The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 17, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    Timely Topics
The Sentinel
a tees reres
is a
By R. T.
sass raws
Th* Fourth War Loan drive is-qo’
1 going well in th* sale of Serie* X
bonds. Intended
•be indication of a transition from an in­
B. *
i’* dustry basqd on tetnperary liquidation ’
general ‘public.
jg an expendable national reaoutce
One Year........ ....... ....
JLP0 portance of meeting E bond quotas a* into a permanent industry based on
Six Months..................... -
.—. .M a vital
war -------------
measure ,-------------------
and as insurance sustained yield of managed forest
Three Montis*...... .. —-
------ —
No subscription taken unless paid ■
future financial disaster. ■ x | asset*. Tlie intent is to X
fc^ln advance. This rule is Impere
Tte tlXhtful ~d f
ber of Coquille, business and profes­
the provident gradual transition that will not dis- sional men.
——____ ■,’>i —¡are doing their duty in purchasing turb the over-ail workings of th*j
Entered at Che Coquille Postoffice as1 these bond* to the limit of their lumber industry.
I There was a good attendance at the
------ «...
1 mean»
Class Mail Matter.
It is with -------------------------
the careless and - n ta inevitable that •
umber nieeting of the Commercial Club Wed-
~ the chronically Improvident that we operations will gradually
out of ______ evening,
at which time the
* are concerned. The latter make up the picture a* lumber production
electfon of officers was held,
a majority of thooe who become pub- ' adjusted to annual growth. But it is j A IjirTlb waa chosen president and
lie charge* during lean years. Their hoped the change wiU come slowly ¡j
Beyers, secretary. . . Just after
symbol is the grasshopper in the enough to allow other industries to be Mr Lamb had
elected he came
I IT III fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant. developed to th* point where labor ”‘o
hal?~and?~although be ~pn>
■ —
ygy*<> ne*w linn esasw*.
¡Always having been provided for by released from lumber will be ab- tegted vehemently that he could not
_g.------- ' ■ .----------- rww
■= jthe government and neighbor when sorbed elsewhere.
* • accept> he finally took the gavel and
The present Congress ha* proved presidtd fol the remainder of the
"Presidents may come, and Prato- deeUtution threatened, they are living
dents may go, but I go on forever,” h'«h today trusting that they will be sympathetic to petitions for repeal of
seems to be the quadrennial
refrain sheltered from the cold tomorrow, the present discriminatory tax taws
of the present White House occupant Not a thought of patriotic duty nor damaging to forest ownership and i Fred Nosier and family, who re­
I of gratitude enters their heads. The operation. It is hoped that the com- turned from southern California last
• 'motto is: “Eat, drink, and be merry ing tax law will give lumber a fair
week, Intend to agHin make Coquille
• I today, , for tomorow there'll be deal.
The Oregon delegation has
their home.
j W P.A.”
• ! worked hard on this matter. They
High officialsjn the Administation deserve a good deal of credit for the
John Donaldson, one of the oldest
• ¡and military leaders are deeply con- favorable change in attitude on the residents of the Coquille Valley, died
cerned over this dangerous frame of part of Congress.
" j
at his home near Riverton on Tues­
tn rollowing the news of the day, • m|nd Repeated warnings that this is ■ A more sympathetic attitude to-
day of this week.
we find ourselves especially interest- , R brutal, cruel war in which we have ' wards lumber on the part of State
ed in one type of story; Whenever a bardiy begun, have been voiced in 1 and County officials is another fac-
The Coquille Rod & Gun Club it
German prisoner is quoted, we eager- ,
preo snd over the radio.
The tor in helping the industry through going to have a- "Bacon Shoot” at
ly seize upon his *or<Is- We
: current lack of success In the bond this critical'period. The old theory
their club grounds across the river
that it is foolish to place much im- drive
how utu< attention has! of “Soak the lumber baron while
por ance “Pon one man s thoughts
to the** solemn warnings you have a chance” is being sup-
_ ___ ______ ___________
• •••••••••
• • •••••••••
• Fragment» of Fact
,hef qUJ?
only or imself
He •pe*tai*n lorne quarters.
