Coquille Valley Sentinel SUPPLEMENT Orville Wood New THURSDAY, JUNE 21. IMS. Aloha Allen - Raymond Carver Belle Knife Hospital Note* Married At -Myrtle Pt. Tuesday . Three ~ • babia* • • were bom at Belle Knife Hospital this week. An 8 Vi Mis* Aloba Dee Allen of Coquille ‘/¡pound boy was born to Mr*. Wood­ and M/Sgt. Raymond Carver of Myr-■ He was At the close of the regular weekly tie Point were united in marriage at row Robison, Saturday. named Woodrow Wayne. Mr*. meetings of tbs' Rotary Club at the a quiet ceremony in Myrtle Point hotel on Wednesday, President J. S. Tuesday morning, June 28. Miss Thelma Greer named her ten-pound Barton turned over the gavel to Or- Maxine Johnson was the bride’s at- girl Sheila Leola. The baby was The 1% pound girl ville L. Wood, who will serve as tendant and M/Sgt. Harold T. Hall born Monday. ¡torn to Mrs. E. Padgett on Tuesday president for the coming year. 1 of Myrtle Point was the groom’s | All Considerable discussion of plans best man. The bride wore a smart ha* not been named a* yet. for the Fourth of July celebration’ light grey pin stripe suit, large black three mothers are of Coquille. Mr*. Agnes Nygrene entered with next week and a special song was felt hat and orchid corsage. Miss dedicated to the Rotary candidate Johnson wore a light green suit with a broken hip Sunday, T. J. Post en­ tered for treatment, Melvin McKin­ for queen. Miss Ariel Crook, who orchid corsage. ney entered for treatment and was present and responded with a The bride is the daughter of Mr. i Fpnk Bowman for surgery. few word* of appreciation. and Mrs. Ora Allen of Portland, Ore., Monday, George Smith of Arago Richard S. Weyler, auditor for the formerly of Coquille. The groom is route .received treatment for his Smith Wood-Products Co., of Kan­ the son of Mr. and Mrs.» A. L. Carver Chris Danielson, Bandon, sas City, Mo., was a guest and re­ of Sutherlin, who formerly livid in hand; treatment; hi* daughter, Jeanette sponded to hi* introduction by a Myrtle Point. ' Danielson, appendectomy; Dottie rather humorous description of a Both yo.ung people graduated from Mr*. session with the “Geeks’* Tuesday high school in their respective liome i Waterman, treatment; and The bride'has been employ^ I Ghar E' Pullen’ Coq“»l®. enter«» for evening with reference to some of towns. ' _ ___ ____ __ . 1 treatment. the club member*. I for the past three years as secretary , Discharged were: Saturday, Max- Rotary guest* present were: H. C. in the office of County Agricultural i I ine Collier, Coo* Bay, Sunday; Lola Obye, Grant* Pass; Cha*. Frazier, of Agent George Jenkins. The groom Honolulu; C. C. Farr and Albert and his best man are home on fur­ < Slape and baby, of Sitkum, an Matson, of Marshfield; Geo. E. Eden/ lough for the first time in forty' A. L. Stanley; Monday, Leo of Oceanside, Calif.; Lou Pearce, Ed­ months. Having enlisted at the same Gardiner; Mr*. J. Goodman, Langlois; itor Arthur Jone* and J. D. Carl, time they have been together during Mr*. John Burge*, McKinley Rte.,, of Myrtle Point. Other guests were their entire service in Africa apd and Wednesday, Mr*. Marion Train Lt. Don Smith of the U. S. Army; England. Both young men will leave and baby, Coquille. ■; -------------------------- Bill Davis, late of the Merchant Ma­ July 12 for Ft. Lewis.. rine, of Eugene; Gordon Lawrence The bride and groom left Tuesday Auto Parts Thieve* Given of the U. S. Army at Tulelake; Thos. morning for a short wedding trip. 90 Days In County Jail V. Young, of Eugene; C. A. Fromm, They expect to return here July 1 ! James Robert Cook, 19, Clifford of Portland, and Lewi* Wiltshire of to meet a brother of Sergeant Carver, Alfred Cotter, 19, and Eldon Ray-, the local bank. ?-------- who will arrive here from San Fran­ mond Wilcox, 18 year* o^jrge, were cisco for a short viist with him. sentenced to ninety day* in the Then Sergeant and Mrs. Carver will Assembly Of God Has county jail when they appeared in Baptismal Service At Fairview I leave for a few day* In Portland. Justice Court, June 21, on a charge of larceny. The •youths had ■ stolen The Reverend W. R. Munger, pas­ Mr*. Evan Albarn's Brother auto part*. tor of the local Assembly of God, Everett John Jackson was charged conducted a baptismal service last Married At Medford with parking on a highway, June 29, Sunday afternoon, when seven per­ Mr. and Mr*. Evan Attorn went to He was son* were immersed in the North Medford last Saturday to attend the' Fork of the Coquille river near Fair­ wedding of Mr*. Altorn’s brother, given until June 30 to pay the fine i view. Those baptized were: Mrs. Donald M. Minear, to Zavive Lester. and cost*. * _______________ Hazel Benham and Mr*. Bonnie The ceremony took place Sunday, Buoy, both of Fairview, and D. D. I June 24, at four o’clock, in the Med- “The Barn,” Bandon Dance A.^lne3,^°"_L.JuUU!! ford” Ba'ptist*Church in ’ the'pre^nce Hall To Open July 3*4 Jepson, Mr*. Margaret Surrell and I g |arge group of relative* and — The new recreational hall in the Marjorie Solari, all of Coquille. friend*. Wayne Smith attended with city park at Bandon is to be opened the Alborn*. Evan Altorn was an with two dance evening* next week Probate Court Items attendant. Mrs. Helen Hardy, well- —Tuesday and Wednesday. Bum Mr*. Salma L. Caughell was ap- known vocalist, who has visited Co­ Gartin's Silver Spray band will play pointed Monday a* administratrix quille a number erf times and 1* the for .the dances in "The Barn, where of the $5,000 estate left by her wife of the Baptist preacher of Cot- the bridle path lead* to the halter.” mother, Mr*. Anna M. Lindros, who tage Grove, sang preceding the cere- died in Portland, May 9. Appraisers mony. The young people left imme- Loan Funds of the estate appointed' were C. O. diately after their reception for a The Coo* County Office* of the The Altorns Caughell, E. L. Anderson and Harry trip to Lake Tahoe. Farm Security Administration an­ returned home Sunday. M. Johnson. nounce* that funds are ’s Gardens has announced for all typek of loans Mrs. Dan Van Otten and . young . _ ( Cooper ... son, Dan, came in last week from plans to hold a fuschia show during that office and that al! application* Amity for a visit with her parents, i the Fourth of July celebration. Hun­ will receive prompt attention. President Of Rotary Mr. and Mr*. J. S. Barton. Calling cards, SO for 8LM. dreds of Zuschia* of different types and color* will be on display for the When you need a gift—shop Nor­ pleasure of flower lovers. ton’* first tf*