The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 10, 1944, Image 1

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NO. 36.
Council In Session
. An Hour And A
Half Monday Evening
' V*
. •,
' .
Eagles' Bldg. Fund
Growing Rapidly
The Rotary District Special Heeling
Pioneer Association
Governor Visits
Local Club Wedn'sday Held Last Saturday
76 Degrees Yesterday
50 Last Night
Services For Mrs
Elhel Hartman
Reports from the Building Com­
A subscriber in Indiana, who evi­
mittee for the Coquille Eagles Ixxlge
dently has the intention of moving to
are very optimistic and if the first
the God-blessed Oregon country,
week of the campaign to raise funds
I writes to ask why the Sentinel does
for a new Eagles' Home in Coquille
I not print the daily maximum and
The city council, at the regi^ar
District Governor Wm. D. Shannon,
The special meeting of the Coos-
is any criterion to go by, the com­
minimum thermomether readings.
session of that body Monday evening,
of Rotary International whose home CUrry County Pioneer-Historical As­
mittee can feel certain that their goal
There is really no reason why we
approved the agreement made with of 830,000 00 will be attained.
is in Sesttle, Washington, was the sociation held at the Coquille city
have not, but this summer the range
Marc H. and Emma Shelley for a new
guest of honor and speaker at the ball tost Saturday was well attended.
The funds are being raised through
between the day’s warmth and night’s Hartman died at
right-of-way through their ranch east
weekly luncheon meeting of the Co -
­ Tbe meeting ! was called to order at
the sale of debentures whlqp are non­
coolness has been from IS to 25 de­ Myrtle Point,
of the end of Second street, the city'a
quille Rotary Club an Wednesday.
TH -
by Ftoaidqnt
A. H. Bender for
health the past
interest bearing and will be redeemed
road to the Rink creek reservoir.
Taking as his subject the four prin­ the purpose of transacting any such
by the Lodge when funds are avail­
Yesterday, one of the warmer days day evening wee
cipal objects 'of Rotary, Mr. Shannon M l «tou s m might tome before tt.
The city agrees to fence the new
able after the completion, of the
this summer, the maximum was 76 porch here tn
right-of-way, both sides with a three-
gave a talk that indicated a very Among these matters were the audit­
building. The building committee,
degrees and test night the minimum ■
rail fence and with poets eight feet
comprehensive study and held the ing and payment of Mils, the appoint­ was 50.
whose members are Geo. Burr, Julius
close attention of his listeners.
apart. The agreement also provides
ment of numerous committee chair­
Benham, Warren Davis, J. O. Berg­
Coquille's maximum this summer,
for acceptance of the deed from the
District 101, of which he has men and also general round-table dis­
lund and F. R. Bull, outline (heir plan
so far, was 70 degrees, 23 l>ss than Hartman came
charge is the largest international cussion of the various problems and
as a worth while poetrwar project
It was in Portland that day, and when he found her
Two resolutions were adopted pro­
district in the world and is com­ their solutions, which usually come up
which will eventually be self-liqui­
temperatures of 117 are reported in room rant ring
prised of the state of Oregon, Wash­ in such organizations which embrace
viding for quit claim deeds to be is­
dating. They point out the fact that
other sections of the country, it leads not live long after
ington and Idaho, British Columbia an large a field.
sued to Goo. E. Oerding for city-
the drive for funds at this time will
to the wonder why Oregon is not pftal. ,
owned lots which he hsd purchased
and the territory of Alaska and con­
The meeting, however, wus most jammed to Overflowing with those
Mrs. Hartman was born in Marsh­
in no way conflict with purchases of
tains over a million square miles. gratifying to all those present, be­
on contract and for which payment
war bonds as all of the money re­
seeking a mare equitable and com­ field March TO, 1881, the daughter of
in full has been m?<te- One property ceived from sale of debentures will be There are 85 clubs in the district and cause o( the outstanding harmony fortable climate
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.^loop, and she at­
was the former Ira Johnson place on
visiting all of them in a year’s term and friendly cooperation between the
tended the Marshfield schools and
invested in bonds'as rapidly as it is
Spurgeon Hill for which the contract
presents quite a problem under ex­ past and present presidents of the As­
later the old Academy in .north Co­
acquired, and it" will remain in the
price was 8«5O, and the other the bonds until U-is required tor build- isting wartime conditions.
