The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 06, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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Bare Fo^ts From
Bear Creek
(By Lan* Leneve)
Admiral George Dewey practically
demolished the Spanish fleet with
one good broadside during th* Span­
ish-American wax. We are sincerely
hoping that Thomas Dewey can do
the same thing— launch a “broadside”
that will sink th* New Deal forever.
Tradition has proved th* fact that
Dewey 1* a fighting name., Some
forty-six year* ago that ham* waa th*,
idol of America—dogs, cate and kids
were given It* bestowal.
It still
is a
Like with your purse, ,
it’s what’s inside a
battery that count«.
Ä Jftx
It costs lots
of electricity
•• to run your car.
Until one day, (the day
you’re in a terrible
hurry) you step on th«
Norway News Items
ahe.1 the’eXi' ?"'f HlU
i 1 Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Bartlett and
Mter th. general election in Novam-
During the first campaign carried |
on by F. D. R. . certain barber atJ
w^mThaT^heVen fX ’S“*"'
-i .i
Larry and
Thompson, in to celebrate the 4th of
July, as their parents, Mr. and- Mrs.
Raymond Thompson, were busy get­
ting tlieir hay while the sun shun*.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Detlefsen, of
Myrtle Point, gave a 4th of July pic­
nic at their country home with Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Schmidt. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Detefsen and Mr. and
Mrs. Einer Neilson, all of Norway,
and Miss Gladys Detlefsen, of Berke­
ley, Calif^ present.
Those from Norway attending the
banquet given at the Coquille Valley
Country Club last Friday evening,
sponsored by the Coquille and Myrtle
Point Chambers of Commerce, were
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Schmidt, Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Trigg, Mr. and Mrs.
Rufus Rylander, Dave Sumerlin, E. F.
Brodie, H. T. Tedsen and daughter,
i Anita.
Members or
of the
the U.
S. Dept,
Dept, of
of Inter-
U. s.
lor and n*mb®r» of the State High-
, wa*
me‘ Saturday at the Nor-
^ store and to
*nt down
“d looked ‘ over
»'’•r the McCloskey myr-
Ue <rove’
several colored pic-
tures oi 0,6 •ame and also ol the at"
the club would be held at the home
of Mrs. Geo. Hoffman, ef Myrtle
Point, the last Wedrugdy la JMly.
Seven Fire Calls
The Past Week
In Justice Bull’s Court
The Past Week
Oliver Otis Jenkins paid a |9 fine
and coats charge in Justice Fred
Bull's court here last Saturday on an
overloaded truck charge and on Wed­
nesday he was summoned by the State
police to answer the same charge
George Anthony Binder paid »5,
after $4 of his fine had been suspend­
ed on Wednesday (or having an over­
weight load on his truck.
Also yesterday George Arthur Quil-
haugh was summoned for having only
one headlight, and Wm. Harold Ev-
land for having an overload truck.
The Coquille Fire Department has
been called out seven times to an­
swer alarms since last Friday morn­
ing. Three of the fires were on th*
roof of the building occupied by Fred
Bull's insurance office where sparks
on the roof started the fires. Two of
the calls were on Friday afternoon
and the third was on Saturday at
12:45 when it really got to blazing.
Sunday afternoon's call was to the
railroad trestle above the docks where
Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­
a dropped cigarette had set the oil- der's Jewelry. Men’s Wedding Rings
soaked planking afire.
in stock.
At 10:20 Sunday morning sparks
from an over-heated flue of the house
where State Police Officer Fred El-
ligsen resides on North Schroeder
street, burned a hole in the reef. Tfae.. j
«re was directly over the telephone'
and Mr*. Elligsen had a alow time
getting the call In.
Later that evening, in the Harry"
Williams'house next door to the El­
ligsen house an overheated oil stove
started another blaze, which did not
dp a great deal of damage.
The Tuesday evening call was to
the Folsom Apartment House, where
a fire of unnkown origin did from
|200 to |300 damage in the Briner
' apartment on the basement floor,
See “Spike” Leslie for the oest in
Liability, or other Insurance. Office,
27S So. Hall, in former hospital bldg.;
phone 5: residence phone 95L.
Um* ago and by goeh. I'm goto’ to
also the first in the Lloyd Leather-
vote tor him this tlm*!’* It appears
that F.DJl. was even fooling ’em* into
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dick and chil­
voting for him during that first term.
