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About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1896)
VALLEY RECORD VALLEY RECORD FINE FEINTING OF EVERY —-ÉkDESCRIFTION !$• MONOPOLY PRICES I Give us your order for Letterheads. State ments. Envelopes, 6cc. Professional Cards VALLEY RECORD VOL. VIH. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATBfi; One Year........................ u ?* Six Months....................... i Three Months............... .......Z"."...".. at THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1806. Advertising rates given on application. Dan Applegate Drops Dead. PRESSED BRICKS. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Washington dispatch.] Dr. Barr, Dentist I. 0. O. F. block. A protest against the opening of the Mrs. McDonald went to Redding Mon Cascade range forest reserve in Oregon is day. made in the following resolutions adopt The free silver club at Medford is organ ed by the executive committee of the izing. American Forestry Association, which has been in session here: Wm. Russell is starting up his brick yard “Whereas, We hear with regret and at Gold Hill, apprehension that an effoat is now being F. C Homes is visiting his mother at made to secure the restoration to the I 1 Oakland, Cai- public domain for entry and disposal of Miss Gertrude Churchman is at Astoria three-fourth of the lands comprising the engaged in nursing. Cascade range forest reserve in Oregon, A Royal Arch at Grants Pais. B. T. Wyant was over from Pokegama which was created only two years ago by HINMAN. D. D. S. C. H. Vaupel, E. A. Sherwin, D. C. Saturday and Sunday. proclamation of the President after due CREDIT VERSUS CASH. Agler, E. V. Cartes, P. W. Paulson and The Quality That Tells. Hot and cold baths at Storey’s barber and careful consideration and upon tbe C. A. Hitchcock, prominent R. A. M.’s shop. Opposite town hall. recommendation of the secretary of the "Calamity Howlers Hooted Off the Stare” Two young people, each equally well DENTIST. of this city went to Grants Pass Saturday interior; and While Starvation Is Perpetuated. Miss Mollie Ober of Portland has re qualified intellectually and physically to assist start Reames Chapter, R. A. M. turned to Ashland to remain. “Whereas, It is the duty of tbe govern [Special Correspondence.] for their work start, out to make a career of that place. Gen. T. G. Reames, Dep ment to maintain such conditions as will O^ln the Masonic Building up stairs O. H. Price of Medford has gone to Col benefit tbe greatest number and future One of the New York dailies says, forthemselves. At the end of a year it uty Grand High Priest, was master of over Post Office. ceremonies. The following are the offi ville, Wash., to spend the summer. generations in their economic develop editorially, on Feb. 8: is easy to see which will be successful. cers installed: J. S. Purdom, high priest; Dutton and Davidson took $72 from a ment, and in which permanent water It is time to consider how the great bond sale W. H. Flannagan, king; Abe Axtel, pocket near the Hays mine on Rogue river. conditions and timber supplies are essen may affect the prospects of parties. The silver One may be thoroughly correct in his J^R. S. T. SONGER. scribe; George W. Colvig, companion party, by whatever name it may be called, un work, doing all that is necessary me James Macklin of Albany, the O. P. con tial ; and captain of hosts; Will Jackson, princi ductor, visited his girl on Oak street Sun “Wberes, The restoration of these questionably suffers. Calamity howlers are chanically and conscientiously. He goes off tho stago when the people bid 1568,- to his task every day, does exactly what pal sojourner; Jos. Fitzaer, Royal Arch day. mountain and forest lands which are un hoot<-d PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. 000,000 for 1100,000,000 of bonds on a 3% percent captain ; P. H. Harth, L. L. Jewell and "Dad" Carter, the pioneer and soldier, fit for agriculture by reason of their hnsieyr bettor. he is told to do and as he is told. Yet he J. W. Howard, masters of tbs respective left .Saturday lot. the soldiers’ home at ruggedneM and «¡tittide, would benefit veile; J. F. Peterson, secretary; J. T. Roseburg. I am not specially interested as to Is not advanced in pay or place and the Nevelty Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon, only a small class of lumbermen and Galvin, treasurer, and W. H. Fallin, chances are that at any time he may be Mrs. Dr. Parson and son Fred returned sheepberders, whose occupation of such how “the great bond sale may affect A mland , .... O regon . guard. an area results invariably in tbe destruc from a visit in San Francisco and parties;” its effect on the people is the dropped out and his plaoe given to some After the closing of the exercises a Sunday California. tion of the forest growth and thereby of important matter. Does the following, body else. splendid social time was enjoyed by all, J^R. C. W. BARR. M. C. Kasson, the Pelican bay land own