EAST AND SOUTH ITCHING SKIN VALLEY RECORD. The People’s Paper. DISEASES The Shasta Route —VIA— —or th a— Arc Southern Pacific Co. Relieved I North Month ! 8:50 p m Lv Portland Ar 8:10 a m 12:50 p m Ar Ashland Lv 4:40 p m 4:10 p m Ashland Ar 1:20 pm __ Lv _______ 10:45 a m / Ar San FranciscoLv 6:00 p tu Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon Citv, Woodburn, Salem, Turner Marion, Jeilerson, Albany, Albany Junc- Junc­ tion, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey. Harrisburg, J unction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, Drains and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. Roseburg Mail Daily. ARRIVE : lbatb : Port land.... 8:30 am Roseburg.. .5:20 p m Roseburg.. .6:00 a m Portland... 4:40 pm Salem Passenger Daily. And Speedily Cured By Cuticura Remedies A warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP, and a single application of CUTICURA, the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, ARRIVE economical, and permanent cure of lravk : Portland. .4:00 p. m. Salem.... 10:15 a. ni. the most distressing of itching, bum- Salem...... 8:00 a. m. 1 Portland. ..6:15p. ra ing, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin Dining Cars on Ogden Route. and scalp diseases, after physicians, hospitals, and all other methods fail. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. C uticura W orks W onders , and —AMD— its cures of torturing, disfiguring, Second-Class Sleeping Cars humiliating humors are the most Attached to all through trains. wonderful ever recorded in this or WEST SIDE DIVISION. any age. Between Portland and Corrali!«. C uticura R bmbdibs are «old throughout th« world. Price, C uticura , 50c.: So*r, a$c.; R bsolybbt , $r. P ottbr D bvg and C hbm . C ort ., Sole Prop«., Boston. “AU about the Blood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair,'* free. MAIL TRAIN DAILY (KXCEPT SUNDAY.) arrives : leaves ; Portland.... 7:30 a m Corvallis... 12:15 p no Corvallis... 1:00 p m Portland.... 5:40 p m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Central A Eastern Rail­ roads. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) abbivi : lbavx : Portland .. .4:45 p m St’M inn ville 7:25 pm M’MinnvUle .5:50am Portland... .8:25 a ra DIMPLES, blackheads, red and oily skin pre- | |lu vented and cured by C uticura Soar. MU8CULAR 8TRAINS, PAINS and weakness, back ache, weak kidneys, rheumatism, and chest pains relieved in one minute by the Cuticura. Anti- Wl % dUF Pain Plaster._________________ TRIAL A picka;« of our treat­ ment tor weakneuand '* decay, nervous debility and loet vitality sent tree tor 12 cents postage. THROUGH TICKETS To all points in the Eastern States, •‘fl. WARD 1NSTUTUTE, 120I9th8t. ST. LOLLS. MO. Canada and Europe can be obtained from E. C. KANE, Agent, Ashland. KOEHLER, E.P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Paas Ag. ASHLAND CASKET CO H. S. EMERY O.R.« Manager - and - Funeral - Director. Myer Block, - Ashland, Or. andle first - class goods . Night Calls promptly at- Pay or H tended to. E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO TJLiZE figrCHARGES REASONABLE. EAST CHICKEN BilSINB PITS if yon uae the Petal Incubators A Brooders. Hake money while ethers are wasting time by old processes. Catalog tells all about it, and describes every article needed for the poultry business. GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES The'ERIE” mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest mod el. e are Pacific Const Agents. Bicycle cata­ logue, mailed free,gives I description, prices, etc. agents wanted . PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO., Petaluma, Cal BRANCH II OUS 3, 231 S. Main St.. L ob Angeles. Great Union Northern Ry. Pacific Ry VIA SPQKANE DENVER . OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS and - ST. PAUL LOW 48 Page Illustrated || Catalogue FREE. AND KANSAS CITY RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES, OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO. Til’s extra­ ordinary Re- j’-ivcnator ts the most wonderful discovery of the age. It has been en­ dorsed by the lead!ng scien­ tific men of Europe and America. Htidyan is Kgy vegv- For Full details call on or address, W. H. HURLBURT, Gen’l Pass. Agent, PORTLAND. OR. V aricocele se ? stricture With all bad ccnsequeuccf, certainly and rapidly suie iwi h sale and e«>y incthuu«. Qi:<«tiun Blank and BookfrM. Cali writ« DR WARD INSTITUTE, N. Ninth LUvtt, lt . Louis. Ma C LOST «ÀHEOOD •g Ki — AND — SOO PACIFIC entire system. Hudyan cures Deb ill ty, Nervousness, Emi islon s, and develop« s and restores weak organs. Pains in the back, lofsca by day or night stopp cd Hudyan stops Freina’iurensss of the d i s- roarge in 20 lays. Cures ANADIAN PACIFIC RY LINE. f “maintaining the gold reserve.”— Co., an American line. Naw York Sun.