Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1896)
VALLEY RECORD Chautauqua Officers. Annual election of officers and trustees of the Chautauqua Association took place last Friday with the followiug result: G. F. Billings, president; G. W. White, H. L. Benson, P. P. Prim, vice presidents; F. H. Carter, treasurer; G. G. Crary, secretary ; R. P. Neil, C. A. Hitchcock, Rev. E. P. Childs, I. A. Webb, A. F. Eddy, N. P. Dodge, Gus Newbury, Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, D. R. Mills, Dr. Brower, trustees. This seasons program was closed Fri day night with a grand concert. The course has generally been regarded as satisfactory and some of its features were especially meritorious,but the attendance was much smaller than bad been antici pated. The admission is forced that if this worthy educational enterprise is to live, greater economies must be practiced in the future or else the members must contribute funds more liberally for its support. Friday they were confronted with the announcement that the Associ ation was five hundred and fifty dollars in debt. On the appeal made $200 were pledged by those present toward its liqui dation leaving $350 or thereabout yet to be raised. The Conference of Pacific Coast Chautauqua assemblies ought to take up the question of forcing down the prices demanded by the lecturers who ride the Chautauqua circuit and bring them into equitable relation to what is 'paid for other things in these times,when pinching economies are most disagree ably forced upon people in every occupa tion. Brains ought to come a little cheaper and the prices paid for it by the Chautauqua assemblies would be extrav agant in too many instances in prosper ous times, if measured by the merit of the Encyclopedic effusions dispensed to us by some of these Chautauqua lecturers. They are valuable as educational factors but excepting star lecturers whose repu tation enables them to make their own price $10 or $15 and expenses ought to compensate amply for many of these purely preceptive talks, which advance no orignal thought and convey no infor mation not easily accessible in village libraries. Summary of Convention News. Tbe National Populist and Silver con vention convened in St. Louis yesterday. Senator Marion Butler of North Carolina was made temporary chairman of the Populist convention. An address was delivered by Gov. Stone, of Missouri, re plied to by Ignatius Donnellv. Tn the silver convention, Congressman Newlands of Nevada was made temp orary chairman. A girl dressed as God dess of Liberty read the Declaration of Independence. A telegram was read from Senator Teller that to vote for Bryan was a vote for American monetary independance and aroused great en thusiasm. At the session this morning Towne makes a great speech in silver convention. He savs Bryan represents cause of humanity against injustice. Chairman Butler called Populist conven tion to order—Delegates late in arriving— Credentials committee not ready to report —Bryan and anti Brvan men both claim majority—Silver and Populist committees caucusing behind speakers chair. Populist credentials committee not ready to report and recess taken until 3 p. m. At time of going to press both convent ions in session. Populist credentials committee reported— Patterson delegation from Colorado seat ed—Indications are that majority of con vention are for Bryan. Lane of California makes speech in silver convention. Gen. Weaver elected chairman committee on platform. This is considered victory for Bryan. Weather clear and cool in St. Louis. ALL SHOULD UNITE ON BRYAN. For first-class dental work see Dr. A. Hinman, Masonic block. Hanford, Cal., has warned residents of questionable character to move on. going to school The Duty of Silyermen Plain. A thousand rabbits were killed at a It is 6aid that in the Porterville All attempts of politicians to sidetrack Rialto rabbit drive. country deciduous fruit planting is ASHLAND, Or....Thursday, July 23, 1896. the currencev question for tariff or other Do the children go to school ? And are they joyftus It is probable that the Santa Ana and running all to prunus simoni. matters have utterley failed. The coun SBS S" 1 try has an issue—a question upon which Orange Railroad will be abandoned. Carl Bersee was awarded the prize and happy? Is school-life a pleasure? And is progress personal , and social the voters should and will largely divide Municipal ownership of the city light for the largest babj’ at the ruse fair of being made? Or is:the opposite true? Does the close of irrespective of party ties. It is called a ing plant is being agitated in Santa Ana. All Saint’s Church, in Spokane.' He is each day bring a headache ? There is no appetite and sleep battle of the standards. The gold mon G. A. R. reunion August 11-15. Santa Cruz expects to have her new 11 months old and weighs forty pounds. ometalist asserts that his contention is Millions of young grasshoppers have is imperfect. The color gradually leaves the cheeks and against silver monometalism and a de court-house finished by the 1st of Sep Dr. Barr, dentist I. O. O. F. block. made their appearance on Tygh ridge, only a little effort is followed by exhaustion. To continue based currencev, though, it is plain bis tember. ■ Rev. E. P. Childs has gone to Pelican monetary system is a failure and its con Efforts are being made to increase the Or., and furmers in that section fear school means to coqie to the end of the year with broken bav for an outing. tinuance must result finally in the very water supply at the Santa Monica Sol they will do considerable damage to E. J. Farlow and wife have joined the health. What is the best thing to do ? Take condition oi our national finances diers’ Home. growing crops. upper Ashland creek colony of campers. which be deplores, lie makes a lame The school census of San Diego A fine quality of lithographic stone is Clarence Clements the Normal student admission that bimetalism is desirable left for his home at Drain yesterday even but denies the right to incorporate in the reported to have been found in the hills county shows the total number of child ing. ren between the ages of 5 and 17 to be laws of the land the only provision by north of Santa Barbara. 