Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1900)
Spring Stock! Rich Strike on Wagner Creek. For School Superintendent.... Another rich strike in quartz mining P. H. DAILEY, has been made on Wagner creek at the L. L. Jacobs, the peoples favorite for “Growler” ledge of Parker, Shupe & of Gold Hill. county clerk, is a native son of Iowa, Corbett, four miles eouthwest of Ash having been born in that state on the____ =_______ of _____ land, and in the neighborhood the || £ |<OW becoming the new clothes are when 13th of January, 1862. When quite Ashland mine and °the Shorty-Hope Republican Nominee. ¡1 3 S they see you in one of Hart Schaffner young he removed with his parents to mine. Two specimens of the new dis- Oregon landing in Yamhill county after covery go $10 and $25 respectfully and & Marx ready-tailored suits or top coats, a six month’« trip across the plains. In the ore averages $50 per ton. They have For Assessor.... 1867 the family came to Rogne River prospected the “Growler” at different and you’ll have the inward satisfaction of know J. C. PENDLETON, Valley and located at Ashland. Here points for several years and had ore ing you wear the best that money can buy. The L. L. grew to manhood and saw Ash from other points milled with encourag of Table Rock. IN GROCERY DEPARTMENT a Fine Complete Lines. land grow from a village of a few scatter ing results. The present strike was H. S. & M. suits are guaranteed. ~ ... — ing houses to a thriving and pretentious made near the shaft they sunk the past Line of Fresh Clean Goods Up to Date Goods. young city. Lee has a host of friends winter, It is a permanent vein 25 inch Regular Republican Nominee. THE BEST TAILOR CANT BEAT in the Granite city who are working es wide at the surface and the property NININGER BLOCK hard for his election. During the time is expected to prove a valuable mine. THE HT, AND AT For Representative.... NEAR DEPOT T. O. Andrews was superintendent of OUR PRICES THEY’RE AS EASY TO the Ashland Woolen factory he held a Announcement. MATTHEW STEWART, position in that institution. He mould BUY AS HALF THE COMMONPLACE, A full line of' patterns and spring WM. 8TORM . J. L. THORNTON. ed a large part of the brick that went A. F. HUNT. of Talent. THROWN-TOGETHER CLOTHING into the Masonic building, which was styles of Ladies and Misses costumes, tailor made. Inspection of this depart erected by his father and others. His father, A. S. Jacobs, having been elect ment is invited. Close attention paid to that has neither style, shape nor good workman* Regular Republican Nominee. ed sheriff of the county in 1882, Lee the wishes of patrons. Don’t fail to see these beautiful samples and get price ship to recommend it went to the county seat with the family and has lived there ever since. He is a before you buy. If I cannot save money For Shentt........ son-in-law of Hon. Robt. Cameron, an for my patrons I do not ask for their • D. A llen , Sales Agent. old pioneer of the county. He is now patronage. HART, SCHAFFNER * MARX. ALEX ORME The Wanamaker Agency, DePeatt city treasurer of Jacksonville, having ■ 1 Block, Ashland. of Foots Creek. held the position for several years. He is an active member of the A. F. & A. M., Death of Geo. Hines. I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. of that city. Republican Nominee. George Hines, proprietor of the Union Two years ago he was elected county treasurer over Dr. J. W. Robinson, a Livery stable, died at hie home in Jack very popular man, by a plurality of 103 sonville Monday night, after a short ill For County Treasurer........ votes. In the conduct of the treasurer’s ness of acute pneumonia, aged 47 years. MAX MULLER office lie has proven a trustworthy cue » Mr. Hines was born in Washington GUARANTEED OLOTHING. county, and received his education at todian of the county’s finances. of Jacksonville. In his campaign for the office of county the Forest Grove schools. He was a suc clerk he has made a vigorous, honest cessfull business man, and had the confi Regular Republican Nominee. and gentlemanly canvass. Mr. Jacobs dence of all who knew him. He was a is a pleasant gentleman to meet, and member of town council, Workman leaves a favorable impression with ac lodge, P. P. Prim Cabin of Native Sons, quaintances, old and new. Lee Jacobs and the Artisans. He leaves a wife and For School superintendent.... PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Death of Grandma Walrad. is known to the people in every nook three children. G. A. GREGORY, Jane H. Walrad, whose maiden name and corner of Jackson county. The Camps pictures wont fade. Hon. O. Mingus Passes Away. was Mullen, was born in the State of people bold him in high esteem as a of Medford. New YorK, Jan. 31,1823, and departed Carpets at Vaupel, Norris & Drake’s , man among men and cherish bis friend Hon. Conrad Mingus, a highly es The people know that bis qualifi teemed pioneer citizen of this coast, ASHLAND. Or....Thursday, May 31. 