Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
■•«ri tir*. 11 VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND OBKOON, VALLEY RECO HI ». j VALLEY I FINE PRINTING I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. RO MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order for Letterheads. State ments. Envelopes, dec. VOL. X. Doer Hunter Bound Over for Crime. Levi Kirk, nged til years, was bound over to appear before the Josephine county grand jury, by Justice Morley of Wolf creek, and Constable G. W. Kearns lodged him in jail at Giants Pass, He is charged with murdering Ed. Jones, aged 25. C. H. Jones, a brother of the deceased from Lakeport, Cal., is up look- l ing after his dead brother's interests. District Attorney Jeffrey prosecuted the case and R. G. Smith represented the I defense. , The affair seems as near as we can learn to be as follows: Kirk had made a deer lick up Coyote creek and started i up to the lick verv early in the morning. While going along the trail he heard a , noise and stopped behind a tree, gun cocked and aimed in the direction of the sound, waiting for the deer to appear. Ed. Jones, who was aien bunting, stepped a little farther out dressed iu a brown hunting coat, and Kirk shot as soon as I he got a glimpse of the object that had attracted bis attention, A coroner’s in- quest was held and the jury decided that tbe shooting was accidental. It seems, ( however, that the two had bad some dif ficulties a good while ago, and from one I thing and another picked up, it waa de- i cided te arrest Kiri and give him an ex amination. The matter will come up be fore the grand jury in September. ASHLAND. PllKSSKII BHICKH JACKSON RECORD Chief of the County Papers FnbUabad every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .,.................................................... H '»b Six Months ................................................. 1 «u Three Months............................................... to COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 20, GET HEADY POH i( HOOU NO. 13. Advertising rates given on application J. P. DODGE A HYPOCRITICAL CRY. Th« Thing. You Need end What Bsuk.r. Do Not Want "th. (loverament J L Downing left Saturday for an east You Must Do Befbre Sept. <lth. ern trip. to Co Out nt the Baukins Itualneaa." Is H.silquarter. on Schools will open Sept. 6th. The school A favorite expression atuoug the Mrs. F. Lay of Tacoma is vhitlng Jack l age is six years and under that age can sonville relatives. not be admitted. Scholars for the lowest financial exploiters of this country has Miss Gertrude Sutton paid Medford primary grades are admitted only in Sep been, "Tbo government should get out friends a visit this week. tember and January, at which times on ; of thu banking business." A son was horn to IRe wifi of Mart Pel ly classes lor beginners are organised. Whenever some stock deal could be let at iaient last week. All scholars not actual residents of Ash affected by u reported shipment of gold If you don’t believe it just c.ll and see. Miss Carrie Houston ol Hornbrook was land school district must pay tuition. here this week for a villt. This must be paid in advance to the the subsidized press announced with u Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mills returned Satui- principal who will give hie receipt there pretended shiver that the gold had been fore. day from a visit in Iowa. drawn from the treasury by the "eud- Promotion certificates are valid only if Mrs E. O. Rose ot Applegate was Strick- presented during tbs first month ot school less chain" greenback method, and the She’s just “poll parroting.” <n wiltl parulysis recently. snd scholars are not entitled to admleaiou | announcement was iuvariably accent There’s no prettiness in pills, A. E. Ileanies and wife of Jacksonville to the grades to which they went pio-; uated by the declaration that “the gov except on the theory of “pretty are making the Crater lake tour. TRY ME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED moted unless they are presented at lbs ernment should go out of the banking is that pretty does.” In that John F. White and family of Jackson beginning of the school year. business." case she’s right. ville are visiting Klamath Falls. The 7tb and Sth grades belonging to This has been repeated over and over SOUTHERN OREGON Mrs. Russell Alford of Klamath county tue south school will attend at the Cen ’ Absolutely Pure. tral building where a room baa just been with just as much force as though it is visiting Jackson county relatives. fitted up for that purpose. was actually a serious proposition. Celebrated fur its great leavening do cure