Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1895)
A Call for a Meeting. Decoration Day. If You Go Farther You Will Fare Worse. The members of Burnside Post and There will he a meeting r.f the Countv Corps will meet at their hall at 8:30 a. m. Central Commitfee of the People’s party and form in procession at 9 o’clock on the of Jackson lotv tv at Central Point oil Have put in a plaza as follows: Saturday Mav 25th 1895 at 1 o’clock p. m. 1. Ashland Band. It is <1. sired that there he ,i represen New Stock of 2. Co. D. 2 R-giment, O. N. G. tative rotn each club in the county. 3* Burnside Post and all obi Soldiers Clubs that have not ele< ted their precinct and Sailors. committees will call a meeting, n,.nie a ELLS Everything FIRST-CLASS in 4. Burnside W. R. C. precinct committee and elect a chairman 4- 4* DRUGS und ut Reasonable Rutes . 5. School children. ***** of the same,as the chairman of each com And are prepared to furnish 6. City authorities and citizens. mittee will be a member of the County +***4* * "* goods at the .il ’oíd Cheap John Drug-Stores. The procession will then march to Ash Central Committe, according to plan of land cemetary and decorate the graves ot state organization. departed comrades and the unknown F rank W illiams cation. Representative R. G. Smith the prosecu small children. After going about five dead according to the G. A. R. service. Ch’inn P. P. Co. Central Committee. Sells Stationery Cheaper miles on the way a quarrel came up about Story & Eggers, barbers. Ashland House tion. Neatbarnmer hired Bob Baber and Ashland, Or., May 6,1S95. 1. Address by post commander. than the Cheapest Man in her receiving letters from some man, and 2e Music by the band, dirge. flPtF’Give us a call and block. Bill Webb, notorious up and down this this or any other town. . after a hot quarrel Mrs. Fiester started Mrs. T b. Hawkins, Chattrnooga, Tenn, 3. ’ Prayer by chaplain. Parkinson & Wise, Soda manufactures, country as horae-racers, cow-boy» and back for Grants Paes, but was soon caught we will treat you right. ays, “ Shiloh ’ s Vitalizer sayed niy life. I “bad men with a gun,” as detectives and 4. America by Post and Corps. Pokegama. Cal. consider it the best remedy for a debilitated 1 by Fiester and dragged to a hole of water, tbev have been working up the case 30 minutes will be taken for decora system I ever used.” For Dyspepsia, 5. Fred Shnltz the irrepressible, was doing : about 3 feet deep, near the track, and MARSH & SMITH, against the defendants, the parties whom ting the graves and viewing the decora Liver or Kidnev trouble it excels. Price Ashland Saturday. held under the water until dead. After tions. Mr. Neathammer wants to convict. 75 cents. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. The procession will re-form at the Mrs. J H. Martin left to-day for Oakland, Pcksgama, The prosecution presented 10 witnesses the woman was dead the man claims to beating of the drum and march to the Burnett and Applegate. Cal,, on a business trip. in the examination. The defence put no . have tried to drown himself, but failed, Chautauqua where the following will be i and setting down on the track, sent the Peter Burnett, the first governor and Goto J. P Do<lge for refrigerators. He witnesses on the stand but vigorously i children to Merlin to tell the folks what carried out: first supreme Judge of California, died cross-examined the state’s witnesses. 1. Music by the choir. keeps the best to be had. he had done. He remained until the in San Francisco last week. He was an 2. Reading Memorial orders. For a clean shave or hair cut and bath go After the attorneys summed up the evi ¡crowd came up iron Meriin and then Oregon pioneer coming with the Apple I dence vesterdav evening Judge Simpkins 3. Post exercises. to I. E. Deboy. Gold Hill. gate party. From the Oregonian we bound Mrs. Neathammer over to the came to Grants Pass and gave himself 4. Music by the choir. WAS MOVED FROM THE I. O. O. F. clip this sketch: C. E. Donnelv is riding a 21-lb. Stearns j grand jury in the sum of $750, Wm. Bate i up to Sheriff Hiatt. 5. Oration by C. B. Watson. At the preliminary examination Mon wheel boughl of D. L. Rice. block into their elegant new quar Peter II. Burnett came across the man in the sutn of $2500 and Wm. Ennis 6. Music by the choir. plains to Oregon in 1843 with Jesse I Mrs. II Judge left Tuesday for Chico, in tbe sum of $1500. They were all three day, Piester was bound over to appear 7. Benediction. ters neatly and tastily fitted up in Atkin Cal., to visit her daughter. taken to the countv jail at Jacksonville before the next Josephine county grand After the program a recess will be had Applegate. They never met again till jnrv, without bail, for murder in the I son block next doon north of Postoffice, for 1372, when Applegate walked into Bur until 1:30 p. m when part of the post Fox A Good will deliver ice to your door this morning by Constable Whipple and ! first degree. nett’s office in San Francisco. In his Detective Bill Webb. will proceed to Hargadine cemetery and every morning this summer. the reception of their old patrons and Fiester is about five feet ten inches Though there is a strong probability part to Talent to decorate the comrades’ “Recollections” Burnett relates how Residence Lots for sale in Howard Brown, a Hornbrook miner, was high and weighs 150 pounds, while his friends and the public generally. Applegate, giving an account of his his that tbe authorities are on the right graves. ________________ visiting Ashland this week. Pokegama, on reasonable tory after Burnett had left Oregon, Baid : track, it ie believed that some further wife was a small woman and not stout. Reuniort of Four Sisters. Felix