Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1890)
I C \ 4 á a ' Jr f T I ri VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD PRESSED BIIK KM. Central Point has a dancing n iiooi. Cha«. Wen<lell ba« • tine line of holiday present», Col. N. B. Knight has opened a la« office in Salem. Hugo Miller, a retired merchant of Yreka, is dead. VOL. III. ASHLAND, JACKSON Published every Thursday bv the VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO E. J. KAISER, Editor. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1890, NO. 31. Onr own brami of extra oyster» are the beet—3lc per can at McConnell A Eubank». I Tbos McAtKlrewe’ brict block has 1 MINISTER MIZNER BOUNCED p eee ed through the han<la of the plaster ers. Geo. L. Story, of the Multnomah <lele- gatiua, will be presented for speaker of the house. J S. Howard and S. Earhart were each presented with sons on Thanksgiv ing <lay by their wives. E. P. Pi< kena lias moved to Medford from Table Rork, having aold part of his large farm to W, R ihekiaon. Twenty-five tliouaand pound« of leath _ _______ ______ _ City _________ er from the __ Crescent tannery has The AdHiiniatration CanuoC Endorve bls Conduct in the Barrundia At-1 fidr. President Harrison has recalled L. B. Mizner, minister to Guatemala, for hav ing exceeded his authority in the Bar rundia affair. It Seetna dear that the | statement in which President Harrison : lienotinces Mizner is an admission of re- j sponsibility on the part of the Unit«*! States; which will give the Barrundia family good ground to claim damages. Good authorities say that if the American i been rtiippe-l by wagon to Granta' Paas. J1»-’ »houl.l have ^rote«-^! Bnrrundia as Boy«’ «uit» $2.i«> up at O. H. Blount's. Ben McCreary, of Hiskivou, is under lion Is lor Bcilimr whisky at his tavern witliout a license. He says it is milk he is disposing oi. J. B. Hollner, who has been at Jack- sonviBe lor a week as a witness in the W e ston lari-eny case, returned to Hiseon Friilay. president, it follows that the United States government is bound to reconi-| [»enae the Barrundia family for the loss of their father’s life through the blunder ■ of the American minister. The state <le- , partment refuses at present to give the date of Misner's recall. It seems, how ever, to have been determined upon soon after the McCreary resolution was passed by the house of representatives. The New Dfowoverjr You bare heard your friends and neigh Win. 8. Crowell, purchaser of the bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from person »Mepheuson place, has hauled 10,000 feet al experience just how good a thing it is. of lumber on the place to be put into new ----- If you have ever triad it. you are one of its buil'linga. staunch friends, because the wonderful thing al>out it is. that when once given a Move-wood wanted. For further per- trial. Dr. King’s New Discovery ever after ticulara inquire at the Hvcotcn office. bolds a place in the bouse. If you have Wanted -Bean«, Potatoes and Apples, at Met onnell * Eul«ank«'. David King is cinroUtiug a petition for | ner" u**.,1lt *n<‘ ,h<;“ld ’* wit‘* « or ' chest s Hcon«. U> open a a.loon st the depot, Si/ * °' “” ly 7 throat, “ ' lung * ?r ' secure a bottle at once and give it in the corner room formerly occupied bv n fair trial _l It is guaranteed every lime, or the liqnorleas saloon. ' money refunded. Trial bottles' free at Floe Japan ten at MH onnell A Eubanks' j Chitwood Bros.’ drugstore. Eyraud'« Daughter to Sing in ruDnc. Granta I'as Items. E d V alley R ecord : Began raining eleven a . m . Tuesday. There is strong talk of building a fine school house here. Mrs. Lula Townsend stopped one day : at the I*aM on her way to Portland. Tlavid Pavne has sold his meat market, to John B. Williams, the prominent Jack-] son county stock man. Horace Wooilcook, of Waldo, and Mise I Lottie Bennett of Kirbyville were rnar-i riel Sunday by Rev. Rolwrt McLean. Mr. Buchholtz, who went from Ash land to work on the R. R., lost I iib horse. After hunting eight da^’a without avail he 1 returned Monday to his home. I ast W«‘ek'n Winter. Tiuckee, Cal., Dec. 3.—It has stormed | steadily since last night, ra’ning princi-1 (»ally during the nigfit. Eighteen inches of snow have fallen during the day, and , four feet at Summit; barometer twenty-> two forty, being the lowest on record. It I is snowing and blowing hard from Alta' to Verdi. Headlight snow plows are running ahead of pasaeager trains, and rotary plows at Blue Cai yon and Truckee , ready for instant use. The snow sheds are in perfect condition, ami Trainmaster I Alger save the mountain division is more thoroughly equidj>ed for fighting snow than ever before. A blockade is believed to be imdossible. Sisson, Cal., Dec. 3.