The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 03, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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Townsend Club No. 1
ner gave a reading on Oregon and
¡several others gave short jokes and
Tuwniend Club, No. 1, had a food readin«8
A wedding thower was
playing cards crowd out Tuesday evening, with 37 '
Mr. and Mrs. Ware by members
tils* nlllK uFiaav* la’Viizvhv
Mrs. Betty Carl of Tillamook, visited
members present. Business of the of the club, after which cake was
The Pleasant Point Needle Club
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl
club was taken care of, with Presi­ served.
“Skippy,” the little dog belonging from Thursday last week until Sun­
At the next meeting a paper sack
Visiting at the if. M. Noah home held its meeting the last Wednesday dent McCue in the chair.
to Jessie Gilmore, of Winters Heights, day afternoon.
last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ in July at the home of -Mrs. Geo.
Mr. Tilghman, read a lengthy bul­ lunch will be served.—Press Cor. *
was* a friendly little fellow. He was
Mrs. Robert Fish, Donald, Ralph, ence Miller and two children, from Hoffman of Myrtle Point, with the letin and other letters of interest to
understanding, too, for seeming to Lloyd and Gene, of Coquille, visited Gravelford.
usual bountiful potluck dinner at
G. C. Ashenfelter, your dealer in
the club.
The cake, donated by
sense the fact that Mrs. Grover Haga, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile
Thursday night Bible Studies at noon, which was served buffet style Mesdames Langor and Schroeder, was high quality J. R. Watkins products,
Jessie's sister, was at home alone Miller tost Saturday.
the church are very interesting. The to the following: Mrs. .Lena Kellen- bought by Mr. Roth. Sick members is unable to make calls or deliveries
with her small son, since Daddy went
berger, Mrs. R. R. Rackleff, Mrs.
Mesdames Ida Myers, Stanley Hal­ public is Invited to attend.
are somewhat improved at this time. at present His wife can serve you
off to war, Skippy. plyed his way ter, Wayne Woodward and S. C. Mc­
Daniels, Mrs. Julia Leep, Miss
Lt. Harold Norris and wife came
Door prize went to Mrs. B. Wilson at 198 S. Division and East 3rd St.,
between the two residences, a dis­ Allister drove to Bandon last Wed­ in Monday night from Roswell, New I J*“** Harris. Mrs. J. F. Schroeder,
and the contest prize was won by or call 141M.
tance of a couple of miles, dividing nesday and spent the day visiting at Mexico, for a few days’ visit at the Mrl Harold Simmons, Mrs. Ray Ep-
Mrs. Collier.
his time and devotion between the the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wan- home of hia mother and family, Mrs. Person’ Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. Frank
Keys made for all locks. Stevens
Music was furnished by Mrs. Von
two families. But Skippy’s doggish namaugher. Mr. and Mrs. Wanna- T. H. Benham.
Southmayd, Mrs. Ellis Southmayd,
Pegert and Mr. DettIlion. Mr. Buck- Cash Hardware, Cuquille. Ore.
devotion and self-assumed duties are maugher were getting along quite
Lt. Norris has been transferred aS Mrs. R. W. Haughton, Mrs. J. Lew­
ended. His four feet will no longer well.
co-pilot on a B-29 and has to report ellen Southmayd and- Mrs. A. R.
pad the roadway between the two
The young peoples' choir met at the to the field at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Bennett and the young people present
residences. He met death beneath home of Miss Glenda Lillie last Wed­ Aug. 10. Lt. Norris came to the val­ were Frank Southmayd, Louise Hoff.
the wheels of a car a while back. nesday evening with the following in ley when about 12 years old and man, Kay Simmons, Lewis South-
Skippy always tended to his own attendance: Misses Dona Moomaw, graduated from Coquille High school- mayd and 'his sister, Louise;
business, never chased cars, always Pamela and Maureen Evans, Ger­ in 1938.
' I Gary and Dian Davis, Dwain
was friendly to the extreme.
