VALLEY RECORD PINE PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NO MONOPOLY PRICES I VOL. X. ASHLAND, Woman’s Writes Believe in Woman’s Writes? Of course we do. Who could help it wheu women write such convincing words as these: ” For seven years I suffered with scrofula. I had a good physician. Every means of cure was tried in vain. At last I was told to try Ayer’s Sarsa­ parilla, which entirely cured me after using seven bottles.” —M rs . J ohn A. G kntle , Fort Fairfield, Me., Jan 26, 1896. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ..cures.. Professional Cards D R. J. S. UKKNDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. A shlahd , ÜBZGON. jft^Otfice—In Townsend Building, Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. on DENTISI TWln the Muonic Building over Poet Office. up stairs S. T. SiXGEK. PHYSICIAN and dUKUliON. Novelty Block. Opposite Hotel Oregon, , A shland , , (Jasaos. FIlEMsEO HICICKM As to Sugar Bounties. A Bt-cnnd fatal accident for the week Thr wars of Napoleou cauaed therfflft Max Praaht left Mundax for Eugene m-currwd in Ashland nrceinct last Thurs- of the biel sugar industry. Up to 181f Hugh Gillette is over from Dunsmuir. dav aftern-on. This time it resulted in the only augur of commerce waa made L C. Coleman returned to ban Francisco the instant death of J. D. Fenton, the from the sweet cane. That year, how- Sunday. well-known section mar of Steinn an. Sanderson Sruitb, the miner, has gone , ever, Great Britain blockaded the porte Foreman John Quirk vnd his crew of to E. Giondyae. of countries under the sway of Bona- nine men started home to Steinman from A nice set of glass dishes for 40c at D. L. par-e, so that no sugar oould be lmport- T innei 14 at 5:10 o’clock p. in. to make Minkler ut 2^ H.C. Na»h, private secretary of xMrs which year by year became greater. miles in the u-ual manner and reache«! L< land Stanford, was here Saturday. France started the first large beat sugar an open place on the road that was form A. J Olsen is now sole proprietor of the factory. Germany recognized soon that Gold Hill hotel, T. P. Kahler retiring. erly used hs the engineering camp, where here was a chanoe for a new industry. Misses Sadie De Boy and Ethel Melville the old stage road crosses the railroad So did Austria, and the governments of of Gold Hill are stopping at Hornbrook. fack. Here the hind wheel on the left Mrs. Clark and daughter and Mias Rose them countries took every pains to fos­ aide of the push car dropped down in- Wilson of Glendale visited Oolestin Friday. ter it by paying* bouatiee and in other si le the rail. Though the exact cause ot Dr. Fred McCullough of Medford has Waya the accident from thia on is not known gone to Seattle to locate. He will be greatly There are two methods of paying tutseed. it is presumed that Fenton, feeling the sugar bounties, the direct and tadireot. County Clerk G. A. Jackson, wife and wheel ofl the track stepped off the car in daughter took in the over Sunday excur­ The direct way, instituted first by front and lost his balance. sion to Colestin Franco, consists iu the government pay­ The :nan sitting behind Fenton on the Mts«ef Bbideler of Medford returned Sat­ ing a specified sum to the owners of all car, feeling him move, also jumped off urday from « visit with their brother at home grown sugar that oan be exported. Watsonville, Cal. the car. Th© others remained on. Fen France aud Germany are the chief conn The first load of new wheat to arrive at ton fell lace down, body inside the rails flour mill was brought in July tries at present paying tho direct bounty, His liea I and shoulder were on the track the by Medf'«rd Jaiues Carr. which amounts legally on the average and the wheel of the push car struck it C. L. Carrand Misses Emma and Annie to about tbree-tentha of a cent a pound. and pushed the body along for about 20 Helms and Msggie Ea'on of Jacksonville The beet sugar industry is heavily feet. The car was stopped as soon a. Sundayed above Ashland. taxed iu both Germany and in Fraiaoo, M. Pearce and W. M Snow of Pearce «t possible, Mr. Fenton was placed on the Son's placers on Ponrman creek were in and iu each country laws have been <-ar in an unconscious condition and Ashland the first of the