—Rain and snow have been falling here for the past twentv- four hours. One foot of snow has rlreauy fallen, and a plow is in readiness to start out on the California and Oregon rail- road, if it should be needed. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year.................................................. $2 Six months ................................................... 1 Í0 Three months.............................................. Advertising rates given on application, laical notices 15c per line for first inser tion and Sc for eacu subsequent inseriiou. Obituaty lines, memorial resolutions, card« of thanks, etc., al half rates. A friend of the Eyraud family tells us that Paris may shortly hear the daugh ter of the alleged murderer of M. Gouffe ringing, under an assumed name of course, either in operetta or at one of the many cafes chantants with which Paris abounds. Mme. Eyraud herself is an excellent musician. Her daughter has no knowledge of the technique of music, but her ear is as keen as that of Theresa, who knew nothing whatever of reading music, but who could retain whole pages of melody after one hearing. Mlle. Eyraud is an uncommonly pretty brunette, with an excellent figure. Her occupation of late nas been to try on costumes at a fashionable Paris dress maker’s in the Avenue de l'Opera. She speaks with a mild Provencal accent, and has just the winsome qualities which are required in a singer of chansonettes. Errand's daughter, although looked upon as a spoiled child, is thoroughly virtu ous, and will doubtless have the cordial sympathy of those who know her name as they listen to her first attempts to win a reputation upon the lyric stage.— Galignani Messenger. The Fashion in Hair Dyeing. Fashion in hair dyeing has, it seems, declared at lart against tho auburn and bright gold tresses with which we have been lately familiar. These tints as well as the pale "bleached” straw hue are no lon rcr to be worn, and a much darker shade, called in the secret circles of the trade itself by the unpoetical term “mahogany." u the latest decree. It is produced by a subtle mixture in which henna plays a leading part, but the dye ing process is long and tedious. However, that cannot much matter to the ladies who once embark upon hair dyeing, since they have continually to submit themselves to its repetition as fresh hair grows. Tho prophets of these mysteries assure us that the time is com ing when a “natural brown” will be the favorite tone. If it be true, therefore, that real blond hair is becoming extinct this will insure fashion to every one.— London Graphic. Ashland Fence Works! H. S E M E R Y, “I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and nave never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, nke Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to acuon, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system.” L. M. H inton , m . d ., Washington, Ark. N. PHILLIPS, J —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— ATTORNEY * COUNSELOR AT LAW A shland . No Homo M lie Witat II It take« the p’ace of a doctor an<l colly pre- scriptions. All who lead WHOSE sedentary lives will find rpmccit it the best preventive of and cure tor Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Pile« and Mental Depression. No loss of time, no interference with business while taking. For children it is most in nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Di- arrliira, Rowel Complaints, Feverish- nes« and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find it the mildest Aperient and Tonic they can use. A little taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken in the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach and sweetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN’S OPINION. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Will Draetice in all the Courts of the State. Business in the U. 8. Land Office will re ceive prompt attention. Office first door north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland, Or, Proprietor. It» peculiar efficacy Is due sio-ruoie ln“ch to tlie process aud skill in c«>ni}«>unding as to LIKE IT the ingredient« themselves. Take it in time. It cheeks diseases in the outset, or if they be ad vaneetl will prove a potent cure. Bl R' i EN n HAW. .y^UTHElt I*. O regon . - Orriez—Room 2, Masonic Temple Block. J^R. J. H. HA LG PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. (N ine Y ears in H ospital P ractice .) Office in Brick Block on Oak street. Sec ond door from Main Street. Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire X- A shland O regon . J^OBEKT A. MILLEIL CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE. ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- L-A-W, ANY KIM) AND SIZE PICKETS. A® Cheaper than a Rai! Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than J ackbunvillk - O rboon . arb Wire Fence. Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. Will practice in all the courts of the iVito no N orth S ide of R. R. C rossing , H elman S treet . State. Office with W. H. I’hrker, opposite Court House. N A YOUNG tor .Vwu per lb. Mark« of Genuineness: l^ook for the red C. CAliDWELL, W.lMueea In Great Cities. Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the SURVEYOR Engle Point News. J R. N. Bell has purchased the City Heal and Signature of J. H.Zeilin A Co., iu Not the least among the various of E ditor V alley R ecord : ’ and Government Land Locator. red. on the side. Take no ot her. liolel at Independence, and it ia also re MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE ported be has bought an interest in the fenses that meet the eye, and seldom Miss Jennie Smith, of Ashland, is now DENTIST. with any palliating incidents, are the J’JLCKZSOJST'V^IJLJLE, OIR/EQ-OHST. West Mde for bin son laje. signa of all kinds that disfigure most of the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Florey. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac Men'« $1.3) grain shoe- reiluced to $3.00 Miss Nada Inlow, who is attending the buildings in the business districts. tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the painless extraction of teeth. St O H. Blount’s. best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Office over the Bank. A plain signboard, giving the name of school at Ashland, was home on a visit A grand ball for the Ixmefit of the ^*722:7 last week. BehMd hnnne a) \Vimar .ill h. l.x.1.1 U- “ “ ' OT individual proprietor school bouse at Wimer, will be held to A. C. Howlett has been sick for sev J T. BOWDITCH. morrow. W. P. Hillis, C. Williams and and the nature of the business, ts unob days past, tint is not considered dan THE JLSHLJLJSriD M. Wakeman are the committee in jectionable. however large, if set up eral gerously so. ATTORNEY AT LAW. against the wall, over the entrance or at charge Mrs. Steward and Mrs. Wright, of Cen A shland , - O reuok Ask for «ample of our tea« and coffees— the threshhold. The largest concerns in c«Mt» y<Mi nothing. Mci'otinell A Eiilianks. the city have, however, abandoned even tral Point, have been here visiting the ; Will practice in all courts of the stale. family of F. B. Inlow i -H l B est 2 : 4b^ETYtVERMAi£ ' A $75 purse for a 600-vard race has these, and are content to use a small Collections promptly made. ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY EEARING i The young folks had a dance in Inlow been raised at Central Point, to be rnn metal plate for their names. A Ash pole ’ s hall on Thanksgiving night. I ! 0ATALCCU1-. AGENTS WANTED But the popular idea in signs seems to on Christmas. “Csp,” “Klickitat” and About thirty numbers were sold. D£SCR!91NG CII3 FULL LINE A Woman to Take Testimony. 1' Cf WHEELS SENT GN APPLICATION. Pankey's “Bay Cap” will probably con run to m great a display as possible, and The dry weather is causing considera Known as the Youie & Gilroy mill, is now test for the prise. in its Indulgence tasto and safety are For the first time in the history of Lu IT 37:^6Y3ST6 icycle ble uneasiness among the farmers, for sacrificed. What can be more hideous zerne county a woman has been ap M«n’« white shirts till De«-. 15th will 1« fear that the early sown grain will dry O hio . J t / 2' than those great ®rial wire structures and freeze out. «old (or AOeta apiece at O. H. Blount’s. pointed an officer of the courts. Miss ESTABLISHMENT There are still to be seen, near the that project from the tops of buildings We had a week’s vacation in our school E'.telle Roll, who has lwen for the past mouth of the Des Chutes, the ruins of an or are hung across the streets? They are last week while Miss Brown, the teacher, few months in the office of Attorney F. ------o------ -------- In charge of--------- old rock fort, which was used by the set dangerous, too, as experience lias shown. attended the institute at Ashland. 