1900 this life Monday, May 28th, 1900. The Mrs. C. H. Pierce visited Ashland ship. 1 deceased became a Christian in child Independent Candidate. cations for the office are perfect in every died Friday at his home in Ashland, All Kinds of Evaporated Fruits. Canned Fruits | Extra friends Friday. J hood and united with the Methodist detail and know also that as an officer after an illness of some time. He was Present Incumbent. Standards. Our Canned Tomatoes are the Best. Episcopal Church, and remained a faith Mannie Smith returned from Portland ] he will at all times discharge his duties aged <8 years and 19 days and leaves a CENTRAL POINT. ] honestly and faithfully to the best of his wife, formerly Miss Lavina Dollarhide E. E. Smith (Ex Deputy Sheriff» of Big ful member until death. She was united Monday night. and to the best interests of the and four children, Dr. Everett Mingus For Representative.... Butte country was in town Tuesday look j in marriage to Father Walrad, her aged Summer hats at Vaupel, Norris & ability t and bereaved hueband, in her twentieth Drake’s. log hearty. of Coos county, Farnk M. Mingus of 1 taxpayers. I year in the state of Illinois; thus they Denver, Idaho, and Misses Clara and E M Leever of Ft. Klamath came in have lived together for fifty-eight years. W. A. CARTER, Attorney 8. 8. Pentz was up from Monday after supplies and to see his sick She came to her grave in a full age,“ like Medford yesterday. Hon". S. H. Holt, the regular people’s Daisy Mingus of this city. Mr. Mingus mother, Mrs. W. T Leever. of Gold Hill. party candidate for county judge of was a splendid citizen and had the con as a shock of corn cometh in his season,” Applegate defeated Jacksonville—21 to Jackson 1 county, is a man whose fidelity fidence of all. At one time he repre J. O. Briscoe and wife of Trail ceek was aged 77 years, 4 months and 27 days. 18—in baseball Friday. j to principle can not be questioned and sented Jackson county in the house of in our city a few days ago trading with our They came to Oregon in 1861, leaving merchant«. Lee Jacobs, democratic nominee for who, if elected, will be an upright and representatives. He was born and Sycamore, DeKalb county, Ill., on March Regular Republican Nominee. county clerk, came up yesterday. 1 honorable judge, always careful of the raised in North Carolina, and came A S. Jacobs and wife attended the funeral 28th of that year, and taking more than 1 across the plains to California in 1850 best interests of the people of the county of Mrs. Walrad in Ashland Wednesday. five months to make the long journey Have you seen those good stamp pic and his decisions would be impartial, and to this county in 1868. The funeral For Joint Representative.... Prof. Van Scoy of the Ashland normal across the plains Arriving in Oregon tures at Camps? characterized by the good sense for took place Sunday afternoon from the Jackson and Douglas. school attended the graduating exercises 1 they settled temporarily on Emigrant WHAT DOES THIS INDIC ATE ?—That Chas. Prim, democratic nominee for which Mr. Holt is justly credited. 8. Mingus residence. Rev. F. G. Strange in this place last Friday evening ’ creek, near Wagner’s Soda Springs, and E. D. BRIGGS, county judge, came up yesterday. H. Holt is a Tennesseean by birth and conducting the services at the home and - — soon moved to Jacksonville where they The graduating exercises held in the farmer by occupation. He served the Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Brick ball l»st Friday were well attended | lived for two years, after which they Mrs. Susie Neil of Jacksonville is visit- a ‘ United of Ashland. States in the army for nearly conducting the services at the grave in and were a success and speak well for Prof. moveti to Salem. They made their ing relatives at Vancouver, Wash. Ashland cemetery. four years, and