tate approved. on Prints and Domestics. Call and investigate. Estate of Elizabeth Leever. Inven tory of appraisement showing real and ..------------------------ milkr Badges. personal property to the value of $792.80 TflE IKW DM CHJS act (L$THIM ST$$E, Willing»’ Hl., laia St, Aihlari, »regsa, rnd $3oOO respectively. ■ ________ ♦ Washington, Oct. 10.—A postoffice has been established at Peyton, Jackson county, Oregon, to be supplied by spe cial service from Leeds. Anna B. Jones has been appointed postmistress. No other pills can equal DeWitt’s Little Early RLers for promptness, certainty and efficiency. E. A. S herwih . Stonide Floor Paint, - - National Wagon Paint, BIG CUT Mrs Wilmer Hilt returned home to carloads for Josephine. The crop is ex This very slow campaign in which the Cole’s Saturday. ceeding the expectations ot the most san public seems to take so little interest Section Foreman Wm. Lyttleton was guine. Last year’s crop was very short was enlivened a trifle the past week by being 125 carloads for Jackson county an exhibition given by Wm. M. Colvig, over from Cole’s this week. a decidedly smooth and c|ever political A. H. Maegley of Portland ia visiting and 20 carloads for Josephine county. The perfection of spraying has had con performer and humorist of Jacksonville Jacksonville, his old home. siderable to do with the large crop this who so vehemently campaigned Oregon Thos. Roberts returned last week from season, the Olwell orchard showing only for Bryan four years ago. As an evidence about 2 per cent worms and the orchard that William the Smooths was a true a trip to Portland and Seattle. bourbon democrat it may be here intro Ralph Scott returned Saturday from a of Hon. H. B. Miller near Grants Bass about one per cent, the latter being 60 duced that he supported Bryan without pleasure trip to Santa Cruz, Cal. percent wormy last year. TheOlweil the least faith in anything that Bryan Miss Nellie Purves returned to Talent orchard of 160 acres is turning off a prodig I stood fur in that campaign. ious crop and some of their fine fruit The republican state committee and Saturday from Little Shasta, Cal. one of the local factions bad planned it Mrs. James Faucett and daughter of sold at 85 cents and $1 per box. Tlie Weeks <t Orr orchard of 140 acres will that Colvig was to shoot his bolt in Ash Uniontown went to Yreka Saturday. turn off from 40,000 to 50,000 boxes and land and everything w«s to be in read Marion High of Picard, Cal., is visit they have a fine crop of 10.000 boxes of iness to have the explosion take place Yellow Newtowns for export that are here. But the Watson—Engle—Fox ad ing relatives and friends in this city. ministration faction, who are in charge Will L. Miller and wife of Jacksonville the finest sight ever looked upon in tlie apple line. M. L. Fellett of Talent will of the Ashland Republican Club vetoed have gone to Arizona for the winter. have from eight to ten thousand boxes. the proposition. The state committee Ladies are invited to inspect the new It is estimated that Jackson county then wired the local club to inviteCol?ig The old reliable—The Weekly Oregonian. and the local club wired a prompt re dress goods at Vaupel, Norris A Drake’». will realize near onto $100,000 for its Continental Household Paint, and CEMETICO. Miss Lizzie Reuter of Jacksonville has apple crop this year. The Rogue river fusal to do so. Prof. I. E. Vining was advertised to gone to Portland on an extended visit valley is coming forward as a producer of fine apples and promises to become make a political Bpeech at Jacksonville Mrs. Al Norman of Grants Pass is Friday night and Colvig was invited to visiting her folks at Medford this week. one of the foremost counties of the Pa FRUIT BOXES AND MILL WORK cific coast in this line. follow Vining. The Jackson county re John Olwell, the Central Point fruit publican pu ehwas out in full force and © Your Face the convert was received with the warm Grower, was an Ashland visitor 8atur- est kind of enthusiasm, and in accord •y- .Shows the state of your feelings and the Awful Itching of