week. passed remitting under certain condi­ brought to Ashland, arriving here about Ex-Superintendent Jas. A. Wilson of the tions a portion of the tax. This givu 7 o’clock. Dr. Songer was called but the Ashland mine and Will. Langille took the rise to the indirect sugar bounty. unfortunate man died in 20 minutes after steamer Elder for Clondvke. In indirect sugar bouutiea France Charlev Piper, the well-known railway arrival of tne car. His skull had been mail clerk, is takings lay off'and spending pays annually *10,603,771; Germany, fractured, his vacation in Yaquina Bay. *4,237,068; Austria. *3,641,000. In T-»e bode w is taken ch irga of by the Seasonable goods «uch a- refrigerator«. order to get us much of the direct •tfi'- ra ami rn-m»»era of A-»ilandn Caliiornia many years before coming here. He ha I a large circle oi PHYSICIAN and BURGEON, j friends who are pained at Ins untimely taking away at ttie age of 38 Years and O bboun . A- hlamd . who sincerely sympathizd with the widow and family in their great loss. Office—At Residence, intersection of Me­ chanic, Laurel and Main streets. Tired, N« rv«»u»». Sleepless Men and women—how gratefully they Once write «4buttt Hood’s barsapariila SOCIETY DIKECTOR1E8. helple-s and discouraged, having lo->t ail faith in no-d’Cinee, now in good h«al*i la h»s pow»-r tu emich and pun y the bim d ami make the weak strung—this BURNSIDK POST NO. 23. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and is experience of bust of people. 3«i Saturday of «acb month. Visiting Con« H o < h I’ s l*lil»* are the best family cathar­ rades cordially wmvumeu. tic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, M ilt n B krry , Commander. sure. J. R. C abky , Adjutant. DB W. BAHR. O. W. R. C. Meets in Odd Fellows hall at 2 o’clock m on the second and fourth Fridays each month. Mus. J. D. C bocker , Pres, M rs . Mary Berry, Sec’y. Bonn. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, meet« everj EVANS—in A.-hland, July 30 1797, to Mr. and .Mis 8. J. Evans, a 12-10 sou. M jii'iay evening. Visiting Knight« ingood ■tauding are cordially invited to attend. EDM 'NsoN—In Big Butte precinct, July D. D. uOOD, U. C. 4. IS97. io .Mr. and Mr« W. L. Edniun 8. G. E ggers , K. of R & 8. s>>n. a son. OLSEN—At (Jo’d Hill. July 2ft, 1897, to Mr. !. O. O. F. and Mrs. A J. Ohtn a «laughter. A8MLAND LODUk, NO. 45. uOTi’HEK—On Wii'iame creek, July 24, 1807, lo Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gutcher, a Hold regular meetings ever} Thurs«iay son. evening at their bail in Aaniand. BrrthrvD in good standing are cordially invited tu PKUETT—In Medford precinct, Jnlv 28, atlenu F. M. D ka K k , N. G. 1897. to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pruett, a H. B. K vanh , Hec’y. P.O box 102. daughter. McClTMBER-At Dairy. July 2ft. 1897.10 PILOT KOCK SNl A.MPMBNT, N o . iti. Mr and Mr«. Orin McUumber, a daughter Meets in Odd Fellows's Hall every 2d and 4th Munday in each mouth Mef.ib.n- in Dr King» New l>i*c«»veiy For C om - good standing cordially invited u attend. H. b. E vans , C. I-. feiimption. R obt , T aylor , dcrlbe. This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of Uoiiglis, Golds «nd for ( <»n- Miniuiiun Everv bottle is guaranteed. Hora BBBBCCA DBUKKB LOUUK, »O. 24. It will cure and not disappoint Ii ha« no Meets qu lb. 2d and tth Tuesday In «.cl. equal lor Whooping Gough. Asthma. Hav mouth in Odd Fallows' Hall. Ashliiu.l Fevt-r, Pneumonia. Bronchitis, l.aGriope, Miss E laib P attsbson , N. U. Cold in the bead and for Gumumption. it M iss N ina E h . ar. cecv. is >afe loi ail ages, pleasant to lake and above all a -ure cure. It is well to take Dr Kinr’.- N*-w Life fills in connection with A. O. U. W. Dr King’s New Discovery, as tliev regu­ late ami tone the Ntoinach and bowels. ASHLAND LUDOX, NO. M. Meets in lodge ruoiu in Masonic Halt We guarantee perfect satisfaction or refund •very accoNo aud fourth We«iues yield; crop is estimated a 200.000 bushels. Corn l<-ok« well, while ha crop is short. Me ons and vegetables were never l.e'ter than this season. The fruit crop is the largest for manv years. Mos« of the ear v pe iches and small fruit h«ve been marketed. All in all. the outlook fcr the R-’giie river valley iequi'e flattering Burning, itching skin diseases instantly relieved ... bv De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. ijiieqiia'lel for cuts, bruises, burns, heals without leaving a scar. Eugene A. Sherwin. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, T he B est S alve in the world for Cuts, Brui-es Sore.«, Ulcers. Ms It Rheum. Fever Sorws, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain- Corns, and all .Skin Eruptions, and posit­ ively cure* Piles, or no pav required. It is guarantee«! to give perfect satisfaction or nmney refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by E. A. Sherwin. IV a I Estate. Tronic Wilson to B Whtar Morris—lots 9 and 10, bit “O” R R add to Ashland; 1:00. Enola Hamilton, et al, to F C Medynaki —tract in u«»i:*ve add lo Medford; II. J W Mer-i«t, trustee, to Jennie E Merritt —’ots 4 «nd 5, blk 11. Centra« Point; |35. F M Amt to W Werih—20 acres in t« 36 s. r 2 w; $V0. 0 & C H R Go and Union Trust 0«t to H Gm er-80 acre« in ip 33 -. r 2 w; |.N0 Eva H ckenjos to A M Williams-lot 34. Phoenix; J 8 Fo ter to O E Stinson—90 acres in tp 37 «. r 1 e; |3U0 Ella Me«t\nski to Eliza Palmer—lot 4, Meeker’s add to Medionl; $LUO. J S Hagey to Ben 8 Webb—lot 7, blk 1 Cottage adfi to Medford; $200 U 8 to < I A c R II Co-3138 95 acres in tn 23 s. r 1.30 s, r.3, 4" s. r4 17 s. rfl 16 s, r 7. 1ft •«. r 7 10 s. r ft. 2ft s. r 12 west W M—also 15. 22 and 17. r 3 east. Fame to -ame—9 O acre« in twps 33 «. r 1. 31 s. r 2. 35 s, r 3 ewst. and twp- 3 >. r 2. 29 « rll 31 s. r 11, 29 s, r 12. 30 s. r 12, 32 s, » 13 west.. fcame to same -9.207 77 a<»re« in twps 30 9 21, 28.34. 35 31, 37 3ft £ < r 4, 20. 21 ‘23. 34. 36 r 5. 20 22. 25. 2u. 27 36. r 6 22 29. M. r 7. ?2 s. r 8 w «fc two« 17 «t 29 «. r 1 e Geo W B ’wen dr L P Womack to Francis I. Catmi—q c n Ju y !*>tb located a quart« claim in fianiediatrict. Pet-r Applegate on .lune i«th located • querns claim in Pearl «liatrict. Mark A ppi«gaie on May 28th located a quarts claim in I’eari district. A C Bynum on July 20th located a placer claim in Hungry creek «lisinct K L Pa mrr. E E and H A Medvndd on June 20th located a placer claim in Palmer creek district. J D Carter «»n Joly l«t located a placer claim i»» Pie iinau foolish as lu commit suicide. Pshaw! There ought to be some law to TRUE WHEN WRITTEN. prevent it. But Time Drought Changes at tho Su Of course there ought.—J. Syme- mcr Heeort. Hastings in Knights of Labor Journal. 1 waa attracted to a place in Virginia POWDER near the Atlantic ocean, where th< combined advantages of surf bathing and an absence of mosquitoes were ad ertised, says a writer in the Washing «on Star. The surf bathing was there, but then were never im>re or larger mosquitoei than infested the placo, The landion was a leader in the church and made i ;reat point of his conscientiousness, sc 1 questioned him about the insects: “Mosquitoes worse this year thi’r usual?” I asked. “Reckon not. They, gen’ally bite dirty sharp tips season of they’ar.'1 “Are there always thi® many here?” “Erbout- some gits k:Lhqnipn s?” “Sartin. I alius I.', at.’ * f thcr war a dngl:* skcetrr her«- I’d >;.y s;>. I never Ijed yit, aa; Í m-*er shan. Yo, sir; wh< n I say a. thing, it’s That. way. 1 .vnuld be willin' to gij7 you a $100 fer •\ rrv l-.ectcr you could hav’ foun* hyar when I writ that thnr ‘ad.’ hi>’ Jan- liar !’f you stay till frost you’ll fin' that thar ain’t one lef.. Tn July an’ August it stan’s to reason thar mus’ be The Right Way. My friends, it in useless for you to send anathemas to this paper directed against the members of state or national committees. This paper has a higher mission to perform than to air the petty grievances of men who have the power in their own hands to right the ills of which they enmplaiu. If your member of the committee is not satisfactory to yon, don’t expose to the whole nation your own failure to select a satisfactory man, bnt go to work in the caucus, in the ward, in the county convention, and follow it np to the state convention and aeeuie such representatives as will suit you. —Nonconformist. CM.mlty Howler,. Talk about Populists being ralemity bowlers! Just listen to the wail of ex­ Attorney General Clapp (Rep.) of Min­ nesota. Ho is as loud as Wauamaker or Iugall«: “The whole world is on the way to ruin. There are from 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 people ill the United Statea today who are hungry, who seek work and find none. The issues today are more important and the times more des­ perate than those of the civil war. -j'-qisre,'-«., Junction City (Kan.) Tribune. I re ^■■1 £>*.