sociation, and especially the splendid
Mr. Shannon met with the direc­ spirit of cooperation expressed by
former Wm. Brown lot on North
On August 27, 1808,
ing purpoico
Henry, between Eleventh and Twelfth
tors and committee chairmen of- both Mayor O. L. Wood, of Coquille, in his
in ngarriage to Charlf
A real Interest in thia project is
streets, for which the city has re­
clubs at a dinner meeting of both taBt to th« meeting and which con-
passed away a number et'yarn ago.
being shown everywhere it is men­
First Lieut. Oylene Fitzpatrick,
Myrtle Point and Coquille at Myrtle cemed a building for the housing of
ceived 8107.00. It is lot 2 in block
On April 22, 1830. she was married to
tioned, which is beet evidenced by the
Army Nurse, was in Coquille and
Point Wednesday evening. -•
0 of North Addition.
the museum.
Marc C. Hartman. They made Emir
fact that more than 83000.00 or one-
Myrtle Point the first of the week
Rotarian guests present at Coquille
Through Councilman Geo. Burr,
home in Seattle and. Bar View on
tenth of the total goal has been reach­
visiting old friends. She was accom­
were Lou pearce, Bert Pearson and
Jack Hultln inqured If there would
ed during the first week the deben­ John D. Carl, of Myrtle Point. Other * other members present, a museum panied by her father, James A. Fitz­ Coos Bay until a year age
be any objectione on the part of the j
Mtcp as would be amembled by the
returned to Coquille.
tures have been on sale. The com-
city to his hsuling logs down Second mittee wished to thank the business guests were Lieut. Robert E. Morri­ Ptoneer-Hlstortcal Assn , should be patrick, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick, who
Besides her husbam
street to the highway from a tract men who are not Eagles, for the fine son, of the Air Corps, and Jag. Noguee, of some eoncern to the community at had met her in Eugene where she ar7 vived by a nephew
east of town where he is figuring on
of Laramie, Wyoming. Capt. Fred large, as It would be an expression of
spirit of co-operation they are show­
a second-growth fir logging operation.
Lorenz, home on a furlough and who what the founders of aoctety had an Friday.
Funeral aer\ ices Will be
ing, several hundred dollars of the
Lieut. Fitzpatrick has been a part
City Engineer Gearhart expreseed the first 83000.00 worth Of debentures automatically holds his membership in hand to accomplish the things that
at the Gano Funeral Has
of the Army in the Hawaiian Islands
opinion that not more than two- having been purchased by non-mem­ while in the service, was a(po present. ,w« enjoy today.
Aug. 11, at 2:00 p. m. the Bev. R. E.
Dr. J. E. Stark was able attend after
thirds of the weight allowed on the bers.
Another matter brought up by Chas. far ttw past tjuw yean and two Greene officiating. Interment will
his recent operation.
state highway should be permitted on
Steuff was that of recognition of each months and was on the Islands a year be in the Masonic
of Co­
Mr. Shannon was presented with S . other by old time friends, when bafoaw that in civilian life. She was quille
that lighter base pavement.
myrtlewood bowl by the local club, they see one another at the annual a nurse in a hospital avdr there at
Hultln has not yet jnsde application
Clarence Osika making the presenta­ gMberings.
for a permit.
Many of us, no doubt, the time the Jape bombed Pearl
tion speech.
The Train building, comer of Front
have had some experience in the mat- Harbor and other points on the Is­
and Hall streets, on which county
taT and since Father-Time is ever lands but the hospital she was in was.
