The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 13, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    111 '."'S
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rental sander. Basy to use, ?<■«»,-
wnical. FARR A ELWOOD.
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No subscription
(or Hi adv
Entered at the
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, 'in the Coast League. ’'Babe” Thoma» .' Washington, D. C., April 8—Con
April 11, 1824)
to on th* Portland team and Carl i grass will resume activity Wednesday
' (the 12th). Most of the nearby mem-
The city council Monday evening Turns is with the Oakland team.
■ bars are home during this recess.
Fire on the river side roof of the iMost of the Oregon and Washington
creamery was- discovered by Fred membery stayed here« but a number
McNelly Wednesday noon, when a J of Californians went out there to cam­
shingle lighted on the water in front paign in the primaries. I had planned
of the dock wheip he was standing, on taking a few day» out of town
Looktag up he saw the smoke and it, some place, but a number of problems
required but a few pails of water to I came up about the time Congress
extinguish the blaze.
re c se so d which made it necessary
j for me to stay pretty close to the of-
opposing Willkie indicated no elation.
The general run of the comment on
the development is to wonder what
he will do now. Undoubtedly Mr.
Willkie has a large following in the
nation so the politicos are anxious to
learn whether he will turn his sup­
port to another candidate or will
simply retire from active participa­
' Radios
Southwestern Motors
Goodyear Store
325 So.
0. Hall
Phone 184
Before adjourning for the Easter
recess, the House Committee on Pub- L‘
Agaln Fire Chief J. E. Perrott re- • five. The “Hill has been mighty Uc Lands, concluded hearings on my
bill, H. R. 1888, which would clarify
Those who have noticed the change quests the Sentinel to inform the pub- quiet this week.
the jurisdictional dispute over some
in the time of blowing the whistle at lie that no one is allowed on the fire j
€BAS. A.
the E. B. Johnson mill here may have truck except the firemen and that! Nothing big is scheduled for con- 480,000 acres of lands, mostly forest
thought the shorter hours indicated a hereafter everyone will be put off ey- jideration by the House during the land, located in western Oregon. At
decreased output of the mill, but auch cept members of the department
'first few days after recess. Wed- present this land is claimed by both
to not the case. White the employees
nesday and Thursday.a number of the U. 8. Forest Service and the
O. A C. Administration. Since the
had been starting at 7 a. m. and work t
J*8« Watoosi, who intends to open minor matters will be taken up and
in last week's Oregon Voter about' ing until 4:20 p. m., the time to now a law office here in the near future, disposed of.
The following week, lands were actually a part of the ori­
Coos county's representative in the' from eight until five, and the dkily has rented the two rooms in the First however, the final round of the aec- ginal O. A C. grant, this bill would
> ' -
| cut remains the same —from 75,000 to Natiortal Bank building formerly oc- ond session of this tilth Congress will place the lands under O. A C. As
soon as Congress reconvenes, the
Ralph T. Moore. Bandon lumber- 80,000 a day. The reason for this copied by J. L. Aasen as an office, begin in earnest.
manufacturer and newspaper col- j increased efficiency is the installa-
--o ■■
I Forthcoming important measures committee will hold an executive
umnist, has one of the best minds of; tion of $3500 worth of new machinery,
A committee, consisting of A. R. include several appropriation bills, I session on this bill and will, I hope,
___ _________
Gould, J. L. Holyeroas and F. C.-1 the renewal
of the Price
Control Act, I report it out favorably to the floor,
anyone who has served in the legto-
’ —o—
Nosier A Hunttagton's Idea] Bak­ Hudson, was
named at Commercial consideration of proposals to make a , This bill to a companion bill to one
lature; his oge session's experience
will help next time: he is also un­ ery, on First street, are installing a Club Wednesday evening, to inter- special draft- of those classified as introduced in the Senate by the late
new oven, which will permit thapi view the business men to see if they ,4-Fs, |ax simplification, the veter­ Senator McNary. When the Senate
opposed on either ticket.”
to more than double their present out- desirq| to subscribe to a fund of $35 ans “GI Bill qf Rights.“ This is not passed it, however, certain amend­
put of bread. The capacity of the a month for the night watchman, who a complete list by any means, but ments were added which had the ef­
new equipment to 330 pound loavea. • would see that their lights were tum- gives a general idea of some of the fect of placing the administration of
By R. T. Moore
led out at eleven o'clock and their woA before Congress in the near the lands under the Forest Service
but providtag payment to the coun­
Daily receipts of cream at the Co- doors locked,
The referendum measure proposed qullie Valley Creamery here are very I
|’rV> f.
. *
ties on the basis of O. A C. payrnentsb
by the organized teachers is causing
This amendment does not seem to be
decidedly on the upgrade now and J Mrs. H. G. Prey hand* us a clipping
some concern among legislators be-
will continue to tacrease until the from the China Press, published at committee on Contract Termination a proper solution of the problem ahd
musc it does not stipulate the sources
apparently was adopted by the Sen­
of the funds requested. The amount
j making a ton of‘butter a day.
| engagement of Mtoa Madeline Chapin, a bill to create an Office of Demo- ate Committee for th> reason that
asked for is five million dollars.