Eczema ance with the proverbial zeal of the new Mrs. J. F. Wallace and son returned sta'e of your health as well. Impure blood convert his speech developed more power Saturday from a months visit in Linn makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow Dreadful Scaling of * complexion. Pimples and Skin Eruptions. and spirit than that openly confessed by county. If yon are feeling weak aud woru out and the republicans themselves. The speak Psoriasis Geo. Goin and wife of Jefferson, Marion do not have a healthy appearance, you er did not complain about rotten money should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It cures or the issues of the last campaign. His countv, arrived Saturday to spend the all Dlood diseases where cheap Harsaparillas CURED BY CUTICURA JF YOU ARE NEEDING A "kick” was on principle and consisted winter. and so called purifiers fail; knowing this, in a difference of opinion with Mr. Bryan C uhcura S oap , to cleanse the skin of John Gainey of Medford leaves soon we sell every bottle on a positive guatantee. on the new issue. It was just making for Arizona to spend the winter in that E ugen x A. 8 herwin . crusts and scales, C uticura Ointment, to allay itching, and soothe and heal, and his person itch and his blood boil to hear climate. KLAMATH COUNTY. L uticuba R ksolvknt , to cool and cleanse Bryan talk about pulling down the James Johnson returned to Yreka Mon the blood, make the most complete and American flag in the Philippines. Coming Miller & Lux are retiring from the cat speedy cure treatment for torturing, dis- down to the philosophy of the business day efter a week’s visit with his parents tle business in Lake county. They will humors, rashes, and irritations, Colvig laid the propostion down that in Ashland. drive their Silver lake cattle out of the with loss of hair, whicii have defied the skill Bryan was in favor of the "consent of county and sell their grazing land leases. Richard Hanna and family of Oakland, of the best physicians and all other reme the governed” to rule and Colvig wan Douglas county, have taken up their home dies, a single set being often sufficient to Albert Walker has much impoved his cure the most obstinate case. in favor of the "survival of the fittest” in Ashland. residence in Klamath Falls by having it to call and get prices before buying. to rule. J. J. Martin returned to Yreka Sat moved back from the street, putting up CUTICURATHESET$1.25 The republican push turned them urday from a trip to Applegate on min a new fence, etc. selves loose for a hot old time and fairly ing business. I A.t Mitchell Bros, have purchased 900 tore the roof off of the court house, set Imitation baking powders almost invariably con I« Opera House F uralt tire Store head of cattle iu Lake county and driven Mrs. W. B. Johnston went to Sams RED ROUGH HANDS S0ty°C0TKIU*Ae8OArfi | the shingles on fire and burned them up tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. before they reached the ground. The Valley Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. them to their Klamath county ranch. * convert had satiated their appetite for M. A. Sisemore. Hereford Bros, have sold and delivered the rich red blood of imperialism to an Miss Carrie Cook went to Galls creek 500 head of beef cattle to Gerber and ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. extent that no republican of reputation, Thursday to enjoy a months vacation Swanston & Son. standing and authority in his party with her parents. Maud I. Anderson is suing Tlios. An would be allowed to expound, but which .A. 1ST ID Miss Nellie DePeatt has returned to derson for divorce iu Lake county. Kooky Blown tain Scenery by Day HEAL ESTATE pleases the heart and electrifies the sen Grants Pass from a stay at Salem as light. M E McCall to Jos Zeigler; 15.56 acres ad ses of the clean strained imperialist just ■ B. B. Beekman of Portland opened the telegraph operator. joining Ashland. $300. the same. . campaign in Lake county last week for Dav-light St<>p-Over at Niagara Falls. E D Briggs to K A Hildreth et ax: lots Mrs. Dr