The little log cabin in the front
taxes and street improvement taxes
bear running deeper and d ee pe r the not bombed,
but noons ini,
is injured.
are past due, to the amount of 01000 yard at tie J. F. Beyers' residence
furrows to our to no wonder,
Mr. and Mrs. Orin Coy received
She has a 11-day furlough, which
to each of the municipal and county wu the getting for the toguiar «wet­
and thia bringa us to remember the
a wire from the War Department
corporations, came up for considera­ tag of the Coquille Business and Pro­
I admonition of a aage al
«hen he
Wednesday morning that their son.
tion. It was stated that Mr. Train fessional Women's Club on Monday
of thy
Word has been received that Sgt- aa|d, "Go oft *to the
Private Orville B. Coy w« "slightly
was willing to give the city a deed evening. August 7. Mr. Bs
John C Leatherwood ha» arrived
In F^gce on July 18.
to the property, but until aoeae ar- built up a long table with
Virginia from service with 7
it Ume they bad heard from
ranqipBent is made wM» too eounty
these annual gatherings regu­
Corps in Italy and Corsica. He ex­
Orville was on July 14, the letter
tor its interact in the property, the
pects to visit with his famU> and larly, we will be spared the embar­
being written in England. Mrs. Coy
city Is' not asking Mr. Train, who is
friends here, within the week, al­ rassment of asking an ol<T time friend
thinks he went overseas about two
now at L to anon, tor a deed. As it
though the exact date of his arrival What his name is.
months ago.
stands the building is a menace and
The country at large owes much to
We hear of one person who
here is not known. His wife, Sara,
Oviile has been in the Infantry
fire —
it is doubtful that any permit to re- over the open
- ----------
- to
- and son are making theln home with Jhoee old heroines and heroes, who not entirely satisfied with the Eagle-
about two years, |s 23 yean of age,
pair it would be justified. The city roast com on the cob as The Sen-
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Leatherwood« laid the foundation on whicth we sponsored carnival here last week. and received his training st Camp
has had Inquiries from local people (tlnel predicted he would be In last
now securely rest and to those of He was a five-year old from Bandon Carson in Colorado and Camp Rob­
John’s parents, in Myrtle Point. L
who would like to purchase it when week's issue.
While in Italy, • John completed them who have gone to the Great Be­ whose dad had given him a ride erts in California.
clear title can be given.
| This hamburger suppor* at t he
more that 90 missions over Nazi ter­ yond, we salute your ashes, and shall on all six of the merry-go-rounds,
His last furlough at home was from
City Engineer Gearhart reported on Beyers’ cabin has been an annual af- ritory.
write your virtues on the everlasting etc., that were operating.
8 to 17.
the recent sewage disposal state con- fair for the pact five years,
"5 '
“Are you satisfied now?" asked his
ference held at Corvallis. While the I A check showed that nine of thoee
R. M. Harrison, Ass'n Press Cor mother.
Cannery At County Farm
cities in the WlHamette valley are attending on Monday evening were ,
' "No, mama, I didn’t get to ride on
Open On Wednesdays Only* Now
In a different position from Coquille, 1 present for each of those meetings.
the lion," was the prompt comeback.
the conference was mostly concerned They are Jennie Price, Viola Newton, |
Until such a time as the demand
For those who did not see the act,
with the specimens of sewsge now Florence Barton. Salma Caughell,
It should be added that the trainer for tyi increase of operation of the
being dumped into the Willamette Hazel Hanna,
Ida Oerding. Jnez
Counfy Treasurer Rtauff reports that
did ride the lion, which caused the cannery at the County Farm makes
river which makes it in real iltty an Rpver, Martha Mp|k«y and Rufh Bey- 8287,000 wo^h pf |hr |357,QQQ wprt»l
youngster to think he had missed more days each week necessary it
— sewer.
I an- O|heFs present th|s year w: of Goos coupty Ronds called for pay»
A very pretty wedding was sol- something.
will be operated only on Wednesday.