«« State Normal School, ASHLAND, OIHEO-Oisr, The largest and most progressive School in Southern Oregon New Buildings, Fine Campus, Good Water. Healthful lx>catlon, Delightful Climate, Excellent influence« for Students. u. <• GUKSKS: HuS-Normal of one year, Regular Normal of three years, Business, Shorthand and typewriting, College Preparatory. Music, Art. THE ONLY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN THIS-PART OF THE STATE IB,® prominent depar'nients of the school.and is conducted in business college style ine 1 raining Behooi is graded and in charge of the Senior .Gifts» the full year, aud ’.,nJ’er lhe d,rect supervision of a critic teacher trained in the noted Holbrook Normal of Lebanon. Ohio 1 he Natural Sciences are taught by almost constant work in the labratory, and Elo­ cution. deisarte and physical training by a specialist m lhese lines bpeciHi advantage» in higher mathematics ana literature. Drawing and vocal music are compulsory for Normal course students. • — • The regular Normal Bchool diploma is granted, good anywhere in the state without further examination. EXPENSES: Tuition $6.25, board at hall $1 75, lodging 50 cents per week, student furnishing bed-clot bing only. Family board |2.60 per wee k. |125 furnishes the student board, books and lodging, and pays his tuition for one year. Grades are accepted from other schools, if the same cover the work required in the Norma«, teacher« rexiew classes any time in the year. The next school year opens Sept. 6. For catalogue or information, address, W. T. VAN SCOY President. J. P. DODGE___ I« Headquarter« on If yon don’t believ t it jiut c»H and see. •» « I am Selling Sewing Machines Lower Than Anybody Else is Offering Them. TRY ME ONCE AND BE CONVINCED MILLS ASHLAND fÔÜH PATENT Ï FLOUR, ) VIRGIN & C0.. PROP’S H. S. EVANS, ASHLAND, OR. M aim S txxxt , Orroatrz Fusa. PAINTS ZFJLINTTZEZELS’ TOOLS, WJLT j T j PAPER. GLASS. ETC. B uilding PAraas, W bafumo P avbbx and T wins ». PAINTING, ARTISTS' MATERIALS. PAPERING, ETC. KEEFMfOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I rQANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION B as* so*_____ AU DRUGGISTS A tablet now and then will prevent dlnrrhsitoriea of money, “ advertM«*!.* ’ w h . B bvmk . P. M. bare failed siuoe McKinley was elected. I ■ Probably 00 percent of tliene clear head­ ed hn.;iics< nrn voted for McKinley ! and talked much about people who j Wa nted to pay their deb*, in 53 cent j dolk-rs. They would now confer a great [ favor 4'1 tb. ir creditors and hasten ths When you take Hood s Pills. Tbeblg.okMaalx- looed, aufar-eoap d pills, which tear you all to belated dawu of prosperity by paying ' pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take , even 50 cent« ou a dollar. The average htudaesa man should atteud night school | for a time and «veer off on reading newspapers.—Erie People. No Cripe CASTOR IA sf thè Cosnty Papere Chlef JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 5, 1897. Accidental Death of J. I). Fenton « AriaLAXD OBMOK, -- Give us your order for Letterheads. State­ ments. envelopes. &c. t VALLE! RECORD. Hood’s Wanted and easy to operate. Is true Jackson county property. Will trade ot Heed's Fills, which are hundred and — aixlv aerra of v good - one —we ..«W.U.W — re«ww. —— up to date tn every respect, farming land »even mi lee from Klamath Fed. for Jarkron «Mxaty property. Ad- j drate.r.O.SMM.Trete.aiil. certain and sure. All Pills are C. I. Bred • da, Lrerafi. Itere. | «72» Hb «•«*•*•>»*• *M««Mate $60 — » for VERY fastidious people. A flood wheel, very cheep. ) The success of the Waverley Bicycle In ’96 places it at the head of the leaders fcr ’97. This year we produce a new and expensively n.ade wheel, equipped with the only perfect bearings yet made—$100. Last year's famous model, greatly Improved, has been reduced to $60. The saving is In the cost of machinery. E. E. WASHBL'RN, Exclusive Ag at, A.hla.d, Or.