Stanley returned to Gold the republicans. Through flrat daw tourist sleepers from 90 and 21 Pracht’aadd to Ashland. $200. Mr. Colvig was at the head of the fac Pacific Coast weeklv for Chicago,Boston, Della Gilroy to Belle Anderson; property tion that controlled the democratic pri Hill Saturday from a visit with old Chester Hatton has returned to Klam friends in Ashland. New York and other eastern points, via in lehland, $100. ath Falls after an absence of a year and maries and county convention that nom Amanda Neil to J F Wallace; 5 acres m Rio Grande Western, (Great Salt Lake G. F. Smith went to Dunsmuir Mon- j a half in Alaska. inated the democratic county officers at Route,) Denver à Rio Grande, C R I à P twp 39. 2 e. $500. day after which he goes to Fresno, Cal., U Pletcher to J W Los her; lots 10 and Jacksonville April 28th last. He was Bud Obencbain is starting a saloon in and Illinois Central to Chicago, connect 11 C bik i Bonanza. A. M. Zevely has dissolved 10, Medford, $600. chairman of the convention. He got to spend the winter. ing in toe Union Depot with Michigan Loaher to H J Boyd ; same property. down off of the bench and placed in nom M. Pearce has sold his mining claims partnership with Mr. Bradburn and will Central’s »ituilar car for points east. ination for county judge Chas. Prim. on Salmon river, 8iskiyou Cuunty, and open a new saloon in Bonanza. F<>r full particular», call on or address T D Conklin to J W Richardson; 160 Those who heard his nominating speech returned to Applegate. Jas. McLaughlin, government inspec acres in a«c 16. twp 32, 2 e, $1800. agent S. P. Co., or John Veit to Emma Dyar; land in Talent will remember that the chief point of tor, is here to inspect the Klamath Indi F. V. Medynaki, who is employed as B. II Ta MBt'LL, Coin'l Airt., his reasoning why Prim should be nomi engineer on a Yukon river steamer, is at an reservation allotments. 142 Third St., Portland, Or precinct. $1000. Emma Dyar to A J Stewart; same prop nated was that Prim had voted for Medford for the winter. erty, $350. Messrs. Lane, Ruick and Reeder of Passengers Booked To nnd From Bryan and would vote for him again! L. B. Hanna, cousin of Mark Hanna, A Wright to Mary E Clark; property in (Applause.) Later in the program Mr. Miss Ella Knight returned home to Silver Lake brought 150 head of cattle to superintendent of forest reserves for Ar All Points East. Colvig got down from the bench again Sisson Saturday after a visit with Miss the Falls which they sold Tuesday to Main St. Opp. 1.0. O. F. Hall, Klizahetn Ross to D and ZGrisham; 75.56 and placed in nomination for school sup Eva Goddard in Ashland. izona and New Mexico, A. F Hermann, Mitchell Bros, at 5>g and 6J4 cents. acres in twp 37 2 w.$612 brother of Land Commiaaioner Binger erintendent a stranger. Prof. L. A. Stock J A Morev to Ella Perry; lot 8, Morey’s Mrs. J. S. Orr has gone to Rpno, Nev., Attorney H. L. McWilliams was at Hermann, and W. E Price, while travel FAINTS. IF .A. I IST T LEFTS’ TOOLS, ing. In order to get the stranger through the Gold Standard mine near Jackson to visit her folks. to Medford, $200. ing horseback almost lost their lives on add 1-aac Woolf to Catherine Lane; iota 3 and the convention Mr. Colvig grew eloquent ville the first of the week. Steamship Office. WALL FAFER, Q-2LJLS. ÏÏTO. the desert between the grand canyon of 4 blk 5, and lot 1 blk 6, Beatty’s adu to and took an oath that Stocking was a Mrs. A. D. Carrick is visitig Siskiyou Atlantic the Colorado and the Utah Stateline. Medford, $500. Capt. J. T. C. Nash, wife and eon have county relatives. Bryan democrat, which was, from the B üildibg P aters , W rapttvo P apers amd Twin es . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, Jas Harvey to J D Buchman; 53.03 acres speaker’s manner, the greatest crown of returned to Medford from a family re The best method of cleansing the liver is Mrs. Geo. Nutley of Tacoma, Wash., in twp 38, 1 w. $3300. union in the state of Maine. glory with which to wreathe a demo the use of the famous little pills known as is visiting her father, Geo. Loosley, at 8 J Bailey to J H Bailer et ux; 147 62 DeWitt's Little Early Riser-* Rasy to take. For full particulars, apply to crat’s brow. Ft. Klamath. We have a large and varied stock of acres tn sec 6 twp 40, 4 a. $1000. Never gripe E. A. B bzhwin . However, Mr. Colvig is always enter shoes which will be Bold at a 15 per cent Angie Van Riper to * L Johnson; lot 3, H. H. A bbott , Agent, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. taining, and compared to the flippety- discount. Miller & Bartges. The grand lodge of Pythian* elected blk 12 Ashland $200 iti iti ilH? iti i*i i*i «ti -*- -*- * -* -• *- * * * * * -•....... — * *- * -* w-j»- -* a- a 146 Third Street, Portland, Or. Jas Helms to Thos Ferguson, land in sec fiop character of the politics of the day the following grand officers at Aetoria Hon. R. G. Smith is to campaign Coos M. McGrath of Castle Crag visited 20. twp 38. 1 w. $77.50. and hour, and will make just as good a E. J. C oyle , A. G. P. A., last week: W. L. Bradshaw, grand W Richardson to Carrie L Johnson, lot republican politician as he did a demo Section Foreman Darbey O’Toole and I and Curry counties for the republicans. chancellor; J. H. Aiken, grand vice- 6. J blk Vancouver, B. 0. 1, Cottage home add to Medford. $645. cratic politician. family at Phoenix last week. Hon. J. O. Booth has sold one of his chancellor; Janies W. Maloney, grand Harriet Waterman to C W Carr, 120 acres large brick stores on Front street in Miss Maggie Linn returned to Jack prelate; EmU Waldman, grand master- in sec 26. twp 39,1 e, $1200 Daring the winter of 1897 Mr. James sonville last week after an absence of Grants Pass for $5000 to Jos. Wolke for TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878- at-arms; L. R. Stinson, grand keeper of L W Rogers to Allen Davis, property in a hardware store. Reed, one of the leading citizens and several years in New York state. records and seal; E. M. 8argent, grand Ashland, $500. NOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. J V L Chandler to Sarah E Keeny, lot 3 merchants of Clay. Clay Co., W. Va., master of exchequer; L. M. Curl, grand i Mrs. D. McCarthy and daughter Anna NITED STATES LAND OFFICE, 4» Has Equipped His Old Established t The 15 cts. which you save on each struck his leg against a cake of ice in such inner guard. T. W. Cuthbert, grand Vid 4, bik 39, Medford. $1. have gone to Ashland to pick their apple Roseburg. Oregon. October 1, 1900 j dollar purchase at Miller & Bartges will Wallace Woods to Edwin Root, lots 6, 7 Gallery in Ashland With * a manner as to bruise it severely. It be outer guard Notice is hereby given that in compliance crop, and 8. blk 1. Cottage add to Medford, $10. came very much swollen and pained buy three loaves of bread elsewhere. with the provisions of the actol Congress Al wild« Emery to J W Coleman, property A ckers D yspzfsia T ablets are sold on a 1 A. F. Nelson of the Eureka mine has of June 3.1878, entilled“An act fortne sale him so badly that he could not walk with Miss ^abel Palethorpe returned Sun poaitiv» guaraotee Cures heart-burn, in Ashland, $50. C H Gillette to C H Gil'ette etux, sur out the aid of crutches. He Was treated day from her visit with Miss Loree Bart-1 returned from a trip to San Francisco. of timber lands in the States of California: raising <>f the 'ood, distress after eating or Nevada and Washington Territo by pbvsicians, also used several kinds of gee at Portland, Albany and Newport. The McKinley Club of Grants Pass Oregon, any form of dvspeoMa. One little tablet vivor to inherit property in Ashland. $5. Carbon Finish. + ry,” as extended to all the Public Land t Z Cameron to Rebecca Eggleston, e)4 of liniment and two and a half gallons of ■rives immediate relief. 25cts. and 50cts. has raised $150 with which to organize X Photos in Water Colors. * States bv act of August 4, 1892, Mrs. H. V. Mitchell came in Saturday from d 1 c 44. twp 38. 