Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, August 05, 1897, Image 1

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Woman’s Writes
Believe in Woman’s Writes?
Of course we do. Who could
help it wheu women write such
convincing words as these:
” For seven years I suffered
with scrofula. I had a good
Every means of
cure was tried in vain. At last
I was told to try Ayer’s Sarsa­
parilla, which entirely cured
me after using seven bottles.”
—M rs . J ohn A. G kntle , Fort
Fairfield, Me., Jan 26, 1896.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
Professional Cards
A shlahd ,
jft^Otfice—In Townsend Building,
Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon.
TWln the Muonic Building
over Poet Office.
up stairs
Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon,
A shland ,
As to Sugar Bounties.
A Bt-cnnd fatal accident for the week
Thr wars of Napoleou cauaed therfflft
Max Praaht left Mundax for Eugene
m-currwd in Ashland nrceinct last Thurs-
of the biel sugar industry. Up to 181f
Hugh Gillette is over from Dunsmuir.
dav aftern-on. This time it resulted in
the only augur of commerce waa made
L C. Coleman returned to ban Francisco
the instant death of J. D. Fenton, the
from the sweet cane. That year, how-
well-known section mar of Steinn an.
Sanderson Sruitb, the miner, has gone , ever, Great Britain blockaded the porte
Foreman John Quirk vnd his crew of to E.
of countries under the sway of Bona-
nine men started home to Steinman from
A nice set of glass dishes for 40c at D. L. par-e, so that no sugar oould be lmport-
T innei 14 at 5:10 o’clock p. in. to make Minkler <k Son's.
ed into them.
the flie miles in the customary 20 min­
Perry Foster and O. G. Burch of Beagle
It wu known that there wu a beet
ute«. They were on a low car, com mon I v
from which sugar hsd been made on a
Attorney C H. Dalrymple is erecting a small scale. When Europe oould get no
c<Hed a push car. Quirk was in the ren­
new building in Gold Hill.
ter, Fenton on one si ie and another man
Miss May Isaacs of Medford is visiting cano sugar, the attempt wu made to
on the other. Three three were sitting
produce the article from the beet in
Miss Milla Kiddie at Riddle».
on the front end of a box ou tlie car, fae
Mrs. J. l Fenton raturned Saturday greater quantity. Plantations of the
ing forward. Fenton was on the left from a visit with Roseburg relatives.
augur beet were grown with a snocats
hand side. The car ha«i gone ab >ut 2^
H.C. Na»h, private secretary of xMrs which year by year became greater.
miles in the u-ual manner and reache«! L< land Stanford, was here Saturday.
France started the first large beat sugar
an open place on the road that was form
A. J Olsen is now sole proprietor of the factory. Germany recognized soon that
erly used hs the engineering camp, where
here was a chanoe for a new industry.
Misses Sadie De Boy and Ethel Melville
the old stage road crosses the railroad
So did Austria, and the governments of
of Gold Hill are stopping at Hornbrook.
fack. Here the hind wheel on the left
Mrs. Clark and daughter and Mias Rose them countries took every pains to fos­
aide of the push car dropped down in- Wilson of Glendale visited Oolestin Friday. ter it by paying* bouatiee and in other
si le the rail. Though the exact cause ot
Dr. Fred McCullough of Medford has Waya
the accident from thia on is not known gone to Seattle to locate. He will be greatly
There are two methods of paying
it is presumed that Fenton, feeling the
sugar bounties, the direct and tadireot.
County Clerk G. A. Jackson, wife and
wheel ofl the track stepped off the car in
daughter took in the over Sunday excur­ The direct way, instituted first by
front and lost his balance.
sion to Colestin
Franco, consists iu the government pay­
The :nan sitting behind Fenton on the
Mts«ef Bbideler of Medford returned Sat­ ing a specified sum to the owners of all
car, feeling him move, also jumped off urday from « visit with their brother at
home grown sugar that oan be exported.
Watsonville, Cal.
the car. Th© others remained on. Fen
France aud Germany are the chief conn
The first load of new wheat to arrive at
ton fell lace down, body inside the rails
flour mill was brought in July tries at present paying tho direct bounty,
His liea I and shoulder were on the track the by Medf'«rd
Jaiues Carr.
which amounts legally on the average
and the wheel of the push car struck it
C. L. Carrand Misses Emma and Annie to about tbree-tentha of a cent a pound.
and pushed the body along for about 20 Helms and Msggie Ea'on of Jacksonville
The beet sugar industry is heavily
feet. The car was stopped as soon a. Sundayed above Ashland.
taxed iu both Germany and in Fraiaoo,
possible, Mr. Fenton was placed on the
Son's placers on Ponrman creek were in and iu each country laws have been
<-ar in an unconscious condition and Ashland the first of the week.
passed remitting under certain condi­
brought to Ashland, arriving here about
Ex-Superintendent Jas. A. Wilson of the tions a portion of the tax. This givu
7 o’clock. Dr. Songer was called but the Ashland mine and Will. Langille took the rise to the indirect sugar bounty.
unfortunate man died in 20 minutes after steamer Elder for Clondvke.