Kohn of Portland was on Sunday’s convincing evidence will be necessary to Both parties have been hard workers and terms. Lots sold on the in “In the Umpqua I had fine lands and They are stocked tip with and are displaying the had accumulated a few hundred dollars, train for Ager on a business trip. Portland Oregonian: On Tuesday last a stock and other property. After a white stallment plan. convict. The evidence at the prelim though generally unfortunate in their reunion for the four daughters of Gen M. A. Loo«lev, representing the Gold inary examination was chiefly bar-room I determined to go into the mercbantile LSO 2,000 ACRES of Choice eral Joseph Lane took place in this city. business. To make a long story short, I Hill Miner, was in town Tuesday. talk ami gossip among all the prostitutes, business relations. reshest line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER Sugar and Yeliow Pine Land for In conversation with a reporter, Fiester Mrs. Mellisa Barlow, one of the ladies, sold mv goods on credit to those who P. Ivory. Sr., has relurned to Applegate tin-born», black-fegs, sand-baggers arid frankly told the entire story, seeming to IES AND PROVISIONS in the City. sale on the Klamath river. Terms happened to be in the city on her way needed them most, and not to those who made to suit on application. Address from a visit with friends about Ashland. flim-flammers within a radius of a 100 have no remorse for the deed nor regret from Spokana to visit her son at Gold were able to pay, lost $30.000, and quit Mrs. Geo Hargadine and children went miles. for his conduct. He claims other men Hill. It was the anniversary of her the business.” This story is very char CHAS. COLE, GIVE THEM A CALL- to Grants Pass Monday to visit her parents, j had so preyed upon his domestic happi birthday, and also the 42d anniversary acteristic of JeBse Applegate. Elected Rose Queen. Pokegama, Siskiyou Co., Cal. ness that his future was blighted and Joseph Dame returned Sunday from of the arrival of General Lane in this The contest for Rose Queen ended at Songer A Dame’s Klamath river mines. Medford Items midnight on Monday, after considerable there was no hope for him any way. He state with his five sons and four daugh Lost, Srayed or Stolen J. H. Huffer was np from Jacksonville interest and friendlv rivalry, not on the claim* to be unable to understand whv ters. At the residence of her sister, Mrs. Dave Payne is up from Redding on a he gave way to his passion at the critical Friday and talked mining and gold-bugism. part of the ladies, bnt rather among the CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YCURSELF Winnifred Mosher, Mrs. Barlow met her business trip. WHITE 3-YEAR OLD HEIFER, Send to Parkinson A Wise of Pokegama. men who had set their minds on electing moment and held his wife’s head under I ' two other sisters, Mrs. Shelby and Mrs, Francis Fitch and wife are in the eastern marked upper crop left ear and split « * OUR SUPERB LINE OF # Cal., for yonr soda water, sarsaparilla, etc. their favorite. As it took tnonev to vote, water until she died. He says he quar S. E. Floed. One of General Lane’s states on a trip. in right. N K monogram on left hip or reled with his wife nearly all day and sons, Nat, is dead; th& others, Joseph it was soon a contest among the bloods Miss Ada Culver has returned to Duns $2.50 for any information which re S. S. Aiken of Prospect has been ap sults stifle.. had talked very hard and at times Simon, John and Lafayette, are living in in the finding of same. muir from a visit with her family in Ash who could plank tip the most “dough” abused pointed a notary public. her. Southern Oregon. W. N. KO UNS. and the 8. P. R. R. boys and Wells-Fargo land. Fiester is an old pioneer of Josephine B. F. Crouch left Monday for Oakland, Coles, Cal. James J. Corbet gave some pretty good Cal., to remain a month or more. Mrs. Dr. Ozias returned to Roseburg & Co.’8 messengers were soon into the county and Mrs. Fiester was a daughter I i advice to the boys of the Olympia Club, Monday from a visit with her family in struggle with their favorites. of Ben Brown of Woodburn a prominent when he was in San Francisco last. He Miss Kate Chitwood was visiting Ash ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. The great bulk of the vote was put into Ashland. and highly respected family. Mrs. them that the best way to get strong land friends and relatives this week. The familv of Locomotive Fireman Cha». the ballot Iwix the last evening and there Brown came after the body and took it to told In the matter of the estate of Martha was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that was a great deal of jockeying. The ques Ralph Bunch has returned from ___ Ash- Wells, deceased. Patrick left Tuesday to join him at Tucson, Salem for burial. Their daughter, known they should arrive at manhood lusty and land tion each side tried to find out was how and is running W. L. Townsend ’ s Arizona. Notice is herebv given that the under many votes would elect and the point as Jet Biack, came to Grants Pass from healthy. Many men who have been guilty barbershop. signed has been duly appointed by the 8. J. Stortner left Tuesday for California was how many are the other fellows Sisson to see her mother but tbe remains of excesses and over-indulgencies, and have D. T. Sears, U, S. government store keep used the Celebrated Medicine “CUPI- after which he goes to Tucson and Phoenix, Court of Jackson county, Oregon, going to put in. The express boys’ sage had been taken to Salem when she ar DENE” lived to give testimony of its won er of the distillerv, and M. Purdin the Conntv Arizona. sitting in probate, administrator of the rived. It was over her