1 e. $500. whiskey in bathing it, but nothing gave Lakeview where he purchased 900 head I McKinley clubs in Josephine county. E vobbk A. 8 mbbw < b . Rose Sands of Ashland, County of Pictures in the Latest Styles. + Lizzie Ullman to W A Carter, lot 18, twp any relief until he began using Chamber- Developing and Finishing for Amateurs. ? of cattle. He left for Edgewood Sunday. I I Grants Pass, Oct. 13.—Among the Jackson. State of Oregon, has this Great interest is being taken in the 26, Gold Hill, $450, lain’» Pain Balm. This brought almost day filed in this office her sworn Keeps Fancy Robes for Ladies and Children. X opeuiugnl the Colville Indian Reservation prominent ex-Bryanites who will vote Marv A Pryce, et al. to Mrs. A L Harvev, a complete cure in a week's time and he statement No. 1225. for the purchase of the Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hildreth enter Which the United States Government lot 3. blk 16 Gold Hill. $100 believes that had be not used this remed v tained old friends from West Branch, for McKinley in 1900 are Arthur Conklin, lots 1. 2, s\i ne%, of Sec. No. 26 in Twp. Kmilv Hummer to Allen Dans, 4)4 acres has announcsd is to take place shortly. Gallery Opposite Hotel Oregon his leg would have had to be amputated. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Clark, Sun editor of the Oregon Mining Journal; A. No 40 8 . Range No 3 e, and will ot F. Nelson, superintendent of the Eureka fer proof to show that the land sought is The country is said to he of extreme fer adjoining Ashland, $1000. Pain Bahn is unequaled tor sprains, day. B “ “ ggleston to A M Lull, lot 5, blk 5, tility, and h rush similar to that which Coolidge add to Ashland. $400 Mining Company ; Judge W. M. Fiddler, more valuable for its timber or stone than hruis-s and rheumatism. For sale by Dr J. W. Odgers’ dental parlors will and W. E. Dean, proprietor of the Red for agricultural purposes, and to establish took place when Oklahoma was thrown P W Olwell to Town ot Central Point, F. ugxnk a S herwin . her claim to said land before the Register be open on Monday, the fifteenth inst. Star Store. open to Settlement is being looked for highway 30 t-et wide from southerly end of and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. and will continue to be open from that The reservation ia in the Northern part 4th street, 11. Oregon, on Tuesday the 18th day of De TALENT. time on. I Robbed th« Grave. C C Ragsdale to P B O Neil, lots 4 and 13, of Washington State, and close up to the cember, 1900. Jasper Fource is the name of a Talent Canadian Imundarv. Tnepri ctpai places blk I,.Lumsden add to Medford, $550 She names as witnesses: C. P. Snell, A startling incident is narrated by Martha Gillette to C H Gillette, property man who was 10U years old on Sept 22d , Mrs. D. B. Borkcame up from Keswick Joon Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: of Medford, Oregon; A. 8. Parker, of Ash In the neighborhood are M<4aon. Cheaaw Sunday to visit her father at Medford, , in Ashland, $240 last, and he walked to Ashland Monday on Oregon; Julian Hart, of Shake, Ore and Bolster, which are within a few miles Heriford, after an absence of sev "I was in an awful condition. My ekin land, D Perozzi to F D Wagner, q c d to prop a business triD. Mr. Fource is from the James ' I. C. Moore of Shake, Oregon. of the boundary line, and thev are most erty In Ashland, $50 | was almost vellow. eves sunken, tongue gon; Willamette Valley where be has resided for 1 en years. Any and all persons claiming adversely easily reached by the Canadian Pacific coated, pain continually in back and the above-described lands are requested to 91 First Street, Portland, Ore. Same to same, $160. about a dozen years and came-to Talent Vaupel, Norris and Drake are at the Railway's new Boundary Creek Exten- I. W aterman to U W Carr, lot 13, Belle last June where he secured work on Em sides, no appetite, growing weaker day tile their claims in this office on or before front this fall with one of the most com aiou to Midway, the distance from that vue add to Ashland $160. mett Beeson’» farm at $15 per month and bv day. Three physicians had given said 18th day of December, 19 0- De phia Bryant to L H Thompson, q c <1 board and has earned his wages ever