biliousness, constipation, County Commissioner W. H. Wilson, a Th« principal will be at the High School strength and healibfulnes». As and all liver troubles. pioneer of Riddle’s, died there Saturday. Now the facta are that the very men building Thursday and Friday, between sures the food against alum and all Chas. Shultz, the Jacksonville pioneer, re 2 and 3, and Saturday forenoon, Septem who make the greatest pretense on thia forms of adulteration common to OK>EQ-O2ST, turned Saturday from two week» in Trinity ber 4, to claMily naw scholars and to subject to deoeive the people are the the cheap brands. K oyal B axinu county, Cal. P owder Co.. N kw Y ork . meet those who wish to see bins Those most anxious to have tbe government I. H Cole has retired from the mercan who seek adailasion to the High School tile business at Gold Hill and returned to should present themselves Thursday as a partner iu the business. Bankers would by no means think of San Franei8co, morning. Those wishing admittance to New Buildings, Fine Campus, Good Water. Healthful Ixjcation, Delightful Climate, CHICAGO HORSES AT LUNCHEON Excellent influences for Students. Andrew Wise, and wife, Misses Jane and grades above the lowest primary and be such a thing as having the government J. S. UERNDON, Francis Herr and Ed, Herr of Ager. Cal., low the High School should present them quit the business. COURSES: Sub-Normal of one vear, Regular Normal of three years, Business, Faithful Servants Emulate Him in Has Helped Mother. are at Crater lake. Shorthand and Typewriting, College Preparatory. Music, Art. Taking u Hurried Meal Downtown. selves with such books as they may have They want to monopolize the issuing ‘‘My mother has been afflicted with ca THE ONLY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN THIS PART OF THE STATE 18 Even tne horse.s of this city take Elmer Stein, who is clerking in M. Buck Friday forenoon or afternoon, or Saturr PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. tarrh and stomach trouble. She has taken ner’s store at Yreka, is visiting Ashland day forenoon. Reports of standing of of notes and thus control the volume of money and have other benefits which luncheon downtovsn. Every business one of the prominent departments of the school.and is conducted in business college style a number of bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla friends this week. The Training School is graded and in charge of the Senior Class the full year, and scholarships from other schools are o- should belong to tbe people, but they num knows what this means, the hur A shland , O regon . and has derived great benefit from it. We the direct supervision of «critic teacher trained in the noted Holbrook Normal of James Elliott, who has been at Soda value in determining the grade ot new wouldn’t think for a moment of any lied bite taken in the short hour about under always take Hood’s Sarsaparilla when we Lebanon. Ohio. MW“0ffice—In Townsend Building, on need a blood purifier and we find Hood’s Springs for some weeks, returned to Jack pupils. The Natural Sciences are taught by almost constant work in the labratory, and Elo other way but that tbe government noon every day, when business is aban Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. Pills a remedy for sick headache.” M rs . sonville Saturday. SUPPLIES. doned long enough to permit the de cution. delsarte and physical training by a specialist in these lines. should give them its assistance. M innis S prigs , Oakland, O.egon. Below is a list of supplies needed by Miss Addie Bryan and Frank Bryan of Special advantages in higher mathematics ana literature. Drawing and vocal music An item of news which appears in The struction of a pjeevof pie or asandwich. are compulsory for Normal course students. Scholars Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take Medford are visiting their sister, Mr». each scholar in each grade HINMAN. D. I). 8. Everybody does it, so it is as fair for Evening Journal indicates how nnxious Grant Davis, at Gazelle. The regular Normal School diploma is granted, good anywhere in the state without cannot be admitted without books, and j with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet further examination. I efficient Geo. Henriott left Saturday for a hunting it is desired that all may commence the the banks of Chicago are to have Uncle one. as the other, says the Chicago EXPENSES: Tuition $6.25, board at ball $1.75, lodging 50 cents per week, student trip to the Umpqua country after which he first day. Scholars who enter later are Sam as a partner in the bunking busi Chronicle. furnishing bed-clothing only. Family beard $2.50 per week. $125 furnishes