In indirect sugar bouutiea France
Charlev Piper, the well-known railway
arrival of tne car. His skull had been
mail clerk, is takings lay off'and spending pays annually *10,603,771; Germany,
his vacation in Yaquina Bay.
*4,237,068; Austria. *3,641,000. In
T-»e bode w is taken ch irga of by the
Seasonable goods «uch a- refrigerator«. order to get us much of the direct
•tfi'- ra ami rn-m»»era of A-»ilan<l lo<ige, t»mt«. hammock« and camping goods at
bounty as possible the sugar exporter
N 4j, I. O O F , of Which deceases '»pera House Furniture Store
sells to the foreign buyer at a very low
Was a member. The funeral took plari­
and Mi s KateSwinden of Gold Hill have price, sometimes below what the con­
at 10 o’clock Saturday morning, the returned from a visit at the ocean.
sumer at home is forced to pay. So great
burial being in Ashland cemetery. Mr.
B. F, Magee ba« gone to Clondvke His a rivalry in sugar production is now ou
Fenton leaves a wife and babe. The be­ family will spend the winter with her
between the countries of oontiucntal
reaved wi<low is a daughter of H. Casey parents in the state of Washington.
and was the wife of the late Dayid G.
Spencer who was killed about five years
ago at his ranch by a derrick hay fork
Dental Parlors In <>d<l l eilow'a Block.
striking him on the bead and knocking
A shland , O ragon .
turn < if the wagon.
Mr. Fenton was born and raised in
Ml work pertaimn to moderndem- Dublin, Ireland, and has been employed
try. Painless operations a specialty.
on the railroad in the 8 sktyous most of
tlie dm- for six years or more and bad
M. BliUWEK M. D.
resided >n Caliiornia many years before
coming here. He ha I a large circle oi
j friends who are pained at Ins untimely
taking away at ttie age of 38 Years and
O bboun .
A- hlamd .
who sincerely sympathizd with the
widow and family in their great loss.
Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­
chanic, Laurel and Main streets.
Tired, N« rv«»u»». Sleepless
Men and women—how gratefully they
write «4buttt Hood’s barsapariila
helple-s and discouraged, having lo->t ail
faith in no-d’Cinee, now in good h«al<h and
“able to do my own work.” because Hou t’s
G. A. R.
baieap.t>*i la h»s pow»-r tu emich and pun y
the bim d ami make the weak strung—this
Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and is experience of bust of people.
3«i Saturday of «acb month. Visiting Con«
H o < h I’ s l*lil»* are the best family cathar­
rades cordially wmvumeu.
tic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable,
M ilt n B krry , Commander.
J. R. C abky , Adjutant.
Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock
m on the second and fourth Fridays
each month. Mus. J. D. C bocker , Pres,
M rs . Mary Berry, Sec’y.
GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of
Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meet« everj EVANS—in A.-hland, July 30 1797, to Mr.
and .Mis 8. J. Evans, a 12-10 sou.
M jii'iay evening. Visiting Knight« ingood
■tauding are cordially invited to attend.
EDM 'NsoN—In Big Butte precinct, July
D. D. uOOD, U. C.
4. IS97. io .Mr. and Mr« W. L. Edniun
8. G. E ggers , K. of R & 8.
s>>n. a son.
OLSEN—At (Jo’d Hill. July 2ft, 1897, to Mr.
!. O. O. F.
and Mrs. A J. Ohtn a «laughter.
uOTi’HEK—On Wii'iame creek, July 24,
1807, lo Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gutcher, a
Hold regular meetings ever} Thurs«iay
evening at their bail in Aaniand. BrrthrvD
in good standing are cordially invited tu PKUETT—In Medford precinct, Jnlv 28,
F. M. D ka K k , N. G.
1897. to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pruett, a
H. B. K vanh , Hec’y. P.O box 102.
McClTMBER-At Dairy. July 2ft. 1897.10
Mr and Mr«. Orin McUumber, a daughter
Meets in Odd Fellows's Hall every 2d and
4th Munday in each mouth
Mef.ib.n- in
Dr King» New l>i*c«»veiy For C om -
good standing cordially invited u attend.
