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About Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1906)
Wm. Hite was up from Bandon Wright’s medicated uuderwearat Saratoga Chips at Robin« Olives in bulk at Robinson’s. Drane’s the first of the week. J. F. Lee, of Riverton, v up to The Riverton mill is now running Max Dement was down from the Go to Lorenz’s to get a phono ! town iestenlay. i n full time. I nines Hervey, of Lee, wan down graph free. upper river on Friday. this way Saturday. Robinson’« store has ladies’ shir( New Ginghams, Dimities, Voiles, Onion sets at 12} cents per Step in and see those new spring waists from 50c-to $5.00. Pongee Brilliants and Percales at Nice fresh lot of cookies just ar pound suits at Robinson’s. at O. Wilson & Co’s. rived at Robinson's. B ohn .— At Johnson's mill, March Robinson's store. a nice ready made wrapper ! 20,1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Cal Slagle, Wm. Howell, the logger, was A tine line of waists and wrappers Waller Colyin was down from or For waist go to O. Wilson A Co’s. | a son. Arago on business Monday. n’t O. Wilson’s k Co’s. up from Prosper on Monday. He Large supply of fresh garden Mrs. A. F. Davis, of this city, has been on the nick list of late. L. A Jones, of Bandon, came up Buster Brown Blue Ribbon seqds at Knowlton’s drug store sohool shoes at Robinson's. from Bandon Saturday. aud Mrs. J. E. Paulson, of Thos Blaine was a passenger to who has been very ill the past two this Mr. city, made Marshfield a visit J. L. Briggs was up to consult a Capt. O. Reed, of Norway, passed the upper river by yesterday’s train. \ weeks, is much improved. through to the Bay on Monday. last Thursday, returning Friday. YOU GET A COUPON WITH EVEVY CASH PURCHASE EX dentist the last of the week. Manager Chandler, of our rail For a good bargain in a single road, was over yesterday looking F ob S ale .— Six head of good CEPT WITH SUGAR AND FLOUR H ay F ob B a l i .— A lot o f fine rye H 8 . Kribs, the tinner, was down grass buggy and harness or either, call at hay. Henry Qrady, Norway. milch cow, enquire of F. L. Smith, after the interests of the line. from Myrtle Point on Saturday. this office. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Bignalness Attorney A E. Seaman was a Mrs. Max Dement, of Myrtle Fishtrap, Oregon, or J. C. Wilsou, W. P. Fuller’s prepared Paints, Oils raturned from the Bay last Friday. passenger from the Bay by yester Point, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Z. Prosper, Oregon. and Varnishes at J. A. Lamb A Co. O. Wilson A Co. sells nice fresh day’s train. C. Strang, and Mrs. J. C. Moomaw, Samuel Huff was down from Myr Mrs. Aloon has just received the onion sett at 12 } oents per pound. tle Point Thursday to meet a sis in th is city. new caps for spring and summer. Ladies, the spring street hats Miss Maude Garfield, of Bandon, New spring line negligee and soft visited Mrs. R. E. Buck several days will be on display at Mrs. Moon’s For each 25-cents purchase at ter from the east whom he had not Mrs, Nosler’s you will receive a seen for over 25 years. on March 22. shirts just opened up at Robinson’s. last week. good for one guess at the Mr. aDd Mrs. R. W. Simpson Oasene soap at Drane’s. The Mrs. P. Peterson, of near North F ob S ale . —A fine lot White Nile ticket number of beans, pins, coffee, etc. in were over from North Beud last best on tbo market for the prices Peas at 2}c per pound. Glenn Col a jar, winner toreceive a gold eagle. Bend, paid the oounty seat a busi Try it week to visit their daughter, Mrs. lier, Coquille. F ob S ale . —Blue Andelusian eggs ness visit last Thursday. E. E. S. Elliott and J. H. Shields T. Johnson, of Myrtle Point, $ 1.00 per setting; only thorough W. Fahy, of Bullards. were up from Bandon on Wednes The schooner Hugh Hogan ar had Z. business which called him to breds in the county. Also Andelu Ira Tucker, of the Flanagan A rived in the river Saturday, and the day. Bennett dairy farm on the lowor Bandon Monday. sian roosters. Enquire of 0. Tor river, Buy your garden seeds at