¡planted by the more Intelligent pro-
and his views may , perhaps these people will have to gram of helping perpetuate an im-
th<T °i.u
majority gf his learn w
h<rd way
Maybe the menaql/valuable pay-roll and source
Nevertbeleas we try to le—on wiU b* driven home by long of annual revenue.
understand what manner of men cn^r ca«ualty list*, by sight of those re- f Th* public’s part in the program is
enemies are fro"> th* revealing first turned from the war broken in mind, to be careful of fires in forest areas,
ttkntarilv or
bF ,torie* <* the bestial , to encourage the use of forest prod-
one .tXv rrx2^ — - M . e— ! atrocttl*' '"«^ted on our fighting ucts by the nation at large.
captured Ger^X ¿ho were re*°men ‘ by
íriendÁ,h Wm-wo,k *hou,d ingure the future
captured Germans who
T? were
7* . set
TL to
to, mofikey-men, by
by the
the unexpected
unexpected economic
economic importance
importance to
to the
the State
State ef
digging graves for the dead. They length of the war and it* terrible
— —.
-----------'this great industry.
were near collapse through fear until cost in live* and fortune.
they were assured they were not
But learn it they must and will.] ______
______ , plans
A vital w_________
part of all _ post-war
preparing their own burial places. The lives will have to be sacrificed i* the common requirement of “ven-
The whole brutality of Nazi tyrrany
aod thanaUen** resource* used freely' ture money" to finance expansion of
lay back of that fear and told with­ in bringing the final victory. Let no ! private enterprise. The use of “ven-
out words that German atrocities one think for a moment that he can' ture money" is the cornerstone of
reports were true.
’ I I
escape doing hi* part. Th* eye of the ' every scheme for th* maintenance of
It has often been reported that pris- j 1
Almighty is upon him and full ac- ] high employment level* esaenUal to
oners of war, pn reaching America, 1
counting of his stewardship cannot be continued prosperity. It 1* the leaven
were astonished io find American1 avoided for long.
*— ’--s
| in th* bread of a healthy, well bal-
citi*s intact and not in ruin*. All j
There has been much talk of voting "aneed economy affording comfort and
German* cannot cross the Atlantic1
privilege*, discharge pay, jobs, and plenty for all who will but exert the
to find their radio newscasters are
a^vanta^ “t£
moderate effort necetoary.
•nd*n^Vro»>tlnu*tob*»*v* nation is eager to giv it* fighting
I Until the crash in 1929 the main
wnat is told them.
; _- -•
•• -
All are united as one in the source of “venture money" was the
pQMible for
small estate
i_ »a.
»«• | |small
nuns field.
iivmi . The
. iiv money
mvnej laved
them «>
in poet-war. . Now
-A-* . ___ •- 7*7*
. : wre...
now la
is the
me time
um* to
w lby
iny the
tn* small-business
smaii-Duainess men,
man, farmers,
an addrea*
in Prague not long agoJ
___ .____ ________
ui> th°" WOrd* -¡.i,
With OUr m*ey *iUed workmen
* «uccemful
fab«- and our effort. ¡It’s a cM of “put ,tonal men. andthe like wM invested
SUt“ H* “P or shut “P ” *
’ in
in WKUritie.
securities involving
involving a
a degree
degree of
of risk
said the techlcal revolution her* had
The universal anxiety among fight- but yielding good interest rates,
destroyed the peasant, laid waste
men is for security of their jobs and i Banks participated to the limited ex-
prairies and millions of farmers wan­
whether they can resume the life I tent of making character loans and
dered from place to place. The doc­
they left. It is the first duty of ¡buying certain clM*e* of commercial
tor had probably heard of our migra­
every civilian left behind to see that paper. The large estate* of the prom-
tory workers or tlb dust-bowl jal­ thlS ffMH* ifl hllilVPd
a innnt rich, thniidh
* nr>lr xirl as
this fear is allayed. .TnKfi
Jobs will
will H
though of
as dnn.
opies on th* road. ‘‘
secure and prosperity assured if the gerous monopolies by political dema-
the ^vS ^^L.
i.Tj’ P^P'c *tan<i squarely behind the gov- gogues. never figured as ,
uallty Mid*that an old German fa^m U™"^1
6001 financin* and pro‘ factor*
“venture money”
»tead eontton* ■nore .pte^Tr^dom fThere ta no p,ace ior j B,thou«h they furnished large sum*
and creative force than oil
rWe” Let every m“n buy th***’oi ,uch capital. It was the aggregate
«eraser tnurn«
»«a *fcy* bond* to the absolute limit of his volume of thousands of small or mod-
‘ ‘
a e A lr°n aWlity ,nd ,et thcre k* no cheating grate sized estate* invested in com-
shacks in the United States of Amer­
in determining what that ability real- mercial enterprise that provided the
ica put together.
ly is.
bulk of the billions used each year in
He ended by saying thaj the New
the development of our industry.
and Davs for Dresidential eiA^f C0Un r»y
Lumber Industry Facts, compiled
Since 1930 these sources Of “ven-
the lre7y of fatetort at the time this by
Nat,,,ruI **umber Manufactur- ture capital" have been pretty well
XX publi^lJ tr* ^‘»V.on from data supplied dried up by confiscatory taxation
Frank Hague boss of .i™v ritv |by
induatry and from Pertinent plus harsh restrictions on private
was mrtd^ new^n W m SX a
industry. The forcing down
_ .._______
. *
interest to Oregonians. ‘
terest rates, with government
C.w as the vanguard of those now
peting against private enterprise for
shouting for a fourth term.
