VALLEY SENTINEL, COQV1LLE. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST L 1944. Bare BearCreek PACE SEVEN Townsend Club No. 1 ner gave a reading on Oregon and ¡several others gave short jokes and Elznor. Tuwniend Club, No. 1, had a food readin«8 A wedding thower was playing cards crowd out Tuesday evening, with 37 ' Mr. and Mrs. Ware by members . _ ! tils* nlllK uFiaav* la’Viizvhv , Mrs. Betty Carl of Tillamook, visited members present. Business of the of the club, after which cake was The Pleasant Point Needle Club • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl club was taken care of, with Presi­ served. “Skippy,” the little dog belonging from Thursday last week until Sun­ At the next meeting a paper sack Visiting at the if. M. Noah home held its meeting the last Wednesday dent McCue in the chair. to Jessie Gilmore, of Winters Heights, day afternoon. last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ in July at the home of -Mrs. Geo. Mr. Tilghman, read a lengthy bul­ lunch will be served.—Press Cor. * was* a friendly little fellow. He was Mrs. Robert Fish, Donald, Ralph, ence Miller and two children, from Hoffman of Myrtle Point, with the letin and other letters of interest to understanding, too, for seeming to Lloyd and Gene, of Coquille, visited Gravelford. usual bountiful potluck dinner at G. C. Ashenfelter, your dealer in the club. The cake, donated by sense the fact that Mrs. Grover Haga, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Thursday night Bible Studies at noon, which was served buffet style Mesdames Langor and Schroeder, was high quality J. R. Watkins products, Jessie's sister, was at home alone Miller tost Saturday. > the church are very interesting. The to the following: Mrs. .Lena Kellen- bought by Mr. Roth. Sick members is unable to make calls or deliveries with her small son, since Daddy went berger, Mrs. R. R. Rackleff, Mrs. Mesdames Ida Myers, Stanley Hal­ public is Invited to attend. are somewhat improved at this time. at present His wife can serve you off to war, Skippy. plyed his way ter, Wayne Woodward and S. C. Mc­ Mike Daniels, Mrs. Julia Leep, Miss Lt. Harold Norris and wife came Door prize went to Mrs. B. Wilson at 198 S. Division and East 3rd St., between the two residences, a dis­ Allister drove to Bandon last Wed­ in Monday night from Roswell, New I J*“** Harris. Mrs. J. F. Schroeder, 27t8* and the contest prize was won by or call 141M. tance of a couple of miles, dividing nesday and spent the day visiting at Mexico, for a few days’ visit at the Mrl Harold Simmons, Mrs. Ray Ep- Mrs. Collier. ’ I his time and devotion between the the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wan- home of hia mother and family, Mrs. Person’ Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. Frank Keys made for all locks. Stevens Music was furnished by Mrs. Von two families. But Skippy’s doggish namaugher. Mr. and Mrs. Wanna- T. H. Benham. Southmayd, Mrs. Ellis Southmayd, tf Pegert and Mr. DettIlion. Mr. Buck- Cash Hardware, Cuquille. Ore. devotion and self-assumed duties are maugher were getting along quite .... i Lt. Norris has been transferred aS Mrs. R. W. Haughton, Mrs. J. Lew­ ended. His four feet will no longer well. co-pilot on a B-29 and has to report ellen Southmayd and- Mrs. A. R. pad the roadway between the two The young peoples' choir met at the to the field at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Bennett and the young people present residences. He met death beneath home of Miss Glenda Lillie last Wed­ Aug. 10. Lt. Norris came to the val­ were Frank Southmayd, Louise Hoff. the wheels of a car a while back. nesday evening with the following in ley when about 12 years old and man, Kay Simmons, Lewis South- Skippy always tended to his own attendance: Misses Dona Moomaw, graduated from Coquille High school- mayd and 'his sister, Louise; business, never chased cars, always Pamela and Maureen Evans, Ger­ in 1938. ' I Gary and Dian Davis, Dwain was friendly to the extreme. We aldine Holycross, Thelma and Note The 4-H Children returned Sunday Imons and Rebecca Jane Southpiayd. Are You Adequately Insured? wonder if the driver of the car was Crawford and Glenda LiMie and evening from summer camp held at The afternoon was spent doing fancy tending strictly to his driving? Too Messrs. David Moomaw, Darrell : iBriage. Bridge. Those attending from her» work and Preparing blocks of worsted My Office Can Serve You. inose attending rrom nere--------------- -- ------------- • -— ■ - Lou — - ... Coralie - .. , material many drivers fail to take the proper Holycross, Vernon McMichael, Robert [were Lindy Holverstott, materi“l for an afghan to be given tiie Crocs. precaution when passing both people Bunnage of Portland, Junior Gul- ! and Ellen Ellis, Ruth Palmer, Made- : ** “ Red r ‘““' and animals. And after all a dog strom and Mrs. Jake Moomaw* who line Croy, Duane Frye, Norman I Harvey Barklow, of Gravelford, re­ ceived word last week of the death means a lot to hia owner, for “greater was in charge. After • short prac­ Chezem and Walter Shutt. love hath no man." Mrs. Fred Coleman and three chil­ [of his sister, Fannie Krantz, at Co- tice, games were enjoyed and re­ Her, death was The Japanese have pulled a hunger freshments were served by the host­ dren left Sunday evening for their ' vena, California. List Your Property with me and I’ll Work to Sell it for you caused by a fall; • Mf. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Her­ Mr and Mr» Ray McNair came up bert, Mr. am, Mrs Kenneth Carl aq