Knowl- Antelope Balled the same day. paassed through town from a res, Cunningham creek. J. P. Richard, of Boise, Idaho, is ton’s drug store and get the very S. M. Nosier, the steam laundry here and will probably spend the trip to on Thursday. George Laird, minq host of the G. the W. Bay, beBt. man, made the Bay a short business Leggett, of Riverton, met summer in the county. Tupper bouse at Bandon, passed with an accident on Feb. The world’s best soda cracker, call the latter part of the week. that Three papers of the very best through this place Wednesday en may prove serious, his left 28th, Uneeda Biscuit, at every store in Eddie Roberts, of Myrtle Point, north leg being grown seeds for 10 cents at route to the Bay on business. He town. came down on business Saturday Knowlton’s drug store. by a rusty nail. He was went to San Francisco by the last penetrated Draue keeps the celebrated Cahn- and extended bis visit to Bandon. brought to Dr. Wetmore’s hospital, Attorney Bennett Swanton, of Elizabeth. Nicholsberg shoes. The place for The Elizabeth sailed Monday Marshfield, had business at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fish, of Ban where he is being treated. bargains. from Bandon and will be due in county seat Monday. Nernyer, a former employee E. D. Myers, of Lee, had business about a week from her sailing date. croft, spent several days in town of Henry the Bandon woolen mill, passed which called him to the Bay on J. H. Harbison, the butter maker, Mrs. J. A. Lamb and M-s. W. H. lately, Mr. Fish looking after his through town Friday from Belling of this city, went to the Bay logging interests, while Mrs. Fish ham, Washington, in response Wednesday. a has gone to Gravel Ford and will Lyons, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. telegram asking him to return to Robinson bos a big assortment of operate the creamery at that place Thursday for a short visit. and ladies’ shirt waists in long and this season. E. A. Philpott, one of Bandon’a W. W. Gage. help to put the new mill to work. short sleeves. enterprising business men, returned Going at cost. L. H. Pearce, of from a trip to the Bay on Thursday. Thos. Carey, of North Bend, Myrtle Point, will dose out his spent a day or so in town the latter stock of Seal Rock water-proof Roy Stevens came down from the part of last week. clothing at cost. upper river on Saturday to pay hiB H. C. Dorris was down from Fish- Mrs. Harry Houghton came over taxes and remained over till Mon. trap Thursday and made our office on yesterday’s train, having been day. The tollowiug program which promises to be very interesting a short business call. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hank Fine, thoroughbred Brown Leg will be given at the Masonic hall, on Saturday evening, March 24 . If you are in need of harness or Reese, at North Bend. horn eggs for setting at J. C. Wat The public is cordially invited to be present. repairs in his line, consult L. H. Mrs W. W. Deyoe, of Myrtle son’s. Per setting $1.00; $5 per Pearce, Myrtle Point. I. PIANO SOLO, . . . . I va H owey Point, visited Mis. J. A. Jatas, the 100 . County Surveyor McCulloch went music teacher, a couple of days the Mrs. James Brown, of Myrtle 2 . DUET—Selected, M rs S kkels and Mtss D udley to Myrtle Point to do Borne work in latter part of the week. Point, returned home Saturday af his line last Monday. P erry L awrence Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow ter a several days’ visit with friends 3 . RECITATION—“Elmer Brown’’ Miss Pearl Stewart, of Port Or- ders, give instant relief. Price 25 in town. M rs . C h as . M oomaw DO YOU WANT TO BUY A ford, wns in town the latter part of cents. R. 8 . Knowlton, Coquille Chas. Myers who has been attend 4 . SOLO—Selected, the week on her return from Salem. City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. 