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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1918)
I I ! . l i in t o of Myrtle Paint, ; J ? . ' / T I » -i* , •W fW ÿ*' I ¿g*f ^ r n w t M» I d ata. ^ Vv ^ •••,/' MONWOLEÛROCEKIK to your guarantee & sale by * * he t o t Ca**-j I w h t o l t o t e n e o f| O h shipyards an (ha Say needed i nacnaaary dvadeiBS d a n , and (has yard asan want to soma a«a or W.H. W U $ b « p b p e i|^ l| S S Ä U L iffiÄ ; and was referred tg Henry Sangst •n as t o one »«m b« of the Part to ba aoan ebont-dredg-J lag. Henry’s answer was, “Who gets r-w l i b « told •hip building company weald di- j . ^ '* " " ' t “| ¿ | l * W 0igC tttA & y, ¡October 26 Saturday, November 2 >, November . l | ¡ _ ................................. i« g , — A — , L a .1 . _ . , ■ W W f w IfllU ffilfl « ■?:Æ- none It1 is difficult, even in the U. S. A., to obtaih suffi cient soaps for norms! requirements of home de- w m ndf -•• * ; t;L v- * . . ", , ' '*4' 'v»* • " ; ‘7X?r We are fortunate in having a complete stock of aH r kinds. . TOILET SOAPS miomm 10« . ■ HAND BR U SH ES^— j . {. V ". '. »’/ *•/' n J v >.'■ '■ • J \ £ h ' - *’ •E E OUR S P E C IA L D IS P L A Y _ FURMAN’S ’Wtaw WJ»* -, "ZBftOLBNB IS BBTTBft* it holds b u ttar g ir a i h o t ta r to th e m oving V % / the “f t t o s l iiti mmn tow srwmnw w m . a i m W w ; Was tauThs MricsUa« «1 i IH ii ^ Iitn l i *?!*? i w m S i s hsmt. gsraism o £ m L m usshs er ■ I ■ ■ I II KROUENJE The S tan dard O U J a r M otor C u r A . E C A M PB E L L ! . VAUEY SENTINEL TH E OREGON FARM ER one year In advance $ 1 .6 5 W .rJ W j. ■— a. n , .u th . i™«.-.™. i» — - 0 .1 - ^ — « .i o - m m — I* »— dredging wat dopo far the shipyard. 1 do not know «ha* *ho shipyard|"*~**V fo to ta d te m al* e « h a doni te or- dor to got tha nacaatnry dredging | ~ T ” dona, hat t o t U tha way it was taU j T T ~ .„ ta .me that Henry aaad Ir r . his position m »amatory of Ú ftjpoos I iri*nd* - .r — 1 - m ^ A V Saturday, November 23 Saturday, November 30 Saturday, December 7 Saturday, December 14 | “ « ___________. ¿s, * * T Z T ..~ . . . „ TT. M ^ y "*"®T**f *** " u rsnsombor aso s t tho polla • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • I Sï ÎSLSTïSiî* fySa!S \ * * I y*«*.»* t * One-half block north of I Hall street Philip blockt t o grafting gomo noth -1 ^ J ° J ¡ ¡ 7 J ^ J t o « S t of Archia’s scalp dangling I —George P. Ufad. n’t belt will satisfy I . (Paid Adv.) i yells for the normal schools try-1 R oed W ork H old U p. J ing to throw dirt into the ▼at***’ j Work was about to sta rt oa t o by t o pretense t o t n i bo n teacher has to be Infected with L ^ , A [ t o dopo of t o machino educator may I Portland, O ra, O ct » , li t» —Tha t o cogs of t o stata a s - * to fool t o people, may bo not ithaated receipts of Ihre stock a t t o who have beau educated at Pa North Portland Unten Stock letti« University, W illamette Universi- », . Drjor mee*jBr »he Hirhwav n ig b tin 150 cattle, WO * C e s m ^ m to ^ T L p S rio ^ *00 sheep pad lambs. W tth a .lie g e , Pacific College, toad Institute, tonaca and State m gf-rrrr Nunn run of M00 hand af sattle ,b., ~¡b«- .1 om Lu, » t,„ .T M l at III I * atand on their marita na teachers, | g Brown ju st as but t o eaar m arket weakened in the to y do not hnva to m eato t o apse- » to rem lv n d i and is still inclined to bo III ini privilege of a law. Taka Stray the I F<d_ , v-_»-_ «metre today. Quotations: Prims pHVUSffS fT&DvM sy law W I nsiylHttfft of public fundi fUbOft-llBta, good to chotea *11.00-12.00; medium to good 1 th* T ^t*to® t o ^ L' J' Simp,on’ of N#rth B« nd- trhila atomo *0.75-11.00; fair to | 'W •d^ ” " T * h* S ? ad Senator M c N a r y T to S E T a f J for some ether kind of a gold brick. | Wadoml H ishviv flimun I Vote t o normal school proposition L .