1 un M. Nichols as stenographer and type EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, « tlers during the Cavuae war, in 1856. Then there are those dazzling monstrosi derstand that she was very favorably im writer, was. on the petition of about (South of the grocery store.) Tlie walls of the fortification have fallen ties which, in colored glass, call the at pressed with your city. twenty prominent lawyers, appointed a o------------ down, and now nothing remains except tention of the passerby to the game of A. Pool came near having two fires ] standing commissioner to take testi a few crumbling stones. billiards and other pastimes. Some of last week. The first broke out in the up mony. The petition to appoint a woman ashionable dressmaking and repairing done in a neat and satisfac The complete volumes of DicksiM’ works the porticos which project over the per floor where the stove pipe passed to such a position was so unusual that All Orders for SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. MOULDINGS, Etc., Etc. tory manner. ors Mammoth Cyclopaedia with only a few whole sidewalk are utilized for similar through and was discovered by a girl of Judge Rice looked a trifle puzzled as he cents atidltionnl to the R ecord ' s subscrip the house, who quietly reported it to a glanced over the papers. “This is rather purposes. or for FINISHING LUMBER, or MILL-WORK of ANY KIND, tion price. Exaggerated hats, bonnets, clocks, lady visitor, when the alarm of fire was unusual,” he remarked. "Yes,” replied Mr. Obenchain's daughter, at Central mortars, saws and other symbols of the given. There was no material damage Attorney Nichols, “but I think there is Promptly attended to. Address, Ashland, Or. 5d] Point, has the scarlet rever. The Mail done except that Miss Amy Safford, Mrs. no legal impediment to it.” Judge Rice merchandise for sale within the stores asys three young men from the Medford Pool's daughter, had her hands badly public school danced with the young lady flaunt before the gaze at every turn. burned while trying to extinguish the evidently looked at it in that light, and MRS. M. L STANLEY Most of these are illegal, as the law al at a party the day before she was taken flames. A few days after the above re he made the appointment, and Miss Roll oct9] Ashland, Oregon. ill ami hail to be suspended from school lows but three feet nearest the building lated occurrence Mrs. Pool’s little boy, was sworn in.—Philadelphia Times. for a short period, to prevent contagion. for the display of signs and merchandise, about tour or five years old, got some ASHLAND OREGON. In I he Editor*« Chair. One dollar a year will cover your doctor's and this is availed in many trades for matches, lit a candle and by some means The editress of The Woman's Penny Has just received the biggest and liest the profit it will bring, not only to them set fire to the window curtains, which bill If you take 8linmotis IJver Regulater* selves, but in some cases by compensa quickly ran to the ceiling, but fortunately Paper is a true lover of her sex. She stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. —VIA— A. A. Davis wants the city council of A fine stock of imported goods. I also car and her s taff work together on the most did no damage. ry all classes of goods, hence you cannot Medford to give him a franchise for an tion from fruit venders or other small friendly terms. Not only are all the ar Miss Millie Howlett gave a carpet-tack fail to be suited. Cail and examine the electric light plant. A franchise ia quite trades not connect«! with the regular ing last Friday night, and had an extra ticles written by women, but the com stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class an important institution and it behooves occupations. — America. ordinarily fine time. There were twenty positors are women, the office boy is a work, a good fit and satisfaction guaranteed. every town corporation and the public Also line of a Conductor’s Cloth. Valuable Saud Lots. eight of the neighbors, mostly young woman, and co are the j-.nitor and te Bnerally to examine the situation crit- Accident in making what afterward folks, came in and sewed and tied carpet legrapher. The editress has but one F. E. ZDELLIEB. dly and carefully before acting. Quite fre«]tiently there are some foxy transac turn out to be good investments is always rags until about ten o’clock, when lunch name for her staff—dear. The assistant Shasta Line. tions beneath such things that do not ap • favorite theme for discussion. An in was served and the rest of the evening editor is called my dear, but the rest of pear on the surface until it ia quite too stance was cited where a young man was spent in playing, talking, etc., until the help answer to plain and simple but about 12 o’clock, when they