8364. The total number of children which it can be established. In face of Deputy Sheriff E. E. Smith and family Mojave is building up an extensive are pleasuring for a short time at Crescent the conditions presented, international trade with the new mining camps, and under 17 years of age is 11,617. City. bimetalism which tbe Republican party a bottling works is to be added. Mrs. W. A. Peterson was burned to nourishes the body and makes red corpuscles for the blood. pledges itself to promote is an absurdity K. Kubli.tbe young Harvard, Conn, grad death in the destruction of her residence Riverside will probably have its and tbe natural and reasonable inference uate was up from Jacksonville the first of in Novelty, Wtsh., recently, While The hypophosphites are tonics to the nervous system, giviug the week. is that such pledges are insincere and street-car line converted into an electric trying to recover some effects she was mental activity during the day and refreshing sleep at night. certainly valueless. Nations, like indi system and its limits extended. J. D. Fountain was in Ashland yesterday overcomo by smoke and perished. viduals, aro induced to enter into agree and returned to his home at Klamath Falls Don’t let you child get thin and worry along. Give Scott’s The machinery at the state rock last night. An old soldier tramped through The ments affecting values in trade and com quarry at Folsom, Cat, has broken merce from the instinct of profit. Since Dalles, Or., recently, bound for the Emulsion; insist on a generous amount of out-door exercise; Mrs. Lena McCall has been appointed doyvn, and it will take ten days at least tbe international agreement proposed is Soldiers’ Home at Kansas City. He was and the vigor of youth will return. deputy district grand matron O. E. 8. for to be with “the leading commercial to complete the necessary repairs. Southern Oregon. jo eta. »nd »1 a bottle. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. old and feeble, but proposes to walk the nations of the world,” no one will dispute Apricots are selling to canners in the enlire distance unless invited to ride. Mrs. E. B. Christian, tbe dressmaker is in that Great Britain is comprehended and Santa Clara valiey at $30 to $85 per ton, town at Mr. Govan High’s and would like Charles Stewart was sentenced at as her interests are best conserved by the the former price being for whole orch to see her friends. Woodland to ten years’ imprisonment single gold standard, a fact clear to all ards as the fruit comes. A constantly increasing business, is a sure indication Miss Frink who taught school here a for robbing the postmaster at Rumsey. wbo have given any study to the mone couple of terms was on the southbound Two Juneau citizens, Charles Price tary question, and declared over and At San Diego Mrs. Williams, a seri- of enterprise and square-dealing.—E. A. S herwin . “flyer” last Friday. over again by her most eminent states and A. Button, climbed to the top of culturist, shows 450 healthy silk worms Mr. and Mrs. Cowles and Mrs. Otto men and official representatives of the Mount Juneau and planted the Ameri as the product of one pair of millers in Millinery and Hairdressing. are camped at Smith’s springs to remain British government we may be certain can flag on the summit that it might two months. Miss Ober has opened fashionable milli a coup!e of weeks. no wave there during the celebration of will consent to nery and hairdressing parlors at her home she Governor Budd offers $500 reward for This the Fourth. on Factory street and invites the ladies agreement to give it up. The star mail service from Eagle Point to wishing anything in the line to call upon circumstance ought to go far in convincing Climax, in Oregon will be increased July 18, the arrest and .conviction of the mur her. Major Vaughn is making a prelimin derer of George Morris at Chinese to three times a week, out people that the professed advocates DRUGS and CHEMICALS only, and ary survey of the new transcontinental Camp, Tuolumne county, November 9, of international bimetallism wbo are most John McCall, Fred Carter, Roy Robbly Siskiyou Dairy Interests. route through Arizona for the Santa Fe I and Henry Galev are taking a two weeks active in tbe present effort “to maintain 1895. skillfully compounded by E. A. S herwin . The Fall River Tidings reports a new the existing gold standard” until inter Railroad. outing in Klamath county. The ranchers of the disorganized industry in the western part of Modoc national bimetalism can be effected, do Cal. Eubanks, a native of Siskiyou county The Blochman Banking Company of Kern and Tulare irrigation distriot are county as follows: Campbell, the turtle not want bimetalism at all. They spent has been elected president of the Pacific San Diego has received from Hungary a now projecting 6ome cheaper and bet catcher, was telling about the