that her sepa and prophet thought to raise the sum to derful stimulating and curative powers. blacksmith, spent Sunday in Ashland. estate of Martha Wells, deceased. M. R Moore, W. II Gilbert and Chas. 1200 would bring the persimmon and he rated husband, Thos. Biack, killed Jesse “CUPIDENE” will check all the waste tis Miss Alva McDowell, the school teacher, All persons having claims against the Henry left to-day for the Beaver creek a great sufficiency. The railroad boys’ Rice in her bouse of ill-fame at Grants sue of the body. In fact, it stops all losses. returned Sundav from a visit with Miss estate are required to present them to the mining district. Pass, about two years ago, for which “ CUPIDENE ” is a powerful, harmless, sack—plethorically full from Sunday’s Minnie I ’ readmore and other Ashland undersigned at Ashland,Oregon, properly Ex-Warden I. W Berry was on Friday’s pay ear—feared their express friends had Black is now serving a term in the pen vegetable Compound. It is as sure to friends. strengthen the generative organs as it is to vertified as by law required, within six train for Salem from a trip to San F ran- gone and done it and just a few minutes itentiary. Hon. B. F. Harding, a prominent citizen months from date hereof. rebuild and regenerate you. Trial package cisco. before the pools closed put in about 2000 $1 00; 6 packages $5.00. For sale by E. A. and public man in Oregon’s history, is Probate Court. WM. F. SONGER, Mrs. Thos. Kinney returned to Jackson votes. When the votes were counted the down from Lane county visiting Jackson S herwin . Estate of Margaret Houser, deceased. Administrator of the estate of Martha county triends. ville yesterday from a visit with Mrs. J. E. express boys wanted to kick themselves Theo Cameron appointed administrator Wells, deceased. Pelton. for being so dull, ami the jubilant rail and Silas J. Dav, W. J. Plymale and L. L. DIED. Dated May 13, 1895. HOTEL OELHJG-Onsr Jacobs appraisers. roaders were in high glee over having George Kelly of Kansas arrived Sunday MILTENBERGER — On Williams creek, to visit his son and niece, Miss Minnie crowned their girl Queen of the Roses. F. T. Fradenburgh, Prop. Attention, Pioneers. May 17. 1895, of cancer, Isaac Milten Predamore. The carnival will take place some time T hursday — fW P H Legate. Med berger, aged 76 years. The 19th annual meeting of the Pioneer A D Spencer, Chicgo W W Savage, S F Howell's $9 boots or shoes are guaranteed in the first part of June. Society of Southern Oregon will be held at Tbe final vote canvassed Monday at mid the Town Hall in Jacksonville, on Thurs G W Smith, City Tom R Wilson,“ to give satisfaction and last a year. Oppo night was as follows: Kate Hansen, 2502, A Woman Who Will Work. W N Luckey, " Krank Arnold, “ site I. O O. F. block. day, June 6th, at 1 o ’ clock p. m., for the Emma Howard. 1282; Susie Martin, 107; E O Parrott, R B Wanted in every county to introduce the F T Davis. Port’ld A. D. Naylor, the saw-mill man, went to Allie Farlow. 21; Carrie Roper. 19; Nellie purpose of electing officers of tbe Society Celebrated E E Sayles, Steinmn Have put in "Hygeia” Waists for all ages. J Warner, S F Pokegama Monday to see about taking a Stanley, 14, Mildred Brunk, 10; Maud Gal- for the ensuing year and to transact any This waist supercedes A W Gilroy, Salem H Brown the corset, and has other business that may legitimately be position in the lumber mill. lan’,5: Clara Mingus. 5; Mabel Chisholm. 5; M onday — the unanimous approval of the F M Johnson, S F SODA, W’ORKS OUR SHOE Hallie Million, 3: Fannie Markle. 3; Jennie brought before the meeting. A full atten received J. W. Storms is visiting J. G. Briscoe of Andrews, 0 C Riches, Port leading physicians of America. $3.00 outfit J H Boyd, dance is desirable 2; Cad Austin, 1; Jessie Wagner, 1; shine-« gloriously in the Trail creek and mav conclude to locate. Lulu Feudal, 1: Scattering, 16. free. Any energetic woman can make from E O Purrott, Red B W N Luckey, City Silas J. Day, Secretary. ^zao^At Pokegama, Cal ______ ____ woi hl of foot wear, exem- I H W . Brower. Port He is a practical school teacher. $15 to $50 weekly, Send for circulars and Al Schoett, Duns plyfyinsr every good qual H H McCarthy. PortiM Gartenberg, S F The Republican Clubs. terms. HYGEIA M F’G Co.. Public School Exercises. H. E. Slocum of this citv l,as been grant ity at ainable in leather, B R Kingsbury ¡J C F McGriff. S F 378 Canal St., New York. The stale republican clubs in session at ed a pension of $8 per month with two absolute comfort, perfect Tbe Bacealaureate address to the grad J K Layman, l ’ okeg j F FI Moulton & wf,do ND are prepared to fill all orders on years and 10 months back pay. uating class of the Ashland High School Portland this week are having a rocky Butte Creek News. F riday — ¡H Brown fit. wonderful durability, short notice. » correct style and low The’summer exodus from the citv to the will be given by Prof. Hitchcock at the time between the two tactions that split W ” Bevington.DunsjF L Southwick, 8 F Mr. visiting Gamble of California is the senatorship in the last legislature. friends here. GRCleid, SF ------- cost. E C Murray, “ watering places has not vet begun, bnt Methodist church next Sunday evening. I M Muller, Med’fd F W Gibbs, Med The Commencement exercises of the The free silver republicans pressed their business at the beering places is very brisk. jP^^Give them a call. Elsworth Cameron of Corvalis is here J A Whitman, “ Ashland High School will be held at the case .hard, but the Portland ring had T uesday — Rufus Cole, of Cole’s station, and Silas Opera visiting relatives. House. Wednesday evening, May 29. Otto Guthman. Port A A Alien, Port sufficient influence to