favorable water conditions; therefore ent from the same page which says The other, not any better qualified, ending with a banquet of 50 covers at the er, was on Sunday’s flyer from San Fran be it Hotel Josephine, at which speeches cisco does his work no better than the first “Resolvad, That we deprecate any re “Calamity howlers are hooted off the to Portland. were made by several companions. one in the beginning. Yet he is ad turn to the irrational policy of disposing Dental Parlors in Odd Fellow's Block. For first-class dental work see Dr. A of these mountain forest lands and favor stage, etc.,” give any clew? vanced rapidly and will be a success in Perfect Wisdom Hinman, Masonic block. Hero in America, as in every other civilized I A shland , O regon . a further extension of the policy of re country, the authorities offer a pecuniary re- | whatever he undertakes, while the cold Would give us perfect health. Because Hattie Minthorn has been engaged serving from sale the lands of the govern for tho finding and tho recovery of a - and women are not perfectly wise, by Mrs. All work pertaining to modern dent men Directors Taylor and Laws to teach the ment which are chiefly valuable for i ward drowned person, a corpse being, therefore, of ly correct one will never be fully success tney must take medicines to keep them istry. Painless operations a specialty. Evans creek school. selves perfectly bealthv. Pure, rich blood timber or for maintaining water condi greater financial value to boatmen than a res ful in anything. cue. Tho French government has now inau Mrs. John Welis, of Sprague river, ar tions. is the basis of good health. Hood’s Sarsa The reason is not far to find. The a scheme of providing monetary re parilla is the One True Blood Purifier. It rived last week to visit her daughter and “Resolved, That we respectfully ask gurated wards for tho saving of people from drown second one has an enthusiasm for his M. BROWER M. D. gives good health because it builds upon new grand-daughter. that the Cascode range forest reserve be ing, and the innovation is one which merits the true foundation—pure blood. Judge Willard Crawford, the well-known not opened in whole or in part, but urge tho consideration of our authorities here, sinco work. That mysterious quality of warm PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, per lawyer of Grants Pass, has applied for a upon Congress the necessity of immediate to a man who has a starving family at home interest in whatever he undertakes legislation which will enable the secretary the temptation to allow a person to drown for creeps out from him to his task and en fectly harmless, always reliable and bene divorce from his wife. « O regon . ficial. A shland . Vaupel, Norris Ji Drake aae offering the of the interior to permit, under proper the sake of securing the reward granted for velope as an atmosphere all about him. best values in dry goods shown in Ashland regulations and restrictions, tbe rational tho finding of a corps* is so great that it may Mining Items. in some cases beyond tho power of re- i He loves his work, he iikes to please his for years. Call on them. and discreet use of all tbe resources con provo sistonce. Office—At Residence, intersection of Me The Miner gives this version of the employers, and best of all he likes to tained in such reservation.” Guy Stone, who went to Great Falls, chanic, Laurel and Main Streets, Foots creek mining trouble: Sparkman Mon., with A. T. Kyle, returned to Ash Please read the last part of that quo please himself by bringing out of his and McLean of Seattle, VVasti., represen land last week to remain. Only Two Parties. tation again, beginning with “the inno task all there is in it. He has enthusi tatives of the Black Channel Mining The senatorial contest in Kentucky is vation is ono which merits the consid SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beswick returned Sun asm. He suggests new plans, he finds company, have been in this vicinity for from Applegate where Mr. Beswick an object lesson to the whole country. It eration of our authorities here.” Now the past week, looking after the interests day proves to the people that there are onh doesn’t that make a “calamity howler” opportunities for improvement, he sym has been prospecting a mine. of the company. It is understood that two political parties, and that they can of you? If not, it must be because you pathizes with the aims of his employers G. A. R. Jake Nowak and family have moved to no longer Mr. Bouse, the lessee of the mine, has masquerade under the designa BVRNSIDB POST NO. 23. and fellow men. They like him and he Medford where he will work for J. M. failed to pay his creditors and that the tions. Republican and Democratic. don’t know a calamity when you see it, Cofer, the glove manufacturer. Meet in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and mine has been turned over to the men, likes them. These are the qualities that or don ’ t know how to howl, or else are Blackburn, a