largest Coast Traveler’s Association. days in tbe Republican convention at number of coins known as the Hunga sized egg story the other day that we two St Louis in contention over the form of rian krona, souvenirs of the centennial ter plan for securing irrigation facilities. The usual services in the Presbyterian have heard ia a long time. He says he that should be used ih tbe anniversary of that government. church next Sunday morning. Sermon Lester Pi att, aged 2, fell into a child’s that Sherwin sells all grades of Stationery, the very best recently took a trip to Tule lake with a expression subject: “Glorified Childhood.” Republican platform to define this posi bathtub in which there w’as about two load of supplies for his Indians who are An attempt was made to loot the made and Cheap Grades to meet any competition. Mrs. Steve Willits who has been visiting catching turtles out there, aad reached tion without being too bluntly frank to of State Bank of Marysville, Snohomish inches of water, near St. Helena, and To All Whom It May Concern. fend or alarm republican voters,wbo had with Miss Fannie Ralph returned to her died two days later. their camp juBt as they were preparing A representative from each of the home at Roseburg Monday evening, As there are large beeo told in the former declarations county, Wash., a few nights ago. The Washington expects this year’s wheat political parties is hereby invited to en their supper. O. A. Stearns and daughters who have numbers of water fowl in that country of the party, that it was for gold and vault doors were drilled before the rob crop to be 16,000,000 bushels—the big gage in a joint debate on the financial silver as standard money and favored been attending the Chautauqua course re bers were frightened away. Their the Indians have all the eggs they want, turned to their home near Keno last week. question, which debate will take place and on tho evening in question they had bimetalism from tradition and interest. tools were found in and back of tho gest in the history of the state. during the reunion at Ashland, Oregon, Tbe line of battle is certainly sufficiently The lumber cargo shipments from Clerk Geo. A. Jackson moved his family date and the participants to be pub a large quantity of duck and mud-hen well defined. It is tbe logic of interest building. Oregon and California to San Francisco to Jacksonville last Friday occupuying the the eggs on hand. Mr. Campbell says there John Davis, a colored youth, was house of Newt Jacobs, his predecessor in of lished in the program. The G. A. R. is were four Indians in the camp, and for and greed on the one side against that of in May aggregated 19,278,611 feet. non-partisan and no favoritism will be reason and justice on tbe other. The found guilty in Sacramento of highway fice. Michael Cody, who attempted to burn shown. The debaters to be chosen by these sixty-eight eggs were cooked, and interest and duty of all who are suffering robbery. Taken in time Hood's Sarsaparilla pre the county central committee of each of they* ate every one of them. Besides the Peacock Hotel in Monticello, Cal., from falling prices and the paralysis of vents serious illness by keeping the blood Mollie Traynor, a dissolute woman of the eggs they devoured a jack-rabbit C ommittee . pure and all the organs in a healthy condi said political parties. and something less than a ton of bread. all enterprise and industry are plain. Oakland, Cal., who left via the carbolic was sentenced to five years’ imprison They should oppose tbeir influence and acid rotate, had a 8trange history—as a ment. tion. Wanted, vote against the gold standard. Eveiy con Wanted Eugene Pierson, a young man of San Emil Peil, the blacksmith, is agent for net result of over a hundred varying Col. J. A. Gross wants good fat Jackson county property. Will trade sideration,national dignity, national pros terms in jail the most of her life was Francisco, was arrested for robbery of Buckeye mowers and farmers implements of all kinds. Corner Main street and 1st chickens at the Depot Hotel, Will pay one hundred and sixty acres of good perity. justice’to all our people, sympa a novel sort. He had borrowed money avenue. farming land seven miles from Klamath thy with those wbo work without adequate passed in prison. And yet no single and gave as security a check payable to the market price. sentence exceeded a few months. Falls for Jackson county property. Ad- .‘A reward and for those who are unable to Dodge has a big stock of hammocks, himself. When payment of the debt get employment, unite to urge all irienda Suicide Near Roseburg. dress, P. O. Box 55, Yreka, Cal. comprising cheap, medium and f best Visalia proposes to impose a license W’as demanded he got possession of the of silver to cast their ballots against this on every form of business. grades at prices to suit the times. John Baker, a native of Bavaria, living check, tore it to pieces and swallowed iniquitous gold system in the coming Normol School Notes, Union service at the Chautanqua tab- at Cleveland, 15 miles northwest of Rose At a ranch in Santa Ana, Cal., 30,000 it. presidential election. There is but one ernacle next Sunday evening. Rev. G. N. burg, committed suicide Friday, after Julie RodschoD, one of the Juniors, is effective way to do this. They must vote silkworms were recently hatched. Annes will preach the sermon, Come having burned bis dwelling bouse and its teaching a six months’ term of school near Zee Ling of San Francisco is a new for William Jennings Bryan for presi everybody. The city of