THE PAPER THAT’S ' VOL. XL. NO. 36. Council In Session . An Hour And A Half Monday Evening . ' V* y LETTER FROM HOMI . •, ' . Eagles' Bldg. Fund Growing Rapidly The Rotary District Special Heeling Pioneer Association Governor Visits Local Club Wedn'sday Held Last Saturday 76 Degrees Yesterday 50 Last Night Services For Mrs Elhel Hartman Reports from the Building Com­ A subscriber in Indiana, who evi­ mittee for the Coquille Eagles Ixxlge dently has the intention of moving to are very optimistic and if the first the God-blessed Oregon country, week of the campaign to raise funds I writes to ask why the Sentinel does for a new Eagles' Home in Coquille I not print the daily maximum and The city council, at the regi^ar District Governor Wm. D. Shannon, The special meeting of the Coos- is any criterion to go by, the com­ minimum thermomether readings. session of that body Monday evening, of Rotary International whose home CUrry County Pioneer-Historical As­ mittee can feel certain that their goal There is really no reason why we approved the agreement made with of 830,000 00 will be attained. is in Sesttle, Washington, was the sociation held at the Coquille city have not, but this summer the range Marc H. and Emma Shelley for a new guest of honor and speaker at the ball tost Saturday was well attended. The funds are being raised through between the day’s warmth and night’s Hartman died at right-of-way through their ranch east weekly luncheon meeting of the Co - ­ Tbe meeting ! was called to order at the sale of debentures whlqp are non­ coolness has been from IS to 25 de­ Myrtle Point, of the end of Second street, the city'a quille Rotary Club an Wednesday. TH - by Ftoaidqnt Prte A. H. Bender for health the past interest bearing and will be redeemed road to the Rink creek reservoir. Taking as his subject the four prin­ the purpose of transacting any such by the Lodge when funds are avail­ Yesterday, one of the warmer days day evening wee cipal objects 'of Rotary, Mr. Shannon M l «tou s m might tome before tt. The city agrees to fence the new able after the completion, of the this summer, the maximum was 76 porch here tn right-of-way, both sides with a three- gave a talk that indicated a very Among these matters were the audit­ building. The building committee, degrees and test night the minimum ■ rail fence and with poets eight feet comprehensive study and held the ing and payment of Mils, the appoint­ was 50. better whose members are Geo. Burr, Julius close attention of his listeners. apart. The agreement also provides ment of numerous committee chair­ Next Benham, Warren Davis, J. O. Berg­ Coquille's maximum this summer, for acceptance of the deed from the District 101, of which he has men and also general round-table dis­ lund and F. R. Bull, outline (heir plan so far, was 70 degrees, 23 l>ss than Hartman came Shelleys. charge is the largest international cussion of the various problems and as a worth while poetrwar project It was in Portland that day, and when he found her Two resolutions were adopted pro­ district in the world and is com­ their solutions, which usually come up which will eventually be self-liqui­ temperatures of 117 are reported in room rant ring prised of the state of Oregon, Wash­ in such organizations which embrace viding for quit claim deeds to be is­ dating. They point out the fact that other sections of the country, it leads not live long after ington and Idaho, British Columbia an large a field. sued to Goo. E. Oerding for city- 1 the drive for funds at this time will to the wonder why Oregon is not pftal. , owned lots which he hsd purchased and the territory of Alaska and con­ The meeting, however, wus most jammed to Overflowing with those Mrs. Hartman was born in Marsh­ in no way conflict with purchases of tains over a million square miles. gratifying to all those present, be­ on contract and for which payment war bonds as all of the money re­ seeking a mare equitable and com­ field March TO, 1881, the daughter of in full has been m? and larly, we will be spared the embar­ being written in England. Mrs. Coy city Is' not asking Mr. Train, who is friends here, within the week, al­ rassment of asking an ol