Oregon maintairtsy*Mkt place in the investment dollar, has taken away
lumber producliotJTa position held any incentive to risk capital In busi­
Any fair-minded person must ad­ continuously sinceY9-37. Though our ness when virtually the same return
mit that there has been a “smear- chief forest product, Douglas Fir, is ] ___
__ ijad by buying _
may be
Willkie” campaign going on ever: second to Southern Pine in total pro- 1 bonds at no risk whatever. Neither
since th* last election. Possibly we1 detion volume, it comprise* th* great- J private investor* nor banks are in­
should My two smears have been1
ert soft lumber stand remaining in forested in business financing ’when
attempted, one from within the re- the nation.
— 'there is no advantage to"be gained
publican rank* and the other from the 1 Our
lumber industry
has succeeded _
in higher intereat rates.
opposing party. However, by start- remarkably in keeping pace with the j Government policy ' was that the
r*bruary tb‘* y“f instead of enormous war demand. It
It pay»
pays one
one public
public interest
interest could
could bv
be wmr
better w.vw
NeplMllbsi, a* in 19W, Willikie with,of the highest wage schedules in th* by having th* U. S. Treasury take
his dynamic personality may make]
make Hatton.
Record production
—-*— was
----- over functions
of private capital th
personal appearances
enough I____
_____ in ________
aPP*«rances before enough
the face of a serious short- the providing of job* for everybody,
American citizen* to up*et thespians
'«g man”^ower.
The industry
investment money in the hands of the
of hi* opponents at both the republi- managed to maintain itself on the low public was channeled into government
can convention in Chicago and at the net inome average of around five securities by regulatory coercion*
election next November.
The latter'l* hardly enough that the government could gain a
*** 10081 frequent criticisms to overcome the accumulated working monopoly as a source of industrial :
heard against Willkie la that he is capital deficit from continuous losses capital and ceuld thus, control the
too much like Roosevelt. Well, if we during the period of 1929 to 1938 and
management of all enterprise. The
could have Roosevelt, v without
A ‘ hi*
‘ * the very small net returns of 1937
R.F.C. was used for this purpose to
faults, Would any one object" ■
¡a limited extent Thia is the
1 the government will increase with- '
trolled economy”
The American people apparently bolding taxes and the mad race will much about.
have different feelings about their ' continue of the government giving
Faced with the necessity for enor­
two enemies. The hate We have for with one hand and taking away with mously accelerated production for
the Japs is an emotion that has little the other.
war use and having destroyed form­
to d^with the intellect; it stems from
er sources of industrial capital, the
After learning that it really was a r
th* instinct to crush the snake that
government had to dump huge sums
strike* without warning; there is con­ hospital .they hit, the German* come into the production arena to build
____ _____ forward and declare that it was a
tempt ___________________
a* well as desire for vengeance
; up the rate to a point insuring .the
in our fight with this sub-human foe.
fo*. mistake on their part.
part.' Prankiy
Frankly w*
we w¡nn¡n<
waf ThM g
The Germans, however, have taught , st.U
----- —------ ---------- ---- -r. —- ----------
us to respect their aiblity. W* fight use of sacred Ipotsj-amouflaged their sums should have been wasted was
Red ' Croa*
them because we fear their mastery military activitii
inevitable. Government has always
i religious
of the world. The barbarity they banner* and foi
made a mess of things when it tried
display makes our blood run cold, edifices and so ■
¡to operate a business. It pits the
more plainly
ily marked
Of th* two, th* Japs and the Germans, th* same and the e mote
professional politician against the
th* latter are the greater transgrres- , our ho. pi tel* tents and ship*> are the profeM(ona| business executive in a
or* because they are civilised enough more they expect we are hiding im- Igame
at which the latter excels and
portant war activities therein. Only
to know the evil they do is evil.
the former is by training and tem­
after our hospitals prove to be hos-
perament a clumsy amateur. Inves­
If the C.. I. U and other union pitals do they try to excuse them-
tigation is uncovering fantastic ex-
leaders succeed in raising wages, then selvas.