Long Beach, Cal., is in Chinaman. He is editor of a Chinese Keno, Klamath county. contents. It seetns that he had had dent. A vote cast for any third candi stalling a plant so that sea water may Tyler’s Soda Spring is favored with quite trouble with bis wife in the forenoon, and Salvation Army paper and is going to Lincoln Savage, the class valedictorian a lot of summer tourists this month, mostly beat her over the head with a revolver. in June, was up from Grants Pass last date is in effect a vote for McKinley. be used for street sprinkling. London in the interest of the army. He is yonng, courageous and able. His from Medford, Grants Pass and neighbor His 16-year-old son took the weapon week attending Chautauqua Assembly. By a vote of 3 to 2 the Santa Monica instincts are intensely patriotic, bis The California Pioneers have elected ing points. from him. The mother and youngest Victor Mayer of the commercial class is Mrs. A. 8. Ward nee Kentnor returned child then went to Mr. Lehn’s, three now located in a town in Mendocino county character above criticism, and is pos City Trustees have adopted an ordi the following officers for the ensuing to her home yesterday at Oakland, Cal , quarters of a mile distant, and a 19-year- Cal., and is clerk and book keeper in a sessed of extensive learning and a rich nance prohibiting saloons. year: President, Elliot M. Root; vice- culture. He will adorn the great office after a visit of five weeks with her parents old son went io Roeeburg to have the store. The cost of maintaining the San presidents, Niles Searles of San Fran in Ashland. to which be has been nominated and bis Diego city schools for the fiscal year cisco, Jacob Z. Davis of San Francisco, father arrested. Meantime Baker must Bernard Spencer, a graduate of the Jack Etner has located in Rossland, B. C. have set tire to his house, and going to university preparatory course, will enter fidelity tobimetalism, American mone ending June 30th amounted to $77,805. C. T.( Ryland of Sau Jose, T. L. Barker which he describes as a good town and the house of Edward Von Pease], not far the Freshman class of the University of tary independependence, can be relied Tbe committee appointed to solicit of Oakland, Howard Havens of Ala upon absolutely. No party fealty can be where he has been doing well since he set distant, secured a gun without being ob Oregon September next. tled down there. consistently interposed for withholding funds in aid of the Ventura and Ojai meda; treasurer, John D. Tailant; Mar served in the act. The burning of the Graduates of the Normal are allowed 62 a vote from bim by any advocate of tbe Railroad is meeting with good success. shal, John F. Pinkham; directors, H. COMPLETE TTEW LLISTE OF LATEST Isaac Moore came in from Shake Satur house was soon afterward discovered and credits the University of Oregon. This free, independent, and unlimited coinage N. Tilden, Charles M. Plum, J. H. Jew day for supplies. Mrs. J. E. Crowson re a search led to the finding of Baker’s admits at DESIGNS AUD STYLES AT The Santiago Orange Growers’ Asso them to the Freshman class with of gold and silver at the established ett, Aylett R. Cotton, H. B. Russ, E. turned with him to visit a couple of weeks dead body about 500 yards from Mr. Von out examination. Only one other school ciation of Orange county has declared BEL ROCK PRICES. with her sister Mrs. Moore. T. Kruse, Wakefield Baker, Leon Sloss, Pee sei’s house. It was clearly a case of in the state is given a higher number of ratio of 16 to 1. dividend No. 9, amounting to $9000. If you feel trameled by your views on C. J. King. Miss Jessie Clint the milliner left for suicide, the deceased having placed the credits by the University. tbe tariff, it may be said that this The fourth annual assembly of the Baleui and Portland Friday and later muzzle of the gun in his mouth. The A young man by the name of Peter Effie Armitage of the class of ’ 96 is in Sac will continue on to St. Louis to purchase a charge of shot blew the top of his bead off. ramento, Cal., and is expecting soon to ob question of monetary reform lies square Southern Oregon Chautauqua Associ Gordan, a salesman, shot himself in new stock of millinery goods. ly across any possible progress toward ation held a ten days’ session at Ash Oakland to excite sympathy. He was His hands were badly powder burned. tain a position in that city. A neat little The Commissioners court of Klamath Baker had been acting strangely for some fortune has come to Miss Armitage from tariff revision until it is settled. Further land. out of money and could find no work. •ounty have revoked the bounty of live time and was evidently insane, He some of her relatives in the East since she more, excepting wool and rough lumber, The Board of Education of San Ber cents on rabbit scalps and no bounty will leaves a wife and three sons. graduated in June. which are on the free list, tbe present Another tobacco plantation is being be paid after August 1st next. Olive Thomas, who attended the Normal tariff is the highest ever placed on the nardino has made an innovation by Btarted iu the North Chollas, near the ________ ___ _ the a part of last year, and who obtained a statues except the McKinely • tariff, and choosing teachers to serve four years. “Nest” in San Diego county. The last orop bulletin issued by Mrs. G. Barclay, Modiste. state diploma through this school, by hav there is practically no difference on this It is believed that this method will do V. 8. Dep’t oi U. ot Agriculture says : “Crop For the latest styles in