Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1894)
VALLEY RECORD. A $50,000 Mine Sold. Plenty of Deer. Medford Items. — BREVITY BASKET. .... .............'J B 1 BÜTTE CREEK NEWS. Fin9 deer are very plentiful io Jackson The sale of two mining claims on Kla = e CUR£ THAT HEADACHE e - Capt A. D. Helman was visiting the I math river four miles below Hornbrook county this season. VVm. Gee, of Sams 0. 0. F. this week. Paisley. Lake county, is having a $1125 E ditor V alley R ecord : has enriched Jacob9 & Virgin and Butler valley, was here again yesterday selling OR NEURALRIA, Miss Edith Crouch ha» returned from a bridge built, Geo. Conn having the contract. Walker Lewis started yes’erdav for his ASHLAND, O b .,..T hucsday . N ov . 22,189» & Thompson of this city who owned the out 18 fine bucks. lie and hia men have visit with Ashland relatives. J. E I ’ elton. assignee of the R. B. K ings- father's mines on Evans creek. iirincn certainly will not cure Mountain Lion, which with the Ohio marketed 109 deer eo far this season, and escape, will sell the real estate on John R. Stearns is sticking hogs in the bury on Friday Mr. Gee’s hunters—Cal. and Miss Phipps, of Leeds, spent several days Applegate, Dec. 8th. claim, was sold last week to a syndicate II Itself. 'iiie, however, is sim pork packing establishment. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. last week visiting friends in Eagle Point. of Salt Lake parties Leaded by H. W. Mark Wininghazn, Dave Pense and Sam Kev. Father Faber will celebrate mass in ple ; you only neei to u»e our HEADACHE Mrs. J. AV. Cox, daughter of Jos. Crane, Mrs Saltmarsh and her daughter Mbs Tom Ferguson had bonded tho Gearv—-leave again for the head of Elk Ashland Catholic church next Suudav,' Elsie Miss Esther Silsby ha» returned from her Brown. is very ill with typhoid fever. TABLETS, to obtain ap<»dy an 1 complete creek to kill from 35 to 40 more, which were here last week visiting relative». Ashland parties Mountain Lion, after 1 Nov. 25th, at 11 o’clock a. m. Dunsmuir visit. relief from the most violent attacks of head Will Townsend, the barber, went to Ash which it was sold with the Ohio. It is Mr. Gee will have in Ashland next week Mrs. Stiikle of Oakland, Douglas county, Keep yuur blood pure and heahbv and M. B. Rankcn was on last evening’s train claimed that the two mines sold for ¡0 good season for Thanksgiving. land this week on a business trip. ache or nrural.-i:!, from whatever cause they ; You will not have rheumatism. Hood’s is stopping with her brother-in-law, J. E. from San Francisco. I $30,000 cash and that the first p.ivmont A daughter was born Nov. 8th to the Sarsaparilla gives the blood vitality and Stickle. Proin senons Thief Arrested. may r.rtsc. Experience has demonstrated i richness. Henry H. Bleecher went to his Klamath ' of $25,000 was made at Yreka last Thurs- wife of J. M. Loftland near Medford. Mrs. A. M. Thomas is still making im Within the past month some thief this to be the last headache cure ever offered county stock ranch this week. i day and the other $25,000 pavment will stole a fine pair of harness from C. Neil’s Gold Hili gives a Thanksgiving ball on It is thought thet Congres-man Herman provements on her place in the way of new to the public. The tablets should be used Judge Nell is no to-day pushing the thief J be made in ninety days. This is the place, a good «addle from Bill Erb, a hue I the 29:lr, liesides a horse-racing and turkey- will be chairman of the commi'tee on rivers buildings. : porphyry dyke proposition below Henley who stole his father's harness. i and harbors, after the organization of the according to the directions on e;.< I, pack ng«*. Geo. W. Ixive and son of Ashland were from Mr. Holmes, the railroad section • shooting. For a first-class shave and hair cut, go to which many believe is a mass of gold man; some carp nler tools from John, Tercy here last week, trying to trade for some of Wells, tho Applegate school teach- I next house. Tiie price is onlv 25 cents per la.x. ... ... similar to the formation at Johannes- High Storey’s, Opposite plaza. Thos. Slater, formerly of Ashland and our real estate. and <^*n went so far aa to steal | ®r* bj‘tu.d.y.inB law with Win' M’ Colvig at Try (hem. They ntcerjail to giie relief. i burg, South Africa, that has produced a Frnlan _ of _____ _ Toz *r, died ..« mucui . father Mrs. ___ Bert suddenly halter from Constable R?al. Marshal Jaeksonville. A. P. Bail, after a visit with Ashland so many millions. The Golden Fleece, Last Saturday Jacob Waltz took thirty The entertainment bv tho Ladies’ Guild ; feU.‘°nth ofÀ hearl disease at Kellogg, seven hogs to Medford. They averaged friends, returned Alouday to Merlin. Smith got onto the thefts and after trac ! Douglas county." ............ near Ashland, also bears a relation to two hundred and eighteen pounds. " ing and locating them he found tbst a of the Episcopal church Friday evening Mrs. Theo. Cameron of Jacksonville I the formation of these dykes. The Portland savings bank closed its certain man had 6old parts of these ! netted them $10. spent Monday visiting Ashland friends. Doc Parker, of Antelope, is moving to Mi-s Eva Pankey and J. G. Conley of doors again Monday. O. N. Dennv has Jacksonville. I understand that he is go Jack Garvin has commenced a tunnel enumerated articles. John Frulan swore Mrs. J. R. Tozer and Miss Elsie Chap valley were married in Jacksonville oe?n appoin’.ed receiver. Ass t $1,650,- ing to live with bis son-in-law, E. E. Smith, man spent Bunday with Jacksonville on bis Black Bear ledge on Wagner creek. oih a warrant charging one Frank Town Sams 000; liabilities. $1,430,000 deputy county clerk. on the 14th inst. send with the crime. Townsend m-ul friends. J. M. Etner came over from his Beaver »left town and stopped at W. H. Shep Hall s Hair Renewer enjoys the confi- R. E. Drum of Table Rock left Saturday Mrs. Dr. W. W. Stanfield, who has been Mrs. Elliott, mother of Airs. Jas. Quinn, creek placer mine Saturday where every herd’s on Emigrant creek, then camped for a visit in Kansas and then to spend the . i®.