enjoys the distinction of Stocking. There were some five or six home at the capital city for nearly three Miss Julia Taylor, the teacher, left being the only Grand Army man nomin Republican Nominee. graduates. ___ _ when they returned to Jackson years, YOUR HOME DRUGGIST, Twenty-one Co-Operative Secret ___ . .. • . home - in j Friday for her home at Philomath. i ated for an office in this county to be A. E. Reames, candidate for district at- county and " * have made their Societies. voted for at the June election^ Mr. torney, delivered the oration for the G. A., i Ashland for the past thirty years. She C. F Blundell of Canvonville was regis Holt came to Oregon in 1881, and set A gentleman took the pains to dig up R. on the 30th, in the M. E. church, to a leaves to mourn, a husband, three broth tered at the Ashland flouse Friday. Democratic Ticket. tling in Jackson county, has ever since the fraternial and beneficial secret so crowded bouse. ers and ono sister: John ' V. Mullen of Dr. J.T. Plymel 1 returned to Henley been prominently identified with the cieties of Ashland and the following is The people of Central Point are expect Jacksonville, Philip Mullen of Ashland, ing a larg-* crowd on June 2d at the M E. and Harper Mullen of Sycamore, Ill., Tuesday from a trip to Umatilla county. interests of the people. He left the re the list : Representatives— publican party after its infamous Hayes campground (near here) to bear General and Almira McDonough of David Junct Ash'and Lodge No 23, *. F. & A. M. Josephine county has 2071 registered, J. L. BATCHELOR .of Ashland EGGS FOR HATCHING Weaver of Iowa speak. ion, Ill. Besides, she was the mother of as against 1800 votes cast two years ago. campaign and joined the reform move Siskiyou Chapter No 21,R. A M. ment, helped organize the greenback Malta Commandery No. 4. K. T, J. H. BEEMAN....... of Gold Hill W. J Stanley of Ashland, arrived in this three children, two of whom survive: ---- FROM---- Alpha Chapter No. 1. O. E 8. Miss Janet Wilson has returned to party, helped organize the first alliance place Monday night, tha guest of bis Mrs. Alice Tally, who lives here in Ash County Judge— Ashland Lodge No. 66. A O. U. W. mother-in-law, .Mrs. Ross, and went on to land, Ann Eliza Lane, now deceased, Medford from a visit with Miss Jessie in Jackson county and has served as Manzanita Lodge No. 45. D. of H. president of the county alliance, also of CHAS. PRIM.......... of Jacksonville Woodville Tuesday morning the mother of Clarence Lane of this city Short. Ashland Lodge No. 45, 1. O. O. F. state alliance. Wafc state senator one Candidates are numerous in this part of and Mrs. Ida Hilt, of Coles, Cal , and Hope Rebecca Lodge No. 14, I. O. O. F. Sheriff— Miss L. M. 8anber, the teacher of term, and member of state board of BREEDER OF HIGH-CLASS POULTRY. Pilot Rock Encampment No.16.1. G. O. F. W. H. BRUNK.... the county. They seem to be a scared, lot I Eugene Walrad also of this city. She Salem, took Friday’s stage for Klamath .. .of Ashland agriculture for eight years. He was Burnside Post No. 23, G. A. R. of fellows; none are right sure of election. leaves also ten grandchildren who county. also for a time one of the trustees of the Have mated three grand pen« of Barred P. Rocks. Burnside Corps No. 24, W, R. C. Clerk— Prof. Narregan was in town Monday will all miss “grandma”,that know she "V'y eggs, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, pr 13. S. C. B. Leghorn« W. H. Mowat and J. N. Smith spent Oregon state soldiers’ home. Owing to Granite Lodge No. 23, K. of P. LEEL. JACOBS ............. of Jacksonville evening looking after his political fences, has gone from the earthly home to the Endowment Bank No. 4593, K. of P. much sickness in his family and the end Black Minorca«, $1.00, pr 13. Black Langaban, which are in ba 1 shape here. He thinks heavenly. The beautiful home circle of Sunday at Galice creek, Josephine death of his wife, Mr. Holt has suffered Granite Tent, No. 4. K C. T. M. Recorder— 1 set, $1.00, 2 set, $1.50. My birds only lacked one he ha- not been treated right by his repub which she was the charm, where these county. Margaret Hive No. 22. L. of M. much, financially as well as otherwise, point at Oregon State Show of being aa good as lican brethren. It does seem bard to vote aged servants of God were peacefully W. O. MARKS of Ashland W. K. Price was up from Tolo the Mahogany Gamp No. 6565, Modern