We aldine Holycross, Thelma and Note
The 4-H Children returned Sunday Imons and Rebecca Jane Southpiayd.
Are You Adequately Insured?
wonder if the driver of the car was Crawford and Glenda LiMie and evening from summer camp held at The afternoon was spent doing fancy
tending strictly to his driving? Too Messrs. David Moomaw, Darrell : iBriage.
Bridge. Those
My Office Can Serve You.
inose attending rrom nere--------------- -- ------------- • -—
■ - Lou —
... Coralie
.. , material
many drivers fail to take the proper Holycross, Vernon McMichael, Robert [were Lindy
materi“l for an afghan to be given
precaution when passing both people Bunnage of Portland, Junior Gul- ! and Ellen Ellis, Ruth Palmer, Made- : **
“ Red r
and animals. And after all a dog strom and Mrs. Jake Moomaw* who line Croy, Duane Frye, Norman I Harvey Barklow, of Gravelford, re­
ceived word last week of the death
means a lot to hia owner, for “greater was in charge. After • short prac­ Chezem and Walter Shutt.
love hath no man."
Mrs. Fred Coleman and three chil­ [of his sister, Fannie Krantz, at Co-
tice, games were enjoyed and re­
Her, death was
The Japanese have pulled a hunger freshments were served by the host­ dren left Sunday evening for their ' vena, California.
List Your Property with me and I’ll Work to Sell it for you
strike at Tulelake. Thirteen Ameri­ ess.
home in Marshfield after a visit of
can-born Japs refused to eat because
Last Tuesday evening Mrs. Ward several days at the Robert Holverstott
[lived in Coos county and had many
they were isolated from the rest of Evans and Pamela attended a Royal home.
“the rata,” owing to the fact that they, Neighbors card party held at the
Mrs. D. W. Rankin and son. Dean, ; ffiends and acquaintances in the Co­
the American born ones, were trouble home of Mrs. Clinard Mast in Myrtle of the Army, returned to their home quille valley.
-- --------------- --------
makers. It is a very noticeable fact Point. Miss Maureen Evans stayed in Eugene Tuesday of last week.
that in practically all the up-risings at the
home of Mrs. George Whitney
hunger strikes, sabotage plots in[and
I took care of the children while children, of Coquille, visited at the
which the Japs have taken part, that —
Mrs. Whitney accompanied Mrs. T. H. Benham home Sunday after­ I July 27—Ivan E. Scherer, of Ma-
it has always been the American- Evans and Pamela to the party. Other noon.
rion, Ills., and June G. Gilbertson, of
born ones who were at the head of guests at the party were Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler, of Marshfield. They were married last
such affairs. It would be a fine idea if John Felsher, Mrs. Frances Floyd and Powers, Rev. and Mrs. Roy ’Parker
i Thursday by Justice Fred Bull at
every Jap In America went on a granddaughter. Miss Ivaline Floyd, were guest at the Benham home Wed­
his office here.
hunger strike and stayed on it untjl Mrs. Nellie Wright and son, Mrs nesday evening to visit with Lt. Nor­
July 27—George Lee Koch, of Loe
. he died of starvation. It would be a Dena Kimberley and son of Portland, ris and family. Norris, and the two
Angeles, and Joy Elizabeth Graham,
downright blessing to our country.
Tom Mast, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mast, ministers attend school at Light of North Bend.
We just cannot bring ourselves to Mr. and Mrs. James Mahaffey, Mr». House in Eugene.
July 29—Raymond Leo Stephens
believes the fact that there is just Vada Clinton, Mrs. Add Chrisjen»en,
Mrs. Clarence Deadmond, who has and Alma C. Willits, both of Marsh­
one man In all America who is the Mrs. Wava Townsend, Mrs. Mitchel been quite ill, has returned to her
only one possessing brains enough to Myers, Mrs. Geraldine Esser, and home after staying in Coquille sev­
Aug. 1—Wesley W. Griffin and
be president and to be able to cope Mrs. Ada Lemon and Mrs. Danford eral days, with her mother, Mrs. Le­
Neoma Kitterman, both of Marshfield.
with conditions following in the wake Gilklnson.
ona Dow.