® ar,<* patronage of people all over the visiting friends in Ashland, returned last thing is in readiness for the winter rains. left Tuesday to visit a daughter in Cal civilized world, who use it to restore and week and reports having had one of the at Dollarhide’s and Tuesday was coming winter in Arizona. ifornia. keep the hair a natural color. Janies Briner has built a new ditch and into town when Marshal Smith arrested pleasantest visits of the season. A. R. Norwood, who recently sold his A girl was born to the wife of Bert Swift, put in a new giant and is ready for placer him on the Boulevard. Townsend ac market Six serious robberies and burglaries have Mrs. Nellie Perry Simpson of Big Butte at Grants Pa3s, is looking over mining on Coleman creek when the rain formerly of Ashlnnd, at Vancouver, B. U., occurred in the country from Ro-eburg to has l>een visiting friends in Phoenix and knowledged being implicated and of <io- Medford for a location. conies. « yesterday. the coast within the past twy monriis and Medford during the past week, She re ing the selling, but claimed another man G. W. Bashford is putting in new flooring in but one case have the perpetrators been turned to Eagle Point Saturday. Judge J F. Alorley. formerly of Ashland, (a partner Levi) d*d I he stealing. He A. E. Matson returned Sunday from San ' and otherwise getting his brewery ready apprehended. is in the Igerna neighl>orhood developing a '3 Francisco, his eye not needing the second j quartz James Wiley of Klamath county, now of • ledge for Pat Kiernan, $1809 having made his statement to Marshal Smith in for operation next month. operation. E. B. McElroy will slide from his 12 years Ashland, was here last week calling on his the city jail, several citizens being in an already been expended in the opening. Miss Mollie Barneburg has l>een paying service as .state seliooi superintendent into friends in this neighborhood. He seems to i adjoining room and hearing it. Mr. Ashland friends a welcome visit, the guest Elder David Brower and wife have been Examine the new FALL and WINTER the chair of English literature just created think there is too much snow in Klamath . T. A. Hill and John Pennington have Neil went to Medford last evening and of visiting old friends and relatives in the her sister, Mrs. D. High. for him by the regenis of the state univer county to suit him. tjie contract and are sinking a shaft for Millinery just arrived. Willamette. secured his harness, which Townsend bad Perry Knotts, the Gold Hill miner, was sity at Eugene. Challen’s Minneapolis syndicate, who We are expecting another of those dra Mrs. Jennie Goddard and Mrs. Carrie are developing Hill’s Wagner creek cin s Id to Simmons’ second hand store. married on the 13th bv Justice Dunlap at Manager Kohler. Supt. Fields, Engineer matic treats here from the members of the Townsend has been here only about a Jacksonville to Miss Ida Gibson. Bnider are employed in the Hotel Ort gon Grondohl and Messrs. Galvin and Volk Eagle Point dramatic club, as they expect nabar mine on the Barney Garvin place, month and claims to be a cabinet maker during room. which was worked years ago by old man Mr«. E. A. Smith, of Ashland, was here came out from Portland yesterday in a to favor us with a performance after the 1st Key, J. A. Sluver, of Grants Pass, was Harvey. They are receiving flattering and having worked at Grants Pass and Friday and purchased an assortment of private car to inspect the company's* road of next month. The play is entitled -‘Bread Pokegama. bed and property. on the Waters.” • here Bunday and Meqday visiting his prospects. flower plants from Mrs. Judge Webster. daughter. Mrs. Eddy. Win. C. White and wife, of New York, George Wiley of your city was the guest ■ The Chrysanthemum Show. Mrs. West leaves this week to spend the The Ashland mine and mill is working 8. A. Clarke, the prune raiser and farm winter in Sierra county, Cal. Her many were in Ashland Tuesday. Mr. White of Lou Tucker for a while last week and | This exhibit bv the Epworth League at right along day and night and this week made, a three-years advertising con tract with the in.juisiiive part of our community are ; fk LL ORDERS FOR GOODS promptly attended to and and horticulture writer of the Oregonian, let a contract to Jos. A. Wilson for the Granite hall Friday and Saturday even-? friends expect to see her back in the spring. the R ecohd for the World’s Dispensary anxious to know what there is on' that j was in town yesterday. ing was a fine exhibition of the widest The son of the late Dr. R. Pryce was Medical Association. ranch that is so attractive to George. * * Hats and Bonnets trimmed in the neatest and most John W. Wilev. who went to San Fran driving of their big tunnel on the lower number and as well the best developed visiting Jackson county this week. ' He is a All the stoat for the Fort Klamath Probably he may tell me in the near future. fashionable styles. cisco last week with a train load of stock, level another 100 feet to the southward. flowers of the kind ever seen in Ashland. young man from Farmington, Washington Mr. Wil9on and his men are actively at A large delegation of our citizens visited creamery has been taken excepting $100. returned honi$ Monday. county. work and when that is completed it will Among the exhibits were the following: The plant is now on the wav, ami building Medford