Wood against a man for no other reason only on passing the evening time of life, has first of the week plugging for some pet and is a poor man. His honesty and in men. Address, ZE ZECZRTTSZE, Roeeburg, Oregon. Assessor — tegrity, however, are recognized by the account of bis location been broken. Never was there a better, candidates. Acorn Circle No 54, Women of Wood people, and his logical mind commends craft. MARTIN McDONOUGH.. .of Gold Hill Quite a number of the democratic candi more solicitous, self-sacrificing mother, Wm. C. Deniff was up from Jackson him to them for the office to which he Ashland Camp 243, Woodmen of tne dates attended the speaking here Tuesday or a more devoted wife. She made Treasurer— World. evening W. J. 8 tan ley of Ashland, J. H. home sweet and delightful to husband, ville Tuesday and yesterday doing some aspires. J. H. GAY............... .of Central Point Court Mistletoe No. 26, Forresters of Beeman of Gold Hill and A. E Kearnes children and grandchildren. missionary work. While made speeches. The attendance was fair. never demonstrative, yet her Christian W. O. Marks, the democratic nominee America Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hitchcock went Native Daughters of Oregon, Jane Mc Coroner— All seemed to appreciate what was said. life was deep and genuine and sustained for county recorder is the youngest man D r . J. E. SHEARER of Medford Cully Cabin. to Portland yesterday. D. R. Mills also Albert Abrahams of Roseburg was not on any of the party tickets this year. A Fraternal Union of America. present as was expected owing to train her amid all the trials and difficulties goes in a few days. Survivor — native son of Oregon, 24 yrs. of age, that she had to meet. Her trust in her being three hours behind. Miss Ora Adkins, who has been spend there is involved in his candidency the L, 8. TREFREN....... of Ashland Savior was so firm that she had great KLAMATH FALLS. peace and constant joy. Her husband, ing the winter in San Francisco, returned principle of the employment of young Commissioner — men in office which should bring to his M. G. Wilkins, Deputy Grand Master of far advanced in life, lingers in loneliness to Medford Tuesday. GEO. P. LINDLEY.............. oi Medford the A. O. U. W is visiting here and look but greatly comforted with the hope of An elegant stock of spring and sum support in the ensuing election the ing up the interests of the local lodge. a sweet reunion in the near future. mer goods have arrived at Vaupel, young men of the county generally. Schoo! Superintendent— The nomination came to Mr. Marks Judge Benson. A. S. Hammond and C. “Let not your hearts be troubled, ye be Norris & Drake’s. L. A. STOCKING....... of Central Point without his seeking and was accepted by B. Watson returned last Friday frem lieve in God believe also in me. In my Herbert Hanna, who is attending St. him under conditions which ought to Lakeview. They were all loosers in the Father’s house are many mansions; if Mary ’s College, San Francisco, returned insure him the vote of every democrat. “About two miles from Vassar, Mich., it were not so I would have told you big fire. to Jacksonville Monday. He is one of the young voters who rallied where I keep a drug store, lives Mrs. T. M. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Hon. J. N. Williamson candidate for I go to prepare a place for you and if 1 She was very Geo. P. Lindley of Medford, demo to Bryan and he should have the support Bratt. and Write for Catalogue and Prices. PORTLAND, OREGON. joint senator in this district, was here this go and prepare a place for you I will Represen tatlves— hopeless come again and receive you unto myself, cratic nominee for county commissioner, of every Bryan populist. By reason of sick week shaking hands with the people. with consumption. MATHEW STEWART ... .of Talent his personal qualities and his well known I watched her case W. A. Massingill, '!eo. H. Ayers and H. that where I am, there ye may be also.” was in Ashland Friday. W. A. CARTER........... of Gold Hill special fitness for the office of recorder C. Rothe, leading nwhants of Lakeview L. A. Sackett of Portland, is visiting he will draw a large independent, con with interest after County Judge— QLIVER S. .BROWN she began taking passed through here Thusday eve., on I Dr. Everett Mingus was called home his brother-in-law, Mayor W. B Colton, servative vote, a fact