Evidently by this time the old back- 1 dren, Douglas and Donna, came over
Sunday from Reedsport to see her
woodstnau is scratching his head and
parents. Mr. Dick helped his father-
wondering how “Teddy" has changed.
in-law, Walter Schroeder, get in his
Haying season is on in full swing
hay during the Monday and Tuesday
on-Bear Creek. In fact, one farmer
holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Severt Iver­
was buried so deep in the hay that
son and sons, Roger and Myron, also
it took him three days to learn that
came in from their home in Rose­
the Chicago convention had nom­
burg. He is looking after the haying
inated Dewey and Bricker. Well,)
’ at hU D0™ ranch. white hte wife and
thin ult i. Tt°N
per children vtait her parent», Mr. and
k _, Mw W,1Ur Schroeder.
vacation school
Ww. ,nd Mr’ T Uwr*“«» Frewnan
kSd it
held at for
Cottage*, I ,nd family-daughter and son-lh-law
near BandJL
. ™
Th^ vounertJJ .¿„T.
ot Mr
Mri J
rhe youngM*r* attending enjoyed _h-ve
o,-,,. horn. at Sweet
SDOrta on the beach in addition tn ,Kn T“*ve
lne,r no,ne 81 oweel
«<*“•■ Ore, *M bought a place < ^McOutey •*»* and yard.
religious services which they attend- '
Mrs. Harvey C. Koistag, of Loa
j Winchester Bay.
I Th* J. J. McCloskeys and family, Angeles, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Mis* Hazel Heffley,
! who have been visiting at the J. H. Martin Schmidt; this week and will
Creek Banker,” who is employed at
McCloskey* for the past two weeks, take her daughter, Frances Kolstad,
the state capital spent the past week- 1
left Monday morning for their home who has been staying with her grand­
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
ma the past year, home with her on
in San Francisco.
and Mrs. Harry Heffley.
A. R. Bennett was in Power* Wed- returning.
The State Highway oiling crew last
. nesday of last week and, while there,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Heath and
week were busy oiling the Coquille- I called at the Pat Easley home to see
daughter, Gloria, of Reedsport, are
Bandon highway. At that especially
also visiting her mother, Mrs. Martin
'Mrs. Easley’s father, W. T. Brady.
busy time just before the 4th, when
I Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Knack and Schmidt this week.
there was an unusual amount of traf­
daughter, Gladys, of Dunsmuir, Calif.,
The Pleasant Point Needle Club
fic and the farmers were making hay
came in Saturday and are visiting at met June 28 with Mrs. R. W. Haugh­
while the sun shone, -it worked a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peter­ ton as hostess and the following
hardship on everybody. It was dis­
Don't Fail—Tune la KOOS on your
named present: Mesdames Frank
tinctly, not • case of “casting oil upon
Mrs. Minnie Lester, sister of J. H. Southmayd, president; A. R. Bennett, radio Sunday evenings at 7:15. 19tfs
troubled waters.”
' _
............... ."I* . ■.■J! .»«MF.1
McCloskey, came up from Corcoran, secretary and treasurer; Ellis South­
A reader of this column write* us
Calif., and 1« visiting at the hortw of mayd, J. Lewellen Southmayd, Paul
from afar and takes exception to our her brother.
• j j Davis, Geo. Hoffman, B. F. Claver,
attitude toward the American-born
evenina of
at last week
weak *
a , Raymond Thompson, Qalph Rackleft,
Tuesday evening
Japanese. We still claim that the en­
farewell reception
was given
In the Myrlck Daniel«, J. Finley Schroeder,
tire rase, wherever they may be born,
dining room of the
Myrtle Point Fred Yarbrough, Alden Mast, Julia
are still fifty degree* lower in char- '
Methodist Church for Rev. T. J. Leep, Lena Kellenberger and Mary
actor and principle than our Ameri­
Pryor and Mrs Pryor. Rev. and Mrs. Harris. A delicious potluck dinner
can-born rattlesnake*.