The only ....
pojnt whery Coqufjle
Royef, Cherfe Mae
W_T |i Bcm M*UCL
----- Wi have feepn presented and he is emniagd at one o'clock Tuesday, Au-
The entire cannery plant has been
interested |n thp conference ac(|on. |Urtpie||, Bel)e Knifo. Mabel Jqhnaqn, ; anxious |o get In fhe |7Q,(XH) wwth gust A when Margaret Hare and
Mrs. Edward DeTemple and daugh­ renovated and rearranged and it is
— Geafhaft
------ .
.------- , how.
— ¡dy|e petard. Bv« S|evens. Jessfe so he cap get them all paid- The In« Charles Fry exchanged their vows at ter left last Friday evening for their more conveniently fixed for those who
• Mr.
said, W to bRow
much the éoqpUle sewage Rrnggntg Kiy, kMTfafpt Sn|der, B<|na Rem. terest has stopped oq a|| of them,
the Church of Christ parsonage. The home Hi "Portland after spending two come to do their canning.
to so |hal definite p|an# cap Re iqade
bride wore an attractive powder blue weeks here with her sister, Mrs. Geor-
Supt. McNelly asks that those who
for an adequate sewage disposal Robe&OR, Grace Hackleft, H«W« from |he stale racing commission tallleur, with matching hat and black gianna Vaughan, while the latter was wish to can tuna, write and make an
plan» here after the W«r W coun­ Lee Rollrnon, Claire Hultln, Laura Coo« oounty's share of tees collected accessories. Her corsage was garden­ on vacation from duty In the county appointment before bringing their
The clerk’s office. ’
cil has already taken steps toward Brandon, Irene H«riwell. Helen Bey­ by the state from betting at race ias and pale pink rosebuds.
fiah out to the farm.
financing sugh a plant as It Is now re, ers spd Head Cook J. F Beyer«
meets, which is to be turned over to rooms were decorated with baskets of *—T-
The early part of the evening was the Coos-Curry County Fair Asso­ Shasta daisies and pink and blue
qu|red by the state laws,
spent In eating supper and in explor­ ciation. The amount is 81,461.11.
ing the garden with its fruit trees,
This marriage unites a well-known
berry vines and giant bean stalks,
■local couple. Mrs. Fry owned and
Four Of His Children In
' operated the Travelers Court in Myr-
I After the l«st bite of watermelon
Coquille Visited W. R. Foot»
had been di»P^ed of the group as­
' tie Point until eight months ago, when
D U, W. B- and A. Q- Foote and she sold her business and moved to
sembled in the house for the regular
•oouts Duane Livengood, Jack business meeting, called to order by ] Mrs Helen Atkinson have returned Coquille. Mr. Fry is a railroad men
Bisk and Bryce Tracy, of Troop No. the president, Eva Stevens. Group from L m Angeles, where they were ’ and has been a resident of Coquille
14, returned from Camp Lucky Boy , singing was led by Arlene Robertson, called about a month ago because of ■ for a number of years.
last Sunday evening.* Two Scouts, accompanied oy
»in» , the serious illness of their father,
by inez
Inez nover.
Rover. This
After a short honeymoon in Cali­
Don Pierce and Jimmy Clark, stayed was followed by the. regular business W. R. Foote, an old time Coos iounty fornia, the couple will be at home at
for another, week. Scoutmaster Phil , of the club.
resident who Is nearly 80 years of age. 277 W. 10th street In Coquille.
Among the pieces of correspondence All but two of his 13 children were
Alborn spent three days with the
boys over the week-end and brought read was a very Interesting note from there; one son, H. S. Foote, coming
them home.
the former Lois Fenn, now Mrs. Jesse from Louisiana. D. L. Foote, who re-
! turned Sunday, said he had not seen
Camp* Lucky Boy Is located fifty DeWald, of Canyonville.
miles out of Eugene on Blue river
The reports of the standing com- the Louisiana brother for 3« years, Attention, Oddfellows and Rebekahs!
