The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, November 02, 1917, Image 1

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Locking la Loyalty.
Liberty L
to bo proud of
ripooded to tho
government’* request for subserip-
tiens to the second Liberty Loon. Two
weeks ego the Sentinel, in view of
the eoli for three billion and tha to­
ken convention that
should equal $6 in
city bunks, suggested $25,000 as the
goal wo should try to noch. Whoa
however, it was decided at the dev
rath hour to make i f Ava billions in
■tasad of three, our people rose grand­
ly to the eccsrtqn and contributed
practically what they were asked to
ra that basis. The total of $96,600
subscribed here is aM>r* than four tm
tha amount of our subscription to tho
A nt loan and shows that the Brae of
patriotism burn ne lees brightly in
the hearts o f our people than in the
of the n et of tho country.
Tho number of individual subscrip­
tion* »■ atoo fa r in exams of what aay
rao anticipated, and shows that this
to in truth n popular loan.
Then was .no such organisation fur
this drive as for the Bed Crass sub­
scription, in fact, ne redi drive until
'the Henar Guard Girls arranged for
threugb «hora employud at tho Sitka
•prora Co. amouated to $S,6Q0.ail of
which u n reportad oboro.
The following aro
modo through tha F armera and Mar-
chanta Bank:
Frevieualy reportad, $6, 960.
T. J. Thrift, $S0.v
■'*, * *'*
Mr*. Chas. J, Smith, $60.
~ (
Iba. M. V. Catira $ 100 .
W. C. Chara, «100.
Ines R. Chase. $100.
Loáis P. Branetetter. $100.
Chrystal O. Lafferty, $100.
Eva L. Sehroeder, $100.
Anal* Millar Rooney, $00.
c. j . FuhrmaO, $100.
Marvia Hawkins, $100.
Curie Alies Sehroeder, $50.
Jemes N. Mast, $60.
Edwin Eilingten, $50.
Clinton D. Woodruff, $50.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A Sehroeder, $200.
Halen Lycos, $80^
Ethri M. Sehroeder, $50. ^
E. A. Besen, $100.
Myrtle A Aneen, $50.
to that was
In fact, to ha
eur total aa large as it was
Uttie rwirwled action spanks
as to the Americanism of ear ritirano,
and their eagerness to rid our country
and help yrmerve free gave ram «at in
i world.
Coquille may be, she to
The fallowing ie the bet e f those who really wanted a big ■
abaci ibed for bonds Jest Friday i
J. A Lamb and F. G.
ig aad on Saturday after the |
stira of our last week's report
The following are the
iodo through tho FI
A Special meet in f o f tho Myrtle
Point Commercial Club was held
Thursday eveninf for the purpeee of
hearing a report from the committee
Hol M orst of R o n Indktod at
appointed to inveetigete the attitude
of the Myrtle Point Enterprise. The
tkjs Terra of CoOrt W U Go
report was to the effect that it is and
has been very lax in loyalty to home
interest* and our national government.
In round numbers the taxes for 1916 The report was approved. Mr. Schults,
Coon county amounted té $700,000. the publisher of the Enterprise, was
present and eras permitted to defend
his course. He took the floor many
times, but what be had published in
bis paper stood against him.
A committee was appointed to un­
dertake to establish a paper that will
more nearly represent home and na-
tonal interests. Geo. E. Tonney, J.
A. Black, Claud H. Giles, H. A Fens-
iar and Dr. F. A. Bunch were named
tance. The Judge gave him s very pealed.
as the committee.
stem lecture, howevar, and made U ' The total u
as elsar as ianguagu woold panait, «»d pmwHfee
Waitiag For UBcfc 80 ffi to Act.
that if hs did not mqnd bis ways and hy tho Sothei
The proposition for the Port of
quit footing with boose ho would hâve to and incita
Bandon commission to build a 900,000
to take the penalty without the slight- amounU to 9$
dredge to keep the mouth of the Co­
est chance af evnding every part of f t 000 will, wh«
quille river open for the puasnge of
"When satiafled that y ou are net eonnty généra
veosola is still hanging Are. UntU the
condocting yeuraelf properly,” said 1er redssmim
U. S. govemmont aids in the matter
the Judge, ‘(ths court wont stand aay
But tho corn
and congrues makes an Appropriation
foolshness. Ton are Mg pnough and *00 of outatn
to baar part of the ex pense, it is not
strong onough to got niong by lagiti- time, and aire
expected that tho construction of the
mate menas. The court is giving you treeeury to b<
dredge will be undcrtaken, much «a
en opportun!ty to beimvu youreelf, but major part of
you muet conform to tho law. Tho
Of tho $199
time of grief will corne t o y o u r a i t t h e Ü .
