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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1918)
County 8upsrinUnde«it Mulkey fa in receipt frota (U t o Superintendant ChúrcMll o f • circular latear from the Surgeon Ganara) o f th * United States is the Amount Asked From in regard te m e^ who wiU ba in Claaa I amone tita new registrante. It aajra Coquille for the 4th that man w ith »p ed al qusliftestion» as Liberty Loom. edúcalors — * bastea ba u e d in teaehing and training oripplad and disabled man te prepara tham fo r new vocatioos, tban in aandhig tbam te tha froiU. Am ong Um Hnaa in whieh man Oregon Is Enjoying Wonderful Prosperity From Government Expenditures— Buy Bonds to the Limit. I f there is s State in the Union which is duty bound to subscribe, yes, and to exceed its quota in this Fourth Liberty Loan, that state ie Oregon. Our pros- perity'at the present time is the greatest in the history of the state and that prosperity it due entirely to causes contributary to the prosecution o f the war. Every section o f the State is benefitted and almost every in- dustry, large and email, has come in for its share of the tremendous expenditures that the Government is making here. labor m ight be trained stenography, county’s total is »726,608. This is typew ritin g and, etrange to ray, a g ri subdivided as fellow .: ¿ '$ £ § ¡4 1 culture are euggeeted. Marshfield, »866,608. North Bend, » 111 , 000 . W arm est Day Ever. Bandon, »80,000. ^ Yesterday was the warm est day ws Coquille, »80,600. ever saw in Oregon— that is in the a f M yrtle Point, »66,600. ternoon. _ The therm om eter a t Mc Powers, »22,000. Reports from the other towns in the Curdy’s ranch ju st north o f town went country are that M arshfield has raised up to 98 degrees ia the shade, and »260,000; Bend on »60,000; North Bend the sun beat down fu lly as hard h en Today, though, it was and M yrtle Point are over the top; ia town. cloudy until noon and the afternoon is and Powers has doubled hsr quote. . A t 1:S0 this afternoon the total not uncomfortable. , number o f subscribers to the loan in the CoquiUe district was 246 and the tota l amount o f their subscriptions was »31,600, or sn avsrags o f »129 per subscriber. The subscriptions from the 8itks ■pill, which have not been turned in to the banks by Chairm aif A . B. Rob ert sa yet, are expected to reach the »10,000 mark, which would mean that at noon today the Coquille quote was only h alf subscribed. Coquille ladies w ere given addition al cause to be proud o f their sex on. Wednesday evoning o f this week when Mrs. L. P . Branstottar, Mrs. C. E. Mulkey and Mrs. W . G. Brandon made those stirrin g, patriotic appeals to the large crowd assembled a t the corner t o f Taylor and Second streets, in the interests o f the Fourth Liberty Loan. A . C. Lu kens, »60 . V That their pleas w ere effective ia M rs. A . C. Luimos, »60. .• proved by tlie fa ct that thirty-odd Geo. Good rum, »190 new applications fo r bonds were made L. P. Bran» tetter, »200 > at the banka during the evening. Am elia L afferty, »66. A . T. Morrison, Raymond E. Baker 9. L. Smith, »50. in d Loo J. Cary w o n the gentleman Mrs. J. L. Smith, »60 who likew ise.m ade short talks on the ^ Mr. and Mrs. E. A . Folsom, »600 same subject. R a tliff H. Liw b oroo, M cKinley, »60 The large chorus which had been L. A . Lawhorne, M cKinley, »306. drilled by 9. G. Leslie led in tha sing Mrs. John Bellonl, Riverton, »60. ing of “ Am erica,” "Tho Star R. & Knowllon, »200. ' Spangled Banner” ^sad ‘‘ Keep the Mrs. Annie A . Young, »100. A . Ellin goon, »100 Mrs. R. L. Gitalin, »200 A . P . Kirshman, »190. F. C. Pursley, »60 Fred Slagle, »60. M yrtle Knowlton, »60. M yrtle DeLong, »200. J. W . Laird, »100. Mrs. J. W . Laird, »100 J E. Norton, »»0 0 H. N. Lorens, »600. ( E. E. Johnson, »200. C. J. Fuhrman, »600 C. Torres, »100. Dorothy W. Tuttle, »60 B. R Tutors, Fairview , »60. T. B. and Eva S. Currie, »200. H. A . Young. »100 H enry A . Young J r , »60. Geo. Shelton, »60. Geo. P. Falconer, »100. P . J. Jacobsen, »100 M. P. Jacobean, »100 — Buelah L. Norton, »100. Coquille V alley M ercantilo Co. »600. F . G. Leslie, »100. Burton McEwcn, »60. lE. A . W im er, »100. Annie W im er, »100. Fred A . W im er, »100. Judith C ollier, »100. Geo. T. Moulton, »100. A . W . Varney, »60. J. 8. Lawrence, »100 Ida K. Owen, »100. Chaa. H sr locker, »100. Ed D etlef sen, »400. Mrs. W. L. Kistner, »100. M. O. Hawkins, »100. Z ettle M Hawkins, »100. Florence A . Barton, »60. R. L. M edley. »60. S. M Nosier, »200. Lula M. Nosier, »100 John