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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1918)
! JR.L to Marsl field Tuesday. I Cress. Mrs- F. n Coquille visitor today, — - same time came and these who to hand th is » F- c . Punto) knit may new a supply from day moratagte testo far Camp Fre Mrs; J. R Lawn masi ai fa to Alto, California, whera ho i* fco tabe a spoetai cause* se 4 HalUwe’en Last Night. Y. M. C. A. secreti ry. a poeition to There was not vsry much of the which he wa^ recently appotatod. The old-time Hallowe’en depredation» last cours* will coneiat od toetores at night, although oa* of W. H. Mansell’s Stanford Uphreraity and will alno in wagons wss run over the sidewalk and clude some eteenuoua physical train After atout a into the gulch bHow his br.rn, luckily ing at th* camp. without breaking anything. The month thero Mr. Purslcy will go to worst offenders were the eaep brigade work to thè sprue* production divistoli, which marked up shew windows. R H and mny vsry likely be ossigned to About four o'clock this morning work ber* in Coos eounty. Marshal Miller wee called out to look after a crowd which was indulging in Hotter Gwardl Notoft loud talk and profanity on the Henry The Salvage Shop has movod in th* Street bridge, but they quickly con building just on* doer east of Roes'* vinced him that they were just return dry goods store. Donations of an ing from work at the Sitka and were kinds will be appreciated, jams sad not all-night eelebrators. He warned jellies especially. Soie the girls B them to make themselves scare*, end urday to their new shop. they did. The Honor Guard girls wish to ex m C Hon. A K. Pock was a Sentinel offie* Wednesday t f r. Sohroodor, of this dt. Only thrse of tbs guests were at the original wed- ng to 1M& Louis Kohlbagen, of in the city Wednesday lb s . Wm. Cotton has just moved to E. K. Johnson was unsbU to start from Fair* tow end will make her his miU last Monday as anaouassd, home i f town. and is now proposing to set the wheels that the Sentinel and the turning next Monday. He is net sure Oregon F a n s * each for oae year he can make it than, however, but says only »1 M now. if aot then it will b* only e day or two later than that. Tke hearing of ■ tion cases to this county b u t t e Wedaesday the local military board next Friday, Nov. 8. v * began Bonding nut questionnaires Yea can’t can day more fruit this to the young men at 18, and those from 87 to 4* inclusive. There are year unless you have tbs g 2100 such registrants to Cues county hand. The bare are up today. and the questionnaires are going out Archie Philip proved to be at the rat* of 200 per day., to the recall, but aot to the Rev. W. S. Smith, of Flu, which has Just attached The Short sermon ea the « * page te a very practical oa* sad oae that many a Coquille parent weald do well to take to heart. Goo. 8. Davis i* moviag to tow* this week from U s ranch up tho river. He will occupy hie own house next north After two or throe days to hod with a bilious attack Judge Watson was able to get to the court to have stopped the licensee, bat tt will ttyta that to the divorce mill out of Mr. aad Mrs. Gee. N. now living outsat the ary where George is Lsadreth to running the tom . George ft. Davie, at the Olea Aiken neighborhood, is going w quit dairy busta***, aad atoowhwo to this tor A machine which refuses to post an overdraft is an innovation in basking equipment which has just been in stalled by tira First Nation*! Bank It is « Burroughs product and while it can be used as an adding ma chine, its chief fun&tiefi will be -the posting of raatodws’ accounts, Stort ing wito>dS* balance on too left hand aide o f hi sheet, toe listing of checks is then made by simply pressing th* keys, th* machine being _u 1 or subtraction. Whoa th* last Z™ check has been posted th* maehin tomatically switches to additte^Ittf tho deposits are struck,'the Anal show Few Will “Vet* Her 8trml*ht.- tog the easterner's account at the Admonitions to “vote th* straight do#* of burtnees. It rvquicns a ^tiplm^ are no longer hearcHn U s sale* a rate key to permit toe posting at ' «on, and party Unas are going to be that tbs family supply can all be pretty nearly obliterated when Coos toed at ea* purchase. Our folks county goo* to tho polls next Tues Is fs.mueh as day. Whether e man is labelled a so ara shall no long it or a republican has little er have to “scrimp on'sweats.' >. E. Conway has contracted to bulk! a bungalow residence at the Own Y e a r’s Changes. 