cornes to every one who s tarte oui on the O. A O
on n career of law violation.’*
$100,000 le eo
A. M. Zevely, of Power», who bas nmd in rade*
beon in JaU here fer aome menthe# Of the $00JM
wns tried Monday evening for iatre- Boutin tract
dudng Uqaor into the State; but aa tiw belengs to ti
The Com and Potato Show which is
boose he got cerne in tiw nnme of one <wod in tiw sai
wo be held in Coquille on Saturday,
Nov. 17, ie n county affair and exhibits
are oxpected from all sectioae of the
County Agent Smith has
been busy nil the week picking up
specimens of .both corn end potitore
and he hue some splendid samples of
ta tir at Ida office hare.
will be good for $800,000Jor the gen­
We hear that the Brewster valley
eral fund, leaving us when tbeoe taxes section has bean dutng considerable
era paid, $900,000 to the good, if coun­ talking about their potato yields this
ty expense« meanwhile ere provided year aad the Coen and Potato show is
for from current taxee. So that $75,- the beat place there is to make good
060 investment in the second Liberty there claims.
Tho Sa7 section also has A good
Jack A Leash, $150.
Jeha F. Conlogue, »200.
Avis Harteon, $60.
GW W. Norris, $60. *
Carl Gottlob Beck, $100.
# Sarah. MeAdrihs, $60.
James A. Hatdfcr, $50.
Marion T. Clinton, $100.
. ,
Mrs. Anna Jensen, $100.
Mrs. Mary A Colebrook, $100.
Allan McLeod, $60.
S T lS o io o .
Francis Bertram Smith, $50.
Ctifferd D. Hudson, $60.
Raymond E. Baker, $100.
Ebna M. Retorts, $100. - •
Retort J. Holverstott, $100.
Fhy W. Holverstott, $60.
James R. Posey, $60.
Mrs. Mary Burns, $50.
Fuy B. Bunnell, $160..
Jess W. Ice, $60.
Mrs. Francis Smith Elliott. $50.
Maxine Elliott, $60.
Archie & . Welker, $200.
Rodney Phillips. $60.
F. H. Woodruff, $60.
Writer A. Phelps, $60.
Thomas J. Curry, $50.
John T. Eld«, $100.
Alpha Pederson, $50.
Alexander B. Roberts, $60.
Watotan Aubrey Ball, $100.
Ralph Long*ton, $60. _ *
Joseph W. Carter, $50.
Ramie Thomason, $60.
Elmar E. Olsen, $60. ____
Chra. Hurd, $60.
Hugh Tbontra Finley, $50.
Curtis to Andrews, $60.
Ludwig G. Knudson, $60.
Charley H. Deadrae, $60.
Alfred F. Harrison, $60.
Geo. E. StaasHffe# $60 .
Allis G. Byers, $60.
Haary A. Miller, $60.
Oil is W. Phelps, $50.
Floyd M. Phelps, $ 60 .
Tracy Audrey Leach, $60.
Edwin C. Finley, $ 60 .
John Hril, $100.
W a. F. Padgett 8 r, $50.
James Arthur Yeung. $50.
Chas. Wilson, $M.
Louis A. Dataller, $50.
Mery C, Barker, $10.
Alexander H. Lowe, $50.
Louis E. Alexander, $60.
Rufus W. Cotton, $10. '
Frank Burkholder, $SR *
Calvin B. Young, $50.
Clyde A. Gage, 950. '
is callad for this (Friday) evening at
city hall and Mr. Lealie secured
Our Batter AO Sold at Home.
called on to be r spree anted at that
time. Tho time is short and if the
meeting tonight results aa indications
now point that it will, the next two
wqpka will be the busiest of n very to escape by getting the other. 1
busy year.
pen was the Ant transgressor,
While many ether subsets were then invegled Kibbe and had him
tachad en at the Wadneaday evening
the appointment of Messrs. Sherwood,
Cary and Young aa n committee to
draw up resolutions for presentation
to tho Western Union Telegraph Co.
end Wells Fargo Express Co. asking
that they establish an up-to-dato'office
hare for the accomodation of tho public
where efficient service can be rendered.
The Southern Pacific is else to be
naked to install stockyards in or adja­
cent to Coquille ns well as to furnish
sufficient help at the depot to taka
care of their enormously increasing
Fred Nieme, of Marshflsld, was sen­
tenced to 6 months in jail end to pay
costs mad a $200 A ns for bootlegging.
Melvin Smead, o f Bandon, got the
mum sentence on one Uqaor charge
end another six months after serving
the Arst He was paroled during good
Winfield Davis, of Bandon, pleaded
guilty to getting money on false pre­
tences and was sentenced to the pen
for from one to Ave years. Sentence
was suspendad during good behavior.