table their free Shattuck, prominent residents of the south The following scholars graduate: Wm. 0. Daley had his hand operated on Geo W Collins, “ G E Dayton,St Louis side of the Siskiyous were in town yester Theresa Bryant, Gertrude Sutton, Bertha coinage resolution by a large majority, for an abscess last week. W N Luckey, City IW N Luckey, City having packed the convention for that day. A Williams, Hypatia Klum. Halcevon L. A Hermann. Or Cy J L Marks, 8 S F Mr. Fuller of Big Stickey was over visit C purpose. D B Brvant, S F ' C Truax, Chicago J Before being taken in blindly call on Whitmore, Myrtle Grainger, Isabel Ross, ing Ben Abbeloose yesterday. ....THE.... 8 V Sheffaer, S F C S Boyle. S F Vnupel, Norris A Drake and get a pair of Edith Gregory. Walter G. Walrad. Bernard Fine Place to Rent. Born on Big Butte May 16,1895 to Mr. and W A Hemphill. S F E 1) Ivory. Oakland hand-turned. French kid shoes that for E. Spencer, ’ Winfred Y. Crowson and The Saxeman propertv. acres Mrs. Andrew Stanley a daughter. Victor Mayer. Jas Myer.»,’ Gridley J 11 Pinkston, R B merly sold for $5.50 for $2.50. TONSORI AL ARTIST choice fruit orchard. Good 7—room C F Gegax, Duns I M Muller. Medford commencement exercises . Miss Cora Brown and Mrs. C. W. Taylor Don’t forget the King’s Daughters enter house, Applv to E. E. Deming on went to Central Point Saturday and are to C E Ramage. Chicgo C O Damon. “ VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE. lias added another chair to His Wednesday evening. tainment, the cantata “The Coronation of J W Smith, Yreka R Cole, Coles adjoining nlace return today, Old Reliable Establishment and the Rose” at the opera house tomorrow Music. S aturday — J W Curry. Medford is better prepared than ever to (Fridsy) evening. P. B. Davis and Mike Mayfield started A M Gibson, Boston Ira A Phelps. •• Mining News. Invocation................ Rev. 8. E. Meminger. accommodate the Shaving pub Friday with a band of 350 head of cattle for W N Luckey, A F Zipf, S F A stimulant is often needed to nourish Salutatory, , E. A. Long of Medford and W. L. Chap- lic * * “Crutches”...... Gertie Slitton. * * It Shades' of Avoca . Al Schadt. Duns and strengthen the roots and to keep the , Class History ................ Myrtle Grainger. pelle of Eugene are prospecting on Cotton Crook county. I Smith, Virginia J D Hill, Medford hair a natural color. Hall’s Hair Renewer ( Oration.................. "The Electrical Future” wood creek and have struck the original John Young our efficient road supervisor J G A W Booth, G Pass Peter Moore, “ Blue wash gravel and have taken out some has had a force of men and teams on the HOT AND COLD BATHS. is the best tonic for the Hair. Winfred Y. Crowson. R W Mance, Quincv J 8 Bailey fine colors, the largest being 54 cents. In Ex-State Printer F. C. Baker was on Essay, “Uncut Leaves”...... Edith Gregory. running into the bank 48 feet the blue road the last week. W F Bangasser, S F J H Bedlinger, Med Remember the place Misses Mary Silsby, Clara Tuesday's train returning from a trip to Double Trio, Geo. Heckathorn was looking for a doctor M S Wade, W ednesday — gravel increases in size from one inch to six Mingns. May Tiffany, Jessie Rose, Mrs. Old Mexico and New York. His wife stop last Friday to lance his hand; he was suffer J H Pinkston, R B Will Goldman, Port feet. Opposite the Plaza. Whited, Mrs. Chrisman. ped oft at San Francisco to visit. ing with it very much. J Brown,Hillsboro,O WRNSley, “ Oration,.............. “Signs and Superstitions” The Ashland Mine crushed 49 tons of ore H. B. Higinbotham passed through town T James. Pity Chicago W B Humbert, Bndn M. F. Eggleston, president of the Ash Victor Mayer. in a five days-run last week, which realized ■ C E Selph. Tillamook Friday on his way to the county seat. He J H 8 Worwood, land bimetaiic league, went to Portland Essay.. .“The Chances of an Ashland Girl” enough to pay off the hired help. Circuit Court. Smith, Phoenix C A Hermann, OrCy reports stock looking well. Monday to represent the Ashland Repub Bertha Williams. H L White vs O 0 Tiffany et al; equity. S unday — W N Luckey, City F. M. Plymale went to Beaver creek Sun lican league in state convention. Oration, ................. "The Good Old Times” Kate M Lemberger appointed to take tes Mr. Loosely of theGold Hill Miner called D A Brower, Spokane E I) Seymour, S F day to superintend the work of getting the Walter G. Walrad. timony. Buv a ticket for the Kings Daughters Torrey placer mine opened for the season’s on onr correspondent Monday morning. D T Sears, Medford J H Boyd, Chas. Nickell vs 8 D Sheridan, to recover entertainment tomorrow evening. It is Essay. “Our Graduation”........ Isabel Ross. run. The mine has been prospected for i He seems to be a very pleasant young gentle M Purdin, “ E O Parrott, R B Mixed Quartet ......... Misses Carrie Roper, money Continued. monev better spent than hitting a crap M Winter, Portland .1 Randle several years for a very rich back channel. man. Ester Silsby, Messrs Barnes and Childs. ■ State of Oregon vs A Weigel. Motion to game or sending money to convert the cof “ |S S Goldsmith. S F Wm. Wifey and wife of Ashland came Jay Gould, Essay, ................ "Perseverance” E E. Sayles of Steinman, who is working remit bond denied and district attorney fee-colored heathens. Gordon F ’ rizell. Chic John M Short, Sac down to visit some of their numerous Halceyon L. Whitmore. And we have just received this week Five Cases a placer mine on Bumble Bee creek, oppo W N Luckey, City ! W C Bevington,Duns ordered to collect same. N. M. Singleton returned Sunday from Oration........................... “A Spider’s Web” site Patterson Bros. & Payne's rich placer’s friends around their old home last Friday J A Whitman, Med IH H Howard, Port Hanley vs Hanley; partition. Kale M and returned home Monday. Bernard E. Spencer. of Magnificent Lines of his trip to Klamath x allsand was with aback on Beaver creek, went over to his property Lemberger appointed to take testimony. W M Singleton, Port W M Welch, load of people about half an hour from the Class Prophecy....................Hypatia Klum. Monday. K Miss Daisy Stanfield was thrown from a J E Envart, Med |F Aplin, All Free (c scene at the time of the recent stage hold Valedictory............ “Rowing, not Drifting” ID H Stewart, J H. Huffer, who has taken out some buck board yesterday on her way to the F M Mingus, “ Theresa Bryant. Antelope church, onto her head and should np. Those who have used Dr. King’s New $14000 on the Huffer A Beekman ledge on Presentation of Diplomas.... F. H. Carter. ers and came near breaking her neck but Henley Items. Discovery know its value, and those who Mrs. J. Clint’s millinery store is receiving President of Board. Jackson creek this spring, took out 16 lbs. came off with only some severe bruises. A new blacksmith shop has been started Iftve not, have now the opportunity to try of ore a few days ago that is nearly all gold. new goods every week, and to day receives Class Song. it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist in Henley. another invoice of stylish hats. Being Yesterday Rev. Kennedy preached at the Music. A new smelting plant with a capacity of Antelope church and organized a S. 8. with and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your goods of fine quality and made up in an Mrs. Blevins of Klamath county is visit 1000 tons per day will be put in the vicinity J. F. Creed Supt. Mrs. David Cingcade ing her mother, Mrs. Deal, in llenley. name and address to 11. E. Bucklen <fc Co., artistic manner, her stock finds ready safe. MARRIED. Chicago.and get a sample box of Dr. King’s of the Iron Mountain mine in Shasta assistant sup. Mrs Carney Sec. Thomas Butler Helman and family and Henry Ogden Hoffman, formerly superintendent New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy of county. Riley, Treas. and Mrs. George Morine as Reed and family have gone to their Jose * of the Black mine, has returned home to Guide to Health and Household Instructor organist. phine countv ranch“». This leaves Gen. HOOPER- REESER.—At the residence of Yreka Journal.J San Francisco. Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you the bride ’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Songer & Datne, lessees ot the McCon and Mrs. E. L. Applegate living alone the Mrs. Emma Hornby nee Emma Matney and cost you nothing. 8old by E. A. The Black Jack is running a small cretv good Reeser, in Highland Park addition to nell & Qtiinne or Pacific river mine, on formerly first time since the birth of their first child. of this place, but now of Washing S herwin . under the management of Mr. Lemarst, Ashland, Mav 22. 1895. at 8:30 p. m. by the island jnst below the mouth of Hum is completely paralized in her right side former supt. of the Klamath Consolidated Fred T. Fradenburg was subpoenaed to the Rev. G. W. Black, Chas. E. Hooper bug creek, on the Klamath, are crowding ton Central Point Items. and is perfectly helpless. Her father James mine near Henley. The river claims along Woodville Tue-dav on the Neatbamer case and Miss Pearl Reeser. Matney of Gale, Klamath county is here the work day and night with a large Mrs. Cooksey returned Saturday from as the prosecution’s leading witness. The the Klamath are under good headway The ceremony was performed in the par her Sams valley visit. importance of his testimony must have lors of the fine home of Mr. and Mrs. Reeser, force employed. They started up their visiting his daughter Mrs. Arther Creed. working large forces of men. simmered down when he got there, as he the high-contracting parties standing under steam engine several davs ago and met “A friend in need is a friend in deed.” Mrs. Hershberger was tapped by Dr. Chas, Ross and Joe Weinzinger met with was not cal let! to the stand, not knowing an arch decorated with myrtle and choice with a serious accident by the breaking Geary Friday and a gallon of water taken a narrow escape of their lives. They were anything about the case. A friend advised me to use Ely s Cream Howers, the rugged and tuanlv groom being of the extensive pump for raising water Prices from $4.00 to $18.00 per suit, and work on some cribbing for a wingdam in from her and she is now much better. The Kings Daughters will put the can dressed in the conventional wedding suit to the sluices, and are now replacing the Balm and after using it six weeks I believe at Klamath river at the American Bar mine. I ’ eter Applegate and son and brother are they are all of the most beautiful patterns tala, "Our Rose Queen” on the boards at and the bride never looked happier and same with a dip wheel, which will work myself cured of catarrh. It is a most valu Tbe cribbing gave way, throwing both in running a tunnel to tap their ledge and will rr ■ z'tc Ganiard s opera house Friday, May 24th. sweeter in a plain old rose suit. Only the to better advantage. They are also put able remedy.—Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand the river. Ross was carried down stream put up an arastra in the near future. The we have ever been able to offer to the trade Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Don’t fail to give the Kings Daughters a family and immediate relatives were pres a quarter of a mile and when rescued it ledge has every indication of being rich. ting a current wheel in the river to W n * W. W. My son was afflicted with catarrh. I In ent. and the jolly party set down to a wed lift on this enterprise. They are in need of during our long experience in the cloth- Tift operate the electric light plant, letting duced him to try Ely’s Cream Balm and took some time to bring him to conscious the money for a mighty good cause. The ding lunch. The Central Point people’s party club ness. Weinzinger was thrown into some ing business in Ashland. the disagreeable catarrhal smell all left him. Tne bride is the daughter of the pioneer the steam engine furnish power for the entertainment will be first-class. w- ropes which held him under the water have given up their proposed 4th of July hardware and tinware merchant of Ashland derrick and China Dump used in clearing He appears as well as any one.—J. C. Olm* guy celebration at the fair grounds. They and when liberated he was tound to be The big black l>ear that ha» been monarch and an amiable, interesting and attractive stead, Arcola, Ill, badly bruised about the face. Both are could not make satisfactory arrangements of all be surveyed in the Wagner Butte young lady. Mr. Hooper comes from the 6ipage water. The claim next below, Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. with the present board in charge of the fair getting along as well as could expected. section these 20 or 30 years, was caught in Grand Rapids. Mich., but has been in Ore of the name ownership, is also being grounds. A steel trap last week "set bv 8. H. Calhoun. gon about nine years, conducting a real worked energetically, and a cut will soon Hairs from Antelope. His toot would make a 13 inch in diameter estate business at Astoria where he owned be made to the bedrock of channel for Five hundred horned toads will be A Visit, to Nortli Carolina. A. L. Haselton of Eagle Point is teaching track. Mr. Calhoun has preserved the hide the first addition to Gearhart Park on Clat realizing rich pay. Our fine tailor made clay worsteds shipped from San Diego to Hawaii. the “Young Idea” of Brownsboro with his Cochranton, Pa.—“Some years ago I had (Hie of his numerous hunting trophies. sop Beach ar.d where he yet retains real The Chinese company working the old usual success. Mr. Haselton is actively The toads are wanted at the islands for occasion to visit North Carolina, and while at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00 will more Sheriffs. Patterson went over to C<*leson estate property. He has been a resident of Benz Bar mine, opposite Honolulu, is preparing appropriate memorial exercises bug catchers. there had one of my bilious attacks. Hear Southern Oregon for two years and a pleas yesterday’s train to go over to the Patter tor the 30th of May. ing, for the first time, of Simmons Liver than please you when you tae a lo < at taking out considerable gold, this being ant. energetic and enterprising young man The police of Sacramento have made son Bros. A Payne placer mines on Beaver Regulator, I tried it. Nothing before had them. They fit fully as well as any suit Miss Lillie Temple of Central Point is wholesale arrests of bicyclists who did so creek. They have a fine prospect for a good well organized to contest the battles of life one of the richest claims on the river, teaching effectually relieved me. I could in no a successful term of school in with success, honor and credit. Mr. Hooper having paid as high as $100,000 during haul of the vellow metal this season and way benefit others more than by putting you can get made at a great deal higher not carry headlights on their wheels as Antelope district. We are glad to learn of is the rustling solicitor on the R kcoxd ’ s a season. Sheriff Patterson will without doubt ge'a such a remedy in their hands.”—N. N. Miss Lillie’s success in her first effort. May required by the city ordinance. great deal more profitable return from the staff and this office in congratulating him S hepard . _________________ price and are just as well cut, all the very Large numbers of miners are working her success keep pace with her experience upon winning such an accomplished bride zz /NX An order of the A. P. A. is in process ;nine than from his office. Memorial Sabbath. also expects to see him in years to come and prospecting this spring in the Sis and her worth. 1 atest.<^%^zga^ of organization in Carson City and tfefer Linn of Pokegama went to Luding win as much credit as a husband and father kiyou mountain foothills, near the Ore A Memorial sernr.on will be delivered Every where pe pie are talking politics, Reno, Nev. A big excursion went ton, Mteb.. Sunday on a month’s visit. as he has added to his record as a clever gon line, especially on Beaver, Elliott, and at the Chautauqua building on Sunday their talk is indicative of much think Robt. Leonard ticketed him over the North rustler and solicitor. Humbug and Grouse creeks, and from ing along the right line.—a line that inev down from Virginia City to complete May 26, 1895, at 11 a. m. under the aus ern Pacific. A. C. Spencer, also of the Our reason for being able to offer clothing at the prices reports received all seem to be meeting itably leads to that more equitable condi the work. picies of Burnside Post No. 23 G. A. R. lumber company left fpr Ludington on the tion of mankind when there will be “Equal with excellent success. Rev. G. A. Ottman of Sacramento has Jacksonville Items. and W. R. C. The members of the Post 8. P. and J. M H ansen’s family will return we do, is simply the fact that we do not sell one dollar’s rights to all and special privileges to to Pokegama with hn». been chosen to represent the Protestant and Corps will meet in their hall at 10 Considerable activity in mining pre none.” ¡ The delinquent tax list has been turned Episcopal missionary jurisdiction of