5 . READING—“Aunty’« Courtship,” - M iss E mma S herwood the Agricultural College at Cor NICE HOME SO YOU CAN We have a full and complete re F. W. Courtwright and family, ing M iss E sther J ohnson vallis for several months, returned 6 . PIANO SOLO—“Freischütz” late of Oregon City, passed through port of Master Fish Warden Van Dusen which wns receive ! too late town Friday en route to Bandon home Saturday, 7 . SOLO—“This Letter for My Papa,” M arvel S keels for this issue, Put will be in our where they expect to locate. T. J. Perkins, the prune and or next. Licorice Liver Laxative, the best chard dresser, will be in this place 8 . READING—“The College Oil Cans.” - Miss D ollie S k e e ls Twenty-three passengers came bowel cleanser. Price 50 cents this week and will answer calls to 9 . INSTRUMENTAL SOLO—Selected, M r s . G. R. C arlock down the stage line from Gardiner For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Co- do work in bis lice. to Coos Bay one day last week. qnille City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. 10. R E A D I N G — " T h e Battle of Waterloo,” M r . R aymond B ates Mrs. John Fonlkes, of Beaver That’s going some—or coming The difference between “You Hill, returned home Monday from a 11. S O L O — "N ita Gitana,” WE CAN SELL A NICE HOME - - M r s . A. E - T yr r ell rather. need a biscuit,” and “Uneeda Bis visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. OR VACANT LOTS CHEAP 12. R E A D I N G — “ After tbe Ball,” - Miss L ucie N ew land Miss Kate Wickham, of this city, cuit’’ is but 5 cents, and you can E. J. Price, of Riverton. who has been visiting for several split that difference at any of our Those who have tried all kinds 13. S O LO A N D V IO L IN O B L I G A T O — “ Sing Me to AND ON EASY TERMS. weeks in California, for the most stores. claim the Northern grown seeds the Sleep,” - Miss J ohnson and M r s . E. D. S p e r r y WE HAVE SOME NICE FARMS part at Eureka, returned homo last Mrs. Erla Oarlock, pupil of San best Three papers for 10 cents at Jose Conservatory, will receive Knowlton’s drug store. Friday. FOR SALE $ 1 4 0 0 TO %6000 pupils in piano. For terms, etc., Mrs. John Snyder, of Marshfield, 14. M A L E Q U A R T E T — “ Love’s Old Sweet S on g,” Arthur Ellingson, the furniture inquire at Mrs. Wickham’s, or ad M essrs . M organ , W e l l s , M c C urdy A nd N osler man, returned Monday from a busi dress at Coquille. returned borne Wednesday after a LET US SHOW YOU OUR ness trip to San Francisco. We The big gasoline schooner Oak visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 15. R E A D I N G — Selected, - - M rs . H. T . W ootten LIST presume he will have some fine bar. land which has for some time past W. W. Hayes, at Bandon. 16. Q U A R T E T T E — "Muffs, or the Husband’s Mistake,” gains to offer now. been running to this river, has Walter Drane came in Friday on J. A. Collier, who has been in changed bands and will at once en his return from Eden Valley. He T he M isses S k e e l s , S tkckei . s , M essrs N osler and M c C urdy Washington and Idaho the past six ter the Alaskan trade. repor.s one foot of snow out there— mouths, returned last week and is We have a way of selling some a litUe too much for farming, hence enjoying a visit with friends. After goodB which results in us selling his early return. fixing up some business matters, be more and more of them each day, A. M. Dodge, of Myrtle Point, expects to return. for instance Schilling’s Best. P. has been visiting his brother, Orvil W anted . —A female teacher to E. Drane. Dodge, editor of our worthy con Under New Management. assist Mrs. Giddiugs in the school Why not buy your Schilling’s temporary, the Coquille Valley Sen H. Mansell, iu district No. 43. One holding CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF third grade certificate acceptable. Best from us? We carry a full line, tinel, the past day or so. Send terms with application. Ad T»a, Coffee, Baking Powder, Spices, F ob R ent .