The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 28, 1945, Image 7

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    Coquille Valley Sentinel
Orville Wood New
Aloha Allen - Raymond Carver Belle Knife Hospital Note*
Married At -Myrtle Pt. Tuesday . Three
• babia*
• • were bom at
Knife Hospital this week. An 8 Vi
Mis* Aloba Dee Allen of Coquille
‘/¡pound boy was born to Mr*. Wood­
and M/Sgt. Raymond Carver of Myr-■
He was
At the close of the regular weekly tie Point were united in marriage at row Robison, Saturday.
meetings of tbs' Rotary Club at the a quiet ceremony in Myrtle Point
hotel on Wednesday, President J. S. Tuesday morning, June 28.
Miss Thelma Greer named her ten-pound
Barton turned over the gavel to Or- Maxine Johnson was the bride’s at- girl Sheila Leola. The baby was
The 1% pound girl
ville L. Wood, who will serve as tendant and M/Sgt. Harold T. Hall born Monday.
¡torn to Mrs. E. Padgett on Tuesday
president for the coming year.
1 of Myrtle Point was the groom’s |
Considerable discussion of plans best man. The bride wore a smart ha* not been named a* yet.
for the Fourth of July celebration’ light grey pin stripe suit, large black three mothers are of Coquille.
Mr*. Agnes Nygrene entered with
next week and a special song was felt hat and orchid corsage. Miss
dedicated to the Rotary candidate Johnson wore a light green suit with a broken hip Sunday, T. J. Post en­
tered for treatment, Melvin McKin­
for queen. Miss Ariel Crook, who orchid corsage.
ney entered for
treatment and
was present and responded with a
The bride is the daughter of Mr. i
few word* of appreciation.
and Mrs. Ora Allen of Portland, Ore.,
Monday, George Smith of Arago
Richard S. Weyler, auditor for the formerly of Coquille. The groom is
.received treatment for his
Smith Wood-Products Co., of Kan­ the son of Mr. and Mrs.» A. L. Carver
Chris Danielson, Bandon,
sas City, Mo., was a guest and re­ of Sutherlin, who formerly livid in hand;
hi* daughter, Jeanette
sponded to hi* introduction by a Myrtle Point.
' Danielson,
rather humorous description of a
Both yo.ung people graduated from
session with the “Geeks’* Tuesday high school in their respective liome i Waterman, treatment; and
The bride'has been employ^ I Ghar E' Pullen’ Coq“»l®. enter«» for
evening with reference to some of towns. ' _
___ ____ __
1 treatment.
the club member*.
I for the past three years as secretary , Discharged were: Saturday, Max-
Rotary guest* present were: H. C. in the office of County Agricultural i
I ine Collier, Coo* Bay, Sunday; Lola
Obye, Grant* Pass; Cha*. Frazier, of Agent George Jenkins. The groom
Honolulu; C. C. Farr and Albert and his best man are home on fur­ < Slape and baby, of Sitkum, an
Matson, of Marshfield; Geo. E. Eden/ lough for the first time in forty' A. L. Stanley; Monday, Leo
of Oceanside, Calif.; Lou Pearce, Ed­ months. Having enlisted at the same Gardiner; Mr*. J. Goodman, Langlois;
itor Arthur Jone* and J. D. Carl, time they have been together during Mr*. John Burge*, McKinley Rte.,,
of Myrtle Point. Other guests were their entire service in Africa apd and Wednesday, Mr*. Marion Train
Lt. Don Smith of the U. S. Army; England. Both young men will leave and baby, Coquille.
Bill Davis, late of the Merchant Ma­ July 12 for Ft. Lewis..
rine, of Eugene; Gordon Lawrence
The bride and groom left Tuesday Auto Parts Thieve* Given
of the U. S. Army at Tulelake; Thos. morning for a short wedding trip. 90 Days In County Jail
V. Young, of Eugene; C. A. Fromm, They expect to return here July 1 ! James Robert Cook, 19, Clifford
of Portland, and Lewi* Wiltshire of to meet a brother of Sergeant Carver,
Alfred Cotter, 19, and Eldon Ray-,
the local bank. ?--------
who will arrive here from San Fran­
mond Wilcox, 18 year* o^jrge, were
cisco for a short viist with him.
sentenced to ninety day* in the
Then Sergeant and Mrs. Carver will
Assembly Of God Has
county jail when they appeared in
Baptismal Service At Fairview I leave for a few day* In Portland. Justice Court, June 21, on a charge
of larceny. The •youths had ■ stolen
The Reverend W. R. Munger, pas­
Mr*. Evan Albarn's Brother
auto part*.
tor of the local Assembly of God,
Everett John Jackson was charged
conducted a baptismal service last Married At Medford
with parking on a highway, June 29,
Sunday afternoon, when seven per­
Mr. and Mr*. Evan Attorn went to
He was
son* were immersed in the North Medford last Saturday to attend the'
Fork of the Coquille river near Fair­ wedding of Mr*. Altorn’s brother, given until June 30 to pay the fine
view. Those baptized were: Mrs. Donald M. Minear, to Zavive Lester. and cost*.
Hazel Benham and Mr*. Bonnie The ceremony took place Sunday,
Buoy, both of Fairview, and D. D. I June 24, at four o’clock, in the Med- “The Barn,” Bandon Dance
A.^lne3,^°"_L.JuUU!! ford” Ba'ptist*Church in ’ the'pre^nce Hall To Open July 3*4
Jepson, Mr*. Margaret Surrell and
g |arge group of relative* and —
The new recreational hall in the
Marjorie Solari, all of Coquille.
friend*. Wayne Smith attended with
city park at Bandon is to be opened
the Alborn*. Evan Altorn was an
two dance evening* next week
Probate Court Items
attendant. Mrs. Helen Hardy, well-
—Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr*. Salma L. Caughell was ap- known vocalist, who has visited Co­
Gartin's Silver Spray band will play
pointed Monday a* administratrix quille a number erf times and 1* the
for .the dances in "The Barn, where
of the $5,000 estate left by her wife of the Baptist preacher of Cot-
the bridle path lead* to the halter.”
mother, Mr*. Anna M. Lindros, who tage Grove, sang preceding the cere-
died in Portland, May 9. Appraisers mony. The young people left imme-
Loan Funds
of the estate appointed' were C. O. diately after their reception for a
The Coo* County Office* of the
The Altorns
Caughell, E. L. Anderson and Harry trip to Lake Tahoe.
Farm Security Administration an­
returned home Sunday.
M. Johnson.
nounce* that funds are
’s Gardens has announced for all typek of loans
Mrs. Dan Van Otten and . young
. _ ( Cooper
son, Dan, came in last week from plans to hold a fuschia show during that office and that al! application*
Amity for a visit with her parents, i the Fourth of July celebration. Hun­ will receive prompt attention.
President Of Rotary
Mr. and Mr*. J. S. Barton.
Calling cards, SO for 8LM.
dreds of Zuschia* of different types
and color* will be on display for the
When you need a gift—shop Nor­
pleasure of flower lovers.
ton’* first