The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 21, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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»1. 1944.
¡As offering was taken tor the W.C.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson glad to have the county widen the
T. U. work and the Myrtle Point and family were here to visit their road and cut off the brush and bank
Ladies Aid met Wednesday after-1 Union divided it with the Arago daughter, Mr*. Charles Geltner, last which made such a -blind turn in
Sunday. They live in Coquille.
'the road just below the Benham
“Th* Column that'* Different”» : noon at the church with the follow- i The County W.C.T.U. Institute will
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacson and Mrs home. It has been widened so one
(By Lana Lenev«)
be held at the Pioneer Methodist R. M. Noah visited at the Harry can plainly see around the turn,
¡Aasen, Werner Plaep, Ward Evans,;
church in Coquille Friday, Sept. 22. Kranz home on Middle Creek last which the road officials said was the
A professor at one of our state | J. L. Burtis, Albert Lilli* and Tyr-,
Everyone is cordially invited.
Sunday afternoon.
worst turn in Coos county. It will
universities and another on the staff, I rail Woodward. Election of officer*
Mrs. Ward Evans and Pamela and
Rev. and Mrs. Roy Parker, Elbert be graveled soon.
have published articles bemoaning for the coming year was held with i
Maureen attended the Royal Neigh­ Parker and Bobby Gilbert went to
Mrs. Oscar Harper-end Mrs.’ Lilien-
the fact that The Grange went on the following result: Mn. O. H. Aasen
bors lodge initiation in Myrtle Point Powers and Agnew last Friday and thal, of Charleston, were at the T.
record asking for the deportation of WM re-elected aa president, Mnt Al-
j returned Saturday, bringing down H. Benham home Wednesday last
all Japanese after the war. If these bert Gulstrom re-elected vice pre«!- I Ei^
k, Elvin Widmark, who is now on Mr. Parker's saddle hone, “Rex ’’
week tor fruit and veegtables. Mr.
learned men would devote their time dent, Mn. J. L. Burtis re-elected
'an L.S.T. somewhere in the Pacific,
Mrs. Leo Frye vtoi.ed at the L. L. Harper and Mr. LiBenthal are deep
toward writing articles dealing with treasurer, and Mn. Ward Evans was
has had a step up from second class Buoy home Wednesday evening of sea fishermen out of Charleston.
the welfare of our real American re-elected secretary. They will meet
seaman to first class.
last week. She lives in Powers.
Nancy Boles is visiting her par­
(white) citizens regarding poet-war a<aJn next Wednesday afternoon,
I Mrs. R. E. Mason was a Tuesday
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler. of ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Boles,
work, etc., it would be more becom­ Sept U, at the Arago church.
„ . . ..
. . .
. ..
Powers, and Mr. Wheeler’s mother. from Monmouth, where she expects
Choir practice was held Friday J““1
ing in them. For the welfare of
Mn. Walter Wheeler of Live Oak. to return soon to enter college.
America, the Jape should all be de­
i 1 Rev. Mr. Britton,
of Myrtle Point,
Calif., visited at the L. L. Buoy home,
Wm. Byerly is ill with bronchitis
ported. What we really need in the
conducted the regular Sunday morn­ the Rev. Mr. Parker's home and and a cold. He was unable to at­
White House today is a man by the meauB
mn Werner
w«»™ . Plaep,
«»n Stanley
called at the Win. Byerly home Wed­ tend church Sunday.
name of Roosevelt—Teddy Roosevelt. Halter, 8. C. McAllister and Mis*
name «
„ u
.___ .t th* followed with an attendance of 29. nesday.
Several Grangers gathered at the
Even in his day, he advocated the Frances Hall, with Mn. Aasen at the
services again next
At Sunday School last Sunday. hall Sunday to dig test wells and
policy of never J.tUng one of the plano. They will meet again this
* J*™.
yellow rata settle in America. Wher- coming Friday evening at the O. H.
