Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1890)
!<laii'atl> County items. Mr. Berry, the Bonanza blacksmith, J Nun..:« ha» returned from San Fran ha« gone to Central Point. IN HARNESS (HL. , cisco The ice is about out of ItKran bay and AaSLvSS. (la .THrssLVY. Apni 17, !<•» Get a receipt of B. F. Sny-1 W J . Nichol«, ot S Valley, wm in navitiatioii is commencing. der and make your own wa- , lie |»a bit« a it Miaie T;<*kct. town Monday. Plowing is over iii*Ix>st ri ver section ter-proof oil blacking for « n -r--«.ni»n — Binger Hermann, ut harness, it -ots, shoes and ' Mrs. W M Holmes Fall planted gram looks well. 1 a > u «P«>. buggv tops. The >«est in the ent« at Eagle Point a fiotatoe« Plenty of wed grain and seed Governor - 1» 1’. Tbotnp-on. ot Multno World, as all who have . the soil it« Klamath and it is going into mah. Charles W. I/ygau. used it Till testify • I*e< retarjr erf btaic Gre«. W. McBride, of John Griffin were in town last week freely and unreservedly everywhere. Price of individual’s • ( uluiutsa. right, including the 1 Dick Hammond is going to Oregon Mr«. Dr J A Calender of Ix>8 Gatos, supreme Judge K. S. Beam, of L*ne. receipt, one dollar. Supt o< Pul«Ur Instruction E B Me- i Cal., i» here on a viait to her parents, : City to help engineer a new motor line IN Oil for sale at fifty which will run between that place and Elroy. of Benton Mr and Mr« John Miller ents per can. 4 • £Sf “ A<-y C lis o: ins s-.-rviccs will I k * a[>|>r<s i;iled and promptly Portland. Treasurer—Phil Met'bem. of Baker Btate Printer—Frank (‘ Baker, of Port- ■ Rev. F. A. Ixttt of Linkville occupied attend; ! to Price» Reasonable Martin, the miller, is about to improve the pulpit at the Pre«byter:an church itt his flour mill greatly bv ad ling to the tend this place la»t Sunday evening. machinery a maple of firat-i la»s liolts. ARE 1D2YII_»Y CG I'nion Party Mate Ticket. II. K. Hanna, Wm.Col.’ig anil C. ’»V. A. M. Peterman w ill engineer the job. Congreaa—Major J. A. Bruce, of Ben- Kahler, Francia Fitch and others are at This is to certify that it will Dr. J. W. Strange, census supervisor ton county. Salem attending sapretne court for second district of < »regon, has tlivhled pay all ranchers to get a receipt < i 1-. F. Governor—l^ft in handa of executive Snyder and make their own harness oil. as Miss Martie Linn accompanied her' Klainatii county into threetlislrict«, with I furnish my own new Hearse and give personal attention to funerals. Orders committee. can’t lie beat; is cheap and durable. We brother», Flet< her and George, on their B. F. Cr< it- h and Ma:shall M. Riggs, of solicited lor S roll Sawing, Wood Shaping, Screen Doors ami Windows, and Gen it have tested its good qualities, und can truly Sc rrtary pl Slide—.Vathan Fierce, of return to t!w State University, where «In- Linkville, and Wesley B. Towntev of recommend it to all in need of a harness oil eral Repairs. Organ» cleaned and repaired. J L. DOWNING. Umatilla county. K<-no, as enumerators. or a boot and shoe dressing. State Treasurer—E. F. Walker, of Jack- will «|>c-nd a while viaiting re latives. This week earlv the witxi raised the J, L. G rvbh , J. II, R eal , Geo M Ix>ve and N Langell of this son county. lake at least four feet t nd the result was T. 0. A ndrews , G. W. S mith , Snj>erinten<lcnt of Public Instruction — place, Henry Ankeny of Sterlingville ami awful. All the old slabs that covered II. D. Kubli «re at Portland, repreaent- I the river below the sawmill went crash T. Jory, of Marion county. J. P. W alker , J. W O. G regory . State Printer—Capt.O’Bnen, of Mult ' ing this part of the county at the con ven-1 ing. leaping and rearing dow n Link river ' tion. nomah county. Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and to the lower lake. These slabs will float Supreme Judge—J .eft in hands of ex rf Mr« T D Beekman,of Dundee, N. Y., over to the California shore and many of I ecutive committee. 