all retired to went to Tacoma on a flying visit in the their respective homes with the under sweet and short “dear.” Express Trains Leave Fortland Daily. At home The Penny editress em Are y«>u Married? If not, send your ad- I early days of the place, when the prin standing that they would all return in , South 1 North dress to The American Corresponding Club, ' cipal part of the town was its name. the near future and sew the rest of the ploys a, a woman cook 7:00 p m Lv Portland Ar 9:35 a in P, O Box «13. Clarksbnrg, W. Va an<l two • *l::uy helps ” in the “ preservery, ” He was there only a few hours, but in rags. One remarkable incident occurred, 10:20 a m Ar Ashland Lv 6:40 p iu Charles Springer, who owns 20,000 1 that time was induced to buy several however, while Mrs. H. was busily en who put up the jellies, jams, marmalades 10:50 8 m Lv Ashland — { AT THE Ar 6:10 p m New Mexican acres on which graze thou lots for almost nothing. Those lots gaged sewing. One of the young men, F. and fruit butters, from which she real 10:15 a ni Ar SanFrancixcoLv 7:00 p in sands of cattle, thinks there is a good made a fortune for him so suddenly that M , was desirous of having a very large izes half the profits of her journalistic Above trains stop only ut following sta PARIS EXPOSITION, ISSO. time coming (or cattlemen. “Most of ball so he kindly wound what she sewed work. Disgusted with the laziness and tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, the heavy stockgrowers in Kansas, Ne he could hardly realize that it could be on kin ball. But that was considered le general worthlessness of her gardeners, Oregon City, Woodburn, Balem, Albany, possible. braska.. Colorado and Iowa have gone Tangent, Sliedds, Ilaisey.Harrisburg, June gitimate by Miss M-, as everything is she advertised for female labor, and an Mark Sheldon, the wealthy real estate fair in lo— or rag-tacking. tion City, Irving, Eugeqe out of the business, and in the course of D ick . avalanche of horticultural loveliness Call and examine them, owner of Sun Francisco, made his fort a year or two the market is going up. Eagle Point, Dec. 2, 1890. Roseburg Mail Daily. swept down upon her. Many of the ap Cattle two years from now will bring bet one out of a bad debt. He had grown A full supply of LEAVE ARRIVE NOW ON EXHIBITION AT ter prices than they have in a half dozen rich and poor in several ventures, and How Sevece Colds are Bioken up in plicants for the position of gardener were C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes Portland 8)00 a in I Roseburg . 5:40 p m Montana daughters of cl - "men. She made her years past.” when hard pressed once tried to collect Roseburg .6:20 a m I Portland.. 4:00 p in G loves , C repes , E tc . selection, and has since openly declared One From Virginia City, Mont., Madisonian.) Nc- harm ever done by the use of Biro- all the money that was due him i When we find a medicine we know to pos that women make the best gardeners in »■on« laver Regulater. I debtor was unable to give him a cent, ASHLAND, - - OREGON. Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday.) sess genuine merit, we consider it a duty, the field.—London Letter. I — _ We have in the Herald office a small but compromised his debt by handing and we take pleasure in telling the public Twenty-five years experience in Ashland. LEAVE arrive : j Portland... 5:00 pni | Albany 9:00 p ni Embalming with the aid of a skilled physi pie«» of the timber and lumber, of which over to Mr. Sheldon some sand lots in what it is. Such a niedi.iine we found Ghastly Philosophy. cian. the old flat boat was made to explore what is now Market stivet. San Fran Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, last winter, MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH | Albany 5:00am " ' ’ Portland 9;00am Some men manage to get more than when !a grippe was prevailing We are Malheur lake twenty-five vears ago. cisco. Office and ware-room on Main street, at their share of things, even under the that we warded off several attacks AND GRANITE Cant. L. L. Williams, of the U. 8. srmy, Sand lots were not very valuable in satisfied foot of Granite. Were threatening by the use of this most difficult circumstances. In spite had the boat made, at or near Wright’s those days, and Mr. Sheldon found no that A shland , - O regon . PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few of the brick manufacturers’ boycott in Point,for the purpose already mentioned. opportunity to dispose of his until he liours, severe colds, and in the course of New York, a poor fellow named Hafner, There was not a nail in