free-coinage Democrat, and 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Cow who are trying to get out money enough J. H. Baird is operating the Tolo mine. Carlisle, a gold-standard Democrat, are so miserably selfish and hard hearted tell in achievement—enthusiasm and rades cordially welcomed. to pay themselves. As was stated through W. A. Rummel and Steve Jones have taken the candidates in Kentucky for tbe that you don’t care for calamities that human sympathy. A, C. S pencer , Commander. our columns, Mr, Bouse claimed to have the contract to run a tunnel. G. O. V anmatta . Adjutant. United States senate. Up to date 42 leave you out. Any one of these posi Henrv Klippel has sold his Medford ballots have been bad. Last Saturday secured the money from one Mrs- Bul The True Labor Question. lard of San Francisco, to liquidate the lumber business to Perry Stewart and will Blackburn was elected, but a number ol tions isn’t creditable to you. W. R. C. This wise, respectable New York indebtedness of the present management; devote his attention to mining. BURNSIDE RKLIEE CORPS NO. 24 Labor Commissioner Carroll D. Wright Republicans went over to Carlisle by daily paper boots calamity howlers be Mr. Henderson, the Sardine creek basket changing their votes before tbe result Meets in Masonic hall at 2 o’clock p. m but it is claimed later by Mr. Bouse that has ideas of his own on the present so a the first and third Fridays of each the company’s action in notifying him to manufacturer, will soon be in the valley was announced, and Blackburn was cause we are able to run ourselves in cial strife. He considers this strife inev market with his winter ’ s wora. debt $100,000,000, with interest for 30 month. M m . J. D. C rocker , Pres. vacate within ten days so impaired the checkmated by the goldbugs. M m . L ydia G riswold . Sec’y. itable. It is the heritage of the Aryan credit of the lease that he could not place years, and on the same page coolly in The Mazamas club of Portland have Lint of Letters it as collateral for the money; so the decided on the week beginning Aueust 16th forms us that we are to expect “men race. In a lecture Colonel Wright Baid KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. monev failed to materialize. Mr. Bouse as the time for their Crater lake trip. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland with starving families” right along. lately: GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of now states that if the company will sign C. C. McClendon will keep Lewis P. the P. O., March 16,1896: Some people’s ideas of “calamity” are I have come to the conclusion that the labor Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets ever) a certificate stating that it is satisfied celebrated stallion, at his farm in Sams Assman, J Cook, 8 F question is something more than the adjust very queer. Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good with the manner and state of work on valley this season and will pasture mares. O’Neil, J J ment of any process, method or condition. The All this newspaper jubilation over labor question is simply the everlasting and standing are cordially invited to attend. the mine, be can draw the monev to meet Persons calling for same will please say John Woldenberg has struck a 100-foot “advertised.” F. D. W agner , C. C. “the great bond sale” reminds me of a undying unrest that, born in the human breast, W. H. B bunk . P. M. every cent of the indebtedness. The re- ledge on Lempke creek, a tributary of the S. O. E ogbss . R. of R A 8. prentatives of the company who are here Applegate, and the ore will go $30 to the man I knew many years ago. He was carried the Aryans far from their homo in the For Dyspepsia east, almost around the globe, until they seek and are empowered to act in the premises ton. and Liver Complaint you have a printed manager of a commercial agency and again their starting point. They have been have signified their willingness to sign MASONIC, kept running in debt. When a note came fighting witn obstacles from the beginning, E. G. Hurt of Medford is engineer for the guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vital- said certificate if Mr. Bouse will pay his Beekman-Huffer mine near Jacksonville, izer It never fails to cure. For sale by T. due, he would write a new one, refund overcoming them and meeting with new ones. SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, R. A. M. debts, and also to allow him to proceed and has moved his family there for the K. Bolton. it and say, with a satisfied air, “There, In strife they have populated the earth and Regular convocations on th® Thursday to carry out the specifications of the summer. brought us civilization, and we today have in that ’s off my mind.” He kept this up our veins the lifeblood that ran In the veins of next after the fullmoon. A Pendleton doctor has sued a Walla lease. For first-class work in dress making and E. V. C arter , H. P. for eoine time, but of course, as he had those Aryan ancestors of ours. We havo inher Yreka Journal.] lessons in dress cutting, call on Mrs. E. B. Walla paper for libel. The editor wrote: E. A. S herwin . Secretary. to pay interest, it could not go on al ited all the unrest and all the push and drive “ The doctor took the patient ’ s pulse be Christian at residence of Govan High, The most promising mines in Siskiyou have made them powerful everywhere. ways. Another man took the business, that fore prescribing for him, ” and tht Main Street. Strife has been Dccessary to all progress; but, at the present time are the ones owned | got it on to a cash basis and made a good while of old the conflict was one of Arms, it is abhlano lodge , no . 