which should be of Acker’s English N. L. NARREGAN.................. of Medford their way to San Fxancisco, to purchase a to be at the death of his father, the late and other old Ashland friends. the greatest encouragement to his politi Remedy for Con new a’oek of goods, and fix up their in Hon. C. Mingus. He is physician for ' County Commissioner— ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. because surance business after the big fire. the Beaver Hill Coal Co. in Coos county E. L. Led batter went to Salem Tues cal friends on election day. As an sumption, THOS. RILEY .................. of Eagle*Point Ihadheardso employe and secretary of the Ashland ( morning to take the supreme court A large and enthusiastic audience filled and state health officer at Marshfield, day Beach Block. much about County Clerk— the Court House Saturday eveningto hear examination for admittance to the bar. Iron Works for some five years, he has its wonderful Misses Esther and Mary Silsby and ' GUS NEWBURY. . of Phoenix a record with his employers and their cures. Well, the political issues discussed from a repub Maude Patterson returned yesterday Ashland, - - Oregon. Mrs. Bush, I’ropr, j £Xl.nd?°Oregoa Prof. N. L. Narregan of Medford, re patrons for fidelity, industry, and pains sir,' perhaps lican standpoint. The speakers were: County Recorder— Hon. C. B. Watson, J. W. Hamaker and from the State Christian Endeavor con publican nominee for county judge, was taking care in all the important duties you will PETER APPLEGATE . ..of Central Point j H. F. Murdoch who promulgated the vention at Albany. Mrs. Ella Rice was interviewing Ashland friends yesterday. allotted to him. If elected he will be doubt it, but Mining Law a Specialty. Sheriff— doctrines of republicanism to a queens elected vice-president of the state asso • • • with my own a Ä Hour«, one of tho most popular and efficient of ALEX ORME ... .of Foots Creek Ben Beekman visited his folks at get well and strong eyes I saw this woman taste. ciation. Jackson county’s officials and the hearty on that remedy. In a very short time the Treasurer— Friday and Saturday en support of Ashland, his home town will The rush for timber land has again re Miss Blanche Oliver of this city, Jacksonville ' cough stopped, her lungs were healed up, MAX MULLER................ of Jacksonville E. A. Hildreth. Jr. J. P. Sayle vived. A parly of thirteen passed through daughter of Mrs. R. M. Foster, and W. route home to Portland from Lakeview make that election a certainty. the soreness went away, and she began tak Frank Dodge. Lunches Put Up here Monday en route to Lakeview to tile E. Williamson, the Ashland-Portland School Superintendent— ing on flesh. She herself said: ‘Mr. Bullard, Mrs. Grant Mathews and children of on claims in the Wood River precinct. Some parties are trying to make cap P. 11. DAILY ......................... of Gold Hill I owe my life to Acker ’ s English Remedy. The following named persons were among railway postal clerk, are to be married Gold Hill vieited her husband in Aeh- ital out of the fact that L. A. Stocking, It is a certain cure.’ In Mrs. Bratt’s Assessor— tne unluckv number; Miss A. R. La June 4th Formal announcement was land the past week. They will move the democratic candidate for school su ne:gliborhood her recovery has occasioned J.C. PENDLETON Flesh. Juo. b Miner. W. K. Parshall, J made in the Episcopal church Sunday. here soon. of Rock Point All Passengers Trains much comment, as you can easily under perintendent, is a new comer. He came stand. Her case was one where everybody M Miner. A. C. Davis and I). Blackmore Surveyor — Moxi T ea positively cures sick headache Mrs. B. R. Stevens, who was called here from Douglas county, where he thought it was only a question of a little of Klamathon, Cal . J. W. Denning and indigest'on and constipation. A delightful of Medford Stop 30 Minutes tor Meals A. Horn of Hornbrook, Cal., B. F. O’Brien herb drink. Removes alt eruptions of the hereby the death of her mother, Mrs. taught several terms, with the full in while until she would die. I feel it a duty GAEL T. JONES . ASHLAND, OREGON. Coroner — 8. Robbins, returned home to Little of Berwick. Cal. tention of making his home in Jackson as a druggist to write this letter, so that there skin, producing a perfect complexion, or of Medford FREIGHT AND county, and will remain, under any and need be no more deaths from consumption.” G. B. COLE........ money refunded. 