Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1891)
VALLEY RECORD. PREMED BKICMH. The crow's epitaph—Removal for caws. Frank Nd! is looted at East Port land. A steak is none the more costly for be ing rare. MerliD, Josephine county, is to have a depot and a railroad agent. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD I VOL. in. Published every Thursday by thej “ I VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO E. J. KAISER, Editor. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1891 NO. 51. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year.................................................. $2 60 Six months ............................................. 1 50 Three months......................................... 76 Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c per line for first inser tion and 8c for each subsequent insertion. Obituaiv lines, memorial resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., at half rates. Albert Moes, age>l 16, died on Trail - 7 J^UTHER L. BVRTENSHAW. creek April 15th of la grippe. I ETIQUETTE FOR THE PRESIDENT .< Boinier for Removed Republican.. EGGS BY MACHINERY Ben Beekman of Portland was visiting How they Can be Manufactured Bat ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY at Jacksonville the past week. Govern««- Ben noy er Tit inks Harrison Lish Appteuato. I^ee Morehouse, Max ter aud Cheaper Than Hens Can PUBLIC. Mhoultl Call on the Governor and Bracht, and the other two Indian agents ! Radarn 's Microbe killer ia now kept for Lay Them. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Not the Governor on the Bwaldrnt. in Oregon who are republiean Libonta sale in Reeser’s block, Ashland Business in the Ü. 8. Land Office will re I will now ijmlevstand what struck tisetn : I The Portland Telegram rejorter naked Wanamakei, in accepting the invitation ceive prompt attention. Office first door Patents have been granted to James A petrified duck, foond imbedded in -----WITH ITS------ north of Bank of Ashland, Ashland, Or, the earth east of Redding, is on exhiM-1 i Gov. Pennover about the reception to to address the sumlav at hool children of Btorrtfi-, of Kansas City, for the manu PiMi<ient Harrison, and whether he San Francisco said; “He added that he facture of eggs. PROMPTLY CURED BY ttoo. i would act on that paper’s suggestion to j ma<le it a rule, as far as i>oesible, to em All the necessary machinery, which J^R. J. H. HALL, The Mate tarn her»’ institute will be It» meet |u vii<_ president t at the vlJC southern the Cures Also: held at 5 aqntna bey the latter part of of Oregon and officially welcome ploy in bis private business only Christ is not worth more than $500 at the out I n the S tate I nsur - vnce B uilding . ian clerks and cash bovs. He could not set, is in readiness to begin this over ■*an,‘ ; him to the state PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. tell what percentage of poetoffice clerks And Branch Offices at Portland, Astoria and Albany. Mrs. Rev. W. B. Moore of Canyonville< He said he should do nothing of the wereChristiaas.however.” Wanamaker whelming competition with the Ameri (N ine Y eaes in H ospital P ractice .) can men. If as much success attends was visiting her folks at Phoenix test .Sort. If be, the governor of Oregon, Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stoe and Fruit Farms. esenta the spirit of the Harrison the new venture as is anticipated by Mr week. should visit Washington, nobody would i J. Office in Brick Block on Oak street. Sec* inistration, while Blaine only repre- Storrey. the contest between the ma r- fj i u . » - — ua;— expect the preeident to meet him at the seats the brain*. ond door from Main Street. Also City aud Suburban Property. chine and the hen for supremacy in the A sh land O segox . SEND : FOR : PAMPHLET. : MAP : AND : PRICE : LISTS. 