23, a . f . & a . m . and operated bv Billups, Quiglev & The annual reunion of the Oregon printer set it up “purse.” The temperature in Oregon durim living out of it. The successful note now one of ideas and views. There has been a Stated communications on the Thursday Humphrey, on Barkhouse creek. Klam Pioneers will take place in Portland on change from militarism to industry; hence we ath river. These mines will doubtless June 18th. Hon. Geo. H. Williams will February varied from 67, the highest, at writer died in miserable poverty. of or before the full moon. _ have economics. Society Is now struggling deliver the address. Pendleton and Roseburg, to 9 above, the E. A. S herwin , W. M. Cash is so much better than credit. If with the so called unrest. The labor question prove to be the biggest bonanza in tbe C. H. V aupel , Secretary. A marriagejicense granted ______ Thurs- lowest, at Lakeview. The next lowest the people only understood all that this is the everlasting struggle to reach a higher mining industry that Siskiyou has ex- _ ___ was __ ______ perienced for a number of years, and I day to W. E. Butler of Jackson county, was 19 at Canyon City. bond business means, a howl of calamity place, to secure something better than human ALPBA CHAPTKB NO. 1, O. E. 8. ■ will prove to be the ncheBt quartz mines and Miss Emma Washburne of Junction At Corvallis last Thursday W. T. Hoff would rend the air such as was heard in ity had before. The only real remedy for existing evils Is to Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesday» ever developed in the county. There are City.—Eugene Guard. man, while assisting in setting up a Egypt when all the firstborn were slain. be got not by abolishing but by softening the In each month. ,_____________ ___ ______ ________ Billy Clark, the man who raised the heavy press, was crushed beneath it and seyen different ledges leading into one inevitable strife. We and our children are sold into bond Mas. L’M. C awwell , W. M. large ledge and the ore prospects from famous racer, Klamath, came over from killed. Mr. Hoffman was preparing to The true remedy of present evils consists in M bs . 8. C. C handler . Secretary._____ age, slavery. “ I Calamity howlers hooted $6 50 to $40 a ton. They have just purcha6-1 Yreka tracJc, Sunday to prepare for the start a populist paper. the practical application of the highest ethical off the stage! ” ’ They are the only ones ed a 10-stamp mill, with which they will ^ay racll’B at Central Point. principles, and these uro perhaps best found On Thursday of last week the supreme I. O. O. F. be enabled to crush a much larger quan- Wm- Cheshire of Williams creek has re- court heard arguments on the appeal in who have a right to be heard at such a in the Christian religion. There is coming a revival in which we shall have a religion that ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. tity of ore than with the twin arastra ^e*ve<l the machinery and started a cheese the case of the State versus Amos Hatch time. C hua B. W hitehead . shall include the whole church, industry, com which they have at the Commadore the pr°dUCt er. Hatcher is the Coos county rancher, Westfield, N. J. Hold regular meetings every Thursuav mine. merce and the whole social fabric. They nave been reabzing $100 a °f 40 cows to co"ncence Wlth- who shot a school teacher, Frank Blair, evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren dav from rock crushed in their arastra. Mrs. Moody and daughter. Miss Edna. in good standing are cordially invited to A Fact Worth Knowing. A . -vi wife and daughter of Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moodv, wham he found in bia wife’s bedroom. The house did right to strike out from attend. F. M. D rake , N. G. Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Dr. E. G. McConnel came to reka are visiting Z. A Moody of the Edna He was convicted of manslaughter. H. 8, E vans , Sec’y, P. O. box 102. the Indian appropriation bill all sums this week for the purpose of leasing the mine, and his family this week. The Treasurer of the United States all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by Shiloh ’ s Cure. For sale by T, K. Bolton. Quinne & McConnell claim at mouth of for the education of Indian children at i HhU£n,bV-oCree,i xChina ^“P^dcis^^h^i'aUoHJur monihs“ having”"; says there is now in circulation $22.47 of all kinds of money, gold, silver and pa • PILOT BOCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. sectarian contract schools. Experience Scorpion or Worm? Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and which has worked it in years past. The leg doctorej hag returne(j honie an(j ¡s per, to each person in this country. The has shown that it was impossible for Treasurer has certainly made a mistake 4th Monday in each month. Members in lease will be signed this week, and the about on crutches recovering his health. “The policy this nation has pursued zealous sectarians to keep from sowing Chinamen will commence operations 1 rood standing cordially invited to attend. J. Crit. Tolman left for San Francisco in his calculations. At least he has over under the leadership of John Sherman in the fallow Indian mind the doctrines immediately to work the claim this * H. S. E vans , C. P. Monday to take the steamer for Alaska, estimated our pile just $22.40. has cost the people in money more than of their particular faith. The temptation season This claim has been one of the having been R obj , TAYLOR/Scribe. appointed purser on a steamer best on the river in years past, and under running from Sitka to Unalaska via Ko- The most singular situation in French 50 times the actual cost of the civil war, was too great to be resisted. The equal the right management will doubtless do | kiac. HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, *O. 24. politics since the founding of the third and it has probably cost more lives in ly zealous follower of an opposing creed as well in the future. Songer run the Miss Ankeny, of Jacksonville, who has republic has been presented during the murders and suicides; caused more tears Meets on th® 2d and 4th Tuesday in each Pacific mine last year, which is this side to flow, more anguish, suffering and did the same when he got hold of the been visiting with her sister. Miss Dee. who month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Ashland. of the McConnell claim, but it did not is a student of the U. of O., will leave for recent winter. The constitution of the despair than all the wars in which the pupil, and the result was, on the whole, Miss E mma S tephenson , N. C. result stu cessfully. her home tonight.—Eugene Guard, Mar state declares that a cabinet shall resign country has been eugaged. M iss N ina K mbbt . Secv. not satisfactory. The untutored Indian 12th. when a vote of parliament is pronounced “It is a wonder,” said the senator, intellect could not tell whether the Pres DIED. ___ W. H. Why bark and wife of Montague, against it. The quarrels of a French “that the people do not rise in their byterian, the Baptist or the Catholic A. O. U. W. _________________________________ - have moved to Yreka where he will clerk BASSETT—At the County Hospital, Mar. for the Walbridge-Carr Co. Mrs. Whybark cabinet have heretofore been with the might and resent the crimes committed was the infallible belief. When the red ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. .._____ .. .. aged ... , 68 „------ was formerly Miss Rose McClendon of lower house, the chamber of deputies, against them. The conspirators and 11. 1896. . Isaac .. F. Bassett, years. Meets in lodge room in Masonic Hah child of nature has disposed of his every second and fourth Wednesday in DOWNING—In Chimney Rock precinct. Sams valley. their masters may yet find to their sor never until now with the senate. Tht each month. All brethren in good standing Mar. 10,1896, Fred. F. Downiug, aged 65 Geo. W. Grayson. Jr., the San Francisco row that they have grasped a scorpion breechclout and thrown aside his toma are cordially invited to attend. years. mining man who is developing the Oregon house, being the larger and more influ when they thought they were only crush hawk and feathers and learned to read, M. R. M oore , M. W. Bonanza mine on Williams creek, left ential, has always had its own way in ing a worm. ”—“Statesmen Three. ” write and work for his living, it will be J. R. C asey , Recorder MARRIED. Monday on a business trip to San Francisco deposing an objectionable ministry. This time to put before him the merits of and Santa Fee. time, however, the tables were turned. The Farmers* Alliance. some of the differing theological beliefs Mrs. Elizabeth Livingston, who crossed SMITH—CHISHOLM — In Jacksonville, K. O. T. M. March 11, 1896, by R. S. Dunlap, J. P., the plains to Oregon in 1851, died at Rose The Bourgeois ministry was supported At the recent meeting of the National in America. «BASITE TENT MO. 4, KBIGHTS OF THK John F. Smith and Miss Mabel Chisholm, burg Saturday. She was the mother of 13 by a majority of the chamber of depu Farmers’ Alliance in Washington there children, 10 of whom and a husband at MACCABBMS. both of Asbland. ties. The senate was unalterably op were many who favored putting the It is claimed in some quarters that tended her funeral. HYDE — HARRIOTT — On Evans