to trade. Ia<t week. Prominent Mrs. Wtn. C’rans. of Medford, daughter probably be run another 200 feet some Mrs. Goo. Stephenson, large fruit bask State Food Commissioner Luce h is sworn will begin next week. The creamery wiil among them were Mr. and Mrs. of Hon. G. B. Van Riper, was vjsiting his Mrs Geo. Morrison, Mrs. M. 8. Woods. Joe et; Mrs. Meore, large bouquet; Mrs. J. opt a complaint at Grants Pass against the t be built on Wood river. time this winter. The Ashland is the family in Ashland last week. M. McCall, display of potted plants and Medford packing company for selling adult Judge J. N. Phillips arrived in San Fran Rader, Mrs. J. A. Jonas, De bert Tirreii of1 best developed mine jn Oregon. Little Butte, Jacob Waltz and last but not | Mrs. J. P. Gilmore returned Saturday ¡ bouquets; Mrs. Billings, display; Mrs. erated lard. cisco last Saturday. He and ladv are well least, your correspondent. The Greenhorn Blue Gravel claim is pay J. R Tozer, a cross; Mrs. Chrisru:tn,um- from a visit of several months with relatives and happy, and are settled at 703 Hayes Mrs. Nettie Harris and Miss Maggie ing exceedingly well throngh the whole i brella and bouquet;Mrs. R. Beswiek, a Tice, who have been at Hotel Oregon for street. Mrs. P.’s sons are with them'.— gnd friends in Illinois and Tennessee. Last Thursday while on the way to The width of the channel, which is nearly two Meadows 1 met Revs. Dr. Kahler and T. L The Wirth Photo Co. have latted the hundred feet wide. With a good rain to ; basket; Mrs. E. A. Smith, gates and bon- many month«, returned to Medford Wed Myrtle Point Oregonian. the latter on his way to his family Tvier gallerv ar« 1 are prepared to’lw’or tie furnish plenty of water, from twelve to 1 quets; Mrs. I’. Dunn, bouquets and potted nesday to remain. The burning out of a flue in Ed. Myer’s Jones, Grants Pass. He was taken sick at Ft. public with the finest kind of pictures. fifteen hundred dollars a week can be taken i plants; Mrs, J. E. White, bouquet; Miss John Frulan and Marshal Smith were house on Helman street Friday evening, at Klamath and his life was despaired of with Judge Holcomb has organized a $2.000,v out. The cleanup at present reaches near Fannie Ralph, bouquet; Mrs. George, hare Sunday looking up evidence to con caused the usual fire alarm with' attendant the then present surroundings, and it was ly $10G0 per week, yrith only three drifters, excitement. The fire companies were cut, vict a thief who-sold some Ashland stolen umbrellaund bouquets; Mrs. prank Mc 000 syndicate in Chicago to go into a land decided to bring him in to his family. At —Yreka Journal. speculation in Aiexico, so it is reported. Donald, anchor, crescent and harp; Mre. goods to W. H. Simmons’ second band but no damage was done. last accounts he was improving a little. store. Pracl-.t, largo bouquet; Mis. J. Thornton,, A family on Klamath river, at Virginia T. J. Demniing and family of four chil? Meehan—Obe-. George Morine, one of our leading me bouquet; Mrs. Sutton, bouquet; Miss | Grant Rawlings, the efficient county re- Bar, named Garrett, lost four children late chanics. firen of Fremont, Minn., arrived in Ash bad a little experience with a bear ' J. J. Meehan, division superintendent ly within a week, the oldest and last, aged land Monday to make their future home. Mary Wiley, bouquet; Mrs. Frank Wil- ; , oorder, «pent Sunday in Medford. Busi- week. He was out looking for ».took, ! of the Western Union line, hypnotized I liams, bouquet; Airs. Haety, bopouet; I ness in the county recorder’s office is rush seven years, having died on the 15th inst. last when bis dog discovered a bear in the brush ' Maj. H. F. Barron want out tq I^ianiat h one of the fairest of the fair of Ashland’s I j ing and keeps Mr. R. and his sister both They caught severe colds, which brought which it immediately tackled and there I county last week with a load of prunes qn lovely onp$. The interesting event per i Mrs. Co), jforris, tvyo fans; Mrs. Hitch very busy. on pneumonia and quick consumption. George was without a gun. The bear and I a trading trip and made a dicker for grocer formed at Jacksonville Sunday, Nov. cock, bouquet ; Mrs. R. AL Garrett, bask “Lion Pg. Coffee” 25 cents per lb. dog were having a close tight when George Chas. Hopkins is suing John Parkinson et ; Mrs. C. W. Ayers, bouquet; Mrs. ies at Bonanza. 18th, bv Rev. Father Faber of the Catho ran in and by the use of his knife despatch-1 and wife and E. L. Tallman and wife in the Billy Sonnickson, who has been with lic church locked together in the holy Sayles, basket; Mrs. Reeser, bouquets;; i U. S. court at Portland for $61.602. Part Lord—10 lbs., $1.25—at Rice’s Grocery. ed bruin to the land where all good bears ' ----- MASONIC BLOCK, NEXT DOOR TO I’OSTOFFICE----- Griswold’s government map survey in bonds of matrimony Miss Sadie Ober, a Miss Ewan, b.isket; .Mrs. Bolton, bou-j of the sum is notes secured by mortgage on Í J- H- Langdon was thrown from a wagon reside. quote; T. J. Howell, bievde. Douglas county all summer, has returned i i;t the upper end of Summer lake. Lake I Jaqkson county property. native of this city and a highly respected C. C. CHITWOOD, Manager. An insurance agent. W. II. Bagley, was to Ashland to ‘hole up” for the winter. Airs. Geo. W. Stephenson received the I and was crushed to death bv the here young lady, and ,Mr. Meehan. The first prize for the most artistic display; ! | 8. Rosenthal, the pioneer clothing mer- county, last week taking a plat of the town wheels running over him. Linnes Klippel B. L- Andrys. wife and children, left to- though not unexpected, brought Airs. E. A. Smith the second pri^e for the I ; cnnni of .Medford, and one of its solid men. and Mrs. Langdon arrived on the