Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911, February 06, 1896, Image 4

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The People’s Paper.
The Shasta Route
—or th a—
Southern Pacific Co.
I North
Month !
8:50 p m Lv Portland Ar 8:10 a m
12:50 p m Ar Ashland Lv 4:40 p m
4:10 p m
Ashland Ar
1:20 pm __
Lv _______
10:45 a m / Ar San FranciscoLv 6:00 p tu
Above trains stop at East Portland,
Oregon Citv, Woodburn, Salem, Turner
Marion, Jeilerson, Albany, Albany Junc-
tion, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey. Harrisburg,
J unction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell,
Drains and all stations from Roseburg to
Ashland, inclusive.
Roseburg Mail Daily.
lbatb :
Port land.... 8:30 am Roseburg.. .5:20 p m
Roseburg.. .6:00 a m Portland... 4:40 pm
Salem Passenger Daily.
Cuticura Remedies
A warm bath with CUTICURA
SOAP, and a single application of
CUTICURA, the great skin cure,
will afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy,
economical, and permanent cure of
lravk :
Portland. .4:00 p. m. Salem.... 10:15 a. ni. the most distressing of itching, bum-
Salem...... 8:00 a. m. 1 Portland. ..6:15p. ra ing, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
and scalp diseases, after physicians,
and all other methods fail.
C uticura W orks W onders , and
its cures of torturing, disfiguring,
Second-Class Sleeping Cars
humiliating humors are the most
Attached to all through trains.
wonderful ever recorded in this or
any age.
Between Portland and Corrali!«.
C uticura R bmbdibs are «old throughout th« world.
Price, C uticura , 50c.: So*r, a$c.; R bsolybbt , $r.
P ottbr D bvg and C hbm . C ort ., Sole Prop«., Boston.
“AU about the Blood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair,'* free.
arrives :
leaves ;
Portland.... 7:30 a m Corvallis... 12:15 p no
Corvallis... 1:00 p m Portland.... 5:40 p m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Central A Eastern Rail­
Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.)
abbivi :
lbavx :
Portland .. .4:45 p m St’M inn ville 7:25 pm
M’MinnvUle .5:50am Portland... .8:25 a ra
DIMPLES, blackheads, red and oily skin pre-
| |lu vented and cured by C uticura Soar.
and weakness, back ache, weak kidneys,
rheumatism, and chest pains relieved in
one minute by the Cuticura. Anti-
% dUF Pain Plaster._________________
A picka;« of our treat­
ment tor weakneuand
'* decay, nervous debility
and loet vitality sent tree tor 12 cents
To all points in the Eastern States,
•‘fl. WARD 1NSTUTUTE, 120I9th8t. ST. LOLLS. MO.
Canada and Europe can be obtained from
E. C. KANE, Agent, Ashland.
Asst. G. F. & Paas Ag.
Manager - and - Funeral - Director.
Myer Block, - Ashland, Or.
andle first - class goods .
Night Calls promptly at-
Pay or
tended to.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
if yon uae the Petal
Incubators A Brooders.
Hake money while
ethers are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalog tells all about
it, and describes every
article needed for the
poultry business.
mechanically the best
wheel. Prettiest mod el.
e are Pacific Const
Agents. Bicycle cata­
logue, mailed free,gives
I description, prices, etc. agents wanted .
BRANCH II OUS 3, 231 S. Main St.. L ob Angeles.
Northern Ry. Pacific Ry
48 Page
Illustrated ||
Til’s extra­
ordinary Re-
j’-ivcnator ts
the most
discovery of
the age. It
has been en­
dorsed by the
lead!ng scien­
tific men of
Europe and
Htidyan is
Kgy vegv-
For Full details call on or address,
Gen’l Pass. Agent,
V aricocele se ? stricture
With all bad ccnsequeuccf, certainly and rapidly
suie iwi h sale and e«>y incthuu«. Qi:<«tiun Blank and
BookfrM. Cali writ«
N. Ninth LUvtt, lt . Louis. Ma
— AND —
entire system.
Hudyan cures
Deb ill ty,
Emi islon s,
and develop« s
and restores
weak organs.
Pains in the
back, lofsca
by day or
night stopp cd
Hudyan stops
of the d i s-
roarge in 20
lays. Cures
<Qekly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. )
PrenxaturenesB means impotency in the tirst
stage. It is a symptom of seminal weakness
and barrenness. It can be stopped in 2C days
by the use of Hudyan.
The new discovery was made by the Special­
ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute.