creek, Meet’tn regular review on the second and posed to its policy and the senate mean various other demands in the back business is not materially better, but the John R. Harris, formerly with the Min March 6th, 1896, Z A. Hyde and Belle fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd ing Journal, is working southern Oregon time claimed the same right as the house ground for the present and bringing that iron and steel trade shows generally to Harriott. Fellow's Hall/ Ashland. Visiting Si: for the San Francisco Mining and Scientific Knighta cordially invited. of finance prominently to the front. The the contrary, and this trade is a good gen Press. J. F. Halloran, formerly of the to down a ministry opposed to it. The G. W. C bowson , Com. BORN. Astorian, is its able editor. fact that the crisis has been generally opposition to this programme came, it eral index to manufacturing prosperity C has . H. G illette , R. K. All the Oregon newspaper editors know regarded with a feeling bordering on in is 6aid, from western delegates. While the country over. Large machine shops in RUBLI—At Rubli, March 2, 1896, to the that there are poets in this state. But one difference by the public shows that under they are as warmly for silver as the various places have orders enough ahead wife of R. J. Rubli, a son. MILLS—At Gold Hill. March 5, 1895, to poet. Mrs. Geo. M. Miller of Eugene, hai republican government the excitable men from other sections, they still want to last them a year. Iron and steel won the first prize ottered bv the Chicago the alliance committee to fight alien and the wife of S. H. Mills, a son. Times-Herald, over 1,300 competitors. . 5 § Dealer in § 5 French people are learning nobly to keep railroad ownership of lands and favor plants in Pennsylvania are in full blast OWENS—Near Ashland, March 14, 1896, Miss Kate Hoffman had the wrist of her their heads on and remain cool when to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Owens, a daugb- right government ownership and control of The trade has been greatly stimulated arm dislocated and was otherwise Zj _ | _ | — | < j _ | | _ ¡TTj-LZ—, by the new fashion of putting up iron railroads, telegraph lines, etc. i bruised at Jacksonville Saturday. She tempests arise in the political teapot. ■ stepped on a round stick that rolled and and steel frames for heavy structures, Granite, Marble, threw her to the ground with great force. such as bridges and buildings of all A foolish and antiquated custom still McDonald Perdue will conduct a boating kinds. The skyscraping city building business on Crater lake this summer. prevails in some parts of making jurors Freestone Monuments Everybody hopes the boats will not dump and witnesses kiss a Bible when taking alone will this year put millions of dol any landlubbers out, as those unable to and Copings. lars iDto the pockets of iron and steel swim may godown further than the famous oath to do the right thing in the matter The Important Issue. Dan McGinty you have heard about. workers. in court. It is a relic of superstition as Also agenta for IRON FENCES. Political parties seem now to be some The State of Oregon is building a $15,000 silly and barbarous as making a sup Satisfaction guaranteed sewer, which will benefit the city of Salem The semiofficial St. Petersburg Ga what in the position they occupied in more than the state. It is really a Salem posed murderer criminal pass through the fifties. Old issues have been over zette says bristlingly, “Neither the sewer, but the State pays tor it. This was fire to show whether he was guilty or F. O. Address : YREKA, Siskiyou Co.. the work of the late reform legislature that innocent. The Bible is a sacred book, worked. The young men of 1856 were United States nor England nor Germany Cal. weary of the issues their fathers had the Republican state platform waxed so eloquently about. but after one single Biblical volume has fought over since 1837; the question of has any right to opposite Russia’s ad Some $11,000 have been paid into the Jo been used in a court for some 15 or 20 the non extension of slavery caught them, ( vance into Korea. ’ ’ The St. Petersburg sephine county treasury as taxes thus far. years the outside of it gets so grimy as and they rallied about Fremont. Neither j Gazette need not trouble itself so far as The total amount to be collected from tax the United States is concerned. This payers of Josephine county for all pur to belie any claim to sacredness so far as of the old parties in 1852 had anything poses is $42,000. Of thia the O. & C. R. R. it is concerned. There is no disease in new. The Democratic convention of j country will not interfere with any of is down for $7,C01.18. 