scene an and surrounding country. That, and the dav for their New York home via Los event, out the hearty congratulations of their largest number of varieties, exhibiting 1 will erect a fine brick building on the right hour afterward, but the man was already excitement on the subject of railroads is Angeles, after a visit wjth Janies Tfiorqtoq causing considerable talk. The railroad large circle of friends and acquaintances, fifty two different kinds, and Mrs. Bolton of his present store early in the spring, the dead. and family, men are im\v viewing out a route on the who with the R ecord wish them all the third prize for the best bouquet. A pro brick having already been engaged. Mrs. John Van Horn, formerly of Ash north side of Rogue river, but the general H. F. Cole, son of R'lfus Cole, was mar choicest blessings married life is heir to. AL Purdin was called from San Francis land, died recently at Glendal®, Arisqna, of ; opinion seems to be that it is simply a gram and entertainment was furnished for ried at Yreka last week to Miss Lillie last week, his family having the measles. typhoid fever. She fias a large family of blult to scare our citizens into a liberal bo Beers, of Woodville, where they have been each evening and quite a sum was netted co This disease in a mild form has been oper Klamath ’ s Circuit Court. grown children, and grandchildren, several nus. When it oomes to the subject of, visiting. The happy couple are at Hotel the league ladies for their enterprise. ating on the children of Medford for several of her, S'qns and daughters living wi»h their bonus, oqr oltijens are willing to do th*’r Oregon to-day. The Klamath county grand jurv in month«, but nodeaths are yet xeported. -*r families in Jackson coqntv. She wa,s QO part, Masquerade Suits. Harrv R. Barbour, the railroad bridge dieted ex-County Treasurer W. E. Howe 0. Haibaugh. who ha» been in Trinity years of age and an eslimabj® jadi- carpenter, has bought a house and lot of on two counts, one for embezzling $52 of , Airs. Hanes and Miss Kate IJan^en coiinty. Aiite!op«'»"nedy’"a’’ expected here and at ’, all siunmer with men and Great cqt iq price? al Rico’e Grocery, hi* K ’ Mrs R. L. Andrus near Engineer Mc- the county money in reporting the pay-1 are prepared to make the neatest and i : teams at Gal. preach yesterday but owing to work for a big mining co ’ m pnqy, G«rthv'a for $5?5, aipl l|is faqiily is now ment of interest oq county warrants that i most varied fine cf suits (or the coming j ; returned Sunday with Toni Andersoq »mj Re»t gr^d« w*Kn Qostf» Rich VOffo»- ** „eing called to attend a funeral, Rev. domiciled in tbeip new home. Fred Downing came in his place. The con there was no intereat on, an<| the second I niaeqnera<)6 |»nll. 'Shop, corner Main ! i Cha«. Schnebacker; David Bayiqa went tq cenia per JU, gregation at Antelope was small but the 1 I Redding fpm tfie mines.' Mrs. 0. H. Blount went to San Francisco count indicted him for embezzling the and Church Btreels. Max I'rwoh» school house was crowded at Ea^le Point. vasterdav and will return with her mother. $3,100 that Howe alleges was burned up tave**'* whom Governor Sheakely ' lihas, E. Wolçott, the. new»-1 Arrangements were made to discontinue Mrs. Judge Tolman, who is on her way in the tire. Ceqtra, lk>|nt Itciqs. . .. with the only liquor license at Ju- the j paper man who will qpaq g new - appointments at Antelope and have home from an extended yi.sit at her home Howe did not pay his attorney, if. B. here , neau, is to shut up -hop The discrimina- Mr. K, preach at Eagle Point the 3d Bun W- Holmes, the mill nuip, made a fly-1 : Uc: 1st os » bjj,iher-.n-- In Jow» and tl»e eastern states. paint*’ M*r (VcaverJ I tion was denounced by every one in the day in December at 11 a m. and 7 p. ni. tonight, and $hat jawyer h;»9 retired ing trip |o Grants Pass ‘Monligy, —Alaska Dispatch. There must and the Mound school house at 2:30 p. m. Captain Sweeney, rceney, U- S. A-. A Diego, I from his cqse, which has been left to J. . x ne paper, to be issued as a ! ' territory. My. Tompkins»., a now ooms'* • have been some one else doing business un- the same day. Cal, sav: Shiloh’* Catarrh Remedy is ,v W. Ramaker, assisted by the Cogswells. pneumoui». D ick . semi-weeklv, will ’ n e a red-hot republican with j(ick with Pracht's name, as Max has been calam i Eagle Point, Nov. 19. 1894. the first medicine I have ever found that organ in politics. Mr. Wolcott is a first- | der I ity howling i.i the U. 8. for two years. He is on trial today before Hal». Th* . in attendence. For would do me any good." Price 50c. ~ class newspaper man. . interest !□ the cam* — sale by Ashland Drug Company. Miss Cora Brown, of Eagle Point, is visit John Angle, who skipped out last week Mr. AV. M, Terry, who has been in the Karl’s Clover Root will purity your '* ” ‘ - .v-maraable. Near ing Mrs. Holmes, of this place, for a few and was brought back from Sisson, Cal., by dru.' business a: Elkton. Ky,, tor the past Blood, clear your compl x;< n. regulate Rev. Dr. Stratton Was on Tuesdav’s train ly an ttio prominent ladies in town are in days. Sheriff Patterson, had atrial before Justice twelve years says: ’ Chamberlain's Cough vour Bowels and make vour In ad e'ear as for California from an absence of’ several attendanco. They had formerly enter- Airs. James Bell, of Brownsboro, did not Walton and a jury for the stealing of John Remedy gives better satisfaeron than anv a bell. 25c.. 50c. and $1, Sold by Ashlai d months in the east, ea«t. He reports that there Wfip*» bi« prisoner In their exclusive cir- other cough roedicirie I have ever sbifl?’ •I .JJ)r%g Company. is considerable favorirle I t$U •iiwut <oulh- Cles and they now hang on everv word of have the lockjaw as reported by Dick, not Hanley’s overcoat. The jury brought in a ; Th re is good rea=on*'Ior this. No othéF long since. verdict of guilty.’'And Judge’ Walton will ppq Dragon ui tpe ea .fie eastern statçç. * counm.*! and witnesses. Howe’s wife o v s w > ; wi cure a col I so quickly; no other is so sentence him this afternoon. The annual convention of the Califor The little girhof Ex-Marshal Lyons of this H. F. Wood, formerly the contractor and certain a preventive and cure for croup; no her face pinched bj- anxiety and Dan Chapman, Jr., the 18-year-old son of ot ter affords so much relief in cases of nia Miners’ association is in session at builder of Jacksonville aqd Medford, bqt suffering is seated by her husband, who place, had her arm broken last Friday, by now boss carpenter of the Mt. Shasta maintqipg a remarkable im pen inability falling from a teeter-board. l)r. Lee set the Samuel Chapman, who«e family located wh 'oping cou h. For sale by Ashland fen Francisco. here two years ago from Iowa, died Mon Drug Company. limb and reports the child doing well. division, was snaking bands with Asfilttpd as he has since the day of his arrest. day of consumption. The funeral took Tho city council of Loa Angeles has friends this week, haying a faM» or mep at Sims <t Hursh, hot«*l men. are now pre p'ace at the White place on Griffin creek work op railroad repairing on tbp Siskiyou While tho little daughter of Mr. and adopted a revised city charter, which In the cases of Klamath county against pared to entertain their guests m first-class Tue«dav evening. Deceased was a nephew mountgiq. Mrs. Williscroft of Skeen» River was will he presented to the legislature for A- L. Leavitt, county clerk, and ex-Sher- style, having spared no pains and expense of the Chapman’s of Ashland. in renovating the hou<e. They should be iffs M, D. Childers and E. W. Gowen, for playing with a companion, a loaded gun adoption. W. J, Virgin and family moved to-day Judge W. H. Reid and C. R. White are from the Ayers’ residence'on 1st Avenue t'a the recovery of the amounts collected bv well rewarded for their pains. in the room fell and was discharged, The large Canadian Pacific Cement on the ground al Tolo putting the mining their new home on Main street opposite them under the 33^ P«r cent additional Your item-finder had the pleasure of ground they bought of Janies McDonough blowing the top of the child’s head off. works at Vancouver, B. C., have started the M E, church, which Mr. Virgin bought fee, declared by the supreme court ille- meeting Judge Walker, of Oregon City, a in readiness for operation. These gentle Edith Elder of Selma, Cal., shot and up. They’ have a capacity of 600 barrels of the Phillips estate »nd had the house •gal, an arrangement was made by the at few days ago at the home of Rufus Cox. I men report that the arrest of G. W. Boggs, rebuilt. W. E. Jacoba and family have was informed that Mr. Walker was looking the ex-city treasurer of Tacoma for alleged killed Frank Quinn, a young man about a week. torneys on both sides to t ry only one case moved into the Ayers’ house. of Jaw. shortage in his accounts will amonnt to 1 town, at Stockton. Quinn wronged the this term of court. The case against for a location for the practice 9111 C. D. Rand, president of the Burrard I 1-. A few choice Poland China pigs for Leavitt was then tried, resulting in a L. E. Van Vleit. the carpenter and huild- nothing, and lhat Mr. Boggs wiil push his girl. She cliot herself, but the wound Inlet and Fraser Valley Railway com the clothing trade with a display of fall styles, that's tho •ale at mill of B. C. R. F, Mill Co., Eagle sustaining of a demurrer to the complaint cr, lately from Boon county, Iowa, is build Jackson county"'mining enterprises right is not fatrJ. ‘ U pany, denies the truth of the rumor that along. ing himself a neat cottage oil a small tract Point. Write. Every suit is an exact Which will be amended by tho district of foot hill land two miles west of town that The North Paciflc*'8tcatAi?tflp Sikh ar an English company has purchased its surprise of the season in Ashland. The Wirth Photo Co. An old man with a hand organ and a attorney in time to try case next term. rived from the Orient at Tacoma the he recently purchased from Fred Downing. rights. photograph of the current fashions, and made up from mater little girl to 4» thp passing o( the contri« Mr. Wirth, the manager of this com- other day. She brought as part of her The case against Howe’s bondsman for A. 8. Jacobs, wife and daughter, visited bution box, were op the street Alonday. The Best Plaster—Dampen a piece of ials as genuine and durable as anything all-wool can be. $8190 was a speedy trial, Judge Hanna friends at Brownsboro last Saturday and I panv, has leased the Tyler gallery in Asb- cargo 280 pounds of Hongkong opium, We insist that our customers shall he handsomely and "Hard Time»” prices at Rice’s Groc- instructing 'jury to bring in verdict for Bunday and while there saw Mr. Hess, of ■ land and has combined the same with the first ever imported into Tacoma and flannel with Chamberlin’s Pain Balm and Modoc county, Cal. He reports his section I their galleries now located in the princi- the third consignment which ever paid bind iton over the seat of pain. It is bet ery. Call and get prices. Near Depot. county, which they did. stylishly attired, in garments worth more than the money ter than any plaster. When the lungs are up since the new tariff law went in ) pal towns of the valley. They are enter- The jury ip tho case of J. A. Fairchild looking duty in that collection district. The sore such «n application oil the chest and to effect. Jacksonville Jottlues. j prising an<l reliable as well as first-class VS. H. Hnowgoose & Sons