1.U» Two Storlo* of brut. egg producing business will he short, w,wn“ J*, ■« governor of Oregon, should meet Jn the winter of 1881 Gen. Grant vir with the victory to the credit of the Go to A. Garrick, the tailor, for a fine Mg. Harrison J^OBERT A. MILLER. iterl Governor Cornell at Albany anti former. new suit of clothe» Hi- new »prtr.g good» j iaon, explained the governor. was received by the legislature. At the Mr. Storrey's process is very simple, ! have arrived. , in his official capscitv, the close of the affair in the axaembly cham and yet he is prepared to manufacture , ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- Dr. C. C. Strattou delivers an address ' officfsi rer aud dignitv of the federal ber the general repaired with other gen an artificial egg that a connoisseur will ' at the Granta Paes high school com- government; “I, as governor of Oregoo. L-A.W, niencement represent the state of Oregon in the same tlemen to the »■peaker’» room. VVJiil • find it difficult to distinguish either in wrapping up for the drive to th<- ext-cu ; appearance or taste from the prime pro J acksonville .... V heuun . UM week's Courier sat. wheat » be- nn Frost-bites, «rinnin» i___ * 1 -__ ____ nt i___ 1 to go to pay homage to him ; on the con- live mun.»ion Speaker Sharpe handed th*.- duct of a Plymouth Rock or Leghorn. f sections if Jose- wJ^n h vigjta Oregon Will practice in all the courts of the general a cigar, looked in his jiocket f tr Lime, water, blood, milk, tallow, pea.» THE POSITIVE CURE. State. Office opposite the court house, pnineeoanty. rather pav his respects to me, as its offic a match, but found none. and one or two other vegetables are the ELY BROTHERS, M Wsmn BL, New York. Price GO eta ii. Tweed Las been visiting pioneer | ¡al executive.” Considerably frustrated, he undertook | ingredients of his compound. The shell U. CALDWELL, frientis in Ashland He is from near “There la a good precedent, too, for to apologize, but the genial old x >ldicr and the yolk will not be difficult uf j this/' Mid the governor “It happened pnt the laugh nj«on the speaker by draw manufacture. To make a good imita Crescent City. __ z__ ».-a . THE MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE On. railroad corrnmeewn- comunsston- «fminirtration I. when ing irnm lha uwu packet a mairU box tion of the “white” of the egg is the part <*en. W. W. Ceivig, Celvtg, railroad Cbts. A. Vagate Co., er, has moved bia family to Grants Pass wh?le !"«■“«». ^ted and saying: “Sharpe, I ant always armed DEN TINT. that has required the must ingenuity to Baltimore, Md. iro n Roseburg. Boston Hancock was then governor of for such a great emergency a? this. 1 Nitrous Oxide Gas administered fur the conquer, but Mr. Storrey has succeeded MAMAcbusetti, and it was proposed that painless extraction «f teeth. Miss Martha Hoagland of Central he should go to receive and welcome the have been in close quarters before now, in solving the problem successfully. Mias Office over the Bank. Point was married at Granta Pass April greatest man of the republic, President lmt I never yet found myself with a cigar MAKING THE YOLK. and no match to light it with. ” 14th to Sterling J. Minnick. George Washington. lie flatly refused The yolk of an egg is composed of 30 At lunch at the governor’s that after per cent, of yellow fat, 14 per cent, of j J T. BOWDITCH. Miss Dora Horn of Ilombrook has to do so. He claimed that the president i Proprietor. been paving her friends Misses Gill and should first pay his respects to him, as noon the little company embraced Cui. caseine, about 3 per cent, albumen and ------- and------- ^ATTORNEY AT LAW. governor of Massachusetts. The affair Ben Baker, the g< uial “gentleman from water. The fat is common animal fat, La Flesh, of Dunsmuir, a visit. —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— was finally compromised by their meet Sarati ga," well known from his gallant IRZEFJLIIRJSr CH- A shland , ..... O begon . and lieef fat, which is very cheap, will Torn Williams, the 8. P. brakeman, is ing ‘half-way,’ and, happily for the peace laid up in bed from injuries sustained in and dignity of the country, an open war service as colonel of the Forty-third reg be the chief ingredient. To this a liberal and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . Will practice in all courts of the state. iment during the rebellion. jumping from a train st Dunsmuir. amonnt of caseine, which is that portion Collections promptly made. fare was averted.’’ At one time Col. B.'