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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1919)
t PAGE FIVE COQUILU T A U S T RSMTINBL, COQOUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY IT, MM. Juice Off Agmia Wednesday. The Sentinel was bdthared again Wednesday by lack o f the electric cur rent that runs its linotype so that work in setting the paper was delay ed for several hours. During the fo ri ous windstorm which prevailed the previous night fo r several hours a tree was blown across the power line near the Watson ranch at Coos City breaking the connection. 8o people in Coquille who, like the writer, usually rise early, found it wasn’t much use to try to do anything until daylight came. Lineman Medley was out all the morning hunting fo r the break and didn’t get it repaired until after noon. It seems that we have been facing an even greater danger o f going dark, too, as well as a power shortage ow ing to the shutting down of the Rmith mill at ffarsllfield,, where the sawdust has furnished the fuel fo r the engines tiu t run the motors, ever since the high tension line was put in. Manager Martin o f the Power com ps1 nyTwma informed that owing to a sh orta ge-of logs at the mill, due to diminished production at Powers, since the soldier loggers there went out for demobilization, the mill might A Y , y o u ’ll h a v e a streak o f sm okeluck that’ll have to shut down fo r a few weeks put p ep -in -y ou r-sm o k em oto r, a ll right, if y o u ’ll and would be unable to furnish pow er for the company. rin g -in w ith a jim m y pipe o r cigarette papers and As it would require a hundred cords nail som e P rin ce A lb e rt fo r packing I of wood to keep the power plant going appealing all along the smoke line. Mr. Martin ordered a cargo o f oil Just between o u r s e lv e f, you from San Francisco, and reeAved Men w h o never b e fo re could never w ill w ise-u p to high-spot- word that the «.41 tanker W hittier was smoke a p ip e an d m en who've smoke-joy until you can call a pipe to sail from there with 10,000*fearrels smoked pipes for years all testify b y its first name, then, to hit the either Wednesday or pesterday. to the delight it hands out! P . A. peak-of-pleasure you land square For Sale by - Fuel oil is now $2 a barrel where it on that two-fisted-m an-tobocco, ca n ’t b ite o r p a rch t Both are used to be 60 cents, and its use while cut out b y our exclusive patented Pripce A lbert! the Smith mill is shut down is ex process! W e ll, sir, you’ll be so all-fired pected to increase the Power com happy you’ll w ant to* get a photo Right now while the goin g's pany’s expenses 97,000 per month. graph o f yourself breezing up the good you get out your old jimmy On learning these facts and that pike with your amokethrottle w ide F u rn itu re e n d H a rd w a re C o q u ille, O re g o n pipe or the papers and lan d on it was uncertain whether the Smith open! T a lk a bou t a m o k e-a p o rt! mill would be running today we be some P. A . fo r w hat aiia you t came somewhat uncertain as ■ to particular am okeappetite ! Quality makes Prince Albert so whether juice would be available to finish the typesetting fo r the Sen —tkm l c b u > . ßrm ctical pm w nj crvatml glm— ItwmUtr w ith • • o n «« tinel this morning. Inquiring of The N ew Income Tax Law M b > M r ta « l i a i *••• » fAe M a m ta aaM ßmrfmmi » a n « Wan. Miss Harlocker, who is in charge of Collector o f Internal Revenue, Mil- R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C the office here, elicited the information ton A. Miller, is receiving many in that the company was already pro quiries cohesrning the provisions o f One Cent a Word Each Insertion vided with oil fuel for such emergen the new Revenuo bill providing fo r The Last Kinney Tax Case Celebrate Golden W edding Many Relatives in the W ar. cies and that barring accidents there income and other taxes, and numerous FOR S A L E C H E A P — A heavy cover L. A . Liljeqvist, who recently re Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lett, o f M yrtle following will be o f interest to would be no interruption o f light or requests are being made fo r form* on ed hack, thoroughly rebuilt. Fine turned from Portland where he h id Point, celebrated their golden wedding the many people here and at M yrtle power service. which to make returns. fo r cream or meat wagon. O. H. appealed in Judge W olrerton’s court anniversary Friday, January 10. Point, who knew Mr. and Mrs. Cav Collector Miller says that no defin Robinson, Broad bent. aa attorney fo r Coos county in the Grandpa and Grandma Lett aa they ers during the. two years he was Big Fish Season at Reedsport ite information can be given, or forms Kinney tax foreclosure proceedings is are generally known, have lived near engaged on bridge and road work in furnished, until the Bill has finally H O U SEKEEPER W A N T E D — Middle Over 9100,000 in cash was the rom rted in the Coos Bay Times as M yrtle Point fo r many years and have' this valley: aged or elderly lady. Address P. O. passed Congress and becomes a law. sum o f money paid by the Reedsport a e^de circle o f friends who wish to sajnng in reference to that case: Box 191. ltl It will then take some little time -to Fish Company alone to fishermen of The questions raised by Attorney see them live to enjoy many more Mrs. James K. Cavers, w ife o f the the lower Umpqua river during the have forms printed and rtmdy fo r dis M A N W A N T E D — To work on ranch. Bristol in bohalf o f the T itle Guaran wedding anniversaries. manager o f the Reedsport Fish Com fishing season o f 1918, says the Port tribution. He has made arrangements Inquire o f F. B. Phillips at the La tee A Trust company and Attorney They received several nice g ifts and pany, is rejoicing that the war has to send out a general notification from Ulbpqua Courier. This money was dies Bazaar. lt l Winters in behalf o f the syndicate the day, which ended all too soon, in ended and that she has been spared his office so that all taxpayers may distributed among about 100 fisher which Frank W aite was forming, are cluded a luscious turkey dinner with all three o f her brothers who served be informed promptly o f the provi FOR S A L E — Small placo, 7-acre men. There are from 160 to 176 men all the trimmings and goodies, besides in the British army. They were each b rie fly : sions o f the proposed law. The or -tract, just outside city limits, house, engaged in the business on the river Claim that the properties since a fine wedding cake to which all did of" them in active fighting but all es ganization o f his field forqs will be barn, chicken house and great quan at the height o f the season but' some January, 1907, when a federal re ample justice. such as to render every possible as caped serious injury or death. tity o f fruit. Inquire at Sentinel sell their catches to the cannery and ceiver was appointed fo r the Title The day will long be remembered by One brother. F irst Lieutenant John some others to the plant at East Gar sistance to taxpayers throughout the office. . 52t4 Guarantee A Abstract company, plac the twenty-five present, including all Hunter, entered the army o f England state o f Oregon, and deputies will be diner. ed the Kinney property under the ju their children and all except four in the infantry in the fall o f 1914. located at many advantageous points FOR S A L E — The best grain hay, A ll o f this money, or practically all risdiction o f the federal court and grand children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor In 1017 he was transferred to the air so that information may be Secured oats, and barley. Chris Terres on of it went to the Umpqua river fisher that consequently all subsequent legal Whitmer, o f Iowa, and Mrs. Frank service and received a commission. direct to guide them in making returns the Marshfield road, one mile west actions, including the Uoos county tax and Miss Wilm a Lett, o f Portland, Like tho other airmen, he went men, while more was expended in pur when the proper time arrives. / of town. No phone. 6tf chasing fish from Lakeside, Twomile foreclosure, the Waite, Shahan and Ore. The basic principles o f the old In through great dangers and took des and the Coquille river. Kinney foreclosure suits the Isaacs Those present were: Grandpa and perate risks. The British airmen had come Tax law will no doubt be applied TE A M FOR S A L E — W eigh about The fish were all sent out in ice in and Hollister proceedings are invalid. Grandma Lett, Mrs. Sarah Williams a way o f making up a jfot o f money 1600. Good true team. Inquire to the provisions o f the new daw, and To offset this, Mr. Liljeqvist con and children, Arthur, Lottie, Mary before going into action. Eac^i^would the shape o f fresh fish to the mar it would be well fo r every individual Joe Milani, oh Rohrer place, mile tended that the titles to the Kinney and Norman, o f Norway; Mr. and put a certain amount in the pot and kets o f the big cities o f the United and corporation to prepare figures and half south o f Coquille. States. properties were held by he courts as Mrs. W. L. L ett and children, Flossie the one that got back with the great and ascertain the exact amount o f in Quality That Counts for Much. During the year the Reedsport Fish vested in John K. Kollock personally and Orland, o f Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. est number o f hits on his machine come so as to be ready to make re Try to be aggreeable. It not only Company shipped by express in re and that the T itle Guarantee A Ab H. K. Root and children, Perna and took the pot. Lieut. Hunter was the turns with as littls delay as possible. well pays one to act this part, but It stract could only be interested in the Gracie, o f A ra go; Mr. and Mrs. J. winner o f one o f these purses when frigerator cars a total o f about 1,600,- assuredly makes happier those with 000 pounds o f salmon, including chi- proceeds from the sale o f the proper C. L ett and children Leslie and Dor- he came back with his machine show whom we come In contact. L ife at M arriage Licenses nooks, steelheads and silversides. The ma, o f Norway; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ing that it had been struck twenty- best Is none too flower-strewn. Then ty. Jan. 11— Henry Oberst, o f Marsh express bill fo r the year was 920,000. why magnify its unpleasant realities A ttorney Bristol also contended Williams, o f Arr.go; also Mr. and Mrs. six times by Hun bullets. Y e t he es The magnitude o f this amount of field, and Flossie Iris McBee, of by giving way to disagreeable or selfish that the whole Oregon tax foreclosure Frank Langlois and grandson, Rex caped with his own life. fish may be realized when the fact Bridge. They were married on the whims? Pemberton, o f M yrtle Point, friends law was invalid. Another brother o f Mrs. Cavers was is stated that the amount o f fish ship 18th by Rev. Thomas Bzrklow, and A lso that the property in question o f the old couple. private W alter Hunter, who served in Peacocks in the Bible. ped by this company from Reedsport this must count up well towards the must be sold under tax foreclosure the infantry, since January, 1917, and Among the natural product! of tha would make 2,000,000 ordinary meals. three hundredth couple for whom he within six years or the taxes become Two Coquille Men in Bank who was in great danger at St. Quen land of Tarahlsh which Solomon's In other words, it would give the main has performed that service. invalid. In recording the establishment o f a tin when the big German drive oc portion o f one meal for everybody in Jan. 16— Roy Smith and Clara fleet brought to Jerusalem, mention Is The last question was cured by the bank at Reedsport which has just curred, but he got through safaly. made o f peacocks ( I Kings x 22 and I I Chicago, or it would furnish the food Colman, both o f North Bend. Chronicle! lx 21). action o f the Oregon legislature last been incorporated as the First Nation Still another brother was Sergeant equivalent for one day fo r everybody year by the enactment o f a bill pre al Bank o f Reedsp^t, with a capital Joseph Hunter, who drove a British N ew Cases in Circuit Court. in Washington, D. C., and Denver, pared by Mr. Liljeqvist and which A t of 926,000, the Courier thus mentions auto transport since early iq 1947,' iColo. ; Jan. 11— G. W. Harry vs. Anna torneys Winters and Bristol attacked. two form er Coquille people who are and although at the front up until the H o w ’* T h is? Allowing three good meals a day, Bella Harry. Suit fo r divorce. Mr. Liljeqvist says that the delays -unong the stockholders: close o f the war, was also spared. Ws offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for 306 days, the product shipped Jan. 19— R. H. Glasgow vs. O. for any cans o f Catarrh that cannot bo in the Kinney tax foreclosure are en Mr. Cavers was not so fortunate. curod by Hall’s Catarrh Madldna. from Reedsport would furnish the H. Cjarke. W rit o f Rdview. tirely due to the raixup that Kinney Hall's Catarrh Madldnc haa been taken C. McC. Johnson is a well known Four o f his flrtt cousins were killed main basis o f food fo r 1830 persons by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- Jan. 16— Milo 0» K in g vs. L illy M. and the other claimants got the prop lumberman, form erly o f the Coquille In the war while in the British army, live year., and has become known aa tho for one year. King erty into and is not due in any way Valley section o f Coos county, who and one first cousin o f Mrs. Cavers most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall'e Jan. 16— C. W. Gardner vs. J. Catarrh Medicine arte thru the Blood on to the procedure by the county. built in Reedsport the Johnson mill was lo s t tho Mucous surfaces, ezpelllng the Poi Children of “Flu” Victims R. Yoakam son from the Blood and healing tbs dis He further points out that a vic which he operates here. Mr. Johnson W ith so many o f their relatives en eased portions. tory fo r the county will not only gam selected this ‘place as a location fo r gaged, Mr. and Mrs. Cavers are nat Last Monday a petition was filed After you hayo taken Hall’s Catarrh Probate Court Items Medicine for a ehort time you will see a the taxes fo r the county, but will his mill because he has faith in the urally much relieved that the war is in the Probate Court here by Attorney great Improvement in your general straighten out the titles to the Kin future o f the harbor and the Umpqua over and that the sacrifice o f the lives N. & McLeod, o f North Bend, fo r the On Wednesday J. J. Stanley filed a health. Start taking Hell's Catarrh Medl- ney properties so that they can be appointment o f a guardian fo r Earl petition for letters o f administration ctna at once and get rtd of catarrh. Bend a great lumber shipping point. J. o f the fighting men is at an end. for testimonials, free. # . _ ____________ sold and become available fo r im W. Nob let is offlco manager at the Raynor Fox, Anita Fox. Hazel Fox o f the estate o f Peter L. Nichols, with r . J. C H E N IT a CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Bold by all Druggists. Me. provement, a. matter that can proba Johnson mill and is also form erly o f Julia Nichols, tha widow and sols heir, and an unnamed baby girl Fox. Coquille Home for Sale bly not be accomplished within many the Coquille section. The estate con This is the sad case in whieh both at administratrix. Three blocks from high school; years except by means o f a tax title. The Celebrated seven lots; two-story residence, four parents died o f the influenza, and the sists o f 91,000 real property and Consequently others interested in the Soldier Loggers Coming Back rooms below, three above. A pply at baby girl mentioned, who was born 9424.61 personal. Kinney properties and their develop wt.ile the mother was ill with that Sentinel. ■« > The applications made to A1 Pow- ment will share in the personal bene FOR S A L E the bast and chea past va disease, has since died o f i t fit in addition to the indirect benefit rs by many o f the soldier workers cant lot in tbs city o f Coquille. Awarded Gold Medal Ranch For Sale o f the collection o f the back taxes by in the camps fo r jobs after they had Speak quick i f yon want tt. A t the Call on us for stationery. P. P . L E . San Francis*», 1915 been discharged from the army is 184 acres, ¿raid be used fo r dairy Sentinel edke. Coos county. bringing many o f the men back. Tues or stock ranch. |10.00 per acre. Ten Notice to W ater Consumers The 'strongest and nearest waterproof day Ser geant Hoerler, Sergeant Far years time, if desired. F. M. Lang Cured at a Cast o f 26 Cents. Another MiH at All water rents must be pftid be Shoe« made fo r Loggers, Cruisers, ley, Sergeant Carter and Douglas Hil- lois, M yrtle Point, Ore. 61t4 P "E ig h t rears ago wl:tn we first tween the first and 12th o f ecch month. Miners, Sportsmen and Workers. There is a rumor going the round» lis arrived from Portland and went on moved to Mattoon, I was a great suf ■fb-r ' ---------------------- The city officials cannot take the time ferer from indigestion and constipa that Mrs. L. S. Dewar had had an to Powers to work in the camps. Thqy Chamberlain’s Tablets. go over the city and collect these tion,” writes Mrs. Robert Allison, Tbs Bergmans Far muse Shoe offer made her o f MO,000 fo r the have just been discharged at Vancouv- When you are troubled with indiges rents. W ater will be shut off in every Mattoon, 111. " I had frequent head 9 Bone 4f<land farm, across the river ar. One o f the boys is a Minneapolis tion or constipation, tako Chamber case where the rent is not paid by aches and dizzy spells, and there was from Reedsport. The report is that man and is planning on spending the Iain’s Tablets. They strengthen the a feeling like a heavy weight preesjfig T o Keep Your Feet Dry Use Tho the 12th, and w ill not be turned on on m y stomach and chest all tits time. another large sawmill will be erect rest o f the winter anyway in the west. stomach and enable it to perform its Bergmana W ater-Proof Shoo OIL Indigestion it again until a fee o f 91 has been paid I fe lt miserable. E very morsel o f food ed on this property. I f this is true, it The camps are in need o f 160 men, It functions naturally. distressed me. I could not rest at for that service. usually accompanied by constipation will mean another large asset for is said.— Times. Theodore Bergman night and fe lt tired and worn out all and is aggravated by it. Chamber Lee Goodman, the time. One bottle o f Chamber Reedsport.— Courier. Iain’s Tablets cause a gentle move- Shoe Man «factorin g Co. W ater Superintendent. Iain's Tablets cured ms and I nave rrssposa t — ^ ^ w r is , the con Butter January 10, 1910. 68tl sines fait like * different stipated Signs*» Send the Sentinel to Perfection O il S Heater 'TH E PERFECTION gives 1 glowing warmth at the touch of a match. Heats up the coldest room in a few minutes. Bums ten hours on a gallon of oil. Light, strong and handsome, eas ily carried about. It is a wonderful convenience on cold mornings. H. O. Anderson Want Ads Bergmann Shoe