dressmaking go ing Visalia advertises for sale a franchise a state certificate on graduating at a subject between tbe two old parties away with political manipulation. prospects, on the whole, are about as poor to Mrs. G. Barclay, Novelty block, oppo Normal two years ago, has now a position except one of rates. Tbe principal of for the construction and maintenance M they ever were in Oregon,” site Hotel Oregon. The State Board of Health is investi of a telephone and telegraph plant and as teacher in California at $50 a month. protection is generally recognized by tha C. O. Terry, the Burlington hustler for gating the condition of Russian river in system. An Indian Appetite. Theresa Bryant of the • class of ?96 has American people. Again if the results passenger business dropped in this week the vicinity of Guerneville. People this week gone to Jacksonville and entered with a big supply of fan s and other ad of free coinage of silver prove to be Buch The Journal says: Siskiyou county The First Presbyterian Church of who bathe in the waters contract blood upon her duties as deputy county clerk. vertising matter for distribution. as the gold advocates claim, we shall has developed into one of the first dairy The Normal congratulates her on being Los Angeles has renounced allegiance poisoning and horses that drink there Grant Crary and Fred Hogg accompained ing counties of the state during the past called to fill such a responsible position have under its operation the highest to the Presbytery and other general by Messrs. Warner, Kendall and others, two years. There are at present four and Mr. Jackson, the county clerk, may possible protection against foreign im get sore mouths. gifverning 'uodies of the denomination. started for Pelican bay, baturday. W. A. creameries in the coupty, fitted up with consider it a fortunate turn indeed that has ports from the gold standard countries of Miss Ollie Ray and James T. Lawler To buy Summer Underwear, Straw Hats, Etc. Patrick went out with them with his team. the most modern machinery. The two brought to him a deputy who will do her Europe. Lastly, in pursuing the course re of Tulare, Cal., were married by tele Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of this place, wsb commended, you are not required necessar The society of tbe upper Ashland creek creameries in Scott valley did a fine work so well. ily to surrender your political views on phone, the officiating clergyman being taken in the nigbt with cramping pains The prices are cut to close them out. . . Pleasure seekers will be further increased business last vear, providing about 506 and the next day diarrhoea eet in. She other questions. at Santa Crus. omorrow by Mrs. E. A,Sherwin, Mrs.Fred I | lbs. of butter and cheese each a day, and The gold forces will be practically united. took half a bottle of blackberry cordial Alfalfa Hay for Sale. Wagner, Mrs, E. V. Carter and Mrs. Frank : are running the machinery to its fullest Sing Wah, a Chinese merchant of but got no relief. Sbe then sent to me The few of them who hold to the doctrine Alfal'a bav for sale at $5 per ton in the of low tariffs are not seriously embarrassed Oleta who was arrested and brought to to see if I had anything that would help Carter. capacity this seasou. The excellent " you want. Apply at once. in giving taeir support to Major McKinley Jackson, Cal., on a charge of murdering her. 1 sent her a bottle of Chamber- There was a very large attendance at the quality of the butter and cheese has made field. All R. 8, B arclay & S on , and republican protectionists deliberately funeral of the late'Dr. Colvig at Rock Point it in great demand in counties south of lainis Colic, Cholera and Diarrobea Rem Talent, Or. cast aside a proposition to enact a high pro Frank French, has had a preliminary edy last baturday. Among the relatives pres here. The Edgewood creamery also and the first dose relieved her. An hearing lasting two days. Wah swore tective measure coupled with a provision for ent were 14 grandchildren and three great produces a large quantity of fine butter 50c to 35c. Mens’ Summer Balbriggan from other of our neighbors had been sick for the free coinage of silver in the present that he fired the shots believing the Portland Fire. grandchildren. 44 44 44 44 and cheese, and finds a ready market congress. Under these circumstances, no men were trying to break in his store. about a week and had fried different 25c ‘ 25c. The two-story brick building, occupied middle-of-the road objections to united Mayor Pennoyer of Portland has appoint for the same, Pvle’s Grass Valley remedies for diarrobea but kept getting 44 ed the following commissioners: Police— creamery also produces excellent butter. by H. Wolf & Brother, at No. 30 Front opposition to the gold standard ticket are On motion of the District Attorney the worse. I sent him the same remedy. and Boys ’ Straw Hats cut 1-2 to close out. B B Riggen, T M Richardson and Napoleon The farmers who carry their milk to street as a wholesale gentleman’s furnish tensble by those who have heretofore complaint was dismissed and the Chi Only four doaoa of it was required to cure •4 $1.50. shoes, solid leather, at- Davis; fire—R D Inman, Paul Wessenger these creameries, find it much more con ing goods house, was completelj’ gutted sought public endorsement by advocating nese set at liberty. This ends the case, bim. lie says he owes his recovery to free silver at 16 to 1. and John Montag. by fire Monday and the stuck is a total as no further steps will bp taken by the 1.25. Boys ’ “ Cvrle Congress- this wonderful remedy. — Mrs. Mary venient and profitable than by making There will be fair and just recognition of loss. The stock is valued at upwards of the All of the churches in Ashland have their own butter. authorities iu the matter, although Sibley, Sidney, Mich. For sale by Ash claims of Mr. Bryairs supporters with 2.25. Mens’ Corderoy pants, heavy only agreed upon a union service which will be $60,000 and is partly covered bv $53,000 out party distinction. More ought not to there was another Chinese who is said land Drug Co. held each bunday evening in the Chautau insurance. The building is owned by the be asked or expected of him. If elected, it to have fired shots besides Sing Wall. Larson makes porcelain pictures — the 1 . .05. Straw Hats for Boys..................... qua Tabernacle for s>x successive Sundays. latest. Lamliert estate and H. L. Hoyt, and the is well known he will assume the duties of A good attendance is desired at these meet Rev. Anna Shaw delivered a lecture insurance carried on it will probab president untrameled by any pledges of This has been another week of very $5000 ' ings. patronage, which is as it should be. As to at Los Angeles, the proceeds of which ly cover the loss, as the walls and floors warm, dry weather and a few days ago 1 Mrs. Clay Myer returned home on Satur smoke set in, hanging heavily ov6r the are damaged but little. The cause of the electoral canditates in this state there will are to bo added to the fund for the re i undoubtedly be a readjustment satisfactory day’s train front San Francisco where sbe valley since Sunday. Old settlers say fire is unknown. 1 TRULY, to all concerned and fitting to the new lief of Miss Phoebe Couzins, who has has been for the past two months visiting they do not recollect so many continous lived on the charity of strangers in that political conditions presented . with relatives. Her cousin Mrs. W. C. hot days in vears. The conditions have Mill Feed. M. F. EGGLESTON, city for some time. The collection net Craven and son came up from the city been very unfavorable to the growth and Wholesale, $12.50 per ton. Retail, 70 County Chairman Union Bimetallic Party. ted $110. with her and will remain in Ashland a few development of vegetation. People who President Ashland Bimetallic League. per 100 at the Ashland Roller Flour weeks. have been able to do so have been seeking cents ' The salmon run is on again at Sauta Mills. I commend the recent address issued to escape from the heat by taking to the Tbe working party on the Klamath road Cruz. Over 200 were caught in one day. the public by Senator H. M. Teller and his mountains and the summer hotels. have moved their camp over near Keene Of Interest to Miners. associates as a masterful statement of the each boat brought iu from four to eigh creek. They are doing lots of good work A recent regulation by the city council The United States supreme court has reasons why every voter should support teen. and the improvement effected in the road will be more extensive than was anticipat provides that the people residing west made a decision in the case of Haw vs. Mr. Bryan, irrespective of party, which John E. Howard of Tulare was ed with the limited amount of funds avail and north of Ashland creek are entitled Victoria Corper Mining Co., reversing all merits careful reading of all patriotic citi to use the water from city water mains for the precedents of older decision and the zens regardless of partisan bias on the hanged at Folsom prison on the 17th. able. monetary or other questions. Lt cost the state $5917 to send the militia sprinkling or airigatjng porpnsee on cqstomary practice of miners in locating S. Iwanga of Tokjo, goneral manager Monday, Wedneday, and Fridayof each mining claims. It has held that a valid down to Astoria a few weeks ago on the of the Japanese Mail Steamship Com A Fact Worth Knowing. representation of the canneries there that week, and people residing east and south mining location may be made without Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and pany, limited, has signed a contract were needed for the protection of their of Ashland creek may use city water for marking the boundaries on the ground 50 Bright New Silver Dollars to be given property against the striking fishermen, like porposes on Tuesday, Thursday and or even of posting a notice on the ground all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by with the Great Northern Railway Com away, divided in four Cash Prizes as follows: and a warrant has been drawn by the sec Saturday only of each week. Any vio located. The practical effect of this adds Shiloh’s Cure. For sale by T, K. Bolton. pany for the establishment of a steam retary of state for that amount. ship line between Tokio and Seattle. lation of the regulatioua is punishable by additional uncertainty to the mining 1st Prize...................... ...................... $20 00 The Pacific Mail Company have been Colestein is proving a favorite resort this forfeiture of the right to use tbe water. titles based on location only.—Mining hit another heavy blow by the total loss ...................... 15 00 2d A special crop bulletin of the United <» sea.son for those seeking mountain air, soda and Scientific Press. ...................... 10 00 3d Lester High has joined the navy and is States Weather Bureau reports damag spring waters and escape from lhe beat and From this decision which coming from of the steamship Columbia, valued at ing heat over the wheat-growing sec ...................... 