25cts. and 50 cts. Shasta Sunday. Dev-orated «he Grave«. all circumstances. Prof. Stocking is a (Signed) E. A. B ullard , Vassar, Mich. E ugene A. S herwin . Mrs. A. L. Ferguson and children re BAGGAGE TRANSFER. The Memorial day exercises in Ash educated and capable gentleman. J. D. Williams of Soda Springs re turned yesterday io Medford after visit highly Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout land yesterday were witnessed by a large His work as principal of the Central •••••• ing Mr. F. at Siskiyou and Mrs. G. M. turnout. The program was carried out turned Tuesday from Portland where he Eaton in Ashland. Point school is highly spoken of by those the United States and Canada; and in Eng Wood For Sale. had expert ’ s examine the disease in his land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not as announced in last week’s paper. in a position to judge, and is ample Max Muller, republican nominee for proof that he is the proper man for the satisfied after buying, return the bottle to The following graves of soldiers were nose. It is supposed to be a rare dis Ice Delivered Daily in Season ease that the physicans were in doubt your druggist, and get your money back, county treasurer, and J. E. Enyart of decorated: how io treat. However, it is not con Medford, attended the funeral of the late position to which he aspires. We authorize the above guarantee. Hargadine cemeterv—D Baer. J Behme. C. Mingus Sunday. W. H. HOOKER & CO., Proprietors, New York, A Carr, J K Brown, M Rote. B Rodgers. sidered dangerous. H. BOIVIN, Manager. To the V oters and T axpayess of J ack - Jas Morris J Mil's. F McHattan, J Fletcher, S. H. Holt will arrive in the county White Plymouth Rock Pullets Rev. R. Fysh of Klamath Agency, who son C ounty : A Baker. J no Mills. J Martin today with Ex-Congressman Howard of took ten Indian boys to the Carlisle, Ashland cemeterv—J M McCall. D B Alabama. Mr. Holt was expected home I would be glad to meet every citizen For County Ricordar.... Nini ng er Block, Penn., school, arrived in Ashland yester and Cockerels for Sale! COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STREET Rice. W 1-ee. W Graham. J Stephens, J soon after the Cincinnati convention, but of the county if time and opportunity day en route home. Laughlin. J Houck, T Smith. W Hart. H were given me, but this is impossible in tarried at bis old home in Illinois, and WM. M. RICHARDS, ASHLAND, - - OREGON. E Slocum, J Townsend, M Dodge. Spanish Eggs for setting at $1.50 for 13, or} $3.00 Ashland, Oregon, W. W. Kentnor has returned from as much as my time is fully occupied in American War Veterans—H Applegate, L after arriving in Portland accompanied for 30. the I. O. O. F. grand lodge at Astoria. attending to my work as principal of the of Talent. High. Jay Taylor. J M Gregory. Howard down the line. Being expected Geo. K. Wentworth, Talent (Jemetery— E G Packbard. R Har almost at any time his son and friends He was honored with the position of Medford schools, which will not close Call and see his new stock of Fine Dunsmuir, Cal. grave, J Holden, Ira Chandler, N Allen, did not let him know of the local situ grand outside eentinel. until June 8th, and with a graduating Shop is now open. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etp. F Gifford. ________ class, this is a work I cannot delegate to ation turning up in such a way that John Crosby, Talent; Ella Anderton, Regular Peoples ’ Party Nominee. Nothing but First - Class hundreds of voters not populists were Phoenix ; and Grace Jones, Ashland, re another. As it is impossible for me to Watches aad Clocks Repaired. Joseph Perry, a well-known young trying do so personally I take this means to re hard to elect him county judge. Work turned out. turned Monday night from the deaf and man of Sams Valley and brother of Coun fute the campaign lies that have been V ty Commissioner Martin Perry,and Miss Mrs. A. E. Kinuey and Mrs. Ella Mills dumb school at Salem. brought to my notice. It is reported Rachel Nichole, an estimable youug went to Salem Monday to visit relatives. Hon. »V. M. Colvig will leave next that I am surrounded by a disgraceful You Can Afford to Keep Clean lady with many friends and admirers in C. B. Watson arrived Monday from Saturday for Sioux Falls, S. D., to repre political ring. I most emphatically LAW, LAND & LOAN OFFICE thia part of the valley, were married at Lake sent Oregon in the annual meeting of deny that I am surrounded by any dis and Klamath counties. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myer in the supreme lodge of the A. O. U. W. graceful or corrupt political ring; that Dr. L. W. Harris of Eugene, chair Ashland Sunday, Rev. A M. Russell of F------ if You Buy Your SOAP any ring is pledged to my support or that ficiating. They left the same day fortheir man of the republican congressional C. D. McDonald, foreman of the Ash I am under any obligation to any ring, future home at Gold Hill. Among those district campaign committee, was in Ash land mine, left Friday for Josephine and man or men other than the republican F. present at the wedding were the follow land Friday. Douglas counties, to examine properties party and its principles. from Us. ing: Mr. and Mrs Mver, Mr. and Mrs. for his company, to be gone two weeks. WATER 8TREET P. II. Daily, republican nominee for It is also reported that if elected I will C. C- McClendon, Mrs. G. F. Billings, school superintendent, came up from NEAR MAIN build a steel bridge across Bear creek at Geo. W. Vaupel took Friday ’ s mid Misses Cora Gall, Sylvia Taylor. Ninth Gold Hill Monday to interview the DONE CHEAP FOR THE NEXT Medford; make a toll bridge of the night train for Douglas county where McClendon, Della and Orpha Mitchell, SIXTY DAYS. Orders by mail or Call and see tne when you are in need of he is prosecuting his campaign with en- Upper Rogue river bridge and have en Messrs. W. C. Myer, Roy Hargrave, El voters in this section. express receive any property of any description, either to tered into combinations with different BARS LAUNDRY Silas J. Day, Chris Ulrich and Miss i thusiasm and favorable prospects of suc lis Gall, Geo. McClendon, Homer Bil W. W. FORDNEY, prompt attention. men. All these reports are pure and cess. Kate Lemberger have returned, to Jack lings, Rev. A. M. Rnssell. terms C ash at rentorbuv. Bellview. unmitigated lies, and the parties SOAP FOR. .... I have ranches for sale in every part of sonville from the Astoria meeting of the REA8ONABL* RATES. J. R. Rummel, wife and children, who starting them lied maliciously and in or P. 0. Box 86. Jackson county; fine land and low prices. Gen. James B. Weaver speaks at i I. O. O. F. grand lodge. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. tentionally. Small acreagas of fruit land near town Central Point Saturday afternoon and and One Ten-Cent Cake of TAR SOAP TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3. 1878.- and land in bearing fruit, any number of J. W. Bybee of Jacksonville has re Cooke and Mr. and Mrs. C. Heggins on If by your suffrage I am elected county at Medford Saturday evening. acres, large or small. FREE with every Seven Bare. turned to Alaska to work for E. B. Han Neil creek, have returned to Scott Val judge, my business will be your business, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 bave several bouses to sell in the city; ley. ley. and I will work as hard for you as I MAKHIKI), NITED STATES LAND OFFICE. prices to suit the times. have for the Medford schools and myself. San Francisco finally quarantined Dr. J. S. Herndon’s office on Harga- Roseburg. Oregon. May 18, 1900, Chinatown Tuesday against the Bubonic dine street was destroyed by fire about I am not, nor will be influenced or con Notice is hereby given that in compliance H0U&E8 TO RENT. HAY—FIELDER—In Yreka, May 24, plague. with the provisions of the act of Congress midnight Thursday Nothing was saved. trolled by any man, men or ring, and I MONEY TO LOAN. 19ÖÖ, by Rev. O. Parker, William of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the The total loss was $1000 with insurance have made but one promise and that is BARS LAUNDRY Herbert McCarthy came up from 1N8U RANCE A SPECIALTY, Jefferson Hay and Miss Alvira Della sale of timber lands in the States of Califor to do and work for the highest and best of $600. Grants Pass Tuesday nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter Here are a few of my bargatns: Fielder, both of Leland, Oregon. SOAP FOR......... interest of every part of the county Father Edward Donnelly left yester without favor and to use every honest ritory,” Cora L. Snell of Medford, county Miss Daisy Mingus left yesterday for Ten acres of good fruit land, three acres of Jackson, state of Oregon, has this day Marshfield, Coos county, to