a. m. and march in a body to the Chau- worth on time, and you only have to pay for what you buy vails in the Callahans and South Fork Conductor D. C. Agler after escorting the over to the sheriff. The Antelope Literary Society, which tauquav. All old soldiers and sailors are state railroad commissioner over the 8. P. of Scott river district, where rich strikes f’olvig was been holding regular meetings during Northern California at Minneapolis in invited to join with us; also the citizens yourself, and not the bad debts contracted by other parties. ok me me ' ~ Attorney • art _fthe k at Grants Pass the in both quartz and placer have lately has lines in Oregon took the pay car over the October. the winter and spring, rendered a very The report that the rail- ; nrM part 01 ne ',eel“ route last week Tuc and interesting program Satur Major A. W. Barrett of Los Angeles of Ashland and vicinity. road commissioners had pulled theirprivate I The4lh of July celebration at Jacksonville been made, with plenty of water for a enjoyable day evening. The society adjourned until long season of successful work. Moi hers, car into a country town and held a dance | promises to be a grand affair, after harvest when the young people will has been appointed adjutant general of “One good mother is worth a hundred and a small scaled trip fiesta on their last i Mrs. Mary A. Taylor of Eagle Point, is i Times are lively in the Oak Bar section have more time to devote to literary work. the National Guard of California by ” said George Herbert. Men trip is a slander on the commissioners Mr. i ! visiting friends here this week. this season, as some 75 more men are Governor Budd. R. E. Peeler of Fresno schoolmasters, are what their mothers make them. But Crops on “stickey” in the Antelope val 4gler says. , employed in building a new ditch at if the mothers are peevish and irritable, Circuit court will finally adjourn for tbe ley will be better than for several years, if will be assistant adjutant general. A targe delegation of A. P. A.’s trom the term Horse creek for Epsev, Hunter & Co. nothing unusual transpires between this next Saturday May 25th, 1895. A freight train on the E. and N. rail through irregularities, “female weakness,” -Medford Jodge drove up Tuesday evening I The ditch is to be 4 1-10 miles in length, and harvest. There is a much larger road ran into a fallen tree near Chema- and kindred ailments, they find nopleasure, and after Diepting with the Ashland lodge i Deputy Clerk Smith’s family are visiting over a mile of which has already been time no beauty in the care of their babes. All of corn than ever before in that aet down to’a big banquet at Parson’s res- J with Doiph Cartten's folks on Butte creek. constructed. The ditch will have a acreage nus, B. C., 50 miles from Victoria. The effort is torture. Let us such, who feel section. That little Antelope valley, so laurant. They had a enthusiastically fine G Elksnat has been appointed deputy known by the people living in the locomotive went into the ditch and the weighed to the earth with “weaknesses” time, but nobodv hut thqse that rode the I county surveyor by County Surveyor R. \V. dump of 120 feet and 230 feet pressure, slightly “ valley ” and in the towns, is among the engineer, Tony Silkene, was badly hurt. peculiar to their sex. try Dr. Pierce's Favor capable of working the giants with A. P. A. billy goat knows ttje occasion for I . Kennedy. ite Prescription. They will find the little choicest portions Jackson county, be greatest success. There is a large body cause of its strong, of The Frisbie house in South Vailejo is ones a delight instead of a torment the hilarity. productive soil, its loca Mrs Wm. Hanley of Harney county is 4 letter from the assistant commit- visiting in Jacksonville the guest of her of rich gravel on the creek, all of which tion relative to timber, wood, water and in ashes. The place was fired by an in To those about to become mothers it is a has shown excellent prospects. protection of foot-hills and mountains, cendiary and there is not a stick left of eioner of the general land office to Rep- I sister Mrs. L. L. Jacobs priceless boon. It lessens the pains and making it a specially favored locality for Fickle appetite, tired feeling, stomach the building. Several previous efforts perils of childbirth, gesentaXiy.“ Ellis c< nvevs the information shortens labor and pro irnit culture, its proximity to the prospect Marriage license issued by the county Did You Ever had been made to burn the structure. that the herding or pasturing of sheep is I clerk May 21st. to C. E. Hooper and Miss motes the secreation of an abundance of ive railroad, its natural beauty, and its sickness and weakness can be prohibited in tbe Cascade range forest Pearl Reeser; A. J. Gillette and Mis • May Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your “stickey” roads in winter time, must be Any one who has ever had an attack of nurishment for the child. troubles? IT not, get a bottle now and get reserve, as being considered injurious to Coleman. tried to be appreciated. inflainniatorv rheumatism will rejoice with promptly remedied by using Silver Lake Stock Market. relief. This medicine has been found to be the herbige and undergrowth. Mr. J. A. Stumin. 