Neither of1
Marion Stern* of the Brethren was greatly enjoyed by all. After
them ere desirable citizens. Excuse'
Church, representing the personnel
please, pass the rattlesnake*,
f “Iof the Inter-Church Fellowship, pre- dinner a short business session was
held, during which time $11.50 worth
other words, we are sticking to our
sentad Mr*, Pryor with a beautiful of U, S. war savings stamps were
Our litti* comment consenting the
Mr' Pryor purchased by different club members.
uv oHnmcni cumwiuug wie wJUl a myrt|ewood letter opener.
Mrs. Julia Leep, Mrs. Ralph Rack­
Xn ~
TA??. I Mr and V"- Wmund Soaper and
left and Mrs. Geo. Hoffman received
The lad is now happy {o(O,
from Albany
birthday gifts from th* cjub. Mrs.
with a new dog.
1 Thursday evening of last wt«k to Alden tyast, of Myrtle Point, daugh- ,
Regarding the comments mad* In
Many of the above item* we rebuild
■ vi*|t his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
this column: we do not agree with igoaper, and returned home Tuesday ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haughton, ,
buy in most any condition
everybody concerning their views, eo |
)' WW --•»» •• <■«»•
• *, of Mr. and Mr*. J. Finley Schroeder
naturally do not expect everyone to
i Mr. and Mrs.
Mr*. Bert Claver drove were guests of th* Club for the day.
agree with us.
__ la« _ ML
__ * ■ i a. taking
*_g — theta
a A wai decided the next meeting of
Everyone was perfectly happy and
contented with one freedom — the
one our forefathers fought to preserve |
for us tor all time. Today we are
fighting for four freedoms.
freedom, if enacted properly, is
enough for us.
I Kidneys Must
Work Well-
D oans P ills
Coil Bed Springs
ke Boxes
Steel Bedsteads
Small Motors
and repair and will
for cash.
Brooks Used Furniture, Phone 119L
your car h a
dead pigeon.
Scared? Well, turn the
problem oyer to expert«.
Shell people know all about
battery upkeep. (They «ven batteries to «ell
to people who refuse to be
aeftted »to keeping up
pig ones.)
And they know a U about
Shßllubrication, tW-
Thftt’l « gervice tí» isrotert
nil your cart «pascivi
geara, ahacMes and thing*.
Important? Well, rather!
5000 care are being
scrapped every day by War­
time Stop and Go driving.
Belle Knife Hospital
Mrs. Anna Ekblad, from Marsh­
field, entered for treatment, and j
Wayne Schrader, of CoqufU*, uj-.
djrwWl «
operation lagt
Bonnie Morsan submitted to an an-*
pendectumy gn Friday.
On Monday M r . Ring WU*OQ, c«-
eu|||e, ang A|tert L. Duk*.
do(l. bpfh entered for treatment,
Mrs Huaton Robison, of Klamath
Fall*, underwent « major operation
PR Monday
A sU-year old Roseburg boy, Duan*
Whitlatch, underwent an operation
for appendicitis yesterday.
BABY CRIBS >14.05 up
Dismissals the past week were Mrs.
J. J. Stanley, Anna Mullin* and Cha*.
Merchant on July 1st; Edwin Crow­
ley, of Sitkum, on Sunday; Mr*. W. S.
Osgood and baby on Monday; Mr*.
A. C. Cook and baby on Tuesday;
Tony Giorgis and Mrs. E. W. Con^
PLATFORM ROCKER . . . >4».»5
i f
Jung 2F-M4W* R**h«fd V*. S«m
Wtfaofl. ActteA M In»,
—... _ *
Æ ■
. .
Walnut Cocktail Table* >10.50
Beautiful Floral Picture* $1,39
For yiQnt
16x6.00 . .
. >15.55
If you are eligible for new tires,
you’ll want to be sure that you get
the best tires your money can buy.
We have in stock now for moat
popular models, the famous West­
ern Giant >. . Double-Duty tires,
the make that assures longer and
safer trouble-free mileage.
’Bring your certificate to Western.
If you haven't any but believe
you are eligible, we’ll gladly ex­
plain how to proceed to get one.
I Ask for low Pritts on Western’s I
Tax Included with old Tire
w «vw¥ QAw smicB
Protect Your Mo­
^¡00 funeral
we >J*«**»«
’ ceevitw
HARRY M. JOHNSON, Prop,—Authorized Dealer
156 South Taylor, Coquille
. *
Phono 85