The annual Oddfellows' picnic will
and contains one hundred and sixty mittees showed that the club is get- Their father was considerably im-
acres of timber land with about a half ting an exceptionally good start for proved in health when they .left,
ba held at the Norway Grove on
next Sunday, August 13, with dinner
mile of river winding across it, and the year’s work. Ida Oerding, chair- |
—------------------ •-
with good fishing, swimming and man of fhe finance committee, an- Twin Girls Born To
at 1:00 p. m. All Oddfellows aqd Re­
bekahs and their families are Mtged
boating facilities.
nounced that the club would soon be Mr An(J
to attend, bringing weU filled lundi
It is owned by the Oregon Trail sponsoring a rummage sale and mem­
Two baby girls were born to Mr. baskets.
Coffee, cream and sugar
Council and is quite a wonderful bers were requested to get their con­
Mrs. Tom Stevens of this city, will be furnished,
camp for a large bunch of boys. The tributions
The next meeting will be on Mon- 1at
Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point
cdst to the boys of attending this
camp, including board, is 810 per day, August 21, probably at the home ye»tqrday, Dr. L. B. Gould offlctot-
Clafficp A. Bar»««. Here
High spot for the month of l Miss Skeels. who was bom in Co­
” of Mrs. Georgia Richmond.
The little misses, who weighed sfq From Portland On Tuesday
in Coquille will be the concert on 1 quille, Is the daughter of Mrs. Birdie
Alborn states that he believes that
pounds, two ounces, qnd five pounds,
the fun, good fellowship and train­
Clarence A. Barton, of the U. S. the 18th when there will be an op- Skeels and the lata Chas. M. Skeels.
two oupepx, bad not yet bpeq named Army, who has been stationed .in portunity to hear Marvel Skeels, con- Mrs. M. O, Hawkins was her teacher
ing that the boys receive there, ’’if it, O. T. Nelson Has Bought A
this morning. Mr. and Mr«. Stevens’ I Portland for the past three weeks cert singer and church soloist of New during the years she spent at home.
were possible to obtain them in a Ranch Near Woodburn
private camp," would cost five times I O. T. Nelson, who has been operat­ older ch||d, a hoy; la »H years of age. following his trip back to Chicago York city. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins will Advanced study in music took her
from his former station in San Fran­ accompany on the piano and Bobby east to New York and later she stud-
that amount.
ing the Alpine pop Corn Stand across
that most of the boys in tod rtr^et ironp th# S^Mne} office Another No Damage Fire
, led abroad. Her successes in New
cisco, was a visitor at home on Tues- Burns on the Hammond organ.
ay attend next year
his t
several month#, |s elsewhere ad-
The Tire alarm at 3:50 Monday gf. <*«y this week. He was on a trip to
Assisting Mias Skeels will be Bobby York upon her return from Europe
yerii«tad |t for sa|e.
He recently ternoon called the department out to ' »outhern Oregon for the department Burns who will play a group of se- j are famillar to her friends here. This
Mrs. F. G. True arrived horqe from bought a teq-apre ranch, partly in Tenth street where a grass fire had of A»1« AnTV with which he is con- lections, on the organ. The concert ' summer's concert is being sponsored
will be held in the auditorium of the
Pa|o Alto Tuesday morning after a berries, near Woodburn jn the Wil­ gotten started, across the street from , nected.
Pioneer Methodist Church at eight by the Woman's Society of Christian
thrpe week» visit with her sister, lamette va|iey and expects to rqove the high school. It was quickly ex«
1 onto Jt by the middle qf thfe month.
Serivce of the Methodsit Church.
CaUlaf c»ngB, cm * for fIM
Mrs. Ow«n H. Knowlton.
Was On Hawaii
Pearl Harbor Day
B. P. W. Club Met
In Log Cobin
Orville Coy Is
Injured In F
John Leatherwood
Bock From Europe
Was Sure He Had
Missed Something
Fair Gets $1461
From Race Betting
-Jr -
Margaret Hare,
Charles Fry Wed
Matvei Skeels, Concert Singer, To Be
Heard In Pioneer Church August 18
Boy Scouts Back
From Summer Camp
I.O.O.F. Picnic