H. b. E vans , C. I-.
R obt , T aylor , dcrlbe.
This is the best medicine in the world for
all forms of Uoiiglis, Golds «nd for ( <»n-
Everv bottle is guaranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint
Ii ha« no
Meets qu lb. 2d and tth Tuesday In «.cl. equal lor Whooping Gough. Asthma. Hav
mouth in Odd Fallows' Hall. Ashliiu.l
Fevt-r, Pneumonia. Bronchitis, l.aGriope,
Miss E laib P attsbson , N. U.
Cold in the bead and for Gumumption. it
M iss N ina E h . ar. cecv.
is >afe loi ail ages, pleasant to lake and
above all a -ure cure. It is well to take Dr
Kinr’.- N*-w Life fills in connection with
A. O. U. W.
Dr King’s New Discovery, as tliev regu­
late ami tone the Ntoinach and bowels.
Meets in lodge ruoiu in Masonic Halt We guarantee perfect satisfaction or refund
•very accoNo aud fourth We«iues<ta\ in nion« y. Free trial bottles at E A. aher-
•ach mouth. All brethren in good atanditig win’s I 'rug a lore. Regular size 50 ceuts
and $1 00
ire cordially invited to attend.
C. F. H asty , M. W.
J. R. C asby . Recorder
Joy’s for lite Jaded and Wood
Health for all Mankind.
Meet in regnlar review on the second and
fourth TliurmlayM «»f each month at Odd
Fellow’s Hull,* Ashland
Visiting di
Knights cordially invited.
G. W. (taowsoN, Com.
C has . H. G illkttk . R K.
HL me in
i You can
, be cured
., Tou ......
i I sy ÍS í if
•«fife* from
frc .ny of the
come to the oldest
of ©f
»pecialist«on the Pac»ticCoa*t,
Dr. Jordan A Co. Th usanda
L now hvr hapny H^es that we
ft saved from the grave.
|\ Stricture, toe-of man noon, I»
difleates ol the skin and kid-
neys quickly cured without the
th< re of
y. '/restment pers nally or by
/ letter, s-nd for book “The Philosophy
\ of Marriage,” free.
A <W-’S
Co and lr.W how womterf Jy; how tofcoid .'CkneM «a
ThouMnd, of^w objett«. AdAlo« coo
lineally. Cat*lo«ue «n^frty
.«Ml B,rti.t«V«»t. 8x«Fmcl.o». C.I.
Joy’« Vesefaltlo
prevents tired feel­
ings, staggering een-
MUons, palpitation
of heart, rush of
blood to the head,
dizziness, ringing in
ties througn
proper chan­
nels. Joy’s
V egetn ble
cures Dy*
Ch r onic
Const: na •
tion. Live?
Com plaints
and Kidney
fenmde from
herb.-., and
contains no
drugs or
deadly pois­
on. Joy’a
6ar4a parilla
fobs the
blood of all
Xs impuri-
.ies, and
Courses all
these impuri*
e*rs,SLKit, bei .re the
eyv\ headache, bil-
of bowei% pains in
the back,melsncho1y,
tongue coated, foul
breath, pimple« on
face, body and limb,
declineonterva force
dizzy epella, faint
spella, cold, clammy
feet and hsnda,eour
risings, fatigue, in-
eonmia, and all die-
eases or t lie etomsch,
Geo F Merriman, wife and three chil
“Every newcomer in camp is offered
dren ot Milford. J. E Harvev and wife
of-Gol ' Hill, and U H. Hoagland of Klnni* big wages, as high as *60 a day, but
ath county are doing the ('rescent Citv seldom will one man work for another. ’’
The strangest gold tuiues ever tapped
Harvest is in full blast in the Rogue river
valley The wheat crop is much better
than was anticipated a month ago, but it
wib fall short almost one-third a« compared
with last \ea > yield; crop is estimated a
200.000 bushels. Corn l<-ok« well, while ha
crop is short. Me ons and vegetables were
never l.e'ter than this season. The fruit
crop is the largest for manv years. Mos«
of the ear v pe iches and small fruit h«ve
been marketed. All in all. the outlook fcr
the R-’giie river valley iequi'e flattering
Burning, itching skin diseases instantly
relieved ...
bv De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
ijiieqiia'lel for cuts, bruises, burns,
heals without leaving a scar. Eugene A.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
T he B est S alve in the world for Cuts,
Brui-es Sore.«, Ulcers. Ms It Rheum. Fever
Sorws, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain-
Corns, and all .Skin Eruptions, and posit­
ively cure* Piles, or no pav required. It
is guarantee«! to give perfect satisfaction or
nmney refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale by E. A. Sherwin.