‘ ®
d . Mn. L. L. Buoy was unanimously enjoy a picnic dinner.
at 11
11 * a. m
,!elected secretary-treasurer in the
The Fairview Extension Club is
ever they may be born, to US they Aasen home at 8:00 p. m. '
Sui da¥ ‘ school
cho°1 “
The Arago school opened last week stead of Mn. Shutt, resigned..
holding its first meeting Tuesday,
are still slant-eyed, yellow monkeys
Mn. Albert Lillie and Mr*. Albert
with the following teachers: Mias j Mr. and Mn. Ralph Boone have Sept. 26, at 1:30 p. m. at the home
and just so long as there is free speech Gulstrom and Darwin left last Friday
Ethel Fish, upper grades, principal; received word recently from their of Mrs. Fay Holverstott. All ladle*
left u* we will continue making this tor Portland, where they went to
! Mrs, Jake Moomaw. intermediate, ■on, Donald, in the U. S. Army, that are urged to attend.
what visit Mn Lillie’s daaghter, Miss
: and Mrs. Bob Trigg, of Myrtle Point, hi* ship was in for repairs. Donald
"monkey lover*” think concerning It Laura Bernice Lillie, who ha* been
' primary.
had been in the invasion of France.
Get a good Book at Norton'« Rent-
Recently we picked up an old man taking nurse’s training. They were
Residents of the valley were very i -1 Library.
walking down the highway. , We to return home Tuesday,
Arago News items
Bare Facts From
Bear Creek
A good crowd attended th* meet­
ing of Townsend Club, No, 1 Tues-
1 day evening, the last count being 43
A short business meeting
was held, with report of four new
member* taken in.
Caravan of clubs will meet Sun­
day, Sept. 24, in W. O. W. hall. Pot­
luck dinner at noon.
The Hauser
club wilt be host.
Sorry to report the death of Mr.
Bill Brady, long time member of the
Door prize was won by Mrs. Arm-
strong. The program consisted of
several readings, violin and piano
music, All present enjoyed the wa-
termelon feed, which the men put on.
Refreshments at the next meeting
will be a surprise, so do not miss
out on it.
—Pres* Cor.
Insurance Speciali«
F. R. Bull.
Fairview News
were in a hurry to reach our destlna-: ' Mrs. Ward Evans and Pamela were
tion, had left our watch home, so Sunday callers at .the home of Mr.
as we bowled along we asked the an(j Mr*. C. A. iteitner.
i Mr. and Mn. Wm. Noah and Bon-
old fellow if he happened to have th*
[ Last
__ _ Tueaday
___ pleasantly
Mn. "
Verne ‘ Lundy,
nie Ellen were ___
time of day with him. He reached (of Myrtle Point, spent the day at the prised last Thursday afternoon when
into a pocket and drew forth a bat- .home of Mr. and Mrs- J. L. Burtis- •their soq and brother, Billy, of the
tered old watch. "Yep,” he said, “I The ladies were busy canning oorh,. Navy, stepped in the door. He had
have th* time but it
standard Mrs. John Felsher cam<\ down with , 72-hour liberty and left early Sat-
•are all fire« are extinguished before
American time and not that d------ Mrs.
Mr*. Lundy and visited at th*
the -home, ; urday morning for hi*
his base.
ai * finiltfhtpr
Will'd Ev&flS.
Annihor furnilu
Roosevelt time. He changed Thanks- o( K
daughter, Mrs
Mrs. Ward
Evans, 1 1 Anpther
family hnnnllv
happily a surprised
breaking eamp!
giving, he changed all the standards while Mr*. Lundy was at the Burtis were the Tom Benhams, when they
nt living but I’ll b* darned if he can home.
!received a telegram to meet their
do not to«« lighted
wind this old watch for me—that’s, Mr*. Omah Hemstreet arrived at (gon, Raymond Norris, also in the
cigar« or cigarette« from car window«!
one liberty that I have left." What a the home of her mother, Mr*. John Navy, in Marshfield last Thursday
mouthful that old fellow really said. W|dmark, about a week ago and has evening. He to right from the South
-- after
# ‘ ’ duty
«top forest fire«
Mr. and
and Mrs^John
Mra«John Heffley
Heffley came
came up
up been
been staying
staying there
there for
for a
a while.