000 lUHan yriMM i i u d « m pound ing them to Tory m ot the breaking point, aajr one who predicted that within twelve month* the Austrian the Vienna government Imre been begging for a »t t w * to surrender un conditionally, while the Italian armies were capturing it* troop* at the rate of 80,000 a day would have been laughed at a* a pipe dreamer, yet that i* just what I* Happening now. Aus tria is going to be out of the war in a few day*, as Bulgaria and Turkey already are, and her railroad* will then be at the service of the Allies to take troops to Berlin’s back door along the Bohemian line And the present Italian front is as near Berlin is is the American front in Trance north of Verdun, with no fortifications or trenches on the way either. The front door is not always the readiest Marshfield, for J. Stewart That cheap lot advertised to this issue is worth looking after if you think of building “ after the war You won’t bo able te eeeuro any such bargain than. Th* Aral frost we saw this toll oe- Don’t fail to writ* the name of *iX John 8, Coke” in your ballot to All the vacancy caused by the death of Supreme Court Justice Frank A. Moor*. tfk i a I (gV-V q % o - m w, Charles Hall, president of the Cooo Curry Telephone eomprjiy, was a call er yesterday aftemoen. He has be come optimistic enough to believe thajt that trouble in Europe will be settled • -- by Christmas. Another down-town improvement this weak was tke removal of the di lapidated bill boards at the rear of the Baxter on Taylor street, and the tj, erection of a high board fence, nicely to t.w} • 1 official. Indeed, the only peoHfaasoa the county ticket for which there ere more than a single candidate ara those of sheriff and county dark, aad were it got that too republican majority in the county is large, dime might be no morn for thorn. For suok poeition* it te well to veto for tho man on* be lieve* will best fulfill to* duties of the office, rather than bo governed ----------------------------- Customs' Officer Clark that there te e penalty for blocking the channel, as it te a menace to navi tiation. Owners of log rafts and boats must comply with navigation laws. Trouble has been reported on th* Coquille river.— Time*. mm t .4 Knowlton’s Drug Store at the L A D IE S B A Z A A R m Latest Models in Wool Jersey the best residence lot in Coquille this week. Smooth and level. Just west of the City High School. SE N TIN E L OFFICE VOTER F or OF OREGON C O U N TY C L E R K ' " . Vote for . . Justice F. A. Moore of tho 8 Court died last month, too lato ' • . J. U. C A M P B E L L OF OREGON CITY Resident of the State 80 years; law- SH&æpSi gon . coming year. A great percent age of American people, he mid. do not know, hum any sacrifices mode tone far. that a war la in progresa Relaxation of acttvl- tlos because of peso# propoesls, he declared, should net he toler ated. and asked people of tho country to throw their whole member at Oregon year*. In all •od. R V His record as rC\ publie official I VOddy RECORD. « V' v Write in his i e r m lH e c t lo E • : » a. at; 7:1* ft as. EM ft a . Prenant Incumbent ... ' 4tl* ft as. «J0 a. m.{ 4.40 ft as. Candid*!« for re-election Arage (by bast) lit* ft ml Serving First Term at Two Yean Mails Arriva ASKS FOR RE-ELECTION ON HIS Myrtle Point 6:82 a. aa; 4:60 ft a Powers *i*0 a. an fruat of k (Paid fiiv .) Court to at It «Ri j.v. » ■. -1 1L' ÎÆÊ4 This lot is worth $500; adjoining lots have sold for that price, and it will be good for that again before many years. Sewer taxes all paid and street improvement taxes to date. This is the greatest bargain ever offered in Coquille city prop erty. For further information call at Calling Garda, U f for I I will faithfully guard of Coos County, and wiH ^ I. / ■A V rr T. J. T H R IF T A New Assortment of Silk end Wool Dresses *«iw T4;* .¡V; »vÿ v o rit* M itili Business Affected By Fla. The' quarantine for Spanish toAuan- sa is beginning to seriously affect * less in many Unas. The pool hall* sad moving picture show are far from being too only Indeed, the stay-at-home has dried up many at source* of news and toe Sentinel hen -never before found it so difficult to secure its local menu. The fact that oar eorrsspondents have with n couple of exceptions, taken s mention, and that the neighbors have brought in nothing makes it even more dtflcul to set th* table. i ' *-■ ■■ ». .■ . ■ J. L. Smith has boon N i l out Us annual report » i s weak, but V. ft Wilson, Optician aad teist, will be at his office ea Taylor expects to have his monthly Bulletin street. Coquille, every day to tke week. ready by th* Ant at next week. Al- prevailing inAnense will Glosses fttod. 42» it necessary to poet pom ^ Mrs. A. N. Gould, who show, he 1s still confident that ft will aa opera tion for be held later aad is steadily Grays* hospital about two tottog specimen* that look* pretty was able to return hem* ea Tuesday streets, Lyons. ■ * R’ .t, press their thanks to Mr. Ed Johnson and Mrs. M. If. Horsey for th* nee of their building in tof past; aad to all others who have helped them an j way. The Sentinel presents a foil page advertisement this wash for too charities drive, as to m «a t tion to tbs can**. Judge Wot) week tor several days sad unable te he i t hh m n net a victim of the P a t h e p h o n * t o Offer ■ ■ m ?: ■