IV a I Estate.
Tronic Wilson to B Whtar Morris—lots
9 and 10, bit “O” R R add to Ashland;
Enola Hamilton, et al, to F C Medynaki
—tract in u«»i:*ve add lo Medford; II.
J W Mer-i«t, trustee, to Jennie E Merritt
—’ots 4 «nd 5, blk 11. Centra« Point; |35.
F M Amt to W Werih—20 acres in t«
36 s. r 2 w; $V0.
0 & C H R Go and Union Trust 0«t to H
Gm er-80 acre« in ip 33 -. r 2 w; |.N0
Eva H ckenjos to A M Williams-lot 34.
J 8 Fo ter to O E Stinson—90 acres in tp
37 «. r 1 e; |3U0
Ella Me«t\nski to Eliza Palmer—lot 4,
Meeker’s add to Medionl; $LUO.
J S Hagey to Ben 8 Webb—lot 7, blk 1
Cottage adfi to Medford; $200
U 8 to < I A c R II Co-3138 95 acres in tn
23 s. r 1.30 s, r.3, 4" s. r4 17 s. rfl 16 s, r 7.
1ft •«. r 7 10 s. r ft. 2ft s. r 12 west W M—also
15. 22 and 17. r 3 east.
Fame to -ame—9 O acre« in twps 33 «. r 1.
31 s. r 2. 35 s, r 3 ewst. and twp- 3 >. r 2. 29
« rll 31 s. r 11, 29 s, r 12. 30 s. r 12, 32 s, »
13 west..
fcame to same -9.207 77 a<»re« in twps 30 <ft
3ft s r 2 w 35. 36. 37. 39 A 40 s. r 3 w. II, >9
21, 28.34. 35 31, 37 3ft £ < r 4, 20. 21 ‘23.
34. 36 r 5. 20 22. 25. 2u. 27 36. r 6 22 29. M.
r 7. ?2 s. r 8 w «fc two« 17 «t 29 «. r 1 e
Geo W B ’wen dr L P Womack to Francis
I. Catmi—q c <i «o mining ground in Fure.-t
creek district; |I35.
J J Martin on Juh 21st located a p'acei
claim tn Big A, piegate district.
H W Dennis on .lulv 21si located a placet
claim in Big Applegate district.
J J Martin and B W Dennis on July 20tt.
located placer c aims in the mil « district
Ko<<ettv Pott«*r on Julv 16ib located n
quarts claim in Elg creek district.
A J Da ey on Jn v 16th located a quartz
claim in Elk creek d^urict
W It Putter «>n Ju y !*>tb located a quart«
claim in fianiediatrict.
Pet-r Applegate on .lune i«th located •
querns claim in Pearl «liatrict.
Mark A ppi«gaie on May 28th located a
quarts claim in I’eari district.
A C Bynum on July 20th located a placer
claim in Hungry creek «lisinct
K L Pa mrr. E E and H A Medvndd on
June 20th located a placer claim in Palmer
creek district.
J D Carter «»n Joly l«t located a placer
claim i»» Pie <s«nt creek district
A C Manning on Juiy lal.ocaleda placer
da'm in «sma district.
J H McCord on July 28th located a quant
c a.ui in Willow 8prings district.
liver end kidneys
• oy3 Vegetable Ser-
pa rill« is sold by all
drug «is!«. Refuse a
substitute. When you
pay for the best sc« that
you get the best, f
Europe that it must result disastrously
to themselves
Mrs. John Galvin, wife of the road­
Straws From Klondike.
master. left Sunday for Oakland with her
Here is some reoent news from the
son to enter him in St. Mary’s college.
Mrs. J. Conner returned from Healds­ Yukon goldfields:
burg 'a«it week. Her mother, Mrs Emer­
"Live dogs are worth from *9 to *6 a
son, accompanied her, to remain a month
Mrs. C. H Humphrey and little daugh­
"A young fellowcn the claim above
ter and Miss Louise Bean are in from
Ki>iina<h Falls visiting the former's daugh­ me pauned out *40,000 in two days.”
ter, Mrs. E. A. Carter.
“Alec McDonald took one pan from
Frank Rhodes’ family and Miss '‘uttie his claim whioh tipned the arnles at
r leming who have been visiting the Dunk-
ard families by that name here, left for »800."
Iowa Monday.
“Dick Love is panning for a living
Vfi-s Carrie Owens of Marshfield, daugh­ and is taking out the modest sum of
ter of the late Hrundv Owens, is visiting *100 a day."