__________ J&e Wor/d’s Fair Tests For information, time cards, maps and A Natural Beaatifler. tickets, call on or write showed do baking powder A. D. CHARLTON. Karl’s Clover Root Tea purifies the blood so pore or so great io leav Assistant General Passenger Agent, and gives a clear and beautiful complexion, PORTLAND. OREGON. k or sale by T, K. Belton. oahtg power as the Royal. THROUGH TICKETZ (Or depreciation of the greenbacks as compared with gold) was due solely to the “exception clause,” which discrimi­ nated against the greenbacks in favor of gold, is proved by the fact that two kinds of paper money—viz, “demand notes” and the “postage currency” (not “fractional currency,” which was is­ sued later aud had the “exception clause” on it)—stood at par with and part of the time at a slight premium over coin, though neither kind was “re­ deemable” in coin, simply because they were receivable for custom dues as well as legal tender for other debts. Now that we are threatened with an­ other crisis similar to that in 1861, it maybe useful for the people to know of the financial blunders then made through a mistaken compliance with the demands of the “financial tories” of 35 years ago and avoid being made at this time victims of like “cunningly devised schemes. That there are noble, unselfish, patri­ otic men among the bankers, especially in our inland cities, we all know; but, unfortunately, in the great eastern mon­ ey centers they have shown themselves as a class singularly devoid of all ucble, patriotic feeling, regular “financial to­ ries,” ready at an instant’s notice to sacrifice the rest of the country to their real or imagined self interest. These “latter day tories” should be heavily “sat down upon” early in tho beginning of any threatened trouble and not bo per­ mitted to control public sentiment or legislation. The writer is tho owner of both gov­ ernment bonds and national bank stock, but believes that narrow, self interest should not be allowed by any true American to stand paramount to the good of the whole country. NATIONAL LEGION. THE NEW YEAR CIRCULAR OF COM­ MANDER VAN DERVOORT. What is An Appeal to the Patriotism of All True Americans—How Victory Over Mammon May Be Achieved In 1896—Will the Peo­ ple Hear Before It Is Too LateT With the dawn of the new year I again remind those who desire reform ; who want the restoration of silver coin­ age; who want to preservo the sacred greenbacks; who want to free the nation from British dictation and deliver the people from all similar entangling alli­ ances with foreign governments and po­ tentates ; who want to enrb the usurped powers of the courts; who want to pre­ vent the president from combining all the authority of a mikado, czar and em­ peror in his person; who desire to over­ throw the dominion of the banks and corporations over our land; who want to save their homes, see labor employed and happiness and content reign in place of gaunt, hollow eyed despair and des­ peration and who hope to bring about this glad result, and all who are earnest­ ly seeking the enthronement of an era of prosperity that they must organize at once. Not another moment must be lost. We caunot wait any longer. We must now commence to do our duty. If every one of over 2,000,000 voters should give a day and a dime to the cause, victory would be ours in 1896. It is useless to soek a wiser and better plan. The legion combines all of the machinery that is needed for the work of tho campaign. It enlists the recruits, it drills the voters, it allies the women and young people, it guards the ballot box, it forces a fair Got U« Where They Want Ua. count; its members stand by each other Business is languishing and the price and uphold the honor and glory of the of all farm produce is extremely low, party. All of the hundred ways of or­ with no better prospects for the immedi ganizing simply divide, and enable the ate future. What has boen the influence, enemy to conquer. I think our people are thoroughly or set of influences, at work which has brought the country and its interests to convinced that the legion furnishes the rach a plight? The surplus of the farms method of work absolutely needed. The is large and it is said that money is little book of J. D. Botkin I have com­ plenty, but these facts donotcLango the mended shows exactly how to do the conditions, the circulating medium stays work In the banks and the surplus produce re­ We want an organized band of zeal­ mains in the bins or is sold for a pit­ ous missionaries seeking converts far tance, for the reason that those in need and wide on a definite and concerted of bread have no money to buy it. What plan. It is too late to devise another money there is in existence is hoarded plan. If each recruiting officer already in the banks for purposes of speculation appointed and furnished with supplies and is controlled by the trusts and other would go to work, the harvest would be monopolies in “bearing” the price of great. It is folly to wait and look for everything except money. Tho transpor­ another way, or to try to revive the tation companies were never more pros­ dead. If the people will not at once, perous than now, charging for service without the loss of an