They were married by Justice Bull at
of the present war. Such a supposi­
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller visited ' Word has been received that Mrs. his office here on Tuesday.
tion appears to us to be naught but at the home of John Stone at-John­ J. A. Deadmond was not so well. She
Aug. 1—John L. Lnicoln, of Wash­
pure ignorance.
son Mill one day last week. Emmett is with her daughter in the valley.
ington, D. C., and Ethel F. Woods, of
Jack Giffen, formerly of Bear Hammack of Myrtle Point, was also a
Lillie Johnson was visiting In the Oakland. Calif. They were also mar­
Creek, is now in training at Treasure visitor there that
valley over the week-end.
tha( day.
ried by Justice Bull on Tuesday.
Island. He writes concerning the ex­
' ■ —■■ ■■■■ gm ■
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ç. McAllister and
Aug. I—Quenten Frederick Schenk,
plosion of the two munition ships and Mrs. Ida Myers visited at the home
of Cullman, Ala-, and Patricia June
states that the shock of the explo­ of Mr. and Mrs. L, M.'Aaeen test
tires which have been/retv^by
Kelley,,of North Bend.
sion was very distinct at Treasure Thursday evening.
an estimated 3 BILLION MILES
Island, a distance of forty miles from
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow
on the road. Price on 6.00-1«
Calif,, who has been visiting at the
the scene of the disaster.
and Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward
siae Silvertown has been re­
A friend write» us from Pauillna , came in from Port Orford Saturday
duced «1.0« ... proportionate
that there are many anglers ( evening and spent the week end at and-Mrs. J. H. McCloskey, and other it July 28—Myrtle Croy vs. John
reductions on all si sea.
Ws'H make R oar basis US to
relatives and friends, left on the Mon­ Croy. Suit for divorce.
there, in spite of the gas shortage. , their homes in Arago.
keep you rolling /»r tht duro-
There are cars from Los Angeles,
j July 27—Katherine Douglas vs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward
Brian Io today for an official
tion/ Our aes ere trained
even. This proves the fact that the ( spent Friday night at Port Orford, re­ Calif., where she will visit a while Clyde L, Douglas. Sult for divorce.
in the approved FACTORY
black market to still on in full swing. , turning home Saturday evening.
July 27 — Lilas B. Matson vs.
can spot undue wear . . . tell
METHOD of recapping and
Mrs. Harold Simmons and children, Woodrow T. Matson. Suit for di-
We are pretty sure of the fact that a
you bow it can be prevented.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Halter, Mr.
can add thousands of miles to
war could never be won with the gas , and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow and Mr
(Off the-wheel inspections are
that is sold the motorist today.
( and Mr». Wayne Woodward and Mr». spent from Wednesday till Sunday
July 27—Thelma M. Stevenson Vi.
only 50< per wheel.) We’ll also
REPAIRS will be made to head
It is untowfult o offer fire-cracekrs Ida Myers enjoyed a pot luck dinner visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Stevenson. Suit for divorce.
give you mile-stretching TIRE
off failures.
for sale in America today but there with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister Ellis Southmayd and other friends in
ADVICE on rotation, air pres­
July 28—Millie Merritt vs. Byron
are still six cent war-time cigars on at
. their home Sunday. Mr. and Mr». the near vicinity.
sure, driving. So bring all your
Merritt. Suit for divorce.
Mrs. Harold Fribble and sons, Billie
the market. What's the difference? ( Oliver Myers of Myrtle Point came
tire worries to us . .. and you
Aug. 2—Julius J. Dreller vs. Verna
and Jimmie, visited her Sunt, Mrs. Alice Dreller. Suit for divorce.