Jsckson county relatives
In company
“I shall be either a millionaire or a
wi«h Mr and Mrs. J. C. Hall she visi eii
Ashland Monday.
pauper in the fall. “
The regular quarterly examination of ap­
plicants for teacher’s certificate« will be
teld in 'hecourt b’«u«e at Jacks »nvil<e, be­
ginning at 1 o’clock p m on Wednesday.
August 11 1897. Applicants for state paper«
will be examined on Thursday, August 12.
Vim. vigor and victory :• these are the beginning at 8 o'clock a. m.
cha«acidriNtics of De Wilt’s Littld Early
•‘They don’t make much fu«s about it ”
Ki.-er«. th- «anions little pills for con*li-
are speaking of De Witt’s Little Earlv
pHiion. bili<»u»n»«« and a l stomach and We
Risers, the famous littla pi Is for constipa­
liver troubles Eugene a . Sherwin.
tion, biliousness, and all stomach ami
liver troubles. They never gripe. Eugene
A. Sherwin.
K. O. T.
Mrs. D’’. Geary of Medford and Attorney
A. E Rennes of Jacksonville attended the
funeral of Prof. McClure at Eugjne.
E*er\body Naya So.
Cascarete Candy CuUiartic, the most won­
derful im-dicul «iHMYHerv of tin» age. p est­
ant and refn alnng to the las'e. act gently
•nd positi’*« ly on kidne? a. flyer and bo we le
cleansing the entire svev m. Aieoel rolde
cure heuilaobe, lever, habitual ronetipattoc
and bi iousur-»e. Please bny and try a boi
of U. C. C to-dav ; 10. 25. M) cents. k¿uki anu
guaranteed to eure by aU unifie«.
are those of the Yukon fields. In sink­
ing shafts and foUowing veins in other
parts of the earth dynamite powder and
blasting are employed. On the Yukon
the gold dust is frozen into graved beds.
The miners sink a shaft by building a
fire and thawing their way down. As
fast as the dirt is thawed out it is re­
moved and the fire started lower down
in the earth. In this manner the men
dig down 18 and 20 feet to bed rock.
The gold is found in the gravel as it is
thawed out and washed in the miners’
Two men who went a year ago from
Los Angeles located last fall a claim in
the Klondike. They thia spring sold
out, one for *36,000, the other for *60,-
000, and then returned to California.
The plan of General Gomez in Cnba
evidently is to come as near the city of
Havana as possible, then by proclama­
tions and in other waya to arcuse th.
enthusiasm of the people of the province
and city of Havana for the insurgent
cause. This he believes will start a Ara
of patriotism in the stronghold itself of
Weyler’s army which will reduce to
ashes the last hope of Spanish dominion
in Cuba. The plan is a bold one, with
chances of success. A portion of Gen­
eral Gomez’s proclamation to the people
of Havana is printed in the New York
Sun. In that the patriot commindtr in
ohief says: ‘‘We will accept neither
reforms nor homo rule. We bare bad
tniough of Spanish promises during 400
years of oppression. Spain must know
this war is only for independence and
that the Cubans will rather die than
yield tc any other solution. The day we
again lifted our flag of liberty we wrote
on it, ' Independence or death. ’ ” These
are splendid, ringing words.
Some men conaider themaelves old at
60, others are ao superannuated at 66
that they would as soon think of flying
to the moon as of engaging regularly
and actively in work or business. But
Frank McLaughlin, publisher of the
Philadelphia Times, wu as active and
capable and took as loving and enthu­
siastic interest in his work at 69, when
death called him, as be had done when
be was a youth of S3 and the fastest
typesetter in a Philadelphia job print­
ing office. Thia it is to be truly alive,
to do useful and responsible work and
to keep at it faithfully and lovingly
throughout the term of mortal exist­
ence, whether that be S5 years or a cen­
The experiment of running train« by
the third nil electrical system la to be
made on the Brooklyn elevated road. If
racceaafnl, nlne-tentha of the nuiaancec
of elevated roads in general will in thia
eatae be done away with.
Publlxh.d trtry Tbutday.
For Infilata ud Children.
E. 1. KAISER, Preprieter,
O b . Y.«r....................................................... *1 Tfi
81x Munth«................................................... 10«
Tbr«. Monte................................................
Aiir.rtlring rat.s jlven oa
Not a con«, and it was Saturday night
The room was one of the human pens
whion may be routed in any large city
for a littls money. Cold and bare, a
broken window, a bed with Something
ou it, n chair with a Thing on it Only
two human beluga. Pshaw I They wax«
The Thing groaned painfully and bur­
ied his bead in his hands. The Some­
th’ ng looked pitifully at him. There
were tears in her eyes. Sho was actual­
ly pretty, but, ob. how chalky and thin!