the student Pioneer Reunion. will return to Portland. DENTIST This same haste applies to the nag board, books and lodging, and pays his tuition for one year. at a disadvantage, since they do not re ness. | The committee • i arrangements for the which pulls the cab or the heavy draft Here ia the proposition: Grades are accepted from other schools, if the same cover (he work required in the T B. Blanton and J . M . Childers of Sams ceive the preparation for now studies j annual reunion ot the pioneers of southern The clearing L ouho banks of Chicago have horses used as freighters. At the noon Normal. Teachers review olasses any time in the year. IWln the Masonic Building » id stairs Oregon on Sept 2d. 1897, met at the city valley are taking two loads of fine tomatoes given at the beginning of the term. Ink The next school year opens Sept. 6. For catalogue or information, address, to Ft. Klamath this week. is furnished in all grades. A special sent a petition to the treasury department hour ori any of the downtown streets j hall Friday evening and appointed the fol over Post Office. W. T VAN BUOY President. lowing sub-committees: Aaron Wyland and wife of Lake creek pencil with a hard lead should be pro asking that the local subtreasury be made a the observant, person can see these Pr-'griiii committee—Mrs Belle Parsons have »one t » Lakeview to bring home their vided for drawing and used for that alone; member of the clearing house. faithful lx*asts with nosebags depend Secretary Gage, while president of the First chairman; Clara Mi gub, Robt Neil, Otis son, who has been critically ill. if so used, it would last all year and more £Jll. S. T. SONGE1C. National bank, was in favor of auch a move, ing from their beads quietly munch Helman. Chas. Sherman of Talent is in from Jack satisfactory work could be done. and it is more than likely the request will be ing their oals or corn with every evi Finance committee — Eugene Walrad. FIRST GRADE. granted. Several unsuccessful attempts have i dence of satisfaction. chairman; Fred Drake. Edw. Thornton, son’s place in Steel’s Swamp, Modoc coun PHYSICIAN and 8ÜKUKON. ty. He has the Costa Rica fever. been mode to do this, and there is tt theory I Hypatia Klum. Mrs. Millie Donnelly. Slate with covered frame, slate pencil It makes no difference to the horses that the strength of New York influences in Table committee—Belle Anderson, chair and sponge, lead pencil and some paper Mike Garvey, a well-known stage driver the treasury was able to overcome the desires ' tliat the ¡Missing throng sees them in man; John McCall. Mrs. Lizzie Holberg, in the old days of the overland stage coach, ruled like copv book paper, Eclectic Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, of Chicago bankers. Daisy Mingus. Jessie Wagner. Elsie Pat died at Yreka last week, aged 48 years. the act of taking food. They nre a.® drawing book No. 1. In the petition the Chicago clearing bouse Lu tie Holberg. Mabel Russell, Mrs A shland , , . O pigon . terson, members agree to pay the membership fee of ( callous on this subject as their roas SECOND GRADE. Ed. Knutzen and wife. Frank Knight, Millie Myer, Mrs. Ella Rice. Mrs. May ters, many of whom can I m * seen sitting Norris, Mrs. Alice Butler, Mrs. Bertha and vfsses Jennie and Ida Knight com Second reader, slate and pencil, pen* |l,U00, and it is probable they will meet re- ; Winter, Lvle Watson. Ethel Walrad. Fred pose an Applegate party who are doing the holder, ruled practice paper, rubber era quiremoucs of the subtreasury in other re- ' on the wflgon or adjacent sidewalk p)H. C. W. BARR. spects. Crater lake tour. Neil. Will Myer. Will Million. with tinpail open, eagerly destroying ser, Eclectic drawing book No. 2, tracing The treasury department is very strict In its ' Above committees will please act at Mrs. I. W. Bontrager of Willow Springs book No. 7. rules concerning indorsements, and, on the * the luncheon which t he wife packed in once and report to arrangement committee precinct returned Sunday from a visit with other hand, tho clearing house is a very inform- 1 the morning. It is all in a lifetime, and Denial Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. next Friday evening, August 27th, in the her daughter at Lincoln, Cal., who had THIRD GRADE. al institution. the Chieag4> horse has learned that he citv hall at 7:30 o’clock. A shland , O bkoon . been quite ill. Third reader, Maxwell ’ s first book in There would probably be little difficulty, must eat when he can, and not be too The usual basket dinner will be served at Granite hall and all pioneers and native C. E. Wolcott, formerly of Medford, is English, Fish’s No. 1 arithmetic, alate