since. plete stocks of goods ever brought to me up. Tuen I was advised to use Elec point being oniv 19 mii*e to Bolster, 205s J. T. BRIDGE8. Importers and Dealers in He is a native of Pennsylvania and remem this valley. to Obeeaw, and 23l4 to M lson by a good to property in Ashland, $1. Register. trie Bitters; to my great joy, the first Same to same, guardian's deed to same. bers the war of 1812 in which his father was wagon road. Miss Mamie Isaacs who is visiting bottle made a decided improvement. I $155 killed on Commodore Perry’s tleet. He In the past difficultv has been experi Carter Land Co to L Waterman, property followed a sailor’s life for 22 year«, was in Portland returns this week to Wolf creek I continued their use for three weeks, and enced in geltiug shipments < f freight to in Ashland, $150. the Mexican war and worked as » teamster to spend the winter with Mrs. A. S. am now a well rnan. I know they rob tbass parte owing I«» laik <-f Customs fa Delphi» Bryant to L Waterman, q c d to in the war of 'he rebellion He cast bis Rosenbaum. bed the grave of another victim.” No cilities, but this will now be c inpletrly property in Ashland $1. first vote for John Quincy Adams for presi one should fail to trv tnetn. Oilv 50c., Mies Ada Sharon, who has been visit Same to same, guardian’s deed to same, dent. Mr. Fource tells a straight storv of overcome, al tlie Uoitof States G »v»-rn- guaranteed, at E. A. S herwin ’ s drug ing the family of John Broad at Forest, history. msnt has just assigned a Cueto me Officer $100. store. creek, started Sunday for her home at I to Midway to facilitate the transfer ol John W. Wiley and J. W. Prall, who are You assume no risk when you huy Estimates given on Electrical Plants, Electric House American freight to these points. engaged extensively in the shipping of live Oakland, Cal. I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar stock are th« heaviest losers by the hog Miss Ida Knight of Applegate has Homer Chapman did Edgewood this rhoea Remedy. E vgbne A. S herwin plague. They have lost over 300 head ot Wiring, and Special Designs furnished for Fire-Place Fur gone to Chicago to join her sister. Miss will refund yeur money if you are not hogs. I week. Jennie Knight, who went to that city satisfied after using it. If is everywhere Miss Lizzie Netherlands returned home nearly a year ago. niture. Agents for the new COLUMBIAN GRATE. admitted to be the moat successful rem Bl ED ‘‘I am tlie pastor of the Baptist Church at edy in uai for bowel complaints and the to Talent Sunday from the Oat Hill It requires no experience to dye with only one that never fails. It is pleasant mine, Lake county, Cal., where she has Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Simply boiling Port Jervis, N. Y.. and sometimes am called been visiting her brother Charles. your goods in the dve is all that’s neces upon to take part in evangelistic work away X KINGERY—Near Jacksonville, Oct. 7, safe and reliable. from home. Not long Mr. Keifer. who bought the Anderson sary. 8old by E ugbnb A. S herwin . 1900, B. Kingery. ago I went to Sandy Wm. M Colvig on the stump has creek sulphur spring, is building a resi- Mrs. Geo. Hellowell returned to Duns Creek, N. Y., which is PIPER—At Phoenix, Oct. 7, 1930, Geo. swallowed the entire democratic plat dencs thereou swept by tlie damp A. Piper, aged 66 years. form except anti-imperialism and with Dan and Chss. Hanscont have rented the muir Sunday from a weeks visit with her niece, Mrs. J. 8.’ Wentworth, and winds from Lake On for a ticket East you naturally and very Mr. Piper came to California in 1849 virtuous indignation refuses to see the Wm. Myer place on Antelope for a year her babe in Ashland. tario. Here I contracted properl* want to go ovei the route that will flag pulled down in the Philippines and ••co. Lowe has moved his family to .sh- and was an old pioneer miner of the coast, a bad cough, and be give vou the verv best accommodations at kicks over Democracy on account of one land where he is employed on the railroad. If you want your tire set without kle wan a native of Stratham, N. H. came so hoarse that I the lowest possible rate. Hence, you should plank. William is too serious. He has "dishing” the wheels, have Emil Peil ■ i i ■ i On the IOth of December, 1897, Rev. do it. could hardly ask vour ticket agent to make your ticket been in the democratic party too long * MARH1KD, preach to my read via the and should know by this time that old S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church, The Dunsmuir News is informed that congregation. political parties are common prevarica South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted improvements to cost upwards of $100.* It was not only BQUIRE’J— BOWERS- At Cheyenne. tors. The unconcerned public regret to a severe col l which was attended from 000 will be made there by the S. P. Co. distressingin a Wyoming, Sept. 19,1900, A. E. Sauires see Mr. Colvig shed such large buckets the beginning by violent caughing. He bodily sense, and Miss Dollie Bowers, of Medford full of scalding tears over false impress ears: "After resorting to a number of daring the next few months. ions. Somebody must have been play ■so-called ‘specifics,* usually kept in the but extremely This is the season when mothers are 8H E R RIL L —8CH MIDTLINE— At ing on the erring brothers delicate and bouse, to no purpose. I purchased a bot alarmed on account of croup. It is quick embarrassingto Woodville. Oct. 10, 1900, E. Sherrill susceptible political feelings. tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, ly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which enter the pulpit and Miss-LUxie Sehmidtline, by Rev. which acted like a charm. I most cheer- children like to take. E. A. 8 hbrwin . in this condi ••Delays are Dangerous.” O. L. Wilson. fullv recommend it to the public.” For tion. I had Geo. M. Eaton, wife and babe left for They leit Saturday for Hood River heard of Ack A small pimple on your face mav teem sale by E dgexb A. S heswin . San Francisco Monday on a visit during where the groom is engaged in the furni of little consequence, but it shows your Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! First class which time Mr. Eaton will undergo er’s English Remedy and, after service, I ture business. bought a bottle and began taking it. The next blood is impure, 6nd impure blood is building stone of all kinds from the treatment at the railroad hospital. nightmy throat was nearly well, and I deliv what causes moat of the disease» from Jackson stone quarry one mile west of Our popular personally conducted tourist 4» Mrs. Dr. Chas. Hines has returned ered my sermon without difficulty. In a few excursions in modern I’uiltnau tourist which people suffer. Better heed the Ashland. Call on or address Ad. Gra KORN home to Portland after a visit with Jack- days I was thoroughly cured. I conceive it to s eeping c«rs leave Ashland every Tuesday warning given bv the pimple and purify ham, Ashland, Ore. • son countv relatives and friends. Mrs. be my duty to benefit mankind physically as morning and Friday morning via Sa tra- SALTMARSH—O b Applegate, Oct. 4, your blood at once by taking Hoed’» W. P. Swope of the Sunday Mercury, Pauline Hines is visiting in the Willam Sarsaparilla. This medicine cures all well as spiritually whenever I can, and am mento, and every Tuesday morning and 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Saltmarsh, Portland, ana a republican politician of ette vallev and Portland. evening via Portland, and run ASHLA.ND, OREGON. disease« du« to bad blood, including glad to write these words in praise of this Friday through to 1 hicago without change via the a son. this state, visited Ashland Sunday and scrofula aud saltrbeom. grand old medicine. Those with sensitive world ’ s most scenic hoe, connecting at Chi and Monday. Torturing skin eruptions, burnsand sores throatsand those who catch cold easily should A strictly Normal School.—Thorough Academic Instruc PU HL—In Jacksonville, Oct. 9. 