It 13 tiie strongest vitalise- made. It is very
powerful, but harmless. Sold for 81.00 a pack­
age or 6 packages for 85.00 (plain sealed boxes),
written guarantee given for a cure. I f you buv
eix boxes and are not entirely cured, si . more
will be sent to you free of ail charges.
Send for circularsand testimonials. Address
To and from all Points East.
The finest Dining, Sleeping and Tourist Juaetiou Stockton, market & Ellis sti.
San Francisco. Cale
cars In the world. Free Colonist Sleepers.
Both 1st and 2nd class cars are designed to
secure uniform warmth, combined with
perfect ventilation in winter, and an
abundance of cool air, with freedom of dust
in summer ; the cars of no other lines can
compare with them in these respects, nor
in strenght, elegance and comfort.
Canadian Pacific Railroad CO’s
Sleeping Cars
Australia Steamship CO.
The Shortest Line to the Colonies.
These steamers carry an experienced
Medical man, and a steawardess on every
These steamers are in every respect
superior to any ships that have yet sailed
the Pacific OceaD. The route 300 miles
shorter, than any other Trans-Pacific Line.
For Rates, time tables, accommodation
and any information. Apply to.
146 Third St. Portland, Or. 1
GEO. Me L. BROWN. D. P. A.
Vancover, B. C.
Sleeping Cars
ST. PAUL_____
How to work up an important mattei
successfully has been well shown by
Henry Norman, the London Chronicle
man. He was intrusted with one of the
most important journalistic rqissions in
recent years. He went to Washington
with no flourish of trumpets and no fly­
ing flag announcing his destination.
Preserving the utmost quiet, revealing
himself to nobody, he talked with peo­
ple high and low, got hold of documents
which had escaped general attention,
read newspapers from all over the coun­
try and informed himself fully as to the
unanimity of public opinion in America
on the Venezuelan question. Then quiet­
ly, as before, he commenced firing his
valuable nuggets of information across
thejwpter like bombshells, producing in
three'days’ time .an qtter revulsion in
British 'feeling toward America. He is
a man for journalists the world over to
be proud of. He has given them an ob­
ject lesson which should not be lost on
the proper way to go about an impor­
tant task. The calm, silent man is the
strong man.
The pigheadeduess, the trickery, the
utter lack of reason, common sense and
common honesty members of legislative
bodies sometimes display when they are
trying to seat or unseat certain claimants
who do not belong to their political side
of the fence show just how little beyond
the lower animals the majority of man­
kind have progressed. They reveal a
mixed descent from the fox, pig and
wolf, that, too, not very far removed.
Our country presents a beautiful spec­
tacle of nineteenth century national
financiering—investors drawing gold out
of the national treasury and paying for
it with greenbacks and treasury notes in
order that they may sell it again to the
government on good terms to themselves,
in order that the government may issue
moro certificates of indebtedness. If any
nation can beat that, it is yet to be
heard from.
It is curious about gold. We export it
to pay for the goods we import; then
we import it again to fill up the treas­
ury, so we may draw it out and export
it to pay for more goods.
The new kind of new woman has one
trait immensely in her favor. She wish­
es earnestly to look well and pretty, and
she is always nicely dressed.
Gcod Work of a Newspaper Man.
Tire good understanding which will
undoubtedly come about between Eng-
loud aud America will be not a lit­
tle due to the efforts of a newspaper
man, Mr. Henry Norman, the staff cor­
respondent of the London Chronicle.
American newspaper editors knew of the
important documents which he was able
to find and publish, but their assertions
counted for nothing. When a British
journalist, however, comes to America
and finds an important official corre­
spondence between Venezuela and Great
Britain which shows Salisbury to be
clearly in the wrong in his present atti­
tude, that is different Britons pay some
attention to that
Briefly, the papers brought to light by
Mr. Norman show that in 1841, For-
tique, Venezuelan minister at London,
wrote to Lord Aberdeen, British secre­
tary of state for foreign affairs, com­
plaining that a British surveying party
bad planted posts and a sentry box upon
Venezuelan territory. These posts form­
ed what was afterward known as the
Schomburg k line. Lord Aberdeen re­
plied, explicitly declaring that the
Bchomburgk line was not meant for a
boundary line, but that the posts had
□nly been set as a preliminary basis on
which to operate for a permanent de­
marcation. However, on the repeated
remonstrance of Venezuela the posts
were removed.