visit her day en route for New York and Provi endeavor to lower the county debt and filed in this office her sworn statement No. in fruit, $450. dence, R. I., where he was born and brother there for some time. reduce the rate of taxation. Six acre tract, three acres in fruit, good 1042, for the purchase of thenw raised. He will be absent two months house, bam, etc., running water, for $500. Respectfully yours, w ’ X . ne se K- nw % Section No. 2. A. P. L. Smith of London, England, is on a vacation. Another ten acre tract, some fruit, two N. L. N arregan . in Township No. 40 s. Range 3 e, and will in eastern Oregon looking after business GENUINE WHITE offer proof to show tnat the land sought is small houses, $400. Al Norman, the well-known trainman, interests and will soon oe the guest of These are within a mile and a half of more valuable for its timber or stone than Sanni* Bell Lady Smilk Miss Jane Hibbard, thq musician of Populist Speaking. CASTILE SOAP, his brother, E. A. Leeaton Smith, in and , , for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ashland. Medford, were married Monday evening her claim to said land before the Register Two miles from town, ten acres, entirely Ashland. J. B. Osborne of Georgia will speak in We raiee only per pound. at the latter place and took the night atd Receiver of this office at Roseburg. unimproved, $200. Mrs. J. Franzen and daughters left train for Roseburg, their future home. Ashland Saturday at 2 o’clock p. m. and Hotel properly in town, for sale for >4000. Oregon, on Monday, the 13'h day of Ang- HIGH-GRADE HARES Ex-Congressman M. W. Howard of Ala for Portland Monday. One hundred acres line valley land, two % UBt, 1900, bama, author of “ If. Christ Came to The English army is about at Pretoria. She names as witnesses: A. S. Bliton of miles from Medford, $4500. Fred A. Bow ker and family of Sisson From the best imported blood. Our Call and see me tn regard to any of the Medford, Oregon; Wm. D. Love of Med It is reported today that President Congress,” will speak in Ashland Satur Pedigrees contain Yukon, Lord Briton, AT have moved to Ashland. ford, Oregon; J. J. Houser of Medford, above, and if they do not suit. I have • Kruger, at his advanced age not desiring day at 7:30 p m. Both are southern Sir Styles, Banbury, Commodore, Na Oregon; Minnie Love of Medford, Oregon. large list from which yon might choose Mrs. A. M. Russell and daughters, to spend his remaining days in the Brit populists and are considered good speak- and Unicorn. I am prepared to Any and all persons claiming adversely GEO. W. TREFREN. Mrs Jeuks of Willows. Cal., and Miss ish prison at St. Helena, left the Trans . era. Howard is a fine orator and poleon furnish a limited number of tip top the above-desenbed lands are requested to Main Street, Near Bridge. Emma, from Napa, arrived at 2:30 Wed vaal and got on board a steamer at Del- statesman. Ashland, O k hie their claims in this office on or before Osbourne speaks at city hall and How exhibition specimens. nesday. ago Bay. ^dl3U,a W «IA W « : l 9 00 jEII)OES , At stud : Mv choice imported buck, ard at Chautauqua. I can and will save you money on sew Albert Abraham, of Roseburg, demo LORD ROBERTS. Fee $5. Register. ing machines. A visit to qnr store wilt THE CASH GROCERY. cratic nominee for joint representative Candidates are numerous everywhere. convince you of this tact. Opsra Houie for Jackson and Douglas counties, who W. H. SMITH, Prep., Furniture Store. John Grieve, regular people’s party COTTRELL—In Ashland, May 28, 1900, is canvassing thia end of hh district, was nominee for aanator, la In town. • en» ran«*, emtr. Telephons 43. to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cottrell, a eon. in Ashland Tuesday. PjjPUR FRIENDS WILL TELL YOU .. CANDIDATES Dry Goods...... Clothing, Boots & Shoes. WM. YEO & CO. ASHLAND MEAT CO. General Dealers in Live Stock and Dressed Meats of All Kinds. Oregon. Ashland, VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. VALLEY EECORD. BUY AND SELL : GREEN : FRUITS- Our Business Has Increased QUALITY MAINTAINS PRESTIGS EUGENE A. SHERWIN, ashland , ore EDENBOWER POULTRY YARDS RUSSELL “S. SAW MILLS THRESHERS STACKERS Acker’s Saved Her Life Bush’s Restaurant! Meals 25 . . . ASHLAND TINNING&PLUMBINGGO. Watchmaker and Jeweler. Ashland- . STEAM- Lanndry: House, Sign or Buggy Painting GEO. W. TBEFREN U LIVISTRÂUSS&CO3 Borraj/ PANTS Ashland Gro.Co.