I on* of the most popular young society bllization, to terminate war contracts some of the controverted lands are
The sales tax measure, If passed,'
would yield this much or more from ‘ Twtr ot the boy* who P1**®*1 wlth ,
•*' Honolulu, <to Mr. Cyril M. and dispose of surplus government intermingled with Forest Service
the 20 per cent «hare of the schools the Ctxluil,e baseball team last year j Tyrrell of the Robert Dollar Com- property, and S 1823. having to do lands—just as are some 450,000 other
in auch proceeds. But there ha. been
*“ on- ' with war mobilibzation and poet-war acres of O. A C. lands. It is likely
^*dXP^^c.mMl^^toh^UbtS!,,Cut>e,, Slade and “K‘d” Car,on
February 8.
the IT—ii Committee will work out
permanent solution of this difficulty
sales tax idea to the voters and the TF
The introduction of a new Tax by exchanging and blocking off both
teachers are afraid it will fall. So
the efficiency and integrity ot the dent again becomes glaringly appar-
___ . : Simplification
Bill has been held ___
up O. A C. lands and forest lands In,,
this additional measure has been profession through assurance of de­ ent He lacks the ability to efficiently
Final ! of necessity untilafter the Congres- !*°“d 8r888 <M»*»nct from each other.
drafted to serve as a sort of insurance
«•‘•■’ies. This column has re­ organise his administration. L___ __________ ____ 1 ___ __ ______
The House /ÎSS
policy, making certain the payment P*»**dly advocated the payment of say on everything has to come up to slonal Easter recess.
by the State of the five million dol- 8Uch salaries to our long-suffering him. It is an utter impossibility for Ways and Means Committee, how-
has completed
its work on the
‘ ‘ ’ “
iars in addition to the funds provided teachers and will continue to press any one man to even begin to handle ever, ""
for in the Walker income tax plan. for
reform In ouf school policies. the affairs of this greet nation alone. proposal and has turned it over to
There is also the fear thst with fad- 1‘ wo“ld be the height of folly not The amazing capacity of the president the Legislativ«*Counsel for drafting.
ing of the huge war industries in J° thu8 pro8»** this important ser- for responsibility and the ease with During the week in working out de­
which he bears up under the terrific tails of the simplification plan, the
Portland the total income tax receipts vice-
for tfie state will drop and th* schools I But the people should understand war burden is nevertheless ineffec­ committee reached the following
1. To change the fil­
will qot get their present five mil- ith8$ lh< faUur8 to stipulate the source tive The confusion and indirection agreements:
lion dollars from that source. (You
revenue for this new measure SO prevalent at Washington is mainly ing date of estimated income returns
are to understand that the Walker wiU «imply mean either an added due to thia unfortunate situation. from Dec. 15, as in present law, to
OUR PRICES are Exactly the SAME on Pittsburgh Products,
plan now yield* about five mUUon' real property tax or an increased in­ The president’s desk remains the the following Jan. 15., 2. To require
as they were Five Years Ago.
dollars which has been currently dto- rome tax reaching into the pockets of bottle-neck despite his heroic efforts’ persons making more than $500 a
tributed to the school districts. Thejtbe wage earner.
While the sum to clear it
¿year to Hie t8X returns, no matter
We sorely need a re-organization ' what age. Persons with income of
teachers organization now asks an ad- ! “bed for it not excessive, the impact
ditional five million dollars through ¡on reel property or ihcome tax levies, of the executive branch of the gov- less than WOO are permitted to be
their new referendum measure.) - • whichever is chdeen, will be appro-
appre- emment. Men of proven worth and classed as dependents. 3. To remove
competence should be placed in full, present law restrictions as to age.
It to interesting to speculate on C8^e\
If the electorate decides favorably command of cabinet posts and all ; The committee voted to Include as a
what would happen if both sales tax
and the added five million measure on the measure, it must be presumed conflicting bureaus abolished and dependent any person relying on the
to also approve the added fax neces­ their activities taken over by the taxable for his chief support. 4. To
sary to finance it. Possibly the bur- proper Department. The decision of i also remove present restrictions as
__ ___________ ______
,,, , 'den-will be felt most by those who the cabinet officer should be final, to the capability of self-support,
plan, the five million or more from!*
**w pay ’ 8ub8t8nti81 real subject to over-rule by tlie courts 1 Present law Includes only persons in-
the sales tax, and the five million property or Income tax and the or by Congress only. The president capable, for mental or physical rea-
from the present referendum, fifteen measure should be thoroughly under­ should keep closely In touch with the 'sons of self-support.
million dollars or more in total.
