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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1918)
' v -< >' ’ ~‘p ' ' ]■., T,' »• ».{" • ( ■ »_ ; ' > ,• •w.' Jj «5 , Sentinel ìfaé- Hr-’ ]»■' j* -* ** t I V J Í 'i FII-X33 HERALD ■ r pf ' r, Ï“ ' OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 6. 1919. THE DEMON HUN AT THE DOOR SÜB at U m F ra si ia U m -W •¿RV £<* '.¿i •»-ex * •- He is at the door “over there.” In the m atter o f the Ladd 4 Harris contract fo r building bridges nsrth o f the Bay the completion o f contract w ill be advertised next week and the warrants fa r the contract price o f the work w ill be issued at the May t o f ths cou rt Then the County Clerk w ill be in structed not to deliver thoos w arr t * either the Security Co. or tbo First National Bank, to both o f whom they have boon assigned, until those parties agroo or until R has bean legally de termined which party has the better claim to them. The bid o f J. D. Bennett fo r building o f the Fox bridge near Loo sms fo r 96,000, whore the engineer's estimate was about 99J00. The bid I n i r tja e t^ nnltei Mr* Bennett modifies it there w ill be another ad vertisement fo r bids. The contrast fo r ths highway cr o f tha Southern Pacific at Over- A with a concrete viaduct 1 ________ to Ostiiad A Payne, o f Marshfield at 99.667 JO. Ths court is still endeavoring to induce the rail read to agree to pay one half this amount according to th eir fo r Tw o small contracts on tha Coos l a y North section o f the Coast H igh w ay were awarded to Ira O. Peacock and John Hakaaon. on a fores account basis. < I t was decided to advertise fo r bids 6n the Coos C ity bridge. This in cludes a draw span o f 170 fast and a total length o f 900 feat, the approach es to bo built at tha ends totalling 692 fast m a n . The railroad company Do you want him at yeur door over here— to ravage, m urder and take possession? U n d e Sam— the boys on the firing line— the Spirit o f Am erican Liberty— stand between you and immediate danger. W hat are you doing to help keep them there? W ill you Aghf$fe the trenches at close range, or fight at long range behind the lines by lending your money to U n d e Sam to hold up the hands of those who can actually wield a bayonet fo r you? The issue is squarely before-you. A choice between the two is necessary. W ill you evade, dodge, w iggle and twist— or, will you assert your backbone and S T A N D U P L IK E A M A N ? To Baioo AM Foot Flag Pole. Yesterday Allan Belieu and Wm. Brown felled the tree which will be raised aa a Aagpole sometime before the parade tomorrow. It towers 100 feet in the air and from it w ill Ay a 10x90 foot flag furnished by the city. The Oregon Power Co. and the T V - ephone Co. tfw t t r r lc n o f th> ir craws to set the pole. LAUNDRY HAS BEEN SOLD circle* fo r some time is the sale o f the Coquille Laundry last Monday, ex- M ayer A . T. Morrison having dis poned o f it to D. Hurley, o f Albany, Oregon, Mr. Morrison still retaining the ice business which he has been running fa r years hi connection with the laundry. How pitiable paltry dollars appear in the bal ance between Am erican Freedom and German Bondage. You are not asked to give. You are simply asked to IN V E S T A T A G U A R A N T E E D PROFIT. W hat i f it does mean the insignificant sacri fice o f giving up the glitter of a passing pleasure ? Hun dreds of thousands o f others are voluntarily sacrificing their lives. ’ The fateful hour for you— fo r your country— the time to submit or conquer— is here. W ill you jeopardize your liberty by failin g to do your duty? He who hesitates is most assuredly AH that your forefathers fought and died fo r is lost. A ll that the patriots of ’65 fought for is This is your great opportunity. Use it and Take Your Place. A a a Real Am erican. IN V E S T OR GO U N D E R ! Executive Committee for Coquille District of Third Liberty Loan. ' L . H. Hazard .. ■>'- - ’• win cost 9989 each f. o. h. CoqtdBo. This w ill enable one train tob a loaded at the gravel pits on tha Stxe another train is being hauled np road. A small steam engine will be used fo r yard purposes which w ill haul tho loaded wagons up from the crook two at a than. I t is planned to get the present outfit down to the Sixes today. The court deddod to raise the wages on county road work 60 emits par day and pay 99 JO fo r common la bor, 94.00 fo r foremen and 93.60 a day fo r teams with the sumo to driv ers. A foreman with a team will re ceive 97.80. William Colquiet was employed to take