1900, to cago with all morning trains East, also with The non-irritating cathartic—Hood's WANTED—ACTIVE MEN OF GOOD are soothed at once and promptly hea'ed bv certainly take Acker’s English Remedy.” Mr. and Mrs. Wm Puhi, a son. the Kock Island Personally Conducted tou DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Balve, the character to deliver and collect in Oregon applying Pills. rist car for Boston. These tourist sleeping tion.—The highest Professional Training.—Each Teacher a (Signed) R ev . E zra T erry S anford . known cure for piles. Beware ofworth- RODENBERGER—At Central Point, for old established manufacturing whole 1 beat ca-s are broad vestibuled, lighted wilh less counterfeit». K. A. S hbrwix . Bold at ssc., SOC. and « a bottle, throughout the United Pintch Gas and provided with a'l weekly Specialist.—Beautiful and Healthful Location and Homelike Oct. 6,1900, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bod- $900 a year, sure pay What ia familiarly known aa the end- sale home Statesaud Canada; and in la id., enberger, a eon. j less chain acherne of obtaining money Honesty more than experience required Redding Searchlight: Emil Holden 4s. Cd. If yon are not utiafied after buylug, return taa illustrated peri'Hlicai« and magaz:nes for the Surroundings. reference, any bank in any city. En free use of our patrons and are accompa bottle to your druggist and get your money back. I has been declared illegal by the postal Our close self addressed stamped envelope. owner of the Black Diamond saloon, has nied through to destination bv a represen excluded from the mails Manufacturers, Third Floor. 334 Dearborn ’ returned from a visit to his mining prop _ a__ __ J j authorities and exclnd» We authorite the al-orr guarantee. Fall term begins September 10. Write for Catalogue and of tlie Great lick Island Route. We erty near Gibson’s 8wrtch. He reports a W. H. HOOKER CO., Proprietors, Hew York. tative paat two or th three veara dozens 8t., Cnicago. For the past also have a daily first-class sleeping car most successful hunting expedition by a * nf H imm nronomtiona of these propositions h have been worked service to Chicago via the Scenic Line, and further information. Or discomfort, no irritation of the in- throughout the country, and they have party of fifteen hunters who started from the best dining car service tn the world AN. ». CLAYtON, Pres. tertlnes-but gentle, prompt, thorough become a nuisance. Gibson’s. They returned Thursday For full information, maps, etc., call on healthful ctoanainc. when you take evening with seven fine large backs or write to A. E. COOPER. General Agent, Job printing of all kinds promptly Holden brought home one of the animals or. D. L. Bros, Portland, Or». that his friends might enjoy a feast of done at reasonable prices at the R bcobd Agent 8. P. Oo., Ashland, Ors. vaaison. office. We turn out only first-class work, by the use T> 1 of X* Royal Baking Powder is considerable. Royal is economical, because it possesses more leavening power and goes further. Royal saves also because k always makes fine, light, sweet food; never wastes good flour; butter and eggs. More im- ...................... There/s no portant still is baking the saving in powder so economical health. Royal in practical Baking Pow use, no der adds anti- matter how little others dyspept i c may cost, qualities to the as the Royal food. h R. N. NASON’S PAINT! Itcii!Itch!Itch! Machine It will Pay you J. P. DODGE CANADIAN PACIFIC ASHLAND SOO LINE MILLS. CÖÜRl PATENT Ï FLOUR, ] First Class and Tourist Sleepers Daily W. J. VIRGIN & CO.. PROP’S H. S. EVANS,ASHLAIW’OE PAINTING, PAPERING. ETC. F. L CAMPS t ....The Photographer i U j THE, LATEST KNOWN IN PHOTOGRAPHY, i I THE JOHN BARRETT CO. F I I From a Pastor I Tile Flooring, Electroliers, and Incandescent Lamps. I When You Fay Your Good Money A shland H ouse N BOURGEOIS, PROPRIETOR i GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ASHLAND- - - OREGON. RATES. $1.00 PER DAY. Good Accommodations Located in the Heart of the City. Free Bus to and From all Trains. SOUTHERN OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL JVO GMpGp r*mn Hooti ’a MUa . .. asMhvaUdruMieta. »easts The Valley Record for the News.