111 '."'S SS» I. - REFINISH YOUR FLOORS with our rental sander. Basy to use, ?<■«»,- wnical. FARR A ELWOOD. s _z—_-------------------- —---------------- _ TWENTY NEW «ine W flaw No subscription (or Hi adv Uve Entered at the Ui (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, 'in the Coast League. ’'Babe” Thoma» .' Washington, D. C., April 8—Con April 11, 1824) to on th* Portland team and Carl i grass will resume activity Wednesday ' (the 12th). Most of the nearby mem- The city council Monday evening Turns is with the Oakland team. ■ bars are home during this recess. IDO Fire on the river side roof of the iMost of the Oregon and Washington creamery was- discovered by Fred membery stayed here« but a number McNelly Wednesday noon, when a J of Californians went out there to cam­ shingle lighted on the water in front paign in the primaries. I had planned of the dock wheip he was standing, on taking a few day» out of town Looktag up he saw the smoke and it, some place, but a number of problems required but a few pails of water to I came up about the time Congress extinguish the blaze. re c se so d which made it necessary —o— j for me to stay pretty close to the of- opposing Willkie indicated no elation. The general run of the comment on the development is to wonder what he will do now. Undoubtedly Mr. Willkie has a large following in the nation so the politicos are anxious to learn whether he will turn his sup­ port to another candidate or will simply retire from active participa­ tion. Console ' Radios SALE PRICE $87.50 Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store 325 So. 0. Hall Phone 184 Before adjourning for the Easter recess, the House Committee on Pub- L‘ Agaln Fire Chief J. E. Perrott re- • five. The “Hill has been mighty Uc Lands, concluded hearings on my bill, H. R. 1888, which would clarify rOBMBB COVRRNOÀ Those who have noticed the change quests the Sentinel to inform the pub- quiet this week. the jurisdictional dispute over some —°~ in the time of blowing the whistle at lie that no one is allowed on the fire j €BAS. A. iblii the E. B. Johnson mill here may have truck except the firemen and that! Nothing big is scheduled for con- 480,000 acres of lands, mostly forest thought the shorter hours indicated a hereafter everyone will be put off ey- jideration by the House during the land, located in western Oregon. At decreased output of the mill, but auch cept members of the department 'first few days after recess. Wed- present this land is claimed by both to not the case. White the employees —0s* nesday and Thursday.a number of the U. 8. Forest Service and the O. A C. Administration. Since the ...... .. had been starting at 7 a. m. and work t J*8« Watoosi, who intends to open minor matters will be taken up and in last week's Oregon Voter about' ing until 4:20 p. m., the time to now a law office here in the near future, disposed of. The following week, lands were actually a part of the ori­ Ï Coos county's representative in the' from eight until five, and the dkily has rented the two rooms in the First however, the final round of the aec- ginal O. A C. grant, this bill would legislature: > ' - | cut remains the same —from 75,000 to Natiortal Bank building formerly oc- ond session of this tilth Congress will place the lands under O. A C. As soon as Congress reconvenes, the Ralph T. Moore. Bandon lumber- 80,000 a day. The reason for this copied by J. L. Aasen as an office, begin in earnest. manufacturer and newspaper col- j increased efficiency is the installa- --o ■■ I Forthcoming important measures committee will hold an executive umnist, has one of the best minds of; tion of $3500 worth of new machinery, A committee, consisting of A. R. include several appropriation bills, I session on this bill and will, I hope, » ___ _________ ___________ Gould, J. L. Holyeroas and F. C.-1 the renewal of the Price Control Act, I report it out favorably to the floor, anyone who has served in the legto- ’ —o— Nosier A Hunttagton's Idea] Bak­ Hudson, was i named at Commercial consideration of proposals to make a , This bill to a companion bill to one lature; his oge session's experience will help next time: he is also un­ ery, on First street, are installing a Club Wednesday evening, to inter- special draft- of those classified as introduced in the Senate by the late new oven, which will permit thapi view the business men to see if they ,4-Fs, |ax simplification, the veter­ Senator McNary. When the Senate opposed on either ticket.” _ to more than double their present out- desirq| to subscribe to a fund of $35 ans “GI Bill qf Rights.“ This is not passed it, however, certain amend­ put of bread. The capacity of the a month for the night watchman, who a complete list by any means, but ments were added which had the ef­ new equipment to 330 pound loavea. • would see that their lights were tum- gives a general idea of some of the fect of placing the administration of By R. T. Moore *_ —-o—, led out at eleven o'clock and their woA before Congress in the near the lands under the Forest Service but providtag payment to the coun­ Daily receipts of cream at the Co- doors locked, future'. The referendum measure proposed qullie Valley Creamery here are very I |’rV> f. . * 7-0— 4 ties on the basis of O. A C. payrnentsb by the organized teachers is causing This amendment does not seem to be decidedly on the upgrade now and J Mrs. H. G. Prey hand* us a clipping The Senate Military Affairs Sub ­ some concern among legislators be- StHtu will continue to tacrease until the from the China Press, published at committee on Contract Termination a proper solution of the problem ahd musc it does not stipulate the sources apparently was adopted by the Sen­ last of May. ' Just now the plant to Shanghai, Feb. 37, as foUows: “ The opened hearings this week on S. 1730, of the funds requested. The amount j making a ton of‘butter a day. | engagement of Mtoa Madeline Chapin, a bill to create an Office of Demo- ate Committee for th> reason that asked for is five million dollars. I on* of the most popular young society bllization, to terminate war contracts some of the controverted lands are The sales tax measure, If passed,' would yield this much or more from ‘ Twtr ot the boy* who P1**®*1 wlth , •*' Honolulu, e,, Slade and “K‘d” Car,on Honoulu February 8. the IT—ii Committee will work out adjustment. a permanent solution of this difficulty ■sie sales tax idea to the voters and the TF The introduction of a new Tax by exchanging and blocking off both teachers are afraid it will fall. So the efficiency and integrity ot the dent again becomes glaringly appar- __________________________ ___ . : Simplification Bill has been held ___ up O. A C. lands and forest lands In,, this additional measure has been profession through assurance of de­ ent He lacks the ability to efficiently Final ! of necessity untilafter the Congres- !*°“d 8r888