.ker said: “Gen ARRIES IN STOCK, everything in the Gov. Pennoyer was surprised at the eral, do you remember a block horse of the milk which produces butter and Col. J. C. Haines of Seattle and ex shoetuaking line, with prices cheaper cheese, will be added, and albumen Senator C W Cross of San F rancisco publication of bis views, as they were than any other place in town. but private conversation, and not for you rode when you wore headquartered mainly from beef blood, together with were attending court at Granta Pass. at Culpepper Court Hon e?" “Oh. cer water, will be mixed in small quantities. Bee Lee of Yreka has been in the val publication. He subsequently explained tainly,” was theciithu. ii; tic reply, “and Half Solen 25 Cents per Pair. that he meant that his place on official The color, already a yellow, will be ley purchasing work-horses for use in he was about the i>est horse 1 ever rule. «lavs was at the state house, where he ex treated with a chemical which will serve tbs Hue-gravel mines at Greenhorn. Porpoise Laces, 5 cents per pair. pected to receive the President “with all I bail three of them very nearly alike, a double purpose of deepening the color Leather by the side, cheap. Jams* Morri» can furnish you all kinds of the courtesy and respect due his exalted but the one you speak of was the best —oo------- of the three.” “Where did you get and preserving the mixture in a semi finishing lumber, mouldings, windows, position.” liquid state until it is cooked. them?” inquired the cclcnel. “Well, doors sssk, etc. Leave orders at Luckey's* Bra»« and Iron Nails, Awls, Cernent, The mattei has create«] some talk, most now, that is a leading question, but the Yhe “white" of the egg is about one- War, Etc., Etc., Etc. Gabrisile Greeley, only daughter of every Oregonian upholding the gover- fact is I borrowed them iro:n it planta sigbth pure albumen, and is a difficult Horace, was married to Rev. Frank M. nor’f views. tion. I thought the car ' li:rl necl of substance to produce chemically. A sub Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire Has opened Dressmaking 1‘arlors Clendenin at Pleasantville, N. Y., April them," i ho, with a twinkling eye.— stance that appears to the eye exactly French Tansy Wafer*. 23d. ----- In the----- .irnaL Th« hc wafers are a sure and safe specific Alba:: similar, and which hardens and whitens •X' The 8. P has put on its system mile for al kinds of female troubles and will re A Spanish Patriot to Americans. SZHIOZELÆ JYHST. (lilletk Block, Main Street Hear Chartli Mrert. THE when c<»>ked. has been pro<luce<l by n age ticket hooks, and you can purchase move all obstructions to the monthly peri The most eminent man in Spain today mixture of legumin, or vegetable albu ma 91] ASHLAND, OREGON. ods. no matter what the cause. They are ASHLAND. Olì EG ON. ss high as 3000 miles of travel at 2J* CONTINUOUS TWIST of the WIRE. what evenr woman needs, and may t>e used is’Castelar, who is known throughout men, extracted from common peas, and ---------------- o--------------- - cento per mile. safely. For sale by the Livingstone Chem the world as the leader of the Spanish which forms one-fourth of the peas, a ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. The county court will be petitioned to ical Co., manufacturers,San Francisco, Cal. Republicans and as a patriotic states S ixteen Y ears ’ E xperience . little albumen from beef blood, a trifle establish and maintain a free ferry upon For sale by T. K. Bolton. man in sympathy with modern political of sulphur, considerable gelatine and a O^Cheaper than a Rail Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than Kotrae river at the old Nail ferry It can ideals in a land where the outworn po chemical solution to prevent rapid de arb Wire Fence. Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. Grant Never Swore. be done legally. Fashion plates from Minneapolis, St. Dr. E. D. Kittoe, who was conspicu litical systems of the past still hold composition, and which also whitens the W orks on N orth S ide op R. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . Paul and New York. All nori guaran Day—The secret of Gould’e Southern sway. Castelar is a broad minded citi whole bulk when subjected to heat, just teed to give satisfaction. if 19, ’91 trip ie out at laat. Weeks— What io it? ous in the Army of the Tennessee and zen of the world, who looks with pity He was trying to get an option on Mason th - Army of the Mississippi during the upon the petty devices which the nations 'is the egg becomes white when boiled. As beef bl<>od will be utilized in very war, was tin intimate and confidential and Dixon’a line. surveyor friend of Gen. .John A. Rawlins, and invent to “protect” themselves from large quantities in the big egg mill, a . xx. i Vunu, an(j government Land Locator, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of Medford was held dose relations with Grant himself. others. The economic wars which the few sp«xial cars will lie fitted up with e est safety ver ai called to Wolf creek last week to see her nations are waging against each other tanks to bring the blood from the Chi ¡1 ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING father, Stephen Dysert, who was strick When the army was at Memphis, in under the name of “protection" are to LINEVILLE. OREGON. JACKSONVILLE, OELEG-O2ST. cago slaughter houses. 1 AGENTS WANTED 1863, Gen. McClernand became envious fl en with paralysis. him but manifestations of human hate AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac MAKING THE SHELL. of Grant. DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE II CATALOGUE Neil West ami Bert Redden left the tual experience, I am thereb.v enabled to give strangers seeking information the CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & The shell will lie perfectly imitated by llawlins was a careful observer of Mo- and folly, and as obstacles in the way of » 0FWHEH.3 SENT GN APPLICATION. valley last week with forty head of hore- best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 human freedom and progress. [ER5YDST6ICYCLE r,^. a siuijile solution of lime, water and glue. Cleraaqd ’ s movements, and but for hi» ee for Sierra county. Cal., where they MANUFACTURERS. Castelar is one of the greatest orators The machinery that is required is needed vigilance ths latter would no doubt le v» will breed and raise norsre carried out the project which he was of the time, and he is also a brilliant and mainly in putting the egg together. Of Sash and Doors and all kinds and It is announced that Speaker Reed has charged with tntertaiuing. On one oo vigorous writer. He has recently writ Every yolk will be first run into a mold styles of Window and Door Frames. Mold arrived in Italy, and it is expected that easion a series of arrogant dispatches ten a striking article upon this inter to be properly sliarenl, and then dumped ing and Brackets of all styles. Boats built he will at once call Rudini to order and to order. The whole or one half otiered national warfare in trade which was into a second mo?l. where the right was received by Grant from McClernand 14 for sale. take the floor away from him. Rawlins read them, and took occasion to published in The New York Herald. quantity of the white is placed previously. Honeyman and Buchanan of the Rogue vent his sentiments regarding them In this article he notes with regret that This latter substance, being a gelatine river valley railroad, were out from Port making the room fairly blue with pro America, the land of his political ideals, like matter, will incase the yolk very land last week investigating the feaaibil- should have committed herself to a readily. By a unique machine the meat ity of extending the branch railroad to fanity. AGENCY.! or scheme of ultra protection. He finds is there envelojied in the shell. “Now is your time, by----- said Raw Eagle Point. that our protection is “ opposed to the —VIA— The shell is only (»artially hardened line, add easing himself to Grant, “to Mrs. Chas. Wendell came up from show that fellow that he does not com interests of humanity, whose develop wheu the egg is put into it, and as there San Francisco last Sunday. She ia very mand the Army of the Mississippi.” ment should be the aim of all free and is a lilieral amount of glue added to the weak, but they say she is greatly im cultured people.” \ A pamphlet of Information and ab- lime, the edges of the shell soon adhere 1 Grant thought a moment, and finall. proved, and ia now expected to get well R struct of the laws,showing ll,.w to Castelar has a very positive opiniou of to each other very tightly, leaving no ■aid: ‘ ‘ Rawlins, you are no doubt right Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade.— - Dunsmuir New« our MeKinleyism. He says: Marks, Copyright», /rte.^Mi traceable mark where they were joined. Addrws. ffftUHN A. CO Nothing but canh trade solicited at O. II. but hadn't we better give him a littl* “But archteological contradictions In order to make the imitation more more rope? Perhaps lie will hang him 361 Crondway, Blount's. Shasta Line. York. , ■elf.” Then, turning to Dr, Kittoe must disappear, aud the cause of human completely successful, molds of several Jarues Wright is now training E. P., progress imperatively requires nations sizes will be introduced, making the tiie trotter owned by the Grants Pass Grant added, “Doctor, do you know to urge on universal exchange, free eggs vary in bulk as do the products of —{ at the y- Exjeess Trains Leave Portland Daily. syndicate, and Jim expects the animal what I keep Rawlins for?” “ Because he is a very good officer, is it trade, just, as cosmic heat compels si- any respectable flock of hens. The color to be able to get a ttxxl mot e on him at dereai motion. Having in every sense of of the shell will also be of two or three South I I North not, general?” the fail races.