Venezuela still urged, year after year,
» commission to settle definitely the
boundary lipe between that republic and
British Guiana. In 1885 the Gladstone
government actually agreed to such a
commission and a treaty to that effect
was prepared. The same year, however,
Salisbury came into power, and for pure
buncombe, apparently, as is usual when
cne political party succeeds * another in
power, proceeded to sweep all that his
predecessor had done, both good and bad.
So that Salisbury has only himself to
thank for every part of the present Ven­
ezuelan difficulty. There are still sev­
eral graceful ways in which he can
crawl out
Dr. Jameson, the leader of the British
expedition that came to grief in the
Transvaal, seems to have been several
times in tho United States, and to be
well known in Montana, where he hunt­
Constipation, ed and fished between the years 1876
Falling Sen­ and 1885. Those who knew him say
sations, Nerv­ that he has a curvature of the 6pine
ous twitching
of the eyes which makes him walk sideways. The
and other crookedness of his back seems, in the
Strengthens, present instance at least, to have got into
Invigorates his head and made him go wildly wrong.
and tones the
ASH LAND, Or..... Thursday, Feb. 6, 1896.
Express Trains Leave Portland Daily.
Africa had two kings up to a very re­
cent date—Barney Barnato, the king of
the Kaffirs, and Cecil Rhodes, king of
South Africa.
Really it is time for England to be­
gin to perceive that it is not right for
her to hog the earth.
Who will now write such good stories
for boys as Colonel Thomas W. Knox
wrote for them?
Honesty and truthfulness are always
signs of a high development of intellect
Our Greenback«.
A Bit of HU tor j Applicable to the War
Upon Greenback«—How the Patriots of
Thirty-three Years Ago Scored the Proto­
types of tho Money Changer« of Today.
A writer signing himself “A Patriotic
Bank Stockholder” in the Pittsburg
Dispatch contributes an exceptionally
strong article to the discussion auent
the Wall street proposal to retire the
greenbacks. The following excerpts are
particularly apropos:
Your editorial, “Latter Day Tory­
ism,” exposing the unpatriotic and self­
ish motives and actions of the stock
gamblers and money lenders of Wall
street, “hits the nail” squarely on the
head and will be heartily indorsed by
every good citizen and true American.
Those familiar with the financial his­
tory of our civil war are forcibly re­
minded by this latest development in
Wall street and money lending circles
of the treasonable course pursued by this
same class at the breaking out and all
through those troublous times. Then, as
now, they thought first, last and all the
time of only their own narrow, selfish
interests, and sought in every way to
cripple the government and the nation
in Its hour of peril, in order to force
legislation in their interest, and to add
to their profits. It may interest our
readers to recall some of the eventB and
incidents of that time as bearing upon
the present situation, and that no ques­
tion may arise as to the correctness of
the statements and quotations made I
would say that they are taken from the
newspapers of that time, from The Con­
gressional Globe and Record and from
Spaulding’s “Financial History of the
E. G. Spaulding, himself a banker,
was chairman of the subcommittee of
ways and means having charge of the
loan and legal tender bills, and after­
ward president of the Farmers’ and
Mechanics’ National bank of Buffala
While the “legal tender bill” was un­
der consideration by the house, in Jan-
ury, 1862, a committee of bankers from
New York, Boston and Philadelphia
went to Washington and demanded cer­
tain legislation greatly in the interest
of the money lenders, but directly op­
posed to the interests of the govern­
ment, and, therefore, of the people.
Referring* to these and other demands
of the money lending class, Mr. Kellogg
of Illinois, a member of the house, Baid:
I am pained when I sit in my place in the
house and hear members talk about “the sa-
crcdness” of capital; that the Interests of mon­
ey must not be touched. Yos, sir, they will
vote 600,000 of the flower of th« American
youth for the army, to be sacrificed without a
blush, but the great interests of capital, of
currency, must not be touched.
What is capital worth without a government?
Gentlemen must understand mo when I in­
dulge in this strain and speak of this talk and
quibble about capital that I do not charge it
upon tho real capitalists of tho country, for
they do not hold back. The true capitalists of
the country are patriotic—they have furnished
their means liberally—but there is a class of
huckstering capitalists, there is a class of
bankers proper, there is a class of brokers,
who would make merchandise of the hopes and
fears of the republic.—“Spaulding’s Financial
History of the War,” Page 76.
Mr; Shellabarger, another member,
referred to the opposition to the financial
measures proposed by congress in the
following canstio terms:
The most persistent outside opposition to
this bill is engaged in endeavoring to destroy
the value of these—1. e., the greenbacks—so
that out of the blood of their sinking counti'y
they may be enabled to coin the gains of their
infamy.—Ibid, Page 88.