W yea’ro a ■ or C driver...
We are wondering if there could , in the afternoon for a short visit.
can leave ’em behind when
and after examination we find
Billie Bell, at Myrtle Point on Thurs­
you drive away.
possibly be any relationship between
Choir practice was held at the
you need new tires, we’ll fill out
F. D. R. and the late William Jen- , home of Mrs. O. H. Aasen last Friday day of last week.
G. Chipman. Suit for divorce.
your application... we’ll han­
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spires and chil­
nings Bryan? Both "silvery-tongued” ( evening with the following preeent:
dle it with your ration board.
orators and both h— for runnin’ for ] Mesdamqs Werner Plaep, Stanley dren, Stanley, Fatty Lou and Avis,
public office. The only thing that , Halter, S. C. McAllister, Albert Lillie left their ranch near the Frank
poor old William lacked was all the ( and Albert Gutotrom, with Mr». Southmayd's Monday and moved to
A petition for probating the will of
country’s money and the New Deal, Aasen at the piano, They will meet Loon Lake, where Mr. Spires has em­
Miss August Migge, who died at Bunker
to back him up. With such backing, again thi» Friday evening at the O. H ployment in a logging camp.
Ilene Roberts, daughter of Mrs. Roy Hill Aug. 15, 1943, was filed in pro­
we are predicting that F.D.R. will Aasen home at 8 p. m.
Spires, has gone to Portland, where bate court last Friday.
run the fifth, the sixth and even the
Mr. and Mrs Nile Miller were
Andrew Byron Nicholas. Sr., was
she has work in. a bakery.
se^nth time, if he live» that long.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Douglas Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs on Monday appointed guardian for with sorrow and regret that Mrs. Orvus Miller in Myrtle Point.
Andrew Byron Nicholas. Jr., of
we mark the passing of another fine, Miss Phyllis Miller came home with "Harold Dick of Reedsport, has been'
old friend, Alex McLeod, who met them for a short visit.
Henry S. Weider was on Tuesday
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­
death by drowning in the Umpqua
Wtllis. Ruth and Marjorie WUcox
administrator of the 54100
river recently. He was known far visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rufus Boak, a coast guard at Sea­ estate left by Jesse Allen Luce, who
and wide for his generous nature and Nile Miller Monday.
Oregon, and his wife broqyhf died at Marshfield July 22.
it can truthfully be stated that he
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Her­
was actually one of those men who bert and their house guests, Mr. and his grandmother, Mp,. Martha Me-
Phone 223R, to Art Hootop for your
possessed “a heart as big as a ham.” .Mrs. Kenneth Carl and Kenneth, Jju, Nair pf Random and hia aunt, Mrs.
wiring and repair needs
• 4 Broadway st Curtis. Marshfield, Tel. «52
Always friendly, success never chang- iof McMinnville, and Mrs. Betty Carl, Winnie Hopkins of Spokane, who is
He is looted north of the ball park
Oregon's largest and most Complete Tire Service
. ing him in the least, loyal to friends [of T|Uam<»pk
* and ML and --5-^*--
Mrs. Mel-
county, and they were aR Syn^y oil the Fairview road.
wu a Menqsh|p
to the extreme, his was
frjendshji Iden
n (Sari aqd Douglas drove to Ban-
well wprth acquiring
acquir|ng,’ one}
an<} thoqgl
though dop last Saturday an«i Mr. »nd Mrs dinner guests qf ML aM Mi». R R
saddened by his un|ime}y
un|lrne|y dpath, w
we C. E Schroeder joined them »ruj they Rack|ef|. M l and Mrs. Beak left
afe gfatfful fo the extreme in havjn^ j all enjoyer) a p|cn|c dintf on the Sunday evening for Seaside fcu| Mrs
McNair and Mr» Hqpkirn remained
ha^ Ajey MpLeod as a friend since
till Tuwday Vising Mrs Rackleff
puf k^>
Mf. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Her­
Mr and Mr» Ray McNair came up
bert, Mr. am, Mrs Kenneth Carl aq<j
and took h|s mother and sta­
AI»Fto Clocks repaired at Schroe­ Kenpeth, Jr., and My. and Mrs. Mel-
der’s Jewelry. Men'» Wedding Rings dep Carl and Douglas attended the ter, Mrs- Hopkina, back to Randan.