1 arrived on Thursday’« train to »pend sev them will be picked up for firewood. at Prices that Defy Competition, eral month« in visiting Oregon She is I Baldwin & Forbes are about to restore A territory becomes "ripe,” according to a guest of her broth-in-law, C. C. Beek to its former condition the »tone store the prevailing standard, when it “hows a man. •afe Republican majority. No other qual that lias been tried by fire. There will Mr«. I. W. Berry of Salem, Mr«. J. be considerable building there* this sum- ‘ ification* are required. Fink atxl Mrs. Robert Kahler of Tacoma tner, among other buildings a big hotel, H W. Scott declines a place in the and Mr». Wm. Bigler of Portland were it is said. There is no doubt that Link ileiegation to the state convention, fie summoned to the Itedside of their father, ville will reach her solid street dear to 3 aays that he will not l>e a rib in Mr. J. A. Cardwell who has been critical for the bridge. Mr. Biehn and Mr. I’eter- several days past. - man will put the Baldwin & Forbes Ixrtan’s jmrachute.—(Mercury. The Lindsay troujie played two nights building in better shape than ever.— Mdhaignor Capel has been living for at this place last week and gave excellent t [Linkville Star, four years in retirement on a California satisfaction. This is the best troupe that Only a few more Choice Presbytery of Southern Ore-gou. ranch engaged in literary work, the re has visited Jacksonville for some time, Out late meeting in Jacksonville was sult of which will be made public shortly. and should they return we will insure one of unusual intere st. The Jackson them a trood house. ville people, by their kind and royal hos- Ex-Hfieaker Samuel J. Randall died Jacksonville was successful in l^ing In this desirable location, wi lt a frontage Sunday. An acknowledged leader of chosen as the place for the location of the , pitality, contributed very much to the of 50 feet on Alida avenue and a depth men, a man of great courage and lofty college by the Southern Oregon Presby 1 nappineas and profit of this meeting. <;f 160 ft. Centrally located and a benn- The opening seFmpn by the Rev. Robt. motives and convictions, lie is inissed by tery Quite a sum has already been lib 'tfiui,view of the surrounding the nation as one of its immortal heroes. erally suliscribed and ere long our town Mcl«ean was an invixciblu tj»fenae of country makes these lots the Calvinism, which, as a system of <toc« most desirable and choicest can boast of two of the best schools in the trine, needs no defense and no revision, Mitchell preaented a petition from the county. Residence Lots in Ash for it never had a stronger hold on the land. Prices low. citizena of < »regon protesting against the Chas. S Moor? of Linkville, of the heart of nations anil churches than to («stage of the Pacific Railroad Funding TERMS EASY. i Bill, while Frye presented numerous |>e- well known firm of Reatnes, Martin & Co., day. Climate free with each lot. Look at these • itions of a I siu t one thousand citizena of was in town Monday on his way to Port i The Rev. J. R. N. Bell was our Mod» lots before buying elsewhere. Enquire of Idaho and Montana favorin'» the passage land to attend the republican convention. erator and wielded the gavel most ad- We call special attention fo C. HENDERSON & CO.’« (fhiepgo) Be E. K. Miner on the premi-“«*: 137t|l <>l the same bill.—[Washington dispatch. His wife accompanied him as far as Jack 1 mirablv J. M. Luark was temporary ixliool House Shops, and CHURCH, BROWN A CO.'S (Bogton) 00 calf fi) sonville and will pay her parents, Mr clerk and rendered valuable assistance to the Stated and Permanent Clerks. Shoes, the best made. Every pair guanuiteech It is said the coming state and county and Mrs lamgell of this place, a visit. B. F, Reeser s -- There were two questions of momen campaign is going to smell dreadfully Mrs. W. J. Plymale, grand secretary ot tous jm|»ortan<-e before the Presbytery: after silver. No doubt; aud whisky too. the Btate convention Rebekah Degree The last electian in this county was car Ixxlge,accompanied by Mrs. Alice Ulrick, Confewdoital Revision and Educaticn. ried bv the whiakv barrel—which con N. G.; Mrs. Emeline Turner, V. G.; and After a long, able antj most earnest de trols the balance of power and uses it Misses Ida and Fannie Fisher of Ruth bate, the Assembly's question, “Do you Is the place to buy where it will do the most good for whisky. No. 5, paid (»live No. 28 of Medford a fra-1 desire a Revision of the Confession of I Faith?” was answered in theaflirmative, ternal visit Tuesday