hour, go to work all the traffic will bear, nor was tho dis with energy, victory will be postponed position to amaSs fortunes by milking until 1900. Itwill be criminal to dally dry the great corporate industries mon. longer. We must encourage a spirit of persistent than now, and when bank self sacrifice. If we win, we must have ruptcy comes, to reorganize and to re­ our best workers give time and euorgy peat the same process oyer and ovei to the work. Any live man or woman again. There is a reissue of stock, wbic' can organize anywhere. The people are ready, but they wait is again 6old to innocent purchasers, an«' so the incessant round of robbing is al for the sluggish leaders. With a perfect organization in all the states, we need lowed to go on. The surplus money the country is,kep$ locked in the bank: never fear the wiles of the enemy. We to be used in the wrecking aud rebuild­ can resist every assault if we aro ready ing schemes of the stock watering an united State* t in Lien Docket, and, whereas a certified the OLD DOCTOR 8 private mail praeUce, for M yaaxfe Transcript ot said judgment was filed in and not a single bad result. with the County Clerk of Jackson Money re.urned if not as represented. Bead 4 oentt County, Oregon, by the said R. D. Holmes (stamps) for sealed particular«. on the 28th day or November. 1892, which OB. WARD INSTITUTE. t20 N. 9th SL. St.Leula,Me. said judgment was enrolled and docketed in said Circuit Conrt: Therefore I was commanded that out of the personal prop­ erty of the said Defendants or if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said Defendants to make the sums of money above stated together with accruing costs. In obedience to said order 1 did, on the 28ih day of De­ OF THE cember, 1895. duly levy upon lots 7 and 8 in block No. 22 in Medford, Oregon, and on , Saturday, February 15th, 1896, at 2 o’clock p. m., at the front door of the Court House, in Jacksonville, Oregon. I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right, title, interest and estate of the above named Defendants or either of them in and to the above des­ cribed property. 8. PATTERSON, THE CHRONICLE ranks wttk M m greatasl Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. B A CHRONICLE ■ewspapvro lu th« United stat««. THE CHRONICLE han ueeyual on u>« Padfl* Coast. It leads all In ability, «nterpris« and u«w a THE CHRONICLH'H TvlMgrapblo Reports we the latest and most reliable, IM Uxau Mate« th« fullest and spiciest, and Its Bditurtats from u.« ablest pens In the country. THE CHRONICLE has at Ways been, aud always wiU be, th« friend and uharnplou of the peoplu aa against combinations, clique«, corperailous, of oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent in everything, neutral in nothii<. SHERIFF’S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. Jackson County Bank, Plaintiff vs. E. A. Carter and Fan­ nie H. Carter, De­ fendants. J y virtue of an execution issued out of and under the Seal of the above named Court, in the County and State aforesaid, bearing date the 20th day of December, A. D., 1895. upon a judgment rendered on the 6th day of May, A. D., 1895, to me duly directed and delivered, whereby I was commanded to satisfy said judgment, amounting to the sum of $225.00 with interest thereon from June 27th, 1891, at ten per cent per annum and for costs amounting to $15 55 and $25.00 Attorney’s fees with interest thereon from May 6th, 1895, at 8 per cent per annum out of the personal property of above named Defend ants and if not rufficient personal property be found then out of the real property be­ longing to said Defendants together with accruing costs. In obedience to sgid order I duly levied upon the following real property on the 27th day of December, 1895, to-wit: Beginning at a post 24 rods South and 2 rods West of N E corner of N W % of 8 E 14 of Section 5. Twp. 39 S. of R 1 East of Willamette meridian, thence West 20 rods to post, thence South 16 rods and 10 links, thence East 20 rods to post, thence Nortii 16 rods and 10 links to beginning, containing 2 1-16 acres, more or less, all in Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, and on Saturday, February 15th, 1896, I will sell in accordance with the provis­ ions of said order and judgment at 2 o’clock p. m., at the front door of the Court House, in Jacksonville, Oregon, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the right, title, interest and estate of the above named Defendants or either of them in and to the above des­ cribed property. 8. PATTERSON, Sheriff "of Jackson County, Oregon. B THE DAILY By Mall, Postage I’aid. ARE YOU GOING EAST? If so be sure and see that your tickets read via the Ooly$6.70aïem. The Weekly Chronicle LINE, THE Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis &. Omaha R y — THIS IS THE — GREAT - SHORT - LINE BETWEEN DULUTH St. PAUL & CHICAGO. And all points East and South. Their Magnificent track, Peerless Vesti- buled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: “ALWAYS ON TIME.” Ths Greaie«t Wc