The muddy, hopeless, darknues crept
in through the window. The Thing
roused himself and gazed out on the
street below. They lmd not tasted food
siuoo Friday, Thursday—yes, Thursday
moTning. The Something had given
Absolutely Pure.
blip her only dress to puwu. They bolt­
for its great leavening
ed the 15 cents’ worth of food which it
strength and healihfulness. As­
brought, and it made them sick. It is
sure» the food against alum and all
a bad habit, this eatiug hurriedly. Ah,
forms of adulteration common to
the cheap brands. R oyal Baxisa
well, they were young and starving!
P owdkb Co., N ew Y ork .
The Thing hod been a clerk in a large
storo and had saved enough to marry.
When the firm failed, he lost his job.
Ho had tried for two long mouths to get ..IATCHBOX OF THE NEW WOMAN
another, at anything, and lie woudered Mau No Longer the Monopolist of This
if any one was employed, so numerous
Were his fellow applicants.
Until this year the matchbox lias been
He loved .Something and would steal the unquestioned, exclusive property of
food for lier, but his heart failed lrim. man. Never once did he think of such
His shoes were rags and his clothes— a thing as the fairer sex borrowing it.
who wants to hire a tramp, anyway?
lie may have had a presentiment of
It wus dark now. He would go out her laying claim to his necktie, but his
and beg food. He a beggar! But Some matchbox—never, says the Chicago
thing was starving. He would steal if Tribune.
But the bicycle girl, who makes w hat­
need be.
He went down tho street with agony ever she wants possible, has now laid
in his eyes. His breathing was sighs siege to man's matchbox. If she con­
Why was he ever born? He bad hands templated riding at night she oeeds
and feet, a brain aud a heart, and he matches to light her lamp, and neces­
sarily she must carry them in a match­
was starving for work to do.
Well dressed men brushed by him, box.
That is the reason that there are
forgetting, of courso, that their turu
might ba next. The Thiug had never any number of new matchboxes this
realized the sin of smoking before. The year which are smaller and more dainty
price of one of those cigars would keep than anything in this line ever seen be­
hliuself aud Something in food nntil fore.
“Do the girls buy them?” a prominent
Ha would beg. But why would those jeweler was asked. To which question
answ ered: “Ye.«, indeed. The small­
electric lights flare so brightly on his
rugged shoes? He turned into a side er sizes are made particularly for their
street. An old man wulked slowly in special use.”
The prettiest of the new matchboxes
front of him.
“I—I—beg pardon, sir. I am starv­ for girls are of gold with an «mamoled
ing—I mean she is starving—I—could decoration. The enameling either takes
the form of & college or yacht club
you give me anything, pleaser"
The old man smiled knowingly aud flag or it resemble« a hand-painted
proceeded on his way shaking his head. miniature showing a girl on a wheel
or the head of a dog. Many of these
“Starving for beer,” ho chuckled.
The Thing was wild. His bead both­ matchboxes are made with a concealed
ered liitn. He wout out ou the bright recess for a photograph. It is only when
street again. He stopped a man—held a certain spring is touched that the pic­
him by the sleeve uud poured out a ture can be seen, so Skillfully it is hid­
mixture of threats aud entreaties. A den away.
The silver matchboxes, decorated
policeman noticed his performance. He
woudered why his prisoner was so silent with the outline of a tiny bicycle in
enamel, are also new and much less ex-
as they waited for tho patrol wagon.
The cell was damp and smelled hor pensive.
rihly, but the Thiug was dazed and
fell into a corner like a dead man. Out
ou the hooks the ink was still fresh. it Bas llad a Warlike Mgnlficance Among
People« of All Agea.
“Drank trod soliciting alms,” it said.
Dancing, with whioh word civilized
Sunday sped on, but the Thing still
lay dazed iu the corner. The bread and people are wont to ««.sociate pleasure
water were untouched. Once he raised and peaceful enjoyment, has had a war­
iris head aud groaned like one whose like significance with various tribes of
people throughout all uges of thr world,
heart is broken.
Up in the little room Something and it isst ill in vogue among the blanket
I tribes of red men in America. The fa­
started np anxiously at every sound.
Where was he? A million conjectures. mous Pyrrhic dance represented the
Her eyes looked funny, and she had overtaking of an. enemy and doing bat­
tle with him. To-day, among tihe Zu­
coughed blood on the floor.
There were many prisoners iu the dook lus, grand dances are merely the ar-
next morning, aud the Thiug had to companiment to thr colloquial war and
wait his turu. He pleaded for mercy as hunting songs, in which the women put
only a man who is innocent can. The quefitions which are anawered by the
judge was leuient aud gave him one men. There arc mimic fights, which
go by the name of war dances, almost
hour to leave town.