for $2300 dam another on the back, between the shoulder they cost. We select our stock on that basis, recognizing stuff is consigned to Portland. F. O. Hurd, foreman of the Elliott ages in selling him a blooded impotent 1 wish to say to persons looking for ) artists and by the combination of the blades, will often prevent pneumonia. Critical state of affairs is reported on There is nothing so good for a lame back correctness as the mark of a progressive community. You creek mines, arrived bwo Tuesday for a I ackass, decided in favor of defendants homes, that they should not purchase until 1 business are enabled to give their patrons they have seen Central Point and the sur »hort vieit, lut in thf^-ase of the indictment of Van rounding country, for Central Point is ; the benefit of fine artistic work at tile the St. Mary's division of the Idaho or pain in the side. A sore throat can see what you ought to wear, when you examine our clothing | lowest prices. Remember the place, the state wagon road. The Italian laborers nearly alwavs be cured in one night by Miss Myrtle Gill has concluded her Brimmer, who wounded a verv potent really tho hub of this county, as all roads i Tyler gallery on Main street. a flannel bandage dampened with display, and also discover just what you ought to pay for it claim they have not been paid since applying bull that had no regard for anybody's lead to this place . ...Mr. Crantield will 1 • visit with friends hero and returned to Pain Balm. 50 cent hotties for sale by August, and have taken possession of Ashland Drug Campany. fences, the jury found Van Brimmer have his store in running order in a few her home at Dunsmuir. A Quarter Century Test. guilty. days; there is some side walks being laid everything and threaten to murder the Miss Mamie Isaacs, of Medford, was For a quarter of a century Dr, King ’ s this week; our town is out of debt, and has I foreman if their money is not forthcom The petition of Frank Swingle, charged New Discovery has been tested, and the BORN. the guest of JuJge H. J. Day and family money in the treasury; a tax has never ing at once. The men are armed with millions who have received l>enelit from its with nai’ider in the first degree in the kill been levied for city jjtirposes. from Saturday to Monday. use testify to its wonderful curative powers rifies and pistols, and have precipitated of arenur Arthur L,angeu, Langell, aBKing asking mat that tils his r* n nt 1 • • • 1 ing *ng oi PATTON—In Big Butte precinct, Nov. 12. in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. a reign of terror. tieo.K. Neu is receiving C-orgratula-i case be continued to the next (June) In Probate. 1891, to Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Patton, a son. A remedy that has stood tiie test so long tiona tins week over th-, arrival cf u little I term of circuí court, was granted by In the matter of the adoption of Ora Del* and that has given so universal satisfaction Seropian Bros., fruit dealers of Frosr.o NEIL —In Jacksonville, Nov. 18, 1891. to daughter at uolne Sunday. Judge Hanna sitting for Judge Hale. Miller, a minor; petition for adoption of is no experiment. Each bottle is positively Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Neil, a daughter. said mindr by Geo R Justus granted and guaranteed to give relief, or the money will county, recently loaded 10 tons of dried Mr. Swingle ’ s wife and his father, as Geo. W. Colvig, of Grants Pass, was her name. rdered changed to Ora Dell Mill be refunded. It is admitted to be the most fig3 on wagons drawn by mules and HELMAN—In Ashland. Nov. 6. 1894, to here recently on legal business and visit well as other witnesses, were too ill to be er Justus. Mr. and M-s. Grant Helman, a daughter. tor Coughs and Colds. Trial bot started them for San Francisco over present. ing his brother, Win. M. Colvig. Estate of Lewis Rees ; order confirming reliable tles •* ree at Ashland Drug Co.’s drug store. land. They claim that it is cheaper to H. G. Bussey had J, F. Wisner of sale. DIED. Married in Jacksonville, Nov. 20tb, Haypesville brought before the grand do this than to pay the existing railroad Estate of Haskel Amy; supplemental in Large size 50c. and $1.00. 1894, by R<*v. Father Faber, Henry jury for killing his calf. The grand jury ventory and appraisement; also order to rates. They allow 18 days for the round Ileal Estate. Meyer and Miss EllaKiingle, of Chimney in a few minutes decided Bussey had no show cause whv real property should not trip, with 10 mules and one driver. If WIMER—In Ashland, Nov. 19, 189», Ada, sold. Rock precinct. Kate T Andrus to H II Barbour—all of this is successful they say they will fol daughter of Lon Winier, aged 10 months case, as the calf died from wounds re be Estate of J K Neathammer; order con- lots 3. 4, Coolidge’s add to A-bland; $575. and eight days ‘Funeral at Ashland W. L. Miller, who has been assisting ceived by a panther. low it up on a large scale. firming sale of personal property. Il H Pruett et al to J A Pruett—s % of n cemetery Tuesday. his father dispose of the grape crop for Estate of Rufus North; order fixing time e M and 38 rods of e end of n % of n e of the mat two months, leaves thia week HOTEL OREGON for final settlement; Tuesday, Jan 8, 1895. sec 6. also w of n e of 11 w Ji of sec 6, appointed for final bearing. tp 37 s, r 1 e, 119 acres; $1. for Oregon City. J A Pruet t to C A Pruett—land in sec 33 F. T. Fradenburgb, Prop. Madames McCall and Reeser, of Ash The season of religious revivals is on and tp 36 s, r 1 w. 60 acres: $1. land, made our town a visit Thursday. G R Child, S F IW S Wade, 8 F J A Pruett et al to L J Pruett—land in the Congregational and Presbyterians have They are very tnuch interested in the