—Courier, BARIS EXPOSITION, ISSO. the word outgrown the age when com shades, rendering the likeness to the 7:0C p m | Lv Portland Ar 9:35 a m “ Yes, partly that, ” continued Grant McConnell «t Winter lead in the grocery 10:20 a m I Ar Ashland Lv i..l'i p in petition con hi lie fatal to it, as well as the origiuid still more striking. “but more especially to do my swearing business. 10:50 a m ' Lv Ashland Ar ! 6:10 P m period of economic contradictions, the Tests have l»een made which show 10:15 a m | Ar SanFrancisçoLv I . imp in P. C. Ream, wl>o has been in Eastern for me and to keep McClernand within new w< >rld fights against its own provi that the artificial egg can lie preserved Call and examine them, < Iregon for a veer, acting as superintend bounds." Above trains stop only at following sta THE ONLY TRUE dential destiny and ltetrays its office by for a month under proper conditions, The only occaatai which the doctor tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, ent of a stage line, has returned to Jose aggravating, as it is now doing, its pro Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, and still taste as fresh as one laid by ati phine conntv with hie wife and will be remembers when Grant used anything NOW ON EXHIBITION AT tectionist tariff, converted by measures • rdiuary hen. As all the ingredients of Tangent, Shedd», Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc employed there in a similar capacity. approximating to “swearing’’ in the tion City, Irving, Eugene. which are simply odious into desolating this r< form egg arc exceedingly cheap, See the new lot of boy»' «hoe», only 41.56 army was at Lexington, where an un- prohibition.’.’ Boacbarg Mail Daily. it can lie manufactured at the rate of sctupuhraJ contractor had arranged to l>er pair, at O. H. Blount's. His gonclmling words are earnest and about three cents a dozen. There will LEAVK arrive : meet him at the hotel and parade him j. 4, Qwen, wha ipad? a trip to hia eloquent i 5:40p m I xj no limit to the capacity of the novel Portland 8:00am I Koseburg through the town to the depot. Grant Wagner creek mines recently in ooiu- “Nations, like individuals, in propor 4 :00 |i in Roseburg . .6:20 a m | Portland )>any with Capt. W. K. Bushnell, gave a instructed Dr. Kittoe, who was with him, tion as they mount toward tbs highest mill, and families and boarding house Will FwHty th« Bioodt regulate the keepers can b- supplied in any quanti- I MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH column and a half description of his to procure a carriage quietly, and this summits of illustrious renown, assume Liver and Ildney« and K«st«r« the Albany Ixx-al, Daily,(Except Sunday.) Health esd Vigor«r Youth. Dyapcpai^ ties at prices so dazzlingly small as to ■ travel an«i experiences in a recent issue being done the general left the hotel bj Want of Appetite, Ind gwtioDu AND GRANITE an increased responsibility. The nation arrive : leave : warrant immediate popularity.—Cincin Lack of Mfrcu^th anf Tirea of his San Jose Better Times. the way of a back entrance and was F«s! I n g «(beolu lei yc u red. Bonea, witbin whose frontiers reign peace, lib nati Enquirer. Portland ... .6 :00 p m , Albany 9 (M)p"m A shland , - O regon . —^TClea and nervea receive the depot without be Fine coffee, tea and »pices at McConnell ! hastily driven Albany 5:00am ! Portland OjOOa m erty. democracy, republicanism, progress r force. Enliven» th« mind A Winters'. ! ing recognised. ad aoppliea Brain Power. and labor must not, beyond those fron Strange Wants. J, from complaint« Pacific Coast Main office, 1368 Market St. L 1 AD IES Suffering '¿»¿Ss ’M Just before the train started the con Last month's clean-up in the Glad tier», represent reaction, race enmity and They must have a »»range herd of I stone mine, Shasta county, produced a tractor breathlessly entered the car and the retrogradation of humanity. The San Francisco, Cal. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TONIC a safe and speed j cure. Gives a clear, heal> sheeg in New Zealand, where a settler ' thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit» ♦14.000 gold brick. The next monthlv said, between gasps: “General, this will people who have chained the tempest inc only add to the popularity of the original. announced that he wanted “an indus «•lean-up will be between 130,000 and payer dp. V qh must cpme out and let Do not experiment—get the ORIGINAL and RK9T. 10VRIST SLEEPING CARS and subjeeletl the lightning, who have trious man to take charge of 3,000 sheep ’ ♦10,000, as the run will he made on ore tne show you off”----- For accommodation of Second Class Pas fitted our vessels with the steam engines who could talk Spanish." He must have that is literally lousy with gold. ■ Headache. Sample Done and Dream Book! i “Dog gone it!” said Grant, interrup» sengers, attached to Express Trains. * mailed on receipt of two cents in postage, ■ which enable them to override al ’ waves 1 been related to the young lady who an- I Don't miss getting one of those new tailor ing him at this juncture; “do you think, Dr. HARTER MEDICINE CO . K*> and to brave till winds, who have given made suits at O. H. Blount's. WEST SIDE DIVISION. air, 1 am going to exhibit myself like • to speech the sjieed of lightning, who uounced “that she could do all kinds of Het ween Bort land and Corvallis. The Mail announces that Hon. J. H. prize l»eef at a fair?"—Chicago Tribune have created the power of transmitting ' sewing and embroidery except music.” , A western "ad.” reads: "Wanted an en Sudden. Stewart intends putting in a large fruit MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT RIUTDAY.) the human voice over the whole surface ergetic young man for a retail store i cannery at Medford if the fruit prospe«'t8 Presence of uiind is not always mo of the earth by means of the miraculous 1 partly out of doors, partly behind the ! ARRI VKM LEA VEH hold out as good as thev now are. Mr. nopolized by the brave and wise, nor isi. I Stewart is an enterprising and progress uniformly cultivated for great and goo>; telephone, who by the aid of the magic counters,” A contemporary asks what Portland. 7;3Uaiu Corvallis. 12:lUpiu Carpenter and .it inter strands of the telegraphic cable hidden 1 will be the result when the door is shut. ' Corvalli». .12:55 p m 1 Portland. 5:30 p in ive citizen »nd by his energy has given purposes. Nçatçst ii\ yolir in the depths of the ocean have joined ' —Providence Journal. the fruit industry of Southern Oregon a At Albany and Corvalli* connect with Several of the pupils in a certain the most distant lands, who have given O regon train» of Oregon Pacific Railroad great Stimulus. bcsigiv bealer for it. ♦ ■backwiMxls" district determined not to the human race the benefit of the electric Fixpress Train Daily (Except Sunday.) Fresh oysters Saturday, at McConnell <v I study geography. The teacher believed light, are comp- lled to forward A 8*i’.r' m Uewel. I Whiter»'. iixjist oi\ ; Tvere is a story told of a French savant ARRIVE leave : that they were old enough to begin the of unhersal progress by the adoption of Repairing wilt Receive Prompt who Was show). a priceless jewel by a I Courier: G. E. Dean, who has been subject, and accordingly called one of free labor and fie'' .•gcbAfige.” I'ortlimd 4:40pm M’Minnnlle 7;25pui finish, F\aVir\g it. ♦ in Chi«*ago several weeks buving odds 1 the oldest lx»ya to her desk ami «poke to M’Minnville.5:45am I Portland .8:20am great duke. Attention, Aii Ohl New Orleans Custom. and ends iron, bankrupt stocks for the “ Thank you, my lord duku, ” said the TH Riti. Il Tifi ETS kail point» ^e«l btar store, has gone to W*w \ork him about t’ue qeceseqty ot a knowledge If you have plenty time to loaf and ob man of science, “for allowing me tu ¿Uv. He will continue each week to , of his uwq and other countries. HAST ASH SUI TH. serve everything that [.asses before your share with you the p >ssession of so great “I slia'u't study g'ogruphy till I gi« gaze you will notice on nearly every po»t se« I a shipment of these goods from a treasure. ’’ sheriff's sale«, which are being close«! out ready!" growled the youngster. For tickets aad full information regarding f Ully ÔUarai\tççà. AU Dçalçrs l\aVç in the French quarters there are little “Iu wliat way!” said the duke. The teacher rose quickly and seized hand bills tacked up and bearing the rates, maps, etc., call on company’s agent at such wonderfully low prices “Why, your grace can do no n^oxo at Ashland. New »pring <uit» test reeeiveil tbi» week him by the collar, intending to shake heading “Deeede." Beneath this there PRICES QUOTEu ON APPLICATION. R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, at O. H Blount*». Prices ♦JU.OO to ♦25 (M i him, when the young rascal hastily add is additional printing, all. however, in than look at it, and you have allowed Manager. Asst G.E A Pass Agt per suit ed, “But 1 am ready now!"