! Pacific
20 months
from down south last week and will, Mrs. Elwin Fry« «**d Mrs. Marvin ***«, Raymond is coxswain and
before they «tart!
spend *j month visiting at John’s Kennedy, of Powers, visited at the master-at-arms and, before the sink­
*• CREAM O’COOS Distributors, Coquille
parents’ home on Bear Creek and home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Widmark fng of hi* ship, participated in two
will i relative* at outside point*. John last Wednesday." Mr*. Omah Hem- invasions. He
" ‘ has a 30-day
saw plenty of action in the south street returned home with them for an<j ja very happy to "bp he
home. When
Pacific and still carries an arm in a a few days’ visit with her sister, J asked where was the jinosl it beautiful
cast, a* the result of a wound re- Mm.
Mrs. Frye. On
C Sunday Mrs. “
---- • place he - had seen, he answered.
cefved over there. He must report and Mrs. Lawrence Rolse brought “Fairview.”
He carries
back to th* hospital base down south /Mr*. Hemstreet back to th* Widmark .scar* from being wounded in action,
within a month for th* removal of horn* and they all remained a* din- ’„e expects to be home until the last
the cast. His many friends will be ner guests there.
¡of the motnh.
glad to learn that the wounded arm
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow
Elbert Parker, brother of Rev. Roy
to coming along nic«ly.
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward Parker, left Sunday evening for Eu­
F. D. R. to the first presidential spent the week-end at their homes in gene, where he. will enroll in the
candidate in American history who Arago.
Bible Standard Training School at
has had the backing of England, and , David Moomaw left Saturday for Light House Temple in Eugene.
a prime minister of that country tak- . Corvallis, where he went to attend
Peggy Boles, daughter of Mr. and
ing on the self-assumed duties as act- O* S. C. this coming winter.
Mrs. N. W. Boles, left Sunday morn­
ing as the president's campaign man­ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow ing for Eugene, where she will at­
ager. For instance, there appears to and Jake Moomaw were Sunday tend college this winter.
us to have been a lot of unnecesary •tests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hal­
fanfare concerning that Quebec con­ ter.
ference. There was plenty of gold
Mrs. Fred Vetter was a Wednesday
braid, soldiers, Wacs, etc., present. caller at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs.
It was too close to the coming elec­ Ward Evans.
tion to hold a quiet conference aboard
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers of Myr­
a ship, or in some secluded spot. Jo- tle Point visited at the home of Mrs.
seiph Stalin declined an invitation to Ida Myers Sunday.
attend, being too busy with the of­
Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and
fensive against Germany to do so. Douglas were Sunday guests of Mr.
One thing we will give F. D. R. credit and Mrs. W. E. Cross near Coquille.
for, he went to the conference by
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pappell, of
train. Perhaps Eleanor has finally Coos Bay, visited at the home of
used up her many thousand* of gal­ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl Sunday.
lons quota of gas.
They came over to get some com.
The cigar shortage is working a
Mr. and Mr* J. D. Carl, Mrs. Lois
hardship on cigar smokers.
DeLong, Myrtle DeLong, Levi Sny-
the only cigar* obtainable at the der, Pearl and Ruby Snyder, of Co-'
Southern Pacific has been a part of western life for
present time are twenty-center*. But' quills, spent Saturday night in a
Because of Southern Pacific's strategic location in
don’t fool yourself into believing that J cabin at the Bandon beach and re-
three quarters of a century. We’ve had our share of
relation to the war against Japan, we have been
ycu are smoking a twenty-cent cigar mained for a picnic dinner there on
brickbats, and we’ve had our share of praise. Mostly
called upon to carry an enormous westbound burden.
when you puff upon one of them. Sunday as well.
we've been taken pretty much for granted, like the
They are actually five-cent cigars, | Mrs. Shelby McAllister, Scott and
In addition, we are handling vast quantities of raw
imported here from Havana. You are Marc, of Port Orford, brought Mr.
paper boy or the milkman.
materials and finished products of greatly expanded
merely smoking a five-cent cigar and and Mrs. .J- E. Wannamaugher up
Since Pearl Harbor, though, people generally have
industries, plus an abnormally large east-
paying duty on your smoke.