Mr. and Mri Melvin Bunoh and
Pioneer p|en|c held in Coquille la»t
In »toe«.
daughter, Linda Dianne, of Portland,
and Mrs. Bunch's mother, Mrs-
Remember — Norton » l°T affív*
ftey. p. fi. Brown, of Coquille, con-
Claud« Waatom of Roseburg, were
school and home »uppltek
I”’’ tfupted toe regular Sunday morning Saturday and Sunday guests of Mr.
¡church service. Sunday school fol­
and Mrs. A. R. Bennett
lowed with^an attendance of 27,
Mrs. Harold Fribble and sons,
¡There will be services again next
! Sunday, preaching at 10 a. ni. and Billie and Jimmte, visited Wednesday
of last week at
home of her hue­
¡Sunday school at 11 a. m.
OU’LL hear a lot more about this
band's father, Howard Pribble and
Stephen Aasen came over from
sgile new Allied personnel and car­
daughter, Gladys, at Coquille.
! Marshfield test Thursday evening and
go carrier as our invasion armies roll
K neighborhood picnic with potluck
enjoyed dinner with parents, Mr. and
deeper into Europe... Bore of war’s
dinner was given last Saturday eve­
Mrs. L. M Aasen.
needs—brainchild ofthe Office of Scien­
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
tific Research and Development, the War
Mrs. Charles Griffith, Loretta and Martin Schmidt In honor of Mr. and
Department and Studebaker engineers
Mary Anne, were Thursday visitors Mrs. Henry Clausen of Fe^da(e.
—the Weasel is beipg manufactured by
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Calif. Those preset were Mr. and
Studebaker under contract with the Ord­
Mrs. Fred Schmidt and daughters, |
nance Department, Army Service Forces
Misses Pamela
amela and Maureen Rv^yk
j Ginger apd Sandra *. Don Schmidt. Mr,
...It's Studebaker-built—and it’s pow­
.Glenda Lif-------------- ”
and Mtg. Herman Detfcfsen, of Ryr-
ered by the famous Studebaker Cham­
¡.Maggy. iy|d Mpomaw. Kent Hick- tie fp|nt; Mt- and Mrs. _ E|ner Nielson.
pion engine ... Officially designated the
am and Junior Gu|strqm enjqycd «, MT. apd Mrs. Henry Detiefaen and
M-29, it was Soon nick named the WeaseL
plcnjc dinner «n to« Claud Walker daughters, Janice and Janet, Mr. and .
And like a weasel ir is-*-m-Meább and
ranch a| Broadbent |a»t Sunday. Mrs. Ray Det|ef»en and -Raugbt’r,
swiftness — in sure-footed movement on
When they game heme |n the eve- Pottle,
Ed Detlefsen, Mr. and i
practically any kind of terrain.
ning they al| went home with Fe- Mn Rudy Roecheck and hto sister,
mete and Moureep and popped 0<4n Mn. Marte Slaughter; Mr. and Mrpr
and had cookies,
¡Tom Detlefesn and children, Bobbie
Mrs. Dorothy Fisher, of Coquille, and Mariana; Herman Tedaen, Mr.,
“The Celumn that’s Different"
(By Lans Leneve)
Real Estate
Marriage Licenses
Norway News Items
Circuit Court Coses
Probote Court Items
/ ??
RE Goodrich
Thornton Tire Service
340 W. Front, Cóquille, Tel. 270
Anew Champion in invasion warfare
S tudebaker W easel
Kidneys Must
Work Well-