5 00 learning to be a regular man-of-wars- 4tb 4« dust of tbe valley, Tbe guests are numer now $680,000, which went ou the rocks at man on board the U. S. 8. Independence the highest court is permanent, it ap ous there at present. Mrs. Fred Drake and at Mare Island. After having been trimmed tions of eastern Oregon and Washing $50 00 ID YOU EV£” suffer from real ner W. J . Virgin’s family are among the Ash up by drill and discipline into one of Uucle pears that a locator may mark thebound- Pigeon Point, just outside the Golden ton, A special report from The Dalles aries of bis claim either by notice posted Gate. A dense fog prevailed. vousness? When every nerve seemed land arrivals there this week. Sam's regulation sea dogs, Lester will find which shall describe them with reason OO“M:^/LElSrOTJSrC3- ZNYOTSTZDJLY*, JSZLJLY -4 to quiver with a peculiar, creepy William I. Leake, an old and respect states that the spring wheat is practi The south bound flyer yesterday carried himself transferred to some cruiser or gun 146 yascengers. a pretty good list under the boat in commission, and will have a chance able clearness or by stakes or monuments ed citizen of Willows, Cal., had his cal ly burned up and winter wheat is feeling, first iu one place, and then another we will give (on every 25c cash purchase and upwards, new* advanced rate, but it is said more than to see a big slice of the world. The navy is at the corners, but be cannot dispose right hand caught in the gearing of a very badly damaged. and all seemed finally to concentrate Ina amount in cash paid in on book account) Coupons re half of them were people who bad been up not a bad place for a youngster since the with both notice and determinate marks writhing jumble In the brain, and you be or James M. Baumgardner, one of the harvesting machine and so badly presenting the amount of cash paid. For every $10 on the sound and got caught by the new regulations for enlistment look to the pro at the corners. come irritable, fretful and peevish; to be smashed that it was necessary to am best known men in the counties of followed by an impotent, weakened condi worth of these coupons the holder is entitled to one guess tariff not knowing of it until they reached curement of young men of good character Portland on their return home. Sftntg Barbara and Sun Luis Obispo, tion of the nerve centers, ringing in the at tbe number of beans contained in the Glass Maa on putate the hand above the wrist, and all must be Americans. Catarrh Cured, exhibition at our store. All kinds of razor grinding and repairing James Freeland, a farmer living near died iu Sau Luis Obispo. He was a ears, and sleepless, miserable nights ? At a stated meeting of Ruth Rebkah health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s at the Gem barber shop, opposite town Lodge No. 4IOOF, held on the evening Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Selma, Cal., was struck by an engine veteran in journalism in Southern The nearest guess to the correct number gets the 1st Mrs. Eugene Searles, hall prize, next nearest 2nd prize, etc. Tbe man to be of the 13ih inst .Mrs Alice Ulrich 8DGM injector free. For sale by T. K. Bolton. California. At different times he edited Dr. Miles’ 110 Simonton St., Elk on the Southern Pacific and killed. A Irving Vining, Mrs. Vining and Mrs. installed the following officers for tbe ensu opened, beans counted and prizes awarded when 100 tha Santa Barbara Independent, Lom hart, Ind., says; “ Ner Nervine team of horses he was driving was also Ray Minkler went up Ashland creek can ing term: Mrs Mollie Cameron N G; Miss guesses are taken. vous troubles bad made poc Record, Santa Ynez Argus and San Peach trees in bloom at this season of killed- yon yesterday to pitch tbeir tents amid tbe Kate M Lemberger V G; 8 J Day Rec 8ec; iuu nearly insane and Restores Luis Obispo Breeze. shade and cool found along this favorite .Mrs Mary Miller Treas; Miss Laura Gibson tha year are an unusual sight in South EVERYTHING SOLD AT BOTTOM PRICES. physicians were unable mountain stream. Among the families FinSec; Chris Ulrich R S N G; Mrs A ern California which may be seen in the Bought Out Camps. The best regulator to regulate a people, is Health..... to help me. My memory Helms L 8 N G ; J A Boyer R 8 V G ; Mrs rusticating there are those of E. I). Briggs, El Cajon valiey full of good, healthy Louis Larson, a photograpl •her from Ta- Simmons Liver Regulator. It regulates was almost gone and every little thing X>* I--* lMClxilx.ler Son. Horace Hicks and Ralph Vining. Miss A. Ulrich L S V G; Mrs Frances Luy warden; coma, has purchased F. L. Ci lamps’ gallery the liver and the liver regulotes the person. worried me until I was almost distracted. blossoms and giving every appearance Miss Birdie Schmitt conductor , Fred Luy Nellie Russel is also one of the campers, If the liver is regular the good, in Ashland and is in charge of the same. of maturing into fruit. and there are some others whose names we J G; Mrs J L N Plymaie Chaplain. For tbe next 30 days he will make cabinet but it sluggish or diseased then there is con I really feared I was becoming a maniac. I are unable to chronicle. stant Billiousnpss, Indigestion, Headache imagined all sorts of evil things and would The projectors of tfio Enn Jose and sized photos for $3.00 per dozen, The Chautauqua management were and all the disorders of the stomach that cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. A party of big 8. P. railroad officials fortunate in having Mrs Layton and Alviso Raiload are proceeding in efforts