1852 reaffirmed nine of the planks in its, the little grab games of the mutually Hàuâe Raising 0 H When you drink tea get the best-Ito the catalogue which a juror or witness platform of 1848, while the Whigs in-• jealous nations of Europe, even though ? i111 Please -voa- Take no other. might not get from kissing a book that dorsed Washington’s farewell address Almost everybody takes some laxative J. one of them should swallow up all the K. Van Sant, Ashland. Ó O @ and Moving. had beeD previously kissed for a term of and favored the Whig tariffs of 1828 medicine to cleanse the system and keep the rest bodily, as tlie Second Adventists are .Harry Miller, while riding a bicycle on years by all sorts and conditions of peo blood pure. Those w ho take SIMMONS I the and 1832. The trouble then was that, always prophesying will be the case. streets of JacksonAille Friday night LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) c?«e »*? «»»i/ion with Master Gault, son ple. The use of a Bible in this way is however good the issues were, new is All work entrusted io my care done But just let one of them try any grabs with dispatch, and on terms to suit get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant of M. M. Gault, at a cross walk. Miller enough to destroy respect for it. sues were pressing for solution. the times, bee the undersigned be laxative and tonic that purifies the blood was thrown to the ground and dislocated Tho financial question is a new issue. in America, north or south. Then they fore letting contracts and save and strengthens the whole system. And the left arm at the wrist, and was seriously will see and hear something. money. Colonel Nicol, who deposed Balling Shall we continue on a gold basis, in more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU bruised. The boy, though badly used up, had no bones broken. Miller had given creasing our bonded indebtedness to LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active the usual alarm. ton Booth and his beautiful and elo Oak Street, Ashland. Q ALLEN. land In the 26 years of its existence the maintain a gold reserve in the treasury? healthy, and when the Liver is in I Drs. Caldwell & Barr, in the I. O. O. F quent wife from their place as com third republic of France has changed its good condition you find yourself free from This matter must be settled definitely Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- building, for crowns and bridge-work and manders of the Salvation Army in by a vote of the people. It is too impor cabinet 37 times,an average of onoe every everything pertaining to mechanical den America, issued a manifesto requesting Headache and Constipation, and rid of tistry. tant an issue to rust out.—Chicago Rec nine months. And the republic still that worn out and debilitated feeling. everybody to pray for everybody as soon ord. Y. m- y* Col V'K *nd W. I. Vawter are in lives. The lightning changes of admin These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Oakland, Cal., this week taking the evi- as he had consummated the deal. Now istration are merely the French way of Good digestion and freedom from stomach | dence before a referee, of Mra. John Noland, There Will Be Woe. troubles will only be had when the liver now a resident of that place in her suit let Colonel Nicol go off into a quiet cor doing things. Should the free silverites of all par is properly at work. If troubled with any | against C. F Wall, the Hawaiian, who ner and do some good, strong praying ties support the same presidential ticket of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER bought the real estate and buildings known tar himsp1'________________ Ireland does not deserve home rule this year, there will be woe in the two REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi as the Hanley saloon in Medford. The plaintiff claims that her dowry right, pur The World’s Fair Tests old camps. And this very thing is liable till the two Irish factions in the British cines, and Better than Pills. chased for $5, was secured without her parliament make up their quarrel and showed no baking powder to occur.—Marshall (Minn.) Leader. knowing that she had such an important jr^-EVllRY PACKAGE'S^ act in harmony.____________ *n- Hie property and she now wants Haa the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. I so pure or so great In leav* I «9SDD f< ? r • • ’ * the place for Men’s white shirts 50 cents, “Scents and VOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J. H. Zeiliu * Co., Phils.. Pa Men’s cotton underwear 25 cents and 50 $2800 at administrator a sale. eaing power as the Royal» $LQQ at J. R. Baltimore’s. sesL, MueUeai value, at J, B, Baltimore'. D. W. ADplegate, the ex-Wells-Fargo express messenger, who has been engaged the past few weeks in developing a rich quartz ledge, discovered by him last year J~)R. J. S. HERNDON, in Willow Springs district, was found dead Friday froir. heart disease. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. He was a son of the late Jesse Apple gate and r brother of Mrs. M. L. McCall O regon . of this place. He leaves a wife and ASHLXNB, grown family. The remains were taken Æ**0ffice—In Townsend Building, on to Drain Saturday and were buried Sun Oak Street, Opposite Hotel Oregon. day at the old homestead. Rp>ai Changed jdands ! HOTEL The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Under the Management of A bsolutely pure J; B. RUSSELL. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. Contracting & Building GOOD FOR EVERYBODY OREGON, FRED T. FRADENBURGH PROFRIETOR. \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- pared to Entertain the Traveling Public In First Class Style. ----------- :o:----------- Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. —-------- :o:----------- • ^ates to Boarders and large parties of Tour ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. ______ _ :o:----------- ___ Special Sunday Dinners. Fresh Eastern ovsters. Turkey and Cranberry Sauce, Price 50 Cent ASHLAND MILLS VIRGIN & C0„ PROP’S 4- + I H. C. MYER i X ♦ V ♦ ♦ <- ♦ + + O Ashland, Oregon. S J HARDWARE and TINWARE | V ♦ ♦ i + + .... The best line .... IN SOUTHERN OREGON. ❖ + ♦ * * Agricultural Implements Î I I MINERS’ SUPPLIES I ♦ ❖ T + ♦ z'-- t Í SAWS, Î I ♦ e Garland Stoves and Ranges. __ GUNS, CUTLERY. AMMUNITION, Î H. S. EVANS,ASHLAND-OR M ain S treit , O pivsjtk P laza . F’JkHSTTS ZF’-A.IJSTTIEIRS’ TOOLS, WALL ZP-ÆZPEIEL. GLASS. ETC B uilding P apers , W rapping P apers and T wines . ARTIST8’ MATERIALS.’ PAINTING. PAPERING. ETC. DCQT^tn“cup,DENc* Ivlrtlw SI Li Ll I 5 IlL.S I k ! n r 11 ThiHgrout Veget*l>!< ■ViFlIBIIVVI* II VI L, VVliallzur.lhepnscj-ip- tion of a famous 1 rtnch physician, will quiciUy cure you of alJ ner vou3 or 01a. aHM of the generative <>rK*n», itucu <ls Lost Manhood. Insomnia. 1 uio.iu the Jluek.Seiulr.eJ EiuUsM.n*. Nervoue Debility Dimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, VarioooN- enJ constipation. 11 stops all losses by day or night Prevent* ax - hess i>t discharge, which if notchecked lead* to HpermstorTi.ri'Ltl tho horrors <'UI*I»FHTEcleansestboUver lue g BEFORE « no AFTER ell ________ ____ of Impotency. ____________ — kidneys and the urinary organsol all uupunUei CUI’IDENE strengthens and restores small weak organic Tho reason sufferers are not cu.-ed by lUc tors is because ninety per cent ara troubled with Proal al It is. CUPIDEN’Eis theonlv known remedy to cure wiiboia aa operation 5U0C tesilizM.^. ills. A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not eflbcl a permaueateura |1.00a box.six for |5.00, by mail. Send for raguclrcular aud tesUmoulftla, w Address DA Vol. MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 3076, San Frauds co, Cal. TOREO FOR SALE BY E. A. SHERWIN. DR. JORDAN 4 CO.’S GREAT MUSEUM OP ANATOMY 10*1 Market St., San Francisco .Betwean Sth and Tth Sts.) Go and learn how wonderfully you are made and how to avoid aickncaa and disease. Museum enlarged with thousands of new object* Admis sion 25 eta. Private Office—Name Building <051 Market Street— Diseases of men*, stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the akin ind kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer- :urv. Treatment personally or by letter. tSexxl for book. Long established and reliable practitioners ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHNG ^AlTZOLVS. Water of any temperature desired Natural Temperature 85 deg’e. TO DKIHK THE W1TEB IS 1 T0I1C Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates fungi and animalcules, and neutral izing and correcting all acidi ties it promotes a normal and healthful condition in every part of the system. ELY’S PINEOLA BALSAS! is a sure Remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat and RINK. ... for asthma It soothes, quickly abates the — SWIMMING- cough, and ren Inclosed and covered, the same medica ders expectora water, always clean, for the springs run a tion easy. heavy volume- more than twelve hun I o n s u m 1 1 i v e & vill invariably de- dred gallons per hour. iye benefit from You may dive and swim and have more .is use. Many than “anybody”—come out as "fine who suppose their fun as silk” and “white as wool’’—rejuven eases’Ito bel'con- ated and happy. su nipt ion are only suffering from a Located on the chronic .cold ’or deep seated HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILI coigb, often aggravated by catarrh. NORTH OF THE PLAZA. cor catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Both -emedies are . pleasing r- to - use. - - - Cream Balm, » 50c. per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 25c. Sold by Druggists. ELY ‘BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. N. Y Proprietor COUGHS and COLDS ,GBANT LSIII.VVh ÎOHN E. PELTON. MARKET. HELMAN POKEGAMA B. P. NEIL. PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— Beef, Pork and Mutton. 150 Choice Residence Lota for sale in Pokegama, on reasonable terms. Lots sold on the in* atallment plan. All Kinds of Fresh Meats lso 2,000 acres of Kept constantly on hand. Fair living Super and Yellow Pine Land for sala Oi. the Rlamatb River. Terms made to prices is all that we ask. suit on application. Address, 0HA8. COLE, We will make it to your interest to deal with us. febl’92 Foktgama, Siskiyou Co., Cal. A 1 i * •b I