A week from tonight, Feb. 22, the
Myrtle Point basketball quintet will
bq here to attempt to spoil the Co­
quille hoopers’ perfect score of five
wins and no losses.
........ ........................ ...........
decade has *e*n government burst all
■constitutional bounds and inundate
the notional economy like u devustat
ing flood. Rather, let it* waters be
stored behind the stout barrier of the
constitution so that they may be re
re- ­
leased, gradually and judicially. to
'freshen the public economy when de-
pression or adversity brings scorching
. ........... ... ..............
Arthur Heoton ta. back on the job
in the Aeotrical wiring and repun
business. He can be found north of
frail park on Fairview road: phone
_ s r>....................................
It Will pay you to look at Bergen's
before you buy.
marquee over the lobby entrance tc
hi* hotel. . . Before »hovipg him off
into space Chas. Hall told the assem­
bled crew of buccaneers that when
a man wm a traitor, when he deserted
hi* gang, when he brought all the
business of the hotel* of Maishfield
and North Bend over to Coquille with
him, that death was too easy for such
a one. “Why he’ll even be trying t4
bring our ocean over to the Coquille
valley," thundered the executioner as
he pushed his victim from* the end of
the plank. (Lafe landed iir the blan­
To make this simple, no risk hear­
ket all right and was repeatedly ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­
ened, bothered oy ringing buzzing
tossed high in,the air.)
head hoise* due to hardened or coag ,
la ted wax (cerumen), try the Ourim-
An eight-pound baby girl was born Home Method test that so many sa>
to Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Clinton at theii ha* enabled them to hear well again
You must hear better aftef ‘make .;
home west of town Wednesday eve­ this simple test or you get youajmpne,
back at one*. Ask about Ourlhe Ear
Drops todav at Barrow Drag Co.
The first meeting of the Story Hout
will be h<pld Saturday at 10:00 a. m,
in the grade school building. . .
Miss Anne Hendrickson, of thp pri­
It May Be Impossible for
mary department of our schools, will
Us to Meet All Request*
be in charge of the first meeting.
Wanted/ Men And
Women Who Are
Hard Of Hearing
« • • for , • •
The heavy planking between the
postoffice and the Odd Fellow’s build-
on the corner has been replaced with
new the past week. It was an im­
provement greatly needed for th*
old lumber had. broken through in
several place*.
/ _~
pa^, money. There will be an end-
leM procession of sordid exhibits of
incredible bungling, incompetency
e triumph
and t},
triumph of
of greed
greed over
over pa-
serve* in war time and then attempt
to prime the pump in post-war by
political distribution of the same
money through alphabetical agencies.
triotism, in parade before future gen­ It is better to leave the priming in
erations. This was is no different the pump. It’s far cheaper for the
from previous conflicts in regard to taxpayer besides keeping the pump
graft and private aggrandizement at in operating condition ready for in­
stant use.
public expense.,
A second step is to encourage and
Notwithstanding our shortcomings
in preparing the nation for war, we re-establish the former sources of
have always triumphed over the fo* “venture money” by eliminating pun­
and will do so again. The innate itive restrictions on investments in
common sense and moral vigor of a private enterprise. It is unfair to
free people commands the situation , force .private enterprise to compete
with the government
on interest rates,
and thrusts aside the incompetent to —
bringing to bear on the enemy the ir­ for borrowed capital. Both types of
resistible power of American enter- investment should be left to seek
their natural levels in the mohey.mar­
”' ■
t J
Having become almost alone in the ket and the righlfur balance restored
of “venture money," the gov­ to • the national financial structure.
ernment must find a way to get busi­ In Wit¡duals and loaning institutions
ness expansion funds into th* hands should be encouraged to assure their
of those who need and merit them. sponsorship of free enterprise so that
The first step in such a procedure is It can resume its interrupted march
to withdraw all regulation* tending to townrds world supremacy.
prevent the accumulation of adequate , A final- step I* the resumption by
reserve* by industry itself. , It is government of it* proper role si
foqiish to tax awpy these vital re- umpire rather than player. The-last
During this War Emerge aty
D im * to Shortage» <»♦
Telephone Facilitici
Your telephone system
Is Chiefly built of mate­
rials which are essential to
national defense. Such
materials as copper, alum­
inum, iron, nickel, rubbet,
etc , are now being used
for shells, bullets, bombs,
guns, tanks, planes, etc ,
and they are no longer
available for b u i I d i n g
more telephone lines and
Be/ar« yes wwe, we
Mtggtrt ikrt yea inquire at
the Btuhteu Ofice to Jeter-
mnt« if telephone forHitiei
ene meilMt at yaar »»»
Get Our
Southwestern Motors
Myrtle Point