one hears of. Try 8immons Liver Regu Miles' Restorative Nervine and four bottles parsed north yesterday on an inspecting daughter in the chorus at the musical festi for right-of-way, the las* one being Real Estate. lator and prove this, and junketing tour. Among them were val which closed the Chautauqua exercises; of this wonderful remedy completely cured to J L Brown; 160 acres in . - — - - 1 General Manager Julius Kutschnitt. J. also Mr. Dodge of Grants Pass who has a with the Southern Pacific and South tp C 34 C s, Jenkins me, and I am as well now as I ever was.'1 r 1 e. $400. Agler, Supt. Salt Lake Div. ;J. B Wright, good voice and sang solo. Mrs. I<avton Pacific Coast for a cresting privilege. W H McAdams to Benj Haymond; 160.24 Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on guarantee, fiupt. Sacramento Div.: R. Koehler, manag and daughter have rich, sweet voices, Mrs. It is the expectation that the line will acres in tp 37 s, r 3 w. $1000. first bottle will benefit or money refunded. er rO. & C.; L. R. Fields and W. A. Layton’s being round and full and possess be in operation before the end of the T F West to Theresa J Hoardman ; lot 7, Awarded jGxondahal of the O. and C.; W. G. Curtis, ing great melody, her notes easily reaching year. blk 2, Webb’s add to Medford. $125. and H. J. tsmall Supt. motive power and the furtberst section of any ereat halt. highest Honors —World’s Fair, MINING LOCATIONS. These ladies won a warm place in the machinery of the 8. P. system- What is rather a rare fatality occurred hearts of the Ashland public, who will near Campo, iu San Diego county, last Jessie Cotton on July 15th located a Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. When you drink tea get tbe best—Ito hope for another opportunity to hear their Blend—it will please you. Take nq other. song. Mrs. Layton has been teaching week. A 10-year-old boy was bitten in quartz claim in Jackson county. J. K. Van Sant. Ashland. music at Beno, Nevada, for several years the foot by a rattlesnake. His parents Of Portland. @ Tbe men and boys working in the at a salary of $250 per month- BORN. drove with him to Campo, fifteen miles OR LEASE mill and box factory at Pokegama, find a great deal of pleasure in bathing in the • ■ Miners’ supplies at R. S. Barclay•&. distant, poyr l.pnrs after apiTvjng there the buy died, lhe usual antidotes were HOOPER—In Ashland, Thursday. July 16, river. Tbe dam makes an excellent place Son, Talent. Cheap. 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hooper, a in which to swim, under the county bridge. not effective. John O’Brien of Applsgate met with a daughter. They also swim lower down the river, but Ail the property of the defunct Asto lit is QQt as safe as above the dam. Tbe serious accident on Thursday afternoon. swimmers find great sport in going (up the He waB hauling some refuse hay to fix a ria and Portland Railroad Company has That Catarrh is a Local Affliction j-iver several hundred yards and riding the break in bis water ditch and while putting been sold to satisfy executions amount of the membrane of the nose, throat, etc., ogs down the stream.—Yreaka Journal on the load be laid the lines down. The ing to about $164,000. The property Pokegama, Cal. is a fact established by physicians, and this horses became frightened and started to was purchased by Edward Ehrman, a This is the weather which makes ths ladies authority should carry more weight than draw from there summer wardrobes their rqn tbe lines falling out of his reach. Mr. judgment creditor, for $30,000, and is assertions of incompetent parties, who OR SALE OR LEASE on Re^Simabiq daintiest, lightest, coolest gowns checkered, O’Brien then slid off the wagon to save supposed to be in the interest of the claim that catarrh is a blood affection, in Terms. Call on or tyidvess ■ refreshingly flowered or of purest white, himself and struck the ground in such a order to make amarket for their compound. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. the envy of the men who look slouchy from manner as to miss his footing, falling on • - * • ' _ ■ 1 V Elys Cream Balm is a local remedy, com . H. S. Pren4c?gast, TERMS:—Small payment down and $10 per month. Organs having shed coats, vests, and collars, as well his leftside and fracturing tbe thigh bone posed of harmless medicants and free of as hats in the shade. The latter forget the $5.00 per month, mercury or any injurious drug. It will Pokegama, Cal. disagreabie weather occasionally however near the bip joint. Drs. Hines and Rob ROYAL Baking Powder, cure catarrh. Applied directly to the in in animated discussion of the mixed politics inson reduced the fracture and the patient PIANOS:—Chickering, Hardman, Fisher, Jewett, Ludwig membrane, it restores it to its ürs. L. Hessig, Highest of all in leavening flamed of the day try mg to fmd out “where they is getting along as well as could be ex- Perfect Madx healthy, condition, afforfiipg quick relief paotidt ttsat”. | Beßwick, Cal. ORGANS:—Estey, Mason & Hamlin, Frand and Botiey. •, OavsrMMst Maparti x"" íd VcMá toé huadanh FIRST CLASS Paste it in your hat E. A. SHERWIN. MEIS, BOYS CHILDREN’S MEN'S ) BICYCLE PANTS. UNDERWEAR. FURNISHINGS. VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. NOW IS THE TIME Mens’ silk-finished Balbriggan Underwear reduced from $1.25 to 75c. per garment. Almost O Distracted • John McClunie. FREE SILVER! D Prof. P. J. HEAD --------------------------------- 1-------- •DR; Hotel For Sale Five Different Kinds of *■ CREAM BAKING WWIR PIANOS From $260 and Upwards. F