220 Boyle Heights, Los Deputy Assessor Grieve was in tbe city peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of The Carr firm are busy gathering and Free Pills. Angeles, over his fortunate escape from a Monday on business. He has about com all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder The R ecord is in receipt of the Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., siege of that distressing ailment. Mr. delivering the 3000 head of steers which pleted the work assigned him in the north ful direct Influence in giving strength and denti Journal1’ of the San Francieco eastern part of the county. is foreman of Merriam’s confection they recently sold to a California man. tone to the organs. If vou have Loss of Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. Stumm establishment. Some months ago, on I They will be driven aeross to Ontario and Girls’ High School. It is a regular Appetite,Con-tipation, Headache. Fainting King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince ery Do you know, if you want to go East and Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, you of their merits. These pills are easy in leaving the heated work room to run across I i iron’ there will l»o shlppel to the Eastern «naa^zioe, elegantly printed and well the street on an errand, he was caught out edited. Miss Catrte Herrin, daughter of desire a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, that you Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, action and are part iculary effective in the in The _ result that when Imarket- Eskin 4 Zimmerman from the rain. >me ___ " was __ he wal ‘ be detained from 12 to 16 hours unless Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. cure of Constipation and Sick headache* Hon. J. B. Peri in ot this city, is the wilt etha7nfeht unableNorth Dakota are here buying cattle. ready to go home that night he was unahle For Malaria ana Liver troubles they have you take the Northe'n Pacific? Remember and Strength are guaranteed bv its business manager »f tie Journal. She that the Northern Pacific is the only line Health L.r.._hoxlt. They have bought quite a number of the to walk, owing to iuflar.imgtory rheuma only M,y "Î SS: _ CM .1B. A. anteed to be perfectly free from every ia to be congratu’ate 1 <pher able man running Pullman Tourist Sleepers through use. delet- tism. He was taker, home, and on arrival Sammer Lake men’s cattle. Ttiey are , B hirwin ’ s Drug Store. It strengthens and builds up the enfeebled system, creates agement in eectir ng so moch advertising to the east without delay. Time and money erious substance and to be pqrelv vegetable. wrs placed in front of a good fire and offering $25 for 3-year-ol l 6tefcis and for the paper as well as its firat-cliis busi* saved by this route. For full information, I Vaupel, Norris (fc Drake have received an They do rot 'fc^aken bÿ lheit action, Dut by thoroughly rubbed with Chamberlain's from $10 to $12 for stock cattle. The re- a good appetite and promotes digestion, clears the complexion and time cards, nr<ps, etc., ca J on or address, exceptiona i.v fine line of spring and sum- giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly Pain Balm. During the evening and night I port is that diey wanted near lüJJQû ness appearance. Robert Leonard, Agent, A'hland, Or. nier system. Regular size _ac. he was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, head.___ er cloth ng ^nd nts f irnishing goods invigorate the system, __ restores the body to perfect health. and by morrilrtg« was.. relfevfitL of all rlieu- j Shiloh's Cure is ?o d on a guarantee. It for s trade and the general turn"- turn’- per box. B Sold a. A S herwin . ir this season ’ 8 P er Q ‘ d by B. Hats! So it is a hat you are after. Ju«t ble down of prices tor good goods malic pains. He now tnkes especial pleasure Karl ’ s Clover Root, the great Blood puri cures incipient Consun ptlon. It s t' e Tap 90le9i ce,,t, p?r pa- t M H< in Sold by all Druggists at Si.oo per bottle. tAtv otvun. v aupci, j^urria lap SUICO, yrr pair, ov call and etc see the stock Vaupel, Norris OC A in praising i Chamberlain’s Patn Balm, and fier gives freshness and clearness to the best C jugh <uie. <'nlv ope cen- a do e. Cail jQrake ave recer.v ^d*. They will suit and Bring yotrr fob printing tt> IbB R e (.V» d HowelTs boot »nd »het shop, oppbnte I< Q. always keeps keej a bottle of it in the house, Complex ion and Constipât ion, 25 cfen THE Dfc: «1. H. MCLEAN MEDIÜÎNK CO», STt WOVTSj MOi IJ,>* I ynMt) bu rare» DUWt fRM ‘ bW’Ati rbr nite By “J Ei At SnxsSriX. Mtíü, «mil $1) BUld bv E; A'. Sherwin. I Arrested for the Neathammer Rob- ANOTHER MURDER AT THE bery. PASS. Jacob Neathammer caused the arrest r—>• of his wife arid hereon, Win. Bateman, Chas. Fiester, an Oregon Othello, ASHLAND. O r .. .T huhmday . May 23. 1895 and Sidney and Wm. Ennis, last Sunday Drowns His Wife in a Mud Pond. tor the larceny of $72iX) of Neat ham mer’s Chas. Fiester murdered his wife mar money out of its hiding place in Neat- Grants P i.-s Saturday. Pillis, »X AL IM» NOCI vl- hammer’a granary at the farm near Gold The pair had been separated for a long Hill. Tbe warrant waa sworn out in Bert Wimer is vFi ing Ashland. Justice ot the Peace Simon Simpkins’ time, and when Ftcbfer came to Grants Pass tie prevailed on his wife to go to Judge Howell went to California Tuesday. court at Wo .dvilie ami Constable Whip Merlin, where he was logging, ami keep ple made the arrests. Tne preliminary Mrs. Mattie Carrick has returned to examination took place at Woodville house for them. The woman consented Yreka. Tuesday and yesterday. Crowell A to go fora week, and they started to Mer The Sisson Mascot lias suspended publi Parker represent the defendants and lin, nine miles distant, with the three VALLEY RECORD. SHERWIN General » Lowest Market Price S ^-^Sherwiti TRY SHERWIN.*» Cal. POKEGAMA WILLIAM HEVENER 150 Choice F A FURNISHING GOODS ^NBCK WEAR PARKINSUN & WISE L. V. HIGH SUMMSR CLOTHING GALORE. SPRING SS HEÍiE SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING ;Q-0 G G Q H g^OUNT. CASH STORE. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial Blood Purifier.