charge o f the work on the Marsh field road at Bunker H ill where a tramway is to be built over tho road w ay fo r the Libbey coed mine pur- - Coqwille’a War Board. The Coquille District W ar Board or ganised aa a permanent body fo r the duration o f the war at the city hall Wednesday evening. The seven bodies which elected representative« and those elected to eerve were as follows: Honor Guard— Mrs. Eva Currie. Red Cross— O. C. Sanford. Third Liberty Loan Committee— L. H. Hasard. W ar Savings Stamps Committee— L. J. Cary. National Council o f D ofen so-J . E. Norton. Patriotic Service Lsaguo—Jas. Watson. Home Guard— H. A . Young. The organisation was effected by the election o f J. E. Norton, chair man; L. J. Cary, vice-chairman; L. H. Hasard, treasurer; and Miss Eva Cur- and war activity Norton Mr. Morrison, o f course, has no thought o f leaving Coquille but will continue with his ice business as be fore, as well as the handling o f Ash caught on the river which he recently undertook and which has developed into a considerable industry during the past pear. In addition to that he informs us that he w ill also undertake the purchase and sale o f beef and C A .Machon Buys a Site and C o u n ty Superintendent Baker mutton, furnishing to the ranchers of Accepta Position in City W ill Erect a Concrete Build the valley a cash market at any time Schools. ing at Once. for their stock when they have one or A concrete, fire-proof theatre is what C. A . Machon promises the peo ple of Coquille in the next three months. Yesterday he purchased of Arthur Ellingsen, through the Wm. Oddy agency, the lots at the corner of Second and W illard streets, form erly occupied by Quick’s second hand Repairing Hardw are Home. store and the Scenic. The size o f the J. A . Collier began Tuesday the re tract is 76x100. pair o f his building occupied by the On the corner lot 60x100 he w ill Coquille Hardware Co. Monday ev ening he applied to the cty council build a modern first-class theatre, for permission to cover the north and which will also be adapted fo r use as east side o f the burned section with a motion picture house, with a seat corrugated iron and repair the glass ing capacity o f 600. He is now eh larging his facilities fo r these new lines by purchasing from the city the river front property lying immediately back o f the large building he now uses both fo r the laundry and upstairs fo r a residence. front on the west. A s the cost o f the repair would not exceed 30 per cent o f the value o f the building the coun cil le ft it with the fire committee which Tuesday granted the permit. The roof o f the warehouse will be flat and covered with roofing paper. T o this kind o f construction is attri buted the reason that the fire was stopped in the rear o f that building and the possible loss o f the entire north side o f Front street eras avert- The building w ill be one story, con crete walla, fireproof brick front and a 2H inch concrete roof. • A stage o f sufficient width to ac commodate any show which may de sire to visit Coquille and 20 feet deep, orchestra pit, a 20-foot lobby, dress ing rooms downstairs and comfortable opera chairs are some o f the leading features contemplated. The building will be heated by hot water from a heating plant in the basement. This morning Mr. Machon went over to the Bay to inspect the Noble theatre there and on his return w ill be accompanied by W . J. Langston, who will figure on Uis contract Mr. Machon has already bad two offers to lease the building fo r a term o f years, but has not yet decided who will run the house. He is in hopes o f having it ready fo r occupancy within 90 days. County Superintendent Raymond E. Baker is to be the superintendent o f the Coquille city schools fo r the next two years. This was decided by the school board at their last meeting, contingent on Mr. Baker’s acceptance Wednesday evening he notified H. O Anderson that he would take the position. It only awaits' now the formal vote o f the board at their next meeting. Coquille is to be congratulated on securing a man o f Mr. Baker’s known ability in educational lines to head our schools fo r the next two years; and that the board has chosen wisely will be the verdict o f all who are in terested in the welfare o f our child ren and their school life. J. C. Almack has demonstrated his eminent Atness fo r the position he has held the past year and it was with regret that the board learned o f his decision to return to Eugene where he has accepted a position at the same salary he received here and where he will at the same time be able to Anish his poet graduate course at the state university. Mr. Baker’s salary w ill be the same as Mr. Almack’s, $1,600 a year. The present lady teachers have all been tendered their positions fo r an other year at an increase in salary, and to date, with the exception of Mrs. Chase, all have filed their ac ceptance in writing. Their names eeptances in writing. Their names and salaries fo r next year are as fol- Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Misa Mrs. Miss Mrs. Miao Ada M ay N ew ell ............ R „v Inex Chase................. ......... 96 Emma K ennedy.. . . , . * e * a • « May A llen ................. ......... 75 Catherine D u n g e y .... •sees« 75 Joan Fitxgerald . . ......... . 76 Martha M ulkey..................... 76 Winifred Spooner . . . . . . 79 -, Jgggl * 9 n z n x t ' . .-'•w- * " '? '* .r -y p - * ** *-*-■* L. J. Cary R. A. W em ich H. A . Young. 91.66 T H E Y E A R . Mis* Gladys E. T re o d g o id ...........76 [ In dispensing with the position o f | principal o f the high school, which has been Ailed so efficiently b y J. W . Noblet fo r the past two years, the board has effected a saving which will permit the raise in salaries mentioned without increasing the school taxes a dollar. T o do this the high school will be conducted on the form er two- session a day plan, reducing the num ber o f instructors in the high school from Ava to four. Mr. Baker, Miss Newell, M i*« Bay and one teacher yet to be selected will comprise the high school faculty. Mr. Douglas, it is reported, intends to enlist and enter the ordnance branch o f the U. 8. service. STARTS H FIRE ■ ... -f. * * Cigarette Stab on Moray Roof Monday N igh t Kindling Did the Act. "Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth,” eaye tho Good Book and we came very near seeing another startling exemplification o f that aphorism Wednesday evening. Back o f Geo. A. Robinson’s store stands a shed only about four feet ■way from the Baxter House, which wr.s saved as a brand from the burn ing that memorable Sunday morning less than three weeks ago. A t 6:20 W ater Front Transferred. Wednesday evening happening to look The city council met in a special out o f his back window Mr. Robin called session at 9 o ’clock this morn son saw fire on the roof o f this moss ing and took the Anal steps to pro grown relic o f the early-.days. He vide fo r the transfer o f the water immediately ran out thero accompan his wife, Miss M yrtle DeLong front property between the laundry ied and Ferry street to Coos county. As snd Ray P. Miller, a traveling soon as the engineers get the metes man, who was in tho store at and bounds o f this property platted tho time. Attorney S. ’ D. Pulford’s the deed will be drawn, and it is hoped attention was attracted by the fire to have the whole transaction closed which was visible from his office win A step ladder was brought at the present term o f the County dow. Court. T .... —........ . from tho store which Mr. Pul ford climbed while the others brought wa ter to him in buckets and in a little while the blare was stopped on the cutside. It was on the under side o f the shingles, though, and Mr. Rob inson went inside with a pole and poked a hole through the roof to per Tha proposal to dose all pool and mit the water to reach i t This shed card rooms except between the hours about 12x16 and the moss on the o f 6 and 11 p. m. on week days, as roof was dry enough to catch eaaily. a war measure, did not come to a vote Had this fire started later in the ev at the council meeting Monday even ening, after the store had ing. The orditwnec had been pre been closed, it might very easily have pared by City Attorney 8taniey and attained such headway as to have was brought up by Cairman Barrow, wiped out most o f the business section o f the ordinance committee. o f the city In an hour or two, with Councilman Lorens voiced the plea the strong north wind that was blow o f the billiard hall proprietors that if ing then. they ware dosed during week days The cause o f this fire is no mystery. ’ they should be allowed to remain Mr. Pulford found at tha lower edge ' open Sunday. s o f the hole a fe w Inches across that “ Nothing doing,” was the instant the fire burned in the roof there, o response o f Mayor Johnson to this stub o f a Columbia cigarotte a litt!o proposal, “ at least that is my opin over half an inch in length, while two ion,” he added. or three more such stubs were In ev Ceeairflman Mansell was tha next