A b will be seen, these “sharks, ” as
Mr. Stevens designated them, were
foiled in their direct attempt to destroy
the credit of the government for their
own profit. But it must be confessed
that they succeeded later by indirection
in accomplishing much that they had
failed to achieve In their direct attempt.
Part of the story can be told in a few
The original legal tender bill passed
the house Thursday, Feb. 6, 1862, mak­
ing the proposed issue of treasury notes
a full legal tender for all debts public
and private (no “exception clause”),
and provided that the notes could be
exchanged for 6 per cent 20 year bonds
at par, said bonds and treasury notes to
be exempt from taxation.
It was sent to the senate on Feb. 7,
and the senate, to quote Thaddeus Ste­
vens, “so disfigured and deformed it
that its very father would not know it. ”
This was done by “demonetizing” the
proposed issue so far as payment of
“custom duties” and “interest on the
public debt” was concerned; in other
words, by the notorious “exception
clause,” by which gold and silver coin
were made the only legal tender (save
the comparatively few “demand notes”
outstanding^ in payment of custom du­
ties and interest an United States bonds,
thus making an artificial and exclusive
legal use for coin and crippling the
treasury notes. The whole scheme could
scarcely be more plainly described than
in the words of Thaddeus Stevens him­
self in his speech in the house, Feb. 20,
1862, extracts from which follow:
I have a very few words to say. I approach
the subject with more depression of spirits
than I ever before approached any question.
• • * I have a melancholy foreboding that we
are about to consummate a cunningly devised
scheme, which will carry groat injury and
loss to all classes of tho people throughout this
Union, except one. * * * I believe that no act
of legislation of this government was ever
hailed with as much delight throughout the
whole length and breadth of this Union as the
bill which we passed and sent to the senate
making the proposed “greenbacks'* fall legal
It is truo there was a doleful sound camo up
from the caverns of the bullion brokers and
from the saloons of the associated banks.
Their cashiers and agents were soon upon the
ground and persuaded the senate, with but
little deliberation, to mangle and destroy
what it had oost the house months to digest,
consider and pass. They fell upon the bill in
hot haste, and so disfigured and deformed it
that its very father would not know it. In­
stead of being a beneficent and invigorating
measure it is now positively mischievous.
• ♦ * It now creates money, and by Us very
terms declares it a depreciated currency. It
makes two classes of money—one for the banks
and brokers aud another for tho people. It
discriminates between the rights of different
classes of creditors. *** This is their (the
associated banks) amended bill. * • • We will
bo ajaln in the clutches of these harpies. I do
not want to use hard names. I suppose these
men act from instinct. * • • Who is this fa-
A'ored class? The banks and brokers and no-
txxly else.
But how is this gold to be raised? The du
ties (internal revenue duties) and public lands
are to bo paid for in United States notes, and
they, or bonds, are to be put up ut auction to
get coin for these very brokers, who would
furnish the coin to pay themselves by getting
20 per cent discount on the notes thus bought.
I have proposed an amendment to the senate
amendment. • • • Uy amendment is offered
for the purpose of curing a little the evils and
hardships of tbo original amendment of the
senate, and, though it may be adopted, I shall
vote against the whole as amended. My
amendment is to except from the operation of
the legal tender clause the officers and soldiers
of the army and navy and those who supply
them with provisions, and thus put them upon
the same footing with the government credit­
ors who hold their bonds. I hope they will
not be thought less meritorious than the mon­
ey changer».
It is a plain fact of our history during
tho past 17 years, or since redemption
began, that, so long as the federal reve­
nues wero ample aud trade was not such
as to require a stream of gold to flow
from this country to Europe, our green­
backs wero without fault. They pro­
a satisfactory currency, and be­
them and bonds in sufficient
amount to redeem them permanently
thero has been already in their favor a
difference in cost of nearly $200,000,000
Mr. Stevens’ amendment was not
in interest, or more than the $162,500,- adopted, as it was not in the interest of
000 by which Mr. Cleveland has in­ “respectablegentlemen” “who act from
Through tickets to Japan aud China, via creased the national debt for the purpose instinct. ” That the premium upon gold
Tacoma and Northern Pacific Steamship t>f “maintaining the gold reserve.”—
Co., an American line.
