t »1. 1944. ¡As offering was taken tor the W.C. Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson glad to have the county widen the T. U. work and the Myrtle Point and family were here to visit their road and cut off the brush and bank Ladies Aid met Wednesday after-1 Union divided it with the Arago daughter, Mr*. Charles Geltner, last which made such a -blind turn in Union. Sunday. They live in Coquille. 'the road just below the Benham “Th* Column that'* Different”» : noon at the church with the follow- i The County W.C.T.U. Institute will Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacson and Mrs home. It has been widened so one J ing in attendance: Mesdames O. H. 1 (By Lana Lenev«) be held at the Pioneer Methodist R. M. Noah visited at the Harry can plainly see around the turn, ¡Aasen, Werner Plaep, Ward Evans,; church in Coquille Friday, Sept. 22. Kranz home on Middle Creek last which the road officials said was the A professor at one of our state | J. L. Burtis, Albert Lilli* and Tyr-, Everyone is cordially invited. Sunday afternoon. worst turn in Coos county. It will universities and another on the staff, I rail Woodward. Election of officer* Mrs. Ward Evans and Pamela and Rev. and Mrs. Roy Parker, Elbert be graveled soon. have published articles bemoaning for the coming year was held with i Maureen attended the Royal Neigh­ Parker and Bobby Gilbert went to Mrs. Oscar Harper-end Mrs.’ Lilien- the fact that The Grange went on the following result: Mn. O. H. Aasen bors lodge initiation in Myrtle Point Powers and Agnew last Friday and thal, of Charleston, were at the T. record asking for the deportation of WM re-elected aa president, Mnt Al- j returned Saturday, bringing down H. Benham home Wednesday last all Japanese after the war. If these bert Gulstrom re-elected vice pre«!- I Ei^ k, Elvin Widmark, who is now on Mr. Parker's saddle hone, “Rex ’’ week tor fruit and veegtables. Mr. learned men would devote their time dent, Mn. J. L. Burtis re-elected 'an L.S.T. somewhere in the Pacific, Mrs. Leo Frye vtoi.ed at the L. L. Harper and Mr. LiBenthal are deep toward writing articles dealing with treasurer, and Mn. Ward Evans was has had a step up from second class Buoy home Wednesday evening of sea fishermen out of Charleston. the welfare of our real American re-elected secretary. They will meet seaman to first class. last week. She lives in Powers. Nancy Boles is visiting her par­ (white) citizens regarding poet-war a