faqb sbvkn ■ Bare Fo^ts From Bear Creek (By Lan* Leneve) Admiral George Dewey practically demolished the Spanish fleet with one good broadside during th* Span­ ish-American wax. We are sincerely hoping that Thomas Dewey can do the same thing— launch a “broadside” that will sink th* New Deal forever. Tradition has proved th* fact that Dewey 1* a fighting name., Some forty-six year* ago that ham* waa th*, idol of America—dogs, cate and kids were given It* bestowal. It still This is a battery Like with your purse, , it’s what’s inside a battery that count«. Ä Jftx It costs lots of electricity •• to run your car. Until one day, (the day you’re in a terrible hurry) you step on th« Norway News Items ahe.1 the’eXi' ?"'f HlU i 1 Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Bartlett and Mter th. general election in Novam- an14.05 up Dismissals the past week were Mrs. J. J. Stanley, Anna Mullin* and Cha*. Merchant on July 1st; Edwin Crow­ ley, of Sitkum, on Sunday; Mr*. W. S. Osgood and baby on Monday; Mr*. A. C. Cook and baby on Tuesday; Tony Giorgis and Mrs. E. W. Con^ Npw PLATFORM ROCKER . . . >4».»5 C®»« i f Jung 2F-M4W* R**h«fd V*. S«m Wtfaofl. ActteA M In», hr ' < ■ —... _ * Æ ■ . . Walnut Cocktail Table* >10.50 SHILL OIL COMPANY, lnctrptratfj Beautiful Floral Picture* $1,39 > .. 3,'äs. '■ • V ■ Jg Mggg For yiQnt Kegubtr Models! 16x6.00 . . . >15.55 If you are eligible for new tires, you’ll want to be sure that you get the best tires your money can buy. We have in stock now for moat popular models, the famous West­ ern Giant >. . Double-Duty tires, the make that assures longer and safer trouble-free mileage. ’Bring your certificate to Western. If you haven't any but believe you are eligible, we’ll gladly ex­ plain how to proceed to get one. I Ask for low Pritts on Western’s I [ HOME INSULATION | Tax Included with old Tire THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC yNQE^§TA®LWN° w «vw¥ QAw smicB Protect Your Mo­ tor with 106% Pure PENN SU­ ^¡00 funeral we >J*«**»« QMW TWri Csqtlir PREME MOTOR OIL ’ ceevitw HARRY M. JOHNSON, Prop,—Authorized Dealer 156 South Taylor, Coquille . * Phono 85