—Youth': ; French. These are death n. ti<.-ea- which uic vq «K> the same,"—All the Year Round, I Tl»e infant daughter of John Thomp • Companion. seemed Ju i»e used instead vt the pewsja- son of Willow Springs precinct «lied re- R. F. HIGH, Proprietor. pers to announce the invincible band, Spoke Too Quick. 4ite tear«* JJacklin c ntly of la grippe. T W,u ”„. . " ’ " of I otice is hereby given I TO Mr. Repplier (playing cribbage)— No leaf as yet! though like a wraith of snow j They state the hour of the fuueral, t-lc.. fra1! creek, aged 3tt years, wa« was carried _ _ the __ r people __ r___________ ____ surround of Ashland and surre The white hell flowers have burst theit and the name of the ‘Vr£ease«l. What a very fine crib board, Miss Pas- ing ! country off bv the same disense about a week ago. inir countrv 1 at the am old the old star that that 1 at am stand on r sheathing green As a general thing these notices are see! Grandma Ihiwaan, who lives north of Main street, opposite the old Flag staff And yielded to deep violets, and the sheen Rogue river has passed away with this Of those taint*-.-> that early strew : tacked up all over the French section in Miss Passee (playfully)—A girt from where any one wishins work done in my disease,as also the child of Israel Harris. The garment of the earth. Verdure below. | an hour after the jierson has died. I no my very first sweetheart, Mr. Repplier, line will always find me ready to serve them. “And nien may come and men may But ue’er a budding leaf to come between j ticed several upon which the printers’ w hen I was only 15. Boys' lot, at O. H. Blount's. go,” but I uu a stayer’forever. Our eyes and the blue ether, broadly seen i ink ha« ’ suwvulj «tried, and which' an- Mr. Repplier (with polite interest / — * Shaving, 25c ; hair cutting, 25c: shampoo There is neither heaven nor hell in the Through tracery of beeviies, stretching low T. E, HOGG, Receirer. From adgtily rafter bou,ua i.ue ^re brown 1 nounced the demise of some unfortunate Indeed! That is quite the oldest crib ing. 25c; sea foam, 25c. Chinese ereed. Dea«l Chinamen,whether which had taken place pnly a few min board I evey — that is — er — I aa-.-.’» goo«i or bail, are reborn on »he third day Of woodlond palaces, where rocking high utes before.—New Orleans Cor. Rich muau^——West Shore. L adies ’ H aib cvttixo a S pecialty .1 J;3 il.'.rd month of each year.' The solemn rook in sable chorus weaves Oregon Developement Co.'s LphrltB of the good are in j« te«l into the Th«' mond Dispatch, A twig into his nest, and yet more nigh flvesof the sons of rich men. Bad spirits A w ild bird sings of love among the leave« - STEAMERS. The Thoughtful Manager. IDO YOU WANT are asaisrne<l a place in the lives of lower The leaves that ar»- •«. atom spring 4» by. Neatly Canght. Mrs. De Style (in theatre box) — What ---------- - fcnimals There is no e^cenfion *o the 1 « V. A. Dawsoti ih Chambers' Journal. The following is told of a judge before ycaa this placard, “No Loud Talking." . ^ie S^urd, »era a.e never born again. SHOUT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. Their souls are Boiled forever in a hu;w ■Babv is Sick.—Th«> woeful expression of whom a man was beiDg tried for .teal put in our box for? a lb's Moines teamster's ing a gold watch from a woman a- she I Mrs. Forundred (after reflection)—1 ¿at yf grease «’HEIGHT AND FARES the 1/»W iiHT ¿.d h|s «L-«.|> anxiety was not wholly without was entering a 'bus. The man declared presume the manager left it here so we cau>*. when hs inquire«! of a druggist of the Now vs. Thea. the watch was his, and the woman was Before Purchasing Address the same city “’hat was best to give a baby for could show it to the people on the stage Steamer Bailing Dates; Every body admits the superiority of modern avoid? ' was not necessary for him to mistaken in identifying it as hers. Sud when their chatter interrupts our con PR1CÇJAST. methods and inventtoas over ancient devices. ¡ av more,-his countenance showed that the denly the judge asked: EROM YAQUINA : venation,—New York Weekly. Just so the medicines <d today are incompar t»et of the family, if not the idol of his life “Where's th ■ key?" Steamer Willamette Valley—March Mli, vas in distress. “We give our baby Chatu- ably sapertor, because of the great advance Tlte prisoner fpmhled- m uu pockets, | March 16tl>, March 25th. The New Discovery berla n s C jugb Remedy.” was the drug- ASHLAND, OREGON, In medieal science. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a gist . ansv. «ns1 ur. 1 ^or. t ¿ae tv give the aud said be must have left it at home. KKOM SAN FKANCTSCOI You have heard vour friends and neigh juod.'in mesMciny. |t is prepared p> expert? baby such'strong metheine,’' said the team The judge a~Ke<l him if he wound the bors talking about it. You may yourself And Find Out u hat a Big Bargain you Steamer Willamette Valley—March 3rd, a nose cdu. atHui. ext'crience. and btaln-nora, ster. “You know John Oleson, of the watch frequently with the key. and he l»e one of the many who know from person can get m the Sweetest-Tuned instruments I L2tb, 21st and 30th enable them tueouibiue m Hood’s Harsapnriiia Watters-Tilbot Printing Co.. don't you?” al experience just now good a thing it is. HUS&,N j '|'' la D ies C haise , The companv reserves the right to ibetiest curative agents in the best m a nn er. Itxiuired the druggist. “His baby, when said “Yes." If you have ever tried it. you are one of its made | change sailing dates without notice. Then a key was procure.1, watch and staunch friends, because the wonderful cighleeu n on ths old, got hold of a Kittle of ^/ pateht chaise brake Trains connect with O. A C. R. and Riv- Buck leu * Arnica Salve. ChanitierUin’s Cough Remeily am! drank key were hand.-«! to the prisoner, and he thing about it is. tb-i when once given a rCOOO.CH a v ar ia I,-ing uia«îe by John R Goodwill.! nSy.X.Y.,:.t v ork for t.«. Header, | er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. The Beet Salve in the world for Cuts. the whole of it. Of course it made the baby was told to wind the watch. He opened trul. Dr. Bing s New Discovery ever after You iimv not u.hke a» ii>uch, but we tan Freight and ticket office, Salmon street i tmcii you quit k»> butv t-> «urn fruì» to Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever vomit very freelv but did not injure it in the ease but could pot unci any place to holds a place in the house. If you have wharf. Portland. <10 a tiay at the eiart, nud Miu.e at you go never used it and should be affiicted with a Sores, Tetter. 4 happed Hands. Chilblains, the least. ; nd what is more, it cured the on. Beri» wxe*. ail ug-s. in any partof W. B. WEBSTER Genl F. A P. Agt. Ths teamster already knew use the Key. necauae the watch was a cough cold or any throat, lung or chest America, you can c«»uinience at bonne, gir- Coms, and all Skin Eruptions, and nusi- baby’s cold. 34 Montgomery St., San Francisco. r ali »vur t.iu‘ ,ur >I»’< im - u; eu ta only to p. u< cures PJ js , «x no p^v reGuireq. |tts itK vaine c>i the* Remedy, having used it keyless one. The sentence was five trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it / lb« work. All ia i.ew. Great pay SI Hh for C. C HOGUE, G. F. á P. A. O. P. R., a fair trial It is guaranteed every lime, or « very wtorktr. He Mart x< ». ft miabin« tuaranteed to give perfect »atisHcuon. or liiqis^lf. and was now satisfied th^t there years.—London Tit-Bit« R/XCINE.WtS Corvallis, Oregon. e ■ rrtliing. F.A8IIA . »1’1.1 I'lLY learned. money refunded. Trial bottles free at ,4onev refunded. I'rhe’.M cents per box. TM no danger in giving it even to a baby. I f JAltTK LLAUi 1ULL. Addrcau at occn. L For »ale by drugglvU. Jbe Kjt -’kfc—» F'biishe« all the new?. Chitwood Brer,’ drugstore -IL'W * *••• tVKTUSP »Af t- Jwr 'ile or Cjiit'''oo<j Bn’i Oregon Land Company, I HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON X Neuralgia. Lumbago, Sciatica, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Swellings, Soreness, ATARRH Stiffn ess, All Aches. Ashland Fence Works! s. All Kinds of New Work EME R Y, C FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING. The best Stock, Hog, Rabbit and chicken Fence. MRS. JOHN CLINT CHAS. S. GRAVES, N B 2W. E A VOTTMG- Peterman Bros. M * H WAS AWARDED THE ONLY EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route 1 * IRON ? TONIC M artin & H arris ONLY PERFECT S&W1HÛ /'ÁMILY USB. O. R. Buckman Barber Shop, THE “ENGER” BUGGY GEORGE ENGER A CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO N RACIME, WIS. t ; AN ORGAN OR PIANO VALLEY RECORD, 8! W*' rBUCKBOARDS.é BUGGIES'/* HEARTS ¡A AV HSH BR9S WAG9N C° THE YAQUINA ROUTE