evening to witness a eleven voting aye and four voting nay. Since the remarkable determination of presentation of the Beautified Work. I A» to the extent of revision, we ask little Hie courts of Mississippi that Kilrain is The Democratic primary which was more than the adaptation ot the language and Sullivan is not guilty of engaging in held in town last Saturday resulted in the of 250 veais ago to our own dav, We a prize fight, the world lias been seeking named persons being elected as wish no mo-iiiication or weakening of anxiously for the underlying principle. following to attend the democratic con the system of doctrine. By u little judi Green and Dried Fruits, Confectionary. Stationary and a fine Tlie Atlanta Constitution has found it. delegates which meets in Jacksonville Sat- ; cious emendation ; by tho subtraction of It says that in Mississippi it is a misde vention lÆUZDIFOZRJD, OREGON urday April 19th, to wit; T G Realties, infelicitous, etjuivocal, under and over line of Crockeryware. /‘(irtif'itlaf .tttciitiou to meanor to be “licked.” A L Reuter, Peter Elmer, W J Pivmale, ■ 1 statements; and by the addition of two three sections or subjects not fully Emiu I'aaha is not going to Europe to L L Jacolis, Will Jackson, O Weaver' or elucidated, we think that the Confession WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE LI>E IK SOUTJIERb OREGON, Op exploit liimself. He has st eepled service and Chris Ulrich New Gootls Constantlv Arrivili^. The Best Quality <>f Cc< ds o,ily Kepi. Hon Theo. Cameron had the misfor al symbol of our faifh can be strength under the German government and will return shortly to the Victoria Nyanxa at tune of having his barn burned to the . ened, and that it can be madp to read as Which will be done in a workmanlike the head of a strong expedition. Unless ground on last Tuesday. One of his we interpret it. It must now be inter manner and at prices that WM. IRYLID^LÆS’ he fortifies himself pretty thoroughly the horses perished in the flames together ! preted as a historic symbol in the light HO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT English “philanthropists” will find and with hay, grain and harness. His loss is of history. We want it shorter, simpler, BILDUERS HARDWARE, TITST- rescue him again.—[Telephone Register $000 or more and no insurance. The more modoFn, more for the people and v n general l»elief is that matches hail l>een less for scholars. And it wifi bemadeso. Ware. and in Fact Everything Usually Kept in Stock by a Com The educational question was settled So cousuuiption has at last been found dropped on the hav and the warm rays as the Jacksonville people wished it to plete and well-kept Hardware Store. Let us at least give you price curable by the medical fraternity. A re of tiiesun ignited them, hence the result. I m ?. Their offer of a beautiful site, over Before Purchasing Elsewffiere. Job Work a Specialty. liable dispatch from Berlin says: A re-1 Mr. Nickolas Mitehell and Miss Lucy looking the valley with Mt. Pitt in full — -------- x---- '— markable operation for consumption has ' Lambert were united in marriage at the view, twenty acres of ground ok the None but the liest material used. ($M, PK’TMIIA .HR Fl ICI S IIESHIOIFII OUR DRUG IDRlZP^ZRTrLZEZEJSrT taken place liefore a medical congress Catholic church Monday, at 10:30 o’clock. Cardwell farm, with at least one tlious i here. The interior cheat wall of the low Fat her Noel [»erformed the ceremony, im ami dollars toward buildings, on condi In llfiJBSBR'S BIXjCIi, Carries .q F'qll Stock of Fresh Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc, ftp The Greatest Medicine in the er wing of an aifseted lung was removed, mediately after which tho invited guests tion that the buildings cost not less than ASHLAMi, : : : : : : OI11ÍGOX ’ so that the heart could be «ecu beating in I with the bride and groom drove to the five thousand dollars, w:m accepted, and i ®^* Prescriptions Carefully Prepared by Experienced Hunds. WM World. the cavity of the chest. The patient is home of Mr. M.'s parents where a sumpt a strong committee was appoint d with now doing well. The congress decl ares uous repast, was served. In the evening power to proceed w ith the work as rapid The most aggravated diseases (even lep- consumption is now curable. a reception was given at the house of ly an possible. If the monev is forth ' rosy) and cases pronounced incurable, yield ALE GOODS WILL BE SOIA» FOR CASH AT LOWEST PRICES. John Bettvenuc, Sr., which was attended coming the institution is assured. The ; to its magic touch. It is a new revelation Once in a long time that Protectionist by a number of invited friends and great Jacksonville people are enthusiastic over 1 tomankind; a bright oasis in a hopeless PROP. ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS, ! of Protectionist«, the Evening Silurian, is ly enjoyed by all. Their friends and ac the matter and believe that the under desert expanse, and threatens to revolution chartninglv frank, even if only in a head quaintances wish them well. ize medical praefic¿. ' v taking will be carried through. If so, ON H AM» A FULL J line. On F’ridav last it headed a dis AÚ orders will be promptly filled bv send the academy will be worth more to the j patch thus: “The Tariff. The Great Arbor l>ay in (lie Public Schools. I pla«.-« thflP the proposed railroad. The i CHOICE I ing to Í LÌNE OF Difficulty of Reconciling the Many Inter Marble. All Orders in Stone Work 1 Several weeks before the lltli of April, aim is to mak« ;t a first class acadenv, in i ests.” I should say «o!—that is the our public schools were getting ready for which students of botti sejepg shall I m ? | |\ Promptly Filled. Fi Marble Works < p *>■ MAIN STR STREET, story of Protection, lit a nutshell. The the celebration of Arbor Day. This was prepared for the best Eastern colleges. Agent, Ashland, Or. difficulty, too, grows greater with each done in accordance with the state law’ on Southern Oregon needs such an institu I Must l>e paid for in advance, by money attempt to overcome it. In ntv humble i the subject. Work leading to the success tion. i order, postal order or cash. Pnce, $3 50 judgment the simpleat “solution” is to I of the day was being done for some time The Rev. Robt. McLean and Elder J. per gallon jug, delivered at the Ashland kill the Collectors of Customs.—[Ambrose at both the north ami south buildings. M. Luark were chosen as commissioners depot. Orders from abroad promptly Bierce. FINAL PROOF NOTICE. filled. Kept at Win! Breeden’s, corner i The grounds were leveled and all the to the General Assembly, which is to Main and Helman streets. fj2] needed arrangements made for the ex convene in Saratoga, New York, May Proprietor. United Stabs Land Office, Roseburg. Or.l The «porting fraternity are talking of ercises on Friday. At noon of that day I April 15th. 1890. ) nothing but the feat of “Big Hix,” a the four schools at the south school build- Sth next. The evening sessions were of a popular —Manuiac.urers of the Celebrated— 'VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT heavy-weight negro pugilist of St. Louie, J ing assembled in the north seltooj house, character and were? largely attended. Jjj the following naiiied settler has filed who on a wager batted an ox to death I and the corresponding grades occupied The reports from churches and Sabbath notice of liis intention to make final proof i ia»t week. He caught the animal bv the the same rooms. The pupils of the north scltools were encouraging, and new work in support of his claiii), and that said prop! ' • horn« ami butted it between the eves school then rendered programs appropri is developing more rapidly than it can I m ? six miles south of will be made before the judge, or in his ab four times. Then drawing back at arm’» ate to the occasion in the presence of a manned. The i’oos Bay country pre sence before the clerk of the county court of Jackson county, Jacksonville, Or., length, he ran his head against the ox, large number of patrons and friends of GRANT S PASS, OR. inyuimr field. on Friday, May 30th, 1890, viz: knocking the four-legged brute to the the scltools, and of the visiting pupils. sents an especially The majority of tlio ills of the human I F. G. S i ranoe , 84^.1 (’jerk. ground, the ox dying in five minutes. In some of ttta rooms at the completion Char It» Dari», pody arise from a diseased Liver. Slm- i The negro’s head was considerably »wol of the programs words of encouragement