— A good new eight dress, S. J. McCloskev, clerk, Nor Flavoring Extracts, and sell at min room house with bath, and an abun way, Oregon. dance of berries and four garden Groceries imum prices. Drane’s. in Coquille, and two small S t r ic tl y W. F. McBee, of the Middle Fork, Jack Miller, for some time past lots places near town. Apply at the returned from Marshfield yesterday, oue of the genial and accommodat H erald office. F ir s t -C lass . having been over to see his cousin, ing hands on the steamer Dispatch, James Whetstone and family came and Allen Belieu, who fell from a tele resigned bis position last week and over Friday and Mrs. Whetstone phone pole lately. He informs us Saturday went to Myrtle Point and Miss Agnes visited Mrs. W’s that Allen is doing fine and expects on Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall. where he will reside with his uncle, mother, Mrs. Mehl, while Mr. Whet Dry Goods. Successor to J. T. Little. to be up in a thort time. W. T. Lehnherr. stone extended his trip to Myrtle Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Saekett re C. B. Zeek, Bandon, Oregon, has Point on business. turned from a trip of several weeks a full and complete stock of Cali We are pleased to report the con THOSE WISHING TO PURCHASE . All the Latest in California, last week. The health fornia grain hay of all grades from valescence of the little daughter of Pastel, Sepia, Desians in Frames. of Mrs. Saekett seems somewhat ranch in California, together with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunt, who has GIVE US C A L L ................... India Ink and OH. improved. They are visiting with alfalfa bay and seed, and feed grain, been very ill with capillary bronchi their daughter, Mrs. L. A. Whereat, all on sale at Bandon, at lowest tis at Hotel Coquille. Dr. Wetmore at Marshfield, at present. prices. River boats will receive was in attendance. Present Address L. L Putnam and O. S. Ander orders which will be promptly filled. A. C. Lukens, the contractor and 349 First Street I Lock Box 212 Portland Or son, the former a merchant and the Hon. Willis C, Hawley, of the builder, has just finished up a nice ; Coquillo, . Or. latter a druggist, of Heppner, and Willamette University, who aspires large wood shed for J. A. Lamb, - ......................~ E. S. Slocum, a druggist of Eugene, to be a Republican candidate for which is to be used as a work shun came in over the Drain route last Congress from this district, made during the construction of a reri- I JOHN YOAKAM, J. M WAGNER, W. T. DEMENT, week anil have been looking about Coos county a visit last week, mak dence which Mr. LukeDs will pro President- Vi President. Sec’y and Mang. over the county with a view to pos ing speeches at North Bend, Han- ceed to erect as rapidly as the sibly locating. They seemed very don, Marshfield, Myrtle Point and weather and circumstances will per favorably impressed with what they I Coquille. He made a good impres mit. sion among our people. had seen of our country. M. W. McCormick, of Riverton, EXPERT WOHK returned from Han Francisco on Successors to Dean & Morgan. Thursday whither be bad gone for tbe purpose of interesting capital in the development of the Peterson coal mine which we mentioned in our last issue. He wns highly pleased with tbe encouragement be received, and thinks that the time is near when large quantities of PRINCIPAL PLACE Op BUSINESS, COQUILLE- OREGON coal will be taken from this mine, C O Q U IL L E . - - OREGON which, we understand, furnishes the BOARD OF DIRECTORS highest grade of coal yet found id JOHN YOAKAM J. W. WAGNER W. T. DEMENT Coot county. LOCAL NEW S. Phonograph Tree! When you purchase $30 worth of good from us you will receive this handsome phonograph free. A phonograph has beeome a household necessity. They bring the latest music, the latest songs to us. They are popular in all homes. A Musical and Literary We carry all the best and latest Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes Gents’ Furnishing Goods, etc. Entertainment N. LORENZ. YOUNG G et M AN M arried ? S ta n le y Z Pownder O. Wilson & C o Livery Feed and Sale Stable East End of Front Street W. Best of Tu nouts. Hay, Grain, Feed FRANK K UR K HO PER Wilson Jewelry Co. ENTERPRISE MEAT CO., Watchmakers ai)d Engravers Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Ham and Bacon. li’HKl) SLAGLE T A IL O R