. SI ¿k < 1 I & ft ‘ I t * I eé , ' í.. sse Locking la Loyalty. Liberty L S IM M to bo proud of ripooded to tho government’* request for subserip- tiens to the second Liberty Loon. Two weeks ego the Sentinel, in view of the eoli for three billion and tha to­ ken convention that should equal $6 in city bunks, suggested $25,000 as the goal wo should try to noch. Whoa however, it was decided at the dev rath hour to make i f Ava billions in ■tasad of three, our people rose grand­ ly to the eccsrtqn and contributed practically what they were asked to ra that basis. The total of $96,600 subscribed here is aM>r* than four tm tha amount of our subscription to tho A nt loan and shows that the Brae of patriotism burn ne lees brightly in the hearts o f our people than in the of the n et of tho country. Tho number of individual subscrip­ tion* »■ atoo fa r in exams of what aay rao anticipated, and shows that this to in truth n popular loan. Then was .no such organisation fur this drive as for the Bed Crass sub­ scription, in fact, ne redi drive until 'the Henar Guard Girls arranged for threugb «hora employud at tho Sitka •prora Co. amouated to $S,6Q0.ail of which u n reportad oboro. The following aro modo through tha F armera and Mar- chanta Bank: Frevieualy reportad, $6, 960. T. J. Thrift, $S0.v ■'*, * *'* Mr*. Chas. J, Smith, $60. ~ ( Iba. M. V. Catira $ 100 . W. C. Chara, «100. Ines R. Chase. $100. Loáis P. Branetetter. $100. Chrystal O. Lafferty, $100. Eva L. Sehroeder, $100. Anal* Millar Rooney, $00. c. j . FuhrmaO, $100. Marvia Hawkins, $100. Curie Alies Sehroeder, $50. Jemes N. Mast, $60. Edwin Eilingten, $50. * Clinton D. Woodruff, $50. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Sehroeder, $200. Halen Lycos, $80^ Ethri M. Sehroeder, $50. ^ E. A. Besen, $100. Myrtle A Aneen, $50. THINGS CLUB HAS IN VIEW to that was In fact, to ha eur total aa large as it was Uttie rwirwled action spanks as to the Americanism of ear ritirano, and their eagerness to rid our country and help yrmerve free gave ram «at in i world. Coquille may be, she to And The fallowing ie the bet e f those who really wanted a big ■ abaci ibed for bonds Jest Friday i J. A Lamb and F. G. ig aad on Saturday after the | stira of our last week's report The following are the iodo through tho FI A Special meet in f o f tho Myrtle Point Commercial Club was held Thursday eveninf for the purpeee of hearing a report from the committee Hol M orst of R o n Indktod at appointed to inveetigete the attitude of the Myrtle Point Enterprise. The tkjs Terra of CoOrt W U Go report was to the effect that it is and has been very lax in loyalty to home interest* and our national government. In round numbers the taxes for 1916 The report was approved. Mr. Schults, Coon county amounted té $700,000. the publisher of the Enterprise, was present and eras permitted to defend his course. He took the floor many times, but what be had published in bis paper stood against him. A committee was appointed to un­ dertake to establish a paper that will more nearly represent home and na- tonal interests. Geo. E. Tonney, J. A. Black, Claud H. Giles, H. A Fens- iar and Dr. F. A. Bunch were named tance. The Judge gave him s very pealed. as the committee. stem lecture, howevar, and made U ' The total u as elsar as ianguagu woold panait, «»d pmwHfee Waitiag For UBcfc 80 ffi to Act. that if hs did not mqnd bis ways and hy tho Sothei The proposition for the Port of quit footing with boose ho would hâve to and incita Bandon commission to build a 900,000 to take the penalty without the slight- amounU to 9$ dredge to keep the mouth of the Co­ est chance af evnding every part of f t 000 will, wh« quille river open for the puasnge of "When satiafled that y ou are net eonnty généra veosola is still hanging Are. UntU the condocting yeuraelf properly,” said 1er redssmim U. S. govemmont aids in the matter the Judge, ‘(ths court wont stand aay But tho corn and congrues makes an Appropriation foolshness. Ton are Mg pnough and *00 of outatn to baar part of the ex pense, it is not strong onough to got niong by lagiti- time, and aire expected that tho construction of the mate menas. The court is giving you treeeury to b< dredge will be undcrtaken, much «a en opportun!ty to beimvu youreelf, but major part of you muet conform to tho law. Tho Of tho $199 time of grief will corne t o y o u r a i t t h e Ü . S.gm cornes to every one who s tarte oui on the O. A O on n career of law violation.’* $100,000 le eo A. M. Zevely, of Power», who bas nmd in rade* beon in JaU here fer aome menthe# Of the $00JM wns tried Monday evening for iatre- Boutin tract dudng Uqaor into the State; but aa tiw belengs to ti The Com and Potato Show which is boose he got cerne in tiw nnme of one