Naw York Sun.__________
J&e Wor/d’s Fair Tests
For information, time cards, maps and
A Natural Beaatifler.
tickets, call on or write
showed do baking powder
Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the blood
so pore or so great io leav
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
and gives a clear and beautiful complexion,
k or sale by T, K. Belton.
oahtg power as the Royal.
(Or depreciation of the greenbacks as
compared with gold) was due solely to
the “exception clause,” which discrimi­
nated against the greenbacks in favor of
gold, is proved by the fact that two
kinds of paper money—viz, “demand
notes” and the “postage currency” (not
“fractional currency,” which was is­
sued later aud had the “exception
clause” on it)—stood at par with and
part of the time at a slight premium
over coin, though neither kind was “re­
deemable” in coin, simply because they
were receivable for custom dues as well
as legal tender for other debts.
Now that we are threatened with an­
other crisis similar to that in 1861, it
maybe useful for the people to know of
the financial blunders then made through
a mistaken compliance with the demands
of the “financial tories” of 35 years
ago and avoid being made at this time
victims of like “cunningly devised
That there are noble, unselfish, patri­
otic men among the bankers, especially
in our inland cities, we all know; but,
unfortunately, in the great eastern mon­
ey centers they have shown themselves
as a class singularly devoid of all ucble,
patriotic feeling, regular “financial to­
ries,” ready at an instant’s notice to
sacrifice the rest of the country to their
real or imagined self interest. These
“latter day tories” should be heavily
“sat down upon” early in tho beginning
of any threatened trouble and not bo per­
mitted to control public sentiment or
The writer is tho owner of both gov­
ernment bonds and national bank stock,
but believes that narrow, self interest
should not be allowed by any true
American to stand paramount to the
good of the whole country.
What is
An Appeal to the Patriotism of All True
Americans—How Victory Over Mammon
May Be Achieved In 1896—Will the Peo­
ple Hear Before It Is Too LateT
With the dawn of the new year I
again remind those who desire reform ;
who want the restoration of silver coin­
age; who want to preservo the sacred
greenbacks; who want to free the nation
from British dictation and deliver the
people from all similar entangling alli­
ances with foreign governments and po­
tentates ; who want to enrb the usurped
powers of the courts; who want to pre­
vent the president from combining all
the authority of a mikado, czar and em­
peror in his person; who desire to over­
throw the dominion of the banks and
corporations over our land; who want to
save their homes, see labor employed
and happiness and content reign in place
of gaunt, hollow eyed despair and des­
peration and who hope to bring about
this glad result, and all who are earnest­
ly seeking the enthronement of an era of
prosperity that they must organize at
once. Not another moment must be lost.
We caunot wait any longer. We must
now commence to do our duty. If every
one of over 2,000,000 voters should give
a day and a dime to the cause, victory
would be ours in 1896. It is useless to
soek a wiser and better plan. The legion
combines all of the machinery that is
needed for the work of tho campaign. It
enlists the recruits, it drills the voters,
it allies the women and young people, it
guards the ballot box, it forces a fair
Got U« Where They Want Ua.
count; its members stand by each other
Business is languishing and the price and uphold the honor and glory of the
of all farm produce is extremely low, party. All of the hundred ways of or­
with no better prospects for the immedi ganizing simply divide, and enable the
ate future. What has boen the influence, enemy to conquer.
I think our people are thoroughly
or set of influences, at work which has
brought the country and its interests to convinced that the legion furnishes the
rach a plight? The surplus of the farms method of work absolutely needed. The
is large and it is said that money is little book of J. D. Botkin I have com­
plenty, but these facts donotcLango the mended shows exactly how to do the
conditions, the circulating medium stays work
In the banks and the surplus produce re­
We want an organized band of zeal­
mains in the bins or is sold for a pit­ ous missionaries seeking converts far
tance, for the reason that those in need and wide on a definite and concerted
of bread have no money to buy it. What plan. It is too late to devise another
money there is in existence is hoarded plan. If each recruiting officer already
in the banks for purposes of speculation appointed and furnished with supplies
and is controlled by the trusts and other would go to work, the harvest would be
monopolies in “bearing” the price of great. It is folly to wait and look for
everything except money. Tho transpor­ another way, or to try to revive the
tation companies were never more pros­ dead. If the people will not at once,
perous than now, charging for service without the loss of an hour, go to work
all the traffic will bear, nor was tho dis with energy, victory will be postponed
position to amaSs fortunes by milking until 1900. Itwill be criminal to dally
dry the great corporate industries mon. longer. We must encourage a spirit of
persistent than now, and when bank self sacrifice. If we win, we must have
ruptcy comes, to reorganize and to re­ our best workers give time and euorgy
peat the same process oyer and ovei to the work. Any live man or woman
again. There is a reissue of stock, wbic' can organize anywhere.