Homestead entry* No. 423.1, for tl*e NW% The S. I*. Through to Tac tint* ¿uOOB Liver Regulator has l>een the mean« i len, hut he has not auffered atty serious I were spoken to the teachers and pupils I of SE14,and EJi of SW’^Sec. 4,and the NEJi of restoring more people to health and of NWJ4 of See. 9,Tn. 37,8 R. 2 E..W. M. Ban Francin-o Chronicle.] inconvenience. happiness by giving them a healthy by patrons. All the schools and visitors —CONSISTING OF- He names the following witnesses to It understood that the Southern Pac Uver than any oilier agency on earth. prove his continuous residence ui«on, and The Examiner of April 3rd makes then proceeded to the school grounds, ific tompanv •» [negotiating with the Apple, Pear, Peach, Plain, Prune, cultivation of said land, viz: William Coat- fKK that you get the genuine . mention of the auction sale of the Wood where committees appointed by the sev Northern Pacific compuny for a new Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Almond ney, Thomas Davis, Luduie Tonn, Joseph land Woolen Mills. This 1» the third wool eral schools planted two trees in behalf traffic arrangement between Portland Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire Walnnt, Chestnut, Shade amt Orna E. Randles, all of Lake Creek, Jackson Co., en mill, that has l>een forced to suspend in of each school, making eight trees in all anil l’uget Sound, a» weil as for the coal Oregon. C has . W. J ohnston , Register. mental trees. this state since President Harrison was in Much enthusiasm and merriment result augurated. ed from this exercise; and, from the keen lands. The Soutliern Pacific Co. is «also -I ALSO I- CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE. The managers of these mills state that interest that was manifested on all sides, trying for the privilege of running its the business has l>een very fiat for some I have no fears to predict that the trees trains through to Tacoma over the North Si rate be re if Plant», blackberry Plant» ANY KIND AND SIZE'PICKETS. time past und that the present outlook is ern Pacific track from Portland. It is <fnd llrqfierfn^». far from bright. They have always made thus planted will have ample protection expecteii tho arrangement will l»e in op fW “ 1 Reaper than a Rai! Fence, Mo.e Durable than Boarcjs, anq Stronger than one kinil of good* in California, ami in order by the boy« ami girls. The schools Yvere operation in a few weeks. The South arb Vyire Fence. Handsome LAWN FEN(!ES to Order to make goods ut a profit they must man then arranged so that pupils stood two ern Pacific comptluy will then run ASHLAND. JAÜKS0M COi NTY, OR, ufactory a finer arade. To do this they abreast with the little ones, who consti W orks no N orth S ide or R. 1!. Cuoseivn, H klmak S vrke , I laust have a finer class of wools, which tute the primary grade in front, and trains from San Francisco to Tacoma thev cannot obtain under present tariff rates these were followed l>v the other pupils. without change. It is anticipated that the ■ Scholarship, one year.......................... f3J. a( enable them to compete in the order of their grades. Then all N. P, .company will double track its lines at figures that will suable 1 Commercial Cour.-e................................. f25. with torcigli maile goods marched to the south building. No bet between Furtlapt) and Tacomil. If the Training School, per year ...... $15. should bp perfected the evidence that the visitors were (veil arrangement For further information address, I Judge Webster was not only a standing ter Southern Pacific company will this year candidate for supreme judge but actually satisfied with w hat I hey saw and beard devote a great deal of money to improv Without Iwifjatiou. J. S. SWEET, P resident , expected that if the local candidates for at the schools could have been given than ing its in Oregon and building Ashland. Oregon. governor and treasurer found it impossible was manifest iu the fact that almost all of short new ones, WE do not handle, cultivate, or so pet there, that the Jackson county dele- them tu-conipanied us to the south attemptto PROPAGATE ftnv varieties patlott would support him. When the <lel- schools. Here, also, many others hail Ball pointed pens for sale at Burcklialter or kinds ot l-’Rl'IT, until satisfied that GREGORY & HICKS. egates wcut to the candidate-ridden citv of assembled who could not attend the ex & Hasty’s. + thev are well AIJAI’TEI» to the soil and Portland to aeUrt a supreme judge in the I ercises at the other building. The ar- eftmafe peculiar TO SOUTH EltX ORE- -CITY- Latent stvles in meti s nobby huts just re t«erson of J Emdiej' Watson, what must GOX, Write Fpr terifts ip nave lieen the estimate U»e delegates had of ! | rangement of the schools in the rooms at ceived at Blount'.“. Webster's standingT We uwrely ninke a the south building was similar to that at A. H. CARSON A..SON, Grant’s Puss,(jr. Fine [«icture moldings und frames just surnd-e ami don’t ask the itetegat.ion to the north building, and after very inter received at Evan“ A Brunks’. * OR i-riiiduate themselves by expressing an esting programs had been rendered by 1«. C olton . Agent. Ashland. Or. A new stock of glassware just received at ««pinion. The count v jail is small and too 1 the pupils, the schools and visitors again TRANSFEB. «u»ov inmates would make it i.ncomforta- went to the grpcrjds where committees E. M. Miller’s Ashland griM-ery .- tore. Idc these warm days. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis ; from the schools also planted eight trees Passenger Coach to Every Train. , aa at the north sehoo) grounds. Here, immediately relieved bv Shiloh’s Cure. On Freight moved about town at rates The 1 ntoii jMirtv convention leaving i while planting the trees the same en- -ate £t T K Bolton’s drug store. their candidate for governor to lie select 1 thusiasin prevailed, and it seems that LOWER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. MAXÜFACTU! ÎD BY Shiloh s Catijiili (.'pre—a positive cure for East Side of Main Street. A shland . ed by the state central committee looks ' the joy so prevalent among the little folks catarrh, illl.tlmria and cgiikey itiffiith«.- For I. P- HOLDEN, S ockton, Cal Fire wood of al! kinds delivered any- ominous. The members of the I’nion also influenced those who were older, for sale by T. K. llolton. — { AT THE J—- Sold aillo' dr.iggi-ts. party convention evidently fully realise while the boysand girls were eagerly and •’ -V. V.« where in town at lowest prices. JVhy will you cough, when Shiloh's Cure ihat'Gov. Pennoyer is a Democrat on the tnereilv engaged in planting their trees will give immediate relief? I’rice lOcts, SO fwople's side of the issues of the day, others struck up the familiar air “ Amer cts PARIS EXPOSITION, isst». and $1, at T. K. Bolton's. f Sffccessop to S. St.fCV, » and as it is conceded that the Republican ica,” in which many joined heartily. Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure is •nominee will be a millionaire whose This wo' k completed, all retired from the PROPRIETOR. svmpathics are with the few that are school grounds, well pleased with th# vis- sold by us on a guarantee, it cures con 1 »II miri <‘\«inine thcMi rich nabol«. as against the many toilers I it they had made the schoals on this fest- sumption—T K Bolton, City Drug store. All Kinds of Fresh Meats Sleepless nights, made miserable by that and producer« of the Jami, it is but nat j ive occasion. We trust that Arbor Dav ural that thev will support him. Among will long be a day to be appropriately terribfii cough Shiloh's Cure is the remedy Kept constantly on hand. Fair living the independent, thinking voter*, re- , celebrated by the schools of this city. for you. Kupt (,rj b^tid »¿t T K Bolton s. prices is all that we ask . W hite S ulphur S prings gardlcM of party, the name of Gov. Syl May this good work continue until our Wright's Compound Syrup of Sarsapa vester IVnnoyer is a tower of strength. rilla will cleanse and enrich the blood ap'd 1 We will make it to your interest to school grounds educate by their silent re enable vi ur system to resist disease. Break I GREENHOUSES ! deal with us, so give the new meat mar forming a£ well as do our text up a vitiated condition of the RI imm I by us- : ket a trial Huntington has insinuated that the Itooks. Co-o[«eration arc! a hindly feel ng it. Sold bv T. K. Bolton. Southern Pacific money was use! to ing for the interests of our cdtiidron jj'i’l G