therefore, in modifying the rules of the treas particular about it. Hence he lays h’s * H work pertaining to modern dent- sons and daughters of Ashland and yicin- now a reporter on tbe Searchlight, a popu and pencil, penholder, ruled practice ury in order to admit on agreeable terms the trv. Painless operations a specialty. ity are requested to bring their baskets on list paper at Redding, Cal. His family have paper, tracing book No. 3, pencil tablet, subtreasury to the clearing house. If such an j ears baek and munches away with —— I ■■ ■■ n i———w Thursday, Sept. 2d, 1897. Pioneers and joined him from Sisson. drawiug pencil and rubber eraser, No. 3 agreement is fixed, tho advantages to the 1 placid joy. banks will be many. native sons and daughters are welcome Eclectic drawing book, No. 2 music les Ferd Strange, son of Rev. F. G. Strange, and earnestly invited to be present. Now, to fully comprehend tbe real M. BROWER M. I>. returned Saturday from a year’s stay in sons (new edition), Mason’s spelling intent and purposes of this it should be Missouri where he has been visiting rela blank. Mining News. tives and attending school. remembered that the clearing house as FOURTH GRADE. There are five wing dam mines in M ain S treet , O pposite P laza . PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Fourth reader, Maxwell’s first book in sociation is merely an organization of Geo. H. Calhoun and Fred Parson re operation on Rogue river between Wood- turned last week from Pelican Bay. Mr. English, Fish’s No. 1 arithmetic, Man- bankers for the purpose of helping each O reoon . ! ville and Grants Pass. A shland . C. accompanied by his wife and child, re son’s spelling blank, No. 2 Spencerian other, carrying a concern through a ka iistts ZF’JkHsTTZEZEUS’ TOOLS, I F. O. Hurd is at the Boggs mine on turned to Grants Pass Sunday. copy book common school course, No. 2 tight placo if need be, or, if thought Are features peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small In W ALL JP-A-IPZEZR,. GLASS. ETC. Office—At Residence, intersection of Me-1 Elliott creek getting then« ready for ex- Mrs. Mary C. Reaves, who has been visit music lessons (new edition), No. 4 Eclec best, to crush out and destroy a rival in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man chanic, Laurel and Main Streets. tensive operations the coming winter. ing her brother, S. Sherman, and family at tic drawing book, drawing pencil and B uildinu P ayers . W rapping P apers and T winus . ARTISTS' MATERIALS. stitution. ■ ■ 9 9 Talent, started for Des Moines, Iowa, Sun i A run of 54 davs with pick and shovel day. being ticketed over the Great Northern rubber erases, elementary geography, The power exerted iu this way was ruled practice paper, slate and pencil, by Hosier & Morris and Sharp Bros, in by Robt. Leonard. never more fully exemplified than it I ^^9 SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. good pencil tablet, small dictionary. I their Powell creek placers resulted in winter when Lyman J. Gage M^^9 ^^^9 ^^9 G. W. Phillips, the Scio, Linn county, FIFTH GRADE. I cleaning up $3500 last week, much of miller, and his associates one Sunday after- “ ™ was here again last week, returning ; which was fine nuggets. G. A. B. Fourth reader, Maxwell’s first book in n»xjn decided to destroy the National -«aid: ‘‘You never know you home Monday. He and his wife will come KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. N. C. Bovnton, formerly of Ashland, to Ashland again soon to remain some English, Fish’s arithmetic No. 2, ele Bank of Illinois, through the power ! taken a pill till It is all time for their health. mentary geography. No. 4 Spencerian ------------- -------- — - I ow.” 25c C. I. Hood £ Co., Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and has finally sold bis Oro Fino quartz mine they possessed as directors of the clear- i Prostrations by heat were never heard of copy book common school course, ruled Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. ■ ■ ■ ■ 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com on Jump-off-Joe for $5000 cash. Mon- rades cordially welcomed. agham & Crane of Spokane, Wash., in Oregon before, but Willamette valley firactice p'xper, pennolder, Reed’s word iag house association. The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. M ilton B erry , Commander. 