A Legrand, “ E P Tvnan. Gr Pass fused, with Rev. C. F. Clapp their principal sec 6 tp 37 s, r 1 w, 80 acres; $1. I A Pruett et al to 11 H Pruett—3 w Ji of speaker, while the M. E. church is going it growth and cultivation of chrysanthe A Walsh, Roseburg R P Williams, “ WN Luckey, City DC Agier, •• alone with Rev. Mr. Memengerin charge. see 35 tp 36 s, r lw, 160 acres; $1. :o: From mums. G E Anderson, Med W F Bansrnsser, 8 F That class of Christians known as the holi 1 A Pruett et al to R H Pruett—100 acres From forty pounds of quartz a sum of D M Woodbury, 8 J E O Parrott, ness band who do not believe in fashionable of land in sec 33 tp 36 s. r 1 w • $1. J Franzen, Port Hnum Farlow to Alice A Farlow—land $1000 was realized a few days ago from R Cole. Coles churches, pipe organs and sich—find the Pay as you go, &et full value ter your money, weather too cool for prosecuting their street in tp 39 s. r 1 e, 79-100 acres? $1. the Beekman-IIuffer ledge. It is re W A Hemphill, OakAV Nichols, •• J 8 Roberts, It M 8 |C E Happersett.Rsbg work, but like Jesus of Nazareth, will pros Sallie E Ish to Jacob Thompson — It 1 blk ported that they have struck a vein of and be Prosperous and HappY. Mrs E E Sayles. |A Walsh, do ecute their work in the quarter’s where 3, Ish add to Medford; $275. pure silver. No authority of greater experience on food products ex Steinman J J Meehan, Citv they think pure, genial Christians should R F. Drum to Fred Hansen et al*—right of i Mrs. May Ingram was called to San Miss Edna Sayles, do Chas Whitmer. 'Port upnft mankind. Beginning to-night Fatb- way for a water dith in sec 11 tp 36 s. x 2 We guarantee our U. S. Mail $3.00 ists than Dr. Henry A. Mott, of New York. Dr. Mott’s wide You can buy any of those fine suits, e»8 Rice ano bleiu wm beg.n an every w: Hl. Francisco Friday by a message informing A 8 Waterman, do 11 E Coleman, shoes equal to any other brand at square cor sacks, frocks, cuts wave, 'll E Drum to Mrs M II Pendleton — the Cbas Hosier, I Lion Coffee experience as Government Chemist for the Indian Depart Thursday evening meeting in the billiard her of the illness of her little daughter. H G Blackwell, $4.00. Try them and we will con ner, double* breasted, or in fact, any IFG Davis, Port pirmrof High & Taylor’s saloon, the ser undivided % in the ditch and water right Mrs, Ingrain is a daughter of F. Mc- ment, gave him exceptional opportunities to acquaint himself vince you. You can huv a splendid style in the $1S 00 ami $20.09 lines Detroit II Gould. “ vices beginning at 7 o'clock sharp. Mar known as the Drum-Bybee-Pickens-Hunsa Crarey of Siskiyou. working Bboe lor $1.50 per pair B F Parker, W F McCarthy, 8 F shal Smith will be there so that there will ker ditch, in sec 6 tp 36 s, r 2 w ; $1. for $15.00 with the qualities and constituent parts of baking powders. at O. H. Blount’s Cash Store It E Drum to Nettie M Drum — e Ji of lots be the utmost good Older. The Sun, Portland I) R Mills <t wf. City at O. 11. Blount ’ s Caeli Store Fletcher Linn, of Eugene, spent the 8, 9. 10, 11 sec 10. and lots*IT>,"16 sec 41. tp 3G 8 Cutler. |FW Johnson, 8 F He understands thoroughly the comparative value of every past week with relatives and friends. F Stuttz i Bovs ’ saddle seam bouts 12 to 6 for Theatre Co E E Sayles.Steinman It is stated that the Oregon Railway s. r 2 w, subject to right of way for Water Good heavy business suite, neat pat brand in the market, and has from time to time-expressed He is now a pros;>ert»u8 bnsitiesa uian of O C 1’iches, Portland Rav Luckev, City $1.50 per pair ditches on north and south sides, grunted and Navigation company will re-estab terns, $5. $6, $7, $10, that citv, being tt-e owner of a furniture W C Bevjngton.Duns W ’N Luckey. • a at O. H. Blount’s Caeh Store Mrs M H Pendleton; $10. his opinion thereof. On a recent careful re-examination and lish the steamship line between Port to Mrs at O. 11. Biount’s Caeli Store W N Luckev. City J H " Shea. 22__ 2 S'F 1' M II Pendleton to Nettie M Drum— j and undertakers store. I Bovs ’ A. 1. school shoes 12 to 6, Riley land and Puget Sound, touching at Brit right of way for waste and surplus water 1 C F Wright, S F ------- O F Young. C'.ty analysis he finds Sheriff Patterson is suffering from a W J Culligan, “ __ Mens’ woolen pants, neat patterns, I Pebble make, $1.50 per pair J A ________ Kirkham, _____ Bort ish Columbia points. The steamer Elder from the Drum-Bybee-l’icKcns-llunsaker j severely sprained ankle, caused from F W Gibbs. Medford'W C Bevington,Duns at O. H. Blount’s Cash Store $150, $2 09. $-’ 50,$3.00 up on her return from a trip to San Fran water ditch; $1. jumping from a moving train while over OHP Sheets, S F 1J A 4 Norman. -v..— Amos Schumff and E W Provolt to E N ! at O. 11. Blount’s Cash Store i Remember the entire line of Clotbinp, cisco will probably be put permanently in California in quest of John Angle E C Murray, “ |F L Bates. Sac’to Provolt— undivided % interest in Oiegon | Hats, Boots. Shoes and Furnishing T W Younger, Port and regularly ou the Portland-Puget I Central Point mining claim ; $GCO. The sheriff is compelled to report to the E D Ivorv, superior to all others in strength, purity, and efficiency. Dr. .1.. Goods is offered at CASH prices Mena' heavy riveted overalls 50cts ____ J F Welsh, Sac ’ to Anna T Jackson to W B Roberts and P B J Wormser. 