^ t ^ a to t o t U d y t o . w 1**’ by Tot" of completing tha work on this new- oows and U f m *«.00-7.26; fair to I ing “no. I |y m d ad road, aad received t o un- modi a n cm I i and haifara fS.OO-d.OO; BUtte % me boy, you do not put your | of t o t body to pro* cannare *250-4.00; bolls *6.00-7.50; lie nerooa on Preoidcnt Wilson. coed. calvan $0.00-12.00; stocken and faad- IYoer 'peace taTk is like your solid gold At Portland Mimiiar i you have passed out as prims, 1 • T r " " r. “ • « * was ready to sign t o eoc Just a coat of yelknr whitewash on I wjMO , w s- r ir , |ir, j • hast metal. Billie, every day you live A H riii^ i s i ^ t .h stm im j • ■ - you give . ranker staMh to to .n am e U e .e t, for t o to o bsdng a t V German. K. A. B-aston. |( r . Powers mid to r n was no BÜ11- the whh 2000 head I I t*ry need for t o rand a t this ta t« » Ixiw er E a s t F o rk N o t« . and that ha would atrree to d la today** trading, ' gravel ara: Priam nrixad »17.10-175«; modi Mr. and Mrs. Nick Johnson are mov , . on . t o . read . . after . t o - *1486-17.00; Rough hour « to Coquil. for t o winter. ^ «* T . * 0? . } ? * * ^ ito *16.10-1656; pigs *14^)0-1550 Leland Minard sold a Ino bunch of £**V A ***** ™ to*^e**A < i I hogs to Cecil Carter fast Friday. l Th* Commission thought boot to in* bulk *17.10-1750. The sheep market has com Steve Minard, of Salem, is visiting . . ^ rain and all offerings are in I his m otor, Mrs. R. M. Minard. gteeer Dunn to D ays Lskty just rstarned from oat of ttc *» “ ■ at steady to strong prima. Quota- ara: Prima lamba *11.00-12.00; ear Drain, where ho went and p u r-|r*port- ^ “ fair to medium lambs *850-11.00; a result t o werk, which a farm . Ho expects to move yearlings *10040-11.00; wethers *».- started within 48 I his family out 00-10.00; awes *050-850. Mrs. Chas. Hours started for Co- ** held up. quille Monday on the cream truck, t ol . ‘ . ” ! T v*TmA at ^ Mao* R ovo a P e rm it. go to Portland, where aha exnocted "** and. w**,t Mr. Powers one 4 »a w T » 1rs, - Ha to spend »I t o m winter - with her J son, ” * otoA d * to da d# J t o * work af ^ ** Wa don’t knew whether any o f and family, but recelvad a telegram ***, *** <rw a t two dollar* •adata are leaping migratory 'yard. him saying they had t o Tnflu- Tha stated t o t aft fowl or t o posterity of migrator ensa in t o family and for her not the war was t o read would bo ter fowl in captivity, but if t o to come. She returned on t o stage, __, to y should lorn no time to t o t i-m ing | Paved aad t o t to t o United States Gnaw Warden at Charley Watson’s father from Catt- I* 1007, Indina m ia is visiting Mm and expects to Waste, for n panait to retain i and the « H f i hare. tar fowl la thafa -posssssiou. A Mrs. .Ruth Plank U tter and lH tle| A »! kes no riffmuam whethar the a visited wtth t o L eatorm sn fam- V( , to puhttah t o fat fowl ore used Tor Oy over Sunday. On Monday aba , te r t o prasaa* to Norway to visH M eads to r s . just the asm in Satarday with Lloyd and Am ari win doetor ,aa* Ms ristor, M m Myri Mallow. D in t tett to w rite t o name Jaa. Cotton dooa not hnproyd tn |th s "X d a te S. Cabe» in year hate* Ms many frioadT would Dobell’s flB t o vaaanoy caused by t o to ana Mm d a .. T iL . day, a f Suprema Court Juatim tails, drink pioaty af eaM ’ ' •t Does Cheap Service Pay? n r H I S l i * question * people o ften aak ' . i ' s Ä f v i... n nivpa -.»aiiiMnwe • - .... • •»•«*■ »** "W S '».|« ii . i ,|« i am . i n' V > -, <&BÊ mm mrnmsm flMMIIffi W M to T ra lB tif I Tha following regarding a mai k»own in Coquille appeared in a nd paper: “Monte Wax, formerly a member af the Oregon National Guard, who a t tended t o training camp a t Sugano summer, left Thursday night for Comp Pike, Little Rock, A rt, to enter t o officer's (Valuing camp for inf an- trymen. Mr. Wax was formerly am- P'oycd by Lfyman, Wolfo A Co., as floorwalker. Mr. Wax eras in Coquille several . . . . . ___ t o howafa apaa, «ad aaMk M n K as to * It I day. , " »’Y r a m » . . ] at