•••••• universal among tribes to which war is
oik - of the great interests of life. Thi
The Thing burst breathlessly into the bravery dunce of the Dahomeyans, and
little room and glared blindly at the the Hoolee of the Bhil trilx* in the
bed. Yes, Something was there. He Vindhya hills of India, are the most apt
uoiselesslv crept across the floor so as illustrations. Nearly all savage trilu“
not to wake h. r. He bent over the bed, have a regular war dance, so that it is
and his face was pitiful to see.
scarcely' possible to rfdnpt one as having
“Sweetheart—darling—wake up! I a more warlike significance Ilian the
am here!
rest. All the per formers appear in
“Speak to me—speakl God!”
fighting costume, handle t.heir weapons
and go through thr- move mentof chal­
The papers next morning told of a lenge, conflict, pursuit pr defeat. There
double suicide. Tho man had cut his is one very picturesque dance of the
throat iu a fit of ‘‘temporary insanity” Natal Kaffirs which probably refers to
aud died with the body of au unknown the departure of the warriors forbattic.
Tlie women appeal plaintively to the
woman iu his arms.
Aud the people who read the papers men. who slowly withdraw, stamping
at breakfast wondered between sips of m the ground, and darting their short
coffee and bite?» of for? st how people ipears or assegai* tuwftrd the sky.
could be r>u foolish as lu commit suicide.
Pshaw! There ought to be some law to
prevent it.
But Time Drought Changes at tho Su
Of course there ought.—J. Syme-
mcr Heeort.
Hastings in Knights of Labor Journal.
1 waa attracted to a place in Virginia
near the Atlantic ocean, where th<
combined advantages of surf bathing
and an absence of mosquitoes were ad
ertised, says a writer in the Washing
«on Star.
The surf bathing was there, but then
were never im>re or larger mosquitoei
than infested the placo, The landion
was a leader in the church and made i
;reat point of his conscientiousness, sc
1 questioned him about the insects:
“Mosquitoes worse this year thi’r
usual?” I asked.
“Reckon not. They, gen’ally bite
dirty sharp tips season of they’ar.'1
“Are there always thi® many here?”
“Erbout- some gits k:Lh<i. but don’t
semi ter malo* no difference.”
“Didn’t you advertís«' that th; place
v.r.3 free from nio>qnipn s?”
“Sartin. I alius I.', at.’ * f thcr war a
dngl:* skcetrr her«- I’d >;.y s;>. I never
Ijed yit, aa; Í m-*er shan. Yo, sir; wh< n
I say a. thing, it’s
That. way.
.vnuld be willin' to gij7 you a $100 fer
•\ rrv l-.ectcr you could hav’ foun* hyar
when I writ that thnr ‘ad.’ hi>’ Jan-
!’f you stay till frost you’ll fin'
that thar ain’t one lef.. Tn July an’
August it stan’s to reason thar mus’ be
The Right Way.
My friends, it in useless for you to
send anathemas to this paper directed
against the members of state or national
committees. This paper has a higher
mission to perform than to air the petty
grievances of men who have the power
in their own hands to right the ills of
which they enmplaiu. If your member
of the committee is not satisfactory to
yon, don’t expose to the whole nation
your own failure to select a satisfactory
man, bnt go to work in the caucus, in
the ward, in the county convention, and
follow it np to the state convention and
aeeuie such representatives as will suit
you. —Nonconformist.
CM.mlty Howler,.
Talk about Populists being ralemity
bowlers! Just listen to the wail of ex­
Attorney General Clapp (Rep.) of Min­
nesota. Ho is as loud as Wauamaker
or Iugall«: “The whole world is on the
way to ruin. There are from 2,000,000
to 4,000,000 people ill the United Statea
today who are hungry, who seek work
and find none. The issues today are
more important and the times more des­
perate than those of the civil war.
Junction City (Kan.) Tribune.
re ^■■1
State Normal School,
The largest and most progressive School in Southern Oregon
New Buildings, Fine Campus, Good Water. Healthful lx>catlon, Delightful Climate,
Excellent influence« for Students.
u. <• GUKSKS: HuS-Normal of one year, Regular Normal of three years, Business,
Shorthand and typewriting, College Preparatory. Music, Art.
THE ONLY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN THIS-PART OF THE STATE IB,® prominent depar'nients of the school.and is conducted in business college style
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Lebanon. Ohio
1 he Natural Sciences are taught by almost constant work in the labratory, and Elo­
cution. deisarte and physical training by a specialist m lhese lines
bpeciHi advantage» in higher mathematics ana literature. Drawing and vocal music
are compulsory for Normal course students.