The people are ready, but they wait
is again 6old to innocent purchasers, an«'
so the incessant round of robbing is al for the sluggish leaders. With a perfect
organization in all the states, we need
lowed to go on. The surplus money
the country is,kep$ locked in the bank: never fear the wiles of the enemy. We
to be used in the wrecking aud rebuild­ can resist every assault if we aro ready
ing schemes of the stock watering an<? for the fray. We have a vast majority
monopoly speculators.—Farmers’ Un in our favor. The ranks’of labor alone
could win. Farmers could slay the hos­
tile band at the polls..Tho stay at home
Old People.
vote, discontented and disgusted, could
Old people who require medicine to reg­ overthrow Wall street Our divisions
ulate the bowels and kidneys will find the
true remedy in Electric Bitters, This med­ into a multitude of discordant bands
icine does not stimulate and contains no render it easy to whip ns in detail I
whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a firmly believe all the elements desiring
tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the
stomach and bowels, adding strength and reform will unite, but they will not if
giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding we offer to surrender our organization
Natue in the performance of the functions. and betray our platform in advance.
Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer Wo can overcome the world and annihi­
and aids digestion. Old people find it just
exactly, what they need. Price fifty cents late the flesh aud destroy the devil if
lye have sense enough to organize the
per bottle at E. A. S hxxwin ’ s Drug Store.
legion. It is hard to wake the dead.
In this work it would need 10,000 Ga-
, Uriels with trumpets that could be heard
For * Big Man He Played a Small Game
round the world to arouse the sleeping
With Hi« Car Ticket*.
people. They act like Samson after Deli­
Colonel Blank was a big, pompous lah took away his strength. They do
man, as it behooves one to be who as­ not know their power. Wo fear wbeu
pires to a military title without the
they do awake it will be too lato and
drawbacks of a military life. He was
they will only destroy the temple.
always calling people’s attention to his
We iuvoko the aid of every patriot, of
marked facial resemblance to James G.
each high scaled man and woman who
Blaine, “the greatest man, sir, this cen­
wants to bring back the spirit of the fa­
tury and this country have produced.”
thers, who wants to give liberty and
And people—ill natnred people, that work to all, who wants to turn back the
is—thought the colonel had a vivid im­ tide of ignorauco drifted on our shores
agination. There was a prodigality by the enemies of freo government, who
about his physique that one somehow
wants to overthrow forever the foreign
expected to see repeated in the colonel’s vandal hands that seek to destroy the
character. And to hear the colonel hold land our heroic ancestors gave us, who
forth from the end of the boarding would rather die than be enslaved, and
house table over which he presided the is willing to give all his or her time, if
unsophisticated boarder would never need be, to bring back honor, love, pros­
have doubted that such a reasonable ex­ perity and patriotism.
pectation would be realized on closer
P aul V an D ervoort .
Omaha, January, 1896.
What, then, was this unsophisticated
one’s surprise to hear the doughty colo­
For Dyspepsia
nel, evidently in a high good humor
and Liver Complaint you have a printed
with himself, say one day:
guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vital-
“Well, I earned my fare down town izer
It never fails to cure. For sale by T.
today. ”
K. Bolton.
That the colonel would stoop to earn
A Coward and a Gun.
a nickel was remarkable; that he should
boast of it was incredible.
In a speech at Aberdeen the other
“Yon see,” proceeded the man of night Mr. H. L. Loucks said a good
military aspirations, “I went flown in thing which should be credited to him.
the oarette. Getting in at Schiller street, While discussing some featuro of the out­
tho carette was empty, and I went up rage upon Debs and organized labor he
to the front and bought six tickets for asked the question, “What are you going
a quarter. One I dropped in the box. to do about it?” “Get a gun,” said
Then ea the car filled up I was exceed­ some fellow in the back end of the hall.
ingly useful to those who sat farther “No,” answered Mr. Loucks; “theman
down, passing their fares up and depos­ who is too cowardly to leave his old
iting them. An exceedingly polite man party is too cowardly to use a gun. ’ ’—
they all thought me. And so I am, so I Vermillion (S. D.) Plain Talk
am. But instead of dropping their nick­
A Fat Question.
els in the box I dropped my tickets in
until I had used up my five tickets and
With Rothschilds practically in pos­
confiscated five nickels. I had regained session of both England and America,
my quarter and paid my fare. After the question naturally arises, How can
that I was not so polite. I let people there possibly be war? The question is a
drop thoir nickels into the chute which pat one.—Denver Road.
the company provides for that purpose.