¡from Bandon last Friday afternoon
of foodstuffs.
Th* car that struck the power pole to visit at the home of Mr. and Mr*,
with new understanding and appreciation. Now, when
on the Bear Creek mountain last S. C. McAllister for a few days while
The six facts below tnay help explain the unprece­
week is naught but- a twisted fire-' she and the boys went on over to
the chips are down, they seem to realize how indis­
dented burden we are carrying, and why our a
wrecked frame, it having burned the home of her parents, Mr. and
pensable the railroads really ate.
to civilians is not as good as we’d like it to be
completely. The power was off for Mrs. J. O. Russell, on Catching Creek
several hour* as a result of the ac- for a few day* to can some fruit,
cideitt, the pole having been knocked Shelby came in Saturday evening
down by tfie impact. It appears that' with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bark-
every time a car crashes into a low and spent the night at the home
pole it must be a power pole. Why of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
don’t they pick on the telephone poles McAllister. They all returned home
I Sunday evening.
A school boy of this community
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and
found a flying squirrel'* nest with the Maureen, visited at the home of Mr.
old mother and two young, a while'and Mrs. Chester Willson and also at
ln freight and
volume, South­
Southern Pacific’s 16,000 miles of line
*•" the squirrels
• -------
He ------
the ----------------
home of Mr.
Mrs. John
sg Southern Pacific serves more military
ern Pacifists the third largest railroad
“ (more than any other United 8tatea
home. The old squirrel escaped and sher in Myrtle Point last Saturday.
and naval establishments than any
in America. Only the Pennsylvania and
railroad) are predominately single track,
other railroad in the U. S. From New Or
was caught by a cat, one of the young
Last Wednesday evening Herman
New York Central are carrying a bigger
requiring the most accurate and exacting
leans to Portland an endless Chain of air
ones died, the other was stepped on Hickam and Cleo Capps, of Coquille,
load than Southern Pacific.
/ kind of railroading.
bases and encampments adjoins
and killed. The whole family of visited st the home of Mr. and Mrs.
these rare little animals was thus Nile Miller.
thoughtlessly exterminated.
How j Mrs. Verna Oakes, of Bridge, was
much nicer it would have been to Thursday dinner guest of Mr. and
have left them in their snug little Mrs. Nile Miller,
nest in the old hollow tree,
| Rev. and Mrs. W. V. Anglin, of
Don’ be saps—Deport the Japs!
Coquille, and Mrs. Arnold visited at
¡the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller
If it is insurance, see me.—F. R. one day
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were
Sunday guests at the home of Mrs
Laura Edmunds in Coquille.
w Southern Pacific has the main north
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kellison and
W nnd south line along the Pacific Const,
Bobby came In from Sixes Saturday
sen,ng the principal ports of embrrl -lion
and spent the week-end at their
from San Diego to Portland Naiu ally,
home in Arago.
troop trains must come first with us.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal, of Marsh­
field, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mace Sunday
"The forest’s prime .evil
with the
Things you may not know
about a busy western neighbor
Mesdames Werner Plaep, O. H.
Aasen, Stanley Halter, S. C. Mc­
Allister and Miss Frances Hall went
to Myrtle Point Sunday evening and
furnished the special music for the
church, which were under the aus-
pices of the Myrtle Point W.C.T.U.
4 Phone 11«L
The frbndly Southern Pacific
1 Townsend Club Nu. 1 Notes