1 bought it and have put on a crew of 12 points last week reported about a score. essons, No. 5 Eclectic drawing book, They wrecked the only absolutely It was the hottest continuous spell that drawing pencil and rubber eraser, No. 3 safe bank in the city of Chicago and the J. R. C asey , Adjutant. ' men to drive the shaft another 20 feet ever passed over Oregon. music lessons (new edition), good pencil only bank that under like oircumetancea WILLIAM FOX, ALLEN HILDRETH I and drift 350 feet further on the ledge. “They don’t make much fuss about it.” tablet, a small dictionary, Manson’s spel could pay its every obligation as it did. W. R. C. John W. Robinson cleaned up $1892.26 We are speaking of De Witt ’ s Little Early ling blank, slate. BURN8IDE RELIKT CORPS NO. 24 And that bunk waa wrecked for polit for the season of 90 days with two men the famous littla pills for constipa SIXTH GRADE. Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2,0’clock p. ical reasons by the most heartless auto tion, biliousness, and all stomach and m. — .1----------- 1 —. .. " ’ . Filth reader, Maxwell’s Introductory crat on the face of the earth today. at the foot of the Hammeraley mine in liver troubles. They never gripe. Eugene each month. M bb . J. D. C rocker , Pres. Lessons in English Grammar, Fish’- Whnt cares he that this infamous act i Brasi Nail His mine annuallv A. Sherwin. Aahland, Oregon Mas. Mary'Berry, Sec'y. arithmetic No. 2, Brook’s mental ariths ip] i turns out some handsome nuggets. Those drove W. A. Hammond to suicide and in Mis» Arzella B. Titus, the teacher who ALL rd metic, comprehensive geography, Reed ’ s of note this year as follows in amount: appealed from the Jackson county board City Passenger directly four others? KNIGHTS OF PYTH’AS. __________ DRUGGISTS of education’s decision on her examination word lessons, Manson’s spelling biauk, $16 00, $40 00. $9,00, $18.25. $7.10. $19 68, A new and then will prevent diarrhena. dyRrntery, all summer complainta. eauainff aaay. natural Over the wreck of 50 ruined lives and GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knigbts of some months ago, in which the state su blank drawing book, drawing pencil and results. Sample and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO.. Chicago, Montreal, Can,, or New York. SIS Truck Transfer Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meets ever) $8.40, $9 40, $14 50, $11.50, $17.50, $35 60, perintendent sustained the local board, is rubber eraser, No. 6 Spencerian copy bankrupted homes he attains his place Monday evening. Visiting Knights in good $46.50, $37.00, $13 00. now iu possession of a first-grade certificate. book common school course, No. 3 music as dictator over the finances of 70,000,- ----- AU kinds 01 freight, baggage standing are cordially invited to attend. Merryaand Hilt have cleaned up about She passed a successful examination before lessons (new edition), a dictionary, slate, 000 people. household goods, etc., transfer- D. D. GOOD, 0. C. $1800 from their gravel mine on the west the recent county examining board in Jose good tablet. ed with promptness and safety. Now, with him at the head of the 8. G. E ggkbs , K. of R A 8. fork of Hungry creek. They have abund phine county. Hauling on a large scale con- SEVENTH GRADE. treasury department he will make tue ance of rich ground left. # » A small C. A Harp is the name of a railroad pro tracted for..................... ■ ■ ■ guAraatevd to cure .11 uervoua dXMUe., such a. Weak Memory, L om of Fifth reader, Fish ’ s arithme'ic No. 2, government a partner in the business I. O. O. F. mill will be erected on the property of motor who is agitating the construction of Brain Power, Headache, Wakelulneaa, Lost Manhood, Nightly HtniA Brook’s mental arithmetic, Maxwell’s thut will be controlled by the blackest aiona, Nervousne«, all drain., lou of power in Generative Orraa. of ASHLAND LODOB, KO. 4b. ■ Brown & Reeder in Fool’s Paradise dis a railroad from Eureka, Cal „ to Grants WOOD FOR SALE Introductory Lessons in English Gram* hearted criminals of the present age. either sex, cauaed by over -exertion, youthful error., excaaive uae of Pass in this valley He asks Humboldt Hold regular meetings every Tbursuav trict. # » A man named Antone took county property owners to donate 10 acres No. 8 Spencerian copy book oommon tobuco, opium or «imulanta, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or IN SEASON— ------ ICI There is just as much reason that the Insanity. Can be carried in vest po«kei Zr.oo per box, 6 for fis, ny mail evening at their ball in Ashland. Brethren $1500 in nuggets and coarse gold to Fort of land for a terminus at Arcata and also a school course, aud practice paper, pen prepaid. Circular Free. Sold by all druniata. Ask for it; take no other. in good standing are cordially invited to Jones Thursday from Patterson creek. right of wav between Eureka and Arcata. holder, comprehensive geography, Reed’s government should take stock in a build Will handle ice I m