On a Gold Basis.
Awful nuisance, that chute. But it’s
The Eon. Aud ley Cooto of London,
not my business to play conductor if tho
head of an ocean cablo syndicate, has an
company’s too mean to hire any. ”
And the colonel called for another ax for our present congress to grind. He
cup of tea, and the unsophisticated one wants a subsidy of $800,000 a year for
gasped to think of the smallness of 20 years and the right to laud at San
which such greatness was capable.— Francisco, for which he promises to lay
a cable from Australia via Japan to the
Chicago Tribune.
United States. Ocean cables, like every­
Catarrh Cured,
thing else, have to bo laid on a gold
health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s basis. England controls tho gold, aud
Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal
that is why Loudon capitalists are build­
Injector free. For sale by T. K. Bolton.
ing all the ocean cables while Uncle
Sam isn’t in it.—Chicago Express.
To Gobble Colorado’s Gold.
The sudden prominence of Colorado
Georgia's Position.
as a gold producer has set the Roths­
The rumor that tho 56 delegates who
childs to scheming. Colorado will pro­
duce, no doubt, fully $20,000,000 year­ were selected by the Georgia Populists,
ly. “How can wo absorb it all?” is the a few days ago, to represout thorn at tho
question the Rothschilds ask themselves national convention are one idea silver
and this is the way they go about it to men is without foundation in fact. The
accomplish their ends. First they pull delegation will present a seven plank
the string on their servile tool, G. platform adopted by the state convention
Cleveland, and tell him to recommend in which silver is only briefly mention-
the destruction of the $346,000,000 of Bd in and as a part of the money plank
greenbacks in circulation. After having The delegation was not instructed whom
done this, the string is pnlled (or will to support for president. — Cleveland
be pulled) on congress and interest bear­ Citizen.
ing bonds are authorized to take up the
James J. Corbet gave some pretty good
greenbacks. The interest commissions, advice to the boys of the Olympia Club,
premiums, etc., will amount to nearly when he was in San Francisco last. He
told them that the best way to get strong
$20,000,000, ar, to be plain, the total was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that
output of Colorado.
thev should arrive at manhood lusty and
Still we claim to be Americans!_ healthy. Manv men who have been guilty
of excesses and over-indulgencies, and have
Denver RoacL_________
used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI-
Do you know, H you want to go East and DENE” lived to give testimony of its won­
desire a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, that you 1 derful stimulating and curative powers.
will be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless “CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis­
you take the Northern Pacific ? Remember sue of the bodv. In fact, it stops all losses.
that the Northern Pacific is the only line “CUPIDENE” is a powerful, harmless,
running Pullman Tourist Sleepers through vegetable Compound. It is as sure ts
to the east without delay. Time and money strengthen the generative organs as it is to
saved by this route. For full information, rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package
time cards, maps, etc., call on or address, 11.00; 6 packages $5.00. For sale byB A.
S kuwin .
Robert Leonard Agent, Ashland, Or,
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric» Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas­
toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend.
“ Castoria is soweU adapted to children that
“ Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil­
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its I recommend it as superior to any prescription
good effect upon their children.”
known to me.”
H. A. A rcher , M. D.,
Da. G. C. O sgood ,
nt So. Oxiord St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Lowell, Mass.
“ Castoria is the best remedy for children of
“Our physicians in the children’s depart­
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi­
far distant when mothers will consider the ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
real interest of their children, and use Castoria and although we only have among our
instead of the various quack nostrums which medical supplies what is known as regular
•re destroying their loved ones, by forcing products, yet we are free to confess that the
opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other merit* of Castoria has won ua to look with
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby favor upon ft.”
•cudiug them to premature graves.”
U nited H ospital and D ispensary , <
D r . J. F. K incheloe ,
Boston, Mass.
Conway, Ark.
A llrn C. S mith , Fret.
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Jackson County,
R. D. Holmes, (G. W-)
Have put in a
Galloway, Assignee
of said Judgment
Creditor,) Plaintiff,
H. A. 1-abarre, J. C.
McCaffrey and Mrs.
Yreka, Cal.