««tood b? **• Public to avoid later un­ policy of each Department and should ,
The sudden withdrawal at Wen­
approve of the general plan before
Thera is much sentiment in ^gw*****
the can net officer undertakes its dell Willkie as an active candidate for
of greater State participation in the
school expense.
It is Mt that too| The United States is not doing execution. The Congress should also' thè Republican Presidential nomina-
be kept informed through its commit- I tion took everyone by complete sur-
much of Uie burden now falls on well In the diplomatic field at present,
real property and that reel property Our unquestioned leadership in mu- tees on the proposed plans so that' prise here. I have been unable to
taxes are therefore too high for eco- (nitions manufacture and dominance their approval can be assure^ before' trace any particular reaction to this
nomic safety. A source of revenue of the world's economic structure en- action is commenced. The president sudden turn of events. Even those
for school purposes to which all titles us to an influence far greeter should keep strictly aloof from petty | who have been openly and avowedly
Squabbles over domestic matters. He
people contribute is called for and than we art now able to exert.
thejState alone is able to provide that.
A democracy can never move as dannot maintain a proper perspective
But the State cannot provide the i88t- diplomatically, as a dictatorship if he so indulges. It was never in­
funds at present unless it raises in-!or 8 centralized government
Nor tended that he have dictatorial powers
come tax levies. The latter to the should it expect to. Our constitution nor should he need them.
only general source remaining that Provides opportunity for thorough '' It is easy to criticize the short­
debate and research into diplomatic comings of another and very difficult
does not attack real property.
This provision has served to overcome those of your own. To
So legislators fear that the passage matters
as a safe-guard against do the simple things listed above is
of the referendum school measure
a very great task that will take years
without stipulation of the source of costly error,
But the public
It is the duty of our president and in accomplishing.
funds will simply mean that they
must raise the income tax levies amid his State Department to make plain will insist on its being done.
the howls of the taxpayers. Legisla­ to other Powers our vested interest bureaucratic form of government has
tors wilt be blamed for an evil which in post-war settlements and our in-' been tried and found wanting. The
they had no part in perpetrating on sistonce on bur constitutional right to new president, whether it be FDR
the public. Their lot will be a most thorough deliberation before .giving for a Fourth Term or' another, will
our dissents or approval. We have have to start a general house­
unhappy one.
The entry of the State into a major been muCh too timid about firmly
role as provider of school funds will asserting ourselves and using our
mean less of autonomy, in part at great influence. The vast power of
least, to the individual school districts. our economic might is a potent weap­
If the State puts up the motjey it will on which no natioa can afford to ig­
be entitled to say how It will be nore.
Utflr” Carne»
Timely Topics
A VipUant
the People (
High Quulity at Reasonable Cost
Waterspar Enamél - / - * gal. $4.95
Sunproof House Paint - gal.,$3.20
Wallhide Semi Gloss - - gal. $3.40
Wallhide Flat
gal. $2.65
Floorhide Floor 6 Porch Paint gal. 3.65
We have a Good Stock of
Kalsomine - Shingle Stain - Linseed Oil
Turpentine - Thinner
Stevens Cash Hardware
The present administration nas al­
spent. The teachers’ measure does
not say this in so many words. But it lowed its political sensitiveness to
handicap, if not completely nullify,
is hard to escape the logic of it. '
Many small districts will be pres­ the efforts of the able Mr. Hull to
sured to merge with larger ones. Lo­ •wt up a definite foreign pqjfcy worthy
cal sentiment on such matters will not of the dignity of our nation and the
be heeded and the patrons can not respect of other Powers.
very well object when they are re­ fear of militant minorities of voters
lieved by the State from most of the In our own country has had more
direct school burden.' It is a part effect on foreign policy than consid­
eration df the needs of war-torn Eu­
of the price to be paid for State aid.
On the credit side is the fact that rope, judging from the week state­
the schools will be undeniably better ment by Mr. Hull to the press, At­
equipped and staffed. Though fewer tempt was made to quiet criticism but
in number and farther apart 'they the net result was to create even
will give the youngsters a better and mors dissatisfaction, j /important
more rounded education. The added questions were left unanswered.
competition feature found in the
The by-pasaing of My. Hull by the
larger schools is good for the average President in approving the oil scheme
student. It stimulates conditions ei- ' of Mr. Ickes without the knowledge
perienced in real life and gives the or consent of Mr. Hui) may have con­
student a better mental orientation, vinced the latter that he dare not
the latter very important economical- speak for the administration on State
ly and politically.
matters although his office clearly
No one can find fault with the entitled him to that privilege.
teaching fraternity for trying to pro- ’ The great
of the preai-
who seeks republican nomination as
Joint Representative for Cone and
Curry counties.
. . , , X
1 %
■ V /
Inductees, get your chains for your
Dog Tag before leaving home at
Schroeder’s Jewetry Store.
"* ft* Coefrrmrf
' 4?.