8 F Sound run. Negotiations are also in use of crutches. at O. 11. BI ouii I' b Cash Store st O. H. Blount’s Cush Store J Smith, Port John S Bailey. Duns progress between the Oregon Railway I O'N>-il—land 111 Medford; $500. Mott writes : — Two families by the name of Gady and W Rosenblatt, 8 F F D Southwick, 8 F I j Fisher to Mary J Rash—n w Ji of n w “ New York, March zoth, 1894. and Navigation company and Sutton & Ji of s c Ji sec 16 tp 40 s. r 1 w, 10 acres; $125. Norton arrived here recently from Se T 8 Wilson. C J Boyle, do rpE^°You only pay for what you get at our »tore. We Beebe, owners of the steamer Portland, C L Core to Rose 8 Weidman—lot 4 and attle, Wash., in quest of a home. They H H Howaid, Port L B Hendricks, I find Dr. Price ’ s Cream Baking Powder to be superior Roseburg the name given to the rechristened Hay part of lot 5 sec 15 tp 36 s. r 3 e: $1. have read of the wonderful gold mines in 8 Baker, engine 1900 have 110 losses to make up. W Ransom, Tort F J Connelly, •• to Alice A Farlow—land in 1 to all others, for the following reasons :— thia region, where one can step out any C tian Republic, by which this steamer tp A 39 D s. Helman C A Piper, do r 1 e, 79-100 acres ; $100. Frank Dickey, “ day and lay bands on a chunk of gold. W N Luckey, City Win Moll, Homb’rk may be put on tho run between Port R E Drum to Nettie M Drum—J-» interest 1st. It liberates the greatest amount of leavening gas Not one dollar’s worth sold on time. J L Wood, “ 1 G E Schuler, Duns land and Puget Sound under contract in ditch and water right known as Drum- Chas. E. Wolcott, late of F.ugeDe, who Hinkel. Ct Point R Luckey, •• and is consequently more efficient.' with the Oregon Railway and Naviga Bvbee-I’ickens-Hunsuker ditch: $10. intends starting a new semi-weekly Dr E H Knapp, E II Provolr to Consolidated Oregon,Cen-1 I W N Luckev. ** tion company. paper at Medford, baB been here a num Cincinnati Gabe Rush." N Y ! tral & Ione Mining Co; $!00 000 2nd. The ingredients used in its preparation are of the ber of times recentl«. He has purchased C A Bowker, 8 F A D Helman to J 11 Norris—lot 4 Smith’s I) Horn, Hornbrook The public gambling resorts which a press from the Times office and the D H Stewart. Port Dora A Horn, “ JLSZETZLAuZtTID, OREGON purest character. have been conducted in Portland for ! add to Ashland; $1. *• first issue will make its appearance about I Mrs I 8 l’urdin, G I ■S Horn, U 8 to C M Crowell—e of s e Ji of see two years without interference by the Mrs R O McCroskey, Mrs N Pepple. *• 3rd. Its keeping qualities are excellent. 30, tp 38 s, r 1 w, 80 acres. Dec. let. do J 8 Roberts.Tiaiuana authorities have been completely closed Mrs EJ McClendon to A M lord—16 feet Adarel Chapter No. 3. O. E. S„ at their W C btewarl A wf, W A Hempbill, Oak as the result of a vigorous attack on and 10 inches of ea«t side of lot 2 blk 14, 4th. On account of the purity of the materials and their N Y I N Richards. Port meeting last Thursday evening elected Central Point; $150. some of the authorities. Agitation for relative proportions, Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder must Joshua Neat hammer tn Jn^ob Neatham the following officers: W. M., Mist- E R Mauzy, Boston; Sam Goldsmith, do their suppression was begun only a few mer—n Ji of s e Ji and lots (5. 7 sec 17 tp 36 8 Werd, Detroit B R Kingsbury, Allie Hanley; W. P., Geo. M. Love; A. J A H be considered the acme of perfection as regards wholesomeness Boyd. 8 F Uniontown days ago, and the city has been pro s, r 3 w, 289 acres; $1. M.,Mrs. P. Elmer; conductrese, Alise W Weir, Dunsmuir McKnight, Portland foundly stirred up through the efforts M a lit S treet , O fposite P laza . Pauline Karewski; ass’t con., Mrs. Liz G E Schuler, “ and efficiency, and I say this having in mind certificates I ‘Trust those who liuve tried,” Ray Luckey. City of the committee of one hundred, which zie Cronemiller; treasurer, Miss Estella E O Parrott, “ A Williams'. Port Catarrh caused hoarseness and difficulty have given several years ago respecting two other baking is the guardian of public morals, am'l ^j^TaSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, Levy ; secretary, Miss Issie McCully. A Walsh, Roseburg J Oltman, San Jose I in speaking. I also to r. ereat extent lost Otis Frierson, Ct Pt E E White, R B Rev. George R. AVallaco cf the First I hearing. By the nse of Elv’s Cream Balm powders. O C Riches, Port Ge > Stenger. Port Thank.-giving Dinner Congregational church who apparently I dropping of mucons has censed, voice and i W ALL PAPER. GLASS. ETC Al Norman, Riddle H F Cole & wt. Cole ’ s At Pioneer building. Everybody come W N Luckey, C ty D R Bullock, Port seeks to be known as the local Dr. Park- . hearing have greatly improved.—J. W. Da The reasons for the change in my opinion are based on I and get a good dinner for 25 cents. Bill of 8 A Clarke, Salem T E Thayer, vidson, Att’v at Law, Monmouth, Ill. hurst. B uilding P ápeos , V, rappinq P apkeb and T wikfs . APTISTS’ MATERIALS. I used Ely's Cream Balin for calarih and fare: Roast turkey, cranberry and o’her W C Myer. City the above facts and the new method adopted to prevent your sauces; chicken pie and a variety of other , Shiloh's Cure the great Cough and Croup have received ereat benefit. I believe it a ---------------------- - > pies; pork and beans; salads. pickles, veg Cure, is in grpnt demand. Pocket size con- safe and certain cure. Very pleasant to baking powder from caking and deteriorating in strength. etables, pud Ung, fruit, etc. Supper at 13 Dr. Price’« Cream Bakins Powdea tains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children 1 take.— Wm. Fraziir, Rochester, N. Y. i H knry A. M ott , Ph. D., L. L. D.” ’ We It. BOM Uy Aihta0d Drtfw CiWudy. I Frftfa of drtam Balm la fifty Cvuta. Scats, •« •• The LEADING MILLINER HATS, BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, LADIES’ FANCY GOODS. . u re what you can WITH THE HARD CoM CASH H. BLOUNT’S. High Government Authority. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder 0. H. BLOUNT, The Clothier. ASHLAND, OR. PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC