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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
Y. JULY 4 States Tires sod Tiras Attractions for the week of July 5th to July 11th inclusive SA TU R D A Y, JU LY 5 / ' “THE L A W OF TH E NORTH“ Featuring Charles Ray Scene« Laid in the North and full o f thrill* and excitement. The scene where Le N oirSlee- *ng from the wrath o f Alain de Montcalm (Charles B ay) is surrounded by wolves is one o f the most graphic and realistic. Murderer, abductor, yiihan, should he not be eaten by the w olves? F or the reel thing d o n i miss seeing this picture. A Paramount feature and all action from start to finish. 5 reels. “ HIS W IF E ’S FRIEND“ A Mark Seaaett Comedy full o f pep. 2 r e e l^ You know Scnnett’s Bathing Girls arò his bobby. * SU N D A Y, JU LY 6 • f , Concert by the Liberty Orchestra ht 7:30 P. M. * ‘« I S HOPKINS” Posturing the inimitable Comedienne Mabel Nonaaad This is declared by critica to be Miss Normand’s greatest play. A side splitting comedy. A euro for the Bluee. She Grew Up like a Weed end Blocaomed like e Flower. She Was Born a Scrapping and Grew Up the Same Way. She Stumbled onto Love and Bumped into a Fortune. The Helter-Skelter Girt and her Harem-Scnrem Adventures. Sbe Routed Gloom and Captured Joy, Won a Fortune and a Boy, “ SU Hopkins” — Laughed r.t by Mil lions. We believe you anil enjoy this feature. The only way to know U to com e and see for yourself. 6 reals. s Real Thing Right Through Put United States Tires under your car you 'll find them the real thing, " k also intend to run Bill Parson’s Comedy should it arrive in time. 2 reels. “ POOR IN N O C EN T" M ON D AY. JU LY 7 T hey're built to wear—to give you the hind o f econom ical service you want. And that's just what they do. ‘ Hundreds o f thousands o f regular usees w ill ▼ouch for that—lots o f them right around here. Sunday’ s program will be repeated. T U E SD A Y , JU LY 8 No show booked. W E D N E SD A Y , JU LY 9 “TH E We know that United States Tires are good tires. W ake Up A bant the Highway Oregon is not following op the Roose velt highway program since voting the bond issue, and putting the project be fore the governm ent. This is the mes sage L. J. Simi son, who is in Washing ton as a representative o f the Pacific Coast Safety league and the coast coun ties in behalf o f the highway, sent to Georgs Quayle, secretary e f the State l h .m ber o f Commerce Monday. Mr. Simpson, accompanied by Charles Had o f Marshfield, president o f the stale chamber, and Ben F. Jeaee ef Tiil.itnook, representative o f the recon- stru tion committee, went to Washing t ' lis t week in the interest o f the by Mr. Simpson is the words o f i ) thre. men, and they make an appeal for Portland and the entire sU te to awaken to the need o f euppert “ Oregon gave support to the to * a s# '1 at tne referendum early >n J • » , “ seems to have forgot. en that supper from the governm ent in assuming half the expense o f building o f the road » just as vitally necessary if the people o f the state really want the rood, seid Mr. Quayle.' The message from Mr. Simpson is being sent broadcast over the state to various cjunmerciai organisation and has been given to every member of the Portland chamber. It la as follows: “ Please have the state chamber and the Portland Chamber o f Commerce and as many influential eitiasn# of the state as possible wire the Oregon delegation to use their beat effort# in the support o f appropriations for the Rooeeve t highway. We do not believe this mea- snr* is receiving serious consideration. « ords o f sopport will help materia y North Bead Not Satisfied st this time. They Have Full Authority Attorney General Brown » • »»een* opinion says that county agricultural agents in Oregon are acting entire y ^ within their authority i*> . son T preporin g poioon baits s n d d -t r v ^ buting the some to the pnblie fee purpose o f exterminating rodents. *r ^ cording to the provision* of the » pasted by the reeent " tot. h takes precedence over any prior **» ( utes bearing on this subject. In fact, he holds that it i* county agents to enforce the In this romantic picture Lila Lee shows all poor giris how to sail away to happiness. First you want your ship. That’s easy. Get some old chairs, b iu o f canvas, spare pieces o f lumber, and the wheel o f brother's express wagon. Fine ship— but will it sail any where? You bet it wilL Come aboard with Lila Lae and see. S reels. ’ “THE V O L C A N O « PREY” Episode No. 12 (2 reels) o f the mighty serial “ M AN O F MIGHT.“ featuring that power ful athlete Curious Optical Dtarioa A peculiar case o f illosion badly frightened the children o f the W. E. Giistrap family a few days ago. They were playing apetairs in a vacant house next door to their be me. AD looked out e f the window at the same time and saw the baby o f the family oa the side- , WilHasi Duncan TH U R SD AY, JU LY 19 ^ Lower East Fork Notes. Referiog to what wo said about th a ' Ed Carter came up from California school house site question here and av- i**» week after his daughter, Hattie, erring that “ the cheapest is often who has been with his sister, Mrs. L the most expensive” , the Coo* Bay Summerlin, since Mrs. Carter’s death. Harbor say*:* nearly a year ago. The Coquille Sentinel in discussing Mrs. Clayton spent a few days last the various proposed sites for school week caring f o r ' her brother, Pod purposes refers to a tract o f wooded Hate her, at Myrtle Point, who has land quite out o f the city o f Coquille been quite sick for some time, which may be had st a nominal figure. Boy G arrett bought a bunch o f Reference is mode to the site sleeted sheep, 38 bead, from Wm. Smith this by North Bend for our high school week. Now if the editor o f that vary good Wm. Smith has sold his ranch to newspaper had an opportunity to talk our County Clark, Lloyd Oddy. Mr. with some o f our citisena about the high Oddy will put a router on the place ■ebooi rite and If that citisen would until his term expiree as county d o t nave tnid him the truth, he would have Mr. $ a ith and fam ily win probably learned we hod been duped in more move to Portland this fall. •ays than one. Kinney gave the site Madge Harry, o f Sitkum, was a free o f charge, and therein was the guest o f Bertha Cotton a few day* suae o f the great mistake the people. U*t week. o«de. W* all were led around by the | Mrs. Mabel MinanT and children use and were under almost complete ram« in from Roseburg an the stage on trot of that great “ underground in- Saturday. - tu gs to r" as be loved to call himself. , Mrt L ^ in d . Morgan and daughter, Coquille will do weU to «elect * site ■ j^ q r a , o f Bandon, have bsan visiting suitable for the new school proposed ^ trieaaM at Norway, Myr and pay the price demanded. L oca te* ^ Pojnt ^ Gravel Ford the pom lareelv is the essence o f tho value o f , BELIEVES“ Little Lila Lee That’s why we sell 1 M AKE Known o f “ Coddles” on the Vaudeville stage. ' COQUILLE HARDWARE CO., Coquille, Oregon L. H. PEARCE, Myrtle Point, Oregon THE Featuring - There are five distinct types o f United States Tires—one for every need o f price or use. W e have exactly the ones for your car. CRUISE OF “ LITTLE MISS HOOVER” Featuring Marguerite Clark • Marguerite Clark is the daintiest o f actresses. Little is her first name for she is 4 feet. 10 inches tall and weighs 90 pounds. Pretty end lively as a cricket. This u not her best play, but H is good and sura to please you. She has admirers by the millions—com e and be one o f them. An Arte raft Production. 5 reels. , ------- — BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE / Educational and most interesting. It takes you into lands that y / u have likely never seen bray PICTOGRAPH A unique and entertaining comedy. 1 reel. FR ID A Y, JU LY 11 VULCANI ZI NG Scad yoor Tabus mad U rea to os for repairs. Work doae promptly; prices reasonable. foarmateed. All work . A stitch in tiaae saves aiac— Keep those »■ »|| holes repaired sad thus avoid blowout«. Bandon Vulcanizing LOGAN K A T , Mgr. W A LTE R CROOK, W orks BANDON, OREGON. Agent st Coquille For relia«!* Abstracts o f Title and information about Coos Coanty Real Estate see T IT t* * ABSTRA CT COMPANY » looking after aseses men ta and payment o f taxes. ___ ___ Phone Coquille Office IRY SENG STACK EN. Manager 191