idence on the narrow strip o f groand speaker and he thought the ordinance between | the shed and the hotel. The was getting at the innocent party— | brand ie mentioned because it is one meaning the proprietor«— while the which holds fire longer than most ci aim was to get the loafers to spend garettes. ( their time proAtably in producing The supposition, o f course, was that something. , some one smoking in an upper room Mr. Lorenx, along the same line, o ( f the Baxter had carelessly thrown suggested the necessity o f a vagrancy out , that insinifleant firebrand. ordinance, under whose provisions the It was later learned that Commis loafers, with no visible means o f sup- sioner* , Armstrong and Philip and port, could be forced to work— i f only Roadmaster ] Sawyer were in such a on the rock pile. ~ , room discussing some matters in con Councilman Hawkins and Barrow, , nection with the county road work were both emphatic and explicit in and , Mr. Philip, who was smoking ci stating their positions. Such closing garettes, , had tossed one cigarette ordinances are being adopted all over stump* , aftgr another out o f the open the country, in some states it being window , until attention was attracted legislative statute, and entirely dis- to \ the fire on the roof below. regarding any private opinion they In view o f such a near calamity one raght hold as to the necessity o f bil- feels ( almost like suggesting that the liard halls, they thought the tempta- , o f cigarettes should be prohi tion to loaf during working hours bited | In such a tinder box section as should be removed. Mr. Hawkins al- the t business part o f Coquille now fu r m favored the enactment o f a va- nishes. , Certainly It is not too much graney ordinance. \ ask that all who do use them shall to With the four councilmen standing take t the utmost care in disposing o f two and two on the question o f Sun- * ktoumps and that those who don’t day dosing, the other two members , II also be on guard where they are were asked fo r their opinions. Both being j used and see that nothing Is Mr. Miller and Mr. Gardner then done , to start a fire. stated their positions that i f the pool Another suggestion ia that the rooms were closed during week days | building inspector shall see to it that they should be allowed to run Sun- every ( roof on which moos is grow day, and Mr. Gardner moved to in- ing ( shall be thoroughly cleaned off at troduce the ordinance permitting once, c so aa to diminish the danger them that privilege on the first day c during the coming season. of the week. Another thing. Although the Bax A hand grenade by Mayor Johnson t ter has escaped all dangers fo r about that he would veto any such ordin- t quarter o f a century H is certainly Mice, supported by sharpshooting by to t be hoped that ere long it will be Hawkins and Barrow that they would replaced , by such a modern fire proof never vote fo r it, acted as an effectual structure H as there has been so much barrage in killing the motion and « t talk o f building fo r many years. lidn’t even come to a vote. A Good Start in the Race. Whether the attempt to close these The Coquille district’s quote o f the place« during working hours is also Third Liberty Loan is about 940,000. anded remains to be seen. 1 An honor flag is to be awarded every . community in Oregon as soon as the For the Red Cram . qu quota assigned to it is subscribed. A Goo. Lester, o f the Roy district, list lis wiO be made o f these communi made an offer to the Red Cross this th ties in the order in which they come week which was quickly accepted. He ac with their quota filled. Read will bring in a saddle horse and a two- about ab it on the Fifth page o f this year old colt Saturday to be auction- pa The competition begins at 9 ed off and will give half the proceeds o ’< 'dock tomorrow. The sooner you to the local Red Oroaa. Nick John- mi your subscription the farther up son has promised to ery the sale. The thi this honor list Coquille will be likely older animal is gentle, well broken to stand. and has been ridden much by Mrs. Volunteers at the First National Lester. The colt has not yet been Bank Bi before the opening o f the drive broken. Here’s a chance to aid this have ha already expressed their Inten patriotic organisation and get value tion ti« to take between 94.600 and 96,000 received fo r your money. o f these bonds, which is more than tan par cant o f oar quota. Lot’s make Saturday a big day and subscriber at least half o f the 940,000 then. POOL HALLS NOT CLOSED