the boat. It was saw that he might make a pretty sum of two or three day«, entirely broken them up JLSZHZLJLUST JD 10UIUST SLEEPING CARS Pacific Coast Main office, 1368 Market St. fraiiied and put together entirely with by its use, as have several of our friends to passing along the street, received a whole them. So he held on to them, and there For accommodation of Second Class Pas whom we have recommendett it. It is all hodful on his head and was fatally hurt. «ooden pins, the lumber used was sawed San Francisco, Cal. sengers, attached to Express Truins. with a whip saw, and the larger pieces ia no more valuable real estate in tlie that it is represented to be by the manufac —Boston Herald. were hewed. This lost was made of the Golden Gate city today than Mark Shel turers. If you have a cough and want to WEST SIDE DIVISION. it Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will first lumber sawed in Harney valiev. Its don’s Market street propertv.—New stop Creosote has been successfully applied ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OK, do the work. For sale by Chitwood Bros., Between Portland anil Corvallis. THE CHTIV-LTE3C ZRTTZSF. j ^ZBOTT'I? site wea lox"., with masts and sails and York Tribune. as a remedy for the potato disease in druggists _ ____________ intended for a urew of ten men. John MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT BUNDAY.) IS A NEW VEHICLE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. ....$32. Scotland. Every eye of the seed potato Scholarship, one year............... A Place for Worker»’ Children. Craven, who presented this office with The Ever Present Poor. is touched with creosote by means of a Commercial Course.................... ... $25. ARRIVES leaves : The guild of the Silver Cross, which the small piece of the «1<I boat, was with Mrs, Buckskin—My dear, I have just $15. Portland.... 7:30 a in Corvallis. 12:10 pm Capt Williams at the time and assisted is a branch of tho order of the King's received word that a family of movers small camel's hair brush. The product Training School, per year.... 5:30 p in Corvallis.. .12:66 p nr Portland. of potatoes so treated is almost totally in leaking it. The boat was burned by Daughters, is nbont to open a day At Albany and Corvallis connect with the Indians in 1866.—Burns Herald, Nov. ; nursery in Harlem. This day nursery is camped down by the creek are starving, free from disease. Where the creosote trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad is not applied to all the eyes of the seed 13, ’90. i for the benefit of working mothers, who and----- Little Johnny Duckskin (rushing in) — Express Train Daily (Except Bunday.) ling the result is partial disease. If toe i are thus provided with a safe and happy Pii turc (rallies made to order at H. 8. Knisry'«. shelter for their little ones while they Paw, theie are a couple of fat men who much is used the seed will not germinate. ARRIVE LEAVE :____________ ________ are earning the chiklren's bread. It is look like capitalists pacing off your cor Portland . . 4:40p ni I M’MinnvUle 7:2’>piu The First Step. History Docs Not Always Repeat Itself. M'Minnville.5:4aam | Portland .8:20 a in i hoped in time to add a kindergarten to ner lot over in town. They----- l'erhai» you are run down, can't eat. Hubert—I say, Clara, you're a nice Rev. Buckskin—Run. Johnny, and tell Th" ladies who have can’l «k-ep. can't think can't do onything the nursery. THKiltB TICKETS U all poiats girl, advising me to come the prodigal to y«»ur Mtisfaction. and you wonder what founded this most praslicnl of charities, ’em I’ll be there in a minute! EAST ill Ml TH. Mrs. Buckskin—But, my dear, those son business with the governor. I took ail.« you. You should hee«i the warning, almost without funds, will hold a fair you are taking the hrst step into nervous for its benefit on the 5th, 6th and 7th of poor----- your advice and tried it on yesterday. prostration. You nesxi a nerve tonic and i For tickets and full information regarding Clara—Well, didn't he kill the fatted Rev. Buckskin —They can wait! You in Electric Bitters you will fiml the exact Noveml»er.—New York Letter. rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent I calf, as 1 said? know the good book tells us that the poor remedy for restoring your nervous system at Ashland. Coucerning Taxation. Hnbert—No; but he jolly near killed we have always with us. but it ain’t to iu normal, healthy condition. Surpris R. KOEHLER, E P. KOGERS, ing result« follow the* use of this great nerve Roseburg Review, Dec. 5ih ] DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN OR every day that corner lot buyers put in me. I am quite sore still.