H. C. Christenson, of Bandon, was
found “not guilty” of bootlegging as
In the ease against Eli
Doyle from the Bey far the same
F. E. Conway waa over from the
Bey yesterday to look after the
Creamery business here. He says that
nil the butter now being made hare
in Coquille is being sold in Coos coun­
ty—not a pound being'shipped out­
side. A selling campaign at the Bay
hoe resulted in maUng consumer-i
there appreciate the superiority, of Co­
quille butter end created n steady de-
end for it. It is certainly gratify­
ing to know that Coos county people
are learning to support home indus­
tries end Bad they are better served
in that way than by shipping in pro­
Bat Few to Be Drafted.
According to figures received at
Marshfield, says the Times, Coos coun­
ty ie credited with 81 volunteers slnoe
April 1,1917. In the Navy, over thir­
ty have enlisted. This Urge number
together with surplus above the Inst
draft, will probably reduce Coos coun­
ty’s quote to a vary small number
in tho second draft which is expected
early next year.
Not Enough Cattle.
One of our readers who has
engaged in farming in eastern i
far forty years, but who has
dairjllng in this valley for the pa*
— sons says he never saw aay
section aa well adapted for dal
as this. A t tha same time he res
Our Tues Will Be a Little High
er This Year— As We Begin
Bond Paying.
A special meeting of the city coun­
cil was called last Monday evening
to adopt the budget for the coming
year, from pee, 1. 1917, to Nov. 90#
1918. The estimate of expenses and
probable receipts is elsewhere pub­
lished in this issue.
A new item enters into tho budget
this yoer which has not boon included
before—e levy to create a sinking fund
for the 880,000 of funding bonds,
series 1918. This amounts to $1866.67
and will bo a regular item in bud­
gets for the next 20 yesrs. There ie|
also s ' matter of 91800 interest on
those bonds, making a total of $8466.-
67 as against »2700 which was levied
last year for a year and n half’s in.
terest. This accounts for practically
all of the 1.9 mills by which the tax
levy made this fall will axceed that
of last year.
The expenses for the past year have
been $1488 leaa than the eetimate of a_
year ago, but while this is evidence
of tho economy of the city administra­
tion, it is not a Saving of which tho
city can make use, for tho reason
pointed out by City Treasurer San­
The internet on improvement
bond funds, exclusive of First street,
la now overdrawn about $1976 duo to
tho former inability to pay off im.
provement bonds in any series until,
there wns a sufficient amount in that
particular fund to pay it in fu|). This
has, caused the general fund to be
drawn on to the amount of $1975 to
pay interest on such beads in excess
of the interest paid in by property
assessed for the improvement A re-
due from any money on hand in the
different improvement bond series.
This will effect n saving of some hun­
dreds of dollars annually in interns!
96 with $8466.67 more required for in­
terest end sinking fund for funding'
bonds, e total of $12461.08. The to­
tal estimated income is placed at $800
leaving $1446.08 to ho raised by spec­
ial tax. Aeeaassor Beyers’ summary
of the assessment rolls for Coquille is
about $610,000 and it will require
a city levy of 18.8 mills tc raise this
Lest year the levy for
city purposes in Coquille was 17.0
The budget as prepared by the Fi­
nance committee was approved and
the time for hearing objections to the
budget wns set for Tuesday evening,
Nov. 20, at which time Anal action
adopting the estimate of expenses and
receipts will be taken.
will bo shown here on the 17th.
G. R. Hyslop, professor of farm
crepe at O. A C. will be here to judge
the exhibits and stake the address*
which form the educational features of
this annual show. Mr. Smith consid­
ers himself vary fortunate to have
secured Mr. Hyalop’s promise to attend
Not only will the exhibits be made
bare on the 17th but they will also be
ontered at the state Corn end Potato
alow at Corvallis during Farmer*’
Weak in January, where every county
in the state is to have a display.
. Another point which corn and’ po­
tato growers will do well to bear in
mind that this show will afford a fine
opportunity to see and buy seed for
Why Grand Jfiirjr fa Recalled.
next year’s crop. Seed will bo scarce
and the men who do have it will have
District Attorney John F. Hall says
samples of their products st this show. tbs Bay dailies have Rot off wrong in
Mk. Smith says that all exhibits their statements about the recalling of
the grand jury last Monday and that
its iorall was not directo i by Judge
(eke on account of indictment* having
been loose’y drawn. There wns one
indietaaent that required correction
but Judge Hall could have attended to
that himself without reconvening the
grand jury. But one indictment hud
entirely disappeared, rendering it nee-
essary that a new one should be re-
turned, end in two other esses, the
discovery of additional evidence made
it desirable that further action should
Sitka Company Dong Its Bit.
• The Sitka Sprues Co. end its em­
ployes made a fine showing during
tho recent Liberty Loan drive when
• hey subscribed through tho First Na­
tional Bank a total of $9600.
Wa. B. MStor, $100.
f& J i
V. »
ns, the Empire Indian
trial for killing Me 17