F. Bullack, »10ÖT F. R. Bullack, »100. John Jacob Foots, »60. Mrs. W. J. Ferbracho. »60 J. S. Sawyer. »60. Dr V L Ham ilton, »60 Laura B. Hamilton, »60. E. E. Fraedricks, »100 Fred Von Pegert, »60. A'nnie E. Von Pegert, »60. Anna M orrison, »60. E. H. Hamden, »200. F. W . Jones, »60. Irene L. Jones, »60 * ' Rena L Danielson. »60. Mrs. M ary J. N orris, »60. G. W . Norris, »60. Mrs. Geo. P . Goodman. »60 D. A . Wood, »60 E lla W alatram, »100. i the Bed Crasa, tbs Honor Guard and the CoquiUe Cooe Guard, Geo. N . B attey acting as marshal. y) One or tw o things occurred te arar the evening’» events. One was tha tooting and m oving o f automobile* Visited By Grand Master. W . F. W alker, o f Springfield, Ore., grand m aster o f the L O. O. F . fa r Oregon, made his official visit to the lodge hare Tuesday evening. Ha made a splendid talk to tho members present, and although he tried to keep o ff tbs subject o f war, when he saw the Odd Fellow service fla g hanging there he broke bis rule and p aid bis 24, to prelen t their case against the - new assessment which doubles the total valuation in that city. M yrtle Point merchants were here Wednes day, Spencer, Strong and Peterson, to show why their stocks should not be listed as high sa they have been. The tim ber owners w ill be over bare tom orrow to present their cnee. W hat Irrigation. Doca. t From shoe strings to merchant ships is a fa r cry but Uncle Sam ia buying these and thousands of other items besides. Figures approximating the amount of cash being circulated here are astounding. LIBERTY LOAN MEETINGS Actual contracts placed fo r the building and equip ping of i i f excess of two hundred million dollars’ worth o f ships should indeed furnish every individual directly or indirectly benefitted by this industry with ample incentive to pledge himself or herself for Liberty Loans in amounts fa r greater than he or she has ever been able to lay aside before. The expenditures of the Spruce froduction Diyision > of the U. S. Arm y through its Portland office up to / September 1, 1918, approixmated 110,800,000.00, which does not include salaries paid to the thousands of sol diers who are working in the executive as well as the productive departments of this branch o f Government activity. The figure does include the purchase of equipment fo r and the building of railroads, mills, camps etc., and the purchase of lumber, auto trucks, engines and boilers. The greater portion, by far, of all those millions has been put in circulation in the State of Oregon. Moreover, they are being augmented constantly with other millions and who is there to w y that when the Government asks to borrow a portion of and all w ars that this this wealth to help end this request shall not be complied with in the greatest D. P . Jenkins wss up Saturday from Parkersburg and called at the Sentinel office to insert an advertisem ent o f 4 airy cows to rent. H e says that in the five years he has been ranting the ' ranch he now occupies he has increas ed its capacity from IS to 120 cattle. Ho cams from sn irrigated section in Montana and has found that it pays to irriga te the bottom lands o f this vslley. > Assessor W ill Revise Them. It has boss suggested by some heavy taxpayers that the school and rood district boards as w ell as pert comm issions and city councils m ay levy taxes at the same rate aa before the asaeassNnt was ratesd an average o f fifty par cant, with the result that a good dead more money would he raised than the six per cent increase the law allows. Assessor Beyers as sures us that these fears are ground less. In the first place a ll taxin g bodies s n required to make their bud gets in dollars and not in rates per cent; in the second place a ll proposed The Government Subsistence Department alone is circulating an approximate five hundred thousand dol lars per month in Oregon and this money reaches and benefits every section of our State. The purchases in clude not only supplies for local consumption by Gov ernment and soldiers. In addition to these, a very large amount of foodstuffs produced in Oregon is con stantly being sent» to Camp Lewis and other training camps as well as large shipments which are going abroad to feed our own boys in the trenches. In one week these was sent to Camp Lewis thirty thousand pounds of fresh Oregon pork and five hundred thousand pounds of flour produced from Oregon wheat in Oregon flouring mills. U nde Sam pays cash for this and Oregon workmen, merchants, manufacturers and farm ers receive that cash. And right now they have the