Ashland during the Manufactured by the Pena Medicine co . Faria, France. Laue-Davia » • Tne reported new strike on Canyon The Eureka people are to put up $375,000 attend. F. M. D bakk , N. G. ing and loan association or become summer season, Delivered at your door Dru< C.,. diatributinc agenta. Third and Yamhill Sta., Portland, Or. word lessons, Manson ’ s spelling blank, H. 8. E vams , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. creek, Trinity county, has been con and to take first mortgage bonds on the blank drawing book, drawing pencil »nd stockholder in a race track or gambling every morning. FOR BALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. A8HLANU. OREGON. firmed. Some $3000 was taken out in road. They have accepted the proposition eraser, No. 4 music lessons (new enition) dive as that it should join the clearing on paper. PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. less than five hours.—Yreka News. pencil tablet, dictionary. house association of any city. Vim. vigor and victory .-these'are th Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The banks of New York have had EIGHTH GRADE. OZR/EG-OTST characteristics of De Witt’s Little Early 4th Monday in each month. Members in T he B est S alve in the world for Cuts, Risers, the famous little pills for consti Barnes’ Brief U. S. History, Fish’s this advantage for yean of being con good standing cordially invited to attend. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever pation. biliousness and all stomach and arithmetic No. 2, Brook’s mental arith nected through the clearing house with H. 8. E vans , 0. P. Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, liver troubles. Eugene A. Sherwin. metic, practice paper, penholder, com the United States treasury, and it is B ort , T aylor , Scribe. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posit The Oregon Fruit A Produce Company prehensive geogrnpbv. blank drawing this connection which has made them ively cure* Piles, or nO pay required It onmouth regon is guaranteed to give perfect sadzfaction or started two more carload» of Bartlett book, drawing pencil, rubber eraser, the threatening power whioh they an Hora bbbicca digrkk lodge , » o . 24. money refunded. Price 25 cents per fcpx pear» toward the east last night and baa Reed’s word lessons, Manson’s spelling —VIA— ttlllllfi : 8CHHL : FOt : TEACIKU. today. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday In each For sale bv E. A. Sherwin several empty carson it» switch, which blank, tablet,dictionary, Ward’s business If ever there waa a hypocritical ary month In Odd Fellows’ Hall, Ashland. Regular Normal course of three vears. will be loaded and »ent away before the forms No. 3. To Cure Coiiktipaiton I orerer. Mtss E lsie P attkbsos , N. G. raised by the subsidised press and old Senior rear wholly professional. Training HIGH SCHOOL. end of the week. With last night ’ » ship Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25o. M iss N ina E mkby , Secv. department of nine grades with 200 party politicians, it ie the demand that It C. C. C. fail to cure, druggis»« refund money. ment fourteen car» ot 1897 fruit have First year : Maxwell’s advanced Eng children. AMERICA’S SCBNIC USI. been taken out of Salem by direction of lish Grammar, Robinson’sNew Element the government should go out of the Instruction and training in Gymnastics, banking business. A. O. U. W. thia company.—Salem Statesman, Aug 18. ary algebra, Bryant A Stratton’s com (Swedish system), and Vocal Music for DI«D. The whole banking fraternity ia only public schools. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. mon school bookkeeping, bookkeeping Warner, The Piano Tuner. The Normal diplomas is recognized by Meeta in lodge room in Masonic Hall blanks, set of daybook, journal, ledger, too anxious that the government be Kick law as a State Life Certificate to uacb M. O. Warner, the old reliable piano (about 100 pages to each book, full length linked with them in their business re Meni» •very • ecobd and fourth Wednesday in BROWN—On Applegate, August 14, 1897. Ballast Light expense. Tuition, books, board Mrs. Winifrea Brown, wife of J. T. tuner, will be in Ashland soon, ready to page.) Dining each month. All bretbwn in good .lauding lationa. and lodging (approximately) $135.00 per Brown. tune up the instruments of bis numerous are oordlally invited to attend. Car a l.i Second year: Robinson’s new elemen year. Students boarding themselves, They are financial pirates who de 0. F. H asty , M. W. patrons. Mr. Warner is a first class tary algebra, Eclectic physical geograpy, Carte $110.00 per year. . J. R. C asey . Recorder workman and has the best of references. Waddy’s composition and rhetoric. An ceive the people with false pretenses Academe grades accepted from Higa Since bis last trip he has tbe additional nouncement regarding fourth study at and wreck those they cannot control. Schools. If the government would set the whole endorsements of The Wiley B. Allen Co. opening of school. K. O. T. M. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address, and ShermaD, Clay A Co., the two lead Third year : Stewart’s geometry, blank outfit afioat on their own resources, SRANITS TINT NO. 4, KNIGHTS OV TBS ann , P. L CAMPBELL, ing musical instrument bouses of this book for geometry theorems, Barne’s they wouldn't exist a week. MACLASBKS. KOOTENAI - MINING - DISTRICT W. A. W Secratarv Faculty. President country. Save your work for him and general history, Steele’s popular phy They live only by their robberies and Meet in regular review on the second and —VIA— you will be assured satisfaction. sics, Watkins’ primer of American systems of plunder. fourth Thursdays ol each month at Odd SEATTLE * SPOKANE. LiteraDire, Merchant of Venice. An Fellow's Hall. Ashland. Visiting 8i: It would be a good thing far the Real Estate, Knights cordially invited. nouncement of additional study at open people if the government could get so W T Leaver, admr estate of I Constant, G. W. C rowson , Com. deceased, to A M Ford—lots 2 and 9, Con ing of school. C. A. H itchcock , Prin. thoroughly free from the banking busi C has . H. G illztti . R K. stant’s 4dd Central Point; >10. Shortest and Quickest Line to ness for awhile that it wasn’t absolute Same to same—lot 16. same addition; $9 Mr. E. D. Jenkin», of Lithonia, Ga., ly run by and for the bankers. Jacob Thompson to (’has H Veghte— Burning, itching skin diseases instantly • •• aays that his daughter, Ida, inherited a lot 18, Miner’s add to Ashland; $75. Minneapolis As it is now they have us by the St. Paul, relieved by De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, severe case of Eczema, which the usual Eliza Giddings to same—5831 square feet unequalled for cuts, bruises, burns, it throat and propose to keep the govern Duluth, Chicago. mercury and potash remedies failed to in tp 30 s, r 1 e; $1 heals without leaving a scar. Eugene A. ment right in the business, but not for Dagmar Martin to J E Pelton—Stonewall Sherwin. relieve. Year by year »he was treated the good of the people nor the govern AND ALL POINTS EAST. with various medicines, external appli quartz mine in Davenport district; $1000. iarai If YOU .uff.r from in, or the I Mrs Emma Helman to Otto Winter- I Mrek ui, of m«a. come to the oldeit . ment. —Chicago Express. cations and internal remedies, without | i V on the Pacific Co.nt, I Dart of lot 3. all of lot 4, Praoht ’ s add to There is Nothing So Good. *. intense, were . ftfl® 1 Dr. Jordan & Co. ThouMml. , result. Her sufferings wcr Ashland; $250. I . Vnvf V now Uv. happy Uvea that we I and her condition grew steadily There is ___________________________ nothing jnst as good as Dr. _____ „ Carrie L Lumsden to E M Lumsden—lot XI I Saaved from the rr*”. > blood remedies did not King E dwin W. J oy C o .: I am one ot those All the so-callad " Ing ’s New Discovery for Consumption, Const 4. blk 23, .Medford; $1. I I Vi stricture. lo.a of manhood. I seem to reach the dis Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not who place but little faith In advertised nos- ' k L dl«aae.ofth.aWnandkid- Wm. Hopwood to Helen Edmondson; q ease at all until S. c d to the Hopwood D L C in Jackson coun permit the dealer to sell you some sub t-ums bet seeing so many local testimon i I ney. quickly cured without the uae of I stitute. He will not claim there is any ials, detailing the effects of Joy’s Vegetable SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY S.S. was given, when ty, excepting 7 acres; $1500 thing better, but m order to make more Sarsaparilla. I, too. bought it, I took It for an improvement George W Hatnlin to Eliza J Anderson, profit he may clnim something else to be pains in the back and chonic bllllonsness, of Marriage,” fret. OBSERVATION OARS. was at once noticed. tract in tp 38 s, r 1 w: $200 just as good. You want l)r. King’s New the results of a disordered liver, which has DR. JORDAN A CO.’S The medicine was W 8 Welch to W J \ irgin and W 1 Vaw- Discovery because you know it to be safe given me mneb trouble, and I believe it has I 1 GRKAT MVSKLM OF ANATOMY. continuecd with fav ter; lots 1 to 14 inclusive, blk 13, Central anc reliable, and guaranteed to do good or permanently cured me. I haven’t felt so Daily Trains Fast Time i Oo and team how wanderfull v orable results, and Point. $1500. money