—Judy. Manager. Asst G. F & Pass Agt — - tonic ami alterative. Your appetite returns, In California mortgages are taxed ani an appearance! Make haste, Johnny!— CONSTIPATE. go»si <iige«tion ia n-stored. and the liver there is no complaint by the monev Forced to Decline. Sunt C ure for S icx H eadmhl anil kidneys resume healthy action. Try a sharks. The reason is that they have no Munsey's Weekly. Pii" ’-t. lAde, having underneath the tad all troubie. ari«ln( trow First Wanderer—Why does somekiud . i< -agon ar,- Ith ease). double Iiottle. Price59c. at <'hitwoo«l Bros. í:«?¿y Í. J'tsf) S’ Iadigeition or Conitipatioa. usury law in that state and the mortgage duc'.l. iic-l r. solid beaded bottom. It has a box Seiling Tobacco In Danville. hearted people spoil their charities, Bill, Improves the Complexion ire gu.".rd an.-und the bock for holding larger packages, mid rf’era generally contains a clause that tlie mort by Purifying tho Blood. It is an interesting sight to see the by forgettin’ that the poor has feelin's? Improv log a yuotation. io.uiufaetured by L-jjid ivr calai Tho doee eu ba aleely adjnited to suit tho caw, u gage shall pay till demands of school dis pill oan novar be too largo a doee. E*.y to taka L>I>'T3Il Jk ('ROHM, CaUowchuTup (who objects to some of trict, municipalities, and state for taxes. hundreds of covered tobacco wagons Second Ditto—I dun'no, Jim, but one Moo much sugar. 43 pills out np ia a strong vtal X.ouiHvlllc. Ky. the old tann'x obBcrvatiotis)—Where ig- It is therefore all nonsense to contend come to market Large ware houses are many on 'em does it I was offered the which ren bo carried in vest pookst A Orest Csavsa- Iseos ts Trawler, sad B s .I s . m J.a. Kes. tiensta. whb- ncntiK't' is bliss 'twerc folly to be wise, Trad. Bark, kid r .wyaSrrr, Jir. a hauls. that the tax on mortgages has anything ready to offer every inducement to farm finest breakfast y’ever seen this mornin’, eat •‘" Sample Dose aad Dream Boot far ts. la st a m ps. Oldboy— Yes, young nisn; and where to do with the lack of money in Oregon. ers to sell their load. Driveways lead but a wood pile went with it. I had ter (DR. HARTER'S IRON TONIO. k rrmrirstbs blood : bfoulatm tr. livtb S to the great floors where the load is as to be impudence ift wit 'twere folly say no.—Harper's Bazar. The truth of the matter is that the law as sad XIDNBTS and RESTORES the DKRI1.ITATBD ■ it stands is perfectly just and is in the in sorted in piles according to grade, liav- U HBALTH aad VlaOBOt’S STRENGTH otTot-rar bright.—Texas Siftings. T. E, HOGG, niedrer. THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. terest of the people at large. The aver ing been weighed first while on the High Encomiums. A Kamaibla Fellow. age farmer in Oregon nor in fact the av truck Each pile is tagged with the Returned Tourist — I noticed while Man (to wife)—The man that make- erage business man cannot afford to pay name of tho owner and the weight, abroad that twenty-six of the German np this newsiMta r is a sensible fellow. Oregon Developement Co.’s a higher rate of interest than 10 per cent. with a place for the. buyer’s name and | papers 6peak very highly of the new Wife-Why so? The repeal of the usury law and the mort price. Many farmers remain over night, reichstag. STEAMERS. ••He always puts tlie poetry down the gage tax law might bring an influx of German-American—Dwenty-six off de center column." money into the state, but in the ultimate for they arrive at all hours of the day it would mean ruin and bankruptcy. The and night Free stables and other ordi members of the new reichstag is news Carpenter unii Builder ••What difference does that make?" SHORT DINE TO CALIFORNIA. paper men.—New York Weekly. Oregonian is laboring in this matter as it nary comforts are provided. “A great deal. You see I always fold There are ten ware houses in Danville, O regon A shland the paper iu the middle.”—Arkansaw alwavs is for class legislation, and with FREIGHT AND FAKES the IX) WEST But They Don't Get Batea for It. the hypocrisy of all advocates of monop N. C. They are divided into two series Traveler. oly it attempts to show that it is working of five each, and public sales are con “I think,” said the editor in a worried A Proud Spirit. in the interest of the people. The man ducted in two at the same time. Under , tone, “that I will drop journalism and Steamer Sailing Dates: Repairing will Receive Prompt Foldol—So Shorts lias left the bank that has means should pay the taxes the direction of the Tobacco Exchange I take to astronomy.” FROM YAQUINA: and gone abroad What was the trou That is all there is in the present law “Why?” the order of sales is arranged. Placards Attention. Steamer Willamette Valley—December ble? anil it is as axiomatic as any other prin “Well, astronomers always seem to are posted at different points, “First sale 10t h, 19th and 28th. Sharkin-Well, they got to poking ciple of justice ! KROM BAN FRANCISCO : The hard-working people of Oregon at Neal’s," “Second sale at Acree's,” and have more space than they know what aronnd and wanted to ]<x>k at his ac so on, each warehouse taking its assigned to do with.”