opportunity o f lending it back to their aforesaid Uncle, giving him the opportunity of again spending it with them. Every section of the state benefits. The great wheat and stock ranches of Central ahd Eastern Ore- gon furnish the two great stapler, meat and w heat The Columbia river and coast counties are called upon to supply fish, chiefly salmon, o f which the Government ia purchasing this year 66 per cent o f the entire pack. Not only Oregon boys, but those o f every state in the Union are eating Oregon salmon in France. Tons of dehydrated fruits and vegetables raised in nearly every county in the state are being shipped from here to our boys "over there.” Canned milk from Linn, Coos, Yam hill, Clatsop and Clackamas counties m finding ita way to local camps and to foreign. Coos and Curry efeeese ia being introduced to and consumed by hun dreds of thousands of soldiers at home and abroad who never heard of it before and who will have an appetite for it when they return to peaceful pursuits. That is inevitable, for the Government orders cheese by the offics i f they c a rry .a n increase o f more than 6 per cent above last year's Aguras, without the sanction o f tha votes o f the people affected. Coon Guard Dance Oct. 5. this road fo r the reasons wu stated last week, but he ia callin g the court together this afternoon to decide upon the answer to make to Engineer The CoquiUe Cooe Guard w ill give a 10-cent dance in Andereon’s H all on Saturday evening o f next week, Oct. 6. W hile th a n w ill be no draw ing o f any kind to make tha a ffa i^ m o re interesting there w ill be the same cor dial reception o f visitors and atten tion to detail which has characterised Coqnille’s w ar purpose dances in the past. Competent floor managers have boon appointed to see that ev eryone has an opportunity to sajoy him self or herself to the lim it. I f you fa il to attend it w ill be our loss. Slacker W as Caught. Seven for Special Service. H. M. Brown employed at a cafe ia North Bend wma brought over here iaat Saturday and placed ia Jail on a ch» rg r o f evading the d r a ft He waa exempted Iaat year on account o f w orking in a camp at Powers but had net been ea the job fo r several mouths. Ha was also accused o f mak ing seditioua remarks and on account o f speaking German eras suapeeted o f being an alien enemy. He eras re leased Tuesday on condition that he Another cell has been received by the local board fo r special service men to appear here October 2. The fo l low ing are the namea o f the men: W or die D elroy Engbloom, Coquille. Alonso M iller Davie, CoquiUe. Peter M igale, Marshfield. V ictor C. Evland, North Bend. W illiam D. M cKay, Beaver H ill. Clarence Green. North Bend. Guta Both Blue and Rad. Violates Espionage Act. T o Every Subscriber Whose Ubql i» earlier than October, 1918 I f you wish to receive next week’s Sentinel on time pleaae remit with an advance subscription—enough to pay beyond Today ie Coqsllle and Band on day before tho Board o f Equalisation. W hile w * were attending tha seasien the only kick heard from CoquiUe came from a well-known ritisen who insisted that the assessment o f Ms r w M w n was too low— that it ought te ba raised from »800 to »1,000. His request w ill without doubt be granted. this d^Kte— in time for us to receive the amount before next week’s paper is mailed. The government rule against send ing papers to subscribers who have not paid in advance will go into effect October first y Make all remittances payable to H. W . Y O U N G . CoqTille. Ore. There is but little question that the Corn Ray Tim es 1a rendering its e lf li able to prosecution under the espion age act by the articles it has pub lished and is continually publishing advocating ancrchy and disregard o f law in the m atter o f the closing o f the Coquille reed at Bunker H ill w hile the improvements there are in progress. I f Mike M aloney bee any friends in J. H. McCloekcy is ju st in receipt o f a card from A . J. Radabaugh. who te o jt attending the state fa ir a t Salsm, toiling Mm th a rth s N orw ay Cream ery won the first prisa fo r butter there, with a score o f 96H end the Coquille V alley Cream ery the second prise with a score o f 9416 A fte r Mc Closkey has got both the blue and the red ribbons there le n t much le ft fo r the other cream eries in the state. A t a special election o f Beulah Chapter No. 6 O. E. S. last evening Ms Emma Pmece was elected W orthy Matron to succeed Mrs. F. G. Jennings. Mrs. Anna Von P egert was elected as Conductress end Mm. Gertrude Loraus aa Associate Con-