M. J. Tipton, De­
y virtue of an execution oooooooooooooooooooo a~o
issued out of and under the Seal of
the above named Court to me delivered, ND are prepared to fill all orders on
dated the 27th day of December, A. D.,
short notice. , •
• , •
1895, upon a judgment rendered in Mult­
nomah County, Oregon, on the 23d day of
£**Give them a call.
November, 1892, which judgment was as­
signed to G. W. Galloway on the 14th day
of April, 1894, amounting to the sum of
$287.60 with interest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent per annum until paid and $50 00
Attorney fee, together with costs and dis­
bursements at the date of said judgment,
amounting to $1.00 for entry of judgment ALWAYS REUABLB and perfectly SAFE. The cema.
in Lien Docket, and, whereas a certified
the OLD DOCTOR 8 private mail praeUce, for M yaaxfe
Transcript ot said judgment was filed in
and not a single bad result.
with the County Clerk of Jackson Money re.urned if not as represented. Bead 4 oentt
County, Oregon, by the said R. D. Holmes (stamps) for sealed particular«.
on the 28th day or November. 1892, which OB. WARD INSTITUTE. t20 N. 9th SL. St.Leula,Me.
said judgment was enrolled and docketed
in said Circuit Conrt: Therefore I was
commanded that out of the personal prop­
erty of the said Defendants or if sufficient
could not be found, then out of the real
property belonging to said Defendants to
make the sums of money above stated
together with accruing costs. In obedience
to said order 1 did, on the 28ih day of De­
cember, 1895. duly levy upon lots 7 and 8
in block No. 22 in Medford, Oregon,
and on ,
Saturday, February 15th, 1896,
at 2 o’clock p. m., at the front door of the
Court House, in Jacksonville, Oregon. I
will sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, for cash, all the right, title, interest
and estate of the above named Defendants
or either of them in and to the above des­
cribed property.
THE CHRONICLE ranks wttk M m greatasl
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
■ewspapvro lu th« United stat««.
THE CHRONICLE han ueeyual on u>« Padfl*
Coast. It leads all In ability, «nterpris« and u«w a
THE CHRONICLH'H TvlMgrapblo Reports we
the latest and most reliable, IM Uxau Mate« th«
fullest and spiciest, and Its Bditurtats from u.«
ablest pens In the country.
THE CHRONICLE has at Ways been, aud always
wiU be, th« friend and uharnplou of the peoplu aa
against combinations, clique«, corperailous, of
oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent
in everything, neutral in nothii<.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Jackson County.
Jackson County Bank,
E. A. Carter and Fan­
nie H. Carter, De­
y virtue of an execution
issued out of and under the Seal of
the above named Court, in the County and
State aforesaid, bearing date the 20th day
of December, A. D., 1895. upon a judgment
rendered on the 6th day of May, A. D.,
1895, to me duly directed and delivered,
whereby I was commanded to satisfy said
judgment, amounting to the sum of $225.00
with interest thereon from June 27th, 1891,
at ten per cent per annum and for costs
amounting to $15 55 and $25.00 Attorney’s
fees with interest thereon from May 6th,
1895, at 8 per cent per annum out of the
personal property of above named Defend
ants and if not rufficient personal property
be found then out of the real property be­
longing to said Defendants together with
accruing costs. In obedience to sgid order
I duly levied upon the following real
property on the 27th day of December, 1895,
to-wit: Beginning at a post 24 rods South
and 2 rods West of N E corner of N W %
of 8 E 14 of Section 5. Twp. 39 S. of R 1
East of Willamette meridian, thence West
20 rods to post, thence South 16 rods and 10
links, thence East 20 rods to post, thence
Nortii 16 rods and 10 links to beginning,
containing 2 1-16 acres, more or less, all in
Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, and on
Saturday, February 15th, 1896,
I will sell in accordance with the provis­
ions of said order and judgment at 2
o’clock p. m., at the front door of the
Court House, in Jacksonville, Oregon, at
public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all of the right, title, interest
and estate of the above named Defendants
or either of them in and to the above des­
cribed property.
Sheriff "of Jackson County, Oregon.
By Mall, Postage I’aid.
If so be sure and see that your tickets
read via the
The Weekly Chronicle
Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis &. Omaha R y
And all points East and South. Their
Magnificent track, Peerless Vesti-
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Ship your freight and travel
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Portland, Or.
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IT’S*" O’J1. 'S«- Term. low. üaeetion Blink *ur
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The United States, Dominion el
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Asd the
Map of the World
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Weekly Chronicle for One Year,
postage prepaid on Map and Popjr.
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