—Washington Post. Steamer Willamette Valley—December counts Shorts got huffy and wouldn't are a unit for the mortgage tax law, for r-urr little fvrt tines have been mad«At 5th, 15th and 24th. the usury law and for the exemption of turn until all five have sold out—first to work f.»r oa, hr Anua Pag«- Auattn, stand It. : nu«! Juò. Bonn. Toledo, < »Wo. For a nu mlier of years I have been sub indebtedness clause. And no sophistry day, the last to-morrow. Each ware The company reserves the right to s«-«' cut. «»flirr« art-doing'well Why Foldol— When’s he coming back? change sailing dates without notice. of the money sharks will htxxlwink them. house has its own auctioneer, clerks, ject to violent attacks of inflammatory '»lot y»n? Soii.e ran» over iiOO.MO a rheumatism which generally lasted about in<»i:tb. Y««tt can «lu tl»e work and live Sharkin — He ain't coining; they’ve Trains connect with O. A C. R. and Riv at Lome. wher«*v«T yoa arc*. Even ba- and most of the firms buying having two months. On the first of this month I er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. looked ovi-r his looks.—Lowell Citizen. ginnm nrr raailv earning from fi to The discovery of a preventive for croup, two sets of buyers to attend on the two was attacked in the knee and suffered se fl« a day. All ag. ». Weahow you bow Freight and ticket office, Salmon street and ¡»tart you. Can work in «pare timi verely for two days, when 1 procurer! a bot Three-fourths oi your ailments arise from is one of the most important mule in re circuits.—Cor. Washington Post. wharf. Portland. «< all rhe tiu»e. Big money fur vxork- cant years. Since first discovered it has H DRESSMAKING RUNNING IN FULL BLAST, F.E.ZOELLNER, JAMES S. ROGERS Manager F Prices Reasonable. MERCHANT TAILOR, WAS AWARDED EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route THE ONLY H. S. EMERY Funeral Director, M artín & H arris State Normal School ONLY PERFECT SEWING MECH ä MISM F amily U8Ê. LITTLE LIVER PILLS THE YAQUINA ROUTE O. R. Buckman laver troubles which Simmons Liver llegu- been used in manv cases, and with unvary later cures._______________ ing success. Its being within the reach of Twenty-five standard novels—With Xi to all makes it the mere valuab'e. It is only .«elpct from—given awav free to every new necessary to give Chandwrlain’s Cough sultscrilier to the R f < ord or old ones who Remedy freely as soon as the first mdica will mv a vear in advam-e. A cheap meth tions of croup appear, and it will dispell all od ol getting your winter's reading matter symptoms ot the disease. Full directions are given with each bottle. For sale at 50 Men's and boys' clotlung, boot.-, shoes cent» per bottle bv Chitwood Bros., drug ate., etc., of latest styles, finest quality and gists. at prices that defy couipetitiou, at McCall's Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. The Be-t Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruise«. Sores. Ulcer-. Salt Kheuni. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and posi tive! v cures Piles, or no pay required. It is I guaranteeii to give lierfeet satisfaction, or money le'undtxl. Price 25 cents p«r box • For sale by Chitwood Bros. tle of ('haiuberlai'n’s I’ain Balm, and it re <-rs. Faflnre unkutmn ani>>ng them- NEW wonderful. Particulars free. lieved me almost instantly. I therefore II. Hallett «V <'o., IXaaz Portland.Maiua most cheerfully recommend it to those who are similarly affiicted everywhere.—R. D. Whitley, Martindale, N. C.. Feb. 1888. Mr. Whitley is a very prominent man in this place and his disease was very widely known as he «utlered such severe pain. ■ -W. NICE YOUNG MILCH COW, with IM. Houston A Co.. Merchants. Martindale, calf, for sale. Inquire for price, N. C. 50 cent bottles for sale by Chitwood etc., at the R ecord office. Bros., druggists. Milch Cow For Sale A W. B. WEBSTER Gen! F. & P. Agt. 34 Montgomery St., San Francisco. C. C HOGUE, G. F. h P. A. O. P. R., Corvallis. Oregou. Read the “Record's” Premiums.