• — •
The regular Normal Bchool diploma is granted, good anywhere in the state without
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EXPENSES: Tuition $6.25, board at hall $1 75, lodging 50 cents per week, student
furnishing bed-clot bing only. Family board |2.60 per wee k. |125 furnishes the student
board, books and lodging, and pays his tuition for one year.
Grades are accepted from other schools, if the same cover the work required in the
Norma«, teacher« rexiew classes any time in the year.
The next school year opens Sept. 6. For catalogue or information, address,
W. T. VAN SCOY President.
J. P. DODGE___
I« Headquarter« on
If yon don’t believ t it jiut c»H and see.
I am Selling Sewing Machines Lower
Than Anybody Else is Offering Them.
M aim S txxxt , Orroatrz Fusa.
B uilding PAraas, W bafumo P avbbx and T wins ».
as* so*_____
A tablet now and then will prevent dlnrrh<ra, dysentery. all summer compInintN. canntnir saav. natural
results. Sample and booklet free. Ad. STERLING RKMEI»Y CO., Chicago, Montreal, om .. av Rew York. S70
uaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Meuiory, Loss of
rain Power, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emis­
sions. Nervousness, all drains, loss of power in Generative Organs of
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tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or
Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocket. $i oo per box, 6 for $5, by mail
prepaid. Circular Free. Sold by all druggists Ask for it; ake no other.
Manufactured by the Peau Medicine Co., Paris. France Laue-Davis
Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sts., Portlarid, Or.
M onmouth , O regon .
1 : TUUIN : SCII««l : F»l : HKIUS.
Regular Normal coufae of three rears.
Senior tear wholly proferaional Training
department ot nine grades with IfOu
In-trnction and training in Gymnastic,.
(Swedisli system), and Vocal Music for
public reboots
Tlie Norms! diplomas is recognized by
law as a Stale Life Cert ficate to t. aeb
Light expense. Tuition, book*, board
and lodging (spproxiniaiely) 6136 CO per
etudenls boarding
1110 00 per year.
Academic gradee accepted from High
Catalogues cheerfully sent on application.
W. A. W ann ,
Secreiarv Faculty.
1 Remaining unca
uncalled for in the Ashland
To Curs Con« tips Clot« i or ever.
Tak. Cascret. Candy Cathai '.ic 10c or tte. P. O.. Aug. 2, 1897
It C. C. C- fall to ««re. drugR’Ms refund money. • Brooks, John,
I Beek. Wm W
! Gresinger, Etl
I < Urtis, (Ì1M,
eignt Nchool. eoedrd.
Howard. Katie.
Dolby. Rubi W,
Nearly 1,600 business liousea aud cor­ O’Brien, Bernard. I Pennock, Eward, 2
Van, W J.
porations, iucluriing more than 150
Persons calling for same will please say
banks and public d< i*>sitoriea of money,
w h . B bvmk . P. M.
bare failed siuoe McKinley was elected.
Probably 00 percent of tliene clear head­
ed hn.;iics< nrn voted for McKinley !
and talked much about people who j
Wa nted to pay their deb*, in 53 cent j
dolk-rs. They would now confer a great [
favor 4'1 tb. ir creditors and hasten ths When you take Hood s Pills. Tbeblg.okMaalx-
looed, aufar-eoap d pills, which tear you all to
belated dawu of prosperity by paying ' pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take ,
even 50 cent« ou a dollar. The average
htudaesa man should atteud night school |
for a time and «veer off on reading
newspapers.—Erie People.
No Cripe
sf thè Cosnty Papere
Accidental Death of J. I). Fenton
Give us your order for
Letterheads. State­
ments. envelopes. &c.
and easy to operate. Is true
Jackson county property. Will trade ot Heed's Fills, which are
and —
aixlv aerra of v good
- one
—we ..«W.U.W
— re«ww.
—— up to date tn every respect,
farming land »even mi lee from Klamath
Fed. for Jarkron «Mxaty property. Ad- j
certain and sure. All
are C. I. Bred • da, Lrerafi. Itere.
| «72» Hb «•«*•*•>»*• *M««Mate
— »
for VERY
fastidious people.
A flood wheel,
very cheep.
The success of the Waverley Bicycle In ’96 places
it at the head of the leaders fcr ’97. This year we
produce a new and expensively n.ade wheel, equipped
with the only perfect bearings yet made—$100.
Last year's famous model, greatly Improved, has been
reduced to $60. The saving is In the cost of machinery.
E. E. WASHBL'RN, Exclusive Ag at, A.hla.d, Or.