refunded. For Coughs, Colds. Con well for ten years. I recommend It to all ’ made; how to avoid aickneaa and diaease. now she is cured my friends, and we take it for nearly every MINING LOCATIONS. sumption and for affections of Throat. . ) Thouaandsofnewobject^Additiouacon- SKBVICK AND SCKNKBY I7XKQVALED. sound and well, her tinaalVy. Catalogue zent free. Gao W and J H Delay on July 23th lo- Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good thing over onr way and it seems to hit. For tickets and full information call on NED NB8TBLL. skin is perfectly, oated a quanz claLn in Elk creek district as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial i »-JOB! MarkstStreet.SaaFrincites,Cal. 79 Eyerett street. San Francisco. or address, R. L kobabd , Agent, Kachei A Daley on Jniv 17th located a bottle free at E. A. Sherwin's Drugstore. clear and pure and Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Aahland, Or. she has been saved quartz claim in same district. No aiLIASLl DBCGOtST WILL TELL TOC Bl J. E. E nyabt , W F Smith on Jane sth located a quart« Medford, Oregon. A Rood wheel SAS A SAESAVAE1LLA AS GOOD AS JOT'S from what threat For VERY claim in same district,. T ake the best wbes y ov tay tove konst R. C. S tkvxxs , A. B. 0. D xnniston , ened to blight her life forever. E dwin W. J oy C o .: The immediate and very cheep. J A Tyree on June Sth located a quartz fastidious people. G. W, P. A.. Seattle, C. F. 4 T. A. S.S.S. pnrtly vegetabU) claim permanent relief afforded me by the use of in same district. Portland, Oragoo. joy ’ s Vegetable Sarsaparilla from the terri cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu W M Holmes on July 16th located a WIRE ROPE SEIVACE. John Griffin, of Zanesville, O, says: “I ble affliction of dyspepsia,accompanied by matism, or any other blood trouble. quartz claim in Elk creek district never lived a day for thirty years without W H Potter and 8 B Holmes on July racking headaches, has prompted me tp ■uffaring agony, until a box of De Will’s It ia a real blocd remedy and always The success of the Waverley Bicycle in '96 places 16th located a quarts claim in same district. voluntarily express my 11 dorse men t. Two Witch Hazel Salve cured my piles’* For $25 TO $50 PER WEEK cures even after all else fails. Edwin Pierce and Ben Thurston on July years of extreme suffering vanished m if by piles and rectal troubles, cuts, bruises, It at the head of the leaders for ’97. This year we 27th locatM a quarts claim in Hambug magic. To those suffering similarly I rec sprains, eczema and all skin troubles De- ommend its trial Its merits will do the district. wiu's Witch Hazel Balve is unequalled. Can be ma,le by AG ESTS taking orders rest. Vours in health. B. D. CARN, produce a new and expensively made wheel, equlppc'1 Geo B Ros» on July 10th located a quartz for “The Earth Girdled.” by KEV. Poeo township. Kern County. CaL Eugene A. Sherwin. Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; claim in Pearl district. T. DrWtTT TALMAGE. Rare, radiant with the only perfect bearings yet made- $100. C J Anderson on July 9th located a quartz No one should be fboled by a die- a tonic won't cure it and alarming Hundred, of new photos— claim in Water gulch district. honest drugglet. There are plenty ol lands, eoeae-. people and places. Onr books honeet druggiatn who would be glad The World’s Wonders as seen SDd des Last year's famous model. greatly improved, has been on blood and to have your trade. cribed by the grsa'esl living preacher and Wanted reduced to $60. The saving it in th« cost of machinery. orator. Over 500 massive quarto pages Jackson county property. Will tradt Agents rasping a «olden harvest of E. E. WASHBURN, Exc1«»iv« Age«t, A«hl««d, Or. one hundred and aixty acrid of good orders, ons reports SO sales In 6 hours. farming land aa^en mile» from Klamath Liberal terms. No szpariaoca needed Write for aeencr, quick !__ ____ Falla lor Jackaon oounty property. Co., AfUata, Ayer’s Pills Professional Cards I am Selling Sewing Machines Ix>wer Than Anybody Else is Ottering Them. POWDER State Normal School, The largest and most progressive School in Southern Oregon MILLS ASHLAND ÇOÜH PATENT IFLÔÛÎO VIRGIN & CO., PROP’S to Take asy to Operate H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND OR - PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC. <Q andy cathartic FOX & HILDRETH, CURECONSTIPATION 10*^ as* so* and MANHOOD RESTORED ’’SSE GO EAST STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. M , O Library-Car Route Eczema All Her Lile. THROUGH PALACE & TOURIST i $60 FENCING A Real Blood Remedy. SS-tFS c C C dreM,P. O. Bo* M. Yreka, QaJ. PBOPUre, mi Market kt, rhlia. .