eranic M k , R oses , 1-’ i < list as , P ansibs , £j^TT’resh pork on hand every »lav. An Oregon Man. AIN STREET, BETWEEN CHl’RCH further Stanford's ,»liticai interests and ! make such a bisk delightful. i V erbenas , P eti ni . as , ami a good variety of the senator now demanda an investiga The Clcvu^nd Plaindealer gives a long A nni al and P erennial plant«-, for out Oregoii Salmon for Russia ADMINISTRATORS SALE. AND GRANITE tion. The people helieve Stanford, whose illustrated article*tdKv^i Dolph acting aa door betiding and edging, ready May 1st. ASHLAND OREGON A Portland man,is having salmon put a messenger I miv A siilaxd , . ORzoqy, noble nature and great, humane heart It seeniS that lie sent Notice is hereby given that by virtue of VE( I FT A RLE P I. A NTS. lias bleased the world and humanity a up iu barrels, salted, for shipment to Eli an important letter to England, and find an order of the county court of Jackson Has just received the biggest and liest thousand fold. What han Huntington rcjic and last week started the first cti r ing it would stive him lots of money Pacific Coast Main office, 1368 Market St. T omato , a ab . i '.- ie C f . lery . C ai lieloaver . county, State of Oregon, made and entered stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. done? The only act of public import load. It is liound for St. Petersburg, «o- by reauining it he v ent to Wanamaker’s I’ ei ’F ek . E<m P lant , etc., cheaper than jou March 8th, 1890. I, W. 11. Parker, adminis A fine stock of imported goods. I also car ing to New Yotk over the Union Pacific, San Frandaco, Cal. trator ot the estate of John A. Grieve, de ry al) classes of goods, hence you cannot ance we ran recall, outside of the de- liouac, who said it wag too Ute; bill be can get them from the east. hauching of legislation, was the purchase thence by steamship to Hamburg and might see Clarkson, lie saw Clarkson; Orders from abroad promptly filled. ceased. will on Saturday, the 26th day of fail to be suited. Call and examine the Apry. at the hour of one o’clock, p. iu , at stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class for |2,0(»0,000 of a notorious roue with k thence by steamer to St. Petersburg. The but that gentleman said the letter was [3’0) C, 8, 111 lELSTh. Piop. the Court Hotpie door Of said county, sell work, a good fit and satisfaction guaranteed. title for Ida adopted daughter. This girl, salt will lie extractud frem the fish on its probably on the ocean, and nothing at public auction, to the highest Kidder, for Also ling of fi Conductor's Cloth. P. H. DONOGHUE. too. was such an inhuman being as to arrival there, and it will then be canned could Ire done The Oregon Senator cash in hand, the following described rey.! HOTO GA PH§ FINAL PROOF NOTICE and put on the market. This scheme is F. L MOLIER. feel hentelf too proud to even send invi property of said estate, to wit: The south probably thought they would telegraph adopted to avoid the payment of the tations to her ow n flesh and blood. The west quarter of the southeast quarter of and stop the whole mail service tor his Roseburg. Or.) I section three (3), and the northwest quarter fair name of Senator Stanford will go heavy duty on canned goods. If nothing one letter, which shows that he is as im United Spates Land Office. April l.itli. 1890. f I of northeast quarter, and the east half of Fakr’s Golden Female Pills, down to history and fame a bright and goes wrong in a little over two weeks the portant there as in Oregon. -M b .“, L, TYLEH, XEOTt E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT northwest quarter of section ten (10), all in • shining star, while that of Huntington exar of all the iiugsias may flop his im A a the following named settler has filed Tp. JI south, For Female Trreprilar of range 4 east of the W. M., will expire and be unknown as soon as perial lip over a hunk of Chinook salmon, Twenty-five years ago I knew every notice of his intention to make final proof | and containing IGO acres. itive: uothiur like them he bites the dust that he has never lion- aud if he does not think it a finer fish man, woman and child in Peekskill on the market. Kerer It in support of his claim, and that said proof i W. H. PARKER, k fail. Snrcesfftilly TiBAd -1 rtixt. will be made before the judge, or in his ab than the sturgeon of the Danube, it wilj ored. ________________ has lieen a study with me to mark boys Administrator of the estate of John A. ’ by prominent laiiefl be owing to the way in which he has who started in every grade of life with sence liefore the clerk of the county court, Grieve, deceased. monthly. Guaranteed o' Jackson county. Or.,at Jacksonvuic,Or., ! Jacksonville, Oregon, March 8th, 13J0. A leading Chinaman in New York, being been brought up. to relievo ajppriMsed myself, to see what has become of them . on Friday. May 30th, 18!«». viz: chairs! oil his custom of spreading a menstruation. m 13-«] I was up List fat' arttl Legau to count splendid fea.-t to Joss, replied with a broad Bishop Potter, »[«eating of tltc ntaji of Highest market price paid . Corner Main and Granite Street». Jowp/i E. Handle», SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! ¿Xestial grin : “Chinaman feedee his God; our modern life, says: “Well nigh ev them over, and it w is an 'instrucuve ex I «STRAY ANIMALS. H .mestead entry No. 4223. for the W. !^ for all kinds of merchan PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED Ä Christian man waitee for his God to erybody in a great city is driving an en hibit. 8<rue of them became 'clerks, cf the 8. W. ><i, aiid the N. E. JX of the S Don’t be humbngred. Save Time, Health, merchants, manufacturers, Jawvers, doe «’’ Taken up at niv place 2% miles north of - Bromides made in all sizes. Call and Wyfof See. la. and NV'!< <4 ’ W>. of Sec. table fruits. All or- gine. He is running bini6elf on a schei1- and money ;take no oth It is remarkable that every one of 22. in Tp. S7. S. II. i E * W JP, Ashland, Dec. 29, 1'489, one brindle steer, I examine our work er. ulc, and the demand ujion him all the tors ders for fruits those that drink is dead; not one living Of Gen. Xik- the Boston Herald says: He names tjie following tyuncs.-es to white spotted, about three years old: >wal- Sent to any address, •••He was a cfcrki«»«,eyockery ware store on time is to crowd just a little more work of mv age. Barring a few who were tak prove his eontinu,.us re-i ’em - upen, and; • low fork iii ji-bl ¡md upper Dit in left aecure by ma l on re from home or from or s[>ort or excitement into the dav than Washincton street in this.cjtv when the war Mciglr-din the balance and found "A ceipt <»f price, 12.00. en off by sickness, every one who proved c ultivation of said land, vis: William Coat-1 Ì Taken up Dee. if. l^Su, (fee jtt bl^-k ..... .. Davis. Luduie Tonn, Chas. I without white spots; brand on left hip it,. perfect dentifri» e’’-Wright’s Myrrh Tooth of the rebellion broke out. W hew it euded his nervous machinery will stand.” ajjroa<l, will a wreck and ruined histamily did it from ney. Thomas bo filleij he was made custodian of J«tle/'uu JUri» “°aP: ' ics'-rves the teeth, removes tarta., Men’s winter clothing was- down at rum and no other cause.—Chauncey M. Davis, allot Lake Creek, Jackson «uintv. visible: about four vet rs old. THE APHRC MEDICINE COMFARY, i Blount’s. the bres.tti, dertrovs bacteria <ff the .and is now a major general." Oregon. C has . W. Jens- t - n Register/ A feU r. ’ 14 TLER' Western Branch, Bvx27, TOKTLAN J>. OR- with prompness and despatch. purities Depew. Utvuib. soi«.! bv T. K. Bolt'it, all draggbts. VALLEY RECORB. Jackaonville Joittexa. J. L DOWNING, U ndertaker Director. T HE BOOM NEW GOODS! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods B. F. Snydtr Bodies Embalmed, and Satisfaction Guaranteed Ind will be sold at our well knotvn LOW PRICES. R oots ® S hôk ) BUY YOUR E. M. MILLER. RESIDENCE LOTS THE- PEOPLE’S GROCER Groceries, Provisions, Vegetables 1. M. McCALL. TIN STORE Hardware, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Cugperware MILLER & STRANG, JOB WORK, Hardware, Machines, Tools, Stoves, M icrobe killeii J. H. Russell John Van VEEPS Horn, n Ashland, Or. Ashland Fence Works! II S. . E M E R Y, lililILLII» WU 200,000 TREES FORSALE The best Stock, Ilog, Rabbit and chicken Fence Red Hill Land, WAS AWARDED fW-ÄRM, w WAM ¡W iio HS p LANTS! PLANT Independent THE ONLY G rand prize ! Market R. P. NEIL, F.E.ZOELLNER OMLY PERFECT SEWING MECHAR F amily USB. Merchant.